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tv   News  RT  August 3, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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a with ah sure, those who play with fire will come to no good and. and those who offend china must be penalized tensions, sanctions and military drills follow in the wake of nancy pelosi footsteps as she leaves taiwan. china warns that both washington on this self governed island will face consequences over the u. s. high speakers, controversial visits. a wall of silence goes up from e. u. officials over a policies trip. the only statement being that there's no change to the blog policies towards china also add on the probe.
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ah, in south africa at least 4 people are dead as violent protests are wrapped in a ton ship over sky rocketing electricity costs with from moscow to the world. this is our t. my name's unit o'neill. hello and welcome to the global news run up. china has begun the military drills and areas surrounding taiwan. the move comes in response to the visit of us. how is speaker and nancy pelosi to taipei. beijing announced plans for 6 zones encircling taiwan, where it would carry out live fire drills, including miss i launches. ah,
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a tooth speaker pelosi departed taiwan earlier today, wednesday, during her visit, she met the territories president, 200 herd taiwan, as high as a civilian owner for her contribution to us taiwan relations. now that despite us officially repeatedly stating washington does not support taiwanese independence. while lucy said her visit was evidence of america's commitment to supporting democracy on the island. the us house of representatives speaker was the highest ranking american official to visit taiwan in a quarter of a century ortiz nikki,
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or, and told me more about the trip on its ramifications. was literally a flying visit by pillows. he was an issue. arrived late on tuesday, not in less than 24 hours later, she was already on not playing back comb list, the briefest visits that's already having a significant impact while the trip spunk, something of a love. pelosi love fest in tai pay. as you said, she was awarded the highest civilian honors during that short trip. in paging its been met with absolute fury, they warned pelosi against making his trip again and again. and it's now opened a very dangerous period. the relations between us at high one on china. we have statement issued on wednesday, chinese foreign minister, one. he did not make his words when speaking about china's response, he spoke about those who play with fire. those who offend china will be punished. it's becoming very clear that these weren't just words. we're already seeing a robust response to this, unprecedented visit jonathan that sees military drills which are going to be
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starting on thursday. the last for 5 days. that taking place to 10 miles from taiwan. this is bits in some of the, this is in some of the world's busiest waterways and it will include long range live ammunition shooting another 20 military. they've said, look, everybody needs to avoid this area, old boats and planes for 3 days. but as we know, the us isn't keen on taking advice from bathing. we've seen that with this hello see visit. so whether they choose to have the advice of china here, or whether they choose to further test the result of china and continue to send in boats and planes into the area remains to be seen. let's take a listen now at the rhetoric that's and the developing rhetoric of the past few hours. to settle, see, shell such retrogressive moves won't changed international consensus that there's only one china in the world, nor they can reverse the historical trend of reunification of the mainland and
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taiwan. those who play with fire will come to no good and, and those who offend china must be penalized. we resolutely defend national sovereignty and we'll counter any aggression against national sovereignty. we will strengthen our vigilance with a rational attitude which won't escalate conflicts. and nikki, it's not only a boat and military action is an economic action, whatever they can do in that regard. thus for a much to the forefront to which one is already taking beefs to impose a quick economic cost on ty, pay for its role in pillow. sees visit it, slapped to import suspensions on $35.00 taiwanese exports of biscuits and pastries . since monday this was well ahead of policies, visit say, can spare a thought. now, for the people working in those industries, the economic impacts this will have on many people's lives. exactly. where the most expensive the looming, but if aging really wants to stick the boot in and hit to taipei where it hurts and
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it's going to target the timelines biggest exports to china by valley, which is of course electronics and parts machinery. plastics and chemicals global markets already spooked by the pelosi visit. and the initial fallout. stocks in semiconductor part's already so globally on choose day ahead. the end of the visit, also along with global market. so investors that, that braced for the economic fall out from this trip. what about from within taiwan itself? what's the immediate tick their own policy stop? well, like i said, on the one hand we've got this pelosi love fest that being felt in taiwan with the local media as some even you know, as flattering pelosi as her outfits thing. she looked like audrey hepburn, when she met j. f. k. back in the day and then we have others who are little bit more skeptical. they're very conscious of the precarious impact that this visit will happen. one of those being the former taiwanese ambassador danny nannie pill,
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what do you mean below? see what the hell are doing here right now, i will come all the way here to support the taiwanese people. suppose yourself, you want to support us to fight against the people for variation. army americans always ask us to let more time when these people join the army. whenever you come to taiwanda, mo, want us to buy more weapons from you and fight against the people's liberation army in urban terrain. it's none of your business. i'm here to support a wine or to provoke a war. what the hell are you doing here? below sea, the relationship between the mainland and taiwan is already very tense. you are supporting to wind, but we don't need your support. you are literally purring oil on the flames, so you only make things worse. meanwhile, on the streets of taiwan, people as split as well, some in full support of the policy visit as of others, just think that she's causing trouble, though with i think it is the u. s. policy, they just care about themselves. they don't care about the problem of ordinary people in other countries. i think it is wrong to just do what the us wants. policy should respect the will of the taiwanese people. i soon, though,
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maybe try to clarify us. rather, it's so many times. okay, duct, the old story, the always come, you know, we come on well the way it will somewhat affect i one, but will it affect our daily normal lives? i personally think it will not, at least for the next 2 years. so what we're seeing play out now is this ripple effect, this very brief trip by nancy pelosi and whether intentional or not dazed creates a ripple effects. of course, as we know, ripples turn into waves. these waves will be felt globally how significantly remains to be seen, but we're going to get a clearer picture in the coming. allison days. investigative journalist edward cell, meanwhile, believes nancy pelosi visit to taiwan was meant as a distraction from america's own problems. at home. we have another example of the united states overextending itself. me for example with nancy pelosi, i think all this visit was, well the, a high, a high cost distraction. that's because he knows that the average american can't
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even point out where taiwan is on a map that passes the cost of food, the cost of fuel. these are the things that after americans care about, but then we see nancy pelosi taking a little bit of a vacation around the world and at a time when trying nothing but to gain from doing a little church right now. they get the entire world to concentrate on sure what their motor is capable. what this shows, 1st of all is the child is able to project power or its own country. time on the front on the doorstep, you're going to see the use of futuristic safety touristic. but high technology, long range, ballistic missiles. they're going to use this as the firing mechanism for many of the indirect fire they're going to show off. and the reason going to do this is because the united states, as a counter to it will in terms of reaction nancy pelosi visit to taiwan with, met really with a wall of silence from european governments. according to the only official
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statement from the e u, the block isn't rushing to publicly support the move of the u. s. representative. we have seen the recent media reports about the arrival and taiwan of the speaker of the us house of representatives, nancy pelosi. we don't have any specific comments to add. we encourage the peaceful resolution of the issues in the strait. the e u and the e u. member states remain committed to the use one china policy, the reaction within the european union to air pelosi putting wheels down in taiwan is remarkable by its deafening silence. it's one thing for you to pay lip service to what it calls the preservation of peace in a rather boiler plate statement that apparently took a. busy whole day to come up with. but why is it so suddenly shy about taking sides in this, when they're usually so quick to shoot off their mouths when it's far too late? especially when speaking out could act as a counterweight to washington provocation and prevent conflict or even war. if the e you had done the same in ukraine, that is,
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have the courage to stand up against washington's constant provocations on the russian border. then maybe it would now be bearing the brunt of its own, ideologically driven anti russian sanctions. and sure, nancy pelosi, a speaker of the house is the 3rd top ranked american official. but she's also a career as on public. i tell when it comes to china in particular, washington post is called this trip a culmination of decades of challenging china. sure, whatever floats your boat, nancy pelosi, but you can't then argue that her presence in taiwan, which let's face it. washington exploits as a proxy to go. china is just business as usual, and not a provocation. it's too bad that europe blocks real statesman these days like former french president, jacques, you hock, or a former german chancellor. gerhard schroeder, who took an unwavering stand against washington's drive for war in iraq, 2 decades ago, alongside russian president vladimir putin. the question is why are european
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leaders so lacking in courage to speak out against u. s. foreign policy and instead making weak neutral mealy mouthed statements in the case of taiwan may be allied. silas is the result of seeing how some of them have been lambasted by their own western counterparts for even suggesting rational diplomacy as the path forward instead of provocation. for example, former nato secretary general anders vogue rasmussen even considered that french president a mentor and mack holes call for diplomacy with russia over ukraine was directly harmful to taiwan. so now apparently, according to this esteem, former nato chief, if you aren't actively provoking russia using ukraine or provoking china using tie one, then you're inviting war. likewise, canadian prime minister just inter was given flock last year for stopping a nato linked forums. provocation of china over taiwan trudeau, intervene to stop halifax security for him, held regularity and canada from giving tie one's president. it's john mccain award,
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named after the late neo con war hoc, american senator, who had an uncanny knack for turning up in places like ukraine and syria not hun before the trouble started. there are other cases of you officials getting in trouble for standing against washington foreign policy provocations. like when the you in bassett or to cuba, alberto navarro openly stood against us sanctions and was subsequently recalled to brussels to explain himself, even though the u. s. cube is main export and trade partner. brussels missed a golden opportunity to lead the world stage over the taiwan drama and to position itself as a truly honest broker. which would have meant not simply calling for peace, but also taking a firm public unambiguous stand against washington's dangerous games. okay, to a developing story from just outside moscow, a blazing inferno has engulfed
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a huge warehouse belonging to one of russia's largest online retailers ozone. one per then has reportedly been killed and 13 more injured people have been posting videos of the incident on social media. look at this. a giant column of smoke seen billowing into the sky above the mass warehouse. according to workers, the fire broke out during the lunch break on wednesday, but the cause of it is not yet known part of the buildings, rif cost, as well, with emergency services. continuing to work at the scene more than a 1000 people were reportedly evacuated from the warehouse, although 4 people are said to be missing. we keep a cosign development there, of course. okay, to africa? protests over soaring electricity rates in south africa have left at least 4 people did. ah,
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locals barricaded road with burning tires and set municipal buildings. a light near the country's largest city, johannesburg. protesters are angered at the government's failure to find a solution to rising prices. it comes amid storing global energy and food costs, which really leaves the african continent, especially vulnerable, with countries lacking funds to help their crisis hits. citizens valued the river, the mood is built healthier following days of protests here in federal visa. as you can see, the still a strong police presence controlling the area and making sure that they can be any more upheaval following the burning of a civic center building, as well as some damage to private property with more money has to be put out to this and didn't, i think it was not necessary. i don't think there might be, frankly,
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so today we don't have the outcomes that they were expecting. i don't see them or to see children are not going to school with commerce. this is the civic center building, or at least what remains of it. this is where people into be thought used to come to get municipal services. and it is the very building that was pushed. there is worry in this country that these kinds of protest could en, golf other tally ships in south africa, and they could evolve into an uncontrollable mess as we have seen during last years . july riots there in gal to major provinces in south africa. it is common in south africa that people vote with their feet and take to the screen. but what is becoming uncharacteristic is the loss of life that a company such protests, james and visa, full people have already lost their life. and if the semblance of life gets back,
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it appears that this feel very my station and every yet pretty big statement here. the threat of a direct conflict between world nuclear powers is evident, untouchable, that is, according to a russian diplomat attending a much vaunted un conference on arms controls. group membership, your principal ram, the, the gross violation of the principle of equal and indivisible, security. as a result of the harmful expansion of the military block of countries claiming undivided, military, strategic, and geopolitical dominance, it provoked an acute crisis in the center of europe. the hybrid military campaign has been unleashed against russia, which, which could result in a direct conflict between nuclear powers, which do you believe in that way? only one igor vista vet sky was speaking during a review conference for the non proliferation of nuclear weapons in new york. he once again reaffirm moscow's commitment to building
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a world free of nuclear weapons mos school. so say it once the immediate resumption of the rom, nuclear deal arguing there's no alternative. but diplomat also underlined, got the progress achieved over the years, has been quote, devalued by the u. s. when the ignored russia security interests. thus, sentiment was echoed by china, which call for the rejection of double standards in nucular. non proliferation may will, the united states should withdraw all its nuclear weapons from europe and refrain from deploying nuclear weapons in any other region. well, for china, the question of the nuclear threat posed by washington has not come out of thinner . according to newly declassified documents provided to the new york times, the u. s. was ready to use nuclear weapons against mainland china in 1958 during the taiwan strait crisis. military planners in washington detail plans for a strike using usually $10.00 to $15.00 kilo town nuclear weapons. the attack was
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to have stretched as far as shanghai, while not while the us is pointing the finger a t. ron imposing yet more sanctions on its petroleum industry. washington is demanding. the country returns to the pac name, the joint comprehensive plan of action, which the us itself quit under president trump. we have imposed sanctions on entities trading in iranian petroleum and petro chemicals. we will keep using our authorities to target wrongs exports of these products until iran is ready to return to full implementation of its commitments under a mutual return to the jcp away. american studies professor at the university of toronto, food as ali believes, the idea of sanctioning around for a deal about the u. s. itself quit signifies the current chaos in washington's political establishment. you know, the, to the said addiction on sanction. and they have the sanctioning iraq and for the
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last for the is so even has been surviving. and there's sanction prospering under sanctions admin, sciences and in different fields of providing services of the people here are quite expensive. and sooner or later, as the american official realize that by sanctioning countries, they're not going to do each of the objectives. they have was the united states that left the agreement during the top administration and by the administration could return to the agreement. and the 1st day of buying the presidency, the same that he did with paris climate, the codes and other agreements that tom had left. he refused. there are a lot of problems in washington. there's a lot of disagreements in fighting and the government transitions your
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life. if they don't pay attention to this chaos in washington, you're going to face the same difficulty that they faced the last time. an intriguing story coming out of pakistan. the former prime minister, him or can, he may be doing everything he can to return to power. but the country's government appears to be doing everything it can to stop. and it's after the financial times reported that comes party allegedly receive prohibited donations from foreign citizens on companies. leading to ruling pakistani politicians to call for a probe into the funding cans party, branded the allegations as absolutely false. no foreign funding has been proven. another propaganda of pakistan democratic movement has been exposed. serious and ridiculous mistakes in the decision of the election commission. calling the funding of pakistani citizens foreign funding. another related key development canned
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pakistan movement for just this party was set to claim a key scalp in an election to fill the powerful post of punjab chief minister. the opposition temporarily held by the song of the current prime minister and run counts candidate how to and enough votes in the legislative assembly to win. but then events took a bizarre twist and a letter. now, minor political party leader asked legislative officials not to count its block of pen votes unless they favored the pm san sha. above the deputy speaker then subtracted those votes from count side, undeclared, well, ship. ours had won by just 3 votes. international law specialist on geopolitical unless on some shod, shared his thoughts on the current situation in the country. if you look back at the last 4 months, we see a lot happening in august on which is unprecedented. and we can safely see that
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it's been happening for the 1st time. we have someone like him, ron pond was truly a leader. somebody who has a vision for pakistan. he wants to change the country for the better. and the forces of the scott to school want to stonewall him. they want to make sure that he exists the political scene. and the reason by they see him run as a threat is because him bron exposes their shenanigans, the corruption. and he talks about accountability be entire system today is backed against him. rhonda con, they want to oust him. they want to make sure that he remains ousted and he never makes it come back. the people are supporting him, ron, and this is not the august on 30 or 40 years ago. this is a different box that has decided that he wants to a certain individual back and follow which happens to be a huge political scandal has erupt. it in the indian capital, after several prominent opposition figures were arrested for money laundering,
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cords of cash, gold, jewelry, refund in their homes in new delhi, breaking it all done for his r t range and sharma. so prominent politically does the opposition bodies in, in the, out on the, on the police and force them directly. agency investigating economic offenses in india has a recently some congresses intern, presidents from yankee and us on raleigh. gonna be in a money laundering case related to the national a. the national newspaper was founded by india, 1st from minnesota on the freedom fighters in 1958 to be a lawyer to liberally does within the indian national congress. now, another leader of a regional party should say, now sanjay all was arrested at midnight after some 6 hours of questioning. the prob agency questioned him on a re development project of his i'm in my and related transactions. in one of these
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5 and close associates i'm a. 6 and the list rules bigger. another minister from an eastern state in india, under the scanner cash, gold jewelry, does the fate has been recovered so far from the residence of our b tumm cars. she was a close ally. all the best thing on that is a g, a z belong to the tournament congress, which is opposed to the ruling party on the party in the center. what is it about these have been holding demonstrations across the country, calling of the government for what they see is when the politics, while the ruling will, the government says that this is not a political case, but simply the law of the land. and that the law is equal for everyone
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spotting a gap in the market and accelerating straight into it. that is what a manufacture of russian overland vehicles has done in a run. after to run halted the import of western passenger cars a number of years ago. ever since then the company's been on the pardon upon the road to success ah, put up with the car is extremely big and spacious in terms of size. and for me, who takes a lot of equipment on trips, it's very good to put it simply the car has out run is competitive considering its price and reliability. with
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joe, i believe the reason behind the success of this important car originated from the fact that there are no sanctions between iran and russia. so iran can easily transfer money to russia and buy the parts for this car. ah, few happy customers having their say while others are lot for ny, but do give us a follow on line wherever you see that green and black are teen logo there to keep you in the know ah
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ah mm. with no sure dumbly new industry to restock and just look up from room of natalie muscles around noon. she duty doesn't beating again show on a nurse to me as possible. mama cook go through sit get somebody to look at that. i put his ashley of nbc wanted, what's the biggest pieces goes on to company at the one to move pieces instead of
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cool possession did. did you bring out an up of the people to cheenum grindstone metal for phones, the right something? yeah, we got we got that. what did i say? it's a residential eval gray mika had that. ah, the 1st time in history, an entire country's culture has been trashed with a very modern weapon, canceled culture, really desert one lucille milo. so rudolph in when william frog get just me sitting the line a little bit glue. the phrase now particularly refers to counseling russian culture from yet of no secret of she was good because it has yet to when you miles folks to which will be your that is china. so that all the,
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most of the summer i haven't m e, des moines reward. russia has created over the past 1200 years, has now question partially condemned, reviled, and rejected. it like when you started to put sunny at the mill of bramble, there's a lot closer on a whole paunchy, any time i guess it wouldn't show them. they said thanks all spheres of life, including those in which russia had played leading cultural roles, art, music and sport christian again, the number's a settlement offer out of school for what the meaning of her though the renewal or the court summons for to ellen and jordan essentially it means the show can't and won't go on just show you put ricci test for a quarter out of the scope. we're in those week lunch. a grand is to be that, you know, proof of or be aware if you're what you mean at charlotte. the list joining total condemnation gross daily.


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