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tv   Cross Talk  RT  August 15, 2022 9:30am-10:01am EDT

9:30 am
authors, ds live and they are showing american interest. so in that context, i would urge a huge public to beard going on and focus on, on visual spatial, corrosion and people are good morning doug. this is looked on that bug hassan. nice to get it off the thing slint off a medicos and only then focus on would be really an independent street in just complete 75 years off. it's independence and it's, it, it is a historical asian, there is and to 1000 barriers in our he there is joy in big moscow job. gosh b to connect marty. and right now i am in that boom, the capital city off with their current. and i can see people are over joyce, that is be expectation that india has gone very far from 1947 when we got independence from the british. and we have achieved so much accomplishment and well dressed in the last 75 years. that debt is no way anybody can stop india from here
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on. that is clearly an excitement that india is going to make progress in science and technology. a not as it is in our democracy, is a big asset for india, and india is tightening and also does especially women empowerment. i think the prime minister in his speech today emphasized that india has to be independent. india has to be independent, not only economically, militarily, but socially as well. so that message has gone down ready? well, across the country, we are going to see in the next few days that this celebration will continue with not regard and energy. energy is the word right now in the you with the block seemingly tying itself up in knots in an attempt to punish moscow. next cross talk debates were such a strategy could be leading ah
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oh. well, she's news media was credited like if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out and about a couple. don't put your homeland symbols on display. yeah. for the social space, a guy. so you guys don't talk to strangers, i avoid noisy gatherings and rallies with no colleagues and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because you'll russian
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. a glad to with being a minute for a specific story short time. mm . so i think my son, i saw a couple things with what if he didn't see any issues who did the whole year at the end and especially eastern european highways of become rows of hell of
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a russian truckers and cars with russian number plates have become targets you see vehicles with broken windows and punctured tires and drivers are lucky of only that cause a targeted dope ops to pure emotional but from a bullet from wanted to shut. what do you people will increase kevin mushroom, those fishermen, lola? let's start with the following new month. i don't want to do police chocolate, but he had some belief and you've got to do your machine. you go on to 333. he was 3 machine on the installer. that was what she's in the tier $133.00 motion. there is a column. ringback i got you, i was cuz you got the money is low use the florida. i watch a lot or sure
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a. ready with more yeah, no, no, playing around a g, g bus fish a years, which is just a little boy or yeah. or naturalization. yeah. cars, a cars that them decide to motion a lot
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on the phone because all my vice for the bottom or is it but the resides with walker out, you know which on the music because all of the new also just about like nice ah gold chocolate banks neutrality natalia enjoy life insurance. she followed her ex husband there. but at the end of february 2022, her life changed. the almost sterile swift severity vanished and something else took his place. luncheon is the director process. but um, yeah, you pull out a little bit of misty, asked a dealing with both of the doing the q him and he was young to keep spanish if we need to
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start with sprint equipment, the ballistics done school you to approach a shift to move. you to discuss the match with me and the ball victim for future. right. and by new museum. and she's going to go up into going to just go out and bought me at the post office and then we'll double just no v somehow. we don't need a new project to maturity, much worse if i want to go to school starts and launch the child. she needed to live with
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a few of them position. but the feeling of the will. i'm not sure lose all the whole approach because it was just most she did that. so food and law, which in seattle we did my what we did at the mother in them. what is your dusky in your price with a stone? and sure enough, so much was the bro, i mean, we knew what the got to the nickelodeon where do much indeed to leave no more to know that you're not state on your so that would be my near to the check. you have to find me going yes, just religion. the rod and key show you know, was interesting because i think i will. but on the, when, when you buy from coach the truth crashed on which and fortune damage for
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your bus shed to do the brought them some dish is because of the whole schedule of the machine. you know the fusion which is not the person and never tell you with me get to the last of the floor and then come your motor bug professional. i'm glad to put you in that result in that way in which you will skip the keys. more car to show us could i think the 1st your deal, which will need to be out of solution which is being the p over these are, is a student at the high school of economics in moscow. just a month ago, she was strolling around from where she was attending charles university studying the science of wealth and social structures. in march, she was told russian students weren't welcome to continue. this stuff is in the czech republic. you're talking about when you bring him in issue,
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i think just because when you're trying to push the ship, it moves the home or you're pregnant and the last go home. much tripping or orders are much concerned when i look at some code one number, light new source. so start from cuz my new shift now store on the national close gets begin to watch that much to so he might be extremely mean, you know, the national president was born in concur for chicago. pretty much him new system, a new book solution. and i don't know what your position of the world is seeing things through the lens of the media with the italian m. p francesca janitor who
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voted against sending military a to ukraine, leaves the voices of europeans who disagree with the generally accepted point of view as simply not being heard. and there are many of them. i think that most of the european people once accept that and move in easily. we already have polls that show that the majority of italian people don't agree with this, the position of our government. and a lot of people who want to go on with having relationship with russia and considering russia as a perio is not insane. because the history of russia has so many connections with his b id personally, petersburg and moscow. well says b, just bird,
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most of all is that here very close to a european the city. so it's really insane. that's who we're raised, a wall between our cultures, our countries. we have a really big background. 4 1 culture and history and knowledge and relationship that must be saved and developed not stopped it. i really hope that our government will you know, so, and because a lot of people are really, really unhappy. what is happening today. i hope that this situation will as, as soon as possible because we have a lot of russian people living in italy, come into italy for 2 reasons, for casual reasons, for commercial reasons. and that we should support these relationships because it just 2 and more so we must build bridges not to you know,
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raise calls. oh mm . the russian, the code in the netherlands is who so and will not be promoting this instrument in the country. she played in a semi professional ensemble on to music. and then the music ended abruptly. in late february, she was told that as a russian musician, she wasn't. welcome any more, fear was g. a shop raise a slow leak is come out. yes, the old chester. he's about the curriculum, but the guy williams from the other. got you all of the way a job. those are big. we'll just stay with us and certainly should proceed. and you should be on a some irish with some of the pressure look,
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i'm sure near you see pretty human. yes. because i saw was also new brochure was washing your body glass. all right, is it a little bit on one's mercedes do, but then you will you boys do with me? so the percentage rather supposed to go with the yes you got you really. ok see at the cruise i should do you hear you through to couple of when you my mere girl, the boise to when you beat the solution? easy? no of us. no, no, no, that a negative fully of washington over here because you to grossly luckily i will not want you know how she should go, gators or sammy, but only because i am always open, otherwise you will schedule. now i don't sure. i see her little grain when entire
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bear with me is not showing up with many new go i eat, she, she wants to get up. so why did he is released me at the national please give me a call when you block. when you say a life. yeah. chicago anyway. yes. i see last year the starsky. boshra was just usual in mother. i think this is john ray rucker does need to speak to someone or by sure. obviously they can easily rescue it and you're not gonna buy them or even you will. you know what, i'm what i see here. i see then you at the boise idaho minute the last time you gotcha. and your mom you might just bring up the maya. you by us, i was planning to move a couple of i still want you to by yeah. we do. got to me was nitish oil ski gates
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and i was basically a national get back to the him all of the with ah, need to come to the russian state. little never. i've side as i'm phoning most. i'm skiing with house not. i'm not for a group in the 55 when. okay, so 9 is 25 and speaking with we will ban in the european union, the kremlin community up machine estate on russia for date and school r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all bands on youtube and pinterest
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with russia embassies in western countries, resemble besieged fortresses. vacations are surrounded by picket lines and bombarded with verbal fritz. i'm once in awhile. projectiles are thrown at them and jumpers are sold launched and i do not see them on which the colonel moscow personally diverted. durable, don't care. look reference missionary advisor when it was gonna address your mom. was sheila sheila last room and coming down with that wall above flores?
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i'm not sure exactly which was the use of as well. i am forced to them are just a luxury, a lot of just over there. good. how fish russia. i see that i see you are still doesn't put assessable. i was on a to a message or somebody last just we just, everyone was just running them out to limit use of this was just my know what i shouted each other form line a section e was sure no one is ever come here on the line while you ask them that is more for
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the classical like you know, the way this person's oh so on on the night of april they see a vehicle round the gates of rushes, embassy and book a wrist. the common court fire and the driver died from bones of the scene. it was later discovered that the day before a court had found a man guilty of abusing his daughter. the whole professor's death crept on the hide. you said, you know, in the palace to go to your shift one that i see under some financing and you can, i've done them. i mean, the fact teachers k at same kesha upset or not that i'm not going to for my new person yet a dish. firestone is my problem. what must i? she is, christie was possibly need new now for registering for
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my room was a great storm. maybe because always nice, there must be for you the food you just want to to you if it was in stickers like this appeared around london transport. it's not clear who initiated this, but many british people found it unacceptable. the british communist party condemned it, and demanded the stick has be removed. they say russian hysteria is becoming irrational. we believe that the interest of ordinary people, whether it's in the ukraine, britain or russia, should always come 1st. encouraging them still trying to hatred is not in anybody's interest. there are lessons from history that was being made in the tweet. you know the m t jewish wisteria that was an hatred that was being whipped up in nazi
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germany. of course, led to the most terrible consequences that you are well aware of in russia and the former soviet union. and people in eastern europe must be well aware of. and people in britain must be well aware of, you know, the sort of the only good russian is a dead, russian is not a strategy review. but certainly a minority of people who take it's to have extremely or unkind. and of course, they're being being encouraged, perhaps unwittingly, but they're being encouraged by the kind of propaganda that is so widespread in our mainstream media. so it's negligible consequences and goes the extremely one sided anti russian coverage that we have in our mass media. in, according to some estimates, russian is spoken or at least understood by up to
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a 3rd of israel is ironically, many israelis who repatriated to their ancestral homeland and now being attacked because they considered russians or pro russian. some wrote them, i found the sky and this was also got o d c. so a. busy me sit down like there was also a
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way to store and you want me to limit of the music, you know, a little was done in the us cause the wash the. yep. ideally, what was that if i deals with and then you have to really not ask you what is the i b, i was not being asked to do is to be in a with me. and i just need to get that to find out a quick look at the book. and he says like in the senior blue, the got that upgrade. i don't all them. good, good luck. she a she does that is
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a 151 give on this issue doesn't we can get of recently using it for our, with guys with quality school, by the 3rd. the monument with no grain was that i see is all done. you more with that going to project? can you let me know what to put for me at the moment? doesn't always double door, and i just sort of contrast, even walk them if they just judging of the goblin. you choose one eugenia. well, that's about whitney. those will show up. can they can please club if you all can hear me. yeah. i think you can be cation that yes, i'm calling to see what should i should do. it's nothing. it was capital capital letters to somebody. yes. actually sort of again the rules to get. i see a windows key, she'll check it was retailer, which i got, i mean,
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what i need to do with jason and joe, i will let you know for the short plus each lecture last time. and when you mind when i'm going to talking to green, giuliano feel for what, for many russian serving in europe, israel in the us, there's only one way out now. and that's via an airport yet that you lose. you got going, mr. when you think right? actually moved by you didn't receive the dumpsters different. yeah, she shampooed ashley jacket the family, but she will. but out of boise where you stand by me at the most is it will your own skier affecting us? do i take my own tv because the bushel? i think it was the other honesty which is enough with the lily now with you. you know, just i know like i would, i used dr. fisher twice a year at least. i mean, i dipped a wish out my, the bulls come when we got the was i shut the new credit out a lot. i'm logging you correct that in a new did you clean up the mom was ordering
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a she knew that not for the washing. frost crap money into for chris. i was not on that or his gave was it to just bring him i with a buffet of new spots? no, you put it for snack because that's a us meet its roster from it. it says teamster brand new pastor in the planet with all new issue with the country, with the clutch role playing a smart younger class. not just with dawn east, east came up with asked me to progress on the process. yeah, just my daughter, one number you just put on a little sky, some doors that interesting, you know, you know, doesn't like us to go there. so once it's a images,
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all the different artificial dog standards into 2 additional cleanings a little while not to continue that she you know, home with the money that you might be on my mind. you can always ready to be in training with me one year while she does sure. sure. i'm sure she probably with the new one. sure. well you know what? she just watched the
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ah, with no nation, no nation has ever done anything like it in all the history. with her more fool,
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we're show you the most all or so for is in the with russia is the aggression know his answer much about her. i mean, it was more due to miss delusions, lowball course, you know, we have any quality for russians. can. all we gotta do is just feed them over the head and just tell them the right way to live near is going to do. yeah, just a we did it on these clear the with a boy with the boy you, jim weeks, a supporter. i'm with this phone. number us the list with a lot of nice gloves with the new for, for insurance. i don't care about with a new
10:00 am
and our human at the washer, who works with the washer live with with breaking news this, our explosion in the afghan capital leaves up this stage at least 2 people injured that comes out of the country marks the 1st anniversary of the tele bonds return to power following the u. s. withdrawal. moscow urges western countries to quote, still playing irresponsible games on to all the shelling of bizarre rosier nuclear power plant. this may be about 1500 meters, smoothly ukrainian positions. from where we are right now, i'm talking about the town of shit of.


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