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tv   News  RT  August 14, 2022 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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ah ah ah ah, breaking news from armenia, one person out been killed dozens more injured in a series of explosions on the market in the capital. a subsequent fire has yet to be brought under control, with the smoke said to be intensified. also a spectre of a potential new killer dumpster things over europe of the ukrainian military shells and continents biggest nuclear power plant, controlled by russia. that forces not according to multiple invoices with after
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much external pressure. i'm the see international stepped back from it's report that the ukranian army has been using civilian us. human. she's saying it's claims will not be examined by quote, independent experts after key of accused the organization of moral selected with a top stories from the past 7 days. and right up to the moment developments as well . this is the weekly rti hello and welcome and you know, we begin with breaking news coming out of the armenian capital. one person has been killed and a further 51 injured after an explosion in the center of europe. vaughn, with smoke off the site. no said to be intensifying on buildings at risk of collapse ah
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was rolling market in the capital was rocked by repeated bloss, reportedly leaving many trapped under the rubble emergency services mileage to rescue to women from the ruins of a collapse building not so long ago. local news reports claim a fire workshop caught fire triggering the explosions with pyrotechnics continuing to detonate through. with the latest details on the incident, local journalist garrick, a belgium centers this report i saw you have on his homeowner pull them up. i see it again today at 1330 year of on time a large explosion occurred in the somali shopping center. as a result of which there are dead and injured breski workers. police officers and civilians are working at the site level according to preliminary data and explosion occurred in this high rise building after which the fire spread to the neighboring building. rescue operations are still underway, which are also dangerous for the rescuers themselves as they are explosives here,
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there are also fireworks that explode and interfere with the rescue services. uh huh. there are cars here. fortunately, there were no people in them had gone. there were voices heard in other cars a little further away crying out that wounded people were inside. they were taken to hospital at the moment. work is underway to clear the territory so that it is possible to provide assistance to those who are still under the rebels. vogel or sell my witnesses claim, and nearby gas pi fixed, loaded shortly after the blast began with the fire spreading to neighboring buildings. we should point i'd off this stage, there is no official confirmation on what caused the blast. i'm with the blaze. still raging investigators haven't been allowed access. we believe. 8 this point to the scene as yet, making not to issue very hard to understand. firefighters of course, are working out the scene, right. i but i putting to one emergency services official. this situation is being
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complicated with new i bricks of fire happening really every minute. several rescuers were overcome by as well as issues are attempting to have by us the area of the public for many people as you may be able to to make it here in civilian clothing. their remaining in place to help the emergency services big through the rubble and help any victims just wanting to find the following image is disturbing us. well, the one fatality in exclusion is being reported to be a middle aged man footage film by locals up the scene is believed to show his body under the rubber among the other victims was a 5 year old girl whose an intensive care, but her conditions reported as being something else emerging from the armenian capital, there's been a report of a bomb placed on the local metro,
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according to officials. all stations have now been closed with staff on passengers evacuated this sunday. there's also been reports of multiple devices being placed around at this city. and authorities are checking to see whether at the r hoaxes. again that's there on verified whether or not those devices are there are no known person claimed there were bombs blunted in all metro stations. along with shopping centers, the europeans who didn't want the most popular churches in the city. well, on all of that, we will of course, keep you up to date and in what has looking like a tragic day in the armenian capital europe on r t has all your developments today. alright, let's move the program on 2 major developments from the don boss front lines this week. the russian defense ministry stays the key. ton of pesky is now under full russian control. just give you a sense of pesky,
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located just outside the city of the nets, the capital of day than the republic. the supplement has been under key of military control for 8 years where you premium an army units building up for middle fortifications there. the capture of the town is seen as a major milestone in pushing the front line further from the nets for russian troops. i've also been moving closer to the key strategic city of arch morphed among the advancing forces. is a private russian military company called the wagner group. ortiz eager shit down for granted a rare opportunity to join them and also to look at the abandon positions of ukrainian troops who continue official say to use civilian areas as firing points several years ago. many weren't certain if this unit was real, or just to spine chilling myth. it's the most reclusive and cryptic company
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fighting for russia and the don bass. this is the wagner group. ah ah. the village of the cross, claire refused to fool for weeks to defended. key of commanders deployed some of its veteran troops with plenty of experience in ugly warfare. so from the outside, this looks like an anonymous village. hard just a civilian house, but trust me it is not. and as i go, please pay attention to this very badly decomposed body in ukrainian military
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uniform. but if you were to just follow me, you will discover this again, an anonymous tool shed. and again, it is not, you can see the trench, the trenches over here. so this is a firing position. there are several basements all around the place with similar firing positions. so what is this? if not, prove that ukrainians, you civilian houses as their cover? and basically anonymous places like this but it takes more than just dirty tactics to stop the wagon a group dubbed as the orchestra, the ensemble and other music inspired nicknames. they pounded this very position for long, violent 8 hours until every one of the dozens of resisting ukraine's troops either fled or met their maker. this is one of the basements amid village houses, where the ukrainian troops used to shelter. this is
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a good hiding sport because you can see it goes quite deep on the ground. the roof here is reinforced. and if you wondering what this ropers is done for safety, for closing the door remotely, the village is largely deserted, yet a handful of civilians with no other place to go remain at the same time. ukrainian forces are still shelling the place, targeting the musicians in a whack a mole style. we live together with the russian units. my husband is an insulin, we just ran out. i ordered some ones, then again, the delivery failed. now they've taken him somewhere. i think that will get the medicine without the insulin. things would be bad, he would die. the orchestra has moved on already. there are the 1st and only unit to have breached the defenses of the city, of our term, of the next big thing on this direction.
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ah, i'm walking along the same road as the most enigmatic unit. fighting on the russian side, this is the under the village. and this is the last house here, which also turned out to be the final fortification on their way. there are local officials, reports. ukraine has again target this upper rogia nuclear power plant, reportedly using us supplied suicide drones to do that. no one was hurt during sunday's latest attack. however, the head of the russia back the administration, there no safe. the authorities are considering shutting down the you plant your, its largest, the territory, all the plants has come on. the shelling for more than a week. now multiple rocket launchers and heavy artillery, healthy use sparking fears of another potential chernobyl like disaster. some days
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ago, one shelling incident occurred just hours ahead of the un security council meeting on the matter. here's what rushes permanent, representative out the united nations. how to say history. i'd like, you know, super hulu, if the attacks of ukrainian army continue a new killer catastrophe could happen at any moment. in this case, the entire responsibility for this will fall on the western sponsors of key of huge territories in ukraine. russia and other countries will be under the threat of radioactive contamination. the real scale of a nuclear disaster at the plant is impossible to even imagine. well, all this month, russia has been calling for the international atomic energy agency to visit the power plant. but the i e, a chief told a recent un security council meeting that quote, there is no immediate threat to the nuclear plant. now, while the u. s. representative to the u. n. put the blame for the situation fully on moscow under mother the full withdrawal of russian troops. moscow though, says it's keeping the site secure. the cause of the situation at the zip reach,
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your facility is not a mystery. it is another tragic result of the russian federation decision to further invade it, sovereign neighbor, ukraine, russia alone created risks, and it can eliminate those risks now. my withdrawing from ukraine or turning a blind eye to why the conflict in ukraine started is just covering up the west real intentions. last claim, a former u. s. states senator richard black. right now there are such enormous force from the wes from the us, from nato, from the united kingdom. there's tremendous pressure from the western media to never say anything bad about ukraine and to make up any kind of buying that you can say, against the russians. that's becoming a little bit frayed. pete, the information is beginning to leak out. and people are beginning to say,
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you know, wait a minute. it wasn't russia that started this war. it was nature. they started the war because they forced brushes back to the wall where the president, he had no alternative for to defend the sovereign territory of russia. and he had to launch an attack to do that. in order to preempt the attack, ukraine was planning against the don bass. okay, let's bring you some more breaking news. this time coming out of washington, d. c. at where a man has fired a gun several times just any one else was hurt in the incident. any more details on this, this story just developing as being written the last few moments. we will, of course, at bring that to a man firing a gun several times just outside the u. s. capital building before kelly himself.
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i miss the international is to face an evaluation by what it's calling external experts who will look into its recent report on controversial ukrainian military tactics. that's all according to media reports, the expert a drew western score and i'm pushback from ukraine including call to fire. that was that on this the who worked on the paper now missed the face a torrent of criticism, while it's co founder per westberg resigned from his position. following the release, the organizations chief agnes calla mar defended the report, saying the work is impartial and accusations of bias against ukraine or baseless some media outlets have even call for the human rights and g o to close. it is time for amnesty international to complete its 60 emission and go down in history before memories of the heroic days of a struggle for human rights have faded. the scandal with the ukrainian report is a moment that amnesty should season close its doors forever. it is the only
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remaining honorable ex, it's worthy of a nobel peace prize. when, unfortunately, amnesty international did not understand this and thus it condemned itself to a shameful and painful end. the report states, the craning army was deliberately placing troops and military vehicles in residential areas and therefore endangering civilian lives. amnesty called the ukrainian tactics, quote, a violation of humanitarian law under its key to stop putting civilians in harms way. now, other media outlets have been a little more balanced in their approach to what the report actually said. the organization says it's researchers documented multiple cases of ukrainian forces, basing themselves in schools and hospitals, and launching attacks from populated neighborhoods dry and russian fire that endangered civilian lives. president vladimir lensky would have done better to acknowledge that even his heroic defenders are capable of air and take the report to heart. instead of accusing amnesty. among the reaction we got to this was from
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labor lawyer in the u. s. don koval, a cru feels, it's strange to criticize a human rights watchdog for reporting on alleged human rights violations. i think it's absurd. you know, i don't understand petitioning a human rights group because you don't like the fact that they're reporting on human rights abuses. let's face it, people, you know, amnesty international job, which honestly, i don't see them largely carrying out is to be neutral. to tell, you know, both sides of the story of the one time they report truthfully, on the on, you know, ukraine's violations that's appropriate, that people should not be lobbying them to, to change how they're reporting or to fire people who report on things that you know, they find and can be the whole point of human rights group is to tell truth. people
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don't want to hear, right? that's why they, these groups exist. so if they want to keep their integrity, they should stand by the report not given to public pressure, not fire people because of the report. president joe biden's foreign policies have little to do with democracy. so say, a leading american politician in an interview, former congresswoman till c gabbert cast out that washington's actions in ukraine of the country's best interests at heart. now, despite their lectures and their crocodile tears, it's never been about morality. it's not about the people of ukraine or protecting democracy. this is about regime change in russia and exploiting this war to strengthen nato and feed the military industrial complex that joe biden. it's even about bringing about quote, a new world order. it's not the 1st time chelsea gilbert has been critical of joe by this policy. she's play much of europe's current energy problem. stems from
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whitehall strategies on suggest that similar repercussions could be in the cards for americans themselves. we discussed miss gilbert stumps with our rasmussen of the racist center thing. she was exactly right. she, her statement as far as that, this is not about ukraine. it's not about european values. it's not about democracy. it's about regime change. it's about containment of russia and ultimately regime change. and ultimately, i would say dismantling of russia as well. i think similar is happening. we've got another play going on with taiwan and china, also filthy gabbert, carl mcgregor grand greenwald, the whole list of homes. unfortunately, the not widely heard and most of the media is completely controlled. it's projecting whatever the policy of the government is. i mean if you listen to m s
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nbc, or c, and then it's like somebody wrote a script from them and they're leaving, you don't even have basically the saying the same thing over and over again. it's healthy gabbert right on the money and has hit completely correct in her statement . the us secretary of state has given assurances that washington is not competing with anyone in this subsaharan region. his words came while on the tour to south africa, the democratic republic of congo and rolanda. earlier in the week, the visit came hot on the heels of russia's foreign minister, receiving a warm welcome in several countries on the continent. we've seen the repercussions of rushes worn ukraine. ugh, which are felt across the planet. and especially across africa in rising food and energy prices. what we seek most of all is a true partnership between the united states and africa. we don't want an unbalanced or transactional relationship and our commitment to
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a stronger partnership with africa is not about trying to outdo any one else. coinciding with the visit, the white house to release the document detailing it's new strategy towards sub saharan reaches the plan promotes u. s. involvement in the policy of african nations including an issue such as pandemic, climate change on food security. and while mr. ben can sees his tour is not an attempt to counter russia on china's growing ties with the continent. the report suggests otherwise the people's republic of china, by contrast, the region as an important arena to challenge the rules based international order. and we can us relations with african peoples and governments. russia use the region as a permissive environment for paras, stables, and private military companies, often fermenting instability for strategic and financial benefit. on while the u. s . aims to expand its present in the region china, nice downs on south africa's biggest trading partner, by the way,
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moscow's trade with the countries also on the rise with monthly exports from russia . more than 4 fooled in the past year. all as america secretary of state tries to convince south africa to separate ties with multiple invasion. the country's top diplomat say's blame for problems on the continent rest with those who are capitalizing on the regions resources. this fear that we exist under some push is i think that totally are really are unfounded or belief in the relationship that we have with eva country is also a concern about countries and that have mineral interests in african countries. and are there as a destabilizing force. so i think we need to look at the full plethora of problems that give rise to insecurity, bad governance. and the absence of democracy on the african continent is not a one country problem. well, in that new strategy, washington also sites i quote,
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long and pride history of supporting africa. we discussed that claim on the policy itself with host of the conservative daily podcast. josma. i don't think the u. s. is ever, is backed into sovereignty of other nations. when they talk about the civilization, they can look no further than themselves. and the sad part about what the us says and it's just a bunch of rhetoric and look, i'm an american and i'm proud to be an american. but the apparatus within the u. s . government has long been a de stabilizing force and almost putting out, you know, african place where they can't grow. they can't excel at the same rate, that other countries across the world are growing. and that has a lot more to do with their natural resources. and how they can get access to the resources. so no, i don't believe they respect us already. of any decisions that they make. and i and i, i'm actually fearful that it's going to become a tug of war and the people of those african agent, 54 nations, are the ones that are going to suffer. and the african nation socially, south africa, does not trust the united states. many nations don't trust the united states,
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i don't think anything the united states does right now will be seen as anything other than a grand standing and making empty promises that they will, mirrored in the future. not be able to deliver on a 3 day conflict between israel and the palestinian islamic jihad group has come to an end. the violence to the lives of $44.00 gas residents, including 15 children, the un high commissioner for human rights voice. the alarm over the number of youths killed during the israeli military operation demanded those responsible be held to account. shall the garza skyline look shortly before trace was implemented the well, this is the aftermath of and it's really are a strike on
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a residential neighborhood where the senior commanders were said to be stations. hundreds of buildings were damaged or destroyed and gathered during the attacks. angry locals told us what the experience the sabbath without any warning they targeted the area near the kuwaiti hospital. or, of course, it is a camp, crowded with children, women, and the elderly. such a targeted houses with 6 missiles, 6 houses were completely destroyed. below for the attack was very terrifying. we ran away in panic and fear among the children and women in the company that we should buy. the bulldozers could not go through. so they asked me to demolish my house so that they could enter to save people from the inside. i agreed and allowed them to act as people's lives are more important and saving them more valuable than my house. chavez into the southern israel came under a rocket fire as well, with many people forced to hide and form shelters for hours. and televi vash pl on tourism. the palestinian islamic jihad group reportedly fired more than one follows in rocket gut reaction from the streets of israel. to the violence and current
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truce. fire is just a big bluff considering all that happens here was the rocket. if we didn't have the defense system, thank god. we would have been a 2nd train. i really hope the fire will last long and that we are at least able to live a bit quietly. come or never gave anyone anything good. so it's something big and i really want our kids and the people of israel to feel secure in our country. now another aspect of what occurred there are pro palestinian activists, has criticized social media platforms for bombing a post. he said, was morning a child killed in israel is recent operation against the british rock. foreigners located seizures post about a 5 year old policy girl who was killed in an id f. a talk was from the violent by facebook and instagram located claims. the content was centered after an alert from these really siber units. so the girl was playing ice life when she was hit by,
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shrapnel was also injured. her 7 year old brother facebook has previously blamed artificial intelligence for mistakenly bombing similar content. palestinian activists name that since the start of 2022, the number of content tick tock request submitted by israel has increased by 800 percent. while israel in the past house commended it's cyber unit. so as being successful in getting online content removed. digital rights analysts that mona should tire claims the voices of palestinians are being silenced. since june policy invoices and silencing palestinian voices chandel banning us answering our content is affecting how we can a shower. so is how we can to command that crime violation is that people are exposed to on the ground. our narrative is being censored and line and this contributes to silence. think our voice is, is to typing us. this has
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a bigger impact whenever, like we are talking with the international audience whenever i was talking with a group palestinian audience who are trying to get to know what's happening there on the ground. they can't get the full picture because our, our content is basically sensor. so whenever we are trying to share stories of palestinian is who called you and, and those attacks, it's also said from the social media companies. and this means that this is like and contributing to say, and i think our voice is and preventing us from documenting the human rights violations, that we are exposed to. ok. switching gears though to a story which generated a lot of interest of late a 4 year old child born biologically, female as a nines, she is actually a boy by firing blue colored smoke confetti. in the celebration, video footage showed the child's announcement in front of a cheering crowd of the pride parade, and vancouver where the child stood with her grandmother. her parents said their child showed at masculine patterns from the age of 2 on the was her own decision to
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make the announcement. we discussed the issue with author on funder of sexual change reps, wall tire, on canadian activists. chris austin. this is completely inappropriate to be teaching children that they might not be their biological sex just because a girl likes boys, clothes, and plays with boys, which is the case of this little 4 year old girl. doesn't mean any less of a girl that is totally insane. and what's even worse is this child was celebrated as being the opposite sex at me, vancouver pride parade, where thousands of people joined in and celebrating the delusion that our society is pushing upon children today. and what's happening in our society today is our government to pass laws which prevent parents from being able to stop this child abuse of their own children. we have to put a stop to this because what this leads to is the medical jason of children and they
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are getting experimental puberty bucker's the opposite tech and foremost, and even surgery, the children's cutting off the breast of girls that young a 12 years old in north america. so this is the biggest child abuse medical scandal we've ever seen. no kid for years old. has any idea of what gender is, what the consequences of making center statement is. we need to understand that nobody's their brain is not developed until they're 25 years old. fully developed brain does not occur until you're 25. so a 4 year old has an undeveloped brain, has no idea what they're talking about. basically, this is absolutely deplorable and sickening that adults will even allow a child to make such a state. the kids aren't really involved in the o g p t. this is parents using their children using their children for their own special purposes. so their purpose actually is the parents have some mental
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disorder and actually need to say colleges and should not be the people in charge of their young children. well, that is where we leave a news update for now on a busy sunday. and indeed the busy week, but don't go too far as more programs get going in moment. see what is showing where you are right ahead. good bye for ah ah.


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