tv News RT August 11, 2022 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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a with a top headlines right now here when off into national nuclear disaster threatens to the continent. there's the crating in the military shells, europe's biggest nuclear power plant. this is all according to the russian envoy to the u. s. e u foreign policy chief says, well, politics are about quote, applying double standards. as the book discusses, a ban on visas for russian to the u. s. president comes in for criticism off the claiming the countries inflation rate is 0 percent despite statistic showing is that a 4 year record high with
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your worldwide headlines live from moscow where it's now just off to 6 am. this is not international. the threat of a nuclear disaster is real and the consequences are unthinkable if ukrainian attacks on those up are already atomic plot continue. that is, according to the russian and voice speak to the un security council meeting urgently convened at moscow's request. yes, i can also, but also if the attacks from the ukranian army continue, a new killer catastrophe could happen at any moment than huge territories in ukraine. russian, europe will be under the threat of radioactive contamination. the real scale of a nuclear disaster at the plant is impossible to even imagine, in this case, the entire responsibility for this will fall on the western sponsors of kiev. while at the 15 member body that leads the united nations, the un security council, in their chamber in manhattan, we heard from the representative of russia who raised the alarm about the dangers
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posed by these attacks on this nuclear power facility. i emphasized the deals that rush as offered to secure this power plant to secure that we don't have some kind of nuclear disaster. now, when the representatives of the united states took to the flora, basically, the u. s. representative said that any potential fallout or danger from the tax on the nuclear power plant, they fall squarely on russia shoulders, simply because russia is involved in the special operations. here's the response of the united states to what seems like a very clear dent. danger. the cause of the situation that is, if we ship facility is not a mystery, it is another tragic result of the russian federation decision to further invade. it's the sovereign neighbor ukraine. russia alone created risks, and it could eliminate those risks now, by withdrawing from ukraine. now the russian representative talked about how this fits a pattern that talked about how the ukranian forces will embed themselves into civilian
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areas using civilians in effect as human shields. and this is essentially nuclear black males, an attempt to force the russian military out of a certain area. or else there could be some kind of disaster which would then be blamed on russia. even though it is ukrainian forces that persist on escalating things near this power plant. now, it's important to know that the fact that russia is raising the alarm and has been raising the alarm about the dangers posed by attacks on this facility. and has been trying to get the international atomic energy agency involved in dealing with these threats for months. and today at the un security council meeting, we heard the head of the i. e. a. he basically said that there is, at this point, no immediate threat. a, a says there is no need to be seen. or these group change a mom, russia,
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and other countries like china called for a de escalation the situation and concerns about global safety. but from united states and its allies, we heard a mantra of blaming everything on russia, saying that there wasn't such a danger. but if there was the fall, i would simply be russia's fault. it seemed that the united states and its allies were not concerned about the potential fallout and seemed to be using the danger of nuclear disaster as and measure or a wedge with which to try and pressure russia to withdraw from certain areas. well, according to local authorities, the power plant was attacked twice on thursday as key. it is true for formerly used multiple rocket launchers and a heavy artillery from the right bank of the jeanette. but a river at the latest showing came just hours before the un security council was meeting on this issue and is eager to shine off. now has this report from the ground. it is dangerous. it is alarmingly irresponsible because this time apparently, the ukrainian forces have targeted the concrete storage facilities for nuclear
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waste. now of course, it is reassuring that those well facilities are made out of concrete because it's a good and sturdy material. we've seen it withstand a lot of damage here in the longest people republican, the don bass basically, but it is not unbreakable, of course, and as well of these upper rows, your nuclear plant is absolutely massive. it's the largest one in europe. it is in the top 10 all over the world, so it does produce a lot of nuclear waste and these attacks, again, they're not the 1st ones. on the 5th and the 7th of august, the ukrainian side also targeted this facility, this nuclear power plant. and again, this was very dangerous and rush has screamed about its concerns. in response cave accused moscow of shelling its own positions basically creating a provocation, a causes belly for well for international condemnation. but rush of course,
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had brushed aside these accusations as absolute nonsense as something ridiculous. and indeed russia has called on the un security council to urgently assemble to call on ukraine to stop these shillings of a massive nuclear object. and in fact, the matter is very, very serious. these approach you nuclear power plant, it's capacities some 50 percent more of that overture noble. so potentially the disaster could be much worse than the tro, noble one. and while it is already a well, it is already a name known. although over the world, it's an international synonym for an absolute nuclear catastrophe. the russian forces have beefed up at defenses to well defend the nuclear power plant, as well as possible. but the internationally, they are moving forward with the un security council, hoping that here the international community stays responsible. we discussed the
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conflict with a political analyst on economist at martin armstrong. and according to him, he says, the ukrainian government right now was actually not interested in peace. i think sad as long as it is, the when ski is being supported with money and arms of from new nato and including night states, then he has no incentive to to basically seek peace. i think that's the real problem. and when he ran, i think even russia was optimistic because he was saying that he wanted peace in against corruption. any everything. he said, you know, he's done exactly the opposite. i don't see him is doing anything other than you know, when the last ukrainian dies hop on a plane and live up very nicely in the bahamas or something. but why he's pushing his country into this. i don't see any logic to it. it is auto international
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good to have a with us for this program at the american javelin anti tank system may be less effective in combat than previously thought. we got insight into our yeah. review paper by the weapons manufacturer, which raises questions into the systems reliability and overall success, right. based on observations over 3 brigade teams, training rotations, anti armor engagements are generally less effective than what gunners and leaders expect. these engagements are ineffective, primarily due to engage in a very short ranges, the lack of effective engagement development and a lack of operator mastery of the systems. the report indicates that out of 11 test launches only 3 hit the target. and while the advertised effective rank is 5 kilometers, in reality, it's half that the analysis also says it was direct hit against the rear of a russian t ac would lead to a catastrophic kill. a frontal shot would have minimal impact. and the low
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effectiveness is blamed on a lack of understanding of the javelins, real effective range. the manufacturer also claims only a highly trained professionals to operate. the missiles are captured soldiers in ukraine, where the weapon has been widely supplied by america, reported they learn how to use the launches from watching youtube videos as one of the world's most effective man, portable anti tank missile systems. scouts should be well trained in the employment of javelin. we attribute low effectiveness rates to a lack of understanding of engagement distances. and in sufficient detail and planning for employment of the systems. that's learn more and course live now to brian ballistic geopolitical researcher. and right here joining us. you are an authorized to national greatly see you today. thanks very much for coming on the program here. what happens when you give about a 1000000000 dollars worth of weapons to a country where the soldiers there are not sufficiently trained to use them? i think it's very self evident what happens they receive these weapons. they
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attempt to imply them and it fails. and, you know, the media really talked up, these weapon systems, the javelin, las finger, and then they triple 7, high mars. and these, these are all very complex weapon systems and require a huge amount of training, even according to the, the us military was using them. and attempting to train their soldiers, that they have the time and space that we live. ukraine did not. and so this is just a, a huge waste of money for the american taxpayer is a huge windfall profits for the arms manufacturers. i think you said it right, that obviously at the end of the day is always that the public that ends up paying the bill for this. now you say it's those on capital hill who are profiteering with their stocks and investments in that of the military industrial complex. now, us an allied intelligence claim. the javelins have been used to great effect against russian armored vehicles in ukraine with reportedly thousands of units
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destroyed. but how do these claims tally with the statistics and this brand new report would show real problems with a weapons effectiveness? well, i think the report shows, i kind of reflects the same amount of evidence we've actually seen come out of the job. and the fact that us, we hardly seen any videos at all of the javelin destroying tanks in this conflict. and i follow a pro ukrainian sources specifically to see what, what sort of claims they're making. and if they were destroying hundreds or thousands, the russian times with the joplin missile system. i think that would be significant video evidence of this. and there isn't. and now that we see these documents and makes that these advance weapon systems are going to on train soldiers who are attempting to just point and shoot them. and if people read through those documents, they will see that it's much more complicated than not even for trained us soldiers . there is so much more to it and just pointing and pushing about the meantime,
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ukraine's defense minister alexi arrest. nicole says that, quote, ukraine is now essentially a testing ground for all sorts of these new weapons in combat. do you agree with that statement? i think to a certain extent, but if you really wanted to test the effectiveness of these weapons, you need to put them in the hands of properly trained soldiers and the quality of soldiers now on the front line in your credit. and they have not even received a basic combat training and even efforts by ukraine's western backers to bring perspective troops out of the country, train them, say, and the u. k. and send them back, they're getting crash courses that are not going to enable them to survive. on modern battlefield, let alone effectively operate on it. i wanted to ask you if i could brian very quickly. well, i still got you on the program with us here at out to you by the way. i appreciate having you but us for the show tonight. some of reported that the u. s. has delivered so many javelins to ukraine, their own storage is depleted. and we've also heard european western european
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countries also saying that they're running out of stock as well. no, just have javelins but a tank, som, and vehicles. so on and so forth. and you think western partners who are, in the midst of this conflict will need to start coping the volume of weapons being sent to ukraine. i think they're going to have to. but even if they continued supplying weapons at this rate, and we can see that on the battle ground, not, not making much of a difference. so again, it's great for the arms manufacturers, but for the defense of the western worlds for the people receiving these weapons and not knowing how to properly employ them, if it is a disaster and it's going to continue to be a disaster. and at the same time, the u. s. is doing this, they're now searching out conflict with, with other nations around the world, other near peer or peer competitors. it's just a disaster in the making. well, a, d. c, washington dc has a grudgingly admitted that up to 70 percent of weapons going into ukraine,
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end up being sold by ukrainians on the dock web. god only knows where all the cash and aid is going to as well. how can western interest in ukraine expect to win a war when they don't even know where to fill of cash and a weapons are ending up? i'm not sure if they actually expect to win this war. i think obviously there are special interests that are making huge profits. amid all of this, i think one of their objectives was just to believe russia destroy ukraine in the u. s. doesn't want competitors anywhere, not, not among their allies, and certainly not among their adversary. so just by getting everyone fighting, coughing up, blood, and money, i think that is at least a minor success for them to imagine that this would have turned out much better. i think the 5 what, what we have seen historically, in terms of us direct intervention and proxy conflict sponsored over the years. you
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mentioned that corruption a few moments ago. and so we had a statement from an official earlier saying that the ukranian president lensky is involved in corruption on an industrial level. do you think that he could be involved in any of these sales or repositioning of these weapons onto the dock web? for example, they say that the guys got millions in the bank already and certainly wouldn't surprise me. the ukraine is not a secret that ukraine before this conflict, and certainly amid this conflict, it is one of the most corrupt countries on earth. and i don't know what people expected flooding flooding this country that is corrupt with money and weapons. i don't know what other type of outcome they expected, but as, as we see it as many of predicted it is, it's just an unmitigated. ready disaster a continuous disaster. all right, brian, bye take i, j political researcher and right had joined us live here on the international
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a great privilege having you want to thank you very much. thank you for having me. but apparently, none of the ships packed with ukrainian grain have reached the poorest countries. instead, they're heading to european ports. western politicians have for months put the blame for africa's food prices squarely on moscow. unfortunately not a single ship carrying grain has reached the starving countries of africa. so far they mainly go to western ports and the range of exported cargo is mainly not weak . the con grain in some flower oil, which cost out on the sincerity of the ccs voiced in the west that the world's food security depends on the grain deal. the best of movements can actually be very easily tracked on the un official website, which shows the ships or not go into the middle east or africa. a 2 of the ships heading to turkey, one to england. now they want to ireland. others are selling the italy and even all the way to china, the cargo on board, the vessels as mostly corn, which has raised more questions under the agreement, russia, ukraine,
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turkey and the un agreed to resume shipments. not only of you, cranium grain, but also russian food and fertilizer exports of the global market. us said the deal would help feed millions of hungry people across the middle east. and journalist martin j finds the politics surrounding this if you are painfully ironic. i surprised them because it's only been about 10 days, but when you look at who is making those calls, micro rate raising concerns about it, you have to understand the implications of the green shorter, the weak shortage in a little. those countries in africa, we're looking at a rise in terrorism on massive grocery, close europe. so those are obviously key concerns to you actually look at the politics and you take a big abroad, a helicopter view of what was going on in the last couple of months. it was lensky who would have profited so much by famines in africa, by insurgency, an uprising,
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revolutions in north african countries. if, if food crisis really broken out, you know, one of these countries up subsidized bread, for example, would have been so lead sky, you got more media attention. she craves more and more. so it's kind of ironic that you use at diplomacy chief joseph burrell has said that double standards are a common practice and foreign policy admission came as the official was questioned on a western support for ukraine. we are often criticized for having double standards, but international politics is largely the administration of double standards. we do not face all problems with the same criteria. and some of the blocks number states appear to be following the same practice. this, as estonia plans to close its borders to russian citizens with a shank and views as issued by italian. the european commission is also said the issue of tourist visas for russians is now on their agenda. let's get some thoughts and opinion. val, his asi contributor rachel marston. funny,
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remember how that you reacted when former president of the united states donald trump did exactly the same kind of thing in 2017 and signed an executive order to stop issuing visas to people from random list of countries here, charge around libya, north korea, somali assyria venezuela and yemen, citing national security. but we do not discriminate on the basis of nationality, grace, or religion. not only when it comes to asylum, but in any of our other policies, no one can be deprived of his or her own rights because of their place of birth, their religion, or than nicety. this is written in our costa to sions both in europe and in america . this is who yada. this is our identity. this is something we cannot forget. oh
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it's there, very identity. it's written in stone. it's written in the constitution, except now apparently you're going to make exceptions when it comes to ukraine and russia. so remember all those terrorist attacks in france a few years ago, not even at that time, was there a blanket ban from jihadist hotspots. it's always been a case by case assessment of each individual requesting a visa to travel, not an arbitrary blanket ban on a whole nation. and to do otherwise has always been viewed as totally contrary to the use own values. not to mention a pretty troubling precedent because, i mean, today it could be russian citizens, a national, some wrote could be any one else. they don't happen to agree with policy wise. but now, according to the use top diplomat, the e is apparently embracing the double standards that it once rejected. because, well, hey, that's just how the world is. apparently, here in paris for example, to female russian visitors were denied entry by officials at the chateau advice sen . tourists site at the end of july,
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french government had to clarify this week that the checking of visitors, id and nationalities only applies to actual military installations and not to tourist sites like museums and shall toes. but now we also have a german cabinet spokesperson confirming that a proposal to ban russian nationals from the e. u is actually under consideration. now it's all hypothetical at this point. it's important to underline that, but it still can't be rolled out since it's yet another demand coming straight from ukrainian president library zalinski who tends to get a lot of what he wants from the west. and now zalinski is calling on the west to ban all russian travelers saying that they should quote, live in their own world until they change our philosophy. jesse means also little kids and anyone in russia who might be part of that civil society that supports him as well. or are they going to get social passes? how is that gonna work? estonia and finland are also pressuring the block, authorized to span. so you know who needs values when you can just posture and blue v 8. depending on the direction of the political wind,
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it remains to be seen which of brussels faces will ultimately prevail on this particular issue. the one that defends its most basic stated principles or the one that hypocritically betrays them to virtue signal over the cause of the day. madrid simeha has become the latest victim to get caught out by the infamous russian pranksters of bova, on lexus. they pretended to be key abs, maya bartolic, click go during a video, cool. among us. some of the rather extraordinary admissions made was a pledge from the spanish official to prosecute russians living in the country. my opinion. oh, no mesa's my opinion, measures regarding the russian citizens here in spain. i think it's necessary to punish these russians. and of course, we're doing everything to that. and on the national and local level, still, lot of men ah, ah, went to west, instead of finding for ukraine dandridge help us with the de partition of ukrainian
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man to crane i. thing is, i don't think it's a problem for madrid to sunny cranium, refugees back to the war in their country. i think it is necessary to provide more soldiers for the fight against russia. of course, madrid has all the means to provide the transportation to send these people back to ukraine if necessary. or many times as few clicks away, the mayor jose luis martinez on may the lord into an expletive written tirade against russians. and the 17 minute video called because read more about the prime coal, that author dot com, the compensation, let the criticism among spaniards who have called the official stance outrageous. we spoke to one of the prime, as earlier lexus told us falling politicians is not particularly difficult. who are not so really surprised because it's a european transfer. punish all russians around all europe. so she's just a typical mayor from mom, one of because her cap, it's
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a lot european countries. so it was not real surprised was, but he was the, the most crazy mayor that we have reached, usually when we reach, ah, international politicians, usually in our private conversation, they say what they are really thinking. so usually they are lying on tv, on media and they're trying to make a good reputation for them. but in fact, they usually think in other uh, folds. it's not too hard even we have great many worldwide. i think the people to have the weak system of security. so i think it's a problem of psychology. no one's saying that he will be next targets
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of sprang call or something like that. the biggest problems only through the process of organizations. so you can, you can make it false, only for all this process, but if your radio, according to the call, everything will be fine. where you chip was banned by the ministry of the defense of the u. k. because we praying their secretary for defense when wallace. and you said that the it was the or reef for national security of the you k n t man, that's the youtube to been our channel. ridiculous because it's the 1st time when the mean it's true defense. so any country demanded to ban any youtube channel, ah, supplies of russian oil to the czech republic through ukraine won't be restarted.
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that's comes off to the company that services the pipeline. the prague didn't pay as transfer fees. a prague will still receive oil from russia through the north, through an oil pipeline coming in from poland. here earlier, ban all oil deliveries through the southern branch of the pipeline transiting ukraine, as the tariffs were not paid by moscow due to sanctions. this lead to hungarian and slow back companies taking the matter into their own hands, a paying the taxes themselves and getting the confirmation to the supply root will be restored in just a few days. now the rouge buff pipeline supplies several europe in countries providing thousands of barrels per day. the southern branch of the pipeline, transit's, ukraine, and supplies the e. you with at least 10 percent of the oil. it buys from russia of the northern leg of the pipeline which runs through bella, roofs, poland, and germany has not been affected by the stoppage. equivalent has said sanctions are hurting the e. u. more than russia by limiting the blocks access to energy. while we spoke to
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dr. george the mueller of the global policy institute of london. he says that europe proves again that as politicians are the only ones to blame when it comes to the energy crisis on the continent, you're probably getting very vulnerable because it's actually quite difficult to get the oil to the check republic as well. the check republic is that it would have to go through, usually very complicated process. honory is actually in better shape because they can actually get the oil from probation. and so that's where the general public is more vulnerable, but all it's still, all he goes to show is that it's the european union that is messing around with the energy flows. european union continues to accuse russia all playing games
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with energy weaponized the energy and denying the europeans the energy that they need. so it's clear once again that there should be no problem about the wild load other than the european. some is i don't know use on the transit because that sanction or that's a life program for this hour here on out to you international, we come to you from moscow half past 6 in the morning. now, we appreciate your company and he stores to catch up on just log on to our website . you know it, it's r t dot com the l look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order is at conflict with the 1st law. show your identification, we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. and the point obviously is
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