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tv   News  RT  August 15, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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a by mutual, a specific solution, limited time. mm. a victim. what do you bring in proofs and now? well, whoever used to live here, you simply have no place to return to our tv it's, it's a little god's town deserted by cab troops after a heavy fighting, as the local militia now feels with a daunting task of clearing away, the ukrainian munitions county is current deputy president is declared the winner of the national presidential election was just 50.5 percent of the vote parking process over the results mass celebrations. and again, a stance capital marketing one years since the bought us below and local efforts to overcome that deadly legacy. stay tuned for special coverage
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with hello from our to international studios in moscow to wherever in the world you may be watching from. i'm paralyzed about with this hour's top news stories from around the globe. happy to have you join us. our top story. russia's defense minister has held a phone call with the un secretary general, focusing on and embattled nuclear power plant in southeastern ukraine. moscow has urgently called on the west to make you reinforce the seas there. shelling of the zappa, rosie a power plant to avert a potential nuclear crisis. the facility again came under fire on monday evening. we strongly urge washington, brussels and other capitals, primarily european ones to stop the irresponsible games and intrigues around the nuclear power plant and immediately influenced the key of authorities to force them to stop shelling the plant and its adjacent territories. meanwhile,
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local officials say rush and lead force as have been advancing in the don. yes, republic reaching key ukrainian strongholds on the front line. recently the town of pesky came under the control of dying s troops, while russian lead forces have also security strategic point on the outskirts of the city of severus, while retreating, ukrainian forces have left behind vast amounts of unused ammunition artes. igor stano, for reports ukrainian troops often have to retreat very hastily and abandoning loads of ammunition has become something of a habit for them. like here, for example, you can see dozens of artillery shells. these are sort of get made, but they abandon both soviet made and western supplied javelin, marseilles, british and laws, equally alike when ukrainian troops in this little village received an order to fall back. it was already too late. russian troops had critically closed in making their escape a herculean task key of forces,
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ram light on their feet. so special units, they load, whatever they can find into trucks like this one, food is taken to a special place. were all these shells and we'll just armaments are examined. those that are deemed safe youth. they are being sent to the front. those that are not, well, they're safely destroyed. every other st junction here has been excavated and turned into miniature strongholds inside civilian houses. foxholes providing quick shelter from the shelling, so it really couldn't ukrainian troops were living in the houses kitchen. they dug out a small shelter there so they could hide in case of shelling and survive even if the home were destroyed. there are trenches across the whole town. they defended their
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positions very well. they were preparing for many years. they kicked the locals out of their homes, or made them sit in the basements and used them as shields. as we've been covering this war in the gone back, we've seen countless civilian households, which have been re purpose by the ukraine and military to serve as defense fortifications. this one is no exception. the owners were evicted by the ukrainian troops. and now, well, whoever used to live here this, we have no place to return to in kenya. oh, eyes are in a much contested election for a head of state. as a declared winner is the east african nations current deputy president william ruta with just slightly above 50 percent of the vote. according to the official count, rudo received 50.5 percent of the vote, narrowly defeating former prime minister, or dena moments before the outcome was to be announced. 4 of the 7 electoral
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commission members refused to confirm it. that could be grounds for a legal battle by the opposition to overturn the results pro long a period of uncertainty in a country critical to the economy and security of eastern africa. local reporter armando piano explained it is a moment. can there have been anxious, waiting for to get to know the presidential, the left in the year 2022? and as it turns out, the presidential elect is the former deputy president doctor william summary. and it is an election that witness a lot of calmness but the and that the continued to grow as kenyans were waiting to know the president. dang sure. there was killed between the 2 top contender over the election. one team being that came there was a team under the team being the, as the middle of that team, which was headed by the leader of the opposition. right. armando security personnel
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was able to come this attrition by taking them outside the members of the opposition and led to the as the middle of more than one k. no one can accomplish who was seen, kills. and after then, we a sure that there was a piece of the month of kenya. he has promised that there is no room for vengeance . he has promised to walk for all canyon. yes. promise to unite kenyon. yes. promise to walk together with even the opposition, members of the opposition to ensure that they move the country for reporting. for sure. today i'm on duty and the porters a rudo sheaf opponent rylon didn't begin protesting. soon after the results were announced in coastal keys. so mu county were l didn't go, enjoys widespread support. hundreds of people began demonstrating and burning tires . oh dingo, for whom? it was his 5th presidential bid. was critical of the vote counting process even before the outcome was declared.
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ah, african affairs analysts can we'll see re believed that despite kenya's political divisions, everyone shares a hope that the president elect would follow through with his campaign promises. very anxious did 6 days of waiting, and it was actually the claim of what was calling agency. and through the day, people been waiting bills kind of question. finally, a good reason. a total cost of living
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is high total in the cost of the campaign promised to address what you called for production and it by giving more subsidies from us to try and get to things to get this message will be coming going and productivity. that was what it means that he has to do right now. in spite of the help of the country. i did, i think, at some point canyon's off to the tough choices ahead of them put polish it back. but begin to address the immediate economic crisis in the country. oh, and mass celebrations in the streets of couple, marking one year since the taliban regained power in afghanistan, the fundamental islamic real quickly restored its control over the central asian country. as the u. s. withdrew its occupying forces last august. taliban fighters and their supporters chanted slogans in front of the deserted
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u. s embassy in kabul on monday, with many saying that the new government has liberated the nation and restored security. but despite an end to the large scale fighting, the country has been plunged into a much more acute with monitoring crisis than it's ever experienced before. and the festivities were stifled by a massive explosion reported in the afghan capital with the government thing. 2 people were wounded, a local journalist gave us this report. on monday, the islamic government of the taliban was celebrating the 1st anniversary of their victory over the americans who left afghanistan on the same day last year and the taliban established our own rule. meanwhile, there was an explosion in the capital cobble which caused chaos later. government officials said the blas occurred in a vehicle. it may have been in magnetic device or mine, but we don't know about the nature of this last yet. have in the streets of cobble, people strongly believe it was a bomb planted by the enemy to subvert our celebrations. as the u. s. conducted
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it's chaotic pull out from afghanistan back in 2021. hundreds of afghans fled to the airport, hoping to gown a plane and flee the war torn country. for many, the rush to evacuate turned into a tragedy. we heard from my father, who lost 2 of his sons in the airport exodus in our special coverage. now this is robbie here is zaki was killed wells. abi still missing from my seat. ah mm mm. they have a good one. i should have gone, these governments collapsed. my son called me and said, dad, we're heading for the airport. i asked, why are you there? what's going on?
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the americans are taking us to the usa, my son replied. jackie was 19 years old and sabby was 77. when they reached the place, they called me again and said, dad were inside the airport now don't worry. i asked them to come back because i feared something bad might happen. they said, no dad, the americans promised to take us to the u. s. a few minutes later i got a call from abbey's phone. someone told me that zachary had been killed with when you see people hanging on to the sides and wins of your plain, then why are you taking off? i heard from the international media what the us said, our pilot had a perfect plan. really. how dare you fly in such circumstances. all their claims regarding human lives and human rights are a complete lot with
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the bigger yoga i love the fact that i was on the go. the security of the airport was completely under us control. even the taliban were scared to winter and they did not allow people under the premises. it was definitely a complete negligence of their security measures. so the loss, the wounds and misery are all brought to us by the usa. we know very well that they claim to protect animal rights and come to rescue animals and danger. but here they
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did not even rescue people in this particular situation. maybe we have gowns or muslims are not as important to them as the animal and will be bringing you more on afghanistan and how it's people have been trying to get their lives back to normal . since the turbulent us pull out in our special coverage throughout this month, no nation, no nation is ever done anything like it. oh yeah, i got my 2 brothers leslie. one was 2 others to miss with
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. mm hm. and a ship loaded with wheat is set to sail for ethiopia from ukraine on the 1st such uncharted journey to africa since the start of the ukrainian war. the vessel is to travel via what is being termed a grain corridor in the black sea, through an international agreement recently brokered and is stumble by russia, turkey and ukraine. the deal was signed with western leaders and the un raising concerns over a looping threat of hunger on the african continent. however, of the 16 such ships that had previously departed to turkey, south korea,
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the u. k. italy in ireland. they are yet to reach africa. history, professor gerald warren argues there is an anti african bias behind the delay. i think it's consistent with these past the anti black anti african policies. we know that african refugees who were seeking to leave ukraine in the aftermath of the events of february 2022 were oftentimes brutalized by the ukrainian authorities not to mention their comrades and neighboring poland. so the fact that green shipments are not being shipped to africa is wholly consistent and can grow with the ongoing anti african anti black policies that we see as an emblem of the key of regime. this comes as the threat of severe hunger grows in africa with a devastating drought in a number of countries accentuating the problem. the situation in somalia is
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considered the most dire, more than 750000 people have been displaced in the country this year following a severe drought. bringing the total number of refugees from the country to more than 1000000 according to the un refugee agency. it's the 2nd time in 2 years, the malia has been left part something not seen in the for previous decades. the number of people facing severe hunger is now expected to rise by another 2000000. making the total to $7000000.00. we spoke to a residence of the capital of mogadishu, about how they've been affected luncheon. i fled from to our village because there is no water and no food. there are health problems there as well. some of us came here by foot and we left some of our children and old parents behind rockville bunker, and therefore i fled from lawful village in cretan, where he district because of hunger. it took me for days and nights to come here by foot, and we faced huge problems. misery and affliction, sat on black of water,
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forced to flee from our village, lawful the drought affected us severely. we are at adela idp center, some 1114 families live here in this camp. the displaced people who were affected by the harsh drought are here, and we expect an additional influx of drought affected people to arrive in the coming days of the fall. so this week mark 75 years since britain's 2 centuries of colonial rule over india came to an end giving rise to 2 independent states. but the actual process of partition came at a huge cost to both india and neighboring pakistan. as our correspondent, rouge's sharma explains, amidst the triumphs in dallas independence in the summer of 1947, a line of separation was drawn by british barrister. it was called the partition almost of 1947 ratcliffe to align bordering india and pakistan. that line also divided this way, part have been job tearing apart, will edges,
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families and communities now hindus and seeks on one side and a muslims on the other. 75 years own. we meet doors whose life was changed forever by hastily drawn borders. this is the north and in state of punjab, the historic homeland of de seeks. we visited cordial village in the godaddy for district barely a few miles from the india pakistan. border 104 year old mila rom is one of the few living partitions of i was in the village. they're here, dylan, mother here, government. we left our entire life across the border. our old life no longer existed than what we had to start afresh. no memories of days gone by come back to me and that garden in spring. it was all that shit. her chatter. he may have left pakistan, but pakistan has stayed with him in more ways than one. even to day, he writes, se canes in order, and keeps them close to his heart. in another which we meet, could bol seeing,
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his grandchildren and great grandchildren have all moved to big cities? he is decided to stay. his 1st home, his ancestral village is only a few miles from your just across the border in pakistan. 3 years ago he got his long awaited result with it in his childhood home in pakistan was a dream come true. ah, brenda. i went to my village, my home, i cried aloud. those who live in the house that was once mine were happy to see me . they wanted to give me a gift, but i said, i won't take but give a gift. i give money and a blessing to the children living in the house. a few villages father, also by the border stands, the rows are shut. if thou gal, the sacred islamic shine fell on the indian side. when the partition line was drawn as many seeks shrines ended up on the pakistani side. he or the entire willing around 80 families that came from c, all caught in pakistan have maintained this structure for 75 years like their own
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on the whole village takes care of the dogger. we come here every day. train it lights up. the lamp right here, across the river ravi, the sun, is setting in pakistan. it's hard to imagine that this line, this border didn't even exist 75 years ago, but the borders of reality, and despite living to the pain of partition many so i was have chosen to remember the love or with the pin orange and sharma artie. but job as indian pakistan mark one of the most significant moments in their respective histories. people have taken to the streets to celebrate the occasion. parades are taking place on both sides of the border with displays of flags and other national symbols. we heard from guests in both countries on how the nations try to force your own paths forward. following the partition that rich british india apart in foreign policy didn't very much active since 2014 often the not anymore the government giving
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people so, but there is a big difference between the 2014. find in your find policy at all. 2014 can find now in, in point policy makers are very active on. foreign minister is josh. and then he is betty dyadic. and he's all this. but people are about the interest of indian people in young golf made in yesterday. and he doesn't, he doesn't hold himself back when he talks about the indian foreign policy interest . an indian an object is an scenarios like a senior problem is that pakistan always wants to solve the issue in an international. but on the other hand, india, indian foreign policy make birth and get got men, are they all want to solve the issue in bilateral? so this is the fundamental difference between indian foreign policy makers and artist and find posted at age 75, i think focused on find itself in a,
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in an extremely difficult situation. a one of the electric prime ministers was watered out a few months ago. and it is place we have a government which is which is being driven by the perception that this is like pro america, that the united states basically played a role in the regime change because the former prime minister sounded very nationalistic, very independent. he, he tried to pursue a foreign policy that is independent of the influence of the united states of america. and this is why right now we see massive polarization between the former prime minister run han and his party on the one hand and the rest of the political parties as well as the military establishment. on the other hand, they believe that they can take the country out of the current crisis, which they believe in ron con. the former prime minister had created by getting into in getting into
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a very nationalistic and rhetoric and which was perceived into america in the united states itself. oh, french president, a man rama cron has signed the protocols needed for the session of finland and sweden to nato making france the 24th country to accept those 2 nordic nations into the western military alliance was just another 6 more member states needed for full approval this is the sovereign choice of finland and sweden or to european partners, and it will strengthen their security given the threats that exist in the region. also, their membership in nato will significantly strengthen security in europe. meanwhile, turkeys concerns about the new nato members apparently remain unaddressed. on kara has reiterated that to receive its approval, sweden and finland must extradite to turkey. members of the kurdistan workers, party, whom on kara considers terrorists turkeys top diplomat says this stipulation has yet to be fulfilled. lou,
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especially if he none the other hand is we see that sweden and finland have not yet fulfilled their commitments made in this document. and in their statements, we have not seen any steps taken in this direction. there are statements, they say they intend to do so, but we constantly underline that. we want to see concrete steps yesterday. political analysts use of era emphasized that turkey needs to feel secure within nato, and that's why it's important for sweden and finland to comply with the obligations that they've previously agreed to. when we look at on chris approval during the native summit to open the door for in the sweden membership. now i think it's very important to understand that this was an approval by turkish parliament. this was an approval by the turkish president. this was only a set of conditions to open the door for sweden fin membership. now whether sweden independent are successful. applying this roadmap, implementing this roadmap,
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going forward and ending up with nato membership. that's in the hands of stock home in the health. while the rest of nato insist that sweden finley become a member to get not against sweden and in need of membership, tricky against sweden and nato membership. with the current state of the national security. understanding in both countries now needed a defensive organization and to get wants to feel safe inside its own defense organization, that it's a member. and it doesn't feel safe with member states or candidate states that have very close links to these types of terror groups. whether it be the p k, k, whether it be the y p g. so you're going to continue pushing and stating behind this matter because it really wants to see fill in and sweden be able to meet the conditions. and this is not just a condition place in front of sweden and finland. i think this is a message by 2. so all need are members because there are many, many needle members inside who also have close links to these 2 groups that are
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national security concerns. and that's the route for this hour's top news stories from around the globe. for up to the minute you check out our t dot com. and from our content check that our social media channels on rumble. odyssey, instagram, facebook and twitter, see again at the top of the hour the i look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such orders at conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at that point, obviously is too great trust, rather than fear. i would like to take on various jobs with artificial intelligence
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. real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with a with
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on, often very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk. oh was reason is me was credited like if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out and about a couple don't put your human symbols on display. yeah.
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for the social space, a guy, so you guys don't talk to strangers. i avoid noisy gatherings with your colleagues and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because you'll russian a glad to with being a by need. so let me see if i need specific storage shorted timing. mm. so i'm, i saw i saw
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a couple things with with if you didn't see any safety issues or if you're at the end and especially eastern european highways of become rows of hell of a russian truckers and cars with russian number plates have become targets. you see vehicles with broken windows and punctured tires and drivers are lucky of only that cause a targeted pop ups to promotional, but from a book from wanted to shut. what do you people will increase cubby mushroom. those fishermen, all adults federal go to poland new month. i don't want to do abuse chocolate re a thumb.


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