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tv   News  RT  August 11, 2022 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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ah, the ah, breaking news and our t as up erosion nuclear power plant, again comes under that shelling of ukrainian forces. now according to d, p. r. officially, the fresh attack comes just hours before the un security council convenes all the prices with long awaited rain shipments from ukraine, quality pass, hardest here, african nations. having instead european board cecilia, close the close, it's borders to russian. the things holding sion. again, visas issued by felon, while the european commission also modes the idea continent found one of the u.
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s. approved a new mom of a package for key people from another country pump follow us. gosh, down this down claim. they're not getting the same level of treatment as that being handed out to others. i see the ukrainians are selling their homes and they have homes. it seems to behavior of the u. k. government is discriminatory and there is tracy from here with 7 in the evening here in moscow this thursday. welcome to the global news roundup in archie. i'm you know neil. we begin with breaking news. ukrainian forces have once again shelled example rouge yet nuclear power plant just hours ahead of the un security council meeting on previous attacks on the plant according to local authorities, key ebs trips use multiple rocket launchers and heavy artillery from the right bank
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of the din. number river, a member of the local administration, g crane forces fired off the facility. twice on thursday, ortiz acres at adams in don bow, sun can tell us more. it is dangerous. it is alarmingly irresponsible because this time apparently, the ukrainian forces have targeted the concrete storage facilities for nuclear waste. now of course, it is reassuring that those well facilities are made out of concrete because it's a good and sturdy material. we've seen it withstand a lot of damage here in the longest people republican, the don bass basically, but it is not unbreakable, of course, and as well of these upper rows, your nuclear plant is absolutely massive. it's the largest one in europe. it is in the top 10 all over the world, so it does produce a lot of nuclear waste and these attacks, again, they're not the 1st ones. on the 5th and the 7th of august, the ukrainian side also targeted this facility,
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this nuclear power plant. and again, this was very dangerous and rush has screamed about its concerns. in response cave accused moscow of shelling its own positions basically creating a provocation, a causes belly for well for international condemnation. but rush of course, had brushed aside these accusations as absolute nonsense as something ridiculous. and indeed russia has called on the un security council to urgently assemble to call on ukraine to stop these shillings of a massive nuclear object. and in fact, the un itself voiced concerns about the situation, even though it had previously blocked international atomic experts from visiting the plant. any a tech to a nuclear plant is a suicidal sink. and i hope that those attacks will end. and at the same time, i hope that i will be able to have access to
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the plant and to exercise its meant its competition. so experts with the international atomic energy agency, they are voice there. well, the, they express their readiness to visit the plant and to be this independent and presumably unbiased eye on the ground for the international community. and are they even have, well, they decide they basically they change their schedule and they expressed willingness to take part in today's or you and security council. because again, the matter is very, very serious. these upper osha, nuclear power plant, it's capacities some 50 percent, more of that overture noble. so potentially the disaster could be much worse than the tra, noble one. and while it is already a, well, it is already a name known all the over the world. it's an international synonym for an absolute nuclear catastrophe. here's how the russian officials described the potential full
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out from you know, the worst case scenario. bombs exploded near the spent fuel storage facility, just 200 meters from the operating nuclear reactor is extremely dangerous and can end up terribly or military assesses that in case of a major accident at the plant. the area of radioactive contamination will be up to 5 and a half 1000 square kilometers. it can spread to more than 400 kilometers long. most of ukraine will be harmed, as well as tom bass, parts of russia and all the black sea countries. according to the ukrainian version, russia shells its own military personnel, which is absurd. i have no sensible explanation as to what ukraine is doing. it's adventure ism, and maybe it can be called nucular terrorism. so there you have it on the ground. the russian forces have beefed up at defenses to well defend the nuclear power plant, as well as possible, but the internationally they are moving forward with the un security council hoping
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that here the international community stays responsible acreage at an off. well, another potential disaster elsewhere than yet has been averted, have emergency store. this is a house, it is situations that had been brought under control after local brewery was hit by ukrainian shelling damaging ammonia holding tank. here you can see the destruction, with military forces shifting and trying to make their way through to financing left intact in the rebel i. clyde of toxic gas earlier hung over the city, the shelling up the bery left one person dead and 2 injured. now, ammonia used mainly as fertilizer can be deadly to both the environment on people. if lee, the attack is the latest and a wave of targeted shelling of civilian infrastructure in the news and it's the rebel. the brewery, our french miss saw from expired stocks was reportedly find near other ammonia
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tanks, with some of the shells, apparently not excluding either way. can know the story to bring you to j. none of the ships pack with ukrainian grain have reached southern countries. many of which are dealing with near starving conditions. i'm instead are headed to european ports. it's after months of western politicians, putting the blame for africa's food prices squarely and moscow prompting doubts now in the sincerity of those officials. unfortunately not a single ship carrying crane has reached to starving countries of africa. so far they made me go to western courts and the range of exported cargo is mainly not wheat and corn grain and some flower oil which cast out on the sincerity of the ccs voiced in the west of the world's food security depends on the grain deal is actually hard to believe, even after all the hysteria and repeated western and key of calls to save african
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cade's dine from hunger and all the accusations russia faced for creating this global food crises. but the facts speak for themselves. none of the shapes that so far have left their unblocked ukrainian or to go into somalia, a job to any other african nation where the situation on the ground is very catastrophic. so where are they going? well, you will be surprised. you can, by the way, track and find old information about these shapes on the un official website, black c grain initiative section. well, 2 of the shapes are going to turkey, one to england and other one to ireland and others are headed towards italy and china. so ironically, by the way, we've only seen so far corn it's 4 days which is generally used to feed the animals and to produce by a few new york times published ad big investigation reports recently. now explaining this, actually observed situation and question,
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why when and how did it all go wrong? because to remind you initially, the idea was different and here is america, secretary of state. let's take a listen. the russian government continues spreading. does information about it's an justified wars disastrous consequences, including global food and security. the russian government should stop weapon ising food and allow ukraine to safely ship out its grain, so that millions of hungry people in the middle east and africa can be fed in terms of reaction then because it is quite sun, abrupt turn of events from what you are seeing weeks ago, what's russia's view here? well, moscow saying that they are hoping the past that they are, in fact, so far concerned about the implementation of the deal and not just regarding the destination of the food. the thing is that there were at least 2 agreement side, ines, you son, will 3 weeks ago between russia, turkey crane and the un one regarding the unlocking of 3 create in ports, and allow in shapes with food to travel safely. and that was done. we've seen that,
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but there was another agreement regarding russian food and promoting 8 food and fertilizers to the global market. and we haven't seen so far any step made to this direction. and these 2 agreements were in a package. so that means both of them are supposed to be implemented, but russia says that they are part is not touched at all like i and actually that violates the conditions of the agreement. and so we'll, and another aspect of this is why was it so absolutely urgent to unblock these ukrainian ports? if we go back, i remember a big sticking point was the d, mining of waters off those number of ports? that's the question. if the grain wasn't even intended to reach nations in need, why such the clamor then we can say that something has changed the way. now, here from the un that the deal signed in the symbol 3 weeks ago has already driven global food prices down. and that somehow will help, you know,
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starving nations gets their food actually. but of course, this is not what we would expect from a huge deal between russia, turkey, ukraine, and the un. because again, the initial idea was to send food directly to me. and i need to raise my mouth. yeah, but that's is not happening. and many now say that is disappointing. estonia has decided the close it's borders to russian citizens holding shing din visas issued by tell in the move, we'll hop in and around a week's time. the european can. she has also said the issue of tourist visas for russians is now on their agenda. are the ukranian president lot of mirrors, lensky call for borders to be close to all russians saying that quote, they should live in their own world until they change their philosophy or to contribute original. morrison offered her thought, whatever happened to that vaunted european unity that you officials have been celebrating recently. now suddenly there is little more than
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a shrug from the you when one member state decides to discriminate based on people's nationality and background. what's particularity agree just about this kind of top level zealotry becoming policy, is that it's a clarion call to systemic bigotry. everywhere else. here in paris, for example, 2 female russian visitors were denied entry by officials at the chateau advice sen, tourists site. at the end of july, french government had to clarify this week that the checking of visitors, id and nationalities only applies to actual military installations and not to tourist sites like museums and shut toes. but now we also have a german cabinet spokesperson confirming that a proposal to ban russian nationals from the e. u is actually under consideration. now it's all hypothetical at this point. it's important to underline that, but it still can't be rolled out since it's yet another demand coming straight from ukrainian president library zalinski who tends to get a lot of what he wants from the west. and now zalinski is calling on the west to
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ban all russian travelers saying that they should quote, live in their own world until they change our philosophy. jesse means also little kids and anyone in russia who might be a part of that civil society that supports him as well. or are they going to get social passes? how is that gonna work? estonia and finland are also pressuring the block to authorize this bad. now, funny, remember how that you reacted when former president of the united states donald trump did exactly the same kind of thing in 2017 and signed an executive order to stop issuing visas to people from random list of countries here, charge around libya, north korea, somalia, syria, venezuela and yemen, citing national security. but we did not discriminate on the basis of nationality, grace, or religion. not only when it comes to asylum, but in any of our other polis, no one can be deprived of his or her own rights because of their place. of birth,
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their religion for than any city. this is right done in our costa to sions both in europe and in america. this is hoya. this is our identity. this is something we cannot forget. oh it's there, very identity. it's written in stone. it's written in the constitution, except now apparently you're going to make exceptions when it comes to ukraine and russia. so remember all those terrorist attacks in france a few years ago? not even at that time, was there a blanket ban from jihadist hotspots. it's always been a case by case assessment of each individual requesting a visa to travel, not an arbitrary blanket ban on a whole nation. and to do otherwise has always been viewed as totally contrary to the use on values. not to mention a pretty troubling precedent because, i mean, today it could be russian citizens, a national, some wrote could be any one else. they don't happen to agree with policy wise. but now, according to the use top diplomat,
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the you is apparently embracing the double standards that it once rejected because well hey, that's just how the world is apparently resolving the situation with those people trapped in an open air prison which gaza is, is not in the hands of the you, it's a scandalous situation, a shame, but it's out of our hands. we are often criticized for having double standards, but international politics is largely the administration of double standards. we do not face all problems with the same criteria. so you know who needs values when you can just pastor and blue v 8. depending on the direction of the political wind, it remains to be seen which of brussels faces will ultimately prevail on this particular issue. the one that defends its most basic stated principles, or the one that hypocritically betrays them to virtue signal over the cause of the day. latria has officially labeled russia
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a state sponsor of terrorism over the conflict and ukraine on this, trying to persuade other quote like minded countries chalk the same way moscow condemned them of calling its savage xenophobia. considering that there is no substance except for animalistic zeno phobia. behind this decision, it is necessary to call the idealogues nothing more than neo nazis. the declaration was supported by 67 lawmakers who took part in the votes in the 100 seat sema. the parliament also urged the you to stop issuing tourist visas for russian and bela russian citizens to cut down on entree visas in general. a few hours later the same as website came under a sustained cyber attack economist on political commented reika hummer. believe such moods are all about diverting attention from problems at home. if you consider that ukraine has basically
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a military block in the ukraine in dime, i saw that the us was high, involved in that nature was highly involved in that war. then they are losing ground every day in astonishing way. then, i mean, it's the push for work by the office to escalate the tensions that is major troops are allowed to or had to have a reading due to conflicts. and i think when seen, this could be one of the reasons, but i think it was succeed. they're biting ministration doesn't succeed in anything anymore. they don't even have the support with their own population anymore. so i think this is the 2nd way where you could search the vitamin administration real
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page and astonishing law in the midterm elections in november. and i think these are the reasons where you have to look for in this ridiculous statement. can you tell the story to bring you today? the u. s. secretary of states tour of africa is continuing with ra wanda. the latest thump anthony blinkin sees the us doesn't want to force the constant to choose sides in global issues. african nations have been treated as instruments of other nations, progress rather than the authors of their own. the united states will not dictate africa choices, and neither should anyone else. mister, blinking to her follow similar trips her on the continent following the russian foreign minister, a surrogate love ralph. the u. s. official has been trying to enlist the support of the consul really in an attempt to isolate russia and reduce its influence across the region. wherever the south african foreign minister for one said the country is
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not under any pressure from moscow about human rights. this fear that we exist under some push is i think a totally a really i'm funded i will draw live night, her doctor, andrea thomas. i was in emeritus professor of law off the university of south africa for his take. you're most welcome sir. you have published an article where you also noted up the u. s. school in africa is increasingly to counter what fortune can claim are harmful activities by china, russia, and other foreign doctors. do you think the united states will be able to achieve that goal? well, 1st of all, the definition is very difficult. what constitutes a harmful activity? helping countries in the explanation programs assisting countries with
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pharmaceutical technology. what is the, what is actually the footprint of russia and africa? there are several countries in africa that have turned away from the western alliance, such as molly lee sent the french and european soldiers home, the central african republic, blondie, and quite a few others. these are, these are the result of political choices and not of harmful activities. definitely, america will try to continue to meddle in elections that africa. we have a model selections for coming in on goal in august. and we had general thompson from african visiting and goal us to assure them of america support, meaning they will carry on supporting the government of the day. if gola comply scissors off to resist harmful russian activities, we have elections for coming in malawi. these are some countries that are so very,
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very poor, that even a small amount of money can, can make a difference and provoke a regime change. i think this is what, what america is actually planning for. and this influence is short lived. it doesn't actually establish friendship or good relations. anthony blinking statements in were one that the u. s. won't force african african nations to choose sides looks exactly the opposite of his previous statement. that countries which continue to trade with russia could be punished by the u. s. why be mixed messages, do you think? well, it flies in the face of the just now published us strategy toward sub saharan africa, which is an official policy document. and which makes vague here, states very clearly that the countries that do not support united states will
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suffer disadvantages for southern africa. very seriously. there was an agreement in place, the agreement that grants custom exemption for certain african products for textiles manufacture and saw that africa and also from motor cars manufactured in south africa. if this i go, an agreement which expires in 2025 is not renewed. and the policy document says that it will be considered, but it doesn't say that the administration will try their best to renew it. if this agreement is not renewed, then south africa risks losing about 500000 jobs. and the rest of the region will also be severely disadvantaged and punished europeans are playing their part of this. they've just imposed a ridiculous technical or house ban on south african produced centrist
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lemons and oranges requiring that they on arrival in europe should be put in a freezer for 20 days, whereby the entire truth is destroyed and becomes unsuitable. these are, these are quite painful. sanctions actually against the countries that are insisting on remaining neutral in the conflict between russia and ukraine. yeah. that fritz, 3, something we're keeping an eye on as well today. and in terms of africans, dr. thomas housing is it in the interests of them to, to cite definitely not to africa was the least develop continents in the world. with about 20 percent of the world population. it only contributes under 3 percent to well g, d, p. and it only manages to produce about 5 percent of the world energy. so if it goes in no position to, to take sides on or, or to,
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to get distracted from its own development needs, which are very existential. they're very critical. parts of africa are faced again with the loss of food security, meaning the countries will not be able to feed their population. so africa is, it is actually cool to try and, and export africa into joining a particular foreign policy. and china is not doing this in russia is not doing this. and minister love off visits in africa. he made no demands on african leaders to, to support russia and the country negotiate has been discussed, development aid and assistance projects. many thanks for your time to doctor andre thomas austin, german attorney emeritus professor of law at the university of south africa. now the syrian oil in ministry has publicly accused the us of stealing
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its oil. the amount of oil production during the 1st half of 2022 amounted to some 14500000 barrels us occupation forces and their mercenaries, steel up to 66000 barrels every single day from the fields occupied in the eastern region. yeah. and a statement theory and official branded american lead trips and occupying force responsible for the 5th of $105000000000.00. just to begin with economic consultant . i mean, good to have you in the program. damascus is accusing the u. s. of a massive 1. $105000000000.00 theft. do you think that figure is about right? and if so, we'll syria get this money back. actually if we actually count all those years, the conflicts started than the sense of the us actually got people to figure might actually be correct. because the oil industry in syria,
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although the production only represents one percent of the world production, it actually was a $1000000000.00 industry and actually presented 25 percent of the steering g, d p. and but actually call it a test or smuggling by us troops. i would just the u. s. was actually festival a the, the, and the help in its partners for its own strategic strategies in the region include in stopping the offensive of turkey in the northern syria and the stop in the, your insurgence of slamming groups who might actually be a problem to the us also how much of a difference to syria would the money make right now? why does the main problem and this is what actually russia actually vetoed last month on the, on the new and the resolution for a to syria,
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which actually comes in every year. and the russia, again, was attacked for this video. and because of the new rules that actually stay in the video needs to be actually explained by reasoning. russia actually said that there is need needs to be clear goals for these in the military and a and it's actually stated that there need actually to be real health by western countries. serene officials say that the such practices that loss of so much or revenue and what they call essentially theft has occurred since the war began over a decade ago. what does it tell us about about the u. s. involvement in the conflict itself?
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we're actually do you have people who are in many conflicts in the region actually proved before they were not very efficient in solving local issues. the american model of democracy actually failing in the region and the love of initiatives actually fail, including the enough again to stand in iraq and know in syria. so them all right, a little bit of a connection issue. there are with side and just at the end as he's making his final point. but we did enjoy speaking to you. i mean, academic consultants speaking to us from morocco will that indeed just brings us right to the end of this bullets in though we're programs are right ahead. see what's showing coming up in moments and i'm here again at the top light from moscow . this is art international. oh,
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a very travel canada hasn't been very good to indigenous women and girls who have been missing or found murdered because of the structural racism history, the cloning of history that canada has worked, indigenous people and communities. and it's so shameful history and a history that calendar doesn't like to talk about not until just into those election in 2015 with a to abuse of colonization. finally shuddered. a
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being elected prime minister, the young head of state give a message to the 1st nations community working together timely the government of canada, sincerely apologize, us and asks the forgiveness of the aboriginal peoples of this country for failing them. so profoundly have to apologizing to residential school victims the prime minister tech of the scandal of from the from for many.


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