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tv   News  RT  August 19, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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with mm hm. with cranium barrier troops execute 100 of the own soldiers, according to russia's defense ministry of late ukrainian, shirley glendon. yes, killed the thick civilians. plus they have found only today, 7 empty tank mine. now they're carrying them away to this abandon ukrainian fortification, which very soon will be no more. we join russia, let's stop a cruise. it's a step up the destruction of land mines planted by which freezing ukrainian with any report exposes multiple cases of rape. and spec should have being says,
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minus allegedly committed by un peacekeepers in the democratic republic of the congo. we hear from some of the victims families, me last month or 2 don hall's, she was pregnant, one soldier matter pregnant and i have no place to play my rights. they arrived in the deal to see they have not produced anything. they just re posters and our mothers. they must leave in the cell, mitchell and sell the house. and then which one i thought i wasn't a hysterical condition when my friends came to me and told me that my son had been involved. and really officials own up to an air strike that killed 5 innocent children garza, we bring you the accounts is all there with very well welcome. this is asi international with the latest world news out date is great to have your company this alan. we start with breaking news,
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swedish police say by responding to a shooting at a shopping center in the city of mal. no, it's been confirmed that a large number of resources have been deployed and that the site has been cordoned off as a word on casualties so far that will be bringing you all the latest updates as we get them the moving over to the eastern ukraine. now where $100.00 local soldiers it be massacred by their own barrier traded for failing to hold ground against advancing russian forces. as, according to the latest from the defense ministry where they're going to look. but we're going to get the feel as a result of the russian offensive units of ukraine's $58.00. motorized. infantry brigade were defeated near the residential area of d. under the onslaught of russian troops. the remnants of the units escaped from their positions and left the settlement in order to prevent panic and to intimidate the soldiers of ukraine, the nationalists of the armed formation cracking publicly, guns down $100.00 service men. the 50 motorized infantry brigade would lead to
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their positions like innocence, labor, across and on basil authorities in the don't. yes were public se sick civilians have been killed including 2 children by ukrainian shilling in the past day. at least 23 others are said to be wounded on it since he has been coming on. the fresh rocky detox damaging residential buildings and the infrastructure. meanwhile, russia lead stop is all stepping up their d mining operations in don't bounce across territories booby trapped by ukrainian troops as they retreated in recent weeks. correspondent the ecos, dawn of reports from the ground. one of the main rules of the dawn bass that is written in blood 2 is follow the roads and do not go astray. we have broken this rule to day, but only because we're in the good cans, in the good hands of the sappers of russia's national guard. essentially, they have found only to day 7 anti tank minds that will laying around the roads in the fields. everything is rigged here. now there are carrying them away into this
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abandon ukrainian fortification, which very soon will be no more because all 7 of them will be detonated inside. not a single day goes by without new deadly fines. before following through with the control detonation, all roads are called and off within a quarter of a kilometer radius. this is what a detonation of about a 100 kilograms of t and t looks like. every undiscovered explosive device has a potential death sentence to careless civilians. many of whom are farmers and no matter how many mines are found each day yields new, harvest, godly figures, book every crossroads here, every road junction where a lot of transport travels through is heavily mine,
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especially roadside. sometimes there are mine fields and the roads through them are completely blocked by mines with them. so you may pay a very high price for a lack of attention. i'm again, donna reporting from the don bass art sci nauseous, representative in vienna, has said that the international atomic energy agencies visit to this apple dozier nuclear power plant may take place in early september. it comes off to you and chief antonia gets harris promised the watched i would visit the facility during a trilateral meeting with ukrainian and turkish ladies in the situation remains turbulence with at least 7 ukrainian shells exploding in the vicinity of the apples . yeah. overnight brushes, deputy minister of foreign affairs. they were moving soldiers, protecting the plans may only increase the risk of a nuclear catastrophe. but it will still not sure why in the russian military presence at the zap rosy nuclear power plant. aaron dees, that a 2nd noble will not happen. i will demilitarization of the facility would increase
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the risk, the recklessness with which our adversaries play with nuclear safety muscle creates a threat to the largest nuclear facility in urine us with potential risks to vast territory. not only near the station of far beyond the ukrainian border to the way, one more grain you or the west media try to down play the role of neo nazi groups in ukraine. they're turning a blind eye to the fact that some americans have been serving alongside ukraine's out for national as forces on his way to blevins investigates the story of us mercenary kent mcclellan. and why the cia might be involved in these neo nazi career. the presence of neo nazis in ukraine is nothing to be concerned about, according to mainstream outlets in the u. s. who have been quick to try to label the problem as nothing more than russian. c propaganda, despite reporting on it themselves just a few years ago. but what would they say if one of those nationalists was an american citizen? and if he claim that he was sent to crane by the ca,
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well that's the case with kent mcclellan who prefers to go by his nickname, bone face. you know, there's a lot of high above the ice and re over there for that's on the other. does that it was central intelligence, i got me involved. now that is a serious claim. and while the cia has yet to publicly respond, mccullen attempted to take back his statement insisting he had been misunderstood just one day after the interview. so was it a coincidence or did he just get a phone call from the right people? well, a closer look at his new nazi career shows more light on those carelessly spoken words about the ca. mccolan is a 32 year old man from florida, whose interest in nazi ideology reportedly began when he was a teenager. his criminal record started in 2010 when he was 18 and it ranges from vandalism to battery involving immigrants. he was also among members from the white supremacists, organization american front,
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who were arrested by the f. b i in 2012. and it was those early runs with the law that appeared to make mcclellan even more radical as he began to accumulate numerous tattoos and include nazi symbols and would eventually cover his entire face. a former member of ukraine security services claims. it was in 2014, the mccolan made his 1st trip to ukraine, where he worked with the new nazi group right sector during the western back might . on qu, the nationalist organ, seen over here in united states has never had to put together. you know, to me there that it's totally different than what ukraine has going on. i was tracking through it. she was also mentioned in the 2020 report from a local north carolina newspaper title, the loss of ukraine, which looked at how american white supremacists were attracted to the growing new nazi movement. there. the report specifically noted that mcclellan who was given internet access for good behavior during his sentence in 2016 openly claim he was
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working with the right sector on foreign recruitment. while in prison, they may be wondering how and why a man who had been in and out of prison for years made his trips to crane and back so freely. well that something that ca just happens to be in a tory is we known for being very helpful with his also said that he wasn't the only american involved. and there were several other english speakers like himself who came together to help for him. the infamous as of italian in 2014 a particularly when the as a battalion back then formed unit 3 was all english speakers. so all people from norway, from one to things like that. and of course americans. so just how prevalent is the neo nazi ideology in the us? well, in some cases it appears to be hiding in plain sight with dozens of bar, right nationalist bands and artist streaming on the spot of fly until at least 2017 o. 2 and that includes the artist known as bone phase refers to share both his face
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full and cat tooth, and his not the theme to musical stylings on sound cloud. a story that comes with more questions than answers, including whether the cia was as involved as the man said they were. and how many similar cases are out there of american neo nazis visiting ukraine to learn 1st hand before returning home to the u. s. where they can continue to recruit freely trading food for sex, raping young women, abandoning that children we could report to shed light on years of wrongdoing by un peacekeepers in a democratic republic of congo. and when the locals had been left desperate me, i lost my daughter who died while she was pregnant, and one soldier met her pregnant and i have no place to claim my rights asks the government to expound this un mission from own country. but in my heart there is a wound. and if i saw his peacekeepers, i would stone them. alyssa,
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my daughter went to them to ask for a job, finding a job as difficult. so she started cooking for them a to few days. she was raised, my daughter is desperate, she now has psychological problems. we hope that one day this mission will leave the country. we are not going to be discouraged. we will continue to ask for the departure of the un mission because we know that it has no business here. since they arrived in the d. c, they have not purchased anything. they just rape our sisters. now mothers, they must leave you a report based on a 2500 interviews, many with girls and women who claim to have been sexually assaulted and raped by the un peacekeepers along with some of the children conceived as a result. i'll take her respond and caroll bonus, toddler brings is a detail shocking levels of poverty displacement, brutal. it takes my arm, groups and fighting the democratic republic of congo is one of the world's poorest . and most want on countries in the world, however,
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transferred to an already bleeding wound. a recent report claims the united nations peacekeepers, which have been in the african country for 20 years. i've raised the young women traded food for sex, father, and abandoned thousands of children in the c allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse among un peacekeeping missions. and nothing you had no systematic research on paternity linked to a new school. that's the un mission in the see has apparently been carried out until now. researchers interviewed one girl who alleges she was traffic by half emily, and impregnated by soldiers when she was only 10 years old. she's now 16, and this is her recollection of what happened. and was very young, just 10 years old. i realize later on that i was sold out in my aunt, the man with brain beer in the park to share with me some of those apparently face
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to use while begging for humanitarian assistance. another girl shed with research as her account of how she was sexually assaulted by a number of un peacekeeping personnel when she was 13. and the fallout from then on people started wondering how this little girl got pregnant. they loved so much of me, i felt so insulted. all of this hurts me so much. the research also says the youngest girl that be interviewed, that was impregnated by un peacekeepers, was just 10 years old. and then one in every 2 mothers. well, under the age of 18, when they conceived according to the report, many children were left abandoned and have fatherless. my father left to my mother while she was pregnant, she gave birth after he was already gone. people disturb and hurt me so much. they say they will chase me because i'm a foreigner, i'm suffering they when they the ways of allegations contains over 400 reported
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incidents of p. keep a father, babies says 2007. the report is based on almost 3000 interviews with members of the con, release community, an employee change you and personnel from 12 countries. those accused of fathering children include soldiers, doctors, and even photographers. although the report points out the length of prosecution for these offences by peacekeepers due to their immunity, the un says that it's strongly condemns the behavior of those who violate and undermine the venues of the organization may abusing and exploiting those who are looking to the un for protection, but the number of the victims of this are rendered. abuse can be hard to come. there are potentially thousands of children left behind by piece campus in a democratic republic of congo. part of the problem is that some of those deployed seemed to be treating these missions as an opportunity for sex, tourism,
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and sexual crime that done likely to commit to their home countries. this all came to light after a number of violent protests against un peacekeeping forces in the eastern b. c. i mean, called for the un to withdraw from the area 15 people have been killed in t. u and protests in the last week imitate the due. and chief antonio book harris said, could close the to the wall crime. the government has been trying to get the mission to leave those 2010. and the un has been in the process of drawing down the operations since 2020 protest. meanwhile, say the one the u. n. to leave because it failed to protect civilians. there is a kind of destruction with their un peacekeepers who are enjoying life. they are partying almost every day going to bars and meeting with prostitutes. and that's the issue here in d r c. so that's why there's several peacekeepers have forgotten. they are real
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mission is to promote peace, not to have marquee, and abandoned them in d, r. c. that's not one of their mission, it's a kind of 6 you are in de, exploitation abuse. that can and if the u. n can be very strict and also discipline it's true because, you know, without discipline, this cannot end as natural gas prices rise to more than 10 times the usual amount for this time of the year. the vice president of the german columns has called for the opening of the north stream through pipeline as soon as possible. as winter approaches, the federal minister of economics must do everything to ensure that we have more energy available, which had open nor stream to as soon as possible to fill our gas storage facilities for the winter of getting gas from nordstrom to is no more immoral than from north stream, one is just a different tube,
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a call to activate the 2nd russian gas pipeline to germany, prompted an angry response from kenneth. however, the german politician stress that the blocks pipeline will allow germans to survive this winter. and that's the federal government's primary. do you see german craftsman seem to support such a move as they wrote an open letter urging chancellor shoulder to lift sanctions on russia and make political decisions for the benefit of the german people? we use craftsmen, no. for many conversations with our customers, that the vast majority are not willing to sacrifice their hard earned standard of living for ukraine. it's not our wor either. do you want to be the chancellor who drove germany to ruin? do you really want to sacrifice your country? as a you with an gulf in a deepening energy crisis, with an increasing number of european voicing the anger, a german minister has brought the both speaking out over the crisis as enemies of the states contributes rachel marston,
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hospital. so wait till you hear about who some of these officials are gearing up to blame for their own mismanagement when the european union for sanctioned its own cheap energy supply from russia. they blamed russian president vladimir putin for the economic impact of their own decision to self sanction. but the 1st clue that westerners weren't simply swallowing. the spin came wine, only 11 percent of americans surveyed in erasmus and poll, believed that the energy crunch was putins fault, rather than the result of poor western decision making, running out of scapegoats to blame, just as the projections for european economies are getting increasingly grim, the u is finally admitting that they screwed up. now just kidding. they're not the latest rhetoric coming from european officials attempts to peg potential future unrest over the looming cost of living and energy crisis on populace. a german interior ministry spokesperson has said that quote, we can assume that populists and extremists will again try to influence protests to
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their liking. and now the interior minister of the german state of north rhine west follies framing those who opposed other extreme government measures as equally unreasonable amid the energy crisis. you can already tell from those who are out there, the protestors no longer talk about cov it or vaccination, but they are now misusing people's worries and fears and other spheres. it's almost something like the new enemies of the state who are establishing themselves. so basically the even creates a crisis with their sanctions, which by the way they can reverse at any time make their citizens pay an increasingly high price. beneficial portray those who object to their mismanagement as extremists, for all their talk of unity, european official sure are good ag sparking divisions, both among their own citizens and among member states. by the way, while norway is currently enjoying record high oil and gas profits, european oil and gas executives are reportedly mumbling discreetly about the need
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to prod, are slow into cutting its prices for europe. given that it supplies a quarter of the glass gas and about 40 per cent to the u. k. so what is norway just says, no. is norway going to be framed as a troublesome nationalist? just like you citizens to resist the policies of the block? oh, actually, possibly, if a recent op ed in the financial times is any indication, it is crucial for europe to avoid falling into the resource nationalism trop. no one should suggest that no way be treated as a profiteer, but it is worth at least debating if anything can be done to bring down prices. turning up the tops to full capacity is already appreciated. doing it at a price that helps soothe paying for european economies might be a noise interests to british citizens soaring energy bills are also set to rise. 80 per cent in october,
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with price is increasing by 15 percent. just this week. a new citizen movement called don't pay you k is pledging to start paying their bills altogether, started october 1st. if the price hikes persist, it's simple. we are demanding a reduction of energy bills to an affordable level. our leverage is that we will gather a 1000000 people to pledge not to pay if the government goes ahead with another mess of hike on october. the 1st. even if a fraction of those of us who are paying by direct debit stop our payments, it will be enough to put energy companies in serious trouble. and they know this. we want to bring them to the table and force them to end this crisis. what are your pin officials going to do? we slap the populist or extremist label on every retiree was pension, doesn't cover their winter heating bill, and has the audacity to complain about it. while at this point, i wouldn't put anything past them make israeli officials have admitted
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responsibility for the killing of 5 palestinian children and an asteroid on a cemetery. and garza early this month. as despite earlier claims that the deaths were caused by a mis 5 islamic jihad rockets local journalists, sana kamala visited the site of the attack. they claimed the lives at the innocent children. i am either famously in the northern garza ascending their graves where it is right as a code 5 senior children earlier this month. mm ah, excuse me.
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following that, thank the family, have a vague in the simplicity of calls for in to phase the international criminal court . lee, i guess brought the one to the store to buy something. he saw his cousins wanted to say hi. and then went with them to visit on grandfather's grace and then stanton. a great deal me saw literally fell in their hands and they were torn apart. they took him to the hospital and i accompanied my mother to see his body in cold storage. the light that i wasn't a hysterical condition when my son's friends came to me and told me that my son had been martin. we found the children's body parts. so we started loading them into the ambulances. while i was loading them into the vehicle, i came across the body of my son. my message to the world is, this is enough. it is our right to live. our kids are elders, women, and men. this is enough. it has been more than 80 years of living under the israeli
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occupation. also dozens of anything and hen and gather misty. they had by dollars the saying that our children have the right to live insecurity and fees and the area. well, just to give you some background on this, according to god's health ministry, 49 palestinians, including 17 children, were killed among them. the 5 at the cemetery, the jessica doing a 3 day assault buy as well, from august 5th, to the 7th. and what was described as the worst since last year's bombardment, the violence and didn't gyptian bro could see the file which you want to describe is fragile. israel claim the opperation came in response to the palestinian islamic jihad group, allegedly preparing an imminent attack. the
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chinese foreign ministry spokesperson jolly john has turned to a new form of diplomacy towards washington. following the provocative visits of a senior us official to tie one job posted a me on twitter, highlighting the history of us interventions around the world. even touching upon the 911 terror attacks and a caption, the post say that every nation needs to understand the actions, highlighting the rising tensions between china and the u. s. related strain and relations comes in the wake of us official, nancy pelosi recent visit. ty, one bating strongly oppose the trip, saying it violated the one china policy. political analyst, angelo giuliano, from hong kong, say that it's time for the us to take china seriously and stop is political provocations. well, the relationship right now between china and the u. s. he is at the worst level
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we've never seen nor we are close to. busy broken relationship where china is actually telling the things the way they are, because china is seen clearly the game of the us will do us once do is to push for taiwanese. i want independence. actually, how, when people in our government doesn't necessarily want independence. they want to keep this such a school where everybody happy even b g. they're not in a rush to have high ones reification. they have time in their hands and they know that this is, these should come naturally and peacefully. so the u. s. is actually doing publication and it's pushing the chinese red line. now, china is, is, knows the game and is, is getting very aggressive any showing that it's the gas prices in the you have risen sharply off the rushes gas prominence. that there will
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be a temporary pause for scheduled maintenance in the transit of gas to europe. that all stream on pipeline will cease operations between august 31st and september, the 2nd for repairs. energy prices show up by almost 5 percent off of the news was announced. gas bomb se, se, gas supplies will be fully restored after the has finished for turnouts. while developing story in sweden, where at least 2 people have reportedly been wounded in a shooting at a shopping center in the city of melma has been confirmed by the police that a large number of resources have been deployed. and that the site has been cordoned off, according to some eye witness accounts, the shooting followed a large fight on some reports say the incident might have been gang related, will bring you more details, the as and when we get them. thanks for keeping us company here and i'll see international will be back in 30 minutes with the very latest.
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ah. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. that development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk in united states has always had a variety of tools, news, and tax on other countries. economic sanctions are often just the beginning. another thing you like to do is place some military pressure on the countries that you're talking about here.
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and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country. so we have a responsibility for the whole world, and we need to make room for the rest because without out there will be for mm. ah
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ah, well don't middle alex, she's just gonna be on the left in columbia. nobody but i just bought a level they thought young my real name is logical law. school of college with which it is public. is there to be a number? is enough. feel okay. that make it look like put in motion in now she did the way volley april, really nazis on versus you know that there was no way it was yelling.


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