tv News RT August 12, 2022 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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a business with the girl who's with top headlines here on our team, international nuclear disaster threatens the continent, is the ukranian, the military shells, europe's biggest nuclear power plant. that's all according to russia's envoy to the united nations. the u foreign policy chief says politics are about quote, applying double standards as the block to scott is a ban on visas for russian people. the u. s. president comes in for heavy criticism off the claim in the countries inflation rate. is it 0 percent, despite overwhelming statistics showing its at 40 gear record hines?
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with questioning more and pushing back on the mainstream narratives, welcome to your new zonati. and while the threat of a nuclear disaster is real and the consequences are unthinkable if indeed ukrainian attacks on those dappled or she atomic plant continue, this is all according to the russian envoy, speech of a un security council meeting, which was urgently convened at the request of moscow? yes, yes, i can also fools if the attacks from the ukrainian army continue. a new killer catastrophe could happen at any moment than huge territories in ukraine. russian, europe will be under the threat of radioactive contamination. the real scale of a nuclear disaster at the plant is impossible to even imagine, in this case, the entire responsibility for this will fall on the western sponsors of kiev. well, at the 15 member body that leads the united nations, the un security council,
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in their chamber in manhattan, we heard from the representative of russia who raised the alarm about the dangers posed by these attacks on this nuclear power facility. i emphasized the deals that russia has offered to secure this power plant to secure that we don't have some kind of nuclear disaster. now, when the representatives of the united states took the floor out, basically, the u. s. representative said that any potential fall out or danger from the tax on the nuclear power plant, they fall squarely on russia shoulders, simply because russia is involved in the special operations. here's the response of the united states to what seems like a very clear dent. danger. the cause of the situation at is if we ship facility is not a mystery. it is another tragic result of the russian federation decision to further invade its sovereign neighbor ukraine. russia alone created risks, and it could eliminate those risks now by withdrawing from ukraine. now the russian
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representative talked about how this fits a pattern that talked about how the ukrainian forces will embed themselves in the 1000000000 areas using to 1000000000 to the fact that human healed. and this is essentially nuclear blackmail that attempts to force the russian military out of a certain area. or else there could be some kind of disaster, which would then be blamed on russia, even though it is ukrainian force is that persist on escalating things near this power plant. now, it's important to know by the fact that russia is raising the alarm and has been raising the alarm about the dangers posed by attacks on this facility has been trying to get the international atomic energy agency involved in dealing with these threats for months. and today at the un security council meeting, we heard the head of the i a, he basically said that there is, at this point, no immediate threat. that is no immediate threat to safety. how about these change?
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any russia and other countries like china, called for a de escalation that situation and concerns about global safety. but from united states and its allies, we heard a monster of blaming everything on russia, saying that there wasn't such a danger. but if there was the ball, i would simply be russians fall. it seemed that united states and allies were not concerned about the potential fall out. seems to be using the danger of nuclear disaster as a measure or a wedge with which to try and pressure russia to withdraw from certain areas. we spoke earlier with brian bar letter j, a political researcher and writer. he says that the u. s. is ready to invert reality in order to meet its narrative. it's. ready the united states then their properties and ukraine being unable to produce any sort of result from the battlefield. so they're resorting to other other options. and in this case nuclear
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black. now this is a familiar. ready pattern for anyone who has been following u. s. foreign policy. this is why this is what they always do. they make these ridiculous claims because what they're trying to do is in reality to suit their own interests. and when the u. s. is making claims like this and not providing any evidence. we could almost always assume that it's the exact opposite. and in this case, there is actual evidence that it's ukraine not, not russia doing this shows how reckless and how desperate the west and their proxies had become. according to local authorities, these up with a nuclear power plant was attacked twice on thursday as key of troops used multiple rocket launchers and heavy artillery from the right bank of the napa river. later shelling came just hours before the un security council meeting on that very issue is all correspond that equals down off. he has more, it is dangerous. it is alarmingly irresponsible because this time apparently,
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the ukrainian forces have targeted the concrete storage facilities for nuclear waste. now of course, it is reassuring that those well facilities are made out of concrete because it's a good and steady material. we've seen it withstand a lot of damage here in the longest people, republican, the dawn bass basically, but it is not unbreakable, of course. and as well of these upper rows, your nuclear plant is absolutely massive. it's the largest one in europe. it is in the top 10 all over the world, so it does produce a lot of nuclear waste. and these attacks, again, they're not the 1st ones. on the 5th and the 7th of august, the ukranian side also targeted this facility, this nuclear power plant. and again, this was very dangerous and rush has screamed about its concerns. in response cave accused moscow of shelling its own positions, basically creating a provocation, a causes belly for well for international condemnation. but rush of course,
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had brushed aside these accusations as the absolute nonsense as something ridiculous. and indeed, russia is called on the un security council to urgently assemble to call on ukraine to stop these shillings of a massive nuclear object. and in fact, the matter is very, very serious. these approach you nuclear power plant, it's capacities some 50 percent more than that overture noble. so potentially the disaster could be much worse than the tro, noble one. and while it is already a while, it is already a name known all the over the world. it's an international synonym for an absolute nuclear catastrophe. the russian forces have beefed up a defensive to well defend the nuclear power plant, as well as possible, but the internationally they are moving forward with the un security council, hoping that here the international community stays responsible. we did discuss the
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issue with the political analyst, hamilton armstrong, who says the ukrainian government for the time being isn't interested in peace. i think that as long as this is the lensky is being supported with money and arms of from new nato. and we're including 9 states, then he has no incentive to, to basically seek peace. i think that's the real problem. and when he ran, i think even russia was optimistic because he was saying that he wanted peace in against corruption. and the everything he said, you know, he's done exactly the opposite. i don't see him is doing anything other than, you know, when the last ukrainian dies hop on a plane and live up very nicely in the bahamas or something. but why he's pushing his country into this, i don't see any logic to it that you use. foreign policy chief,
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joseph burrell, says that double standards are a common practice and international politics. they mission came as the official was question on the book support for ukraine. we are often criticized for having double standards, but international politics is largely the administration of double standards. we do not face all problems with the same criteria. and some of the e u. member states appear to be following the same practice. this, as estonia plans to close its borders to russian citizens with shank and visas issued by tal and the european commission has also said the issue of tourist visas for russians is now on their agenda. is are to contribute rachel martin with our thoughts and opinion. funny, remember how that you reacted when former president of the united states, donald trump did exactly the same kind of thing in 2017 and signed an executive order to stop issuing visas to people from random list of countries here. charge
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around libya, north korea, somalia, syria, venezuela and yemen, citing national security. but we do not discriminate on the basis of nationality, grace, or religion. not only when it comes to asylum, but in any of our other polis, no one can be deprived of his or her own rights because of their place of birth, their religion, more than any city. this is written in our constitutions, both in europe and in america. this is who we are. this is our identity. this is something we cannot forget. oh, it's their very identity. it's written in stone. it's written in the constitution, except now apparently you're going to make exceptions when it comes to ukraine and russia. so remember all those terrorist attacks in france a few years ago? not even at that time, was there a blanket ban from jihadist hotspots. it's always been
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a case by case assessment of each individual requesting a visa to travel, not an arbitrary blanket ban on a whole nation. and to do otherwise has always been viewed as totally contrary to the use own values. not to mention a pretty troubling precedent because, i mean, today it could be russian citizens and nationals, tomorrow could be any one else. they don't happen to agree with policy wise. but now, according to the use top diplomat, the e is apparently embracing the double standards that it once rejected because, well, hey, that's just how the world is apparently here in paris for example, 2 female russian visitors were denied entry by officials at the chateau. thus, en, tourists site, at the end of july, french government had to clarify this week that the checking of visitors, id and nationalities only applies to actual military installations and not to tourist sites like museums and shout toes. but now we also have
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a german cabinet go to person confirming that a proposal to ban russian nationals from the e. u is actually under consideration. now it's all hypothetical at this point. it's important to underline that, but it still can't be rolled out since it's yet another demand coming straight from ukrainian president library lensky who tends to get a lot of what he wants from the west. and now zalinski is calling on the west to ban all russian travelers saying that they should quote, live in their own world until they change their philosophy. guessing means also little kids. and anyone in russia who might be part of that civil society that supports him as well? or are they going to get social passes? how is that gonna work? estonia and finland are also pressuring the block, authorized to stand. so you know who needs values when you can just pastor and blue v 8. depending on the direction of the political wind, it remains to be seen which of brussels faces will ultimately prevail on this particular issue. the one that defends its most basic stated principles or the one that hypocritically betrays them to virtue signal over the cause of the day. so now
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madrid's mayor has pledged to prosecute russians living in spain. the spanish politician has become the newest victim, also to get caught out by the infamous russian pranks to his will. von on lexis. during that cold may, jose luis martinez, alameda shared his position on russian citizens in spain, claiming the bay should quote, be punished. this time the pranksters pretended to be, caves may either form a box of italy, cliff co, during their exchange, troubled us my opinion on the mesas, my opinion, a measures regarding the russian citizens here in spain. i think it's necessary to punish these russians. and of course, we're doing everything to that. and on the national and local level, still, lot of men, i went to west, instead of finding for ukraine dandridge help us with the depart station of ukrainian man through craig, i think it's not. i don't think it's a problem for madrid to send ukrainian refugees back to the war in their country. i
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think it is necessary to provide more soldiers for the fight against russia. of course, madrid has all the means to provide the transportation to send these people back to ukraine if necessary. and so the madrid may are launched into an expletive, written tirade against russians and the 17 minute video cold. you can read more on the prank call that author dot com. the conversation led to criticism among spaniards who have called the official stance outrageous. while we spoke to one of the pranksters earlier, that of mister lexus, he told us falling politicians is a piece of cake who are not so really surprised because your ruffians ran to punish all russians around all europe. so he's just a typical mayor from our one, the biggest capital european countries. so it was not real surprised was but he was the, the most crazy mare that we have reached,
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usually when we reach ah, international politicians. usually in our private conversation, they say what they are really thinking. so ah, usually they are lying on tv on media and they're trying to make a good reputation for them. but in fact, they usually think in other uh, folds. it's not too hard for us. or even we great many worldwide bulletins. i think the people to have the weak system of security. so i think it's a problem of psychology, no one seeing that he will be next targets of brain coal or something like that. the biggest problem only through the process
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organizations. so you can make it folds only through the process, but if you already go into the call, everything will be if i were you, it was banned by the ministry of defense of the u. k. because we praying their secretary for defense when wallace. and you said that it was the reef for national security of the k n t mand youtube, to bend our channel. because is the 1st time when the ministry of defense of any country demanded to ban any youtube channel. ah, well, no good news for biding these days. the american president, facing sharp criticism over is recent announcement on the issue of us inflation. actually i just want to say a number 0 today we received news that our economy had 0 percent in place 0
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percent. well that announcement came just ours off the federal consumer price index data showed inflation in july, dropping slightly to $8.00 and a half percent just down from 9 point one percent in june. so that figure is still a 40 year record for the u. s. economy where living costs are on the rise all across the board. biden's comment certainly sparks and criticism from various quarters. ridiculous. it from the white house. there's 8.5 percent inflation and basically everything anyone ever buys went up in price. this is just cruel gas lighting from the bite and administration. okay, super quick note on biden's claim that inflation is 0. it's a bogus math trick. joe biden claims multiple times that there was 0 inflation in july. absolutely false. year over year inflation was 8.5 percent in july or of course with a whole midterm elections just months away. we spoke with the editor for reactionary
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times, julio nevada. he says that by the administration is struggling with rising pride. has at levels not seen in decades. this is a desperate democratic party that has an important election coming up in a couple of months and they're trying to spin this in any way they can to try to make the economic number seem positive. but the truth of the matter is, the all items less food and energy has risen 5.9 percent in the last year. the food index has risen 10.9 percent. that's the largest 12 month increase since 1979. the energy index is, is increased 32.9 percent. and obviously the 9 point one percent inflation in june all was actually the highest since 1981. it went down slightly year over year to the a point 5 in july and they're claiming this as a victory. but the fact of the matter is americans are suffering. the price of
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everything is going up democratic party, i think has a little bit of a bad reputation right now. i mean, they're not doing anything right. on the deal. the economy is bad. you know, the afghanistan pull out was disgraceful. you know, the cost of gas at the pump, the cost of items at the retail level, american prestige, i think is down. it's a shame that america has to be embarrassed by having this type of a president. the syrian oil ministry has publicly accused america of stealing its oil. the amount of oil production during the 1st half of 2022 amounted to some 14500000 barrels us occupation forces, and their mercenaries steal up to 66000 barrels every single day. from the fields occupied in the eastern region in its stipend, syrian officials of brian that american lead troops as a quote occupying force. it has been reported that the us is responsible for the
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festive, $105000000000.00 of oil since the beginning of the war, according to local reports last weekend alone. so dozens of us army tankers smuggling oil out of the country into northern iraq. the russian president vladimir putin has previously called on the us to stop exploiting syria's natural resources . while economic consultants, i mean a i, you says us involvement and regional conflicts has for years the stabilize the whole region. we actually count all those years since the contract started in the sense to the us actually got people to figure might actually be correct because the oil industry and serial. although the production only represents one percent of the world production, it actually was a $1000000000.00 industry. while that's the main problem. and this is what actually russia actually vetoed last month on the, on the new and a resolution for a to syria,
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which actually comes in every year. will actually do you have symbol in many conflicts in the region actually proved before they were not very efficient in sullivan local issues. they might can model of democracy. you actually fail in, in the region. and a lot of initiatives actually failed, including enough. again, the standing iraq and known serial will probably no surprise to hear there's no let up in the current tensions between china and taiwan. now, the foreign ministry of the self ruled island has publicly rejected beijing's revised proposal of a one country to systems solution. they said thompson, taiwan resolutely rejects the idea of one country to systems. only the people of taiwan can decide their future. and the future of taiwan is within china's borders . that's according to beijing position, published in a new white paper. the official document says taiwan has never been
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a state and its status as part of china is undeniable, and aging also withdrew its previous dance, are not sending troops or administration officials to the island and asian affairs . analissa benjamin chow believes that pelosi is bridget of taiwan was a direct provocation to that of the existing status quo. i want does not have much to say on this issue almost all countries into, well, even the u. s. and the united nations open the support at the one china policy. that is, there's just one, china and thailand is part of it. so the one country to system solution really shows that it's to create sincerity of staging, to maintain the lifestyle of taiwan as much as possible. pelosi, which is a highly responsible move, see, want to leave for legacy as the democracy. democracy fight while completely ignoring the fact that writers in the capitol hill when biting one election impact in the, in the country will be consider when call to foreseen, you know,
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language to show support of democracy. so this classic stand and he policy, since she's 2nd in line to see the presidency and as to how speaker a visit represent the office official stand. and the touch with the sun is certainly print holloway of the one china policy and supplies of russian oil to the czech republic through ukraine will not be restarted. this comes off the company that services the pipeline to prague didn't pay as transfer fees. proc will still receive oil from russia, from the north, through an oil pipeline coming in from poland. a kia had only a band all oil deliveries through the southern branch of the pipeline transiting ukraine. the terrorists were not paid by moscow due to sanctions. this led to hungarian slovak companies, taking their matter into their own hands, paying the taxes themselves, and getting the confirmation that the supply route will be restored in just a few days. now the, the rouge pipelines supplies several european countries providing thousands of
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barrels per day. the southern branch of the pipeline transits, ukraine, and supplies the e. u with about 10 percent of the oil. it buys from russia. the northern leger, the pipeline which runs through bella roofs, poland on germany has not been effected by the stoppage of the kremlin, has said, sanctions hurting the e. u much more than russia by limiting the blocks access to energy. what we discuss this with dr. georgia. molly of the global policy institute of london, he says that europe proves once again that it's paula titian's are the only ones to blame when it comes to the energy crisis. across the continent. you're probably getting very vulnerable because it's actually quite difficult to get the oil to check. the alternative, the check republic is that it would have to go through easily very complicated process. honory is actually in better shape because you can actually get the oil
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from probation. and so the channels where the general public is more vulnerable, but all it's still going to show is that it's the european union that is messing around with the energy flows. european union continues to accuse russia all playing games with energy weaponized the energy and denying the europeans. the energy that they need is clear once again that there should be no problem about the wild lows other than the european. some is, i don't know, you don't pay the transit because that sanction the u. s. a secretary of states tour of africa is continuing with rwanda being the latest stop . anthony blink and says the us doesn't want to force the continent to pick sides during current geo, political time. african nations have been treated as instruments of other nations
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progress rather than the authors of their own. the united states will not dictate africa choices, and neither should anyone else lincoln's or to follows hot on the heels of the russian foreign minister. gala ross, who just wrapped up a meeting great tour across the continent. us official has been trying to rally support on the african mainland in an attempt to limit russia's alleged creeping influence across the region. however, the south africa, foreign minister for one said the country has not come under any pressure of most turns about human rights. this fear that we exist under some push is i think, a totally a really and found it under thomas charles and not the university of south africa believes choosing sides right now was not in the best interest of the continent. definitely, america will try to continue to majel in elections at africa. we have a model of elections 4th coming in on cola in august. and we had general townsend
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from african visiting angola to assure them of america support, meaning they will carry on supporting the government of the day. if a gola her complies to resist harmful russian activities, we have elections force coming in malawi. these are some countries that are so very, very poor, that even a small amount of money can, can make a difference and provoke pay regime change. i think this is what of what america is actually planning for. and this influence is short of the it doesn't actually establish friendship or good relations. so if it goes in no position to, to take sides or law or to, to get distracted from its own development needs, which are very existential, that very critical paulson. patrick are faced again with the loss of food security
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. meaning the countries will not be able to feed their population. so africa is, it is actually cruel to try and, and explore africa into joining a particular foreign policy. i'd appreciate you joining us here in athens. and after for this, i would show live from moscow. anything you may ever missed or you want to catch up on. we've got a number of artie telegram channels, of course audio dot com. all of our social media platforms are getting updates. every couple of minutes than used does not stop at r t. we are back soon with more. oh ah
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk a very taboo. canada hasn't been very good to indigenous women and girls who have been missing or found murdered because of
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structural racism, a history the clone l history that canada has worked indigenous people and communities. and it's so shameful history and a history that kind of doesn't like to talk about not until just into those election in 2015 with a to booze of colonization. finally shattered a cone beam elected prime minister on the head of state give a message to the 1st nations community working together timely the government of canada. sincerely apologizes and asks the forgiveness of the aboriginal peoples of this country for failing them so profoundly.
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