tv News RT July 29, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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we get, we can drill for oil. oh, for some reason our government thinks that we should be using our own oil, which is crazy. ah, moscow blames kept troops for the shelling of a detention facility in the don. yes, people's republic in which 53 ukranian prisoners of war died. we are in the front line in done. it's airport, along with the commander legendary marshall battalion and archie cru, joyce, tanya fighters targeting ukrainian troops who have long been selling civilians in the republic. here we go again, the u. s. government has filed charges against a russian national, accusing type of interfering in american elections and spreading pro russian narratives. us energy rationing measures kick in across germany as the use of the
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economy seeks to lead by example, with european gearing up for a cold winter due to the repercussion of their own sanctions against russia. ah, good morning for moscow and wherever you may be, watching us. thank you for joining the program. i'm fiorella is about what this hour's top news stories ukrainian prisoners of war have been killed and 75 are wounded in the shelling of a pre trial detention facility in the people's republic. a warning the following images are graphic and could be disturbing. moscow has accused have troops of intentionally targeting the site using american supplied high marsh rocket launchers. thank he has a tap, was aimed at intimidating. any ukranian troop who may want to lay down their arms here. meanwhile, claims russian for this is targeted the prison. so moscow could accuse ukraine of
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war crimes and hide quote, the torture of prisoners of war. those wounded in the it's half were taken to a dying as city hospital where some have already undergone surgery. one fighter from ukraine, notorious as of battalion who is undergoing treatment there right now. shared details of the attack with us with approximately midnight a shell hid the place where we were. it all happened very fast. the 1st strike was literally next to us. and the 2nd was right were relieved. the bless was so strong and powerful. everything caught fire. we started to get out. i started to get out. i felt a severe pain in my stomach and fell to the ground waiting for whatever would happen next to everyone if it was possible for them started to leave with those who were able to help helping others. i was unable to. i was locked in pain. i was just
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trying to get out earlier, my colleague donald quarter, interviewed canadian journalists, eva bartlett, who was also at the scene of friday's attack. this is clearly an intentional strike on this facility. and it's notable by the way, i went to the a hospital that was treating some of the injured after going to this prison. and although we weren't able to go inside to see the prisoners, they were in critical condition. a doctor did come out and give a statement and he said that the prisoners are in critical condition and they are undergoing surgeries, they're being given the medicine and the care that they need. and now i just want to point out the irony that russia is giving ukrainian presents, of, or medical treatment, no matter. you know, in spite of the fact that these are the enemy combatants. and it is ukraine that is caused, that is inflicted there of potentially mortal injuries on them. here's a perfect example of an out war crime committed by ukraine with western weaponry.
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and it is russia that is mopping up the mass. how do you think this incident is going to affect the morale among ukrainian troops currently in combat? well, i mean, we seen many videos being shared on social media and telegram, etc, of ukrainian troops saying like we don't have support from you know, our commanders were being or in some cases were being fired upon by our own. our army were being deserted, were being sent out to front lines who are not equipped to fight our being sent to our death. so i, i would say their morale was probably already quite low. but i mean, this is just the next blow. i mean, they, even, they were again, ironically in safe hands in russian. ah, imprisonment because they were being kept safe. they were being fed, et cetera. but nonetheless, they were targeted by their own government to mean it's, it's, it's, i can't imagine they could have any morale at this point. we've seen similar things in syria. we, we had in syria on the terrorist whether they were al qaeda,
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free syrian army, isis, et cetera, intimidating civilians from it wouldn't be the same as surrendering, but from crossing from terrorist held areas into searing government areas are intimidating down by threats that the government would rape or execute them. so we, and we've seen the same kind of strategies that have played out in syria, are being played out in ukraine. meanwhile, fighting continues on the front line where ukrainian forces are continuing to show don yes, city from the neighboring city of, of anton off got artes, romano, closer of joins a don. yes, peoples republic unit, called sparta, that has been countering care forces for the last 8 years. we are in the front line and done, it's airport, along with the commander of the legendary sparse a battalion. how job yoga, and right now he's going to show us the positions of the ukranian army, which are
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a mere kilometer away from where we are at the moment, not to start a new birth, even. you can the enemies on the other side. they have concentrated their large forces, cold up their reserves, and are showing municipal buildings, schools, kindergarten. so ordinary city buildings, they're hidden, the infrastructure of the city. where now at the front line where you can hear the shelling, but it's not aimed at us. they are not interested in us. they are shelling civilians . mm mm. with currently heading up to one of the hubs or ration points here at the desk airport from where we should get a very clear view of what's going on on the other side. the standoff between the
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next people's republic army and the ukranian nationalists forces have been going on here at the nearest airport. for the last 8 years, ukraine has fortified his military positions which are at the moment a mere kilometer away, can see the smoke arising. and this is the result of artillery all for the ness people's republic who are counting ukrainian positions on a daily basis. however, as i understand ukraine have cemented themselves on those positions and continue striking peaceful civilians of done ask young please to proceed with those with the neo nazis. a simply trying to destroy civilian and foster using western nice a weapons. she more so they are showing the infrastructure we're trying to beat us, put pressure on us love. bless, trying to kill the soldiers. more trying to kill civilians. ukrainian army is a shedding the city of dennis from of dave god and from
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a pesky gun ask is just the kilometer away to my right. and right here in the middle is the dentist concern national airport, which shows back in 2010 costs about a $1000000000.00 to build right now. it lies in ruins and it remains one of the main positions from, with the legendary sparta battalion are defending their citizens. for one call for f r t, don't ask people's republic. the u. s. government has fall charges against a russian national, accusing him of interfering and american elections, and spreading pro russian narratives according to the department of justice. alexander e. enough utilize the number of political groups for the operation even of allegedly orchestrated appraising influence campaign, turning us political groups and us citizens into instruments of the russian government. the department of justice will not allow russia to unlawfully so division and spread misinformation inside the united states. for marlis cross lived
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art is kayla my mom and kayla. what do we know about e in oven wise? the u. s. government so concerned? well, alexander is the leader of an n g o called the anti globalization movement. and today the u. s. department of justice and the u. s. attorneys in florida indicted him for allegedly, conspiring to meddle in us politics, to encourage americans to distrust the government that interfere in us election. it's satera and they leveled these allegations against them. he's based in moscow and they essentially are accusing him of these crime. he is indicted now, at the same time that these indictment came down, there were rapes against various political groups in the united states that the u. s. department of justice alleges are linked to 2 and his alleged foreign
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meddling. and in response to that, we have seen quite a bit of outcry and now we understand that one of the groups that was targeted was the you who house, which is the headquarters of the african peoples socialist party, which is a black nationalist and socialist organization that has been operating in the united states over the past few decades. the long time leader of that organization . oh molly, yes. italy and his wife were taken out of the headquarters at gunpoint and hancock . we understand there was the uses and flashbanc as well as drones that were used in the way it was quite an intense display, enforced by us law enforcement against this political group. and the leaders of this political group say, this is rooted in the failure of the us government and the u. s. system. not any crime there alleged to participate in. this is what we heard from representatives of the who removed but when i think that this expose is the crisis that the us us
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imperialism event. because the u. s. and other world colonial powers have been collaborating against russia for well, early in the early 1900. and this is a consequence right now, we're 2022 that we see the same attack against russia. and right now there's this war on you. what you crane that's offensive war and ukraine, the russia is actually waging against world colonial power, not ukraine, of a single entity, but the u. s. and all colonial power will have an interest and colonialism dominating african people right here in this country and around the world in extracting resources from the majority of people on the planet that system the current system in severe crisis. and they cannot rule in the same way. now there is a long history of black activists in the united states being accused of working for russia. dr. martin luther king junior, was alleged to communist and a soviet agent similar allegations were thrown at. malcolm acts and other black leaders, the black, panthers and others. now this organization,
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the who movement makes the point of saying that they did not accept any money from the russian government. however, they are not opposed to receiving financial support from individuals who wants to battle against what they call the colonial powers that dominate the world. and they, you the black nation within the united states as struggling against. now, at this point, we're seeing this indictment against yon up. and the indictment essentially says that he could serve up to 5 years in prison for allegedly conspiring to utilize american political organization in some kind of malign influence operation. that is, what is the ledge? the indictment names, re political organization in the united states as an indicted co conspirator. that does not name the organization. their names are redacted from the report, but it is understood that one of them is the you who remove the headquarters was rated to day and a brutal display of forest by american law enforcement are to kill him up and thank you. on america and russia's top diplomats have had their 1st phone
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call since the start of russia operation and ukraine. aside from the conflict in ukraine survey lab robin anthony blink and discuss the green export deal in a potential prisoner exchange. lincoln said he pressed the kremlin to accept the substantial proposal for the release of 2 american citizens currently held in russia. although moscow has not confirm receiving any specific proposals. meanwhile, lab ralph has said he urged us to return to professional dialogue in the form of quote, quiet diplomacy. he stressed that western arms deliveries to the ukrainian army will only prolong the conflict and will lead to further human suffering. the less cross live now to our been for a vice chair of the libertarian national committee. welcome arvin. me on. thank you . what do you think of the timing of this proposal to exchange prisoners with relations between russia and the u. s. being so tense?
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i think this is reflecting both a set of foreign policy tensions, but actually also. ready a very intense domestic policy issue right now. the biden administration is getting a lot of heat from people who are basically saying you're, if you're working so hard to get an american athlete freed from a russian prison for possessing drugs. why would you do the same here? at home, why would you pardon all non violent drug offenders here at home and encourage other other governors, especially democratic governors to do so. so that is, is increasing that, that rhetoric in the united states is increasing. it's getting more and more fired up, and they're desperate to do something less they'd be seen as, as a hypocrite and the way that they're acting. so we're seeing both the escalating domestic pensions and escalating foreign pension that are kind of forcing some of these for lack of better word kind of have baked attempts to negotiation survey
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lever. i've also asked anthony blinking to return to professional dialogue in the form of quiet diplomacy. do you think washington is capable of doing that? theoretically, yes, i don't think it's very likely. again, given the tensions that are both abroad and the tensions that are internal. if you're, if you're a nation that has locked up, you know, hundreds of thousands of people for drug possession. it, it makes you look a little like, increasingly ridiculous when you try to free somebody from other countries and locked up for drug possession. so if the idea is that the united states wants to do this quickly before the calls for domestic release, of all domestic non violent drug users or drug possessors before dat, rhetoric keeps up too much before that pressure gets too high. they want to address it. now right away in a rush, and that's why we're seeing some of these more kind of aggressive, you know, even even, arguably, unprofessional tactics. it's literally a response to
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a perceived and a very real sense that the domestic pressure to release all non violent drug offenders will get so high that it will make them look sort of internationally ridiculous. there's been a suggestion that the reason behind the prisoner swap is political, that biden's ratings are now so low that he needs a basketball player release to score points at home. is there any truth in this you think? i think, i think there's a certain level of truth in that, but i really think it comes down to the idea that if biden is going to get the negotiate for the release of a, somebody's possessing drugs, a foreign country, he should also be argued for the release of anybody who possesses drugs in the united states, and in order for that not to catch on, he's under pressure to act very, very fast. and absolutely, if you get from the relief from somebody who's who the famous athlete is politically popular, definitely release that, of course, going to give him
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a sense of momentum. but again, on the other side, in addition to wanting that momentum, there is the fear that from so many people on the left independence, libertarians who already are highly suspicious of the war on drugs itself. that if that pressure goes too high, we could see as plumb is, is rating already. low plumber down to single digits. i think that's what they're worried about. yeah, and it's also the 1st conversation between america and russia top diplomats since the start of the ukraine operation. can we see this as a positive sign, or is this just an effort from bite into, as you said, like, try to so has problems at home? hawking is generally better than not talking. so you know, it might be seen as a positive sign. i would say it best, it's very, very, very, very slightly positive. i think that what you're seeing is an administration acting out of desperation. biden, by the way, himself is one of the architects of the war on drugs you know, many decades ago. so one of the architects of the drugs and the vice president
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harris was also a prosecutor known for locking a many non boundary users. so it's something that if it's a vulnerability that they have on their left flank, and if that becomes a focal point, and bite and then loses the left, there's not really anybody. let me have also the right. he's lost independence. if you move the left, there won't be support left at all. and so i think that is where we're getting some of these kind of panicked, unprofessional, half baked negotiations, arvin laura, vice chair of the libertarian national committee. thank you. they throw me on awe. gas flow through nord stream wine is yet to return to a full capacity as canada has failed to supply a long awaited turbine needed for the pipeline to function stabilize. that's according to gas from deputy chairman who says the initial contract provision is being violated despite the company's best efforts to clear, clear the situation up. we're actually gonna put you through. we expected to get
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the turbine pack has to repairs in may, but the engine is so far not being returned to russia. so use the anti russian sanctions. it was sent to germany not to russia without cause problems consent, which does not comply with the terms of the contract. we. we have repeatedly applied to the russian representative office of siemens sent them 10 lessons, asking them what is going on. seamans are so far fixed no more than a quarter of the identify problems with the turbine. we have not received construct to proposals to restore the reliability of these engines. in accordance with the legislation of the russian federation. gas from stuffy to cher also says that 3 other engines that suffered faults and may and june still need to be repaired by seamans, putting the pipeline in a state of force downtime. siemens has declined to respond to gas prompts comments . instead, referring to a previous statement that claimed it has no access to the turbines on site, and had not received any damage reports from gas from meanwhile, the uncertainty continues to affect the normal functioning of the pipeline,
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its output to your, of being significantly reduced. germans are starting to literally see and feel the energy crisis, but streetlights being switched off along with the toilet paper shortage. as europeans hunker down for a cold winter due to reduced energy imports from russia over the use own sanctions . artie contributor rachel marston has more citizens of countries in the european union and are already getting a taste of what life could look like under energy restrictions, even though the real crunch isn't expected until the colder weather arrives later this year. but all ready, power rationing is popping up in some pretty surprising places as the eas sanctions against russian gas start to bite back well against europeans and russian energy. giant gas chrome also reduces flow through its north stream one pipeline by 80 percent of usual capacity. citing maintenance issues, fear has said in among german officials, given the country's heavy reliance on russian gas in the city of hanover,
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for example, users of public pools and gems risk finding. the water ice here than usual. and we'll have to take cold showers after their work out. as city officials start imposing heating restrictions on pools and showers and public facilities. frankly, it sounds like a great vacation destination for a competitive swimmers like me who always find public pools absurdly overheated. so c, as soon had our but it would be amusing to see france try that as it takes nearly a he wave for many french to even remove their scarves. so your mileage may vary on these restrictions and don't even think of diving into a public fountain instead of a cool german pool. the city said that it's turning those off to save energy. the goal is to reduce our energy consumption by 15 percent. this is a reaction to the impending gas shortage, which represents a major challenge for the municipalities, especially for a big city like hanover berlin is also stopped lighting its monuments by the way.
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so 15 percent is the gas reduction target set by the u commission, but never states including france, spain, ireland, greece, malta, cypress portugal and others. what exemptions in the event that push ever comes to shove and it becomes binding. and over in bavaria, paper manufacturing officials or warning about the crunch, potentially leading to toilet paper shortages. yeah, you heard that right? real ones. this time apparently. so for our germans who irrationally ran out and t, the shelves, a toilet paper and supermarkets like pretty much everywhere else in the western world. right. as cov id sat in, maybe your little tester on there won't be wasted out for all. many employees in my company are already very worried. i can't blame them because if we can only produce 50 or 60 percent, the operation is not worthwhile for us. to be honest, i worry too. meanwhile, lafayette seems to be falling discreetly in the footsteps of hungry,
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whose foreign affairs minister has already into new deals with russia for more guests in defiance. if you sanctions, lobbyist, main gas distribution operator is now admitting that it's also buying gas from russia just not from gas from latvia is purchasing gas now. yes. but not from gas prom because there is no way for us to pay gas prom. we have a different supplier, it's kind of like france maintaining liquefied natural gas imports from russia in massive quantities. since the onset of the ukraine conflict, there is a public noise that some you countries are making about the need for unity and solidarity against russia. but while some countries are putting the sanctions into squeeze on their own people, others are already quietly going their own way. international oil economist ma'am, do solomon told us the energy crisis has only just begun for europeans? whether well germany is doing is gone by land gates, which will not benefit,
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i mean classes in which germany finds it. so. and then, you know, that is a future it, russia is done with russia. so when do they have in the fight? what are you some sure relation? i read lines are going to write. it becomes i'm out for and then we need a, a is. so let's, let's do that and then king king and the judge human. this is on the, i'm finishing problem. i have them. yes. thing, they will have a plan,
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this is they will have sure to use and if they have a harsh winter room please, google is filled with axia agents who maintain connections with the white house that's according to a probe by met press investigative website. silicon valley giant has recently hired dozens of professionals from the central intelligence agency in recent years. moreover, an inordinate number of these recruits work in highly, politically sensitive fields, wielding considerable control over how its products work and what the world sees on its screens and its search results. examples given by the website include jacqueline la floor who worked for the cia for more than 10 years, joined google and 2017. and now works as a senior manager at intel collection trust and safety. another nick rosman worked at the ca for more than 5 years, but as our senior manager at google and it's trust and safety division elsewhere.
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michelle to borrow ski, worked at the c i for 12 years and is now an intelligence analyst at youtube. google has previously been accused of cooperating with the cia and u. s. military operations in afghanistan. any doc, it was accused of selling an enhanced version of google earth to the us government . google isn't the 1st i t company to hire numerous former american secret service officers. previously, the mit press website published an investigation according to which micro blogging service, twitter hired, quote, dozens of individuals from the national security state to work in the fields of security. trust, safety and content and knowledge cross live to dr. michael rectinwald's, former new york university professor, an author of google archipelago. what is your take on cia agents working in the social media field, given that the fact that the c, i a has been known for planting, fake news about washington's enemies. a k operation might get mockingbird and such
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yes it's, it's an indication that the, the, the google is really a state apparatus that they've always been a state apparatus that they're working for the government and that they are certainly not neutral with reference to u. s. foreign policy, but also domestic policy as is made clear by the fact that a lot of these former cia executives are now. and 2nd, it's of google and they're handling such issues as paid speech and extra violent extremism. and such matters like this, which is really political at base in the u. s. this has to do with targeting, particularly those segments of the population that are dissident from the democratic controlled state. and so, yeah, this is not unusual in the sense that google has been involved with the cia,
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the n s a and the f b i for some time. it is very likely that these former agents are making calls on what content should or shouldn't be allowed on google searches and on platforms like youtube. what is the end goal of this, in your opinion? and you know, google owns youtube as well. so we see this happening all the time. while the en game is control of all information google dominates by a long shot, all the search engines of the searches that go on on the internet. if the most dominant search engine. it accounts for over 8085 percent of all searches that are done on the internet. and likewise, this is information control and information curation, such that they determine not only what the, what appears on their search engine results, but in what order and, and,
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and in terms of what gets blacklisted entirely, that doesn't come up at all. that is on, on findable through their engine. but it's not really surprising in the sense that google start up fund funding came from in q tell, which was a private, it's just a private venture capital investment firm fund funded by the ca. that's where they got their start up capital. they've had these kind of connections with the military intelligence community. since the very inception can, having the so called private company filled with the agents mean that the c a is trying to cover up for its human rights violations. and other secrets, in other words, how private are these companies if they're appealing to a government intelligence apparatus itself? that's a great question. i think that to answer the 2nd question 1st they are no, they should not be considered strictly private companies. these are state apparatus,
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they are not strictly speaking private entities, and it certainly does speak to the possibility and the very strong likelihood that that google is covering up for us atrocities across the world. and that is curating and selecting news based on what they, what the state, what the u. s. government wants people to know and certainly blacklisting or utterly excluding what they don't want people to know. so this is a serious information control mechanism. and it has a great deal to do with following after the u. s. foreign policy and u. s. domestic that domestic policy as well. dr. michael rectinwald's, former new york university professor and author of google archipelago. thank you. thank you.
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