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tv   News  RT  August 18, 2022 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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find themselves will to part, we choose to look for common ground. a with this thing right here in my lap is direct evidence of the wish to supplying the gradient army with internationally bound weapons. this is a german made antique tank. might the mining operations and much more as fighting, and don bass continues are to take the look at the duties of the russian national guard. they're a bloody business. ukrainian company offers, peddling munitions as a can bus to deliver people tape messages to russian soldiers. and one year after the u. s. abandoned kabul, the biting administration again refuses to return billions of dollars in frozen
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afghan funds to its owners. dashing the hopes of desperate locals with the americans are dishonest. first, they left the country in chaos, and then they froze. our money to us should not miss st. afghans, white, the pole people of afghanistan for about 20 years have lived with conflict, hardship in suffolk poverty with 70. i'm here in moscow that are t international studios and from wherever you are tuning and welcome to the program . i'm fear ela is about what the hours most pressing you stories from around the world. pleasure to have you join us. we began and on bass, where ukrainian forces have, shall, the residential building and the city of per vo, mice in the logan's people's republic using an american supplied har. mars artillery system that's according to local authorities. here's the aftermath of the
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shelling. ah lugens authority say at least one person was killed and 3 others wounded, including a child in the attack. ukrainian forces are said to have fired 3 rockets, one of which hit the civilian building. local officials of started a criminal probe into the shelling which they say is further evidence of genocide. de mining operations also continue across the frontline, were russian forces are helping to remove many munitions, banned by the international community artes igor, sort of looks at the duties of russia's national guard for ukrainian forces. no
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tactic is off limits. no weapon is to brutal, international backs. agreements and conventions have long gone out of the window. and this thing right here in my lap is direct evidence of the west supplying the ukrainian army with internationally band weapons. this is a german made anti tank mine and inside it has a magnetic sense. um, so this mine it knows when a heavily armored vehicle with a lot of metal inside drives even close by. it doesn't even have to directly hit a mine for it to go off when it's sensors, the presence of an armored vehicle. so right now it has been disarmed, of course. and i, as i've talked to the sappers, they take off anything metal, all the armor before working with this mind because it can go off just by sensing an armored vest again. such munitions are not legal to use under the international law. it is so sensitive,
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it could be triggered even by the minesweeper when it's hovered over. that's what makes it a frowned upon choice of munitions. according to the defense ministry of russia, the national guard sappers discovered it on the outskirts of our tour mosque. the cities arguably the biggest hot spot in the don bass right now, with russian infantry already fighting within the city limits. special forces of the national guard are providing cover to these guys operate by the one shot, one kill rule, and they're not wasting any bullets on ordinary targets. marshes are better screening. our mission is to deploy currently and hit the most important targets. the key it says wasn't that in tiffany laqueena, goering, unit commanders, machine, gunners, snipers and others in areas more remote from the front lines, rushes national guard has its hands full to diversions. squads remain active behind the lines and the on to down users are slam. good during the year we run
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a check point for civilian cars, prevent sabotage and reconnaissance groups from infiltrating into the area of responsibility and check whether civilians are carrying any prohibited materials group. it's mostly people returning home after 8 years of absence. they want to see what happened to their homes, if any belongings or documents still remain or they take them away with them with permission from the military police. oh, i'm against dawn of reporting from the don boss ot see signing off on death. ukrainians are offering deadly munitions as a canvass to express people's hatred of russian soldiers. the sign my rocket fundraising platform sells messages on a wide range of munitions to be used against russian troops. clients worldwide pay for their inscriptions on bombs and missiles and then receive photos back of the munitions and action. the platform co founder says the majority of clients are from
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the u. s. a claims to provide money for the country's war effort, yet it's not sanctioned by the ukrainian military. the platform has gone viral since it was featured in the washington post online prompting questions as to whether it helped to promote the targeting of russians. it included examples of feedback from satisfied customers and links to similar russo phobic services, even highlighting the role of such quote, humor in war. the tradition of resistance is strong, said, year islov reap sac. a ukrainian historian, he said, humor and obscenities have long typified ukraine's response to foreign occupation. steve gill, a radio host and political commentator says such platforms promote hatred and should be condemned by both american and ukrainian governments. i don't think it's funny, particularly when you have civilians who are paying to have these inscriptions put on these deadly weapons when there was
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a history in warfare of combatants cutting inscriptions or messages on bombs or missiles. but you know, they're firing at each other and they are at risk to have somebody who's thousands and thousands of miles away safely disguised in their home. participating on this is, you know, quite frankly, i think sick, this is not some game. these are deadly weapons. and the ukrainian weapons are not particularly precise. so when they go awry and did some family in, dan asked when they killed children, it began to seem funny to the people that were inscribing anniversary messages on these weapons. it is not funny, it is sick. and frankly, it's disgusting. i think the coverage of the washington post definitely promotes into something that, you know, people may want to go online and participate in. rather than condemning it for kind of the sick humor that it, that it represents that this is not a game. these are definitely weapons that are again, not particularly precise. this is serious business and, and frankly, the american government, in the ukrainian government should condemn it,
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is not officially sanctioned by either the u. s. or the ukrainians, but it ought to be condemned and they all do their best to stop it. ukraine, shedra tay, crimea, and use western weapons to do so. that's according to german and swedish leaders who made their views public. the aggressive fans has been backed by some western political scientists with one particularly hawkish, high time for ukraine to take out the coach bridge. the rumor here in washington is that the national security council has prohibited ukraine to do so, threatening less military supplies if the ukrainians do so. i hope that is not true because ukraine has to bomb the current bridge. the kurtz bridge known in russia as the crimea bridge is the longest structure of its kind in europe and is used by civilians, tourists, and for the transportation of everyday goods. it was opened in 20183 years after a referendum in which premiums voted to join russia. despite being
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a lifeline for civilians, ukrainian officials have publicly called for the bridge to be destroyed. such statements come after last week's powerful explosions at military sites with the russian defense ministry. calling the blas acts of sabotage, while kiev has not formerly admitted involvement. geopolitical analysts and former us marine john mark doogan believes ukraine does not have the sophistication to attack the bridge alone. i think they would do it in a minute if they could. and you know, they don't really care about who would happen to be on or under that bridge at the moment whether it be civilians or even refugees coming out of crimea. they don't care. and i think they'll hit any targeted to the they can. i don't think america would say, go ahead and use your missiles to strike schools in donnette, but that's what they are doing. so obviously there's some degree of freedom there.
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however, ukraine doesn't have the sophistication to use these long range weapons to strike some of the targets that they've been striking. meaning that there has been heavy coordination with the united states government in using them ah, in our special coverage we continue looking at developments in afghanistan since the last american soldier left at soil one year ago this month. that's along with the suffering hardship and failure experienced by the afghan people. no nation, no nation has ever done anything like it in all history. with
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john on the one year anniversary of the takeover of afghanistan by the taliban. the bite and administration has abandon plans to release billions of dollars of afghan funds held in the us any time soon. leaving locals who face chronic cash shortages in the 12 months since america's devastating withdrawal in despair. ah, by sorry, off on a sunday after the us froze, our money people moved under the poverty line on the banks have given us. they have no solution. the americans are dishonest. first, they left the country and chaos, and then they froze our money up. they did this intentionally to push us into serious trouble and then take advantage from that in the future of europe. in my
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opinion, the us should not miss st. afghans, why the poll people of afghanistan for about 20 years have lived with conflicts, hardship, and suffered poverty. ah, no homosexual that we have demanded at washington implement the agreements reaching doha. we have not violated any of the points in the agreement so far. but we ask others fulfills darrell obligations as well? ah, ah, i know who knows us sanctions have destroyed afghans. holmes, what made children suffer from famine and literally took the clothes from their
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backs. only a rare person here can say that they can make clothes for their children and not mentioned the high prices of flower, oil, sugar, and food. and if the mother taught him why, if we talk about the sanctions america and poses on our poor and innocent people, they just want to kill people. ah, law, we want to be seen as ordinary people. we're not wizards where people like them all these countries have reached a present level in 30 or 50 years, and they want us to achieve in one year, even though the condition of the country in which we got it is not good.
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and to the americas. now where the question of who actually worlds argentina, when, as ideas or washington is again on the rise with even an argentinian ambassador, now slamming his country's decision to seize, have been as all i'm playing at the requests of the us, our teens. donal quarter explains a kidnapping and a hijacking. that's what argentina's ambassador to venezuela's calling his country's decision to seize one of caracas as aircraft. there is a feeling of injustice among the venezuelan people. there is still a long way to go regarding the hijacked plane. the process must be carried out intelligently because there are many interests that seek to make this a fight. back in june of venezuelan cargo plane was grounded in argentina at washington's request,
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and the u. s. claims 5 of the crewmen were radians with ties to the islamic revolutionary guard corps, although that's an official iranian military organization. it was added to the u. s . his list of terror groups back under the trump administration. argentine as courts have since greenlighted the crew to leave, but that decision is now under appeal. and venezuelan president nicholas madura says, this is nothing less than theft. ordered from abroad. a few that the courts of the united states ruler knowledge and tina that is venezuela acid. we have the ownership papers and it is an aeroplane that was going around the world. providing service behind madeau are the voices of the venezuelan people calling for the plane and its crew to be returned immediately in the morning 7. today we are going to deliver a document to the argentine embassy, requesting speed in the pronouncement and in the return. not only of the plane, but also the crude weatherly represents venezuela,
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telling one government to ground the plane of another and detain its crew is already a controversial and scandalous move. but what's more scandalous is that this is not the 1st time it's happened back in 2013. washington pulled the same stunt with the president of bolivia himself. he said it, they said it was due to technical issues. but after speaking to the authorities, we found out that there was some unfounded suspicion that mister snowden was on the plane of limits. we don't know who invented this total lie. someone wants to hurt our country. now perhaps washington believes that this is acceptable behavior for a country that calls itself a democracy. but when countries that the u. s. doesn't like do the exact same thing . they get called regimes like last year when minsk landed a plane carrying roman protest, savage, a. so called journalist with the western backed extremist opposition, telegram channel nectar. we certainly, since you gave me the opportunity to do this and condemn the luther shank as
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regimes ongoing harassment, an arbitrary detention of journalists simply for doing their job on this was a shocking act. diverting a flight between 2 e member states for the apparent purpose of arresting a journalist a constitutes a brazen, a front international peace and security by the regime. geo politics, according to washington democracies, land plains, when they might be enemies of our state. but dictatorships do it when they might be enemies of theirs. it is totally immoral. we have to understand and we understand this very much. so in argentina, that international relations are not governed by international law or democracy or peace. international politics are governed by power in those countries that have a lot of power, like united states, britain, the european union and so forth, imposed there will upon weaker countries as far as south america is concerned. united states because they are back yard, they are always interfering. it doesn't matter whether it's argentina, venezuela,
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olivia, columbia, or mexico. they do not want south american countries to come close to iran. for example. this game is basically another attempt to, to hurt. oh, man is way law and those innocent iranians who've been arrested the crew of the plane. when it works to the benefit of the united states, it will force governments and force a foreign entities and bodies to abide by its demands to arrest people or to confiscate a plane. but if any one else does it for legitimate reasons, it is unacceptable to them. ah, destroy forests or go hungry in kenya, skyrocketing gas prices, and inflation are slowly making charcoal, the only commonly available energy source,
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robbing canyons of less environmentally harmful options. we ass locals. what force them to resort to using the carbon residue? here's what they had to say. what might be the night before that i decided to start sell charcoal to locals in my region, who could no longer afford gas because of its high price. that the majority in the rural areas depend on charcoal, because it is the only energy source they afford to heat food. can i sell it at an affordable price? okey doke all that for my team and later i am the only person authorized to sell charcoal in this area. i have documents, you can see them here, and i entered into this business to help common citizens who are struggling to get money for gas to as some don't even have money to buy food. i am humbly requesting the government allow us to continue with charcoal simply because they have not lowered the price of gasoline. if we don't sell charcoal and cannot afford gas, what do we do then? when do i not? i started using charcoal when gas prices went up earlier this year. i am not quite sure what has been happening in our country,
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but affording to buy even cooking flour has been an issue, let alone cook and gas, but i don't have any other option other than using charcoal. this is the only way i can manage my businesses and also satisfy my family's needs. the energy crisis has now force the government to give our permits to those selling charcoal a trade previously band. with more and more canyons forced to use the material for cooking. that's upset environmental us, concerned over the impact of the rise in charcoal industry as having on local ecosystems while calling on the government to address the issue. basically, the cost of willing. so if i increased over time and most of the community around cannot cope with the increasing charges or increasing cost of electricity at the same time the course of $12.00. so most of them are looking for cheap options to make them run small grid and also household energy requirements and needs when the
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will price increases, then delivering to the people both at small level or the industrial level are highly posted. and it means that there will blow his disruptor to the exit. and this is something that we have seen over time as environmental specialist is reverting therefore, that us there been before to ensure but the environment is protected. and also the component of having our trees planted unprotected to grow. founder of the future team, alex more guy says the canyon government should make gas available to everyone, while also protecting the countries natural resources. the major issue under major problem that is causing the prices to to, to slot is a landing prices because in cannot be important and b, g on. so we do not in some of the cost control the prices until the prices that
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land. so we've seen the reason, months are due to, especially due to call with 19 the are lpg price of gas plays, of the landing cost has gone up incredibly, maybe up to around 30 to 40 percent tie up when they look at our other policies in place. of more mention can we, i extracting on improvement also when you look at our better to los relationships with our logistics, especially on russia, usa, r u k. china. we have to come up with the policies on the how we can salvage off of our forest. maybe toxins and shows on, on the lpga the gus promotes so that can as can be able to use gas, which is a more data and fuel energy. well, i'm going are using con security support for gas exports. that's the latest by and by
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e. u. leaders who now turn their eyes to mozambique to try and replace rushing gas moser because the 3rd largest gas reserves in africa, and is now set to receive millions of dollars in aid from the block. according to an internal e u document, it aims to strengthen the security of billions of dollars worth of western gas projects in the country. such projects were threatened last year when violence by islamic extremist threatened the northern gastric province of calvo delgado. however, previous please for military support from the you appear to have fallen on deaf ears, involves high cost for our partners. they will not continue for a long time forever and operations can be affected if there is no support. the european union is aware that you plan, however, is yet to receive any backing if approved support will be limited to know lethal equipment despite mozambique request for a more serious commitment. in the meantime,
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western companies say they are ready to begin exports to the you in the near future . african security analysts will cardiac stresses that support from the west never comes for free. right now, did you wrote a block? give that money to deb wonder to reduce the interest of the russian, gus, a guess in europe and maybe in the future to use them was then we can guess to supply all the necessary things in europe, mozambique. we will pay off this support after some years. so because a re support right now, we will see the big move in for you with more than the not the most that we can do african for too much. this is not for the, for the guys running, you know, this is not going to get to running
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a control. good. all african countries cementing as new, cologne in africa. no danger of collapse. that's the forecast for the russian economy from a major, your asian consultants. the chief as western sanctions continue, despite the onslaught of sanctions and the predictions of many observers brushes economy has not imploded. and although facing a contraction of 5 to 6 percent this year is in no danger of collapse likely to experience any form of economical, financial crisis. the macro advisory, c, e o added that out of the top, 50 foreign companies doing business in russia. only 3 have completely pulled out, adding that the estimated head to the russian g d p is less than one percent. meanwhile, several wall street banks are considering returning to trading russian bonds. that's the spike continuing us sanctions on the market. american column. this ted
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rall believes that the western sanctions don't seem to have work. theory was that basically the russian people would be made to suffer that they would suffer high inflation. ah, look, they sh shortages over supplies. they would lose markets for their products of businesses would go under. that there would be widespread unemployment, poverty, homelessness, catastrophe. it appears not to have worked, at least there is no sign of it working so far. i mean, i just got back from 2 weeks in moscow in saint petersburg. and there is, of course, no sign at all stores or bus are philip full of shoppers, businesses, brisk restaurants are full of, of people of diners, the, there was heavy pressure, political pressure, not legal pressure for western companies to withdraw from doing business in russia,
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particularly financial companies, i my, my, my local bank as is city bank, and i was surprised to see the city bank, even though they had made statements in favor of ukraine, is still operating in russia. when i was there, i was able to withdraw money from my bank account in moscow. thanks and investment firms. they're not in the business of making political points. they're in the business of making profits. it's, you know, this is capitalism. and it's almost a dereliction of their fiduciary duty to their shareholders not to take advantage of every business opportunity they can in every country in the world, including russia, which is a major economy and a major markets. ah, a russian cosmo not on the international space station has been forced to abandon a space walk after an emergency o. like already me, i was told to immediately return to the station during a 6 and
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a half hours space walking after an apparent electrical problem with a space suit. he was one of 2 russian cosmo, not carrying out routine work flight controllers say he wasn't in danger, but they took the stuff as a precaution when his suit develop, battery pack issues, russian, cosmo, mikhail corny and go says the situation could have been worse and we are moving as long as you should. busy it's an unfortunate situation because life support systems and connections are dependent on a battery pack. it isn't good to lose a connection in open space. if a connection is lost, the space suits ventilation and thermal control systems switch off. the form, the a space suit is usually prepared much in advance around 10 days before a space will. all disposable items have changed and all systems check, including the battery, the day before the space walk the space suits are put on after all. checks have been carried out. the test showed that everything is fine. however, during this space walk
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a disruption occurred. all services responded rapidly and leg returned to the gateway and the situation was resolved. those were the hours most vital news stories from around the world. up next, archie's original documentary don baths war summer of 2014 takes us through the events of that year leading to the protests and regime change stake both again next hour. ah, no nation, no nation has ever done anything like it in all history with
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