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tv   News  RT  July 23, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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awards for anybody with a camera, record, steel with or headline stories. this our russia ukraine, seattle deal to resolve a long standing green issue, opening our black seaports for ukrainian weeked exports. that's despite the west repeated allegations of moscow weapon izing food and fueling the global hunger prices. terrorists on criminal groups, cut, plunder, western weapons applied to ukraine, interpol on europe, report. as the organizations ring the alarm over the ongoing mass influx of weapons into the country, and also ahead that's $1.00 and $2.00 times, much less. i'm not over there in room than this entire field.
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he's packed with them. but done ballast republic deal with the aftermath of the retreat up keeps forces securing, abandon weapons on de mining explosives, hidden increase with good to have your company today. my name's you know, neil and they say it's like global news roundup. an r t to our top story. russia and ukraine of separately anchored deal establishing a car, a door for ukrainian grain exports to leave black seaports. the agreement was broken on friday by turkish, and un mediators in espanol, with assigning, being seen as a critical step in averting a world food crisis. 3 boards in the black sea will be on blogs under the agreement . ukraine will not de mine, it's ports repeatedly requested by moscow to ensure
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a safe passage of ships. but instead we'll escort the vessels to turkey where the old man go on to other international destinations. the deal will also see russia crowned ukraine operate a coordination center should any incident occurred during the shipment, process. cargo ships were all to be inspected for weapons of the enter and exit the black sea. something the russian defense minister stress is essential. ne is coming through, so it's important for us to inspect ships, to the presence or absence of weapons and military equipment. the inspections will be carried out on ship entering and exiting the black sea on terms of logistics. the u. n. expect full scale movement of green ships to begin in the next fortnight, and according to its estimates, the deal will allow the monthly export of up to 5000000 tons of brain from ukraine . un secretary general antonio good terrorist hale, the development. today,
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there is a beacon on the black sea at beacon of hope, a beacon of possibility. the question has not been what is good for one side or the other. the focus has been on lots methods, most for the people of all worlds, or between the 2 countries, russia and ukraine, they supply about 25 percent a quarter of all the region that's consumed in the world. and so they do bigger these we've had in the past 4 or 5 months. while the conflict in that part of the world has been raging, has been created, created basically a difficulties for many, many net food importing countries. i think this, this move to sign this agreement funding both parties to allowing the, the movement of these critical products. i think this is a good day. i understand that we prices gladly have fallen and this is a very, very welcome development. i also want to tell you of
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a separate memorandum signed on the day moscow in the un agreed to ensure that russian agricultural products and fertilizers will reach world markets without any restrictions at washington. and the u. l. h. moscow deliberately, block ukrainian porch to provoke a food crisis by using grain as a weapon. russia strenuously. then i start saying ukraine's placing of mines in port waters made transportation impossible. the country's foreign minister routed up the memorandum. now prove such western allegations are groundless. i throughout the store, it's gratifying that washington and thrust have dr. destructing, the achievement of today's agreements, the signing of the memorandum between russia and the us has once again underlined the absolutely artificial nature of the western attempts to put the blame for problems with grain applies to the world markets on russia. well, the weight deal comes as the west culture, even more sanctions against moscow over the ukraine crisis. and economist eddie
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cross again believes their impact on russian food exports will greatly affect other countries across the world. friendship guys, you drone in the whole industry globally. and any direction or any sanctions, breakage in terms of the availability of those products to global markets would have profound and long term significant. when you have a contract between these 2 states, which disrupts global markets, it has profound implications for the whole world. and i don't think that was fully appreciated at the beginning of this if a said, but i'm glad that sanity has prevailed and that we and at least the whist is not opposing. he's very substantial development. because i think if they had continued to insist on this blanket sanctions program against the russians, it would have had very profound implications for the rest of the world. now of
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tehran and moscow are targeted with sanctions by western countries. artsy said, starting with iran minister of information on communication technology to talk about and more you can catch the exclusive interview later in this program. africa needs to do more to save itself. the most problems are the continents own making. that is the view of the trade director of the continent you and economic commission who say the food crisis could have been diverted. our food market. so experience in a shock that is coming from outside the continent. but why we're experience in the shock is because we have very low intra african trade in the greek culture and grew foods if we had done better and, and loved the full potential of the cultural sector who'd be experiencing what we're experiencing today. the un estimates an extra $60000000.00 people will experience hunger this year according hair compared to last year. and while the
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west blames places, the blame squarely on russia's shoulders because of it's offensive. and ukraine, 3 years of un record show a growing troubling trend when it comes to food in africa activist point diver without immediate aid. the company could face a humanitarian disaster like jewelry and humanitarian activists and research. her doctor, you cooper, joseph, believes in blaming of african countries for their citizens being hungry. there's nothing you one of the developmental principles, so prospect copy can countries as prior to our patients. and so this blame in the african countries is norma is part of the part of that part of the development. part of that we believe of african if we develop a we to develop, we must actually look inwards and be able to come to the foods that will be
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necessary for this population. model population in africa is grow in financial grades. so no doubt the sanctions or the war the sanctions are plain if they're in global energy prizes. definitely the continent of africa relies for almost 40 percent on grains. we and other grants from russia and your credit some more interesting remarks to bring you in the program. criminal gangs could end up being the ones to get their hands on some of the advanced weapons currently flowing into ukraine. that's according to the pan european police force europe whole, which warns such networks are active in the region uncut attempt, the smoke alarms out of the country. there is a risk that these weapons and military goods will end up in the hands of organized crime or terrorists. this is just more of an official warning now coming from
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europe's top law enforcement agency weapons are actively being smuggled from ukraine into europe and being sold on the block market. now this latest report from the agent see notes that there are alarming risk of weapons smuggling. and that those arms are getting into the hands of criminals and gangs. it also notes that they found evidence of a build up of weapons and ammunition along the border, indicating that this problem is likely much more widespread than is being reported . now interposed secretary general rather has already warned that this is a concern and that there's not much on their end that they can do about it. take a listen. we had to say once the guns for silent and ukraine, the illegal weapons will come. we know this from many other theaters of conflict, criminal groups try to exploit these chaotic situations and the availability of weapons, even heavy weapons. we can expect an influx of weapons in europe and beyond. we should be alarmed, and we have to expect these weapons to be traffic not only to neighboring countries,
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but to other continents. now, even though this hasn't received a lot of coverage, it has been a major concern as the us and its allies have started that steady stream of weapons to ukraine. and especially as a binding ministration is admitted in the past that it can't do much in order to attract those weapons once their son overseas. this comes hard on the heels of the wife of the ukrainian president, making a red trip to the u. s. that's weapons related to, isn't it? that right ukraine 1st lady visited washington d. c. this weekend. she had a sort of role meetings were taught us officials and included secretary and the lincoln as well as president biden, just before his cobra. 1900 diagnosis was revealed, but she all went to meet before congress. and you know, similar to some of the addresses that we've seen, her husband give us congress. she also called for more aid from the united states and for more was and here's what she said, is that a person i'm asking for something? now i would never want to ask, i'm asking for weapons. now as her,
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those questions about accountability regarding the weapons that already have been sent, or that stand to be sent to train. that wasn't really part of the conversation. you know, the united states still is acting as if this isn't a problem. me because because it's not happening to them. but the latest statements that we've heard from the u. s. have been to continue to say that they have received assurances from ukraine and that they are relying on those statements. the us very severely takes our accountability to guard american origin defense applied sciences and forestall their diversion or elicit proliferation. whereas shared within the ukranian authorities, dedication to appropriately safeguard and account for us weapons, for pretty notable break there between the us and europe right now. and it remains to be seen how that will affect their alliance overall list. by the warning later, if you're a pool, appeared to backtrack, saying it was full confidence in ukrainian officials to track the flow of weapons. i also spoke with arms control expert,
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ted. see who stays on the country. it's practically impossible to control such a huge arms influx. there's always diversion. there's always profit taking by someone somewhere. and where that happens and where there's black or even gray market weapons that are being traffic. that happens in every situation where the weapons are being supplied into with theater of war. some of them are going to end up in criminal hands. i worked in the political military bureau at the department of state for 2 years in the mid ninety's. i personally reviewed thousands of applications for export licenses for arms and related technologies. and i can tell you that even at that stage, a lot of it was cursory on the part of the state department in the u. s. government, in general. beyond that, you're relying on something called end user assurances, which is basically what the us divide and ministration is talking about. that the ukranian government is promising that nothing will happen to the weapons once they're providing to them. they are,
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they are assuring the donors that there will be no further movement of those weapons, which frankly, they can't do. they don't have the where with all the track, all the stuff that's coming into their country right now. they're getting flooded with weapons and jack knology and ammunition and ammunition in particular, is notoriously difficult to keep track of the russian defense ministry. say that over the past fortnight, russian lead troops up destroyed for american, supplied high mars multiple rocket launcher systems. ukraine has rejected the claim as fake on saturday rushes at around $300.00 ukrainian soldiers and militants from a nationalist battalion were killed in nor, and artillery strikes. in fact, in total, more than $200.00 ukrainian targets were hid overnight. according to moscow, a lowly front line is being pushed westwards. it appears in the territories under the control of russian that forces people are discovering what's left after the withdrawal of ukrainian trips, selling food stocks of heavy weaponry,
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imported from western states as well as mines. as we saw earlier in grain fields ortiz, senior correspondent, broadcast if he are sent us this report. just a warning to some fears. the images in his report can be construed as the stress here has thrown tens of thousands of troops into the fray to hold what it still controls. a defensive lie now stretches from the town of cbrtc the solider, and from their tobacco moot and all along, ha tillery batteries. dual day and night. ukrainian forces have dug tens of kilometers of trenches, spanning the defensive line to dull rushes edge in artillery. but they only protect from conventional fire. the t o s one nicknamed salts at milk or sun blaze in russian is a thermal barrick rock its artillery system. each impact creates an enormous
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pressure blast wave that new trenches can protect against. and these are being used in greater and greater numbers to decimate ukrainian lines and morale here in the vicinity of the town of solider, the defensive line, east, bending russian forces along with allied units have been able to push enemy troops out of several settlements and strongholds within the past week the bodies of ukrainian soldiers and nationalists fighters, luther the countryside, that positions overrun. we're now is a forward position near the village of step of to one of the conditions ah, with which we were permitted here is that we can't tie this place to any specific area. so amongst our viewers, ha, ukrainian intelligence offices and they are eager to spot where to strike. and the
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less here in these trenches, we found yet more native troy trophy weaponry. now, in the service of the new guns people's republic, these are $284.00 millimeter grenade launchers, rocket propelled grenade launchers. one of them is a heath round or a high explosive anti tank missiles. and these again was scattered all over the area. ukrainian troops have also planted thousands upon thousands of mines, including band, had he personnel, munitions, along the defensive line from shiv. escobar moved in order to stall the russian and allied advance fields of wheat and sun flowers turned into death traps. at one anti tank mon, there's another not over there. therein rose and this entire field
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is packed with them. and this is relatively dangerous. that cow is heavy enough to set off an anti tag. but and some of them are so close together that there could be a chain reaction, but cows off one of the casualties here regularly. the troops here say they hear the bras when these, these cows that have been abandoned, explode minds designed to tab past tanks, leave little of livestock clearing these alone. the mines planted already will take decades. but as the frontline shift many, many more mines will be planted and fields, forests, and the long new defensive lines. ukraine, after all, still has millions left. or i'd gas v of t for legendary people's republic will. america is chief of space operations here.
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so on few has confirmed that ukrainian troops have been provided with certain stellar quote capabilities which come from the u. s. itself. take a look. this is important. and we have seen that in this, in this conflict, the commercial spaces provided capabilities that have been helpful to, to ukraine as well. well, there have been a number of reports and major media outlets about commercial satellite systems being used for military purposes in ukraine. one of them is elan mux star link, which was given a critical communications lifeline to ukrainian forces according to or force magazine. starling can fly up 230 miles or 220 kilometers over wars on to beam died. high speed internet access because it's in a low earth orbit, so it can receive and transmit information faster than traditional communications.
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stuff like that. me a lot. frontline, you printing troops to communicate with a chain of command that stretches hundreds of kilometers from a us marine corps intelligence officer scott ritter believes she military and a military communications should be kept separate. if you want to use a certain communications capability for humanitarian purposes, it needs to be totally dedicated to that purpose. the moment there's crossover with the same system that you're applying for humanitarian use. you now are using it for military use. all of those systems can be deemed to be military in nature. we make it very clear what humanitarian law says. there can be no connectivity between the 2, none whatsoever. what the law must is doing, and ukraine is absolutely unacceptable, and actually push legitimate humanitarian workers lives at risk. because if you're operating one of those terminals, you are now
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a legitimate military target. and if i was a russian, i would view every single one of you on most terminals in ukraine as a hostile target, worthy of being destroyed as soon as its detected. ah, finally, this news, our russia and around are the most sanction countries in the world. so how much of a concern is that for their governments going forward? ortiz maria finish now has been discussing how the 2 nations cooperate and mid the restrictions and an exclusive interview with a runs minister of information and communications technology. russia and iran are the world's most sanctioned countries. how does this and fortunate fact affect the relations between the 2? first, we believe the sanctions are acts against humanity. second, we have proactively changed the the game to create opportunities from the sanctions are these days. so we have our,
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our products and solutions in different fields. and the last but not least, we order thee to share these capabilities with her rush, hard to get rid of all these sanctions and the effects on our nations. so there is a feeling that it's not the end of the world near exactly in iran or we are facing for more than 40 years with the sanction. and as you can see, we are progressing in different fields. is that this is not the end of the world. so as i said, we can create opportunities for our nations from this actually is a sanctions. these are unilateral course if measures are and there we can get get unified against these actually sanctions. we can share our experiences and that we can even do some our gram common actually activities like
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or we can do own research and development r and d on the products that we do a needs. and there, i'm more than 100 sure of that iranian youth and russian youth scientists can actually, ah, provide the all the products, equipment and solutions that we need. how did they ran in public or accept the fact that they now lee have to leave a and a sanctions? i mean, decades ago, we've seen kids where the supporting of our nation is there are actually key fact to, ah, combine against all these are, you know, let fall, coercive measures like sanctions. and as you can see these days in iran and russia, this is the real source of power because we have created too many opportunities or
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many of iranians, dont fill some of the sanctions because we have our own local actually solutions, product equipments. and in some of them that the normal people are feeling that they know we have a very actually important goals who actually deal with this kind of actually sanctions, they know we are actually going to be a advanced country and in different area. and they can see we are our progress in different actually feel of the in thus 3. and i think because they know the future is promising for iranian youth and irina nation. they support the government to actually combine against these illegitimate and unilateral or measures against iraq. they were in the summit into her and their leaders of iran and russia
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agreed to move more towards trade in national currencies. what does that mean for both economies? it can actually really booster trading between 2 countries. the 1st thing that we need to do is to actually make t trading between 2 countries more easier than before. and these kind of things are like a common financial channel between 2 countries can actually improve the financial activity on cooperation between 2 countries. high tech sector, how would you described are the relations between moscow and to harangue in this field. these days are dresser, real high demand from the private sectors of both countries to actually improve the technological corporation between 2 countries. and there, i can see draw too many activities are going between the 2 countries to
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improve this sector of the corporation. ah, but draws you actually a barrier that needs to be alleviated between 2 countries. or for example, in the i city sector. when need command, standards for equipment and products are which can actually, can there be done by 2 or countries authorities or, and for example, another example is the, the cost some process between $2.00 countries are 2 actually there make their clearance of the iranian product in russia or vice versa, or more easier than the before to have the in room for example, union product much more easier than before in russia, and vice versa. what areas of joint corporation between russia and iran can be foreseen in that high tech sector?
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i believe we can collaborate in many different areas, including the soft for hardware and net for developing common digital services between 2 countries and even have a come and platforms to actually provide more reliable services for our nation. all the thing has been negotiated to come up with a common solution to have iranian products in russia and also russian products in iran as well. iran has been successful using satellite data and could you describe our m relations between our countries in this area? iran has a started around to the kids, a girl, and these days we have our own indigenous, their local space industry. we are able to make our own satellite. we are able to actually launched or with our own launcher to the law. earth orbit in or less
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than 500 kilometers, but definitely now russian express this is and also science can contribute towards the iranian there space industry program. we are eager to actually form more actually effective collaboration between 2 countries to her. the russian and iranian companies would like to cooperate and the close. so are with each other and would western sanctions a fact that can it be another barrier? no, i'll definitely if we want, no, there is a political real and real a market needs to actually facilitate and improve these kind of cooperation between 2 countries. so if both countries want, ah, i think we can, there, there, improve and increase our likely corporation technological cooperation between 2 to
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countries and sanctioned differently will not affect if we can gather the of these actually barriers in and short term. definitely, we can use our actually bilateral capabilities to have our own products in both countries. thank you so much, mister minister. i wish your country and russia peace and prosperity despite his enormous pressure that the western sanctions create. ida is, are a poor speaking to art. now if you'd like to keep on top of all the stories affecting your world, they do check i r t dot com all the latest developments, plenty more besides just the click of this is arnie from blue to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy
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confrontation, let it be an arms race is on authentic, very dramatic and development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time. time to sit down and talk awe. on february the 24th 2022. russia launched a special military operation in ukraine. the campaign. his 1st major battle was an operation to bring the city of murray. you pulled back under the control of pro russian. don bass, ah, with
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whom do i want you to with almost 3 months now. alexander had a cough skis unit made up of volunteers from dun ask has been fighting on the murray you put front of her new prospect.


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