tv News RT August 10, 2022 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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ah, ah ah, american made kamikaze join show up to sal and the dog nets off the more than 700 weapons with applied to ukraine by the u. s. william were totally in the preliminary results of the presidential election in kenya. estimate a financial crisis pushing some voters to allegedly come to bribe. it's tons that fit to win by any means. what are you paid to do? it? do well, and when the politician, it gives me something good, i'm good to do to go with it. i have to do and they need to be fed, so i'll have to do whatever i do so that i gotta make my money. i think i disunity
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among the interview with holland deputy prime minister refuses to comply with an ultimatum from brussels to implement changes in the countries court system with a very we're welcome to you. this is on the international with the latest world news update is good to happy with us is $4000.00. that's the price of a you estimate switch blade kamikaze drone on the online black market known as the doc. net, the weapons being put up to sell their off to hundreds of them were delivered by the pentagon to ukraine. ot maria phenomena investigates marika and now the country is sending weapons to ukraine. are supposed to watch where it actually goes, but we have what we have. it looks like some of the deadly weapons that washington sense, the ukraine as part of its massive multi $1000000.00 military 8 are now on sale.
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i'm talking about switch blade military drones. the u. s. has supplied key with at least 700 of them. and it's now emerging that for just $4000.00, anyone can actually get it on dark web. there are several offers there. switch by drones are packed with explosives, how they function. they actually won't chain the air until they find their target. and after that they attack, they are often referred to as coming cods because basically they act as single used remote control bombs. there are actually many thousands of drowns used in russia. ukraine conflict from both sides, specially to spot the enemy position and to guide a tillery fire. but what is special about switch blade, military, drones? they are themselves the weapon. this is why, of course, hang use now about them show, easy to get is very alarming, because that means basically that anyone including terrorist organizations,
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isis fighters, either or whoever, can get it easily and use it in their own purposes. and what is also alarm, and it's not the 1st case. can i have to say that most could, has been repeatedly trying to draw the world's attention to the fact that, since it's really hard to keep track of the weapons sent to ukraine, it's really dangerous to send weaponry for key if purpose is actually on the ground but we haven't to know the people supporting moscow's position in the west. and i have to say that recently they happened several ships in russia. ukraine coverage, including this particular part about weapon resend to ukraine with what's of western media and media finality and even n g o is now voicing facts and position and opinion support in the kremlin position . last week, cps, published at documentary investigate and why only 30 percent of military a sent to ukraine actually finds its way to the front lines. here's
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a little piece of this documentary in the past 2 months. we move weapons and equipment to ukraine, of records, fi, drones for an aide, launch machine guns. we're seeing this incredible storage flow of weapons coming in to ukraine. do we have any sense as to where they're going? we don't know. there is really no information as to where they're going towards just couple of days after the documentary was published, cbs reports removed from my website explaining the moved by saying that the situation on the ground has changed and the documentary needs some corrections. but without giving any further details. after the latest updates from rushes defends ministry on the military operation in ukraine and don't boss moscow say to ukrainian touch, can you ballistic missiles have been shut down as a village in the russian controlled caisson region? just 7 o'clock is fine by us. supply time on launches have been infected in the
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nikolai as uncursed and regions. russian forces have also destroyed a german made cheater on the combat vehicle inside ukraine. meanwhile, the u. s. s. and up to providing ukraine with advanced the anti re dom missiles. thus, despite no mention of such weapons in any recent inventory of military aid. in recent p, a packages, we've included a number of, of anti radiation missiles that can be fired off of ukrainian aircraft. they can have effects on russian radars and other things with the reach of nearly 50 kilometers. the homes are among the longer range weapons ukraine has been supplied with. such missiles can be used to con, get russian and croft radar systems, such as the s 400. last month ukraine's defense minister claims the latest military aid package had included anti radar miss sounds, but did not specify what they were. the photos of the u. s. anti radiation homes
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than it paid on social media after they'd been used by ukrainian dumbass, independent arms control and disarmament, expert ted ca say supplying weapons. the ukranian secret proves that washington's goal is far from peace keeping. if they were hiding this, they could be hiding other things. and they've only admitted to this after the fact that this transfer of very advanced systems, which have previously never been shared outside of europe and frankly, nato, until they were found out. it's very partisan effort by the current us administration to on one side and the conflicts declared. it has the moral high ground. it isn't that effort of peace making. it was never an effort the peace keeping by the u. s. government. this is a dangerous provocation. this is the serious upgrading of ukrainian capability, which again the u. s. want to troubles to high. there's nothing guaranteeing that that was the only system that was provided in secret ukrainian government. and
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don, bye thanks, but as angela from 6 countries, including from faithfully and germany, have visited, don, yes, were public detention facility, which was bombs last month, resulting in the deaths of dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war. russia say the ukrainian attack using an american supply time our system caused the casualties. ok of came moscow was responsible. the delegation to the eleanor because facility was led by the rushing state to my international affairs committee and the donates for public foreign minister. they presented evidence of attack with delegation, also met with prisoners of war, from ukraine's neo nazi as of battalion, many of whom were wounded in the following war, correspondent thomas roper visited the site earlier and shed his experience with a visual of the barracks. and you can see them that this couldn't be a real extension strongly stored from inside. just for one reason you see that the
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roof is still hanging down and it's on the ground if it will be. and if from inside it would just bone off. and it's a very thin metal roof, so it's nothing heavy. so then there was a quite hot fire and everything is burned to metal. and even the dead bodies were done to the bone. told me that we can see on the 1st picture from the day. so the story is quite obvious, and that might be the reason why intentional jason's harmonization are still coming . although russia writing nearly, everybody had 3 invitations to go there. so it's not a close place. would you say you've seen enough evidence to point to ukraine's direct involvement in the attack? you're more than that. the as of people we talked about themselves, they told us about the 3 explosions nearby to nearby. and then 3rd hitting the back . and i specially asked them, i told them the official version of key if it's some kind of a bump, whatever from russia inside the building up, it's pushed, sorry for that word, but they said it's not possible. they didn't want to be quite openly point on key
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if any way they want to go home because understand this. but when i told them, especially that version and confronted them with the version of key, if there's no no way, not this way. i know the red cross of claim they've got no security guarantees to attend the facility, nor have access to prisoners who were wounded during the attack. justice by russians call for the red cross on the you and to investigate this particular incident. what do you make of these claims? that's interesting because we asked the for a minister of the dna area. that issue was also a d, v. p of the she was also them. and my special asked to because i've seen the claims of s t r and red cross. and she said, well, you and i see i just doesn't answer the form of the calling and the red cross is and there was representative in don't ask who is not going there. and this happened and all about by car we were in the bus and we after that went to the next 20 or 30 minutes to the next suggest center. so if the red cross would want, they could go there. and i don't know what security guarantees they want when you
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go there, you see a bomb here. bombing always is quite the, it for the front door ness cannot guarantee that you create what should you? but we have been that the danger except for the normal danger. you have new to the front and do enough in any way in the whole city often. that's awesome. you mentioned that you met with members of ukraine as of battalion and he spoke with them. what did they tell you? exactly? we often are 1st to everybody of each of them towards his story. and well, one said he was going to sleep as usual at half past 10 and 11. he was went out by the explosion. and other one said he woke up only because of the 1st extortion nearby. when she heard of the 3rd one said i just went to sleep and woke up in hell . so they, you know, these are simple soldiers and they are not the guys who can tell you the story really colorful. they were quite at defects and told how they lift mentioned all this, how this happened. and then they said, well, just we stood up and then helped to evacuate the of the injured guys while they
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made western efforts to keep flooding. ukraine with weapons. a local army recruitment chief has admitted to a significant drop and the number of volunteers volunteers come. but very few people shown on tv queuing, autonomy, recruitment centers, mostly those who want to get a deferment undergo a medical examination or some other issue out of every 100 people, 3 of volunteers. whereas at the beginning of the aggression, just 3 out of every $100.00, came with a deferment certificate. hi, that eve equipment chief claims the despite the low number of volunteers, ukrainian forces on the suffering, a shortage of troops, while local media have raised concerns that ukrainians are getting back paula papers in public places. the army colonel has emphasized that such actions are not prohibited by law. he added that women in war important professions will be enlisted from october. the ukrainian government has extended nation wide mobilization assets until august 23rd. this comes with more than 500 trips have
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been killed in action in the past 2 days. that's according to the russian defense ministry, which also reported the elimination of at least $300.00 foreign mercenaries. from a marine corps intelligence officer, scott, which is a ukraine's high number of casualties. it's discouraging volunteers. it's an oppressive amount of casualties, which has a chilling effect on those who might be seeking to serve their country voluntarily . nobody wants to sign up for a losing cars. and right now, it is quite clear that ukraine is losing this war with russia, losing it a big way. and it cost them a lot of a lot of lives. and we have plenty of reports of territorial units refusing to fight because they say they're not properly trained properly equipped. and that is indicative of the emergency that's that confronting the ukrainians in terms of this manpower shortage. and one only needs to take a look at the stories that are being prioritized by the ukranian government and
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their western allies. and, you know, we, we hear talk of the fantastic morale of ukrainian troops, leads me to believe that morales not deaf and tastic. we hear about them building up massive forces in preparation for a counter attack that never comes, which leads me to believe that they're having difficulty building up the forces. i think we're reaching a culminating point in this war where ukrainian armies now they're going to lose the capacity to fight with the will to fight. ah, mode counseling is still under way and can your asked oppose officially closed in elections that the test of the country's democracy according to preliminary day to the so called hustler from the people william root. so is in the lead ahead of his main rival rayleigh. i think by 70 percent kenya's electoral commission has several days to announce the official when or after a fierce contest. voting has been overshadowed by the economic problems facing the country and with financial challenges. some voters were pushed to allegedly,
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they're coming to bribes. as political candidates thought to win by any means, ortiz policy, or heard from some of those who entered into murky deals. these elections come against the backdrop of a deepening cost of living crisis as food and fuel prices increase, which means more, more people are choosing to essentially sell. they vote. yeah, you make money reading different dishes because you know, and the politician come the lowest really were something for you. then you do something example there on for one valley right here and i'm going to the other one . and this the resume because i have to do it because i have to get some money from from whatever has been done in a, in the polls. how much money do you make from wendy's? t shirts. okay. can make a 100 or 500 it benz on the politician when the politician, mit gives me something good. i'm good to do to go a bit to have children al, they'd been to be fed,
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so love to do whatever i do so that i can make my money. but some guys are involved in something more sinister. king and elections are often mod with violence. the worst was back in 2007, when more than 1300 people were killed in the aftermath of the elections. those killings were later found to have been planned and financed. what are you paid to do? the pick? do well and do any there are some partition uses whose people, because of money, how much money will you get for doing violence. okay. but the guy paid $500.00 for one of them. so that's about between $4.00 and $8.00 or less. yeah. how many guys do what you do? like the look 20 people in this area. have you ever killed someone? not but 20 someone. you know,
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they're just not to kill. you can beat someone badly candidates in the past have been found guilty of paying for violence against their own supporters and then going to the media and accusing their opponents of intimidation. these elections are costing kenya $370000000.00. they're amongst the most expensive and expensive in the world, but the question remains is a democracy or cash that is costing balance policy r r t. nairobi, kenya, pollings, deputy prime ministers in the country has no reason to fulfill its obligation to the u. s. kansas brussel stands its grounds demanding poland implements major changes to his court system before finally being allowed to access 35 and 1000000000 euros from the use cobit relief program. if there is an attempt to block the payment and the european commission tries to pressure us,
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then we have no choice but to pull out all the canons in our arsenal and respond with barrage fire. that's pretty tough. talk coming from poland, poland, hearing the hardway that the you give it, but the, you also take it away when you deviate from brussels agenda. the country is the biggest net recipient in the entire block of funding from brussels. and may have been misled into thinking that it was calling the shots for the entire block. now it's easy to see how that could happen since polish officials served as a convenient attack dog for brussels, barking at other countries within the block for not doing enough to fulfill war saws. anti russian fantasies in ukraine after the polish leadership to law french president emanuel macklin for daring to advocate in favor of diplomacy with russia over ukraine and took jobs at german chancellor, olaf schultz for even maintaining communication with russian president vladimir putin amid the conflict. it now can't even be bothered to find time to meet with outgoing british prime minister and grand champion of ukraine voice johnson. well,
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it may feel empowered, warsaw is now learning that you solidarity comes with a hefty price tag. and the straight jacket is probably starting to feel a bit tight as brussels threatens to cut off funding. as a result of worse, us failure to enact judicial reforms to brussels liking the polish vice prime ministers outraged at this infringement on what he seizes the country sovereignty, we have shown maximum good. will the concessions have yielded nothing. it's time to learn lessons since the european commission is not fulfilling its obligation to polish, we have no reason to fulfill our obligations to the european union. it is time to draw conclusions. we had to try if only to make the issue clear. and today it is clear everyone can see what the game is about. yeah, he must be totally sought. i mean wars, i did everything right. everything that you want them to do or ukraine and now warsaw is also threatened legal sion vowing to veto you initiatives and build a coalition to eject you. comission,
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president ursula vander lane. i thought they were marching in lock step on ukraine . they are b fs. what happened, the general secretary of the governing party even refers to a german russian plan to rule europe. perhaps more so now has a better understanding of how other countries feel when they're being pressured by brussels and poland into a ukraine agenda against their own national sovereign interests. well, that perfectly suited war saw there. now finding out what happens when you try to exercise your own independence from within the block. and it's now seeing what can happen when like russia, it ends up in the cross hairs of brussels rhetoric and big guns. kazinsky wants to get rid of it, bonder lee, and if she doesn't pay, we in the european parliament want to get rid of her. if she does pay, kazinsky is bowling. it's out of the e u consistently and with the tenacity of a mania, all supporters of the union must finally understand this. p. i s his words about guns and barrage fire against brussels sound grotesque. but believe me,
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there is nothing to laugh about here. as if europe did not have enough issues p i s and kazinsky turn off the populace nationalist rhetoric in parliament. we will continue to push the government to fix the justice system. yeah, there we go. the big you guns all pointed at war. so now, before the rush, ukraine situation came along. poland was the problem. it's unfortunate the worse i didn't use the opportunity to defend national interests over and above the use ukraine dogma because it now risks paying heavy price itself for that $1.00 size fits all approach for which he was only too happy to advocate when it wasn't the target political weaponized ation of a federal agency. that's what u. s. republicans are saying about the recent f b i rate on a private resort of ex president donald trump. some republicans have accused the sides of hunting them down while turning a blind eye to the wrong doings. of democrats, the rate of maryland go,
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is another escalation and the weapon i zation of federal agency against the regime political opponents. while people i counter biden get treated with kid gloves, how the regime is getting another 87 k i r s agents to wield against its adversary's banana republic. when you have hillary clinton paying foreign agents to interfere with an election, people lying on the road repeatedly hunter by doing crack on tape. and what happens, where are the federal agents? you can't imagine what it would have ever happened to a democrat. this is where americans now begin asked the question, do we have a dual justice system in america? is there equal justice on the law? while this was a search warrant that was approved by a judge that was being executed? people are looking on and seeing this as very selective. we're looking at the fact that a, apparently, the reported reason for these raids is somehow that trump was supposedly miss using classified information. ah, however, i will recall the scandal involving hillary clinton's server and with all kinds of
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classified information was put at risk and she experienced no such raid on her home . people recall a jeffrey epstein and the allegations about his activities involving minors and prostitution and a sex rang, et cetera. and how, while he did, he did face prosecution for that. there was no such raid on his home. we do not see a dramatic instance where there is billionaire was facing the force of government and many people are looking at the hunter biden's scandal, which mainstream media at 1st dismissed as a conspiracy theory. then all of the shady dealings that were revealed by hunter biden's laptop showing all kinds of activities. the president, son, joe biden son, was engaged in and saying, where, where is the justice? i, you recall what cnn's very own a brian said, look. statler said, what about hunter hunter under federal investigation? charges can become in at any time. this is not just a right wing media store is, is a real problem for the biden's. well, what do 100 biden hillary clinton and jeffrey epstein have in common?
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they were all democrats, and apparently that got them immune from this kind of treatment at the hands of law enforcement. however, people are looking the situation with donald trump and saying this could indeed be politically motivated. people are recalling the recent letter from senator grassley regarding the f b i and how the f b. i disregarded the revelations of 100 biden's laptop, even though they turned out to be credible of concerns that i have raised for many years about political considerations infecting the decision making process that the justice department and f b. i. if these allegations are true and accurate, the justice department in f, b, i r, and have been institutionally corrupted to their very core, to the point in which the united states congress and the american people will have no confidence in the equal application of the law. while there is questions being raised, it appears that this was politically motivated that we're hearing from donald trump,
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who says that the motivation was the fact that he is going to most likely it appears. there's many indicators that he's going to run for president. and this is intended to prevent him from running for president against bite and in 2024. and donald trump sees it as politically motivated aimed at keeping him. i'm returning to the white house. many see that this fitting an ongoing powder of the partisan action. the u. s. law enforcement at the federal level. where do you host amplitude commentators, steve gill, se cspi rate is just another example of the biden government's efforts to discredit its main rival. this is historic and in all the negative ways, and it is outrageous. it is clearly the kind of 3rd world, but i have a republic persecution of a political enemy that is being done by the, by the department of justice, by the, by the f b i. and it's an attempt, i think, good dismay, people from the, from the horrible presidency that we're seeing, a failing presidency, can't hide by attacking a potential candidate and
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a potential former president. i think there's a long pattern of hypocrisy that's being exposed here. you know, one of the other ironies is that if i watch some of the videos on 100 biden's laptop with him cavorting with and to women, i could go to jail for watching it. but hunter by hasn't gone to jail for actually doing it. and you have other democrats like hillary clinton, she and bill clinton left the white house with about $150000.00 of antiques and other items that they literally stole. i think that the really bizarre thing of this is that the documents they're seeking to retrieve or the kind of things that you put into the archives, they're not instant credible secret items that need to be retrieved for president trump or. 1 to, to retrieve them before he folk destroys them. none of the elements that would require this kind of outrageous raid or a place here. and i think that unless the democrats have absolute smoking gun is
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ah, the 1st time in history, an entire country's culture has been cancelled the very modern weapon cancelled culture daily desert. wonderful, i will, sheffield my last will thought william frog here just me sitting there. i know it with the phrase now, particularly refers to counseling russian culture yet, know what to create the few orders. because if you, when you're my fuel have over, your child will fill out that the most of the temperature random e them we what rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question partially condemned, reviled and rejected to sort of like a bullet panel. there's a lot closer on
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a whole bunch. thank you said a little short list. joining total condemnation, gross daily, and now enclosed does de escalate to cascade shostakovich that i need to you all the pool left. but yes, you can see that with that number, you do a bomber lee. you're not going to do that a lot. ah, awe on november the 3rd 1945, just a month after the war ended, the u. s. joint chiefs of staff receive report number 3 to 9 and select 20 targets to attack in the soviet union with nuclear bombs. the time was right. there's the u
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. s. s. i was devastated by, well, did i did states last about 400000 people? had the brit sloss less than the americans did. as a soviet suffer 27000000 deaths with john kennedy gave us american university commencement address. in 1963, he said that what the soviet suffered of world war 2 was the equivalent of the entire united states. east of chicago, have you been destroyed? mm. initially the plan to attack the u. s. l was code named trojan over time it evolved into pincher bush. leger crankshaft, halfmoon, cold wheel,
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off tackle and sharia. december 19th, 1949, saw the adoption of the best known plan to wipe out the soviets operation. dropshot, date of attack. january the 1st 1957, the plan outlined the complete annihilation of the usaa under the democratic guise of liberating the nations from communism. but those very nations would be wiped out alone with communism. in the 1st phase of alteration drops shot in visits, dropping 300 nuclear and 250000 tons of conventional bombs on the soviet union. in 100 soviet cities were pre selected as targets. the 2nd phase.
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