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tv   News  RT  July 22, 2022 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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ah, ah ah, great foreign minister says budapest wants to buy more russian gas and we'll get through the winter without it as the throw goes with the repercussions of its anti russian sanctions. africa, criticizes europe. you turn calls to increase energy supplies in an attempt to replace russian commodities that stop the years. a step box over fossil fuel development projects across the continent. as part of this told green agenda, a new build that will decide for to re coast future with the u. s. is making its way through congress. the country is set to choose between becoming a u. s. state independence or free association status. also coming up on the
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program, it's not only ukrainian or me that they're fighting against as a positions very close to year for, for in the mercenaries, as well. as the crew joined russian lead forces on the done yet line where the army is now targeting ukrainian military positions here is using to show the neighboring city of them. yes. ah, thanks for joining us at 8 am this friday morning. my name is peter scott bringing you all the latest news here on ot see for my headquarters rights in the russian tucker. while so many european officials continue to blame, russia fall that domestic issues, hunger is foreign minister, has come to moscow to secure a new deal to buy russian gas. he says it's impossible to find alternative sources of fuel for the upcoming winter little so side moral side of mussel whether we like
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it or not. and whether we want it or not. now it is impossible to purchase an additional 700000000 cubic meters of gas without russian energy sources. we can dreams, we can blow balloons, but reality remains reality that the mason here in the russian capital came the same day. europe approving you, package of economic sanctions against russia this time and if your resources were not affected, but previous restrictions already led to real energy prices in europe, that is dramatically dependent on russia's energy supplies. hungary is top diplomat said that europe can dream, but it will not be able to survive winter without russia. it will not be able to buy additional unnecessary, 700000000 cubic meters of gas without moscow. he said that only 13 percent of what's needed is now pumped in storage is in europe, the number is almost twice as bigger for hungary,
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but still it is far from enough to guarantee energy security, which was alarming given that the winter is coming in a so lover of said that brussels anti russia rhetoric is to blame for european sufferings. delineation was due to the further development of our corp fees, of course, prevented by the outright was of public policy pursued by washington and brussels for you. this means and unrestrained buildable sanctions, without a sound analysis of the consequences for the very countries imposing bank. leslie as to the us, there is a struggle within european bureaucracy which wants to subjugate everything. didn't ever want to do so, including national governments and wants to dictate conditions and stifle any descent. ukraine was another topic on the agenda. the hungarian foreign minister said that war is bad and that budapest wishes and one's peace for its neighbour ukraine. as soon as possible and he pulled on everybody to do everything that is possible to promote peace talks ceasefire to make this bloodshed and as soon as
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possible, mister law reminded that the crisis didn't start this february. and he talked about the pa, chrissy from european side that turned a blind eye to bloody who to tar. that happened in 2 years back in 2014, but is in hysteria right now. there is hysteria over the fact that in ukraine, so all conceivable norms of international humanitarian law are been violated to find that people are dying. and it's true that people are lying. smoker is willing to face the truth and not brush aside the actual, so it will tell us the people are dying from indiscriminate showing by the armed forces nationally so talents of ukraine, of blissful areas, 3 of dumbasses and other areas on the new minutes to love rock also said that moscow hopes that russia's western partners, we want to spend soon, that it is very dangerous and very counterproductive to fill ukraine up with more
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than the weapons. and this should be stop, so that the blood should ends in ukraine. meanwhile, a turbine crucial for the transportation of russian gas to europe by the nord stream pipeline has not yet found its way back to russia. thus, after canada agreed to send the newly repaired parts back to germany, but the turbine is reportedly stuck there due to problems with documents. now it's still unclear when the turbine will finally be returned on when the pipeline will be restored to full capacity brushes. restarted gas applies to germany. after completing an annual 10 day maintenance of the node stream pipeline, which was agreed in advance, but did still spark fits of more shortages in europe. the pipeline is vital for the you, especially for germany's economy, accounting for the lion's share of the country's energy imports. berlin aims to philip it's gas storage units, but still has some way to go to reach the target. meanwhile, greece has become the 3rd e u country, thus after spain and portugal to turn down
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a suggestion by the european commission to cook gas consumption by 15 percent of the use trying to reduce gas and electricity usage, amid massive price hikes and rising inflation economist and political commentator i q, hey mrs. western leaders have aggravated the situation by spreading misleading news about russia's energy policy. the problem is lying in the politicians and that personal ties to international networks and they forbid them to put not into into, into operations. the german population, the, the honorary man on the street, the middle then delhi need the not me to pipeline and they wouldn't have any problems about running this. but the have personal ties and this is why they are risking the future of the germany economy. the future of the john middle that and the future of our wealth,
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just because we don't know to to blame russia of using gas as a where's the weapon is faking use? like most of the things that they mention nowadays, and it's no secret that before anything should start the biden. and the obama already promised that they don't want germany and russia to work together. and this is one of the main strategies. so what they are blame me that russia is taking gas and oil as a weapon. it's just a hoax. they are taking or, and gas as a weapon, as they always did. ah, you know, the news you states have started to sign, you can make agreements with foreign countries, largely on the african continent that there's a union scramble to get new. gaston oil supplies to replace russian deliveries ahead of the heating season. now the deal includes 15 agreements between the
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italian and algerian governments aimed at bursting gaston oil deliveries. at the same time, the french president has also agreed on stronger corporation in the energy sector with united arab emirates, as, as the commission president did the same with as a by john, this spring, germany tried to establish ties with synagogue, while you try to find alternative gas supplies in nigeria. however, these policies do appear to contradicts the previous strategy. for many years, the union has been thwarting any african initiatives on developing the fossil fuel sector and pipeline construction by refusing to fund them. claimant, it was vital to reduce global carbon emissions. now this approach has always anger to african states which saw no other alternatives for their own development. or countries cannot achieve an energy transition and abandon the polluting patterns of the industrialized countries without a viable fair and equitable alternative. stopping funding for the gas sector would be a major obstacle. nevertheless,
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fossil fuel production rates are currently on the up. for instance, south africa has already exported more coal in 2022 than in the previous year. african states have welcome to the new deals, yet their own problems like regular power shortages on climate change do still remain. the former statistician general of south africa, dr. poly hola. when he describes the decision as an active policy, claiming that the long term impacts on africa will be harmful. or you know, to go to quote, a good book. it will step critique, but when they actually suffer the slightest inconvenience of cold and fresh to the economy. oh, and the people, when you call them, then these to go quite deep. his lead place would be at the mileage or the morally moral basis to proceed. africa were abandoned code, which in the 1st place up against, very much about with though, oh,
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each of the it also and out with the question that one has to as these any resource that is abandoned air. well, will the price of that new brock, dramatic an easy, it's the case that the long game for europe to buy a bo sources for, for scrap and then pro, process them and then sell them back to africa at the premium is usually why don't we use the image, why don't we use the grains, la casita eat that? we clean go. be clean oil. so that the energy that come from there is actually creek. and not that you don't say suggest solution to apartments. and then sadie, leave them there and say that a, we'd have we been to quote, cause our labels are threatened let loose enough again,
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or has been threatened from colonialism from slavery to now and you've bail paving. the way for puerto ricans to vote for independence from the u. s. in 20. 23 is currently making its way through congress. now, despite voting against the bel law maker, hessel's garcia, citizen initial steps was a self determination of puerto rico. while today marks an important 1st step in the d colonization process of puerto rico, i could not in good faith support the passage of puerto rico status act in its current form. the colonization of puerto rico is a shameful part of our country's history. from the moment the u. s. took control of the island to a century of limited citizenship, the imposition of pro mesa and our failures in disaster response. puerto rico's relationship with the u. s. is rooted in a history of racism, exploitation, and oppression. the time is now for the process of d, colonization and self determination on the island. but dependence on the u. s. doesn't end with the colonization. the puerto rico status id comes amid mass
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protest taking place across the country. for mc, anger was sparked by soaring energy prices with wonder the people taking to the streets of san juan to demand the constellation of the government's contract with us. how good operator luma. demonstrate is claimed that despite frequent power outages luma has raised fries the 7th time since 2021 believe a representatives had this response to those processes. although we respect the right to protest, the reality is that some people prefer to play politics and ignore the fact that loom, or inherited an electrical system that suffered years. in fact, decades of abandonment, spokesman for the puerto rican action movements one lopez bows us as the puerto rico's di colonization is a matter of urgency and could make people's quality of life better. the thing is that the put within societies so colon, nice not to understand the way i've been calling you for 526
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years. and it's been, i would never be in a free country in any way. we can still really know what, what would be free. of course, you have to know that we can history independence has been demonize and grow independence. people will have been put in prison because in the session for port resort, it's in the urgent matter. recall in the united states of both or the same with fear and the construction of the men of the productive economy can lead of course, to the creation of the over government in the states that can actually the can actually provide weekends with a better while a better life in general than the one that we have now on washington has warned iran against help in russia, amid to continue and ukrainian conflicts. now, while the us itself does continue to flood the wall zone with huge amounts of
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weapons, as ortiz kill him open, explains. the us secretary of defense has decided to chime in about who he thinks russia should be cooperating with around the world. the issue of the iranian support to, to russia, we wouldn't advise or on to not to not do that. we think it's a really, really bad idea. and, and i'll leave that at that. well, iran and russia are getting closer together with more cooperation in the works. the iranian government is preparing to provide russia with up to several 100 u, a. b, that iran is preparing to train russian forces to use the to a these with initial training session floyd to begin as soon as early july to the us have an indication that the training session has started, that iran is actually given the stroke to russia. we don't have any indications that the, that the sale has actually occurred. and so therefore we, we wouldn't have any indications that there's been training done on russia and iran
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have no problems or restrictions regarding military technical cooperation. iran is based in decades of sanctions from the united states. after toppling a us back dictator. it's 1979 revolution establishing the islamic republic. also, we've seen russia be faced with economic warfare from the united states in recent years, with washington openly trying to strangle its economy. now it's not really working out though, with the rubles still standing strong, but in such a context, why wouldn't iran in russia be cooperating more? so what if moscow into iran do expand their relationship? how will the united states respond more sanctions? it's also pretty rich for us officials to be complaining about military cooperation . let's review the latest round of military hardware that the pentagon is dumped into ukraine. it is possible the u. s. could seller, provide ukraine with some us fighter platforms and you think that's,
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that's possible going forward. if there's us, there's griffin had a sweet and there's the euro fighter. there's a rocky answers. there's a number of different platforms that could go to ukraine. united states is also committed to sending more high mars munitions, precision guided artillery ammunition intact, recover your goals and other urgently needed support in terms of our ability to track the weapons that are going in. as you know, we don't have any forces on the ground. so that's a difficult for us to do. a number of us made weapons have already turned up on the black market. pentagon officials admit they have quite a hard time tracking where these weapons they send to ukraine, ultimately end up that has not stopped us. lawmakers from authorizing more weapons shipments as peace talks are stalling with washington, seemingly trying to stretch this conflict out until the last ukrainian, caleb martin, r t. new york. and see you crane now,
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where russian forces are targets in the ammunition depots on the 45 strongholds of ukrainian ministry. ah, the russian defense minister has shed this footage of the toss one multiple rocket launcher inaction. the weapons are being used on the front lines to target 45 positions of ukrainian army, and official said the weapon system has proved effective against well defended positions. meanwhile, in the don bask, done yet still faces shelling from the ukrainian military which targets the capital city of the done yes, republic from the neighboring city of gave her one of keith's most $45.00 strongholds in the don bus. ortiz, roman costa, have joined the russian forces on the ground. today we're working near the town alpha of div cal, which is still under control of ukrainian military. now we're here along with
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nascar international brigade who have been at the forefront of defense against the ukrainian or me here in dynamic. now i spoke to a few soldiers and here and they told me that it's not only ukrainian army that they're fighting against as positions very close to here, a full of foreign mercenaries as well within you. so could you at the fog still it's no secret. it's a fact that a lot of mercenaries are fighting for ukraine, both nato and the european union help them. it doesn't matter whether they do this openly or not. but yes, there is the george and legion which is located opposite us and there are also polls and americans. we came across them and everything has been filmed on video cameras. everything is recorded. they have very different uniforms. of course, they fight differently because they are instructors themselves in that we have been preparing for this for a very long time. and ukraine has been preparing for 8 years, and the nato instructors help them train them to supply them with weapons and teach them to use these weapons. ah
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ah ah, ah, ah. international brigade, but not the consist mostly of volunteers from what i understand. it's really hard to get into this particular unit. now they have been at the forefront in this conflict against ukraine over the last 8 years. and of course,
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they have shown this strength over the last 5 months, as well as they have been at the front here in of dave and deterring the ukranian army from entering this city. and they have been shilling ukrainian positions from where they at sac peaceful civilians. here in the next, i've heard a group coordinate. this is the agony of hopelessness. like when an animal is cornered, it's sometimes bytes itself on the tail. why else are they shelling civilians? they probably hope the civilians will rebel and say stop this go and surrender. for 8 years the people endured this lawlessness and now all their agony is heavily concentrated. that's why they do this. ukrainian army have been in div guy and pesky near the nest for the last 8 years. so there are positions there have been really heavily fortified by the situation has changed drastically over the last 5 months. and the fighters off that national international brigade are waiting for their chance to liberate those cities. vermont costs are of
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r. t done as creep old republic. ah, south americas merc. a so trade block has refused to allow the ukrainian president to speak at his summits. this year's summit chair paraguay claim, and not all members wants to hear. what volume is zalinski to say? america sir, has determined that there was no consensus for such communication. therefore, the ukrainian side has already been informed that under these circumstances there are no conditions for america, sir, to be able to talk to the ukrainian president. zalinski is addressed many national parliaments since the beginning of the war, including the european parliament, the world economic forum. and the united nations that was in an attempt to raise funding on support for his country, which chief editor of weekly newspaper opera monday, bruno ultman. he believes the reasons why the trade brought denied. zelinski is requests to address the summit, lie in its own economic interests. it's not yet clear which countries were
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against is elaine his speech at demarco, who and missing. but it's know that both as in tina and brazil have important deals with russia and that trying to maintain and independence. it stands in the trend and conflict. i think that the reasons for an event or opposition to o crenan presidents but to patients would be link it to does it can all make interest that the main param matter matter for adopting these. all that policy in relation to the training conflict has to do with the relations with the relationship that each moment passed in the real that it over in the region has with the white house. the closer at government is to washington, the more likely it's to take
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a stance against moscow and in favor of give, i believe the practical effect is very lito or known at all. demand function of this page is, is to generate new facts that feed the western press america. so summit springs together, argentina, brazil, uruguay, and paraguay in a common market to promote development of the block represents the 5th largest economy in the world with a combined g d, p of about 2 trillion dollars. the main objective of the block is the economic policy development of the member states on the promotion of a common space, generating a business on investment opportunities through market integration. ah, the moroccan association for human rights has slumped moroccan on spanish authorities for last month's tragedy. in which dozens of migrants died while
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attempting to cross into an autonomous spanish city. from morocco. issue reports was puzzling presler in their tragedy practices in the role of gendarme reactivated with force just after the normalization of moroccan spanish relations. the migrants were once again attacked daily to prevent them from settling in this camp, almost 6 kilometers away from the lyla. at the same time, as the severely injured migrants piled on top of each other, were crying out for help and moaning in pain and agony. the public forces continued to violently dragged the arrested migrants before piling them on top of their compatriots without taking into account their health condition. in order to handcuff the migrants and put them down on their stomachs, some migrants were trampled while continuing to receive in justified blows from the public forces. the human rights association reports was published following the tragedy in late june this year at the board of post of barrio chino,
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the incident led to the death of 27 asylum seekers. with another 64 people missing, many more migrants were injured as police pushed by crowds using force. this deaths drew public attention to the problem of sub saharan and north africa, migrants on the treatments. are c heard from mohammed armine avida, presidents of the moroccan association for human rights in nador. and the author of the report when the report published by the moroccan association for human rights holds morocco, spain and the european union responsible for the tragedy that took place on june 24th 2022 at the barrio geno border crossing between nader and the occupied city of villa which saw, according to our report, $27.00 migrants killed in hundreds of migrants and police officers wounded. we believe the main cause of this tragedy is the result of the migration policies pursued by these countries. any attempt to avoid responsibility is only an attempt to hide the fact that these policies are the main cause of this tragedy. this
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catastrophe, this migration policy will be the cause of other tragedies if it is not stopped. john has called on the us to stop looting syrian resources with beijing also slamming what it calls washington's double standards on human rights may find the human us troops still occupy serious principal oil fields and we're producing breadbasket regions. the u. s. armies, plunder of syrian resources has aggravated the humanitarian crisis on the ground. some angry syrians have complained that the u. s. came for profit and would leave when all profit is gone. they say the us presence in syria itself is a type of terrorism. the u. s. claims to hold itself to the highest standards on human rights and rule of law. but what it did in syria is clear evidence that the standards mean little to the u. s. is comes up, the syrian media outlets reported on us convoys allegedly smuggling syrian, wheat,
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oil and military equipment into iraq. tens of thousands of bows of oil. i've been stolen from northern syria where us forces are based during this time as us president donald trump admitted the country's military presence in syria is only for oil contradicting official statements from his own government, which maintained the remaining american troops with the to fight terrorism. meanwhile, during his recent ships surrounding president vladimir putin reiterated that the u . s. must stop its exploitive behavior in syria and across the region. russia, iran and turkey, despite our divergent views on what is happening on the euphrates, have a shared position that the u. s. must stop stealing from the syrian people. they must stop taking oil from there and they must withdraw from the country. we believe that in order to achieve long term stability, their control over the entire territory must be transferred to the official
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government in damascus under the control of the armed forces of the siri era republic. journalists, vanessa bailey says, the u. s. actions in syria are nothing short of theft and piracy i think it was only 2 days ago that 40 url tankers were seen leaving north east to iraq. and from there, of course, they're sold predominantly into israel. the syrian people are living under some of the most barbaric sanctions that we've ever seen in history that also even affect countries that are coming to the assistance of syria to rebuild civilian infrastructure. so we have sanctions, we have a oil theft or oil piracy. we have the burning of agricultural crops and the occupation of agricultural areas by us proxy, so it's not only oil and resources. turkey is cutting off water. so those are hydro hedge, many war going on in the northeast also. so effectively,
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the u. s. occupation is totally preventing the restoration of syrian society. it's preventing the flow of syrian resources to syrian people, right. and so that the us occupation must end for syria to be able to repair itself and to rebuild and for people to be able to breathe. and finally that have money to save and endangered paula with a jar stuck in his mouth. the medics found out about the animal supplies thanks to a number of videos that were posted online. a group of specialists assembled to rescue the polar bear and got the animal soon after the footage was posted, maddox puts it to sleep under carefully removed the object from the animal's mouth, but also treated the best hunk which was damaged in the incidents. the bird is now in a stable condition and will soon be returned to the wild. and i start to finish up
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. that's the route for now. my name is peter scott, and i'll be back again at the top of the hour with all the latest news and views here on awesome with this way to possibly store over any of yes. and is there any other way to bomb complain? yep. and we're going to need those hot water stores this morning, which little in the public storage store, make sure we can get started, or those through school with a new, adore and easy or the non us as well. so it was gotten more score. so now stores and develops of another to was jessica this to get on with this just get appeal up in the bottom of it. so good smith and we were just need more to pick up more to bridgeport. burnam is who else they exist on top of you. so if you.


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