tv News RT August 10, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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ah, ah, american may kamikaze drones show it to sale on the dock. now i thought the moving 700 such weapons with applied to ukraine by the us. what do you were to leave in the preliminary results of the presidential election in kenya? a financial crisis pushing some vote to suit allegedly that come to bride as cons. it seeks to win by any means. what are you paid to do? and when the politician gives me something good to do to bully beach, to have children and they need to be fed, so i will have to do whatever i do so that i can make my money back. it sounds
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opposition, cry foul, ever a crack down on alfred prime minister cons allies. i just my a did the rest it for allegedly back to mutiny with a very well welcome to you. this is on the international with the latest world news . that date is good to have you with $4000.00. that's the price of a us made switch blade kamikaze drone on the online black markets, known as the doc. net, the weapons that being put up for sale, they're off to hundreds of them, were delivered by the pentagon to ukraine. ortiz maria, the notional investigator, marika. now the country, sending weapons to ukraine, are supposed to watch where it actually goes. but we have what we have. it looks like some of the deadly weapons that washington sent to ukraine as part of its massive multi $1000000.00 military are now on sale. i'm talking about switch blade military drones. the u. s. has supplied key with at least 700 of them. and it's now
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emerging back for just $4000.00. anyone can actually get it on dark web. there are several offers there. switch by drones are packed with explosives, how they function. they actually won't take the air until they find their target. and after that they attack, they are often referred to as coming cods because basically they act as single used remote control bombs. there are actually many thousands of drowns used in russia. ukraine conflict from both sides, specially to spot the enemy position and to guide a tillery fire. but what is special about switch blade military, drones, ve all themselves the weapon. this is why, of course, hang use now about them show, easy to get is very alarming because that means basically that anyone including terrorist organizations, isis fighters, i don't know whoever can get it easily and use it in their own purposes. and what
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is also alarm, and it's not the 1st case. can i have to say that most could, has been repeatedly trying to draw the world's attention to the fact that, since it's really hard to keep track of the weapons sent to ukraine, it's really dangerous to send weaponry for key if purpose is actually on the ground but we haven't to know the people supporting most coast position in the west. and i have to say that recently they happened several ships in russia. ukraine coverage, including this particular part about weapon resend to ukraine with lots of western media and media. finality is unable, n g o is now voicing facts and position and opinion support in the kremlin position . last week, cps, published at documentary investigating why only 30 percent of military a sent to ukraine. actually find this way to the front lines. here's a little piece of this documentary in the past 2 months. we move weapons and
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equipment to ukraine, record speed drone for an aide, launch machine guns. we're seeing this incredible historic flow of what is coming in to ukraine. do we have any sense as to where they're going? we don't know. there is really no information as to where they're going towards just couple of days after the documentary was published, cbs reports removed from a website explaining the moved by saying that the situation on the ground has changed and the documentary needs some corrections. but without giving any further details. and now for the latest updates from russia, defense ministry on the military operation, ukraine. and don't boss was going to say to ukrainian coach, could you ballistic missiles have been shot down as a village in the russian controlled cousin region for 7 walk. it's 5 by us. supply time oslo inches of been into sets and the nikolai oven carson regions. russian
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forces have also destroyed german made cheater on combat vehicle inside ukraine. meanwhile, the u. s. has owned up to providing ukraine with advanced anti radar missiles up is by no mention of such weapons in any recent inventory of military aid. in recent p, a packages, we've included a number of, of anti radiation missiles that can be fired off of ukrainian aircraft. that can have effects on russian radars and other things where the reach of nearly 50 kilometers, the homes are long. all among the longer range weapons ukraine has been supplied with such mis sounds can be used to target russian anti aircraft radar systems, such as the s 400 last month, ukraine's defense municipal claim, the latest military, a package that included anti radon cells, but did not specify what they were. photos of the u. s. anti radiation homes, then it paid on social media off that been used by ukraine in dumbass,
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independent arms control on disarmament. experts, ted ca say supplying weapons to ukraine in secret proves that washington's go his far from pace keeping. if they were hiding this, they could be hiding other things. and they've only admitted to this after the fact this transfer of very advanced systems, which had previously never been shared outside of europe and frankly, nato, until they were found out it's very partisan effort by the current us administration to on one side in the conflict. it's declared, it has the moral high ground. it isn't that effort piece, making. it was never an effort of peacekeeping by the u. s. government. this is a dangerous provocation. this is a serious upgrading of ukrainian capabilities, which again, the u. s. went to troubles to high, there's nothing guaranteeing that that was the only system that was provided in secret, your grading and on boss experts on journalists from 6 countries including france,
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italy and germany have visited don. yes, were public detention facility, which was bones last month, resulting in the deaths of dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war. russia say the ukrainian attack using an american supplied highmore system cause the casualties ok as claims. moscow was responsible. a delegation to the north care facility was led by the russian state through my international affairs committee and the don't. yes, republic, foreign minister, they presented evidence of kiev attacks delegation. they met with prisoners of war, from ukraine's neo nazi as a battalion, many of whom were wounded in the bombing wall correspondent thomas with a visited the site earlier and shared his experience with us. tell us, what did you see when you were there? this detention center i was part of this group yesterday. what they showed us the barracks and you can see them that this couldn't be a real explosion from the store from inside. just for one reason you see that the roof is still hanging down and it's on the ground. if it would be
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a source from inside, would just bone off and it's a very thin metal roof, so it's nothing heavy. so then there was a quite hot fire and everything is burned, talk to metal, and even the dead bodies were bound, burnt to the bones of said, told me that we can see on the 1st picture from the day. um, so this door is quite obvious and that might be the reason why international organizations organization are still not coming. although russia and writing nearly everybody had 3 invitations to go there. so it's not a close place. would you say you've seen enough evidence to point to ukraine's direct involvement in the attack? you're more than that. the as of, of people we talked about, talk towards themselves. they told us about the 3 explosions nearby to nearby. and then 3rd hitting the barrack especially asked them, i told them the official version of key of is some kind of a bump, whatever from russia inside the building of his they said it's not possible. as our correspondent was telling us earlier, these american made and weapons are turning up on the dark net. now,
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these weapons that were being supplied to ukraine in addition to javelin anti tank systems, the doc net is now selling american switch, paid $300.00 kamikaze drones. all of these weapons supplying to ukraine by the us to fight wealth. russia why. ringback do you think this is happening? this is business. well, a look how much money and weapons to the u. s. brought, you have got to stand and what's, what is lost there? i'm, this is not you. if you look at europe or they said, there's a big danger that these weapons come to the black market. they say for weeks already, look at the american senate with people say, hey, this is a black hole. look at the documentary which came from cbs these days where they said 30 percent are only coming to the front. then they took the documentary of linebarger after that. and i was internet having interviewed the one of the british guys who is sentenced to death. and he told us that he knows that, that ukraine already before this operation started the before i started making
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contact for some of the courts of the y p g, who's fighting a turkey of the i s a was fighting i as the syria and weapons from ukraine went to to the course, so m dealing with weapons. and it's such a core of come to let you credit sending the weapons is crazy without any control. and this is what she even covering the situation in ukraine extensively was in your view, is needed to resolve the crisis. well, let's go back to the beginning, the, the idea which russia had all the time was the ukraine to be a neutral state, which would be a bridge between europe and russia. this was the idea which russia always had a and still, i don't know how this is possible, whether this would be possible still, this is the best idea, the ukraine. ukraine is divided country between several nationalities and to put, to take the country to one of the sides will always split the country and, and, but maybe even bring war. we have seen this when, after that,
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my down the west port think the, the crunch constructor aside. ukraine is a multinational country with which needs to be multinational at neutral. this would be a way out, but of course it's beginning. it's becoming harder and harder because the west doesn't want to let you craig out, never we never wanted and kanyes presidential raised the so called her slip from the people. william router was in the lead ahead of his main rival, rayleigh, dinger, point 4 percent as, according to preliminary data with votes still being counted after paul's close can . years electoral commission has several days to announce the official when after a fierce contest. the very thing has been overshadowed by the economic problems facing the country. amid financial challenges, some voters were pushed to allegedly succumb to grimes as political candidates thought to win by any means. ortiz policy, or heard from some of those who entered into murray. he deals these elections come against the backdrop of
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a deepening cost of living crisis as food and fuel prices increase, which means more people are choosing to essentially sell. they vote. they make money wearing different dishes because you know, and if only to send, come the lowest deliver something for you. then you'll do something example there on for one valley roacha and i'm going to the other one. and this the result because i have to do it because i have to get some money from, from whatever has been done in the egg in the polls. how much money do you make from when nice t shirts? okay, i can make a 100 or 500 it benz on the politician when the politician, mit gives me something that i'm good to do to go with it. i have children and they've been it to be fed, so i'll have to do whatever i do so that i can make my money. but some guys are involved in something more sinister. king and elections are often mod, with finance. the worst was back in 2007, when more than 1300 people were killed in the aftermath of the elections. those
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killings were later found to have been planned and financed. what are you paid to do? the bit do violent blue on it. there are some produce young uses. he was people because of money. how much money will you get for doing violence? ok, they keep and the guy pay $500.00 per one. so that's about between $4.00 and $8.00 . yeah. how many guys do what you do? like the look 20 people in this area. have you ever killed someone? not, not, but fight to feed someone. it is night. that is not to kill a gun beat. someone badly candidates in the past have been found guilty of paying for violence against their own supporters and then going to the media and accusing their opponents of intimidation. these elections are costing kenya
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$370000000.00. there amongst the most expensive and expensive in the world. but the question for me is a democracy. cash that is costing ballot policy a r t nairobi, kenya. us how speak and nancy pelosi has defended her provocative visit to taiwan during her 1st media conference since returning from the island. china has warned against the trip and has responded with sanctions on military moves. pelosi maintains that her trip was justified, will not allow china to isolate taiwan. they have kept taiwan from participating world health organization, other things where taiwan can make a very valued contribution. and they may keep them from going there, but they're not keeping us from going to taiwan. indeed, well, we heard the speaker of the house of the united states defending her trip.
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meanwhile, things across the ocean in east asia and elsewhere are boiling. now the military drill, the strong react higher region was racing for the results of what happened. and it's also important to note that the media is still in overdrive about the possibility of things happening. the. ready possibility of, of the result of this trip. it caused a huge amount of international concern intention and real fear. so what could break out as a result? now we also know that nancy pelosi doesn't seem very concerned about this at all really. and she has often miss spoken and, and said some interesting things in reaction your trip. this is nancy pelosi, i think that he's in a fragile play. caesar has hobbling searches, economy. he, she's acting like a scared bully, and this is his voice at the for the, the meeting that where she will want to be re elected. china is one of them. freest
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society in the world. don't take it from me. that's from freedom house, the speaker as referencing taiwan, the speakers record of speaking out against the chinese communist party for 35 years in the congress as unsurpassed. in addition to that, we've got china throwing jabs at washington over us, bases in the region. and we have joe biden responding by saying that he's not worried about what the results of the trip could be in. not worried about us china relations as a result of this trip. this is joe by how worried are you about this issue? and i wanted to find out who i kind of keeping a bit of a bridge around the whole island now. ah, ward, i'm with stated that this trip cost american taxpayers roughly 90000000 dollars 90000000 dollars was bad and it seems like the whole international community was put on high
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alert. that's the results of nancy pelosi is trip to the island of taiwan as outrage in pakistan over the hosp attention of former prime minister in rank cons, close h, shop and skill. he's been arrested on sedition charges. the allegation stem from his comments about alleged divisions within the military have a cons, removal from power and a parliamentary votes have no confidence in april surveillance voted shows the police smashing the windows of the car gill within and then yanking him out and shutting him into an unmarked vehicle, the country's interior minutes to face, the suspect was arrested in accordance with the law and will appear before a court on thursday. from a premier in run con and his political party have harshly condemned the news. this is an abduction, not an arrest. can such shameful acts take place in any democracy? political workers treated as enemies and all to make us accept a foreign back to government of crooks. after the ban on e r y yesterday today,
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they've arrested shabazz. gil pakistan is living under a fascist imported government, which doesn't care about the human rights of the people of pakistan. we strongly demand the immediate release of doctor gil release shabazz gill. the arrest was preceded by the suspension of a popular pakistani tv channel, a r y news. the outlet is known for its criticism of the current government with the channel. now being accused of spreading inflammatory contents, the outlets had to ahmed use. it has also been arrested without a warrant. a pakistani lawyer, i'm j. political analysts told you that the government's actions are playing right into the hands of in one con. the current government is run by the p d. m, which stands for the box on democratic democratic movement. there anything but democratic and these are very dark and dismal days, like it's on. because blackest on is literally living through an area where we don't have any semblance of the rule of law. all these charges are being treated
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against the p t. i need to ship with one single objective which is to stonewall them and which is to make them perish from bucks, tons political theme. but up, in my view, none of this is going to work to be advantage of the b d m, or the current government. because with every passing day in rounds, popularity is increasing and his message is radiating with the masses all over. there is no way to defend the indefensible. the 1st arrest the individual doc, them in broad daylight, they harris, their family members. and once they duck them, then they come up with some fact, you know, some fictitious charges against those individuals. now the interesting thing is that those who are today accusing the p t i of maligning the on forces are those very people who a few, a few months ago, woman lining beyond forces, naming, gender of the armed forces. and there was doing all kinds of paper, didn't ben him against him? there's absolutely no way they can defend them. the only question that we don't
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have an answer to is until when bill discontinue one of the taliban was top command in pakistan has been killed in a car bombing in neighboring afghanistan. and no one has yet came responsibility for the killing, which took place in the african province of pac teak. and the pakistani border taliban commander. my colleague, cassandra had a 3000000 dollar balance on his head and was allegedly behind some of the deadly attacks by the taliban. the faction which fix to impose sharaya loring pocket on the head of his lama by bass. think time said he, the killing is unlikely. to stop on going peace talks between the taliban and the pakistani government, the chile on the kilmer canada course on he is very significant. as far as cheap unity goes, i don't think you'll have much of an effect. even the leadership of the ttp has to be openly announced than to be starts with the government assembled continued the death of omaha to go to saudi will not affect the stocks. so it seemed that the
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leadership of the d d. b is interested in continued to move forward with their move into the central area. focused on that is when to push b stops backwards, is going to cause a very heavy knee jerk reaction from the people of pakistan. and i don't see the government of bars on be able to negotiate on the same level as they have in the past. after what has happened in swat to europe now, where a group of politicians are urging the a you to deny access to russians. and the latest developments of what moscow has slammed has run the phobia the kremlin that has been ac. is it? similar sentiment was stoked in europe and his voice type that common sense will eventually prevail. as tony as prime minister is among the latest to speak out against russians, proposing a ban on european visas for them, while ukraine's president is one of the most vocal supporters. all such calls and the offer has also been backed by the prime minister of finland. it's not right that at the same time as rush is waging in aggressive,
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brutal war of aggression in europe. russians can live a normal life travel in europe, be tourists. it is not right. stop a sheen to resist to russians. visits in europe is a privilege not so human rights are trial from russia, shut down, it means washing and countries. each of these is neighbors. to russia carried the badge in time to an tourist from russia. now the most important sanctions ought to close the borders because the russians are taking away some one else's lamp. political expert, anthony webber, told his what that calls to block russians from europe are a hypocritical violation of human rights. people should have the right as individuals to do what was, what is what well they won't see, but i, i think this whole issue of saying people have been, come, treat cons, travel and the fees won't have major well wide connotations. i mean,
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would you say to all people from saudi arabia that none of us citizens could travel because of our policy in yemen? or would he say 90 from afghanistan can travel because of the policies of the taliban? i mean, you can think of about 30 countries in the world, what might be more way you could put arguments together. and so it's just basically against the human rights of individuals to punish that look for what i but the policies of the government took the time off. meanwhile, russia foreign ministry has lashed out to the controversial notion by latvian lawmakers, branding russia as a terrorist state. another hostile action by lot fin lawmakers fits perfectly into the anti russian hysteria unleashed by riga. after all,
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it is well known that the pathological russo phobia of lat fee, as ruling elite has already caused serious economic and social issues in this baltic country. bringing down the standard of living for its population and its only getting worse. despite lack viaz condemnation of moscow, the country has resumed importing russian gas, which has reported now flowing in through neighboring estonia. last month, gowns prom cuts off supplies to land fia, either what it called a gas extraction violation. as off the riga refused to comply with moscow's demands to pay for russian gas in roubles, love, his parliament has agreed to been all russian fuel imports. next year. we got reaction from political commentators, john brick, mont, to say of leveling, stayed there. he stayed now, little lads jagow. you submitted the big united states, but it doesn't have the same consequences because it is level of being a zation, for example,
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the position and resistance after or is doug and his asian using these levels. then you can perceive a sanctions against sanctions against you have something like that in the case of levia already know where it matters another great and doesn't have a way to impose more sanction on the exist. how can i new? i mean, that depends on the used to as with the plan to do, i mean, the hope in union has been trying to get gas from missouri by john for a they don't seem to get that much more gas. i don't know where i live. yeah, we get these guys. now as i understand you have decided to ask to be brilliant hobos, not in euro's now that we are. so you know, we bring a new host, then the gas flow to let us go. and now it has just started again. the merrick mentor, it has become the latest victims, a guy pranked by russia, famous, known as graven and lexus as they pulled his leg over. some sensitive political
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issues are pretending to be key at mad you and video call. a spanish official even pledge to pass the cute russians who live in spain, my opinion of the masses, my opinion measures regarding the russian citizens here in spain. i think it's necessary to punish these russians. and of course, we're doing everything to that and on the national and local levels, the look of man ah, ah, went to west, instead, we're finding for you, great dandridge help us with the debarkation of ukrainian man to crane i. thing is not, i don't think it's a problem for madrid to sunny cranium, refugees back to the war in their country. i think it is necessary to provide more soldiers for the fight against russia. of course, madrid has all the means to provide the transportation to send these people back to ukraine if necessary. on the pranksters on the madrid, my oath to discuss topics like the price height in spain, as well as them out wages off as to troll nato latest might marry them an
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experiment they can find more details on that on our website r t dot com. as well as all the latest news updates. thank you for joining us. hey, anacio international ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on very dramatic development and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time to sit down and talk with a
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developed its offensive capability near the russian borders. ah ah, every year a russian bank resolution is submitted to the un against the glorification of not system the outcome is always the same for you. asthma, it's against it. and in recent years with ukrainian backing, with typically that you obtains, ah, but with most countries voting in favor, the document is accepted. but it's only advisory blue liter causing a writer in history. professor with the american university in washington summarizes the usa official position. united states says that we're not going to
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prevent freedom of speech. united states as that even the nazis have the right to speak and to assemble the german journalist and filmmaker mark. but all my sees the ukrainian and u. s. positions differently that early on like on our knee, my knee does torn. he's out of a phone and name or game car, you know, shown garnish via the building damage for all time bussey's apps. tune a, the modern western world generally considers hitler's naziism to be thing i typically european democracies. the fear is, doctrinal, superior and inferior races, rather appeared out of thin air in europe due to an unlucky turn of events, a pre requisites for it had never existed before.
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