tv News RT August 3, 2022 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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a with you with horns, china not to escalate the taiwan crisis off to post these visits to the region that says phasing begins, large scale military exercises and hopes trade with type pay this rocket, this cold hurricane and it landed right here in this playground, ukrainian army of tax, civilian areas, internet but reportedly suffers 5th back from the towns of his state. and i bid, which i used as firing positions to target that on both ends and an exclusive interview with all t former austrian foreign minister, kevin, can i? so she is how she had to flee europe after facing death rates as
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a her ties with russia. i was forced by various park public institutions that have to call them a russia. you have to take distance from prison. you have to regret that you ever had contact with. i said, i'm not going to do that with hello and welcome to international. we're coming to live from my studio here in moscow. i'm poor slee, it's a pleasure to be with you. the us this trying to down play how speak and nancy pelosi we since as a to time one saying there is no reason for basing to quote over react. there is no reason for aging to turn this visit, which is consistent with long standing u. s. policy and into some sort of crisis facing was quick to respond to the
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statements coming from washington, saying that us actions in the region will have consequences to why the us as acting treacherously on the taiwan issue lately, playing with fire and blatantly becoming an enemy of 14000000000 chinese people and it will never end well autism. karen takes a closer look at the consequences of policies as a to type. pay ha is already taking action as a warrant. it would fall out from pelosi as well when trip has been swift and brutal to quite rightly. people are asking the question, we have seen the chinese authorities take multiple economic actions against individual chinese companies and entire sectors of the economy here on has already paid your visit and is likely to continue to do so. the coming days of week. what concrete tangible benefits can you promise taiwan?
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offset the cost of your trip. a tricky question. slightly deflected because she knew exactly what she'd done. and americans have made a bit of a habit of doing things like this. throwing others under the bus in service of their own goals. and the consequences over this brief trip are already taking hold global market. so spooked and the largest military drills around taiwan in decades . ah. but it might prove that the economic measures imposed by china will hurt taiwan. the most staging has already banned imports from $35.00 taiwanese exports plus restrictions on some fruit and fish. and will it might not sound like a big deal. the bun on son to which the island was already short of plus if a key component of ty, one's greatest export semiconductors,
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which has not be mentioned. well not yet. if beijing does decide to go further, people on the streets will be sure to feel it. china is tiwana largest trading partner after all. so is it any wonder that there were people in taiwan who weren't engaging in the pillow? see, love fest danny nannie pill. what do you mean below? see what the hell i doing here right now? come all the way here to support the table. people support yourself. you want to support us to fight against the peoples of duration. army americans always ask us to let more to when he's people, join the army. whenever you come to tell why you want us to buy more weapons from you and fight against the people's liberation army in urban terrain, none of your business. i here to support a line or to provoke a war one. how are you doing here? hello. see the relationship between the mainland and taiwan is already very tense. you're supporting to one what we don't need your support, your lease really favoring oil on the flame. you only make things worse. so who did this flying with its 1st was simply pelosi. he wanted to be pictured
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a chair in ty pay before she potentially gets kicked out this november. or was it the war hawks in washington hooping ratcheting got the anti china rhetoric for months now? oh, and of course, the military industrial complex, the very heart of american foreign policy american officials have been quietly pressing their tie when these counterparts to buy weapons suitable for a symmetric warfare. a conflict in which is smaller, military uses mobile systems to conduct lethal strikes on a much bigger force. so you could say what it has here is a win win. not only does it make money on selling weapons, but it also has a leaf on us weapons at the ready in the region. should it decide it needs them? as we know, tie one wouldn't be the 1st to pay the price for the policy. the dc warhawks, people in afghanistan all starving because the government can't access its own money, which is frozen by the us. those tens of thousands of venezuelans who pay the ultimate
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price of the u. s. as punitive sanctions. and then there's the ukranian, people who critic say a dying needlessly trust in american poles and the u. s. proxy war with russia. but apparently in the long run, it's always a price worth paying. we have heard half a 1000000 children of god. i mean, that's more children than died when went in here a shame and you know, if the price worth it, i think this is a very hard choice, but the price we think the price is worth it. so now he's tie one and pelosi won't even give it a 2nd. thought she got her photo, after all the united states has been supplying the island with arms for years, was even talks of a convert nuclear program tie one to deter a potential chinese attack. as well as speculation on the possibility of a direct military confrontation between the u. s. and china in the region of
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strategic importance for, for washington. over the years, the us continue to increase its unofficial military presence in ty, one or sustaining hundreds of millions of dollars in military a to type pe. despite rising tensions with beijing while officially sticking to its one china policy, we discussed the controversial us actions with scott ritter, a former us marine co intelligence officer. there is no doubt that the united states has been disingenuous in the implementation of its stated policy objectives . that had been agreed upon with china regarding non interference in the internal affairs of china. centered around the one china policy, words don't match actions, that's the problem. the united states continues to claim to china that it is supporting a policy of one china. but it's words and in what it's doing are completely different in china has been calling out the united states for some time. now,
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warning that statements made by the united states government officials are very dangerous and that the united states needs to carefully reconsider the rhetoric. it doesn't appear that this is a deliberate act by the united states to provoke china. it appears that the binding administration is in the midst of policy chaos and nancy pelosi has exploited this in a very precipitous manner. ah, moving elton crane, where ukrainian forces have reported he suffered major losses. neither tons of pay, ski, and of beef. these are used by ukrainian troops is finding positions to target the been it's region where 2 people were killed and at least 25 wounded over the last 24 hours. those figures are according to d, p. r. officials. and when did include 5 injured by so called petal mines, ocoee corresponding roman constables, reports from the region. ukrainian army continues showing civil in areas of the
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nest canal. a shell landed right here in this sir, or residential area as the result. unfortunately, one person had been killed. this woman right here was right next to her house, doing some gardening. unfortunately, ukrainian shell ended her life. this wednesday was in years old and i need you to do 3 such attacks. incessant shelling has become more frequent in the last 2 or 3 weeks. yes, it all started 8 years ago. but specifically, over the past 4 months, everything has intensified. there are no military here at all within a radius of 2 free kilometers. there are no military bases near by. this is yet another a heavily populated area of done net that's been bombed by ukraine and military on a daily basis. and see residential buildings all around me. actually,
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my relative lives in this building right here. he called me late last night saying that something very heavy fell into into the playground. by the way, the shilling continued as we speak. we arrived here and found this rocket. apparently this is from a multiple rocket launcher. this sir rocket is called the hurricane and it landed right here in this play ground. thankfully, it was late and that no children were present here at all. at that time, he saw the impact crater was right next to a teeter totter right in the center of the playground. ah, we don't know yet whether there were any children or adults or anyone damaged or god forbid killed. but this is another act of ukrainian terrors, and it couldn't be more clear out at the same time when we're walking to that site . i'm looking down at the ground thinking like, are there any more of these butterfly minds, or am i going to lose a foot, her leg, or the people here in this densely inhabited, working class neighborhood? are they going to lose alike? western it is of course,
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perfectly silent about this. these poor people look at them though just to normal people that had been subject to 8 years of war already. it's disgusting, isabella. it boom also took what i was knitting and suddenly there was an explosion as if the corner of the roof collapsed. i was shaking all over a big explosion. tears are still pouring. the russian investigative committee continued to document a war, crimes committed by the ukrainian military against civilians. here in dunn boss, ukrainian nationalists are shelling this city of the nest with very high caliber artillery, including that sir, that was delivered from a nato countries now scenes of destruction just like this one are everywhere in this city. and of course there heard civilians as well on tuesday. at least 2 people had been killed and 25 were wounded. now the crane and military are not only
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shelling this city which result in destruction like of this. so there are also mining civilian areas with so called a butterfly minds or better minds as they are sometimes called amazon results of that flight. people have been wounded and now there will be disabled for life. vermont also have hearty done. there's people's republic. ottawa correspondent, ungrateful, locked off, was hit by shelf fragment when ukrainian soldiers threw grenades at a unit of de nits militia troops. according to andre shrapnel caused an injury to his leg. this is what it he sent us from the scene. the korean army launched grenade and artillery fire. the fragments were next to us. i was, we are living and could not make any noise. our group was bought, it was just because i was, i'm not i'm, they kept throwing grenades at us. i got hit in the leg was much of course
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after the you lifted the ban on supplying some ation goods to rush in july, but, and has now joined ranks and is easing sanctions on the russian ation insurance as well. following the decision, moscow will not be able to resume in ports of some key products and technologies in particular gas turbine engines, ortiz contributor rachel marsden explained how the waste is backtracking on sanctioning russia. welcome to another edition of european union sanctions, self sabotage news, or how the block is sticking it to russian president vladimir putin by taking short cold showers and walking around in the dark. back in may, the you and the u. k. went and hacks to plan to bring down russia and put in for real this time. like a couple of kids hanging out on the monkey bars. of the teeter totter in a school yard and plotting against the kids. they didn't invite to the birthday parties. they came up with an absolutely fool proof plan. yeah, for real guys and insurance ban on ships carrying russian oil once in place. the
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new restrictions are likely to have a significant impact on russia's ability to explore its oil. the coordinated implementation of the e. u and u. k, maureen insurance ban alongside the oil embargo means that russia's ability to export oil anywhere in the world will be heavily disrupted. well guess what? it's back to the drawing board for the 2 schemers. both are now dragging their feet on implementing the plan. according to you and you. k officials citing concerns that would reduce global oil supply for everyone and drive prices into the stratosphere and without cooperation from the u. k. london being the global maritime insurance hub. the entire scheme sinks like the titanic. it's hardly surprising that the ramp and globalization and inter dependence that the west was only too happy to forge for years in the interests of exploding ever. what else is resources for their own benefit? isn't working out too well for them now that they want to pretend that they're
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entirely sovereign and self sufficient. in related news, britain has also hopped on its little tricycle, got its legs going, and back pedals on anti russian sanctions that it had just applied on july 21st to the russian aviation industry. that's according to the government's website. they must have realized that their own planes won't be able to take off without titanium from russia, which is used in aircraft engines and airframes, something that the french government already. he nice when it recently demanded that the you leave are russian metals company. off the new sanctions list as the multinational aerospace corporation, airbus needed metals from russia for manufacturing. and speaking of the you, an actual adult must have made a rare appearance and had a word with brussels since it's now reportedly introducing sanctions exemptions for companies doing business with russian oil firms. with a view to avoid any potential negative consequences for food and energy security around the world. the e, you decided to extend the exemption from the prohibition to engage in transactions
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with certain state owned entities. as regards transactions for agricultural products and the transport of oil to 3rd countries, well, a bit too late to avoid negative consequences guys did mom and dad are tell you that the choices you make today will determine your options to morrow. the western mainstream media is already evoking an unprecedented energy crisis for europe. rationing is already here. monuments and berlin are going dark. hanover should really introduce a polar bear as its tourism mascot. since it's turning off the heat for swimming pools and public showers. frances fighting businesses that use air conditioning and don't keep their doors firmly shut, ireland watch drivers to slow down to conserve fuel. so what does this vanish prime minister suggest as a solution to the energy crunch? looks a bit like a strip tease seamlessly argued em. i'd like you to note that i am not wearing a tie because that means that we can all say from an energy point of view. and i
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have asked the ministers and public officials and i would like to also ask this of the private sector if they haven't done so already, if not necessary or don't use a tie. this way we will also be saving energy, which is so necessary in our country to come in. sure it's all fun and games until someone loses their shirt and that someone is what's left of your industrial brace and your economy. a midwestern tension surrounding all things, rasa. many people who refuse to cut ties with a country faith, enormous, precious. among them former austrian foreign minister. karen can i tell who has received death threats and now lives in lebanon? archie had a talk with her on how her life has changed in recent months. you can watch later today on or t, the full interview. rationality in dealing with russia has always been around. but ever since february 24th, of course, it gains once moral and intensity. and in february,
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i was quite grateful that i happened to be in france and knelt anymore in austria. and i was forced by various parts of public institutions. you have to condemn russia. you have to take distance from president, put then you have to regret that you ever had context fraser and putting to said, i'm not going to do all that. yeah, no, i'm not going to condemn. i take this then this is not my side. i never was in politics. i don't consider myself as a gentleman, politician. i wasn't about running for a party, but i also found out in a very harsh way that nobody would ever open them out for me. i'm an easy target and i am by myself. if anybody is trying, is deciding to cut down all my bank accounts, then i'm lost and nobody would care. people still believe that i am either austria because thou, lots of requests. the other day i got a request from a kurdish party. they wanted to ask me to help them with context and trans on as
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little deborah, many people are still under the impression that i'm in austria and others who have followed a little bit to the back who they believe i'm wasting money on my in my villas in southern france, if you want to confuse the enemy down up many who know or who have realized that i am in lebanon, may also believe that i'm in russia, that i'm cross running the propaganda, and this is for matthew, and that the central, whatever they call it the europe, i grew up in freedom, legal predictability, security doesn't exist anymore. and things proceed to way the proceed now in many european countries in terms of blackouts here and let people know how to live with black. i know how to live with 2 or 3 hours of electricity, but this is not the case for many used societies. so maybe in the very end,
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i was even lucky to come to 11 on even so i didn't come out of choice. she asked me what would have to happen that i should go back. i would say a lot of people would have to say, sorry, we apologize for what we said about you for what we did against you. and 1st, i would expect them to apologize and not to make my life impossible. moving now to have gunston with security was heightened in kabul on wednesday, following the assassination of all kinds. indeed, i'm and out as though we're harry, in a us of drones strike the attack rock, the center of the african capital last monday. reportedly a drone fired to miss on that the archive leader. as he stepped into the balcony of a house, he moved with family members. a telephone spokesman describe the us population as a violation of international principles. the state department warned american citizens traveling overseas of possible retaliation by i'll kind to and it's the
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forces. well let's go live now to christopher hill, ali a political analyst and research. i thank you so much for joining us. the i'll kind of was killed in the city center of couple. what's your take on this, on this, the fascination and could, i'll kind a strike back at us. targets globally allocated is this shell of what it was, you know, in the past decades. number one, because the various wars and regime change operations of the u. s. a. nato in the middle east help in bold and other competitors to allocate like the islamic states and this ref. so what we've seen is we've seen a diversification of various have the select this. chad is a group that are out there committing attacks and atrocities. and we've seen much more diplomatic turn from some elements of the taliban and others who renounce some
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of the tactics that they used in previous decades. i think what's significant about this drone straight in particular is that it wasn't an operation carried up by the u. s. military, the drone was a ca drone and of course, in order for the ca drawn to operate, it would have had to have clearance on airspace. and most likely that came from pakistan because iran, china, and other neighboring countries wouldn't have allowed to ca, to cross into their airspace. so i think it's a poses very interesting and complex and complicated trajectory now for us to relations with regional partners there as well as relations from pakistan, for example, with china, which probably sees this as escalate story. and even though i was that way, he was, you know, the 2nd in command when been let him was live and then took over acadia. it's still, it's still been as american over the horizon attacks. i still having influence in the country where they want to engage the taliban and have some economic footprint
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there. so i think that this attack is more for public consumption. this is the 2nd time i was our he according to the media, has died. he died a few years ago, according to some sources, so we will see what happens in the coming months, but i don't think it will give by an a booth we're talking about. and by then, he announced a year ago that terrorism was no more in afghanistan, thanks to the us operation. does the strike prove the opposite? i think this strike proves that the chickens are coming home to roost, as they say. it's funny to see this is a killing kiddy when it was a ca that help support the merger had been against the soviet union who were invited into i've got to stand to prevent this kind of chaos. and now we've seen all these decades. you know how things the people call it, blow back, how it comes back. but i think ultimately this was done. who knows how long they
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knew that was that he was in this obscurity, neighborhood. some have claimed that only the county network knew about it, but i think that maybe it's, it's the upper, it's the opportunity time with the election coming up in the midterm. and with the escalation, both in ukraine and in tie one now that bite in chose this time to allow for the strike for domestic consumption to help push up his abysmal poll numbers. though, i don't think it will help very much at all. it sounds much saying you're suggesting that the strike was more symbolic than anything else. what message i mean you, you've hinted at what message is the white house trying to think? i think the white house is sending actually a message to regional partners rather than the taliban. the color, bye. know that the u. s. can still do over the horizon strikes. but i think ultimately this is a signal to both china and iran, as well as russia who have close connections with central asia being historic.
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former soviet republics that the u. s. is still a major player in the region and they can still project power into afghanistan. and i think that that shows ultimately the, the methodology by which the u. s. is conducting the sort of imperial games. it's a great game in the region. and i think they like this is connected with the fact that by didn't just went to the middle east and said that we won't allow a vacuum and specifically targeted china, russia and neurons. so by this attack happening, they are showing that we might have withdrawn all of our troops from i forgot to sun, but like general portray it has recently said in the media form, a general patrol informers, the a directive address. he said that the over the horizon strikes are going to be commonplace for the u. s. to carry out enough that is done. and so this ultimately means that the u. s. will still remain a major part, even though they left the ground, even though they've left the ground, could the strike signal the beginning of
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a new wave of us military involvement in afghanistan? do you believe they really have left the ground? i believe there covertly. so they left the ground in terms of their military presence, but, but what this shows that the ca is still active in the region. this was a ca drone. and we know that the, the i a, and the covert operations from the various special units be they very special forces at the dealt valley. you know, as that and navy seals, they're operating in the region. we know that and it's been leaked that this was a ca drone and they wouldn't confirm it. they. but ultimately what this shows that the u. s. is still involved and they're still over the border because if they gotten permission to go there, it means that they're still involved in negotiations the pocket spend behind the scenes. and that doesn't bode well for china who wants of course, parkerson is the partners in the both in rhode initiative. and so this complicates that the region and of course the u. s. is putting its nose everywhere and that
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continuing to stir up trouble. not only enough about us started in central asia, but also in ukraine and in taiwan. that's just the way the game is played. christopher halle, a political analyst and research a thank you very much for your time and in size. thank you for having me. one as the bush any and to armenian soldiers have been confirmed date, and the disputed territory of no going to come about where tensions of once again fled. at least 14 was a means were reportedly wounded, according to an official statement from them. gonna come back military. armenia has blamed violence on the banana unit for violating a ceasefire. now, going to canada has announced a partial mobilize ation amid unconfirmed reports of continuing clashes. the as the bridge i need defense ministry claims had taken control of taylor trees in the caribbean region. as the genie troops launched an a strike during the operation
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hitting and mimi and military unit. we spoke to jonas from amena and of the vision to get more of the story. by chance. i'm not the i, sir, by johnny sighed at 9 am on wednesday. launch aggressive military operations and various directions of the arts are republic using weapons of various calibers rocket propelled grenades and strike trans. according to official reports, there are 2 dead and 14 injured on the armenian side. now our thirty's are taking measures to stabilize the situation together with the russian peacekeeping forces. despite the fact, the situation is stabilized by 6 pm. the president of the republic has signed a decree on partial mobilization. this is not the 1st time that either by john has violated the ceasefire. and the 3 party declaration adopted by russia as they are by john and armenia missile defense. he held a briefing for local journalists and he informed them the operation actually was
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launched as a response to it. terms of by over mean use of i mean on forces to capture the strategic, how high all good mountain range and this school person warm to the are meeting size. i called from now on any tours and publications committed to the sovereign in the sovereign territories. wasn't roger will, will resolutely suppress response measures will be even more crush washington's brand of increasingly real politic foreign policy has seen the us approved new on sales to our saudi arabia, to counter it ran as well as criticizing the recent constitutional voting to nicea while supplying arms to tunis, artist caleb nope, and dig deeper into the story. washington is always extolling values of
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democracy. regime change operations are presented as defending freedom and opposing dictatorship. this is caused us officials to call out some of their allies. here's what joe biden said about saudi arabia. we were not going to in fact sell more weapons to them. we were going to, in fact, connection, pay the price and make, and in fact, pariah that they are tough talk for sure. but that hasn't stopped them from selling huge amounts of weapons to re odd. the proposed sale will improve the kingdom of saudi arabia's capability to meet current and future threats by replenishing it's dwindling. stock of patriot jam, t missiles, the new weapon, the sales to this. so called pariah add up to roughly $3000000000.00. the united states has also been critical of tunisia. we strongly support the democratic aspirations of the tunisian people and inclusive and transparent reform process is crucial to restore the confidence of the millions of.
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