tv News RT August 2, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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a, with our top headlines right now at our t international, china warns it will take all necessary measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity. of course, this comes right after the us house speaker, nancy pelosi touched down. anti one visit triggering increased attention to say the least between china and the united states in response to the visit. now china is had to hold enormous military drills right around tie one today and in the, in the coming days as well. it says it will launch missile strikes off the seal. in practice, one might hope. just east of the island. beijing had already been boosting its
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activity near the self rule territory. ty, ones islands are said to have all been put on the full combat. a look. this is just politicians going around here. the people of taiwan itself, a pretty anxious over nancy pelosi visit that members of the public told us the u. s. is just trying to spread its power and and with to lucy, touch china's bottom line. she touched the red line, so both the u. s. and china had to take actions accordingly. they just used high one to get their attention for domestic market philosophies visit will add tensions across the taiwan straits. i really hope the americans won't come around to mess things up so that we can live a peaceful life with moments of to 8 pm here in the russian capital. this is our t international. it's so good to have you with us tonight because we continue our special rolling coverage. i'm sure you know the story of the us house speaker.
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nancy pelosi finally landed in taiwan about about 2 hours or so ago is now about 1 in the morning. the now of course, pelosi touches down despite a huge amount of threats from china. china will definitely take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguarded sovereignty and territorial integrity in response to the u. s. speaker's visit. all the consequences arising there from must be borne by the us side and the tie want independence, separatist forces said, bringing some picture for you right now. that's it right there. the song shot appleton taipei and nancy pelosi on both that plan. that's her plane landing there . the a flight trucking website flight rate off of the number of people following her jet reached. can you believe this 700000 people? happy as a record figure for that flight tracking service. wearing a face masika, the u. s. how speak. i stepped off the plane at around $1050.00 p. m local time. of course. first things 1st go to pose for a picture with a group of taiwanese officials. and she said her visit is evidence of the u. s.
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commitment to support taiwanese democracy. policy has become the highest ranking american official to visit the self, rhode island in 25 years. now in response to her visit, china is set to hold a series of military drills around ty, one sang, it'll conduct a non nuclear missile launches from the see east of the island territory according to various military sources that includes the use of weapons and coordination between warships and fighter aircraft i want salanza said to we put on full combat . a lot of his, some unverified footage of exercise is supposedly taking place in china as a fujian province, a just across the taiwan strait. mm .
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with a rachel blevins had joining us here for the studio again. thanks for coming back in again. i know you've been covering this story just pretty much incessantly. rituals are really good to have your input on. this is just off to watch us off the 1 in the morning. now in taipei close, he's finally touched down there. you know, even an, even in the face of all of this rhetoric from china. hello, she apparently had to make a visit. what are your expectations now that she's here? you know, she released that statement right after she touched down and which she claim that she was there to support. she referred to as taiwan, the vibrant democracy. she also went as far as to say that she does not believe that she is in violation of the one china policy, which is absolutely not how beijing sees it is not what they have worn again and
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again, when it came to the lead up to this proposed visit now as far as her itinerary for while she's there, there are a lot of questions about what it's going to look like because her team did not initially say that this was the plan, right? they gave her list of places that she was going to visit in asia, and taiwan was not on that list. so there are some questions about who she's going to talk to when it comes to officials. and of course, what she's going to say while she's there, given the fact that we know how these tensions increasing between the us and china all around exactly where pelosi is right now. now it was also notable that she talked about democracy there because it makes you wonder how do the people of taiwan see this visit. and what we've heard is from people on the ground there who said they are concerned about the long term impacts of policies, visit that will play out and impacted them long after she has returned to the united states. take listen to what was said. it's all about mercury interest. they use taiwan,
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they use that your political mom measure to to benefit them. so they only care about how the government can be holding the powers it is in their inland states. okay, so they just used high one to get our attention for domestic market from gordon pelosi touched china's bottom line. she touch the red line. so both the u. s . and china have to take actions accordingly. don't only pelosi will benefit from the elusive visit. that's all. mm hm. hello seas visit will add tensions across the taiwan strait, which has no benefit at all for the taiwan people. i really hope the americans won't come around to mess things up so that we can live a peaceful life. well, rachel, she was just, i was just gonna say, sorry, jumping in quickly this, you know, the talking politics talking about taiwanese democracy. yeah. taiwanese democracy. and yeah, you hear some of the comments from the locals that are saying they're really
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concerned because this is, it's flaring an awful lot of tensions between the 2 biggest players on the well blog these days. yeah, it is curious as the kind of rhetoric because that's coming out of policies mouth these there's a how was the how speaker actually, but really justify. well, you know, we haven't heard much from her in terms of what she believes as the justification for this visit. even with that statement that she released just a couple of hours ago. but in all of this, it's also been notable to see how the white house has responded to this. right. you've got president biden, who am self has admitted that the u. s. military did not think this trip was a good idea that they were concerned about the ways in which it would increase tensions between the us and china, exactly as we have seen. and then at the same time, you also had the secretary of state lincoln who spoke out and said that the decision was entirely up to nancy pelosi herself. and you think about all of the possible ramifications that could come out of this between the world's 2 largest economies. and yet you have the white house sitting there saying it is the speaker
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of the house who was allowed to make this decision. and to do something that would lead to the current tensions that we're seeing. and yet when we've looked back at the statements that nancy pelosi, it's me and she's kind of shrugged it off and down, played the situation to say the least. take a listen to what she said earlier. the president, earlier, well, earlier in his term talked about a strong emphasis on the asian pacific. he, he has visited there. as vice president visited, the secretary of commerce and others. and we want that congress of the united states to be part of that initiative. of course, as a west coast person, we see that pacific as they're, you know, that they're their home. we're part of that as well. so you can see there, she's almost shrugging it off as if it's. 2 no big deal, she's just going to see more of the pacific ocean. and yet we look at all of the ramping of attention that we've seen between the us and china right now. and it
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makes you wonder if she truly realizes the impact of this business. well, it's interesting you had mentioned that the biden had said, well, the timing of the trip is not ideal, but i just had a guest on earlier who said, nonsense, spite and knew absolutely perfectly well the policy was going to go do this in him . he must have given her his stamp of approval let's, let's take the politicians rhetoric out of the equation for now. rachel, what's the general view in america regarding this whole thing? yeah, there seem to be more questions and answers as to why posey is embarking on a trip like this, right, with everything that's going on in the u. s. right now with the american people who have repeatedly said that they're concerned about skyrocketing gas prices, about inflation. but all of the issues they have going on at home. they're wondering why the speaker of the house is making a trip like this and why she's costing the american taxpayers millions of dollars and security in order to make this possible. and that really is reflected in some
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of the voices that we're hearing speaking out now. questioning why now, why this trip and why is this something that embark dawn? here's the latest on that. nothing good will come of it. taiwan will not be more secure or more prosperous as a result of this purely symbolic visit. and a lot of bad things could happen. these include a chinese military response that could result in the u. s. being plunged into in direct conflicts with a nuclear armed russia and a nuclear armed china at the same time. this week with the blessing, the, by the ministration, nancy pelosi decided to head to taiwan. it's all confirmed at this point, government officials and ty pay have just been notified that polosa a rival is imminent. she may be in the air right now. she's definitely coming. one source told the wall street journal, the only variable is whether she spends the night. so nancy pelosi goes to taipei. what's the effect of that? well, we don't need to guess. the chinese government has said repeatedly and clearly that if nancy pelosi lands in taiwan, it could trigger
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a global war. are you here to provoke a wool or to start a wool? what the hell are you doing here? hello c. so there continue to be a lot of concerns about what the consequences are going to be of this visit, especially with all of those warnings that we've continued to hear from beijing. so we've had a reaction out of beijing. we've heard a bit of muffled reaction out of washington dc. what about the rest of the world? it's rather quiet at the moment. we have any other international reaction to. yeah, you know, it was interesting because earlier this week when policy was in singapore, the premier, there actually said that the focus needed to be on maintaining stable relations between the united states and china. that that was something that was in all of their best interest in the region. at the same time, we've also heard from moscow a spokesperson for the kremlin, spoke out and referred to this trip as extremely provocative, noting that russia stands with china and also that moscow understands that frustration that is coming to from beijing when it comes to this visit in the fact
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that the united states has continued to carry out. so certainly a lot of moving parts here, a lot to keep an eye on, and these consequences will likely be felt long after this visit is over. it will just need a quarter past 1 in the morning tie. paid time. do you think nancy has got to her hotel or anything she's, she's deep onto the cub was now unfolded to sleep over. you know, we didn't get confirmation that she made it to the hotels, i guess all eyes are going to be on how early the next day's visit starts. and of course, how long this trip last and what we get out of it. i mean, it has already drawn global attention and that's likely not going anywhere anytime soon you think is any chance with nancy pelosi could actually get stuck there. because in the coming days i saw a picture of a map that would china basically publish. and so we're going to be doing these live fire drills on the west side of taiwan on the east side of taiwan to the north and south in the coming days. is it possible that polosa could actually get stuck that? you know, that's an excellent question at the same time, we've seen the u. s. military really focus on trying to build up some sort of buffer zone, but you're right, that is china's reason that is right in their backyard. and so if they wanted to
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make it difficult, they arguably could. now the question is going to become what they decide to do. and of course, how the united states decides to react by an administration is really going to step in and ramp up tensions even more than what they already are at right now. all right on to, to rachel blevins are joining us, have some very deep analysis on this rolling coverage. thank you very much for that . we can go further here on the program now enjoying our guest. alexander mackay, the editor of the red star radio and political analysts joining us here on our international very welcome to use up hello. see herself a said this visit as evidence of america's commitment to tie a one's quote, vibrant democracy. is that how you see it? well, i think if you think the american administration is committed to democracy, any observation of their alliance around the world with dispel last, the truth is that the american administration, the by the administration sees tie one of the pressure point that they can use against the chinese they see it as
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a potential source of instability that they can use against china. they've tried this in the past with activities and seen jang, they've tried creating instability to china by the backing of protest in hong kong . now they're making a move in taiwan knowing full well the potential consequences in beijing reaction. so this isn't about taiwanese democracy or chinese sovereignty or, and it certainly isn't about the people of taiwan. it is about the long term agenda of the government of the united states to try and prevent the rise of china about economically and politically, to a point where it could potentially challenge us to germany. and that is what this is about. this is about trying to exploit whatever pressure points they can find to exert pressure on china and to ultimately slow down the flow of certainly american and european capital into china. and to try and reverse china's economic growth. i don't think it will work, but to say it is about democracy is just simply untrue. so it's a bit of
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a bit about the p r e folks screen perhaps or, or a fairy terrell as you say, alexander. ok, so are you. so you're saying this boils down to essentially that the new economic kingpin of the world not being allowed to take his rifle place on the stage that being china, you're essentially, you're saying that america potentially won't go quietly into the night. do you think though, is there any possible positive outcome that might come from this trip? i think the only positive outcome from the actions of the, the american administration would be the taiwanese people themselves decide that it's time to end these contradictions and begin re unification. talks with the chinese, a, certainly taiwan and china. they have had a very close economic relationship over the past 4 decades, taiwanese and responsible for a lot of investments in china. and certainly the clash of systems that exist in the past is no longer a sharp and severe. so the positive thing could be from this that the taiwanese themselves decide that they will not be used by the americans. as
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a point of pressure on the chinese that they make moves towards negotiated reunification. but china, that would remove taiwan as a, as a piece on the chessboard to be played with by the declining american empire as it seeks to lash out in all directions to prevent it's slow decline. well, you mentioned that to prevent it's slow decline there. alexander, of course, are in america right now. there's a huge debate about whether or not it's in a recession. you know, the key technical analysis shows that it isn't a recession, but the political, politically based whitehouse. there's no, there's no recession here. everything is absolutely fine. let me ask you that the, the u. s. the u. s. has suffered a number of, i guess we call the reputation or setbacks in recent times from afghanistan to latin america pushing back to even saudi arabia. not conceding to us to bonds to significantly increase production is i believe that we had agreed to increase all production by 2027. so it's pelosi is visit, an attempt to show that america is still number one. it's. it's the number one
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economic kingpin. it's the number one policemen of the world. if there's some sort of posturing going on here. it's an assertion of power and attempted assertion of power the same way that the, the alleged killing of vitamins, a worry, is an assertion of an attempt to reassure us power. they think that they have scored a victory by sending pillows the type that they they, they think they pause the chinese to back down. i think they will be proven incorrect on that assumption. so the dangerous thing is that they have because they think that they score this big victory. it will encourage the most reactionary and belligerent elements within the u. s. government and the u. s. permanent bureaucracy or deep state, whatever you want to call it, to engage in further provocations over taiwan. because they think that they've scored this victory because the chinese didn't shoot hello sees plain out of the sky or something because the chinese government is not run by lunatics or the chinese will respond. they will respond in their own time. and as i said,
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the dangerous thing is now the declining empire. i think it has once on great diplomatic victory by doing this. whereas in fact, we will only see further escalation in the short on the medium term. do you think you think china is in some way? embarrassed by what's happened here? is there any egg on its face? for example g? is it possible that china has over reacted to everything we know? i think they were put in a position where they, they had to raise an objection because this was a continuation of the trump and palm peo, policy of ending essentially the constructive ambiguity that was brought in by the time when eas relations act, 979 when there was that ambiguity over the u. s. relationship with china, palm pio arbitrarily declared that that was over in the end of his term in 2021. and this is a furthering of the from policy of escalation. so the chinese government was put in a position where it had to raise a strong objection because the u. s. was essentially trampling all over previously
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established diplomatic relations. but i think that they will take that time in considering their response, but certainly hello sir, but it does nothing for people stability. and it does absolutely nothing for the people of taiwan. they are as disposable to the americans as the people, if you pray. now, if they're prepared to fight russia to the last ukranian, they will equally be willing to cite china to the last time one of these interesting comparison there. i'm exxon dora hello, sierra herself. she's certainly been in the spotlight in recent days and weeks. of course, one of the issues being our husbands, a potential financial dealings. i won't get into the allegations right now, but the biden administration's ratings have been in the tank for quite a long time. now. biden's got cove it again. and of course you've got this argument going on about a recession, that's not a recession, it's a recession in america. no, it's not a recession, it's recession then of course, mid term elections coming soon as well. is it possible? is it cynical than to see what, what policies doing right now? it is
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a possible stunt designed to divert attention away from domestic issues. well, when considering the motivations of politicians in the united states or indeed most of the western world now, always start with the assumption that they're both having as they are for the most shallow and ridiculous reasons. i'm pelosi need some good p r for the mid terms, the democrats look like they're going to lose very badly afloat. so call in taipei look, looking like you're a bold defender of democracy. looks good on your e mails to appeal to more campaign finance. don't and donors, so it's very cynical game that is being played here. it's a, it's about the mid terms. partly it's about trying to assert american power partly . and it's also about the fact that the u. s. congress is unified and it's facility towards china. now both the rights in the firm of the republicans on the left, in the fall of the democrats, on the so called socialists and the democratic party are all unified in their house, jealousy towards china. and they're pushing for a more aggressive and militant line for the amount of the amount of the american
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government towards china. so this is about the fact that also the american political culture is getting more aggressive and more belligerent across the board . as america weakens internally and as this internal weakening continues, as the recession gets worse, as the american economy gets worse as domestic problems multiply. the temptation fer cynical and opportunistic politicians like pelosi and was to carry out these kind of stunts will continue. now pelosi has gotten away with this. the republicans will probably respond in kind. i'm trying to send one of that guys out to ty, pay as well. this is only going to escalate from this point as the american internal crisis gets worse. and you make a very good point, alexander, you say it's only going to escalate to this point. let's, let's bring in an angle to that because there are certain voices that are worried that with the whole, all the talk of red lines that we could be seeing an echo of the lead up to what happened with the ukraine crisis from many, many months. and years putin talked about the red lines with ukraine,
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nato membership, but also all these nato members getting that missiles along rushes borders. it was red line, red line, red line, and washington blatantly ignored all of these red line warnings from moscow. we are getting extremely, i growed red line warnings from china, d. c. some similarities. while the similarity is that they did, the american empire cannot stop itself. they would have taken a politician of enormous skill to turn around the hostile actions of the american government. over many administrations towards russia, trump tried to turn that around and was watered by the u. s. permanent bureaucracy in deep stay and of course, the democratic party you call you to a being a russian spy. there is a similar mood now with regard to china. any american politician who tries to conduct relations with the chinese on a rational basis is going to face the same problems that from god's relations with russia, one party or another, he's going to call him or her a traitor, and may,
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and the american deep stay or certain fraction within it is going to respond to them the same way the respondents from over russia. we are in a situation where diplomacy and rational decision making is being run that impossible because the route what this is about is the decline of american empire. and the politicians in charge of that declining empire, lashing out all over the place to try and stop the rise of their rivals. and in that situation, decision making, which benefits the american people, which benefits the broader global community is thrown out of the wind. in response, we get these irrational outbursts which are only going to get worse as more and more of these characters in the american congress and political system and now incentivized to go out and campaign on a militantly anti china platform. so what's below c has done, she probably doesn't even think of it that she thinks it's just a good pianist. but she's open to pandora's box and the time of declining empire at
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a time when american public merican political cannot accept that they are being slowly supplanted, they are going to go engage in more dangerous actions to come and the fellow see visit in the start of that we're going to see them attempt to assert themselves in other areas as well. for instance, africa, and maybe again in the middle east, we are considering into a dangerous period as the decline of all. empires are dangerous. and alexander mackay, a political analyst, and the editor of a red star radio. fascinating comment you. i really appreciate your insight. thanks for joining us here on our team to thank you, rory. thank you. well, the white house has now said that the us will not allow itself to be intimidated and will take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of nancy pelosi and washington has. and i'm evelyn position towards china officially call this one china policy. it acknowledges beijing is the only legitimate government for the whole of china that includes taiwan. however, that along with calls for the peaceful resolution of the taiwan issue have basically not have not prevented us from maintaining unofficial relations with ty
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pay, washington likes to sign weapons to tie $1.00 well. earlier american officials said taiwan is not a problem for china. us relations, but the current situation does suggest to appear otherwise. the united states no longer sees taiwan is a problem in our relations with china. we see it as an opportunity to advance our shared vision for a free and open in the pacific. and also as a beacon to people's around the world who aspire for a more just safe, prosperous and democratic world. so why is nancy? pelosi is trip such a big deal? it's because of the one china policy. taiwan is officially recognized by the united states as part of china. the usa adopted the one china policy in 1972 usa has no formal ties with the government on taiwan and government that was established by the forces who lost out when the communist party to power on the mainland usa has no embassy on taiwan and advocates for taiwan to peacefully re unify with the
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mainland. this understanding has been key in us china relations for decades in more recent years, as washington drifted toward portraying china as its number one enemy. we've seen washington also drifting away from this policy, hinting at support for taiwan independence as a way just threatened shina. the united states is hollowing out and the blurting up the one china policy. us officials of course, deny that they are wavering on the taiwan issue. but it doesn't help when present biden drops. bombshell statements like this. are you willing to get involved militarily to defend taiwan? if it comes to that? yes, you are. that's a commitment we made in recent months. us relation to taiwan has gotten much more intense us weapons are piling into taiwan with joe biden approving for different arm sale deals, including $95000000.00 for patriot missile systems. nato is expanding its presence
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in the region as well. with various acts of posturing in the taiwan straits. there has also been a heated war of words. if any one dares to split taiwan from china, the chinese military will sight at all costs to resolutely smash any taiwan secessionist attempt and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. we're not going to lead the chinese communist party dictates where the speaker of the house should go. as the speaker of the united states house of representatives, you should never have to ask a foreign dictatorship or the state department for permission to talk to america's friends and allies. hello, he'd lebell, if house speaker nancy pelosi visits taiwan, it will grossly interfere in china's internal affairs severely undermine china's sovereignty and territorial integrity. trample on the one china policy principle. gravely threatened the peace instability in the taiwan strait and undermined china
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us relations. it will lead to various serious situation and consequences. in this context, nancy pelosi decided that she should go to taiwan at the same time, there's a new bill put forward in the u. s. congress that critics say would essentially nullify the one china policy. when it comes to taiwan, our response should be that we are for democracy and against communist aggression. we live in dangerous times. china sizing up america and our commitment to taiwan. the danger will only grow worse if we show weakness in the face of chinese threats and aggression toward taiwan. these weapons that the u. s. a is piling him to taiwan are a bit more than defensive. they have the capability of striking the chinese mainland. it looks like the united states is hinting it may once again back away from a promise. it's made to a major country and escalate tension. nancy pelosi is trip, could have catastrophic results for the world. caleb, martha
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r t new york. i appreciate you joining us. you were not international for our special roland coverage of nancy pelosi arriving in taipei. yep. she did it. it's about a 1 30 in the morning that answered, we know she's at our hotel room is she snuggled under the sheets to sleep. busy ha, jetlag, more news, just a mom we are actually what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation. let it be an arms race is on often very dramatic. that development only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very critical time time to sit down and talk
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with . mm hm. you're welcome to wells apart. the american approach to the world could be reduced to one bumper sticker. it well could be this perception is reality coined in the early ninety's by the come, the republican strategist lee asked what it made. i'm gonna use a bull codes and did a truth, but nonetheless, truth, very effective in securing the presidential victories of rol.
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