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tv   News  RT  August 4, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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ah ah, breaking news this our officials in done yet? q is key about the targeting that the leaving at least 5 people did. the strikes occurred while locals were gathering to commemorate a slain female militia under a hotel was also hit. with an assistant to an rti camera meant left with concussion almost the international reveals. it's documented how it here has endangered its own civilians by allowing its forces to face themselves of school and hospital. also with
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a shame in circles, taiwan with large scale military exercises in direct response to that visit to the island of u. s. i. speaker and nancy pelosi, the chinese defense ministry states ballistic missiles, helping fire directly over the chair with life moscow. this is our take good to have your company today. my name is human o'neill. we begin without breaking news from the done yet people's republic, where officials say 5 people have been killed on at least 6 injured and ukrainian shelling of the done yet. capital a warning you may find the following images disturbing next on throughout our segment. according to local officials, some 10 projectiles hit the city center damaging several buildings including the dumbass policy, hotel or journal were based on assist into an rti camera man was injured during the
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shelling alice believed to have suffered concussion. the strike happened before commemoration service for the slain commander had begun. with all those present, evacuated to shelters, canadian journalist even bartlett, who normally escaped, being hit by the shilling, spoke to the program earlier. the 1st blast occurred on $1020.00 a and a series of blast. within a few minutes. when things calm down turn, i started going outside to document the damage. there was unfortunately one dead woman just outside the hotel. i was actually in the hotel when it started, i was working and when after the 1st 3 very strong explosions, i went to the hotel lobby. and at the time that the assistant to the camera man was injured, that was the 5th blast, a very powerful blast right next to the hotel. i had just stepped back from the, from the lobby. so thankfully, i'm sorry that he was injured, but yeah that's,
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that's where i was at the time. and about an hour prior. i had been working in the room that took the most damage because this hotel is journalist. go to it because at the central location and it has powerful why fi and those are the tools that we need. so i'm pretty sure that you knows that this is a hotel, that journalist i stay and i don't think that this was accidental. it's now. com. but people over, of course, on edge knowing that ukraine is struck the center already a few times, not could happen at any moment. call a warning again, you may find the following images coming up disturbing a video has appeared on social networks showing more victims of the shelling in done yet a grandmother and her granddaughter or phone dead in a park. they were later discovered by the girls grandfather, the woman's husband who confirmed they were indeed his loved ones. sonya,
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i have no documents to prove. we are relatives, but this is my granddaughter and here lies my wife. the projectile flew here. boom . the shell struck the theatre and the don bass palace hotel to civilians and one member of the military were killed. the blast tore the civilians apart and char just flew past me. i feel incredible emotion. i hope no one ever experiences anything like that. yet. i came out from a shop after the blast, which forced every one to hide in a basement. we have no idea what's next. whether there will be further attacks. will ortiz remind cost red faison done yet as well for us sand has more known. what else was hit in today's attack? once again, multiple districts have been shelled in the city of the nest, including the very center of the city, of course. so don bass palace hotel where many journalists, including foreigners, are a staying and as well as a drama theater, which is located just about a 100 meters away from where we are. now,
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this is not the 1st time that said the nest is being shell. this has been happening over the last 8 years. continuously of course shelling had intensified over the last few months since the start of the special military operation. now, local officials believed that though the reason for 2 days shelling was at the funeral off a colonel all got euro, who was killed on her return from a mission in girl of god. of course, she's been given the honor of the hero of the next people's republic, as well as an honor of the hero of russia, which was assigned by president vladimir putin and local officials. believe that this is exactly why ukraine decided to show the center of the city to disrupt her funeral. let's take a listen. look. we should probably have expected that this would happen, that such a service would not have been allowed to take place so easily. i think the ukrainians targeted the theater,
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how ukrainian officials have issued their own statement saying that they are not to blame for the deaths of civilians and the sensor of don't ask and that the army is not to blame for the shelling of the center of the city as in that they never, ever target civilians or civilian infrastructure. however, the reality on the ground is very different. we've been working here for the last 8 years and hundreds, literally hundreds of people have been killed in the last 4 months alone as the result of ukrainian artillery shilling. and there are plenty of fun. there's plenty of proof and expertise on of that as well. now we're waiting to find out what exactly the nest was shelled with. a local officials are saying that reportedly ukraine used high caliber 155 millimeter nato made rockets. and we did find a few of fragments of the shell that landed in the last palace hotel. we've already
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taken the pictures and footage of that senator specialists, and we will find out exactly what that rocket was. well, as discuss developments now with independent journalists look, reveal joining us from brussels. hi there. look, it appears. this may have been an attempt to strike a memorial service for a militia member by key f forces. family members of course would be attending not as well. does such targeting surprise you? well, it doesn't, but um, it's worse than that. ethan on the fact that a key f army over the last years m. s. shell bomb don't. yes. repeatedly. while it is not a military target, just to kill civilians is, is really off. any is martin depress hearing these things are not mentioned in all on. it's one thing to have collateral damages. there are collateral damages
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. unfortunately, in every conflict when an army progresses, unfortunately, sometimes they kill civilians. but in this instance, it's not the case. it is bombing a city with oh, you know, of a population which has nothing to do with the armies on the field. and so it is really this fickle and the sense that they should never bond. the city of don. yes . and here in west we, we simply people don't know. they think it's a village don't yet they don't know. it's the same sizes. brussels where i called from so it's some, it's really terrible that the media in the west. just copy paste what comes from care of. and i wonder if this will be mentioned in the news to light in terms of what the at ukrainian president's office has said. key of officials claimed that they were not behind the attack, but as you lay i 3rd done yet has been held by dpr forces for years. the population
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there is extremely pro at russian. if it does come out in the headlines, you think there will just be acknowledgement that key of wasn't involved because they say so. or will the facts make people think twice here? i think sac psalm trickling to beginning to end the beginning of it was black and white to the good side whiskey of, of course, everywhere in the mainstream press in europe. and we just see copy paste off of their press releases. but this is changed lately. a little bit, you know, on t f one, for example, the french child had a journalist, a good one embedded with the russian forces. and the report she brought was the 1st ones that i saw on television and west that were a little bit different. not just, you know, completely falls complete. thank you. so it changes a little also that they have been some reactions of angels,
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everywhere of governments that say that he, if is not, you know, waging a correct war. oh and so on the conflict on it is still very much see him in the west from the side of ki if but there are voices and there are many voices in the readers. i mentioned general after articles into press. you see that reduced disagree with the news as presented by the, by the newspapers all by the t. v. stations. yeah, absolutely there. in those common section, you can see quite a bit of truth. can't you occasionally look thank you the crib a but can you just stay for a moment because it's another story i want to bring to our viewers and then get your thoughts of in just a moment on a similar situation. the global humber right. or organization amnesty international has admitted ukrainian forces have purposely used at schools,
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hospitals, and other civilian objects as basis for their troops. the organizations say the country has been endangering its own civilians by putting not only troops, but also weapons systems in residential areas. bonding the move, quote, a violation of attorney in law. as a result, schools and hospitals then became the target of russian air force and are totally strikes. amnesty has demanded kiev stops using civilians in the conflict down to evacuate them from all possible grounds. russia has also been blamed for civilian casualties by using highly destructive weapons. on this, the said to hit ukraine's military. i'm the international secretary general also said they have documented the violations by t f as well. we have documented a pattern of ukrainian forces put in civilians. a trace can violate the loss of war when they operate in populated areas. at $22.00,
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out of $29.00 schools wasted amnesty researches are the hall soldiers using the passes or found evidence of clearance or prior military activity includes in the past and so military fatigues, discarded munitions, army ration packets, and military vehicles. journalists, lacrisha a is with the programming. he comes back to speak on this though. hi there again, luke. yeah. the normative of this is not something we really see in the west, even from human rights organizations. are you surprised? are you surprised a it's coming out and be it's only coming. i know i'm not surprised that it happens, but i'm surprised at the fact that it is so clear. and amnesty international report, you know, because they mention 5 hospitals being used by, by the ukrainian military, all the number of schools that you mentioned. so clearly it's
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a pattern of the here far me that is really totally contrary to the geneva agreement sign. you. you shouldn't, of you schools to shelter for the military and bring in the bombings onto the village, or the city by being in populated areas. and then thinking look for doing that, is that because they think that russia will fight back if we put it in a school or a hospital, that's generally it? well, they think promptly doctor to russian artillery would hesitate about firing. if it is in a school or hospital, that's why they shelter in the hospital the school. but also, they think simply that the population that this event population is a protection for them. that's all they just high within the population in the cities and villages just to, to avoid the shelling of the russian artillery. that's so really not the way to, to wrong to, to behave in a conflict for an army,
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but of course then they can produce their press release to saying that the rashaw me aim, surprised, and killing civilians buying or selling schools and hospitals and showing photos of hospitals, forgetting that it is their troops, ukrainian troops that were in the building and were show by the russian army. there is so much detail in this report it's, it's really hard hitting without in mind. i know we spoke in this earlier look, but are you surprised that this report is largely gone under the radar with few headlines me diet. let's picking up on it. there is a reluctance in the mainstream media again, because so in bellevue, i mean your crime is white and russia is black in this conflict. so there is a reluctance, of course to mention this, but i think now it, it really begin to come out. there were a lot of thank you so flies about what happens to people don't realize that don't
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yet it's not the old blast of don't get skin that. what's the landscape says it's not about the safety of doing it. so the people are completely out of what they don't know, they don't know what happens. so this will rating change the way that europeans perceive perceive the conflict. now, i think, and i hope so, but again, of course i'm not sure if the sure. yeah, that, that's the, that's the media point of view in terms of western governments. what reaction from them, because we should bear in mind after all, it's there are weapons being sent to key of being used in these attacks. yeah. so i suppose governments will be really annoyed at what happens or what is mentioned clearly and details by as the international which is respected everywhere in the west. that is important because so it's usually very much left leaning and,
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and perceive this as quite useful. and in this out really on mentioning things that are totally unacceptable. so on for the governments, it will be difficult germany as well as everywhere, france, italy, in places because there will be questions about this. so i think that there will be shocked me. there will be on conversations with keith guffman to tell them to stop this, but it also comes into the press pole. oh yeah. a lot of intriguing points. they're being raised by lucrative, a independent journalist from brussels. we will wait and see, look, if any of that comes to be thank you very much for your time today. thank you. ah. all right, let's move all now to more world news. the chinese army are currently involved in large scale military exercises striking targets in the taiwan strait in war games. it comes right after the u. s. high. speaker nancy pelosi recent visit to taiwan. a
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series of drills are being conducted in 6. those are on the island, 3 of which over love love that i pay claims as part of its territorial waters. the chinese events ministry confirmed the use of ballistic missiles. time on things, it's activated. it's defense systems. trimming 11 of them at london in waters around the island to day to discuss the what can only be described as an escalating situation as cross life, to local correspondent in fujian that province in china just across the street. really from taiwan mon since tion. you're most welcome at tenths times are on tie one. can you bring us up to date? what's the main line on these drills taking place today? exactly, if the chinese military is conducting targeted a miniature operations around taiwan island, the 3 they drill started a new one local town today and will last until mid day sunday. it features
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a series of exercises and training activities, including live, fire drills in maritime areas and aerospace at one time while the drills are taking place in 6 different areas that encircled the island from all directions. that military noted earlier that the purpose is to explore, to the interference by external forces and the separate schemes for taiwan, independence. the chinese emitted to announce the exact locations about 38 hours ahead of the exercises, and the warns of vessels and aircraft. now to answer these areas for safety reasons that it follows an international practice under which in case of an emergency, it should be announced that 24 hours in advance and around a 1 pm local time. today, the pos, eastern theater command carried out to precede strikes in the eastern parts of the tower. straight demetrius as expected, results have been achieved and therefore relevant to see. and the asked is control
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of the east and course until one has been lifted. is there a sense that this is going to ramp up now and also as an aside to that, is there a feeling perhaps in china that this is more than the response, nancy pelosi thought would come in reaction to her visit. well, i have to say the telling question the most important and sensitive issue of china us relations with nancy pelosi has done is not about holding democracy by a provocation and infringements. i'm trying to solve and see, and territory integrity visit, which one is a breach of america has the political commitment. so 5 assurances for china in particular, the us doesn't odyssey can new cold war with china, that us stuff. and also for this one, independence, and it has no intention to seek a conflict with a china full size of the story. china us a joint committee case,
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a political commitment made by both sides and the one trying to principle the political foundation of china. us relations is obvious that in the us size and made a solemn commitment to china and having question very action, you see it as a constancy upgrade to the relations and official exchanges with a southern region. so to answer your question, i think closer to the sense of wrong thinking onto the separate is to forces from taiwan independence and escalate tensions across the street is a very dangerous just finally, is there palpable anger? is there a sense of that among people in china because we've spoken to people in taiwan and they, you know, some of them are not supporters of beijing, but they've also said this was unnecessary, this visit and we do not supported. so what's the, what's the take in china, the mainland, right. in all east or trend as
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a foot in the close is the mainland. probably still taiwan. and i said it was german. here is just about 300 kilometers away from the island. there are over 100 a 1000. it's how when people have made a gentleman their home, as we, the similar sentiments are for the chinese men as or even in taiwan. like you mentioned people here, a very much concerned about philosophy that is largely seen as a publication undermining china solvency and territory integrity. many people hear punch, it says a close it's provocation is all about making has no political gains. if their share political, 5 or older people are saying, well, lucy is a one staging this acts into the china us relationship and the peace and stability in the region that are taking the toll. in general, the village arouses a strong indignation among the chinese people. and people here optimistic about incomplete radio. if occasion of china back to you. one overnight stay on the much
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from a cation that has caused this quite incredible local correspondence in china's food john province. man soonish and many thanks. largely nicky are and being taking a closer look at the consequences of pollution visit to ty, pay, toner is already taking action as it warned it would fall out from pillow sees. well, when trip has been swift and brutal, so quite rightly, people are asking the question, we have seen the chinese authorities take multiple economic actions against individual chinese companies. an entire sectors of the economy. taiwan has already paid your visit and is likely to continue to do for the coming days of week. what concrete tangible benefits can be promised. hi juan. offset the cost of your trip. a tricky question. slickly deflected because she knew exactly what she'd done and americans have made a bit of a habit of doing things like this,
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throwing others under the bus in service of their own goals, and the consequences over this brief trip are already taking hold global market so spooked and the largest military drills around tie one in decades. ah let's say, might prove that the economic measures imposed by china will hurt taiwan. the most staging has already banned imports from $35.00 taiwanese exports plus restrictions on some fruit and fish. and one might not sound like a big deal, the ban on son to which the island was already short of plus if a key component of ty, one's greatest export semiconductors, which have not be mentioned. well, not yet. if aging does decide to go further,
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people on the streets will be sure to feel it. china is tie, one's largest trading partner after role. so is it any wonder that there were people in taiwan who weren't engaging in the pillow? see, love fest money on the bill. what do you mean below? see what the hell i doing here right now? come all the way here to sport the 2. these people support yourself. you want to support us to fight against the peoples of the ration. army americans always ask us to let more to when he's people join the army. whenever you come to ty wines or want us to buy more weapons from you and fight against the people's liberation army in urban terrain, it's none of your business. i hate to support taiwan or to provoke a war one. how are you doing here? below see the relationship between the mainland until one is already very tense. you're supporting to one, but we don't need your support. you all. it's really pairing oil on the flames. you only make things worse. so who did this flying visit is 1st, was simply pelosi. he wanted to be pictured a chair in ty pay before he attention. he gets kicked out this november or was it
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the war hawks in washington? hooping roger thing up, the t china rhetoric for months now. oh, and of course the military industrial complex, the very heart of american foreign policy. american officials have been quietly pressing their tie when he's counterparts to buy weapons suitable for a symmetric warfare. a conflict in which is smaller, military uses mobile systems to conduct lethal strikes on a much bigger force. they can say what it has here is a win win. not only does it make money on selling weapons, but it also has a leaf for us weapons at the ready in the region. should it decide it needs them? as we know, tie one wouldn't be the 1st to pay the price for the policies of dc warhawks, people in afghanistan, all starving because the government can't access its own money, which is frozen by the us. those tens of thousands of venezuelans who pay the ultimate price for the u. s. as punitive sanctions. and then there's the ukranian people who critic say dying needlessly. just in american poll and the u. s. proxy
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war with russia. but apparently in the long run, it's always a price worth paying. we have heard half a 1000000 children of god. i mean, that's more children than died when in hiroshima and you know, if the price worth it. i think this is a very hard choice, but the price we think the price is worth it. so now he is taiwan, and pelosi won't even give it a 2nd thought she got her photo after all. full after her meeting with the taiwanese president this week, nancy pelosi made some muddled up remark. she cited benjamin franklin, but confused. a famous quote on the unity of liberty and safety. benjamin franklin, presidency said, freedom and democracy, freedom and democracy. one thing security here. if we don't have,
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we can't have it either. if we don't have both. and while her trip came with words of hope, freedom, security in unit c, the u. s. representative was criticized by many for making the contentious stop on the island territory, which has driven uneven bigger wage and relations between china and the u. s. r been voted on former vice chair for the libertarian national committee, discussed with us american meddling in asia politics. well, right now, the united states hasn't understood that you can have an opinion without committing to an 80 arctic policy. was in my opinion that taiwan should be a completely free and independent nation, but i'm not willing to commit us soldiers to it. i'm not willing to commit us taxpayers to it. that's just an opinion of that. i hold of what i think an ideal world would be like. and nancy pelosi is completely right to express her opinion. the problem is the way that the u. s. government is running right now. a foreign
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policy is opinions, seeing that they need to turn into military expensive, costly, military action immediately. and that's where i see the problem. right now the united states is over spending on a lot of just stupid and pointless welfare and military programs. and those are all expensive programs, and in order to fund them, they're borrowing a lot of money from china. now, if china ever refused to roll over the debt, the united states would be in a huge situation that have to cut back a lot of these programs. so in order to keep wasting money on the stupid programs, they have to stay on good terms with china. so that's why they're even though 99.999 percent of americans agree that taiwan should be a separate country. the federal government can't really say so publicly because they're financially dependent on china to fund their stupid welfare programs. ok, something else to tell you by today russia essays, it's concerned over,
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escalating tensions in the disputed territory of nicola, kara buck and has called for a diplomatic solution to the crisis. the foreign ministry sees it's in close contact with both of the opposing sides, armenia and other by john. the russian peacekeepers are also working on the ground in attempts to stabilize the situation. as of now, there are no active battles going on. and the general secretary of the collective security treaty organization has called and both sides, the further refrain from violence. here's ortiz maria from the pensions are high in the disputed territory of not gotten cut off 20 months after the military conflict . there had ended up with the si, fi agreement between armenia and as it by john mediated with the help of russia on wednesday. as it by, johnny troops launched an air strike heating and armenian military unit, claiming it was a response to the armenian armed forces, illegal activity in the area, and now,
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but who is saying it's taking control over the strategic hides and key territories in the cut off region at the same time or media is blaming as it by john for violating the ceasefire agreement. one as it by john in 2 armenian soldiers have been confirmed dead with a 14 more armenians reported wounded. there was already an international reaction to what's happening in the board and the cut over with you and washington, both calling to end the fighting. the gordon incredible has announced the partial mobilization and he's now saying that is trying to stabilize the situation in that region. with the help of the russian peacekeeping forces, patient in the area. this conflict is more than 3 decades old and i've gotten, it could have been broke away from. was it a by john with the help of armenia after the collapse of the soviet union in the early 99 case in 2020 as it by john and other media for to war and but who.


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