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tv   News  RT  July 26, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] a with preparing for the worst this winter, europe commits to f 15 percent cut in gas consumption until next spring, but on a voluntary basis with numerous exemptions to the energy saving land. also at this hour one did ask me a question, are you pro used or was i should you must you, when you do you, i'm through my should have you down this president spells out his foreign policy views on comes off it talks with versus the top diploma who's in the east african country on them latest?
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all of his tour across the continent on the city of dan, yet comes under further showing from ukrainian forces dalton balance authority, say a psychiatric hospital and an oil terminal where hit going to us a flight weapons being used with life for moscow. this is our t, my name's unit o'neill, and 30 minutes of news and views start. e countries have committed to a 15 percent reduction in gas consumption until next spring. although the small print shows that the energy saving plan is voluntary and comes with a pretty sizable haft of exemptions and it comes on the heels of russian energy, john gas problems and non spent, that it's to further cut supplies to europe from tomorrow. you chief ursula underline praise the block smooth seeing it shows the unit limits see of member nations,
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but that fuse being questioned. i strongly welcome the endorsement by counsel of the regulation to reduce gas demand and prepare for the winter. it is a decisive step to face down the threat of a full gas disruption. thanks to today's decision, europe is now ready to address its energy security as a union. the only really entity on this issue is the countries that refused to cut their gas use. agree that those who have had no choice and new alternatives should really well. yeah, ration their supply. so there's really no solidarity at all in brussels. the central requests that all $27.00 member states reduced their gas consumption by 15 percent. this is really all about the entire e. you coming to the rescue germany, the blocks top economic engine, which lacked the courage to stand up to american pressure to sanction its pipeline projects with russia. and then stood idly by while that you did exactly the same thing. all apparently, without any viable back, a plan for their own national economy. berlin, me to really foolish,
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strategic mistake by depending so heavily on renewables when it's pretty clear that they aren't ready for prime time. so berlin, a gun by brussels, talked a good tough game about being strong and independent, not needing any russian energy. but, well, i guess was all bluster because it's still so reliant on that russian gas that freaked out over attending maintenance shut down of the nord stream on pipeline. and is now panicking again over gas primes reduction of delivery volume by 80 percent starting tomorrow. so to give berlin a hand, the glocks member states have decided today that if brussels ever imposes the 15 percent cut as a binding measure, well, in all their spirit of unity, they'll just opt out. that's the kind of unity over which you officials are all pad each other on the back to day. it really can't make this stuff up. malta, cyprus, ireland, and portugal aren't connected to the you grid aren't reliant on gas. and well, they want to maintain their independence and sovereignty france almost made the same foolish choices that jeremy did by launching headlong into green energy. but then
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a dodge to bullet. when at success fully lobbied brussels to reclassify nuclear power as green earlier this year. so now it figures that they can just fire up a few more radioactive energy plants again and whether this turbulence. so as a french ecology ministry says they really were cool with brussels proposed dictate . we do not want to introduce uniform objectives that would not be adapted to every one's reality and which ultimately would not have an impact on our ability to export gas to our neighbors. grayson, spain had also said no to the proposal, insisting on maintaining sovereign control over their own supply and hungry is while already in king. the russian gas deals even as the rest of the you rings its hands over how it can possibly continue to keep ukraine president library zalinski happy without completely bleeding out their own economies. oh, and by the way, they really can't keep him happy clearly because he's been popping off yet today, even as the states were meeting,
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repeating his mantra that the you have to hit back with even more sanctions, apparently oblivious to the fact that sanctions are exactly why the situation in europe is this bad as much as the you is paying lip service to the idea of solidarity and making a lot of noise about it in public. the reality is that the increased pressure is causing any unity to start falling apart at the seams. always good to welcome live on to the program. a columnist on publisher of the vert shoved actual business newsletter i k hummer. i k. welcome to you and aid. is there any point to this plan if it's not mandatory for every country? i suppose i'm asking isn't more about headlines than policy based in reality. i'm afraid that the european bureaucrats really think that they are in charge and they can take the order of ordering people that to,
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to limit their consumption of gas. so this is, this is, they think they really think that they have the right to say this, and this is all falling apart. europe is a dictatorship. this has nothing to do with democracy because we have no, we have no chance of influencing who is going to be in the, in the european headquarter. and these people are just ruling from top to down. and this is all falling apart. and this is what we see already with parker, those spain and france whenever they have to pay or they have to contribute contribute something into the european. so called community. they say no, no, no, sorry, we are out. and as long as they commonly planned to germany, everybody is fine with the you. but as soon as it goes the other way around, it all falls apart. and this is what we're seeing now,
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because the european power politics with german politics on purpose are crushing down the economy in the name of the gregory said, or i would call it uncontrolled demolition of the european economy. and once the german economy is falling apart, the german middle stand is being crushed, then you have no money to pay for the so called best friends who are just taking. well, that's my next point. there are a lot of exemptions as you've seen in this plan, and states may resort to them at will, is another point how r e u countries going to make their gas blood work with so many get i'd clauses? well, they don't, and this is in line with everything. what i've already said, the politicians at the minute they have no clue. they have an i r i g. they have planned from plough, swapped of uncontrolled demolition of the economy,
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but nothing more. so before you had maybe experts advising these politics, politicians, but these have been exchanged for party members. people who didn't have a job before on a good reason. and now the advisors and the people who are doing this without any clue, just with big bunch of i yaga lee and the european partners don't play with it they. they try to to keep that little economy. they, it was, that was still left from bad socialistic ideas and their socialistic demolitions for the last 20 years. so they say no, no, sorry, we are not in this, and this is going too far. and i think many of these european partners now see that this plan of uncontrolled demolition of the economy for the great reset, as close swap, says it, and ordered it is not very,
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very far sighted. it is not beneficial for their own people on the people themselves. will it be ordinary household facing the brunt of these high level decisions? is it going to be people paying more, undoing, less, having less heat, but asked to pay more for the, the gas stuff. they have not only them up only paying more for the gas they have, they get limits on what they get and on top losing that jobs because the companies are breaking apart. and on top, the euro is losing ground and it is. so we're getting worthless and worthless, so no holiday and other things in be so foreign countries any more. this is a contract. this is an uncontrolled demolition of the canoe with an end power, impoverishment, of the european people. i get hammer economist and political commented are always good javion the program. thank you,
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sir. thank you so much. russia's top diplomat has hinted a key cause of europe's energy crisis lies in pure politics south our guests was just going through serial of roth, stressed out the nord stream to pipeline which connects russia to germany. but doesn't currently have berlin's operational approval. is capable of meeting demand, just what was the worst. we now witnessing the bus around the decision, my gas problem, that one more gas turbine of north stream one has to be taken to maintenance. and the e. u is conveying some extraordinary energy session on the matter in this regard i simply wanda, there are rules which provide secure operation of the pipeline. did i get it right? that way of being ok to violate the rules as particular german representatives during. as far as i'm concerned, germans a famous having committed to rules. how can they cool for the violation of rules on which depends the security of people when it comes to the north string to it is completely ready to make up for the demands of europe, which needs this particular fuel. however, it's close for purely political reasons,
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but it's, you know, the remarks come, sir. gail of ralph is in uganda. on the 3rd leg of his african tour, the country's president met russia's foreign minister. and while speaking to the media, both confirmed their refusal to polarize the worth. this was, we are looking for a win, win, win win for vivid avoiding the world and disposable. so this is this idea over rivalry is sure to part of law the british and movement struck to, you know, otherwise we should be quartering with those who knows it a little silly for me, but you forgot about that and we're moving for when there was the cold war, one day they asked me a question. are you perused or pro is a should you must, you mustn't come when you do it. why do you think of my, my many job is to be for somebody. i am pro, i should have some presume he can't is present, gave the only right answer when asked whether he's pro western or pro,
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east and politician. an answer which you could expect from a serious political figure. but i'm 40 right now. these instincts have colonialism emerge and the politics of western countries, and they demand the whole world take their side and running against all the others . we also discussed the root causes of the unfolding energy and food cry, seizures, african friends understand that the origins of that have nothing to do with the military operation. when it comes to bilateral relations. we agree to keep that in mind and look for opportunities in the energy and food sectors, which wouldn't depend on the whim of western partners. brahas foreign minister is an honored gas here under side stresses all the time. the delegation has been accepted at the presidential palace. this is where a lover of met both his counterpart and the country's leader were gone days, a long term strategic and economic part, no rush. and that was one of just a few countries supported the gunners independence from bridge empire, gun days, highly dependent on russia's grain, their global food crisis,
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that followed western economic sanctions against russia was among the key topics on the agenda, while russia is very active here on the african continent, the west express has concerns about that and is trying to put pressure on all right . you know, players working to get with most k o gonna is the 3rd country minister la visits as part of his african tour. next comes, is he rpm earlier minister lever off was indeed in egypt and they republican, the congress part of his 4 country trip. and as maria says, after uganda he travels to his final destination. ethiopia, mister lebron also spoke with representatives from over 20 honorably nations earlier, though the u. s. department of state spokesperson dismiss, that's rather completing that the tour demonstrates how isolated machines it is becoming clear that russia is recognizing that his own actions have caused it to become
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a with we have good relations with russia. all countries of africa have sovereignty and are free to choose their own policies. who are stance on the russia? ukraine crisis has remained unchanged since it's break out. we never wanted to how with the wolves as fuel to the fire less cross live, no to johannesburg, and get the thoughts of political science researcher and co techo middle. we was pleasure to have you on the program today. how significant is this to her? by russia's top diplomat to african countries, can it be as mutually beneficial for the nations themselves and moscow?
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good evening, m to the us. this is a very important visit, particularly given our historic ties to the russian people. remember, you remember that during our dog diesel colonialism in fighting it? the russians were at the hell of assisting us in giving as much needed a support both economically and militarily. and i think it's important for their actions. one's more opposed in 91 to further strengthen these ties with as african people. and as, as you know, tease would, would prime minister visit either the countries that predominantly have suffered greatly from western imperialism. and in seeking one way or another for economic opportunities that would be brought in
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predominantly by the russian people. because we africa believe that that i will advise in, in the areas of any which is quite a very big problem in africa today. in the, as of in the jeep, they are also the economy advisor, and we have no peace. the fact that this visit were not well received in the west and quarters because they know predominantly that one feel free to meet. we talk of progress. lot a big broad, the bullying of one stayed by them, but we'll talk about progress is. so that's the significance of this will be the visit of the for him. yeah. very interesting. some of those points as well as that next tech. oh, you got this president emphasized that's where circular ross is right now. by the way, on the 3rd of his nation's trips across africa,
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emphasize that his country in kampala is neither pro east or pro west and is ready to act in its own interest. is not the sense that you've got not just from uganda, but other countries. a more confidence at actor on the big stage, those african nations, but they're ready to get on into the world. they want good partners, they can trust. and this is the way this is perhaps one of the starts they can do. that is, when you must understand that is africans, most of us are most african, his titles, parasitic big brother politics and a. and what the, the, the president of a, of you gotten that a rated is simply that we know lines in the sense of using the cold war analogy, west or east. however, we do have knowledge. the fact that those
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a would want to do things to our benefit and not only to that benefits and one of those countries would be russia. and that's why you would find that you would almost have in there and will come in this minister level with open arms into the walmart. because we also have the lakes that we don't live in. in island, we leave international community that needs us to strengthen particular relationships. in a predominantly, i think, i think one of the issues really is it's pretty good even in your candidate in an age crisis. and one of the countries that has a vet a decides the problems would have been russia and would understand that russia engages without, from a point of view of, of a broad or not a big, broad,
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the a, or until or potentially z the, the engage with african from a point of view of the understanding. so i think within the fact that we want to be on the line, we also knowledge that brother who must be formed on the basis of equality. and that's one of the reasons why i am a president would have agreed to have such an in tags. all me is just to touch briefly on that point that you raised earlier. the west has been accused by some of attempting to put pressure on africa in terms of foreign policy . is that how you see it? i mean, it doesn't take rocket science, doesn't take rocket science because the worst is dried, like, like i'm saying, i will keep wondering, emphasizing the energy prices. they're trying to force down in gender of
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a clean energy without regard for just transition. and without regard for the impact that we have on african businesses which are existing within those countries and know that they've got to be impacted to head on, on, on the energy. ready greet, for example, they're trying to force that agenda, annoying fluid. but one of their all in germany came out strongly to see that these a so called green energy transition, if not properly inspected. it can lead to the downfall of a country and they themselves, the germans, seeing now that it has failed dismally. and the west is bringing that agenda. why does, when we discuss issues with russia, the understand our predicament to understand why we make particular decisions and respected for that? okay. well, thank you so much for sharing your view with us. look forward to talking to you
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again. another issues from south africa, political science, research, and kits echo model you. thank you. thank you. now, as energy and food crisis continue in many parts of the world. yes, left. many struggling to simply survive in sri lanka, food inflation has exceeded 80 percent. meaning not a recent government decision to restrict fuel imports came as a country faces a severe shortage of foreign exchange. at reserves, supplies of sea food and local markets are running low to a crucial food staple as the countries hit by a lack of essentially, our tease ruined june sharma has been taking a closer look. a long 20 kilometers from sheila, gauze, largest city, colombo is elecom,
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though he is community official men is deeply affected by the crisis. the lack of fuel has meant that they haven't gone fishing for days. both headed out to see your is a rare sight of the 75 whistles based here today only 9 had fuel. i'm the luck to go fishing. what about 90 percent of the vote? sad grounded here because of lack of fuel. they'll fishermen, community are finding it extremely hot to stay afloat. the fishing sector employees one tend to sheila gas population and helps to feed many more as i took out my boat off the 3 weeks today. it's been very tough for us on the island also explored what fish do not crabs and prompts to several countries, including china, japan, as well as the us. now majority of these orders cannot be fulfilled right now. we
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don't have fewer for the boats. boats can roll for long days and come get, actually going to need to, to get drawing. so the season is actually supposed to be the seasonal problems and coffee those days. if you dig with last year, december, drones, wind up to around $500.00. that's been now we go. 1000 monkey, one kilogram. norma to an a fish. yeah. second ed by the local to do on also. dave and from the range of $43200.00. when all day i go up to 700. so you had super user crisis only getting was with these days, very expensive if you were to leave a message all day. mm hm. how often do you come here now? once a week ago? oh yeah, i know you're not able to afford the entity. if you go, the big question remains. will the new president drawn or become a thing you be able to stop the island from thinking deeper into the crisis and
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will the people give him a chance to do so? crunch and sharma, sri lanka. ot kendall, the story on a busy news day. been you had of russia space agency has announced in his 1st report to vladimir putin that the country will suspend its participation in the international space station ortiz, rachel blevins, can tell us more about them if we know that the international space station is already in its final decade, but now russia is confirming that it will end its work with the i s. s after 2024. now that will also notably, and a decades long partnership involving nasa and the european space agency. the announcement was made during a meeting between russian president putin and the newly appointed head of ross cosmos. now we're continuing to work within the framework of international cooperation on the international space station. of course, we will fulfill all our obligations to our partners, but the decision to leave this station after 2024 has been made. i think that by
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then we'll begin to construct our own russian space station. now this announcement comes just days after the u. s. confirmed plans to resume flights to and from the i s. s with russia has past statements have indicated that it plan to continue to work with moscow until at least 2030. now all of this comes, of course, as the u. s. has imposed historic sanctions against russia, raising questions about how that partnership was even possible. and when it comes to those tensions between the 2 countries, they have made their way all the way to outer space. as earlier this month, the u. s. accused russia using the i assess for political purposes. after photos were published, that showed russian cosmonaut holding the flag of the lugens people's republic following a major victory for russia. now, when it comes to the future in space, the i assess is set to officially expire in 2031. now russia has said for months
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now that it plans to move forward with its own projects, specifically working on its own space station. now that is a major thing, as we've seen this ongoing partnership that has involved both the us and russia. but now we're likely to see just how much weight moscow carried in that partnership as it moves on to work on its own station. and as it officially says, good by 2 now and to b, i s s. now, when it comes to those projects, there's also been reports that russia is planning to collaborate with china as well . moving forward now as for where the us and europe in all of this, nasa has yet to say how it plans to make up for that reliance on one of the most important partners in space. but i'm sure that there will likely to be a statement on that in the coming days. to some updates from don boss, a psychiatric hospital in done yet, counts come under attack from ukrainian artillery,
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showing according to local authorities. the official say an oil refinery in the city was also targeted by key or forces using us applied highmore systems. intense exchanges of artillery fire is taking place along the entire frontline and on bus with no let up since last week. the russian defense ministry has released this for the age of attack. helicopters, elections comes russian forces continue to target, the pretty military positions with the m o. d. seeing around $44.00 and murph strings were filled in a single strike property. and i am behind the front lines in the den. yes, republic, russian humanitarian services i'll be delivering more. a to villages most of the need are tease from on cost. truth is on the ground there and sent us this mission on the the village is still under fire and it's very difficult for people to bring of food here. so all these people are relying on humanitarian aid. there are at
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least 1200 residents that live in this village alone. and her russian humanitarian mission has been delivering food here for quite a few months. and according to the people, if it wasn't for them, there would be starving. we just look it over for this isn't our 1st time here. we've been 4 or 5 times since this is my 3rd visit and this time we never was a standard humanitarian package. each box contains around 15 kinds of products apart from food. we've also brought valuable things like water filters thrown in the weight of our cargo today is to not have tons over all since the war started. we've brought some 600 tons social away and i thought i'd say now we've been in this village for about 10 minutes. mind you. there is no in network here. sold the telephones on work. but somehow, the people found out that the humanitarian aid was abroad. and as you can see, there are now coming from everywhere cuz he,
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people from coming from afar. and this shows how much this humanitarian aid is needed. yoga forgot to ripple order. we've had no pensions, no salaries for 6 months. some shops have opened, the prices have gone up 3 times. rather last time i got my pension was in february, and that's it. there's no money to pay for food. and this, this is a significant health the, that watching federal ship almost it's very needed help him. we are refugees. we left a broken house and everything in it, but we took only a few bags with us. we're grateful for the healthy battle in the village of storm lane of car became a home to hundreds of refugees from other areas that ukraine is currently shelling very heavily. now, right now i'm going to speak to a one of those refugees. he doesn't to be shown on camera because his relatives are still on a territory controlled by ukraine, but he has some very important information to share because she on color one ukrainian,
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sold her head from the shelling in our courtyard. i call him in and hit him in the basement. he repeatedly used his walkie talkie asking for further instructions. he was very afraid when he was told to come down and sit tight with him after a while he was told it's time to leave and to you civilians as a shield who lives. he didn't even turn to us, but it's unlikely he could take 2 strong men as a shoe anyway, huddled for scalars. no vest village saw some of the heaviest fighting since the start of this special military operation. although it's a relatively quiet here right now, we can still hear the sounds of artillery. this village of the moment is also hosting refugees from other parts of the nest people's republic still under control of the ukrainian military. but be in here. there are always these constant reminders of the armed conflict remark offer, if hearty don't as people's republic. now what makes


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