tv News RT August 15, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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a with ah, on the 1st anniversary of the taliban takeover and capitol staving report by congress is linked to the media. blaming the white house on us intelligence services for a ball chain the afghanistan evacuation. moscow urge is western countries to quote, stop playing, irresponsible with games and push key f to a whole. the shelling of this up at o g, a nuclear power plant. also i had this all this may be about 1500 meters towards the ukranian positions from where we are right now. i'm talking about the town of see about us. this is the main whole sport on this direction and an rti
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group. it's, it's the front line and dumbbell swear russian lead forces are battling ukraine's nationalist crack in battalions with fly from moscow to the world. this is our team. great valve, your company today. my name's unit o'neill. today is the 1st anniversary of the taliban returning to power. enough gallus done amid the chaotic us withdrawal. and the day has been marked by 2 people being injured in an explosion. and couple an improvised device was planted in a car near a local tv trouble. now, new details of the failures a company about us withdrawal 12 months ago have recently emerged in elite report. it was carried out by republicans on the u. s. for the 1st committee reportedly claims. there were just 36 state department officials on the ground can bully report
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a year ago to deal with the thousands of people desperately trying to get out of the country. now as we say, 12 months on there are reportedly filled tens of thousands about the guns stuck in the country, waiting for special immigrant pieces. us congressmen, michael mccaul, caesar was simply no plan for the chaotic withdrawal. there are many sins, if you will. there was a complete wire and a failure to plan. there was no plan and it was there was no plan execute. there's a disconnect between, you know, intelligence on the ground and what the white house is doing thing. and this report says it all right, there is no way we're going to evacuate embassy personnel from helicopters like we did in vietnam video. of course, we know that happened. well, let's take a closer look at how the widely criticize withdrawal was actually implemented. and how the events on the ground on for the
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still being felt by americans. the u. s. media is reporting on a man who apparently committed suicide during a memorial service for his fallen soldier, brother killed during the last years polite. the 20 year old corporal was among 13 american servicemen who lost their lives in the suicide boma talk near campbell airport. the incident happened while large crowds of people were trying to flee the gun capital a period of just 10 days last year or so off. get this done. turned on. it said on the taliban box where they were previously 2 decades are t's. rachel blevins reports one year after the box chaotic and deadly end of the us war enough, ghana fan. there are still countless questions about how and why the world leading intelligence agency got it so wrong. when the time came to leave the country, the u. s. had been occupying for 20 years after all, even president biden express. nothing but confidence before he made the official
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call. is a tale bon take over that now inevitable? no, it is not. because you have the app in troops at 300000 well equipped as well as script is any army in the world and an air force against something like 75000 colored mine. it is not enough. weeks later, it was a very different story when the us withdrew from the country, the government, they had spent 2 decades building and supporting fell apart. and it took the taliban just 10 days to gain control of the country's capital, notably faster than it took the us to do so. when an invaded back in 2001, ah ah, how is it possible that multiple reports from,
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for intelligence agencies in the us managed to get this situation so wrong? that even the same mainstream outlet who had spent 20 years justifying the u. s. military's presence in the country were forced to admit what a disaster it was. us intelligence officials are pushing back on the charge that they were caught off guard by the rapid collapse of afghanistan's government. for 20 years. we know the taliban, we have people on the ground, and yet you, the u. s. was caught unaware, and completely off guard to the commander of us forces in afghanistan. alerted the pentagon. cobble could be surrounded within 30 days. an alarming prediction that turned out to be way off. what he's talking about here is a failure of intelligence. so we saw across the world we saw in washington, you know, the pentagon had no idea this was happening. however, what the us learned the hard way was i just because it spent nearly $90000000000.00 training. the afghan defense and security forces did not mean that their army of
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around $300000.00 would be able to take on the taliban without the u. s. military there to support them, and yes, that's despite the claims made by the biden administration, that they just needed to drink, then their unity and political will in order to succeed. ultimately, the african national security defense versus had the equipment numbers and training to fight back. they have what they need, what they need to determine is if they have the political will to fight back. and if they have the ability to unite as a, as leaders to fight back. and that's really where it stands at this point. as it turned out, the 20 year long reliance on the u. s. military proved to be much more than the white house expected. and after they were abandoned by their allies, the will of the afghan forces to attempt to fight back against the taliban fell apart in record time when the us announced a total withdrawal that sent a signal to afghan soldiers and police that the end was near. and converted chronically poor motivation into acute collapse. there's nobody wanted to be the
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last man standing after the others gave up. there was a all or nothing strategy employed by the u. s. in which it opted for a quick pull out from the country rather than withdrawing gradually and leaving a few 1000 troops on the ground to help with the transition. after all was said and done, bite and denied that was ever an option. the pentagon had been considering your time, realty advisors ward against withdrawn on this timeline. they wanted to keep about 2500 tr. no, they did. it was split, though. that wasn't true. and it wasn't just the u. s. the u. k. foreign office admitted last month and it made a number of mistakes in its own exit from the country and quit it on that list was the fact that the u. k. foreign secretary at the time was on holiday and didn't take the afghan foreign ministers call when he reached out for help with with the benefit of hindsight, of course, it's easy to say, but i wouldn't have gone on holiday, let alone. and we've come home on the government for you as had been propping up for nearly 2 decades, was also supported by an embassy that housed around 4000 and diplomats contractors
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and staff who provided a false sense of confidence even though they were relying on the intent security provided by the u. s. military, but then again, they didn't invade off san looking to learn about the country. instead, the mission they claim to half was to force american values on the people. and after 20 years, it has become clear that they still haven't learned about the country they occupied for so long. it also appeared as though every assurance biden gave about the us accept plan was eventually proven wrong. there's going to be no circumstance. you see people be lifted off the roof of a embassy in the of the united states from afghanistan. it is not at all comfortable. and yet, it was the scenes of helicopters rescuing embassy staff in afghanistan that became a direct comparison to the fall of saigon in 1975. that's only fitting, given the fact that the u. s. withdrawal from afghanistan has been called the worst
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intelligence failure since the non proving that after a 20 year war, thousands of lives lost countless communities destroyed. and more than 2 trillion dollars spent, the u. s. still hasn't learned from its own actions racial blevins. well, we'll be bringing you more all down the stand and how it's people happy navigating their lives since the turbulent us polite in our special coverage, right, right. this month. no nation, no nation is ever done anything like you to know. i
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me, i get my 2 brothers left for the a one was killed probably still missing with mm. okay, let's move on to the latest now in the ukraine conflict. moscow has called on the west to influence the authorities in kiev to stop shelling this oper, rogia, nuclear power plant rushes, foreign ministry spokeswoman house branded western attitudes towards the issue. reckless. we strongly urge washington, brussels and other capitals, primarily european ones to stop the irresponsible games and intrigues around the nuclear power plant and immediately influenced the key of authorities to force them
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to stop selling the plans and it's adjacent territories. well, the situation surrounding the facility remains extremely tense. the local authority said the city of vener good dar, on the nuclear side, have once again been shell by ukraine. will bring you more details. another soon as we know more fernando, let's and get a little bit more on some these deadly attack. because this is the newest cctv footage we've received, which is purported to show the exact moment of the strike. one civilian was killed and another injured. a young woman who received shrapnel wounds and needed hospital treatment. local officials also said ukrainian rockets targeted a nearby thermal power station which generates the energy for the nuclear pump. the site on the nearby city of america dar have been repeatedly targeted for more than a week, not sparking fears of a chernobyl like mr. disaster ortiz don quarter, told us more in all lot earlier. he of stephanie playing with
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a whole lot of fire by continually launching missiles and artillery strikes near the zappa rosa nuclear power plant. ukrainian forces did just that as early as, as recently a sunday when one civilian was killed and other was injured. and we also saw a lot of shelling on saturday as well. and all this, of course puts europe in tremendous danger of another nuclear disaster on the continent. and this is exactly why the international atomic energy agency has been demanding an end to the fighting around there. now, these upper ocean, regional authorities have also commented on this. they have said the best way to accomplish that objective of ending the hostilities around there is by clearing out the ukranian, firing positions that are constantly shelling near the plant because they're really the ones endangering it the most. although farmers lensky doesn't seem to see it that way, he's been pointing the finger at russian troops house, or she could easily every russian military officer who either shoots at the plant or shoots under the cover of the plan, you must understand that he becomes
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a special target for our intelligence, for our special services for our army. well, it's shocking enough to hear the president of ukraine say it's acceptable under certain circumstances to shoot at or around a nuclear power plant. but what's more shocking than that is that it's actually a bit of a moderate position in ukraine. others are openly calling for the ukranian military to attack nuclear sites on russian territory. cities. yes, it's a race. many people will suffer, but even more people will suffer a russian administrations and nuclear facilities are not attacked. now. there should be a strike. there's no other way be probably the best thing to do here is what we heard from maria's or harvey to allow specialists from the international atomic energy agency to go there, let them see for themselves the condition of the plant. let them see for themselves who is actually endangering it, but for some reason the united nation isn't allowing them to do that. i mean, it's more than likely that has to do with ukraine's powerful western friends which are enabling this reckless attitude. the key of had towards the possibility of
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another terrible nuclear tragedy on just a bit more on dawn's peace. the chairman of the we are together with russian movement of this up rosier region flooding me over a golf believes ukraine is recklessly targeting the plan to bring it by the radiation. i break and force russian lead troops to retreat is a slow abuse or carefully planned actions by ukraine to strike the largest european nucular plantains up a raja lin, probing to see how effectively russian air defenses would repel the strikes. and then they used heavy artillery mortars and drones. these were targeted strikes by the ukrainian army. zelinski is terrorists have too many targets, the cooling system of the nuclear power plant and the dry storage of the nuclear fuel waste. a damaged cooling system can lead to overheating and accidents in the power units and damaging the dry storage of nuclear fuel waste can lead to contamination of the environment. they are doing this to stop the advance of the
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russian army at the meetings of the national security of the defense of ukraine. zalinski senior officials say that they can cause a control to release of radiation, which in their opinion will stop the russian offensive, which is the activities of the i. e. a are being blocked by the un, because if they come, it will be forced to admit who is attacking the plant. we're waiting for the i. e. s. inspection any moment, and we will be glad to see them yet. but will they come? now, as that happens, local official say russian lead forces are advancing in neighboring don bass, reaching key strongholds previously held by ukrainian troops in the region. russian soldiers continue to engage the printing army in the key city of a day of cap, then that done yet for public. the area has been the focus of fierce bottles since the conflict erupted in late february with key f forces long using it to target the regions capital city done yet. but recently, the town of pesky came under the control of that done. yet republics, troops,
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russian lead force is also secured. a strategic point on the outskirts of severs on our tea cru, visited captured positions near there and sole where an offensive against the ukrainian neil nazi battalion named fracking is taking place. cameras are a rare oddity here. commanding offices are dazzled by our unannounced visit, but sees the chance to parade the evolution of their advance. this may be about 1500 meters towards the ukrainian positions. from where we are right now. i'm talking about the town of save ask. this is the main hot spot on this direction. basically the russian forces and the forces of the weakest people's republic. they are advancing on a very wide section of the front. so this is me know, the most point of this advance and basically what they're trying to do is they're
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trying to, well, in circle severson on this ration from the north, ukraine's and nationalist battalions like kracken for instance. they're ukranian, nazis very much like to that of, as of they are the ones who are holding off. they're the ones who are basically defending their the frontline defenses of the town of servers. the kracken proudly brands itself as an elite unit, but outside their promo videos. the battalion's reputation is overshadowed by atrocities and lawlessness. its members and global notoriety when they were caught on video torturing russian prisoners of war. also in part, the unit has been formed of current convicts who were moved from theirselves to the front line via president zalinski soda. and this video, a russian grown tracks, one of the kracken fighters to his companies trenches. from that point,
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the artillery takes over rounds from artillery. doors were back and forth routinely here to ukrainian tanks, flee from the shelling as to bright orange spots to the right suggest to more didn't make it. no one wanted to fight. people submitted rapport to refuse service, but they just burned them. we had poor training, we are only taught to move by 2 or 3 people, assemble and disassemble our guns and shoot bunny. we're not talked to advance at all. we're absolutely not ready for this either. when we were shelled, we were told to retreat, something exploded behind me and wounded me. they left me under a tree and abandoned me. i waited until morning than realised that they would not come and get me. so i began to crawl through the forest. i crawled for 2 days until the russian soldiers found me as we exclude the captured town. 2 soldiers accompanying us notice a suspicious item, and in their words, it's better safe than sorry. it
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will leave as command as our dishing out new orders. the offensive goes on august dawn of reporting from the don bass r c. well, an allied aspect to this, the huge flow of arms to ukraine from the west has been scaled back since july. now it's according to a journalist from the 4th g crane magazine. are the weapons that the west is sending to ukraine up to the job? there is discrepancy between the west and cave on the issue as ukrainians tell it. you think that the west was sending them into battle with squirt guns that they rifled around in their closets like an older sibling who was being pressure by a younger wine to cough up some hand me down flows and ended up just giving up some old rags that they hadn't used in ages. ukrainian officials know that there is some
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luxury military hardware lurking in those western closets. and it sounds like they're accusing the west of refusing to hand over their very best weapons. they also aren't happy with the shipping speed and sound like they would like to speak to the manager please. or the whole me, we need realms. we need to work on stress. and in sufficient quantities grainy good 3 crane needs, modern defense missile systems. the supply of such systems was possible this year and last year and even earlier we did we get them little know, do we need them? yes. when it long range missiles, when it of fighters, when it tanks, we don't ask for boots on the ground. but please help us with this, provide us with that with this. so these poor reviews that you've just heard are being picked up by the mainstream western press at face value. but how legitimate is the gripe really self repel german artillery guns considered by western experts
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to be the best in the world, were considered defective by ukrainian officials after just one month of use in the field, according to dur spiegel. but if thou were the case, then why are western officials voicing concerns about giving away their best and brightest weapons to ukraine? to the point of creating national security vulnerabilities for themselves. and new french parliamentary report published this month, found that french weapons stocks currently need to be reconstituted because as things stand right now, french military leaders, arkansas, about the ability of the country to fight a high intensity conflict. like the one underway in ukraine, the german defense ministers also worried about the impact of seating more weapons of in it stash to key if we can no longer give away much from the boon to spare, i will make it very clear and my counterpart knows it as well, the u. k. has expressed similar reservations as well. now the pledges and promises of military aid to ukraine are out. pacing the ability of western nations to
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backfill their own supplies, leaving the you in a precarious position. as the blocks chief diplomat, joseph burrell has explained to, to be an army. she couldn't maintain a wool like the one in ukraine for more than 2 weeks. it run out of ammunition. so ukraine is complaining about, the lack of weapons. is it because they are actually making it to the front lines as a recent cbs news story suggested? is it because they're actually getting duds from their very best friends and allies? or is it that ukrainian officials are exploiting the fog of war and the lack of clarity around the presence and performance of western weapons in ukraine to shake free as much as they possibly can from the west. ah, now a full 6 days after the presidential election took place in kenya, the results are finally here. deputy president william roto is the new leader,
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securing some 51 percent of the vote. now he edged out with the african nations ex prime minister, rayleigh dingo. mister roots o a former teacher of pledge to prioritize kenya's economy on quote, uplift ordinary citizens. both contenders how the po for come through the election after disputed votes in the past lead to violence, abrupt in the country. happy to say we can cross live now to ny ruby and speak to political unless can boost sir, can welcome to you. so william ritual has finally been elected the country, 5th president. what does it mean for, can you going forward? there's a, a cost of living crisis in high unemployment right now. i think thank you for having me and this. let me just starting from the very on the do for a very young shift bids been 6 days awaiting. and it was actually the climate of
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what was calling most agents. and through the day, people been waging bill turned off in the way shown. and in the end, what was billed as a very close election came to treat feeling. and finally, as looters and kenya is a comically being very badly doldrums, the cost of living is high. and what you're looking for to is that can we begin to put programs closer to the campaign promised to address what we call production. and then by giving more cups from us to try and get to things to get to business of smoking and coming, going and productivity. that's what it means that he has to do right now. doesn't have the luxury to wait till tomorrow. walk stuff right now because children, everything is been up and comically socially and events cause they're not on right
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now. that is a big task in front of you, mr. rachel promise to quote up left to ordinary citizens. how is he going to do it? i would suggest, willing with just over half the vote highlights considerable at divisions. can willie have this support to do what he wants? yes, to reach out here to reach out like in his initial speech to they did mention that you have to carry everybody on board because you said this is for canyons and everybody has a duty. i think we have to go by hand and try it because he particularly talked to parliament as being a key element. key key aspect, stakeholder in government, giving it to the fries. hunter, do we think then probably is that what we looked for, loyal position was who of a side and his appeal is that we are all on this multiple, but i'm trying to point fingers,
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but let's move out. we got work in our hands and we really have to do that work right now inside of the hub of the country divided. i think at some point canyons of to place the tough choices ahead of them. foot policy begin to address the immediate concerns which is going to make crisis in the country. we have about 30 seconds left, but just to touch on some previous elections, there have been violence seen seeing what is the situation like now are things 10 store com or yeah there that thing called the test because earlier on before the equation was meet the truck us weakness or let the ball must be made over destruction. the people from the railroad, the group stated there was not happy and in some central district and the ryan lynch, q b q, bryan,
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the cd. they've been 30 cases of guys expressing the dream unger and unhappiness about what the patient has managed though. and i think that is the charge. the priest who was there, hold on for come, that we put the close runs and anybody else was a ride or anything that is elite. the court has the capacity to do what. in 14 days, you petition, anybody can petition to be determined that the board will the country has a new president of today can boost your political analysts. thank you very much for taking us through the very latest development. thank you very much. now the counseling of russians in the western world, so very much involved right now, the dissenting voices are accused of spreading quote. moscow propaganda reason is being thrown by the wayside. next or a short dock explores why that's become the strategy of choice signals.
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