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tv   News  RT  August 19, 2022 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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ah, a with a nuclear crisis, narrowly avoided after at least 7 shells exploded, near the oper rosa, nuclear power plant overnight. they have found only today, 7 empty tank mind. now they're carrying them away into this abandon ukrainian fortifications, which very soon will be normal. as the mining operations continue across on bass r t takes a closer look at the work of russian stoppers in the area and sexual abuse and ramp misconduct un peacekeepers in the democratic republic of congo, rape local. that's according to
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a new report. we heard the victims desperate stories, believe i lost my daughter who don hall, she was pregnant and you once told you might have pregnant and i have no place to claim my rights. they arrived in the d o. c. they have not purchased anything. they just brought both sisters, now mothers, they must leave with hello for a mosque out to the world. welcome to this hour's top level stories on rti international . i'm paralyzed about very happy to have you with us. at least 7 ukrainian shells have exploded in the vicinity of those that are osha nuclear power plant overnight as cabs on slot against the city and southeastern ukraine, where the facility is located, continues. russia's embassy to the us stress is that it's not the 1st incident and likely not the last. by august 18th, there had been 12 instances of shelling at the zapora. j nuclear power plant and in
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the city of enter go door in which more than 50 shells exploded and 5 kamikaze. drones were used. according to the russian ministry of defense, ukrainian forces and tend to stage an act of sabotage, which will result in radiation leaks. damage to nuclear waste storage and the reactor entering a state of abnormal operation. the aim is to create a 30 kilometers exclusion zone and accuse russia, nuclear terrorism does up a rosy nuclear power plant is the largest in europe. and the shelling prompts fears of a nuclear disaster, which could potentially be worse than that of the one in chernobyl. and would affect all countries surrounding ukraine even reached reaching turkey. this comes up to the president of turkey, visits ukraine, along with the you and chief who calls for common sense when it comes to the plant . russia has called for the international atomic energy agency to inspect the plant,
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but the un says the delegation may only arrive through ukraine control territory. the you and chief has also proposed the plans. demilitarization. meanwhile, did mining operations continue across the territory abandoned by keith's forces. ortiz igor start off, takes a closer look at the russian national guard stoppers working in don bass. one of the main rules of the dawn bass that is written in blood 2 is follow the roads and do not go astray. we have broken this rule to day, but only because we're in the good cans, in the good hands of the sappers of russia's national guard. essentially, they have found only to day 7 anti tank minds that will laying around the roads in the fields. everything is rigged here. now there are carrying them away into this abandon ukrainian fortification, which very soon will be no more because all 7 of them will be detonated inside. not a single day goes by without new deadly fines. before following through with the
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control detonation, all roads are cordoned off within a quarter of a kilometer radius. this is what a detonation of about a 100 kilograms of t and t looks like. every undiscovered explosive device has a potential death sentence to careless civilians. many of whom are farmers and no matter how many mines are found each day yields new harvest dish currently figures for every crossroads here every road junction where a lot of transport travels through is heavily mine, especially roadside. sometimes there are mine fields and the roads through them are completely blocked by mines. so you may pay a very high price for a lack of attention. i'm again, donna reporting from the don bass art. see,
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while western media tries to down play the role of neo nazi groups in ukraine, some american nationalists serve a new crane 1st hand artes. rachel blevins investigates the story of mercenary cat mcclellan and looks on whether the c i may be involved. the presence of neo nazis in ukraine is nothing to be concerned about, according to mainstream outlets in the us, who have been quick to try to label the problem as nothing more than russian propaganda. despite reporting on it themselves just a few years ago. but what would they say if one of those nationalists was an american citizen? and if he claimed that he was sent ukraine by the c i day. well, that's the case with kent mcclellan who prefers to go by his nickname, bone face. you know, there's a lot of hype about the f, b i sent over there, but i thought they have does that. it was central intelligence that got me involved and now that is a serious claim. and while the c a has yet to publicly respond,
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mccolan attempted to take back his statement insisting he had been misunderstood just one day after the interview. so was it a coincidence or did he just get a phone call from the right people? well, a closer look at his new nazi career shows more light on those carelessly spoken words about the ca. mccolan is a 32 year old man from florida whose interest in not the ideology reportedly began when he was a teenager, his criminal record started in 2010 when he was 18 and it ranges from vandalism to battery involving immigrants. he was also among members from the white supremacists, organization american front, who were arrested by the f. b. i in 2012. and it was those early run in with the law that appeared to make mcclellan even more radical as he began to accumulate numerous tattoos and include not the symbols and would eventually cover his entire face. a former member of ukraine security services claims. it was in 2014,
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the mccolan made his 1st trip to ukraine, where he worked with the neo nazi group right sector during the western back might on qu, nationalist organ, seen over here in united states has never had to put together. you know what i mean there, that it's totally different than what you crane has going on. i was attracted to it . he was also mentioned in the 2020 report from a local north carolina newspaper title, the lost boys of ukraine, which looked at how american white supremacists were attracted to the growing new nazi movement. there. the report specifically noted that mcclellan who was given internet access for good behavior during his sentence in 2016 openly claimed he was working with the right sector on foreign recruitment while in prison. now you may be wondering how and why a man who had been in and out of prison for years made his trips to ukraine and back so freely. well that some thing to see i age as happens to be notoriously
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known for being very helpful with. he has also said that he wasn't the only american involved and that there were several other english speakers like himself who came together to help form the infamous as of italian in 2014 a particularly when the as of battalion, you know, back then formed unit 3 was all english speakers, a lot of people from norway, finland, things like that. and of course, americans. so just how prevalent is the new nazi ideology in the us? well in some cases it appears to be hiding in plain sight with dozens of far right nationalist benz an artist streaming on the spot of lie. 7 until at least 2017 o. 2 and that includes the art is known as bone phase refers to share both his face full of tattoos and his nazi themed musical stylings on sound cloud. a story that comes with more questions and answers, including whether the cia was as involved as the man said they were. and how many similar cases are out there of american neo nazis visiting ukraine to learn 1st
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hand before returning home to the u. s. where they can continue to recruit freely trading food for sex, raping young women, and abandoning conceived children. a recent report has shed light on years of wrongdoing. by un peacekeepers in the democratic republic of congo. many locals have been left desperate me. i lost my daughter who died while she was pregnant, and one soldier met her pregnant and i have no place to claim my rights. ask the government to expound this un mission from own country, but in my heart there is a wound. and if i saw his peacekeepers, i would stone them. my daughter went to them to ask for a job, finding a job is difficult, so she started cooking for them as a few days she was raped. my daughter is desperate, she now has psychological problems. we hope that one day this mission will leave the country. we are not going to be discouraged. we will continue to ask for the
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departure of the un mission because we know that it has no business here since they arrived and they say they have not produced anything. they just re power sisters. now mothers, they must leave. the report is based on 2500 interviews, many with girls and women who claim to have been assaulted by the peacekeepers. along with children conceived from the assault r t correspondent corolla hotline brings us the details. shocking levels of poverty displacement, brutal attacks by groups and fighting the democratic republic of congo is one of the world's poorest and most one on countries in the world. however, to add salt to an already bleeding wound, a recent report claims the united nations peacekeepers, which have been in the african countries for 20 years, have rate the young women traded food for sex, father and abandoned thousands of children in the b. c. allegations of sexual
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exploitation and abuse among un peacekeeping missions, and nothing new yet, no systematic research on paternity linked to a new school. that's the un mission in the c has apparently been carried out until now. researches interviewed one girl who alleges she was traffic by her family and impregnated by soldiers when she was only 10 years old. she's now 16 and this is her recollection of what happened and was very young, just 10 years old. i realize later on that i was sold out in my aunt, the man with brain beer in the pop to share with me some go sometimes we faced abuse while begging for humanitarian assistance. another girl shared with research has her account of how she was sexually assaulted by a number of un peacekeeping personnel when she was 13. and the fallout from then on people started wondering how this little girl got pregnant. they loved so much at
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me, i felt so insulted. all of this hurts me so much. the research also says the youngest girl that be interviewed, that was impregnated by un peacekeepers, was just 10 years old. and then one in every 2 mothers. well, under the age of 18, when they conceived according to the report, many children were left abandoned and hence father my father left my mother while she was pregnant. she gave birth after he was already gone. people disturb and hurt me so much. they say they will chase me because i'm a foreigner, i'm suffering, i feel hurt when i see you and agents passing by because other children have their fathers. but i don't have mine. i would like to tell my father to think about me wherever he is. he should know that i don't have a family. if my mother dies, who will raise me? they, when they the ways of allegations contains over 400 reports of incidence of peace
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keeper father babies says 2007. the report is based on almost 3000 interviews with members of the con release community. and emily changed you and personnel from 12 countries. those accused of fathering children include soldiers, doctors, and even photographers. although the report points out the length of prosecution for these offences by peacekeepers due to their immunity, the un says that is strongly condemns the behavior of those who violate and undermine the venues of the organization. by abusing and exploiting those who are looking to the un for protection. but the number of the victims of this are rendered. abuse can be hard to come. there are potentially thousands of children left behind by piece campus in the democratic republic of congo. part of the problem is that some of those deployed seemed to be treating these missions as an opportunity for sex, tourism, and sexual crimes, that they're unlikely to commits in their home countries. this all came to light
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after a number of violent protests against un peacekeeping forces in the eastern b r. c. i made calls for the us to withdraw from the area 15 people have been killed in t, u and protest in the last week. in a take the due and chief antonio book harris said could close the to the wall crime, the government has been trying to get the mission to leave the 2010 and the u. n. has been in the process of drawing down the says 2020 protest. meanwhile, say the one that you went to leave because it failed to protect civilians. although they is a long history of sexual violence in the region. it is perhaps more shocking when it comes from someone who is meant to protect you. there is a kind of destruction with the un peacekeepers who are enjoying life. they are partying almost every day going to bars and meeting with prostitutes.
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and that's the issue here in d r c. so that's why several of peacekeepers have forgotten, they are real mission is to promote peace, not to have marquee and abandon them in the us. he does not one of the mission. if they kind of 6 you are and the exploitation abuse, when you are using someone who is poor and you are taking advantage of, he's poor for your hop over. so what i can say that can and if the u. n can be very strict. and also discipline, it's true because, you know, without discipline, this cannot end molly has against lashed out of france, but this time be a letter to the us in which the countries foreign minister accused parents of violating its airspace and also providing arms to the hottest groups in an attempt
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to destabilize the west african country, r t is rachel mars, then looks at the details. you may recall that french troops were kicked out of molly earlier this year after 13 years of military missions in the country, under the pretext of counter terrorism. and stabilization missions which were initially launched at the invitation of the government in boca, those missions were so successful that molly saw to cru datas in the past 2 years. ultimately, the post who transitional government kicked the franco with the last troops having left molly just a few days ago. there was also a larger european mission in molly, which was supposed to be a showcase for european defense. but germany has also now announced suspension of it's in country operations as well. another resounding success for the european union. so now we have molly's foreign minister writing a letter to the united nations national security council and asking china to help arrange an emergency meeting on what it calls. quote,
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repetitive and frequent violations of malin aerospace by french forces, drones helicopters, or fighting plains. these flagrant violations of moliere space were used by france to collect information for terrorist groups operating in the saw hill and to draw palms and ammunition to them. the french embassy and malley denies the accusations, but it does raise questions about exactly what kind of footprint, covert or otherwise france may have left behind. what we do know is that after being expelled by molly, france has set up shop in chad and jail, with troops fighter jets drones and helicopters, all under the pretext of continuing to fight jihadists in this a hell region. but a coalition of civil society organizations is already demanding that they leave, considering the multiple assassinations of our civilian populations by the ball cane force driven out of molly and illegally present on our territory,
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which it can sit as conquered to materialize. its funeral design of destabilization of the sa hail. let us read great our opposition to the french military presence in our country and demand their immediate departure. paris seems intent on sticking around in the region and has expressed particular concern over african countries like molly looking to increase security and economic cooperation with russia or china to paris is detriment. now it's important to note that molly is a major source of oil, but also of uranium which french nuclear power plants and submarines could use for fuel. particularly now when the french economy is bracing for the impact of an energy crunch amid the use sanctions on its own cheap gas supply from russia. so france is no doubt concerned about its waning influence in the region. but the malli government doesn't seem to sympathetic the gland. mando transitional exists. the transitional government demands. president micron permanently abundant his neo
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colonial paternalistic and patronizing posture to understand that no one can love molly, but to them mullins so well, he doesn't want any colonial love from paris, but will perish, actually be willing to take no for an answer. and just how far will france be willing to go in pursuit and defense of what it sees as its own interests. ah, and israeli defense forces investigation has reportedly discovered that it was they were air strike that killed 5 palestinian children in a cemetery near job ali, a refugee camp in gaza earlier this month. that's the spite officials initially claiming the does were caused by a misfired islamic jihad rocket. local journalist sonic a mall visit at the sight of the deadly attack. i am i the same misery in the northern garza is standing as a graduate and is it? are any it is that i can find both senior children earlier this month who came to
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visit their grandfather as a great. the youngest victims was poor following that, that the family hate a vigor either in misery and call ford edge or in the phase the internet. and then it could even alco lee. i guess my brother went to the store to buy something. he saw his cousins when to say hi and then went with them to visit our grandfather's grave and danced out in a graveyard. the me saw literally fell on their hats and they were torn apart. they took him to the hospital and i accompanied my mother to see his body in cold storage their lives at the i was in a hysterical condition when my son's friend came to me and told me that my son had been martyred. we found children's body parts, so we started loading lemons, the ambulances, while i was loading them into the vehicle, i came across the body of my own. some my message to the world is, this is enough. it is our right to live our kids, our elders, women and men. this is enough. it has been more than 80 years of living on the
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israeli occupation. also dozens of but athenians held and gather out of their ad this a mid 30. they had but hours they're saying that our children have the right to live insecurity and bees in the area. just to give you some background on this. according to garza's health ministry, $49.00 palestinians, including 17 children, were killed among them. the 5 at the cemetery that was in a 3 day assault by israel from august 5th to 7th, in what was described as the worst flare up since last year's war. the violence ended in an egyptian broker to cease fire, which the un dubbed fragile israel claimed the operation came in response to the palestinian islamic jihad group, allegedly preparing an eminent attack. ah,
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in the aftermath of the latest escalation, e u representatives visited garza pledging $97000000.00 to the un relief and works agency for palestine refugees. archie is mustafah. alba yet takes a closer look at the visit. well, i guess though i'm, there's a whole list of accusations against israel to deal with these palestinian women meet an official delegation of e representatives who arriving garza to get acquainted with the humanitarian situation. following the latest escalation, while noticed a man vengeance for the death saw injuries to their sons at the hands of these railey army, of his talk about houses destroyed as a result of the bombing. they want the european delegation to call for an investigation into the killing of civilians. and an end to the israeli blockade against garza is sees fair we gave and to 3 days of terrible fighting. where far
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too many. sylvia indians, far too many children and women lost their lives. i'll shiva hospital is one of the destinations of the european delegation. the price of the health care system and the gaza strip is no secret to any one. there is a serious shortage of medicines and medical supplies. the ministry of health describes the situation as the worst accusing israel obstructing the delivery of important medical equipment, including ex ryan diagnostic equipment. the situation has been aggravated by the difficult economic situation that has developed due to the israeli blockade imposed on most palestinian families. the economic situation in garza is a very, very difficult for families or just been walking through beach camp are where families don't have access to employment. or we have got some of the world's highest rights of unemployment here. and garza little minute film. any palestinians do not consider visits by official foreign delegations as an opportunity to resolve or mitigate the crisis in the gaza strip. mobile from their point of view,
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it is necessary to lift the blockade that prevents any real developments of the sector. with our america's largest pharmacy chains are told to pay over $650000000.00 to victims of the opium epidemic. marking a new milestone for families, devastated by the dads of their loved ones are teas kayla martin has more. the us centers for disease control have revealed some shocking numbers when it comes to the details of america's ongoing opioid epidemic. the number of deaths across the country reached nearly 10802021. that's an increase of 15 percent over the previous year. on top of a 30 percent increase in 2020 drug overdose deaths in the united states has actually gone up and increased every year since $970.00, except for 2018 with americans dying around the clock. the public wants some accountability. this is common. the form of a new court ruling against walgreens,
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walmart, and cbs sports in ohio, i have rule that the firms must pay over $650000000.00 for their responsibility and distributing addictive medicines. these companies are rending the fabric of society apart. they should not only show remorse, they should show, they need to rectify what they've done and they won't do it. so the judge is doing it. the judge who issued the ruling observed that in lake and trumbull county, ohio, cbs walgreens, and walmart made it rain when it came to pain pills. a lot of these medical drugs irresponsibly hit the market and as a result, the counties had to pay roughly $1000000000.00 in public health costs. now the corporations maintain their innocence and say that they're being scape goat it for a society wide problem. we never manufactured or marketed opioids, nor did we distribute them to the pill, meals and internet pharmacies that fueled this crisis. instead of addressing the real causes of the opioid crisis, like pill mil doctors,
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illegal drugs and regulators asleep at the switch. plaintiff's lawyers wrongly claim that pharmacists must 2nd guess, doctors in a way the law never intended. and many federal and state health regulators say interferes with a doctor, patient relationship. now these 3 pharmacy chains are not the 1st corporations to be held liable for the ongoing wave of opioid really deaths sweeping america. however, many are asking why the government seems focused on punishing corporations for the effects. rather than dealing with the underlying causes of the problem, after all, the big sums of money currently being paid out by these corporations is not going to bring back anyone's dead relatives and has got to do very little to restore the damage to communities across what was once the prosperous american heart land, caleb martin, r t new york international recovery advocate, robert g cantor claims the government is doing a lot to fight the opioid epidemic. but bureaucracy is lowing down the process.
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well, we have, there's 3 reasons why overdose federal government go straight. talent is in the united states, the skyrocketing and they all know fentanyl and fat, and all the fentanyl is being manufactured in china. it's being brought in and into the drug cartels and mexico. it is extremely powerful and extremely with, and it is being put into or laced into just about every other substance, whether it's heavy and whether it's cocaine, even marijuana. there was a tremendous amount that's being done in banking, 2 weeks of international, over those awareness day. we just have bent and all awareness state. there were commission that they were task force, but would you happen to stand is that the wheels of congress turn very slow and so a bill is introduced and then the bill has to be broken. committee committee will
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most bills die. unfortunately, if it passed the house again, has to go back into committee and then eventually be signed by the president. this takes a lot of time and i'll sit former pakistani prime minister, him wrong. con has been now see arrest of a close aid, who was detained last week for allegedly making controversial remarks about the countries army. descending into a banana republic, the civilized world will be shocked at our levels of barbarism. the worst part is an easy target has been chosen to make an example of fruit torture and without a fair trial con, claims the arrest of political allies. shabazz gail is part of a quote conspiracy targeting him and his party gill has been charged with the addition and the ex pm claims he was also tortured, while in police custody. m, ron con, was ousted from power in april, following a vote of no confidence by the pakistan parliament. while the former prime minister
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blamed the u. s. plot for his removal in may con, urge his supporters to take to the streets and a wave of protest erupted in the capital. the arrest of gil now threatened to put the country at greater risk of social unrest. shan dana goals are a member of pakistan's, national assembly believes cons and gills. political party p t i is now being repressed, especially when the crime in this experiment is tamara hunter and b t. i says that this is a conspiracy he doesn't say without reason. we have plenty of fools that things are happening in a way to the i myself was in a high court. i was in the police station a big dog and harassed by the nationalists and use bikes on, on my that issues. but just to ensure that we fall into light now when it comes to the issue of shabazz gill and the conspiracy, the idea is that mr. gil should sign a confessional statement. this is the gossip we had. again, we have no proof of this, but mister shabazz gill has said that the kind of questions that were asked of me what to do with what dr. german is on,
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on each who he meets in particular one particular on general. and they were trying to get him to sign a confessional statement that in bron hahn is anti army and anti establishment, which is as far from the truth as it gets. the impression on the street is that if you out of p t i work up or a p t i, party member, you will be subject to all kinds of abuse. the law doesn't matter and that is a very dangerous base for pakistan to be it. so if you combine the issue of being a slave of the west, if you combine it with others wanting to take advantage, of course in bitterness to take advantage back a son in the past has not been focused on 1st. we've put others for us and we feed the place for that's a rob on the hours most pressing stories from the globe for more news head over to r t dot com. and be sure to follow us on twitter gab odyssey and rumble from our content. thanks for watching, we'll see you again next hour. ringback ah.


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