tv News RT August 21, 2022 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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a dog or 2 buddies, and as you dog brought these rocky to load go smoke. we march moser, living the dog is your dog. he's law, he's image would still be bad, but, but as long as you suck on it for a break and use this, our live on earth. you international authorities confirm that a car bomb has killed the daughter of a russian political philosopher alexandra dorgan,
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who was rather well known for his anti western rhetoric. report that he had planned to be in that vehicle with his daughter, with russia refused ukraine of chemically poisoning it soldiers in don bass. they prepared a package of proof to send to international authorities. new report claims un peacekeepers in the democratic republic of congo, rape 2 young women, carried out other abuse of locals reportedly with me last month or 2 times how she was pregnant. one soldier that had pregnant and i have no place to claim my rights. they arrive in the deal, see they have not produced anything. they just rape our sisters. now mothers, they must believe also in the program, a group of $911.00 victims families condemned jo biden's plan to give them confiscated afghan state assets. some of them saying the war on country needs the money to rebuild it. pre op,
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punishing the very country. barry has been bombing an attractive war, 20 years news . it is good to happy with us as we are running down the top stories of the week. and this i was main headlines. our top story is a continuation of our breaking news, or when are you into a national? a car bombing in the moscow region has killed the daughter of influential russian political philosopher, alexander, duke, and often described in the west as a schafer. of the kremlin ideology, russian authorities have confirmed that derrier duke had died in the explosion. and not his peter scott as details darya, doogan. she is the daughter of alexander duke and now he's a philosopher known for his political and geological works. and they often contain quite heavy and the western rhetoric swimming the west, the media even label him,
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is the mastermind behind the scenes foreign policy enough, despite been about to be marginal figure over here in russia. now to get himself, he was seen at the scene of the incident looking very distressed. he was attending a festival the festival just in the moscow legion where he was talking about tradition and history of this festival. i was suspected they was partly going to share this car with his daughter. he was a guest, thought the event back home until the last minute, making a decision to travel separately from his daughter. and now afford to have him confirm the exact cause of the bust or the motive behind it. but given the divisive nature of this philosopher alexander, to get on the fact that he was reported to leave this event with his daughter in the same com. so that's going to be a lead the authorities will be investigating. but one of duke and his daughter want to do his daughters. one of her friends does believe that that was the reason behind the suspected talk. not what i'm saying smarter. i don't consider any
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circumstances other than an assassination because of her political beliefs. there were various occasions when her enemies express discontent with her position was more often this was done anonymously. as the motion is always rather contrary up, she was a very lively, cheerful person. she was a philosopher from her childhood. she cannot be labeled an arm chair scientist. she recently returned from mary you, paul, and visited as obstacles. she was literally rushing to the front, but for her, the front line turned out to be here in moscow. very rarely, even among men, there are these types of warrior thinkers. despite her apparent tenderness, fragility, and beauty, she was just like that. this is a great tragedy for all of us. peter, ukrainian black lifting sight, middle forehead switch translates as peace keeper. a previously did list, alexander, duke and his daughter, daria as, quote enemies of kiev. is there any chance this bombing this,
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this possible compliment could be connected with the ukrainian conflict? again, authorities are currently solid. the not commented on the motive behind this boats back in 2014, he's going to get he was actually sucked from his position of the moscow state university. as a petition was signed by thousands. that was in relation to his comments on an incidence in odessa back in 2014 western pro active. it's been a death in a building. now he reports, he said, kill kill, kill, which was widely interpreted in the media as a cold to kill ukrainians for this incident. so he ended up on this note. it's what it's black police website. now daria herself, she is also political comments, agency making the appears on motional motion national tv. what is happening right now is a re conquest. the russians are fighting to save civilians from death, but what is death if we recall the words of classical poets? no valid. for example, he says that death as a loss of unity in ukraine such a unity, a unity of the people has been lost. is also a co author of
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a book yet to be released. this book is called can you get that or book that which is about russia's operation in ukraine at the moment? now she has repeatedly spoken in favor of which is minutes opperation and she's visited the don bus herself. she's also wound up on the u. k. functional issues put that back in july. so while nothing has been confirmed yet so possible motive behind this attack, as i said, the authorities, i'm sure will investigate any ukrainian connection as a possible motive behind the suspect. let's take this further. now with john mark do gonna form a us marine geo political analyst on blog joining us to live in the studio. a very good morning to you, john. let us make this very clear with all of us right now. your name is john doogan, but no relation to the duke and family. that is that breaking news that we're covering today. although i do know that on the you knew daria, the daughter and the victim of the car bombing, you knew her personally. what was, what was she like? she was a wonderful woman. so full of vision and so passionate about
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the future of russia and the future of don boss. just an incredible, incredible lady. and, you know, i think a brilliant light has been extinguished. do you think? do you think she shared the same political views as her father because there been certain western opposite of described her father as being anti western as b as being one of putin's top inside men in the kremlin ditch diarrhea share the political views of her father? why i think in being his daughter that yeah. and we had spoken on some of the topics she, she was incredibly brilliant. she had her ph. d in philosophy just like her father . and you know, yes she, she had many, many, if not, a majority of the same fuses him. we're hearing now from the head of the people's
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republic, calling this bombing that killed diarrhea do. going to a terrorist attack on a russian soil. what do you, what do you think about that assessment? your former us marine yourself. this is absolutely correct. and if you grade is behind this story, doogan, her message is absolutely amplified because we went to dumbass together or you did ya? ya. yeah, we did. and she gave me an interview in front of one of the schools that had the bombed by the ukrainian military school right on the last day of school. and she was talking about how ukrainian military they don't care about bombing women and children. and look what we have now. they bombed a beautiful smart lady in for what do you think? do you think they were going after her father? yeah, probably. but because they were, they were both traveling to an event. yeah. on, on social issues,
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family issues and, and they were supposed to both be in the car together. only daria was in the car and it was, it was mid mid to late evening, saturday evening that it, that exploded as she was going down going down the road. do you think, i mean, what are the deacons envisioned for modern russia and its foreign relations? and they were, they were big proponents of a multi polar world, or they were, they were, they were, and i really, i really love talking to her about her vision for russia and europe and asia. even. they were extremely i'm not going to say that there were anti western, but they did believe in independence for russia, for dumbass it in, in terms of a global if it's a global warming, john, i mean,
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let me ask you briefly. i feel actually i don't actually know how much i can ask you about this and just be straight up with me until february i can talk about it. but you said to me a few minutes ago that you were in don't yet. but don, basque with diarrhea, you were there, i don't know how many times you were there. i don't know if you can tell me how many times you were there, but what exactly were you doing down there and how did you get to know darren? so i've been to the dumbass 8 times now 8 times 8 times. yep. i've been to mary. opal severed on s. c. at the gorse. actually i was just in vertical a couple of weeks ago. ah, on the front line where the fighting is and i am there basically on a fact finding mission, i have youtube channel. and daria was one of my favorite people to interview because she was just fearless and she was so bright. and so quick to answer questions and a lot of my american audience love hearing from her. and because she just
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as just just such a smart person. and so, but what, what about the, what about the, i guess somebody say somebody ask, have you, have you paid a price for going down to eastern ukraine? if they put you on any special blacklist, for example, have the authorities and they had, they got you in their cross as. yeah. so dory was on the mirror mirror towards list, which is like, i call it the ukrainian kill list. so if you're captured new crane and they find you on this list, they'll probably just execute you. i'm on the same list. ah, me as a journalist for speaking the truth, you're a journalist, even put on the on this on this list that you call it a kill list. i me, they call it a piece, a piece, a piece of piece maker, one of what a funny name for it, because you go to the front page and it shows like soldiers that they've executed. so i, when you were there and you would you spend some time with diarrhea down there and to cry. did you have, will you, they with the protection of russian soldiers or what you embedded with troops or i
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don't want to go into any bio fine. fine, you know, but, but your phone line in the was own down there and you're trying to get the truth out. this is something that we really strive to do here at all. we're trying to tell both sides of the story. yeah. and it, depending on where you live in the world, very often you only see one side of the conflict in ukraine and we're really trying to get both sides of it here as well. well, when it comes to this, this atrocious and tragic car bombing that's, that's kill daria. do going to the family itself though, was promoting that of a, of a multi polar. well, i guess they were slightly against the hedge him on of the west. and did you, do you think, just by having these political views that kind of put them on the list so to speak? it could be, it could be, you know, but i think right now it's, it's too early to speculate about any, any motive. i mean, it seems, it seems clear, but, you know, sometimes when things seem clear,
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they're really not. so for the 1st, the 1st casualty of war is true. who has always been a former us marine and geopolitical analyst on blogger joining, joining us bright and early on this sunday morning for the breaking news. really appreciate it. thank you. thank you. thank you. but i, several russian soldiers were hospitalized with severe chemical poisoning while fighting in the military operation in ukraine. and that is, according to russia's defense ministry, which says it has evidence to implicate t. evan, quote, chemical terrorism russian soldiers were taken to a military hospital was symptoms of severe poisoning and toxic substance module in talks and type b was discovered upon examination. this evidence of chemical terrorism conducted by the key regime will soon be officially sent to the organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons. the poisoning happened last month and these up at all j region, but it's only just now coming to light. butcher linen is our new ro,
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toxic protein that can be made in advance, laboratories. the o. p. c. w has previously confirmed the risk of such a talks in being weaponized. historical examples are botch, align m toxin produced for state sponsored biological warfare programs. concerns have been raised over the possibility bacel item toxin might be used as a biological weapon. and while russia says it will send all the proof, it has to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, political analysts, daniel lazar, he actually doubts the agency, will conduct an objective investigation. the problem was the o. p. c, w is that its, its reputation is really been shot ever since it grievously mishandled. and the legend poison poison gas attack and syria in 2018. so given that the, the, the, the offices reputation has been so severely compromised. i don't have much faith that little deal objectively with these latest allegations,
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but the countries in asia, africa, south america will be, will be open minded. i think that minds, however, are thoroughly closed in north america and europe, where the press is engaged in and an unprecedented propaganda campaign in support of their own governments and, and the western war effort. ukraine. so therefore, and those areas, i don't expect the, the allegations to get a serious hearing on local officials in the southeast, in ukraine. a reporter that key of forces shelled, rush and held territory at the ocean power plot on saturday evening. the attacks, which of course have raised serious concerns about a looming nuclear disaster were conducted using nato. heavy artillery with at least 4 enormous shells hitting the facility of that facility. ukrainian troops over portly attack the nuclear plant at least 5 times this week in
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a very dangerous effort to reclaim the facility seized by russian soldiers in the initial week of the military operation of kias forces have even been implicated in firing at a radio active waste container escalating concerns about possible contamination and several civilians have been reported killed in the shelling in nearby residential areas. russia has called me in time for independent monitors from the international atomic energy agency to conduct an investigation to assess the risks of these ukrainian effects. un secretary general antonio cortez said during our recent visit to ukraine, that his organization would facilitate such a visit. but he stipulated it would only be if the inspectors could enter from the ukrainian side of the front lines. and if all soldiers and military equipment is all removed from around, the facility will be heard from former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter. he says the u. n. is engaged in a game of blackmail. so this is the coordinated policy.
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and that makes it even more frightening because this isn't just the case of ukrainian government going out of control. this is the case of the international community going out of control. the golden objective here is to accomplish through nuclear blackmail that which ukrainian army is unable to accomplish on its own. that is to remove russia from the separation nuclear power plant. it's a very dangerous situation. and it's one that is going to be very difficult to, you know, to conclude if, as it appears the west is, you know, work the work heating collaboration with kiev, as opposed to sitting back in observing responsible behavior on the part of kit food traded for sex young women raped children abandoned, and you report implicates united nations peacekeepers and years of abuse and the
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democratic republic of congo largely targeting civilians living in destitution me. i lost my daughter who died else she was pregnant, and one soldier met her pregnancy and i have no place to claim my rights the government to expound this un mission from our country. but in my home there is a wound. nissan. as peacekeepers, i would stone them. my daughter went to them to ask for a job. i'm finding the job was difficult, so she started cooking for them and after a few days late her she was rape like, my daughter is desperate. she now has a psychology program and we are not going to be discouraged. we will continue to ask for the departure of the un mission because we know that it has no business here since they arrived in the day or say they have not purchased anything. they just rape our sisters. now mothers, they must leave. the report is actually based on 2500 interviews,
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many with girls and women who claim to have been raped by united nations peacekeepers with children often conceived as a result of the correspondent corolla tattler brings us details shocking levels of poverty displacement, brutal attacks by groups and fighting the democratic republic of congo is one of the world's poorest and most want on countries in the world, however, transferred to an already bleeding wound. a recent report claims the united nations peacekeepers, which have been in the african country for 20 years, have raved the young women, traded food for sex, father, and abandoned thousands of children in the c allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse among un peacekeeping missions. and nothing you had no systematic research on paternity linked to a new school. that's the un mission in the c has apparently been carried out until now. researchers interviewed one girl who alleges she was traffic by her family and
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impregnated by soldiers when she was only 10 years old. she's now 16, and this is her recollection of what happened and was very young, just 10 years old. i realize later all that i was sold out in my aunt, the men were buying beer in the pop to share with me. the research also says the youngest girl that the interviewed, that was impregnated by un peacekeepers was just 10 years old. and then one in every 2 mothers, well under the age of 18 when being conceived according to the report, many children were left abandoned and hence father my father left my mother while she was pregnant. she gave birth after he was already gone. people disturb and hurt me so much. they say they will chase me because i'm a foreigner. i'm suffering they, when they the ways of allegations contains over 400 reported incidents of p. keep
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a father, babies says 2007. the report is based on almost 3000 interviews with members of the con, release community, an employee. thank you and personnel from 12 countries. although the report points out the leg of prosecution for these offences by peacekeepers due to their immunity, the un says that it's strongly condemns the behavior of those who violate and undermine the venues of the organization. by abusing and exploiting those who are looking to the un for protection. but the number of the victims of this renders abuse can be hard to come. there are potentially thousands of children left behind by peacekeepers in the democratic republic of congo. pulse of the problem is that some of those deployed seemed to be treating these missions as an opportunity for sex, tourism, and sexual crimes, that they're unlikely to commit in their home countries. this all came to light after a number of violent protests against un peacekeeping forces. in the eastern
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b. c. i made calls for the us to withdraw from the area 15 people have been killed in t, u and protests in the last week. in a take the u. n. chief antonio gutierrez said, could close the to the wall crime, the government has been trying to get the mission to leave for 2010. and the us has been in the process of drawing down the operations since 2020 protest us meanwhile, say the one the you in to leave because it failed to protect civilians. there is a kind of disruption. we've the un peacekeepers who are enjoying life. they are partying almost every day going to bars and meeting with prostitutes. and that's the issue here in d r c. so that's why there's several peacekeepers have forgotten. they are real mission, is to promote peace, not to have marquee,
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and abandoned them in the r c. that's not one of their mission that can. and if the u. n, can be very strict. and also d to play in its tulips because, you know, without discipline, this cannot end another part of our special coverage of the u. s. withdraw of my dentist on one year on as washington now says, it is scrapping plans to one free $7000000000.00 of african state assets, allegedly because the money could be used for terrorists. that's as the war torn central asian country devastated by 2 decades of u. s. military occupation is now teetering on the brink of famine. ah ah, by so f one, a thunder after the u. s. froze, our money people moved under the poverty line. banks have given up,
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they have no solution. the americans are dishonest. first, they left the country in chaos and then they froze our money up. they did this intentionally to push us into serious trouble and then take advantage from that in the future. it of europe, in my opinion, the us should not miss st. afghans. why the pull people of afghanistan for about 20 years have lived with conflicts hauled ship and suffered poverty. ah, no humble says he, what else we have demanded at washington implement the agreements reached in doha. we have not violated any of the points in the agreement so far, but we ask others to fulfill darrell obligations as well. ah
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ah, one of you who know us sanctions have destroyed afghans. homes made children suffer from famine and literally took the clothes from their backs. only a rare person here can say that they can make clothes for their children and not mentioned the high prices of flower, oil, sugar, and food after well have taught him why. if we talk about the sanctions america and poses on our poor and innocent people, they just want to kill people. ah, [000:00:00;00] mm . ah, lima, and we want to be seen as ordinary people. we're not wizards where people like them . these countries have reached a present level in 30 or 50 years, and they want us to achieve it in one year,
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even though the condition of the country in which we got it is not good. ah, i mean times are relatives of 911 victims or even cold on us president joe biden, to return that money to the afghan people as a group of victims, families about sent an open letter to the white house, insisting that those funds belong to afghanistan. 95 percent of afghans were impoverished and nearly $9000000.00 are risk of starvation. this money is there's not ours. simply put this money belongs to the afghan people, not 911 family members,
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and they needed more. i am totally opposed to any of that money from the afghan central bank being used for anything other than restoring the liquidity of the country, which is in dire economic and humanitarian crisis. i don't feel that i am entitled to that money. that is the money of the afghan people. i don't think the u. s. should use this once at all. we are the richest country in the world. victims of 911, for the most part, are not suffering economically. there had been 8 packages that most people have received. i. i feel sad also because i don't think that all of the 911 victims families realize the relative privilege that we have in the united states. and i don't think any of them would
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wish for others to suffer because of their actions by withholding these funds and not finding a way through diplomacy. to restore them. we are punishing the very country and the very people who we have been been bombing and attacking for 20 years. it's not just the conditions in afghanistan are horrific. 90 percent of the people don't have enough to eat. people have been selling off whatever they can to buy food. we feel that it's inappropriate, highly inappropriate that. and it should go to us with them's families. the 1st day when we learned that our son had died, tax my husband in my family, and i were opposed to military retaliation by our government against afghanistan because we feared. and unfortunately,
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our fears were born out that there would be many innocent civilian victims over there, just as our son and over $3000.00 others i've been we have that story and more in detail on line on our website, all t dot com, the stick around if you guys will bring you more about special coverage of the controversial legacy of the occupation of afghanistan throughout the month. right here on your channel. it's international. no nation, no nation has ever done anything like it in all the history
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