tv News RT July 29, 2022 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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glad to with being a pacific social and a good time to work. mm. as the u. s. g d p meets the terms of recession, the white house tries to put on a brave face, claiming the economy is not struggling. brutality back fires a plan by cab to encourage anti were feelings by spreading videos of the murders of russian prisoners of war. instead outrage the international community. and as office holly and member discloses the exercise with, we received an order from the president's office to create any information campaign, with shot content on the brutal murders of russian prisoners of war. but these campaign coast a negative reaction worldwide, because these are war crimes,
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dogs play with fire warrants. the chinese president, as joe biden holds to his plan to sunday delegation to taiwan with france, hosting saudi arabia's problem. chris on his 1st e you'd, for instance, a scandal over a high profile girls with murder, human rights advocates, last the french president for william to get energy deals with hello and welcome from moscow. i'm fiorella is about, and you're watching ortiz top news stories of this. our, the united states economy has now met the conditions of recession. that's according to the latest statistical data, which shows the countries gdp declining for a 2nd consecutive quarter. but the white house is in no rush to accept the economic downturn, most economists and most americans have a similar definition of recession,
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substantial job losses and mass layoffs. businesses shutting down. private sector activities slowing considerably. family budgets under immense strain in some a broad based weakening of our economy. that is not what we're seeing right now. when you look at the economy. the u. s. economy shrank once again in the past 3 months unofficially, signaling the start of a recession. i mean, that's simply how people define recession. if you look at the data, the gross domestic product of the united states shrank. and an annualized rate of point 9 percent. in the past 3 months, after having decreased by an annualized rate of 1.6 percent in the previous court, that's 2 consecutive quarters of decreasing g d p. in the united states. that means that the united states, the world largest economy, has entered
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a recession. however, high officials in the united states are reassuring us. that is not the case. here's what they said. that doesn't sound like research should be, i don't, i do not think the u. s. is currently in a recession, even if that number is negative, we're not in a recession. now, i will say that the textbook definition of recession is not, is not too negative quarters of g d p. the binding ministration is reassuring us that everything is fine. as you heard the secretary of the treasury, janet yelena, she is saying that this isn't a recession, this is quote, a transition in which rose is slowing. a transition in which road is slowing. she said, not a recession. now this is a similar thing in response to the issue of inflation. inflation in united states is that a 40 year high and we've been reassured by us officials. this is simply a matter of transition. however, the inflation has continued. it has continued to be an issue, it's not simply
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a temporary issue of transition. it's continuing to go on. now at this point in response to this issue, inflation, we have the biden administration spending billions of dollars with a law that they call the inflation reduction act. of 2022. this is how americans responded to this deal. democrats just unveiled the inflation reduction act. someone please tell dems that tanking the economy with tax hikes and bad policy is a crappy way to tackle inflation. only the government could propose a bill to increase spending and call it the inflation reduction act. remember, they always name the bills, the opposite of what they actually mean in any other business, this would constitute fraud and false advertising. so to combat inflation, the government is about to approve $750000000000.00 in new spending and calling it the inflation reduction act. spoiler alert, democrats, new spending bill that they're calling the inflation reduction act will only
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increase inflation. now they saw a prices for just about everything are squeezing america's working families, as they're struggling to pay their bills, paper, necessities, and keep the households running amid the rising costs. at this point, we've seen the u. s. stock market tank, the s and p 500 is down by 15 percent. home sales have slipped this year and consumer confidence is low. many are looking on and wondering if this could be yet another nail in the coffin of the by the administration. invest that manager mich fire science says it's impossible to look for a solution from the same people who are responsible for the current price, this janet yellow. and this can consistently wrong when she was the chairman of the fed and she was on the board of the fed. now as the treasury secretary, the root causes of the problem are too much debt, too much credit to much leverage and too much money printing for 2 decades now it's coming, bite them. i think the recession started long before this g, d,
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p. net negative g d p for so you know, if they wanna put lipstick on a pig, it's never going to turn into a sheet model, a recession. we're in a recession, we've been in a recession. they can lie as much as they want. it wouldn't be the 1st time, so i don't know why anybody shocked by this. inflation is at all time highs comparing like at like 19 eighties. if you use the same methodology, you calculate current inflation now. probably closer to 20 percent. what people are talking about as well is the amount of debt that's been accrued during the negative interest rate years. so now you've got debt from the zombie corporations and there are a lot of them that can never be repaid. so you've got probably 6 trillion dollars worth of triple b and junk bonds that have to be refinance. so you will see a massive amount of defaults and bankruptcies that will cause the coming crisis. you know, she said,
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i think 2 years ago or 3 years ago will never see another crisis in a lifetime. right before her mean, she's been consistently what she's been saying, inflation is transitory. lation is transit for 6 months ago. so why would you believe people that are consistently wrong? the problem is we're going to the same people who created problems for a solution, and they have no solution. and we have no leadership. and now on to the latest from ukraine, russia's defense ministry says kids forces are sustaining significant losses. but the latest that poll reaching at least 200, as a result of high position russian strikes on ukrainian military positions in the her son region inside the diagnosed for public. moscow says it's missiles have destroyed 9 ukrainian military command of in the past 24 hours as well as 6 ammunition warehouses. this comes a day after more than a 100 rockets for western supplies. high mars launchers are said to have been destroyed with 120 ukrainian troops also killed. meanwhile, in the dawn bass,
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the city of e lord voice in the don. yes people's republic was reportedly shalt by ukrainian forces. local media have shared videos of a huge fire in the city, which is believed to be the result of the attack. authorities are yet to comment on the plays. this is as ukraine continues its relentless shelling of the civilian areas and a dying yes for public. leaving little put ruins in many areas that locals used to call home are cheese, romano, closer. if reports from the city of golden rule of calf, which has recently faced heavy shelly, ukrainian artillery attacks continue against civilian population. here in this city of gore lapka, at least 14 private residences and a 16 multiple apartment buildings have been damaged as the result for people had been injured here and girl of god alone. this particular building has just 8 apartments, and 4 of them are now lying in ruins. little
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to wish ease them. we had just gone out to get water when there was an explosion right there under the balcony, left to pillage. everything went flying, which for apartments were destroyed all of us. all of the residents are still alive because we had stepped out. my neighbors had gone downstairs, which they would have died in their apartments. the 4 apartments on the side of the building were destroyed. the other side was left unharmed. when we came back home, there was no home to come back to, which is such a misfortune as a bottle. when i got a call and was told that eat your home is gone, your apartment is gone. i'm happy to be alive,
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the owner of this apartment. how recently did renovation here. however, as you can see, all of that work was futile, as it now lies almost completely destroyed. now, shores, like these can be found everywhere. now it might look small to you, but it weighs at least a 100 grams. no one was killed during a vis ukrainian attack. however, there were several wounded people here in gore lapka and are now in the hospital, brahman cauthrin, r t, the nest people's republic. he have directly ordered the sprite of video material that showed the murder of russian prisoners of war that's according to a member of the ukrainian nationalists, as of battalion who served in the units press service. a warning here, the man is the prisoner of war and may have spoken under duress. oh, before the 24th of february, even before the start of the war, we received an order from the president's office to create an information
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campaigned with shock content on the brutal murders of russian prisoners of war. when the war started, we started monitoring, ukrainian media and information field, and we noticed that these videos began to appear. i think these instructions were not only given to us, but also to other military units or organizations. as i understand this information campaign was created to provoke anti war movements in russia. but this campaign caused a negative reaction worldwide because these are war crimes later, the order to suspend the campaign was given. i don't know who was specifically involved in this, in our unit, but the videos as i understand were collect it. and i know for sure that all the video materials, all the flash drives and hard drives were destroyed upon leaving as of style and pull me affordable chun from his cut, the beginning of april. at some point we were accompanied by as of faces. we went to the north of boucher where we had to distribute medicines. at some point we even stopped by the hanger where we had to hand over
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a box of medicines for the as of unit. when we were in this hanger, we saw literally 30 meters away from us. all the cars drive up from which there were russian soldiers within us to get out of the hang of fast than i had schultz fired at russian prisoners of war. i saw how these prisoners of war shot the lower extremities. in fact, it was the 1st war crime that i personally saw. as soon as we saw this, we were asked to immediately pack how things and leave. it was very fast. when i was returning to the car from the passenger seat to leave, i had someone say, officer officer in russian or more of the officers. he once was immediately shelton, the head. in fact, the man was executed. what good as i left the hanger, i saw this execution you beveled, ah, don't play with fire warrants. the chinese president, as joe biden holds to his plan to sunday delegation. it's, i want, despite beijing's repeated statements that the u. s. involvement in its domestic policy will provoke even tougher strains between the 2 countries. meanwhile,
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taiwanese service men have taken part in annual military drills, simulating a foreign invasion. that's as some of the u. s. officials feared potential armed conflict with china. other american politicians are apparently pushing for greater involvement in the region. so just seeing the u. s. is delegation. visit to taiwan is a must ortiz, rachel blevins has the details. nodded . states appears to be moving forward with plans to send a delegation led by how speaker nancy pelosi to tie one next month. despite a host of warnings from beijing that the move would be a red line for china. do we have repeatedly made it clear to america, our stern position against us house speaker, nancy pelosi is potential visit to taiwan. if the us insists on going its own way and challenging the red line of china, it will surely be met with forceful responses. all ensuing consequences are
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completely borne by the us. however, when it comes to red lines issued by other countries, washington has shown that it has no problem ignoring them. after all, that's why i refused to give russia any kind of guarantee that ukraine would not become a member of nato. despite the impact the assurance could have had on ease intentions, but even by himself isn't fully on board with policies plan. and it appears that the higher the chance of conflicts, the more the hawks and washington support the trip. we cannot back down the face of the chinese threats if they think they can threaten us into merely not traveling to taiwan. it might in fact incite them. and tempt them to go. the jug dealer in taiwan if pelosi postpones or cancels a visit, it will be seen as the us climbed down in the face of chinese indignation and protest and in a front to our friends in taiwan. as the speaker of the united states house of representatives, you should never have to ask
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a foreign dictatorship or the state department for permission to talk to america's friends and allies. so why is the u. s. considering this move now in the face of continued breast from beijing, while there have been increasing reports of the bible administration is concerned that china could be getting ready to move in and take taiwan and the coming month. the only problem, even the mainstream media reports have been for us to admit that us officials have no confirmation that china is actually planning to move. however, there is now the fear that china could follow through on its threats and retaliate . if the u. s. proceeds with this plan to send a delegation to taiwan next month. and so the brings men ship continues to mount threatening. a major conflict between 2 nuclear powers as neither side shows any signs of backing down. political analyst and researcher christopher holly says the american politicians deliberately tried to provoke china to set the world against beijing. you have people like john bolton,
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you know cool leaders in war mongers who are, who are openly saying that nancy pelosi should go through with this. as are other leaders in washington, and this is a very dangerous escalation. this is a very, very high profile visit, and it comes at a time of increasing tension. it's not like the u. s. is saying to china. you know, let's sit down, let's work things out. let's deescalate everything will remove, you know, our carrier strike groups and will open up and recognize, you know, china sovereignty in the region. what they're doing is the complete opposite. they're forcing countries that are making agreements with china like small pacific island nations, to go back on their deals with china, to close the door to china and slowly to in circle china. the, the, the chinese have not surrounded the u. s. with the military bases and but military planes and worships the united states is doing that to china. so this is just heightening the tensions and, and an escalating the situation. it doesn't need to happen now in the united states
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is doing it on purpose to provoke china. ah, and france as a latest c u country to attempt to woo saudi arabia with its crown prince in paris for tots. that says european leaders desperately seek alternative suppliers of energy to replace russian imports. however, human rights watch dogs are crying foul over the courting of the prince. the washington based group called democracy for the arab world now has filed a criminal complaint against the top saudi official, the organization established by slain journalist shamal shogi is urging paris to investigate the prince over his a legit role in the 2018 killing of the dissident the don watch dog that tracks human rights violations in golf countries and promotes democracy, says been saw men should be stripped of diplomatic immunity, with 2 other advocate groups, reportedly also supporting the initiative earlier amnesty international criticized france for hosting the prince. i feel profoundly troubled by the visit because of
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what it means for our world, and what it means for jamal to shall g, and people like him. the visits by mohammed ben salman to france and joe biden, to saudi arabia, do not change the fact that m b s is nothing other than a killer. if environmentalists thought they were the only ones who are going to get short changed with this energy crisis, it looks like they're now joined by human rights activists. but amendment, nicole french president is constantly evoking the importance of human rights and different contexts. like, for example, up paris is the birthplace of the universal declaration of human rights. how the defense of human rights is woven into europe's very fabric. but today mohammed been solomon or effectually notice m b. s is at the french presidential palace, which may or may not by the way, pale in comparison to the home, where m b. s. is staying during his visit. we're talking here about a home that the new york times says m b. s. owns through shell companies, and it's dub the world's most expensive home by fortune magazine. the 7000 square
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meter shut, 2, louis cat tells that it's really not far about a 40 minute drive around a kilometers from the famous shot to death sire. which apparently inspired m b. s is french home. now the crown prince of oil rich saudi arabia was directly tied by western intelligence services to the murder of washington post columnist, activist and prominent saudi government critic jamal cash o g, who is reportedly lured inside the saudi consulate in istanbul, turkey in october 2018. and then dismembered with the bones, saw french presidents always have been very pragmatic, casually, inconveniently, just, you know, setting aside lofty values when they happen to clash with french economic interests . and that seems to be the case here. francis big problem right now is that it's caught up in europe's energy crunch awake if you sanctions on russian gas prices.
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nuclear energy was on the verge of a programmed decline. about half of the reactors were out of commission and deliberately neglected when paris did an about face earlier this year and lobby brussels to reclassify nuclear energy as green energy. but questions remain as to whether those reactors and the liquefied natural gas that france has been exploring in massive quantities from russia. since the start of the conflict in ukraine will be enough to power france through the fall and the winter. it makes sense that m b s gets to an invite to the 80 z right now as the crown prince of an energy rich country. human rights optics, be damned, obviously desperate times call for desperate measures. and well, maybe even desperate fis, bumps with m b. s. which you as president joe biden would know something about, he said, precedent for that earlier this month. a little bit controversially, didn't seem to do much good though,
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and be asked to give biden any of the oil production guarantees that by him was looking for. and michael biden and other western leaders are a he, a big show for their citizens about trying to mitigate the energy crisis and with middling results. this is what this is all about. you know, we're bringing everybody in who could potentially help us with this problem. even ignoring human rights, we need to, but it's all for one goal to make sure your cost of living stays low. but the one thing that is within their power is to lift their own sanctions on their own energy supply. and they don't seem to be make any moves to do that. a former senior advisers, saudi arabia's minister of energy told us that new contracts with the e r a positive stuff. but ria, cannot cover europe's huge demand on its own. if we increase our production, we can do it alone. denise, that's all last can do is do it at the same time or would one decision.
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and since the oil market is fungible, what if you take from either amount, if it's still franz, then the sam situation would continue to be that the euro now is paying a high price for the sanction that they put on the ocean view is and in a big, big, big problem. it is energy. sure g is the problem with the economy. and we think that the, the united states as ordering, they, you to do this and that. and there are now and up. so eve that they abolish or do sanctions in order to the, to relieve that economy or there would be and the precision and becoming months if not 2 years. france has been asked to recognize as quote colonial
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crimes in cameroon. as a manual, ma crowns visit to western africa comes to a close. political parties want parents to apologize for the massacre of tens of thousands of activists prior to the countries independence in 1960. everything must be done so that camera no longer accepts french, a gemini, willingly or by force. we take the opportunity to address to again wake the people of cameroon to the historical problem we have with france. this means we want to say settled a liabilities, all the crimes that france has committed in, cameroon, we have to put them back on the table. my cross visit has revive day a painful colonial pass, which is yet to be reconciled from 1916 until 960 france destroyed villages and massacred entire populations bloodedly, suppressing a nationalist party. during his visit, the french president announced that archives on colonial rule would be open, and he called on historians to shed light on the period. he also recognized that
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the path brought folk painful and tragic moments in the country. we heard from representatives from the african movement for new independence and democracy who think that mac crowns visit is due to france, no longer being a major player on the global political stage muscles. yes, micron is coming to cameroon. first, because the wave of contestation of french had gemini and africa in general is well underway. and the french president is coming to try to see if it is still possible for them to master the wave of protest of the african peoples. we believe that it is a legitimate right to the camera. rooney and people that france acknowledges it's crimes . the colonial powers have always lived from the plundering of africa's resources, which is not new. and that is why these colonizing powers are cautious when some one else comes to look at their interest. but it is a revolution that is underway. nothing will be the same as before. the african peoples will emancipate themselves. the russian minister for his part, also comes to trade with african states. he too,
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is in his role to come and negotiate market shares for his country. but it is not useless to note that the african revolutionary movement has better relations with russia than with france. and mister shaw, while we know that during his 1st term he had shunned cameroon. it is a surprising, a new thing on the part of those westerners who thought they had domesticated his space, which is considered the french meadow. he comes to the continent because there is geo politics in the world that no longer puts france on the dominant point in this space that was completely subject to 8 r subjugated. do not forget that since the start of russia special military operation in ukraine. there are dynamics in terms of global geo politics that force westerners led by the u. s. and nato, to reconsider their previous positions with regard to certain regions and countries . he was therefore, forced to come to a country that was cameroon, classified as the heart of french africa, to renegotiate with president bia on how we can reconnect to things being as before, but unfortunately, times of change the visit of sir gale of rav as a very good thing because he participates in multi polar diplomacy. we are tired of
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unipolar diplomacy, but especially of this desire of neo liberal capitalism to completely crush the people's who have only expressed a sacred principle that is in the rights of the un. that is to say, the right of people to self determination o germany's plan to transfer weapons to other european countries that in turn would supply ukraine appears to be facing some hurdles with allies, blaming each other for protracted talks and delays. russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman has said that the countries supplying ukraine should be held responsible for war crimes committed by the countries nationalist battalions for the war crimes committed by the ukrainian on forces and nationalist battalions to killing of civilians, women, the elderly and children, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, including bridges, e u, sponsors should bear the same responsibility as to key for she. merisa. hi roba has also accused the you of calling for peace as it escalates the war by supplying
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weapons to you. great. the west, ignoring the fact that many of the arms are then used by care to strike civilian targets. according to the latest official reports, both the e u and the u. s. have sent over $10000000000.00 worth of military a to ukraine. since the war erupted, we spoke with people in italy and spain, who believed that their government's actions only exacerbate the crises. godaddy novel, italy is again in crisis from a political point of view. absolutely. we are not a country that can afford to support a war, neither in economic terms nor in social and civil terms, our constitution repudiate war. i repeat it. i believe that we must develop actions to end the war, not to make it continue. i believe that european countries and my country, italy should not give ukraine more weapons. don't agree with what i find absolutely scandalous as the enormous increase in the military budget. in a situation of generalized crisis that we all find ourselves. a huge increase in
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the military budget, and this is to satisfy the wishes of nato bafflement. the e. u has been fueling the conflict for a long time. either. i know the history i have heard about what has been happening in ukraine since 2014 and neither. i know that don bass but lou ganske and all the territories where the russian speaking population lives, which has been suffering for 8 years. we're constantly bomb for a check, and i don't think that the e u sending weapons to the country leads to conflict mitigation, concierge gonzales. i believe that trying to stop the war with the instruments of war is not the best way. is ottoman. it seems to me that europe has already proved that it has other international instruments to stop the war. i mean, diplomatic and other methods, but i don't think guns against guns is the way out. and yes, i think that the war would have already ended. if europe was looking for an alternative solution, political commentators on break, mom believes european leaders don't care about civilians being killed by the weapons they are providing. well again, developers in the beginning was to have
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a collapse of the russian economy and i was not to be so get there. so he can so we can tell story for them and told ukrainians that they don't care about a camera there. i mean, the, the game on the about things that a vote in the west, but it's not going to be enrolled in the west because people are in the us. nobody knows about it. people don't care about is what people make it a consequence of the war, but it was even going to be consequences. don't the people say with any due to the war is due to the reasons, et cetera. which is about the tool. a interesting is the whole of, you know, of the war and so the, there is no position to do us away with the couldn't care less about them. and that's a rap on this. our stories,
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