tv News RT July 20, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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hon for the torture that happened in the past. the moral authority, the made america with sacrifice, the shimmer of effective interrogation. ah brussels warned that the coming winter could be spent without russian gas applies as it calls on the ears member states to seek out alternative energy sources. also this hour with our american and british counterparts really want to turn this war into re real one. it's advantageous for the u. s. and the u. k. who are sitting far away in an exclusive interview to our t rush as a foreign minister, 30 lab rob chairs his take on what the u. s. u. k. are planning for ukraine and you see trade in troops have resumed intense shelling of delegates, republic in a desperate attempt to reclaim the territory. the cubes army recently lost to to
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russian lead force entry long as newly elected president says that he will take action against anyone threatening him or his top official as mass protests. persist in the south asian country, devastated by a spiraling economic crisis. with watching live direct studios in moscow, this is art international and john thomas certainly glad to have you with us. right now, european countries will have to rely on nuclear and coal power. this coming winter due to giving up on russian gas amid soaring prices. and that's according to a top you official we have made a decision. we're preparing for the winter without rush and gas in order to get through this winter and possibly next winter, the
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e. you states can extend the operation of their nuclear power plants or coal plants . so here it is. the european union's big plan for how those of us here in the block are going to get through summer of heat waves and the winter cooled while maintaining industrial production and fueling our daily needs. amid the u, blocking of its own gas supply with its own sanctions. the plan is called saved gas for a safe winter safeguarding winter from what you might ask from russia weapon ising . its gas applies according to a new e commission statement, because if you thought that there was absolutely no way that the leadership could possibly spin their self harming policies into a russian security threat, that requires us to sacrifice our way of life. once again. then you'd be wrong because that's exactly how they're spending this referring to the kremlin weapons asian of gas exports with almost half of u. member states already affected by reduced deliveries. but whose fault is that? well, let's ask some officials around the you. initially,
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i thought we had any short ourselves in the foot, but now it is clear that the european economy has shut itself in the lungs and it is gasping for air. if russian gas is no longer received and there are average winter temperatures, our current reserves will be enough for only a month or 2, taking into account our obligations for gas deliveries to other european countries . we have a real emergency because of the gas shortages, entire branches of industry are in danger of permanently collapsing and the aluminum glass, the chemical sectors. such a collapse would have massive consequences for the entire economy and jobs in germany. whatever happened to showering less to show russian president vladimir putin, whose boss, i guess the hygiene is just so good here in europe with far too many showers, being taken to get his through the winter. so now the e. u is formally asking member states to reduce gas use by 15 percent at least until march of next year. can they actually make us do that though?
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while they're saying that it's voluntary for now, but couldn't become binding if the situation deteriorates? not only didn't be you have a backup plan for placing its own yas, just before it cast it off and said self adrift in a sea of total incompetence. but now its own sanctions have also interfered with routine maintenance of one of the few energy lifelines that still hasn't cut off with its own kamikaze policies. the north stream, one pipeline of rush and gas into germany. russian president vladimir putin had an interesting theory on that today. a shelter canada did not want to give back the turbine for nord stream one, not because of russia's military operation and ukraine. but because canada itself produces oil and gas and wants to sell them to europe, the e was starting to look like the village piano. every one in the west gets a turn at playing it and gas prom confirmed earlier. the foot dragging, despite earlier requests to date gas prom has not received official documents from
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siemens that allow it to supply a gas turbine engine for the porto via compressor station under the sanctions, restrictions of canada and the u. unfortunately, it's always the average citizen who ends up having to make accommodations for the ideologically driven thoughtlessness of the big brains in brussels. it's going to be really tough, but we absolutely need russia for the next 5 years. stass the situation and for oil, we could go by buying oil elsewhere. but for gas, we can't, because everybody is producing get maxim. and if you need to invest, you know, in the producing countries, if you need to install and g terminals, if you need to produce to which you will build ships, hundreds of new ships, it will take 5 to 7 years. so let's say 4 years. strict minimal to replace partly rushing gas. so we have a big problem this winter and there are details, of course, which we're not explain to minute go. i'll make it even trickier. you know,
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uniform is the largest on, on the guess, supplier and stalkers stocking company in europe gets german and it's nearly bankrupt now. why? because they, they usually buy gas in the summer when it's well cheap and days sell it from their stocks in the winter when the countries in europe need it. but now it's the country prices are very high now. and maybe next wednesday would be a little lower anyway, they will be the same. and so they don't make any money anymore. a new era is dawning on a post unipolar world that's according to vladimir putin who says it's now up to truly sovereign countries to spearhead global development. and to lead by example, bizarre, but no matter how much the western and so called super national elite strive to preserve the existing order of things in a new era is coming to
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a new stage in world history. and only truly sovereign states can ensure a high growth dynamic and become an example for others premium. and the andrew, you, the director of the asia center for studies ended translation of med, mustafah says the new world order is being shaped by russia, china, and other bricks countries. united states and the aggregate is still want to control over their wallet order, but unfortunately they cannot quite now for a lot of elements because you cannot make deficiency, the very shown. and it started the recession of 2008, and then followed by quota. and like now confronting official operation in a way, i think we eventually how much of the depression of the work to present even ethical model to be followed by the other countries. well, mine and how much is kind of very sales and very weak aligned,
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because according to one element, especially the energy, all the guys, all, all these identity energy resources, they cannot do anything. and i already use your work organization and the work done to do it cannot make any sense. you're stuck with giving up any kind of conflict because they cannot even solve the investigation as problems and efficiency, economic problems that happening to the western europe and to america. and canada and japan as well. i think now the feature of the was older is being performed by try not used by big. 6 fixed bomb in the future. there is no point for the west to completely break off its ties with russia, especially when it comes to the energy market. that's according to foreign minister . second, live ralph, who in an exclusive interview to our channel, also underlined that moscow is not worried about the use desire to curve it's
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purchases of russian oil and gas. you don't wish to lose it is so i don't think that it's in their interest to cut all ties with us and to use liquefied natural gas that the americans are trying to sell them. and if they do that than we would have no problem, the president said that due to what they do with the north string to pipeline, we are ready to launch it. so there is pressure in the pipeline, but so far, only 50 percent of the capacity of the pipeline that we planned. so we use it now for internal consumption. well, let me 1st reiterate that russia's never wanted to cut europe from gas. they've long stated this. it's never been their intention. the issue that oliver off mentioned was the escalation is coming from the west. they have attempted to continue to bring in countries like finland and sweden into nato. they have continued ignoring russia's wishes and europe is essentially cutting off its on foot because the sanctions are hurting them in particular. and through this escalation,
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we're seeing tots that the west is blaming russia for all of this. when in reality, russia has never wired to escalate into a nuclear conflict, this has not been something that they are pushing for middle school, local, our american and british counterparts with active support from germans polish and baltic states. really want to turn this war into re, real one, the one direct confrontation between russia and europe. so it's advantageous for the u. s. and the u. k. who are sitting far away. it's easy for particularly for the u. k. and the united states have really set back and allow this to happen to really try to escalate this. because europe is the one that is going to be feeling oliver's 40 percent of the sanctions are actually from affecting to push them. the most did survey level of say anything about a cooperation between russia and countries in africa and asia. yes. so russia has been building its highs in the east. they have other markets in china, india and, and now pakistan. we have recently seen the deal made between russia in eden for
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40000000000 dollar. turkey also made its yell for $30000000000.00. clearly these sanctions are not working and affecting the indicated targets as well. right. whether they're affecting the you and many countries, of course, in developing nations, including africa, africa has long been a partner of russia in terms of develop may and, and dest, restructuring. and of course, they're also working with china. but the relationship that russia provides to africa is entirely different than the relationship the wes wants to provide. because nodes we have had good relations with africa since soviet times for many years now we have been restoring our presence and the africans are reciprocating. so we never taught them anything. we never forced them to do anything. we always helped them to resolve their tasks and to lead their countries in the way they wanted. and we always had mutual visits. and what a glover of say about the prospect of a coming to
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a peace agreement or ending the conflict in ukraine and on loss. that is all up to the west and, and nato, to really stop supplying weapons, especially long range missiles into ukraine. because if they continue to do that, he has stated that they will continue increasing their geographical shift. in fact, one of the main points of this whole interview was the fact that russia is shifting its geographical a strategy beyond the daniel in the lugens republic. and they are going to continue to do that as long as the west continues pushing. but again, there is not the intention to escalate this conflict into something bigger. u. s. president joe biden has stopped short of declaring a national climate emergency, as his administration had suggested. but he is still set to announce new steps to combat climate change, and his spokesperson says, a potential emergency declaration is still on the table. again,
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we're talking about national security, we're talking about lowering energy costs. we're talking about threats to our economy. all of these things are critical. all of these things are important, and president biden will continue to be steadfast and focusing on the climate crisis. this climate emergency is not going to happen tomorrow, but we still have it on the table. for more of this we can cost lives to us journalists and founder of slanted media. manila chan. mental thanks, as always for being with us here on our international. good morning, sean. well, what just happened? i guess last night for you speaking outside of a former coal plant, turned wind power project over in somerset massachusetts. us president joe biden. call all the climate change a code read for humanity. now this, as more than half of the continental united states are facing a crippling heat wave, at least half a dozen states topping triple digits with temperatures as high as
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a $115.00 degrees fahrenheit. in some places, he promised to take executive action to combat the climate crisis, but has so far stopped short of saying that he would declare this a state of emergency. and although many of his allies in congress are urging him to do so, because this would unlock dozens of presidential powers available to him to take sweeping real meaningful action to help get the u. s. 2 net 0 carbon emissions by the year 2030, which was something he campaigned on. now those powers would include things like halting the 2015 obama era crude oil exports b. u. s. up until 2015. for many, jackie did not export crude. obama reversed all of that by declaring a national emergency bite and could also put a stop to offshore drilling and force manufacturers to ramp up production on
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electric vehicles and other green energy related products l. this is all coming as congressional talk fell apart. after jo mansion, the democrat senator from west virginia is refusing to vote along party lines. the senate is split. 5050 right now in his vote is greatly needed for budget reconciliation and a very untimely explosion that shuddered. a liquid nat gas plant in texas, the free port ellen g plant accounts for a whopping 20 percent of the u. s. l and g processing and 70 percent of that goes to europe and great britain. now that catastrophe has resulted in about a 1000000 tons of last l. n g for euro, but it's the issue of u. s. crude exports that is garnering joe biden. a lot of criticism on the
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international level, that's because america's u allies are facing stiff energy shortfalls and was relying on those u. s. exports to help them move away from russian crude or russian natural gas dependency. so since 2015, the u. s. has been exporting millions of barrels per day and already the e. u is calling on its citizens to scale back on individual use and telling them to prepare for a cold winter. obviously that is something not sitting well with the general public . of course, this call for the you to win off of russian dependency came at the behest of the u . s. amid this ongoing conflict in ukraine biden is being called a hypocrite. as he recently returned home from an unsuccessful trip to saudi arabia, where he effectively begged mohammed been psalm on to ramp up saudi oil production
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to help ease the pain at the pump here in the west. and now biden has been criticized as not a good friend to europeans as the threat of a cut off of american crude looms, as biden begins to yield to activists here state side. meanwhile, here at home, others are calling on the domestically produced crude to be used here instead. but there are legislative hurtles that he would have to overcome for usage to be directed here stateside. so there right now is no immediate relief for americans or europeans in sight, in the way of energy needs right now. bite and pledged climate change as one of his administration's top priorities and insist that getting the u. s. to that net 0 goal by 2030 is achievable. but you have allied countries like germany,
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who also made a similar pledge. they have recently fired out coal plants in preparation for this brutal winter. so it would appear that the germans are being forced to walk in the other direction from their net 0 pledge. just 2 years ago, we had seen former german chancellor angle of merkel on her farewell tour make a stop over at the white house shortly after joe biden was sworn in to dig her heels in about completion of the north stream to nat, gas pipeline. between russia and germany. but since then, since she retired, the new chancellor, olaf schultz took the opposite action, some se reluctantly, to shut down nord stream to before it could get the final certification as a measure meant to harm the russian economy. but instead that move will force the germans to increase its greenhouse gas emissions. and the german economy writing
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record inflation and like everyone else in the you, they're paying high record prices for petrol at the pump. so the biden administration is now not only facing record low approval ratings here at home about that, that sentiment is increasing abroad as well. shawn, right with the inflation where it is. and there's a lot of lies on the commodities, especially in the energy sector. we know manila annual stay across it for us. your external offend, founder of slighted media effect for and in ukraine he, his army has reportedly attacked a russian, munitions depot in the southern kennesaw and region currently under the control of russian lead forces. local media outlets have said that there was a huge explosion after the strike. meanwhile, in the dawn bus, the cranium army has continued to show civilian infrastructure, striking a residential area in the city of dunn. yes, several apartments have completely burned as a result of the attack. we spoke with a witness of the showing what generation said usually was. yesterday we went out
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you 3 of us were sitting here on the street and suddenly they started shilling. we jumped back into the entrance and looked out. there was a fire burning with thick smoke billowing out. firefighters came and began to put out the blaze, but it took them a very long time. about 3 weeks ago, apartments in this building completely burned on the 5th and 6 floors. can you imagine our lives are being ruined because of this? no one knows when this will end. it's really frightening. this is the 2nd war i'm living through. the 2nd and in the neighboring lugens republic, ukrainian army has so far failed an attempt to reclaim territory, recently lost to russian lead forces as it resumes. it's showing of the front line cities, such as mariah garcia, reports on vacation. across the dom buses, russian arma, troops criss crossed the roads leading to and from the front lines,
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helicopters and attack aircraft, with endlessly overhead, sometimes with a wave, for the troops below. ah, with changes to tactics and objectives, the makeup of forces here is ever in flux, units are rotated in them to out arrest than rearmament, specialized equipment and alba on. so the cool when and where they needed to, very close, i would say to the front lines and we've again found that bmt terminator. what of russia's latest machines on the front lines. we've been asked by the crew not to show where this is not a give jail location to, to potential adversaries as the ukrainian side for these set out something of a hud for these vehicles in their cruise. for the purposes of propaganda,
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the terminator specializes in protecting tanks by suppressing anti aba capabilities and harassing enemy infantry. it has proved its worth how we find ourselves again in belgrade, africa. after a series of failed counter attacks against it. ukrainian forces have been blindly shelling the town. it has served no purpose, other than angering the local population, who weren't fans of ki, of in the 1st place. but the milan, but we're still is a former, a leader. is really what nico lee about. and i got a meeting that i thought, my grandmother, she can someone with that on his facebook when like when you have stella in st. what settling was to cut the lease particular flag, the hammer and sickle is older than most of us. it has been with valentina since
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the 1970s. it has become a symbol for pro russian ukrainians. not because they support who want to return of communism, but because it is their heritage and because ukrainian nationalists despise it. that, that, that the flock at this, at the mushroom la movers were not unique. we're actually excited. i'm saying i'm saying he, i knew enough that answers. i don't think you feel really that he am that he is i can often if large round with on you last week and i believe that floor in the back in you as a little he hit aaliyah will read yet the only damn thing with read while valentina and tanya assistance, they have passed these flag on to russian soldiers here, who are a 3rd of their age to carry the flag onwards. valentina has worked as a school teacher for half a said treat. and she is convinced that what keys did to her community will be
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avenged on years. it's scott came up with young's to definitely have kapco voice. if school found out valley as missiles jesus panama. yes. like ideally, food you put out that he did he, some rattler federally aletha alan mercer the students with india did them really with the youth with really caught you to was i to my spring you might get some i didn't out . ok. so my scenario relatively around and yet that money ran, can you didn't you asked for 80. miss smith can navigate snafus and i had just missed school or you sat him talking and living with valentino. his flag is now a bother of the 80th gods. tank regiment recently decorated and ordered by putin
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himself for bravery and heroism. and they have promised that these flag will fly wherever this conflict takes them more. i'd gaz the of tea from the la guns people's republic. sherlock, as a new president appointed in a secret ballot conducted by parliament, has vowed to take action if anyone attempts to overthrow his government as mass protests continue to rock the crisis stricken country. he says that he will deal with any attempted crew makers firmly and in accordance with the law. i have credit for that weekend audit in filing month corporate resolve. the problem is that these fund fee or do seek to destroy the democracy. them then be delta dental, my dental. meanwhile, widespread protests have persisted in the impoverished south asian country, devastated by a spiraling economic crisis as masses of people gathered in front of the
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presidential office to express their outrage at the former prime minister, now being appointed as head of state calling for him to resign. correspondence during june sharma, reports on location, happy fall 2 weeks and months ago. jesse long got a i now the big question is up on the b o. c lanka, accept him up behind. the simple answer is no wonder when we started, when we were all part of it, i didn't started hundreds and thousands of few long guns collectively said enough is enough. so i know technically has a constituent process, but we believe that he wasn't, i guess. now run into somebody who was seen as an ally of the roger buckshot. but remember when google by roger fuck shot fled the country, he made ronald as an acting president of the country is also the prime minister,
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the bomber dynamics. now once again with the roger buckshot, this is something that is going to anger the protesters. they don't have any faith in the raja buckshot is what the project to see in the days to come to protest on the ground could amplify mostly longer. ready is grappling tool shortage of fuel shortage of follow a shortage of food as well as medicines. and now there is a new problem at hand, which is a humanitarian and no one on the crisis which only seems to be intensify in the country. or that is for me this hour i will be back and let's say 28 or don't. 32 and a half minutes you watching are international to do my phone like to be say with this l. look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a
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robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such order is a conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence and the point obviously is too late trust, rather than fear. i would like to take on various jobs with artificial intelligence . real, somebody with a robot must protect this phone existence with probably the most important and impactful piece of political advice ever given was it's the economy, stupid, indeed, economic and financial condition of any public transcends ideology. and it is ideology, neoliberalism to be specific. that is driving the world into recession with
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o rama and she'll have it completed sabotaged training and you get done and served in 3rd reich units as an s as captain as secondary command of the enough. the gul battalion, he trained ukrainian nationalist cadets. he was awarded to merit crosses and a nazi metal along with bon dera. he had been an o u and member from the age of 19. ah, and the old artist tom from the ben. awesome. william on that it does offer di, in on those on bundle grains case studies to modern day my saw way. but just to re finished on a satellite, she elise kiddos, which i, we shepherd who tim started yesterday. latricia gotten better shown chunk dora. so star spotted on now i, you know, shoot them one of the one are be love each but or.
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