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tv   News  RT  August 14, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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well, so far we choose to look so common ground a with force is reportedly shell, a residential area near the nuclear power plant, again, leaving one civilian dead and another injured. so ahead. ah, the solution seems to people are killed on scores more injured in a series of explosions on the market in the armenian capital. a subsequent fire has yet to be brought under control, with the smoke said to be intensifying in former packets found a prime minister in bron count. the bond is to fight for freedom on top of what he
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calls. foreign power is running. his country that says pakistan prepared to market 75 years of independence with after much external pressure. honestly, international stems black from its report, but the ukrainian army has been using civilians as human shields saying its claims will not be examined by quote, independent expert. dr. key if i choose the organization of moral that with the top stories from the past 7 days and right up to the moment developments as well. this is the weekly and r t hello and welcome. i mean, we begin in ukraine where one person has been killed on another injured following a missile attack on a residential part of a neuro adar city. the strike purportedly by key air force is targeted on eurey and
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not far from these upper rows, yet nuclear power plant will. the injured person was a young woman who received shrapnel wounds. she has been taken to hospital for treatment. neither russia or ukraine have yet to comment on the incident years ortiz eager shit off with more on what occurred today. this time, the shells they fell down a bit further away from the zip raska nuclear power plant. still a tragedy. one person has died. one was injured so well, it's always hard to see civilian death, but the main concern here has been for days, if not weeks is the safety of these upper oscar nuclear power plant. see, it's a massive facilitates the largest one in europe and are well among the top 10 largest in the world. if anything was to happen on this facility. if anything was to happen to this facility, we could face a catastrophe, an absolute mel down worse than a chill, noble outer noble as
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a given name to anything well connected to a radioactive tragedy. here's how the rushes and voice to the un to the un security council commented on the dangers and risks that ukraine's radi responsible behavior behavior. excuse me, and sue's, just like it was a little. so if the attacks of ukrainian army continue a nuclear catastrophe could happen at any moment, in this case, the entire responsibility for this will fall on the western sponsors of kia, huge territories and ukraine. russia and other countries will be under the threat of radioactive contamination. the real scale of a nuclear disaster at the plant is impossible to even imagine. well, when it comes to the key of position on this, they have accused moscow. essentially, they've accused russia of shelling its own territory on to create a provocation out of this. this is a version that russia has been denying, vehemently and calling it absolute nonsense. in turn. moscow has been voicing its
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concern over the safety of the plant repeatedly given how many attacks this facility has already endured. they even had called a un security council emergency meeting to draw the world attention to this. but so far, the spellings have continued eager aisha down off turning a blind eye to why the conflict in ukraine started is just covering up the west real intentions. that's the claim of former virginia state senator richard black speaking to r t. right now there are such enormous force from the west, from the us, from nato, from the united kingdom. this tremendous pressure from the western media. to never say anything bad about ukraine and to make up any kind of dying that you can say against the russians. that's becoming
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a little bit frayed. pete, the information is beginning to leak out and people are beginning to say, you know, wait a minute. it wasn't russia that started this war, it was nature, they started the war because they forced brushes back to the wall where the president, he had no alternative for to defend the sovereign territory of russia. and he had to launch an attack to do that in order to preempt the attack that ukraine was planning against the don bass. it's been a deadly day in the armenian capital. 2 people had been killed and 57 injured after i'm explosion in the center of europe. ah, a spiraling market in the capitol was rocked by repeated blasts, reportedly leaving many tramped under the rebel. 20 people are believed missing.
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emergency services have mileage to rescue up to 10 people from the ruins of a collapse building. local news reports them. a fire workshop caught fire triggering the explosions with pyrotechnics continuing to detonate through a local journalist sent us this report. as you can see, defy was partially extinguished in this area. it's very difficult for emergency services to work because a huge building was destroyed esco together and see as you can see there a burnt out cause here. at the moment, a huge match of construction equipment is being used in the attempt to remove the burns out vehicles from the road and clear it to ensure traffic can get to the site . fire fighting efforts continue here a large number of fine trucks were involved. the constant fi is almost impossible to extinguish the minister of health and the head of the rescue service at all. so here, while some eye witnesses claim and nearby gallus pi, fixed,
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loaded shortly after the blast began with the fire spreading to neighboring buildings. we should point arthur's be no official confirmation as yet on what caused the blast and with the blaze, so raging investigators haven't been allowed to access at to the scene as yet. firefighters are working at the scene right now, but according to want emergency services official, the situation is being complicated. with new freaks of fire occurring constantly. several rescuers were overcome by toxic smoke. officials are attempting to evacuate the area or had been many people are said to be remaining in place to help the emergency services dig through the rebel unhealthily victim. i want you may find the following images disturbing. the 1st confirmed fatality was the middle aged man footage, taken by locals at the scene said to show his body under the rubble, the 2nd person find it is believed to be a woman. her sparkling birds body was fined under the rebel to the emergency
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services. i have yet to identify her. well, also in the armenian capital, there's been a report of a bomb and placed on the local metro, according to officials, all stations helping close with staff and passengers evacuated under authorities checking whether it was a hoax. the threat came from an unknown person claiming there were a bombs planted in all metro stations along with shopping centers, the europeans, who in one of the most popular churches in this city, any and all developments on that story will bring it to the well another large explosion to tell you about this time in the ecuadorian port, city of the kill. 5 people have been killed, and 16 injured the government flamed the attack on organized crime, local claim. the exclusion was so strong that a tour the facility of 2 buildings and could be heard from miles away. the country's interior minister at branded the attack a court declaration of war against the states by mercenaries involved in drugs.
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on the eve of the 75th anniversary of pakistan's, independence from british rule, the country's former p. m. m. rung come, has voted to fight for quote, real freedom, pledge to hold more anti government protest across the nation. o fight to real freedom will continue until we get rid of this imported government and elections are held. we will struggle together. i am against this slavery. let me make it clear. i won't let this nation based slave. i will unite this nation. we as a nation will pay off our debt by working together. yeah, a lot of interest enough space, tens of thousands of pounds, followers in attendance. and it was organized by b expands political party. protesters were seen brandishing flags and boundaries, slamming the current government on something about interference by foreign found. a local reporter at the event fell into a short pace with usa,
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we are highly burning on 70 a. we're dr. when they leave, or the my view, i guess on is sitting on the cross own, we don't have our direction we on monday or next or farmer to be, i'm wrong. we say on this it is august. i think this really because he's demanding an extra vinegar me and he says, or need a day and a brand new site and know this is a hockey stadium very much hockey or wagon at paper together. dodie martin with his daughter accepting this governing at our
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sovereign because he says a game is norman on initiated by the courtesy by the american henceforth, by the army and introduced a new marketing prison next sunday night a. well, this gave us the holly i am here to tell that i am not a slave. i am a free man. i came here with my children. i'm fighting for their future. only way out is to trust the leadership of enron con. it looks like there is no other leader to safeguard the interest of the people only in ron con can lead us to success. ok, let's bring you to a nother part of the world. now washington, d. c, where a man as fired several shops just said to us capital building before lately.
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turning the gun on himself, congress is currently on a summer recess was not known. whether that was the target or not, our teeth kill up. my been told me more. there's not a lot, but this is what he told me about the incident earlier bows around for am local time, an individual whose name has not yet been released, drove his car into the barricade surrounding the us capital building, crashed his car into this barricade his car became engulfed in flames. now, according to the police report, he then got out of his car and began erotically firing shots into the air as police moved in. he then shot himself. so it is quite as incident, we know about these barricades, but i've been erected around the us capital. the high security has been there ever since the january 6, the incident that followed the, the incident with donald trump leaving office. there's a lot of high security concerns and while there has been somewhat of a lessening of the security, it's not the the huge barricade that we saw in the aftermath of january 6. there is
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a high amount of security. so this individual, his motive is unknown. we do not have his name yet. i'm sure we will have that event eventually. but he drove his car into the barricade. his car burst into flames. he began shooting as firearm in the air, radically as we've got closer, he then shot himself. so quite a frightening incident. people are looking at this and wondering, was this an act of terrorism was simply a mentally ill deranged individual. what were his possible motivations? certainly a frightening incident, many people in d. c are certainly concerned about seeing something like this take place and it speaks to the concerns people have about domestic terrorism and insecurity in the country. i'm the theater national is to face on evaluation by what it's calling external experts who will look into its recent reports on controversial ukrainian military tactics. that is, according to media reports, the experts, a drew western scores on pushback from kiev, including calls the fire, though,
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is that i'm this the who worked on the probe. now the organization face a torrent of criticism with its co founder resigning from his position following the papers released the organizations chief agnes calamari however defended the report saying that work is impartial accusations of bias against ukraine or baseless despite that some media outlets of even call for the human rights n g o to be close to altogether, it is time for amnesty international to completed 60 emission and go down in history before memories of the heroic days of a struggle for human rights have faded. the scandal with the cranium report is a moment that amnesty should season close its doors forever. it is the only remaining honorable exit worthy of a nobel peace prize winner. unfortunately, amnesty international did not understand this, and thus it condemned itself to a shameful and painful end. the investigation found that the ukrainian army was deliberately placing troops and military vehicles in residential areas and there for endangering civilian lives on the call that tactics of violation of
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humanitarian law nerds to stop putting civilians in harms way. and as regards press reaction, some other outlets were well rather, more balanced in their approach to what the report actually concluded. your organization says it's researchers documented multiple cases of ukrainian forces, basing themselves in schools and hospitals and launching attacks from populated neighborhoods. join russian fire that endangered civilian lives. president vladimir lensky would have done better to acknowledge that even his heroic defenders are capable of air and take the report to heart instead of accusing amnesty. interesting take from labor rights lawyer done calling earlier in the program. he feels it's strange to criticize a human rights watch dog for reporting on a legit human rights violations. i think it's absurd. you know, i don't understand petitioning and human rights group because you don't like the fact that they're reporting on human rights abuses. let's face with people. you
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know, amnesty international job, which honestly i don't see them largely carrying out is to be neutral. to tell, you know, both sides of the story and the one time they report truthfully, on the, you know, ukraine's violations that's appropriate, that people should not be lobbying them to, to change how they're reporting or to fire people who report on things that, you know, they find inconvenient, the whole point of a human rights group is to tell truth. people don't wanna hear, right? that's why they, these groups exist. so if they want to keep their integrity, they should stand by the report not given to public pressure, not fire people because of the report. the dust times burly settled on nancy pelosi exclusive visit to taiwan. but no another u. s. delegation is following in her footsteps, arriving on the island for
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a 2 day trip. the delegation is led by democratic senator at martin, who's been accompanied by 4 other lawmakers. the group will discuss a bilateral relations regional security on trade issues with local officials. high speaker policies visit to the territory less than 2 weeks ago. so an outraged china respond with full scale live fire military exercises around the island. malaysian refers analyst nelson, wong fears, ty, ones walking a risky line with its thighs to washington. this is quite apparent that the u. s. is trying to poke china to keep poking china, keep irritating china to basically to create attention to, to increase the patient across the pie one straight. this is a serious move of the us that i think the international community should be fully
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aware of it. because this is not helpful to read, you know, security in the asia pacific. this is detrimental. they are playing with fire and this is not good. and i think countries around the world and in this region should try that best to contain what the us is trying to do. the leadership in taiwan might be welcoming such trips. i think the people in taiwan, fully aware of what's going all, and they want to live a peaceful life. and if the leadership in collaboration was outside forces to try to stir up the fire. this is a very dangerous move and it's not good at all. and i think the people in taiwan should be against this week. so a conflict,
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the rock between israel and the palestinian islamic jihad group lasting 3 days. the violence claimed the lives of 44 gallon residents, including 15 children, according to the garrison, health ministry. the un high commissioner for human rights voiced alarm over the number of units killed during the really military operation and demanded those responsible be held to account. here's how the guns is. skyline looks shortly before a truce was implemented the and this is the aftermath of that is really are a strike on a residential neighborhood where p i, j, senior commanders were said to be stationed. hundreds of buildings were damaged or destroyed altogether and gathered during the attacks. angry locals told us what
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they experienced the sabbath without any warning. they targeted the area near the kuwaiti hospital. or of course, it is a camp, crowded with children, women, and the elderly, such as they targeted houses with 6 missiles. 6 houses were completely destroyed. below for the attack was very terrifying. we ran away in panic and fear among the children and women in the company that we should. the bulldozers could not go through. so they asked me to demolish my house so that they could enter to save people from the inside. i agreed and allowed them to as people's lives are more important and saving them more valuable than my house. chavez, southern israel came under a rocket fire as well, with many people forced to hide and bomb shelters for hours in tel aviv ash, cologne, and jerusalem. the palestinian islamic jihad group reported the fired more than 1000 rockets. we got reaction from the streets of israel to the violence on the current truce. the fire is just a big bluff considering all that happens here was the rocky color. if we didn't
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have the defense system. thank god, we would have been a 2nd train. i really hope the fire will last long and that we are at least able to live a bit quietly to meet me come or never gave anyone anything. good. so peter, something big, and i really want our kids and the people of israel to feel secure in our country are a pro palestinian activists house, criticize social media platforms for battling a post he said, was morning a child killed in israel's recent operation against the british rapper loki sees his post about a 5 year old palestinian girl who was killed in an idea if attack was prompted violent by facebook and instagram. located claims. the content was centered after an alert from the israeli state cyber unit. the girl was playing i side when she was hit by shrapnel, which also injured her 7 year old brother. my facebook has previously blamed its artificial intelligence program for mistakenly bombing similar content
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policy. me activists blame since the start of this year. the number of content ticked on request submitted by israel was increased by 800 percent. while israel in the past, commended its cyber unit as being successful in getting online content removed. digital rights analyst, mama should tie a claims. the views of palestinians aren't being heard. online syncing policy, and voices, and silencing palestinian voices had abandoned us answering our content is affecting how we can share ours. so here's how we can document that way. crime violation is that people are exposed to on the ground. our narrative is being censored and lined, and this contributes to silence. think our voice is, is to typing us. this has a bigger impact whenever, like we are talking with the international audience. whenever we're talking with a group palestinian audience who are trying to get to know what's happening there on the ground, they can't get the full picture because our, our country is basically sensor. so whenever we are trying to share stories of
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petty senior and who were coded during those attacks, it's also since it's from the social media companies. and this means that this is like a contributing to say, i think our voices and preventing us from documenting to human rights violations, that we are exposed to right here to one few a 4 year old child born biologically female has a nice she is actually a boy, by firing blue colored smoke confetti and a celebration. video footage showed the child's announcement in front of a cheering crowd at the pride parade, and vancouver, where the girl stood with her grandmother. our parents said her child showed masculine patterns from the age of 2, and it was her own decision to make the alliance. but we discussed the issue with author on funder of sex change regrets wall tire on canadian activists. chris elton . this is completely inappropriate to be teaching children that they might not be their biological sex just because a girl likes boys, clothes, and plays with boys,
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which is the case of this little 4 year old girl. doesn't mean any less of a girl that is totally insane. and what's even worse is this child with celebrated as being the opposite sex at me, vancouver pride parade. for thousands of people joined in and celebrating the delusion that our society is pushing upon children today. and what's happening in our society today is our government as pass laws, which prevent parents from being able to stop this child abuse of their own children. we have to put a stop to this because what this leads to is the medical ation of children. and they are getting experimental puberty bucker's, the detective hormones, and even surgery the children cutting off the breast, the girl that young a 12 years old in north america. so this is the biggest child abuse medical scandal we've ever seen. no kid for years old. has any idea of what gender is, what the consequences of making such
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a statement is. we need to understand that nobody's their brain is not developed until they're 25 years old. fully developed brain does not occur until you're 25. so a 4 year old has an undeveloped brain, has no idea what they're talking about. basically, this is absolutely deplorable and sickening that adults will even allow a child to make such a state. the kids aren't really involved in the l g, b t. this is parents using their children using their children for their own special purposes. so their purpose actually is the parents have some mental disorder and actually need a psychologist and should not be the people in charge of their young children. and finally, a subtle story, a large war rossi becomes something of a celebrity attraction in the norwegian capital oslo has been put on by the authorities since the mid concern it had become
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a risk to the public. the 600 kilogram female known affectionately as freya, been drawing large crowds in the also despite warnings that people should refrain from getting close and posing for pictures with the marine mammal. officials had previously said they were considering youth. uneasy as repeated appeals to the public to keep their distance from the war, us had gone egg, the words will absolutely park to the rafters, our tea website. content today do had there and check out the stories were across this weekend. why don't leave a comment or 2 as well, i'll see you again at the top. ah, ah, ah.
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a with welcome to worlds acquired. it's hard to find a more discouraged in tempting subjects for a learning conversation than the existence of the transcendent,
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like the forbidden fruit. it calls on us from the great works of our then the most mundane occurrences of our daily life. but to the rational mind, the thought of a higher power is akin to the original sin which comes with the donation of being expelled from the eden of scientific method. but art science with a capital ass and the divine indeed so incompatible to discuss that i'm now joined by lisa miller, professor of psychology and education at columbia university. and also they awaken brain, the psychology of spirituality and our search for meaning. we say it's great to talk to you. thank you very much for your time and i'm delighted to be here in particular in conversation with you. i am one of your fans. well, so am i. well, i'm still in the process of relishing in your new book. i think it's the main takeaway. it becomes pretty evidence on different pages. you're arguing that
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spirituality is a hard wired capacity in every human being. whether we believe in it or not. it is there and it shows up on the m r i scans, it shows up in behavioral patterns. i essentially saying that they're working on the soul, the workings of the spirit biologically detectable in the human body precisely. so every single one of us on day one is born in a neatly spiritual being. and we know that in science through the lens of the twin study, we look at twins, raised together twins, raised part, and factor out the degree of commonality as a function of shared g and shared environment. so for instance, our temperament, whether we're outgoing or introverted, whether we're high, strong or laid back, is half hard wired, half in 8, half environmental. the capacity through which we experience transcendence is one 3rd, and nate is in our genes day one, but 2 thirds environmentally formed,
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which means that our parents are community in school. if we are religious are past or present on rabbi all way into shape that what is the relationship between spirituality and religion about well in addition to overlap in circles, s spirituality and our religion, where they intersect, about 2 thirds of people will say i am spiritual and i am religious, my felt sense of transcendence is held in the prayers, the meditations, the text, the ceremonies of my religious tradition, about 30 percent of people and more as we look younger to gen c will say, i am spiritual, but i'm not religious for me spirituality is experienced in nature with my family in music or art, whether or not we are religious. every single one of us is a spiritual being. you mentioned that diagram of overlap and circles and i think.


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