tv Documentary RT August 4, 2022 6:30am-7:01am EDT
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to leave austria, it was a forced decision. autumn 2020. let me remind you. it was long before the war. long before i joined, the board of directors of ra snapped. but even then, in the fall of 2020, i was attacked on the streets of vienna. i was called a russian pig, a russian prostitute. i could no longer work in austria when 2 of my books were published in june and september 2021, one about diplomacy, the other about the prospects of personal mobility. they were boycotted, therefore i had to buy part of the circulation myself. no one wanted to review them, take them to libraries. in the fall of 2020, it became clear to can i so that she would have to leave austria. she went to france with her dogs and horses. and initially she stayed in hotels. the french secret services did not help her with the search for housing at all. as i said in the autumn of 2020, it became clear to me that i had to leave austria. i took my dogs and pony which
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are over there. i think you can still get to know them better. later. i've been looking for an apartment for a long time on long term rent. in the fall of 2021, i finally found it. french media contacted the owners of my house, interviewed them, and they literally told them, don't let her on the threshold. and the most curious thing is that no one has contacted me personally. even then my name was on the blacklist. and this was even before this resolution of the european parliament from the end of may when sanctions were adopted against me. but i am obviously on some lists that i don't know anything about. and as for me, this contradict all legal norms and the rule of law because even if we compare in previous centuries, for example, in the 17th century, during the which hunt indictments were at least declared to them, there was a hearing, there was a jury to whom they had to answer and there were protocol,
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it was all written down somewhere. but what happens to me is not fixed at all. this is a media campaign, and i learn about a lot of things only indirectly, but i never come across it directly. so what am i guilty of the russian pig should be hanged, animal killer. the k g b mole. threats of physical violence and insult slanderous articles are increasingly appearing in professional media. karen, nicer daily life looks more and more like a nightmare. i contacted 2 lawyers in austria with whom i have successfully completed 26 trials in the past. at that time, in the spring of 2020, i was accused of killing animals poisoning them. the media accused me in particular of poisoning animals, was near the chalk, but that was just the beginning. the media campaign was rather huge and there are many reasons for this. we can discuss them later. and in the last few months, new attacks began. one of the reasons for them was that i live in
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a luxurious life here in the south of france in a villa on the cold does your and bade and money. that's how it's all presented. and when the war started in ukraine, nestle is making money, their hand over glove, and does not want to help refugees and so on. that's how it all started. i don't live in luxury here because no matter how much i teach to universities in moscow, no matter how much compensation i received from ross snap for my activities on the board of directors. because of sanctions, all these amounts are still blocked in moscow. i do not have access to this money which was still possible before the sanctions were imposed. they literally tried to drown me. that's why i applied to, to law firms. after all, it didn't end there. i was called the kremlin backup singer. yesterday the newspapers were full of headlines that i had worked for the k g b for 30 years and was a spy in the austrian government. because there were russians here in france who
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worked for the k g b. and it so happened that we studied at the same academy in paris in 1992. i had the opportunity to get a scholarship there at the invitation of the french government. and i studied at the national school of administration for a year, worked in the prefecture for 6 months, but i have never had any personal contacts with sir gauge, or noth my school, my social circle. it was different, immeasurable slander, according to canoe. so in france, without housing, without a lawyer, not the best conditions for retaliatory actions, but can i so did not want to ignore the smear campaign in the media and the absurd accusations against her. she also didn't want to leave unanswered the threats that unknown people sent her every day. i have been repeatedly threatened with violence in austria as well as here. threats have been received from austria and germany up to the prefecture, the emails say, but an austria letters also came to my mailbox,
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but no one wanted to take it seriously. the content was something like this. russian pig, you should be hanged. putin's prostitute. you need to have your throat slit and buried alive like that, and we will make sure that you are buried that way. and these are just the wildest things i've received of can i so has to defend herself against politicians in both austria and france. she considers them corrupt the way the austrian a lead treated, her reminded. can i soul of the order of the 19th thirty's can i? souls tone became hard. she no longer wonders why adolph hitler relied on the austrians to choose the leadership of the ss constant. attacks made her suspicious even during our filming. she could not get rid of the thought that she was being watched. and the conversation listened to auto mitt 3 weeks ago on sunday, i contacted the former federal president of austria hines, fisher. i don't have very close contact with him. but i said that in connection with the threats of sanctions against garrard schroeder,
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from the european parliament, chancellor schoultz immediately took a position and said that there is no question of him being included in the sanctions. less than an austria newspapers were full of headlines. all of corinne nestles assets will be confiscated. this is my property before this is the house. i earned a 120000 euros for and built it for another 12 years and all this long before in their opinion. i began working for someone from the russian side. here's how austria there was not a single person in austria, who would say, it's not legally possible. i would be the 1st you citizen whose house would be congress. i asked the former president, himes fisher, if he was ready to support me in any way so that at least someone would do something he refused. therefore i have no way to somehow defend myself against these accusations by the media. and no one in austria has the opportunity to
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publicly speak in my defense and say enough is enough. i'll have to. she left the country. she does not oppose. austria, i didn't start an opposition party who controls the harassment of ny still to me has nice to become a target. embittered editor's old enemy. so does everything come from the very top? it's so many reasons why i'm the focus of this kind of attention. i would say that all this dirt that originally appeared revolved around bullying animals. if i were a man, i would have been accused of sexual harassment, pet ophelia, or something else a long time ago. in my case, it was cruelty to animals which for public outrage, stamps right after pet ophelia. and this is largely due to the fact that one of my 1st official actions in december 2017 was the advertising budget, which is a very corrupt business in austria. taxpayer money is wasted, millions are thrown around, they're giving them to the editors for good reports. and we're not talking about some kind of invitation to
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a hotel. we're not talking about travel. we're talking about millions of euro's corruption has also become very widespread in austria over the past 20 years. and i put an end to this corruption story. and from the 1st day it made me so to speak, a red rag for many editors. i reported this to the parliamentary commission investigating the case in may 2021. when i was so to speak, a little robin hood for a short time alone against the mafia. when they threatened to burn down my house, it reminds me of the 19 thirty's, chicago, where a small grocer says, i'm not going to pay a $100.00 for a roof this week. and that was one of the reasons, but not the only one. i can't say right now if there are any other customers there, i would interpret it this way and it's quite curious. i've been thinking about it a lot during sleepless nights. at the age of 54, now i'm 57 and a half. that is,
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it all started when i was 5455 years old. and i realized that it was no coincidence that under adolph hitler was most of the leadership of the ss. and the gestapo were from austria. they were not from sicily, ireland, or douglas, don, i've been thinking about it a lot. they were austrians, residents of central europe, full of a mixture of explosive falsehood and cowardice. i mention him, none of the many residents of the middle east europe seems like a distant paradise. they go to terrible hardships run to where they expect to find safety and freedom, but nicely has lost faith in europe. she thinks the middle east is safer. now i am going to lebanon because among other things, and who would have thought there is more freedom and lebanon, i you say you feel more free here? to what extent? yes, yes, i've been teaching for a long time. and i would like to teach again, though i taught in austria and taught for several years at the american university
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in austria. take, for example, the problem of climate change, the problem of war and ukraine, or the problem of the pandemic. these are all topics where there is only one black and white and from the point of view of science, this is a failure. and if we compare it with the debates that i can conduct at universities in lebanon, egypt, israel, than i have much more freedom of speech than in austria, not to mention germany, i often had german students who told me, wow, you can still discuss things very openly and critically on various issues, regardless of whether it's about israel, the war in syria or anything else is that the ceiling leak or the vessel ema plesk play out the scenario. what if karen ny saw had stayed in france? what would have been the consequences? what would her opponents have been capable of? would her safety really have been at risk that my safety? obviously there are a lot of people who are interested that i well,
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let's say disappear or do you are from the sky. the public is an inconsistent judge . a good lawyer is needed here. if you're not careful, you can quickly become a victim of a violent crowd. now, one day in the middle east offense was erected around the scaffold. tomatoes used to fly from the crowd to day malicious tweets and e mails. there is no mercy for the full moon foreign, mister eva. how did nicely cope with the pressure? he would have no food. in the morning i have to deal with physical shit in the stable in the afternoon. i have to deal with immaterial shit. and this physical shit you can smell it and they material shit, suddenly flies right in your face. that's why the shit from the stable comes me down a bit, but wasn't nice. it's on the way a nozzles, lawyers, former colleagues, political associates, journalists, and customers. hold of them have already turned away from her. even relatives and friends have joined the campaign against karen nicely for company. as for friends,
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a friend is always the one you can call it 3 a at and say that you have a flat tire. and i had several such friends that the 1st 2 unfortunately died a were my age, and in general, i don't have many friends. last and last year i got into stupid trouble. i broke my ankle in several places. i was completely immobilized for 3 months. i couldn't do anything, i couldn't even take care of animals. thank god, i could afford to hire a person to take care of them. but for the remaining 23 hours, i took care of myself and i was still thinking about the time that i had friends. and i was wondering if i should ask them if they could come. or i also thought that i might still be remembered from the time when i was a minister for several months. and i was hoping that they might come to suburban western observe is a show that nicely dance was a dance with the devil himself. if you look objectively, karen nicely invited one of the most influential people in the world, her wedding day, full of events and consequences. immediate coverage has become
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a continuous conflagration. without regard to morality and ethics. will she invite the russian president to dance again? that is, you know, i imagine the position clearly didn't sometimes know for them. yes, of course i will not like german president stein mer, repent all of my mistakes, questioning everything, but he has done over the years of his career. i am responsible for my every action and what is the crime that i sent an invitation to president putin? i didn't expect him to actually come. it was a surprise that he accepted the invitation and, and in general, it was all spontaneous. as i've already said. i danced with him, let's say, share the joy that my fiance and i had we were both over 50. the 1st wedding for both of us. in general, there was the invitation, but it just so happened. it was a pure coincidence, but it's so happened and me and my husband and i danced after the wedding for about 45 minutes. and during the break,
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i went up to the president. he was there and invited him to dance. it was spontaneous, it was just such an atmosphere there. and now scientific research is already writing about this crime against democracy that i committed and that i danced with him. and there was just such a figure in the dance as the president bowed. this is covered on the video. i kissed my hand and i curtsied and i learned this at dance school and how it is done at a festive ball. and now it's all being quoted. it's been defamed and dumped in the mud. and these are all the gestures that make up life. and in my book, diplomacy makes history. i try to point out these completely different aspects that should also accompany interpersonal and interstate relation. we can't always think only about missile bases gdp sanctions and so on. diplomacy is more than political issues. i have the dilemma we are facing in the current situation. and i know this from european commission is that only political scientists are sitting there. there
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are no historians. there are no geographers. there are no people, li, engaged in diplomacy, and everything related to it. there are no forbidden topics financial. however, there are fewer into locus that are ready to listen to her is time to start all over again. and so karen nicely moved to lebanon. this journey with all the animals was by no means easy. it was not so easy to organize such a mood. after all, it was not limited to personal belongings, books and furniture. i took my 2 boxer dogs and to shetland ponies with me. the rest of the animals chickens, ducks, and an aquarium with fish had to be left and even so it was very difficult to organize everything. i contacted several agencies until i found a suitable one. on the 2nd of june, i managed to move all of the furniture. the rest of the things were already packed and i stayed with all the animals in an absolutely empty house. i slept on
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a mattress for about 2 weeks. i also had big problems with food because in the area where i lived, it was difficult to get anything without a car. and i had already given the car to my friend in austria by that time, in short, it was a difficult time. everything was postponed endlessly the last few weeks before the immediate move were especially difficult. however, in the end, everything worked out and i came here with my dogs, and i must say almost from the 1st stay here. i started doing all the necessary things for a normal life attaining a residence permit, opening a bank account, tin and so on. here i was a waiting for a daily struggle with the local bureaucracy, which reminds me a little of the old ottoman officials of the 19th century on the internet and in the media. hatred does not weaken even off the car and nice the was actually squeezed out of the country. however, she copes by switching her attention to what surround. so she lives with the syrian family in their house, in the lebanese mountain here, the ponies of the foam austrian foreign minister are incredibly popular with local
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. i said that i urgently needed a house where i could be with animals, and this is not so easy to find lebanon. and even in a short time, however, the owner kindly agreed to provide it and allowed him to stay with 2 ponies. they were very friendly towards my horse who died 2 years ago, and i just could not leave them alone. at 1st i found a place for them in austria, but then i found out that it was not very good there either. and then i brought them to france and then somehow managed to get them here. here, they're incredibly popular. and when we go for a walk, all people want to do is take pictures. children run up and wave to us drews and habits this area. this is a separate ethnic group. they are neither christians nor muslims their faith based on the late hellenistic beliefs. drew's mainly live in the lebanese mountains in syria as well as in the north of israel and the former palestine on the golden
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heights. it's all very close a few kilometers away. the drews, still believe in reincarnation. they have a completely different attitude to animals and to nature, different from monotheistic religions, where the belief prevails. that man is set to rule over nature, especially in christianity where this thought has rained for centuries, even if there is almost no fuel here. electricity provided for a couple of hours a day. if there is any at all. however, in purely interpersonal terms, i have a feeling that the current crisis, these sufferings unite representatives of different faiths. there are no more violent clashes between cities and she hit as it was in the ninety's. there is no longer that christian arrogance, especially on the part of the maronite. there are enough people who have said, what are you doing with the drew's? you have to live with the christians. i found a house by accident,
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and i do not share people. i'm very glad and grateful that i could live here in this house. however, i must say, in some mind, all these boundaries are still very strong together with the owners of the house. karen nicely lives in very simple conditions. they cook here on an open fire. there is very little energy here, like trust is available only for a few hours a day. so you have to eat only what can be stored without a refrigerator. mutual support is the basis of living together and this is where it manifests itself best. for example, karen nicely gives home lessons to the son, but he syrian family who lives with them. abdulla is 10 years old, but he did not really go to school because his father sent him to an auto repair shop. the boy goes there every day at 7 30 in the morning and returns home at 5 or 6 in the evening. i asked his father not to send him to the workshop any more bother to bring him to me for school lessons. now he and i are studying mathematics studying english. abdulla will return to the auto repair shop when he is 16 years
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old until then he can fully enjoy his childhood. hardly any one suspected that just a few years ago, his current teacher was the chief diplomat of an entire country, reagan, he shaking hands with the most influential people in the world. only a few photos on the wall speak about it. and the fact that she took photos with russian politicians with her, his fall from an accident. candidly about midday, blocked out of council for i have several photos from my time as the head of the foreign ministry, from meetings with the pope and european politicians. but i deliberately took these photos with me back to france, quite as negotiations with foreign minister, sergey lover of negotiations with vladimir putin. i met with him 34 times during negotiations. all these are interesting memories for me, because i got the impression that when talking to european politicians, you actually communicate with some teenagers, always somewhat agitated,
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filled with youthful superiority. if you want to deal with serious people, then you need to go to moscow. ging islam abad. or new delhi karen nozzle, sympathies for russia not limited to the political sphere. it's all learning. rushing through an online courses become a wonderful wife and nicely to escape from everyday problems in particularly difficult times, whether here or in france, learning other languages, their grammar structures, and so on has always been a life saver for me. it is as if you are dealing with another world, another reality. and all the attacks and hatred become invisible. that is why i often say that russian grammar really gave me the meaning of life, nevertheless, strong friendships, even more important. it was because of them that karen nice will chose lebanon for her immigration with the help of long term companion. she was able to find housing, where she was able to settle with animals and overcome numerous every day
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difficulties. when meeting natalie, the restaurant in bible county nice will, has been friends with her since childhood classes, from campus talking before our mothers worked for austrian airlines. when it was a significant airline. and bay route was one of the important airports and her mother. and i hate, and my mother knew each other a little from work. my mom always told me about her parents and aid in our sen and bay route. for me, these are childhood memories. we played with each other when we lived in lebanon, and a real friendship formed between us. when we were 1819 years old, there was heavy fighting in lebanon, and they were constantly between beirut in austria. and since 1989 natalie is returned to lebanon since then, i visited her every year that was 24 years ago and, and total, we've known each other for 53 years since the age of 4 slipknot puzzle. because
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it's not to be friends with such a person as car, nicer and to supporter, even when the mood becomes negative is not easy for many, perhaps because of this nice lost some friends. but for natalie, all this never massett either from the front door, john, because i have known her since childhood in everything that is said or told about her is all bad propaganda. i am against these people who write only to write. i know her personally for me, karen is karen. she has never been different. thanks. and this is what happens when you don't need to explain yourself when you don't need to put on a show. also for the sake of unconditional friendship and a place of solitude. karen nozzle is ready to do without many things and lead a simple life in a country with a most people every day. life is determined by pure struggle for existence. however, the country has known best at times. count nice will shows us a clear example of this in the sense of beirut event week long thoughtless. here in beirut, i saw complete destruction. more than 30 years ago when there was a war,
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only during the war, people said, always a play lug where after the war they made plans for the post war period. then the country began to recover in terms of real estate, a lot in institutional and social terms very little. so the war has not ended at the human level. unfortunately, however, real state recovered very quickly. now we're standing here in the most beautiful area of beirut. these were ordinary, luxurious shopping malls, embassies, bank branches, insurance companies. there's also a d, h l. great. every one needs it. really. i moved with them. however, in economic terms, nothing is happening. namely, the service sector has define the life of the city. since the forties and fifties, beirut has always been a city of services, banks,
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insurance companies. it worked here. people spoke 3 languages. this is a service society. and people here are friendly, responsive, and able to help representatives of other cultures. imagine you had an apartment here and then you've survived the war. and now it's over. there's really a complete decline here. only sick cats and completely destroyed buildings remain the economic crisis of 2019 lead to the fact that the exchange rate of the lebanese pound on the black market deviated from the official right peg to the us dollar. money suddenly depreciated and prices skyrocketed. the explosion of the port in 2020, and the colossal destruction that followed further weakened the country's economy, the boots up to slumber by dog of the explosion in the summer of 20. 20, aggravated the situation after the banking sector had already collapsed before in the fall. of 2019, then the pandemic came, and during the pandemic,
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we were all willy nilly locked up somewhere. and as soon as the restrictions were lifted here, people left 410020000 people a month. why therefore, the lebanese always have relative somewhere. whether in brazil, france or austria, many of them left because they said this country has no future and there's no future for our children. so 501-002-0000 people a month continue to leave. when i come to a lawyer because i need documents to get a 10 and so on. the 1st question is, are you crazy? what are you doing here anyway? because who is coming to lebanon today? i really found myself in a strange, surreal situation. what i say for me, lebanon is against all odds, an opportunity to have the right to live. i do not need more than the empty bottles
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. in covington, i threw us and karen nicely considered the living conditions in lebanon, a gloomy omen for europe. the scenario of the future, which many would have loft as a year ago now no longer seems so unreal. i believe that what you see here will happen in europe. the main similarity is corruption when the system ceases to inspire confidence among taxpayers, because the population taxpayers simply ceased to believe in the state and institutions. and this is exactly what is happening now in many societies when people can no longer afford daily life, as inflation is rising, because salaries are no longer enough. rents for many years are too high for the average family. this is a combination of many things and if you add to this, the fact that the cost of energy becomes unaffordable than much collapses. as an expert on the middle east, nice understands the differences between western and arab societies. in her opinion,
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countries such as lebanon, coke, bess, it with crisis than for example, germany. i admire the lebanese, the strength of many of my friends who are there, bringing their children to school, paying the bills. i know how many of them cope and with what confidence they enter life. but i think this is an eastern society while there are no lebanese here. also israelis, palestinians, iraqis. they are just much better prepared to go through such hard times because they are able to suffer because they have family cohesion. and they are not just going through such hard times. now. they have been going through hard times for 40 years. now they say that many things are much more difficult than during the war, and they also have cohesion on their, they still have a certain lightness of being which is felt despite the difficulties. and this is what defines the society, and this is what our societies lack. i can live when electricity is provided for 2
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hours a day. i have batteries to work, the internet. i charge my laptops, but somehow it works. however, lebanon, a society where the main thing is, the service sector, is radically different from economic centers, such as germany or austria out, london, durable. but i'd say before it gets better, it has to get a lot worse in germany and europe. however, whether there is a way out of the crisis is unknown. if it succeeds, perhaps there will be a place again for the form of foreign minister expelled from the home country for advocating pragmatic relations with russia and remaining steadfast even in difficult times. karen nice will it does not allow moralists to defeat, even though they eventually resorted to. the most immoral means she does not allow herself to be remade. she hit the road blue with
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a breaking news. this our done. yes. official tech. choose key of targeting the city center while locals commemorative as slain, female militia commander, leaving at least 5 dead. 6 wounded on assistant camera, mount working for artsy, who was staying at a damaged hotel, suffered a concussion india to ad on our program. this, our washington ward and china not to escalate the situation in taiwan into a crisis after us. hi speaker at nancy. hello.
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