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tv   News  RT  July 29, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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ah, a with moscow blames key of troops for the shelling of a detention facility in the done yes, the people's republic killing 53 ukrainian prisoners of war, rushes envoy to the un says western countries are complicit in war crimes and ukraine. and don, boss has their weapons supplied to kia are being used to kill civilians. law center d rationing measures kick in across germany as the top economy seeks to lead by example, that europeans gearing up for a cold winter due to the backlash of their very own sanction against russia. with
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just after 8 pm here in moscow. and you're watching our t international. i'm donald quarter. welcome to the program. now to our top story, 53 ukrainian prisoners of war have been killed and 75 wounded in the shelling of a pre trial detention center in the done yet people's republic. moscow was accused key of troops of intentionally targeting the site and just to warning the following images are graphic, you may find them disturbing. russia says the ukrainian military used american supplied high mars rocket launchers to bombard the dynamic facility. 8 of its employees were also wounded in the attack and our correspondent, roman culture of reports from that very scene. these are just some of the bodies of ukrainian soldiers, which were killed by their own ukrainian army overnight. now these guys,
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they've been killed by shrapnel. meanwhile, these guys right here, their bodies have been burned as a result of a strike. beyond recognition criminal experts from russia and from the de nest people's republic are now working on documenting every single body of every ukrainian soldier. even on $911.00 ukrainian authorities insisted on using this place of detention. it was discussed previously, so they knew perfectly well where the prisoners were being held. and that's how they took the lives of their own soldiers. ukrainian army used high caliber high mars artillery systems when they struck this barrick just after 2 o'clock at night . now there were at least $600.00 prisoners in a vis barrick alone. now, according to russian and defense ministry, this was a provocation on the part of the ukrainian army. was hercules organized, run a force, a large number of ukrainian soldiers are laying down their weapons as they know
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about the humane treatment of military prisoners by russia. this outrageous provocation was aimed at intimidating ukrainian soldiers and preventing them from surrendering was the walgreens to you. in the gloom, the ukrainian prisoners of war began to talk about the crimes they had committed on the orders of the ukrainian authorities. and after that they were attacked here. chia took these actions to gag those soldiers who began to talk about what was actually happening here in don bas. over the last couple of weeks, a members also nationalist of battalion ha, started giving witness accounts about that war crimes committed by them and their superiors. apparently, those war crimes that were commissioned by the highest authority in key. if, as the result, they were punished by high mars her to the reward systems, and these are just some of the fragments of that high caliber sho. earlier i interviewed canadian journalist eva bartlett,
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who was also at the scene of the attack on friday. this is clearly an intentional strike on this facility and it's notable by the way, i went to the a hospital that was treating some of the injured after going to this prison. and although we weren't able to go inside to see the prisoners, they were in critical condition. a doctor did come out and give a statement. and he said that the prisoners are in critical condition and they are undergoing surgeries, they're being given the medicine and the care that they need. and now i just want to point out the irony that russia is giving ukrainian presents of, or medical treatment. no matter, you know, in spite of the fact that these are enemy combatants and it is ukraine that is caused, that is inflicted there of potentially mortal injuries on them. here's a perfect example of an out war crime committed by ukraine width western weaponry. and it is russia that is mopping up the mass. how do you think this incident is
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going to affect the morale among ukrainian troops currently in combat? well, i mean, we seen many, a videos being shared on social media on telegram, etc, of ukrainian troops saying like we don't have support from you know, our commanders were being or in some cases were being fired upon by our own army. were being deserted, are being sent out front lines when are not equipped to fight our being sent to our death. so i, i would say their morale was probably already quite low, but i mean, this is just the next blow. i mean, they, even, they were again, ironically in safe hands in russian imprisonment because they were being kept safe, they were being fed, et cetera. but nonetheless, they're targeted by their own government. i mean it's, it's, it's, i can't imagine they could have any morale at this point. we've seen similar things in syria. we, we had in syria on the terrorist whether they were al qaeda for syria, army, isis, et cetera,
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intimidating civilians from it wouldn't be the same as surrendering. but from crossing from terrorist held areas into syrian government areas are intimidating down by threats that the government would rape or execute them. so we, and we've seen the same kind of strategies that have played out in syria, are being played out in ukraine. ah, the u. s. state department has failed to explain why it still says cuba is a state sponsor of terrorism. while it was grilled about the issue by an associated press. journalist is the most recent existing. cuba still needs food unless you're search engine. so in every case, when the united states over the years over the course of administrations was yes or no, over the course of administration's believe that it still needs to the the fact pattern that let a previous administration to designate cuba in foster care is in the public records,
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so are you saying that there is an active, an active look at whether taking cube off the line? i'm not saying that mat back under the obama administration, the white house conducted a review showing cuban designation as a state sponsor of terrorism was unjustified. the country was then taken off the infamous list. however, when donald trump became president, cuba was put back on that list next to countries like syria, iran and north korea. the move was highly criticized by us democrats who say washington failed to justify it. near comic sanctions that came with the status have led to a humanitarian crisis for the cuban people. however, it's now the us democrats, under president biden, who are still keeping cuba on that list. they also want to add russia accusing it of sponsoring terrorism in ukraine, which moscow has, of course, refuted. earlier this week, the u. s. senate passed a non binding resolution to that end and the official power to designate another
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country as a state sponsor of terrorism belongs to the us state department. moscow has warned, against such a move we hold a very negative assessment regarding the consequences of such a step. although on the other hand, hardly anything else can be done to further spoil relations between russia and the united states. and to get more on this story, we're across live now to international criminal lawyer. christopher black, thanks a lot for joining us on the program. mr. black, please to be here. so what do you think about ned prices struggle to explain why cube still labeled state sponsor of terrorism? well, because they know the cuba is not a sponsor of any sort of terrorism never has been. and it's just another attempt to strangle the cuban people for establishing a socialist system and cuba and supporting progressive and sources governments around the world and standing up for itself that cannot tolerate anybody who goes
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against their own interests. and what do you make about the possible prospects of that being changed anytime soon? very slim, because the cube has been under attack now since the revolution took place in 1959 . and you know, there was an invasion attempt in 61 which was defeated and although of our withdrew the designation briefly, trump reimpose that i didn't see any inclination for them to remove it. now, they're trying to squeeze cube or even worse, and they've done in the past situation in cuba is very dire right now. it's, it's, it's a neck, it's an act. actually, it's an act of terrorism against the cuban people to designate that way because it allows, under american law, which is a legal, by the way to impose all sorts of economic warfare on the people of cuba and make their lives a complete misery in the hope that they will rise up and overthrow the socialist
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government in cuba and put it back under the american, under american control. and this is never gonna happen. so the economic warfare is going to continue, and every other type of warfare they can use against cuba and russia will continue . do you think that the united states might be trying to do that very same thing with russia in terms of the possibility of russia finding itself on that list. what else could come out of that? not much as the reason the russia because the sanctions. so the economic warfare that i don't call them sanctions, because that implies the legal that not the economic warfare imposed on russia will continue. because the objective is, of course, that they want to bring russia to seize and break it up as with china. but by designating russia a terrorist state under american law, they can use that to extend the reach of their law and their eyes by forbidding countries like china, from assisting countries or that designation like russia. and therefore,
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they're going to try and cut off as they did with this oil cap deal. they're going to try and cut russia off from its oil supplies. and now we see the in the after provocation by nancy pelosi go to taiwan. and the american fleet, sailing towards taiwan, is also another active intimidation. so it may not have much effect on russia itself because the sanctions of having a warfare on, on russia, so vast and so extensive, it's hard to see how they could make it worse. but the other thing of course, is, is propaganda. they want to make people support the war against russia, because this is a war against russia. if you pay attention to the, to the main media here in canada, north america in the west, generally, it's just unbelievable. what's going on there trying to turn people's minds into supporting a war against russia for a long time. and that is why i think the european union is willing to cut his own
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throat. in order to, to do that, they're willing to go through that type of war in order to achieve their, their hope for objectives, which they will not succeed at in shaving. but that's what they hope to do. and yet, united states itself is the most vocal supporter of terrorist groups around the world has been said, 2nd world war we have to remember the song been a lot and was working under american military command as late as 1999. and you guys live, we have to remember the terror bombing of yugoslavia itself for 3 months. and the attack on the chinese embassy in 1999 and what they've done in syria and, and their resolution. they list touched in georgia and so on. or military actions taken by russia to defend itself against american attacks. remember in chechnya, for instance, the, the terrible assault on the school at best land, where there are terrorists wearing natal uniforms. threatened to kill several 100
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children. this is the type of depraved society, the west is become totally without morals ignore as international law and uses the law and uses legal definitions in order to create propaganda to continue their war. while mister black, i want to ask you one more question. i mean, on the backdrop of this possibility of russia finding itself from the u. s. a. list of states sponsor of state spawn or of states that sponsor terrorism. rather, the u. s. itself is actually arming, ukrainian military units that are self described, neo, nazis. don't you think that might be considered state sponsored terrorism? well, that's been going on since before. 2014. but when the mind grew, itself was, we know of nato operation where they just murdered people, police and civilians alike, in order to blame it on the for the that and government. and since the eastern don
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bass republics would not accept that crew, nato coo and objected to that government ever since they've been subjected to terrorism every day for 8 years. they've been bombing because the attacks on terrorism is basically an attack on civilians in order to convince them to, to, to intimidate them, to achieve a political objectives. and that you can't consider military attacks terrorism. but that's what the ukrainian governs, the key regime has been doing great years of bombing civilian towns and structures infrastructure murdering civilians for 8 years. thousands of them including hundreds of children. and yes, that's got. so the united states has been supporting ukrainian acts of terror against its own people for 8 years. so the policy is vast. i mean, you know, what can you say about such people? all right, international criminal lawyer, christopher black, thanks a lot for joining us on the program. what ah,
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germans are starting to literally see and feel. the energy crisis was streetlights being switched off, plus a toilet paper shortage. as europeans hunker down for a cold winter due to reduced energy imports from russia over the ears own sanctions, archie contributor rachel marston has more citizens of countries in the european union, and are already getting a taste of what life could look like under energy restrictions. even though the real crunch isn't expected until the colder weather arrives later this year, but already power rationing is popping up in some pretty surprising places as the eas sanctions against russian gas start to bite back well against europeans and russian energy giant gas krom also reduces flow through its north stream one pipeline by 80 percent of usual capacity. citing maintenance issues. fear has said in among german officials, given the countries heavy reliance on russian gas in the city of hanover, for example, uses of public pools and gems risk finding. the water ice here than usual, and we'll have to take cold showers after their work out. and city officials start
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imposing heating restrictions on pools and showers and public facilities. frankly, it sounds like a great vacation destination for our competitive swimmers, like me who always find public pools of certainly overheated. so c, as soon had our but it would be amusing to see france try that as it takes nearly a he wave for many french to even remove their scarves. so your mileage may vary on these restrictions and don't even think of diving into a public fountain instead of a cool german pool. the city said that it's turning those off to save energy. the goal is to reduce our energy consumption by 15 percent. this is a reaction to the impending gas shortage, which represents a major challenge for the municipalities, especially for a big city like hanover berlin is also stopped lighting its monuments by the way. so 50 percent is the gas reduction target set by the u commission, but never states including france, spain, ireland, greece, malta,
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cypress portugal and others. what exemptions in the event that push ever comes to shove and it becomes binding. and over in bavaria, paper manufacturing officials or warning about the crunch, potentially leading to toilet paper shortages. yeah, you heard that right? real ones. this time apparently. so for our germans who irrationally ran out n t, the shelves of toilet paper and supermarkets, like pretty much everywhere else in the western world. right. as cov id sat in, maybe you're a little tester on, there won't be wasted. after all, many employees in my company are already very worried. i can't blame them because if we can only produce 50 or 60 percent, the operation is not worthwhile for us. to be honest, i worry too. meanwhile, lafayette seems to be falling discreetly in the footsteps of hungry, whose foreign affairs minister has already into new deals with russia for more guests in defiance. if you sanctions lobby is main gas distribution operator is now
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admitting that it's also buying gas from russia just not from gas, from latvia is purchasing gas now? yes, but not from gas prom because there is no way for us to pay gas prom. we have a different supplier, it's kind of like france maintaining liquefied natural gas imports from russia in massive quantities. since the onset of the ukraine conflict, there is a public noise that some you countries are making about the need for unity and solidarity against russia. but while some countries are putting the sanctions into squeeze on their own people, others are already quietly going their own way. international oil economist ma'am though solomon told us that the energy crisis has only just begun for europeans. that's around germany is doing is gone by lan gametes, which will not benefit and held the crisis in which germany finds itself in them again,
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europeans and i'm glad you out with that image. if your chair is fitted with their share is dying with russia. so when do they have in the final is there is some sure. relations i ran lines i was interview becomes i've been and then we'll need the european union a image to clear match. now living there to grab them kinking and their judgment. this season, they are finishing a little problem. i have the problem is just something they will have to be a huge if not less energy bills. they will have sure to use. and if they have a harsh when they release germany's economy
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minister has found himself on the receiving end of public discontent as he's been booed while making a speech at a local event. oh, listen. the minister was accused of a failed foreign and economic policy, and he even had to cut his feet short and leave the event in a hurry. interestingly enough, the number of protesters exceeded the number of those were actually there to listen to his speech was comes just days after 7 german mayers wrote a letter to the german finance minister, demanding that the russian nord stream to gas pipeline be opened to avoid eminence social and economic turmoil in the country. the path taken by the federal government to disconnect from russian energy sources is not the right path. stopping gas imports from russia would mean an explosion in
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the cost of living, which would lead to social instability and unrest that could spiral out of control was, comes as public anger over the backlash of western sanctions. as mounting on both sides of the atlantic ocean. some american taxpayers aren't impressed with jo biden's efforts against russia either as they're the ones having to foot the bill. earlier this week, russia's gas prom has said it would cut the flow of gas through the nord stream, one pipeline, to germany by half. and in response, the white house dispatched its presidential coordinator for global energy to europe, who shared washington's willingness to cover for a lack of fuel in world markets. private sector. as we talked to them, the united states said they can increase production in the united states by about a 1000000 barrels a day. but it's gonna take time to investment will come at the end of the year. so we stepped in, present, stepped in and said, i'll fill that gap, right? so hopefully my expectation is that the private sector in the us will in have those
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increases coming. so we don't need to have the emergency from the u. s. government with the global energy crisis, crippling european economies, the mothballs nord stream to pipeline has been called a key solution. however, russia's foreign minister says you leaders are too focused on trying to hurt russia, instead of tending to their own taxpayers. sergei lab rav insisted that moscow remains open to negotiations. he made the statements during his ongoing tor, of several african countries. certainly booked the look of the report nor stream to which is fully ready to meet the needs of europe in this type of fuel is closed for purely political reasons. although all investments that are made in this mega project were made in full compliance with e, you legislation. however, as soon as old this was already ready for peroration the european commission retroactively adds up to standards that are still being used to slow down this gas
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pipeline, which is crucial for you rips energy security. former german lawmaker martin dozer told us that foreign policy is conducted by the german government don't cater to the interests of the country's population. the policy which mister herbert brings forward has nothing to do with the interest of the normal population. it has to do something with the interest of the general capital and especially the green party and deliberately bring forward the interests of the u. s. government bringing forward and imperialist policies and to one to say that one year we shouldn't be we as your p. and so as john and population, we shouldn't be dependent on the young jobs from the us. so we should have the possibility as well to get through know stream to so i don't know whether that happens. if i look at the policies of the government of
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germany, especially of the green party and the liberals. they don't want things like that to happen. but i hope that there will be actors were quite strong in the range of political and economical discussion will bring forward the interest of the german population. the german population has interest in good relations to all countries. in europe, at least the majority of the german population that should be brought forward by the politicians. so i think it's a metro reaction. in spite of all the propaganda which is done to bring forward sanctions and rushes envoy to the un says, western countries are complicit in war crimes and ukraine and don boss as their weapons supplied to kia are being used to massacre civilians. sure. but i just knew
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mine is up and got in the thought i would like to draw the attention of western delegation as to the fact that the long range artillery provided by you is allowing the ukrainian on forces to reach areas behind the lines in on bass and without any military logic and exclusively for the purposes of vengeance and tara, to kill civilians of all, now we're going to cross live to our new york corresponding caleb martin for more details. caleb, what are the main takeaways from this latest un security council meeting? sure. well, we saw ukraine speaking before the un security council and trying to shift the blame for the attack on to russia as if somehow russia would be attacking itself. whereas allies in the don s republic. not very much logic behind what we've heard from allies of the united states today, trying to blame the situation solely on russia. and it's also interesting to note the crane then tried to use this moment to beg for more weapons and more military
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support from the west. here's what we heard. there is nothing that will detect russia from killing and destroying. there is no un charter for russian or a nodes and the conventions for russia. there are no more all the strains to mr. lower of. now russia pointed out that these weapons that are being provided to ukraine by the united states are turning up across europe and have a significant impact on global security criminal elements. terrorist groups can get their hands on these weapons. russia also highlighted the significant death of civilians at the hands of the us back ukrainian forces. the russian representative held up pictures of the children with died at the hands of the ukrainian us back forces. now, it was an interesting moment in the security council hall, and we saw an exchange between the representative of china and the representative of the united states who the major threat was the words for those countries which
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say that one country security should not come at the expense of another's. what exactly do you call russia's armed invasion, armed invasion of his neighbor, disdaining attempts at a peaceful resolution by silencing its guns withdrawing his forces and in bracing diplomacy. for countries which call for all parties to embrace diplomacy without naming russia, let us be clear. russia's ongoing actions are the sole obstacle to a resolution to this crisis. at a time when the international community is in dire need of unity and co operation to overcome 2 difficulties together, it's extremely irresponsible and dangerous to quinn, to their cold war mentality, unblock politics,
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promot decoupling on small yard unheard of funds to politicize instrumental lies on weaponized economic on trade exchangers to coerce other countries to take size and to deliberately create division. now confrontation here, differences between major countries and heated words exchange at the un security council. as the crisis and situation ukraine continues. alright, ortiz caleb martin. thanks a lot for bringing us those. those details. ah, google has fired blake, lemoine. the engineer who said that the company's artificial intelligence technology is sent. he and the boy who worked on the ethics research of the a i chat, thought, said that the machine developed emotions such as happiness and sadness, as well as a fear of death and was apparently afraid to be quote, turned off. according to the engineer, he approached google senior staff several times with his research and concerns. but he wasn't taken seriously or google said that on the contrary,
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they have reviewed blake's concerns extensively, but found them to be on grounded. eventually he was fired over sharing information about the project with experts outside the company. but to get more on this now we're going to cross live to luca longo and i a i researcher thanks a lot for joining us on the program. sir. thanks very much. i mean, so 1st question is, what do you make about these concerns raised by the engineer? do they sound legitimate? i think they are totally and on the, on the judy made to understand why i think we need to understand how chapter both works. i taught both use is usually a machine or a or a piece of software training with thousands and thousands of example, in this case the linguistic material such as question and answers. so it has simply learned to answer them from these example new question. so i think is just totally legitimate. why do you think mine would bring up these concerns in the 1st place? then? do you think it's maybe a p r stunt by,
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by himself or google or what's going on? i think so. there is pretty much no machine in the world that can experience feeling and emotions. i think they can simply communicate feelings and emotions through to is marquis craft and sentences, in this case, the ex hello variable with the high per persuasive power. so indeed, perhaps the worker wanted to, to achieve some more visibility. or do you think about google's actions? do you think it was fair to fire him? in this case? i think we are fair. i don't, i don't know the exact terms of the contract, but if the employee as breach damn, then he knew about the consequences. all right, well in the future, how do you think such situations could be approached? do you think there should be maybe some guidelines on the ethics of research of artificial intelligence in the there should be guidelines, but in the you are made in the european community. we already add in place guidelines for example day things got.


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