tv News RT August 22, 2022 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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ah, a ah, with supporters of former pakistani prime minister m ron call and gathering near a residence to stop the police. any attempt to arrest the politician as a demonstrator, as i say they are threatening to take over. the capitol crushers for ministry says key have will bad, full responsibility if it's found to be behind the killing of dario do gonna, the daughter of are now and russian philosopher alexander doogan. moscow says, if proven this would amount to state terrorism rushers strides and
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strengthening ties and africa, sparking criticism from former colonial powers that are losing influence on the continent. freshly came and started resolving our issues. they didn't come here to play games. some people say that they came here to destabilize and destroy our country, but it isn't true. they work hard, day and night. we see it with our own eyes. they provide a lot of help to our military with it. it's great to have you with us for the monday program here at ox, he international. oh, very well. welcome to you from all of us here in moscow. so thousands of supporters have gathered in front of the home of pakistan's, former prime minister imran con, ultimately blocking road in an effort to prevent police from arresting him. oh,
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having demonstrations that throughout the country, backing iran, con party members and other supporters say that if he is arrested, they would seek to forcibly take her for the nation's capital. hi is just a ron hon. just an independent form. what a board enrollment is not acceptable for a whole nation. non kind is a very popular leader right now. he's popularity is going like it's by about getting at if they do anything against him, which is a huge chaos in the country, a country, or an open out to a local reporter, java, runa,
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who has more details about what is happening right around the house of enron con right now i am in a strength of the residence of the former prime assembly on han, and behind me is a long queue off to people. he spoke to his supporters, his loyalist who are here and they asked, they had seen that bill for the farmer by mister at the cost of good lives. as we speak of people i was told by the party a party seated. he does the odd marching words, islam bud endorse. people are going to get deployed. i don't think residents of the families to let me just give you a little bit small geography of the residents of the former prime minister. it is located in plenty. go out, this is a benefit in it bought office lombard, you say, look at it on a mountain. and on that on the, on the inside the mountains,
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the former prime minister has, has deployed his supporters. this means in case there is any possible police action that is a good to possibility of a warning to reaction from his supporters. and that does not bode well for the future, pockets on the glass. this is the time and pakistan's already fishing political. i'm sick entity and if there is any police action against him, this, it is a liking to backlash. as a matter of fact, because all of the backlash last night there wasn't a temp by the police to out of it. the former prime stood up on knowing this, his sport does gathered. i don't his residence and because of which i think the police failed to pick action. not there. austin, apprehension, apprehensions about the possibilities offers at us. but going by what i have seen on the ground, it seems not that the arresting diploma understood is something easier said
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than done given the fact that they there is a long queue of the sport who would not let did any action against him. and also there have been a law skill for tests, of course, focused on and, but that totally gives a signal that get on to government. that it wouldn't be difficult, but it did. it would be difficult for the government in case it go for any police actually use the formula by mr. javi that ana r t slot. we also heard from a, if the how to do it on a senior member of him are on cons. p t i political party who also joined in the protests. he set the size of the nation wide rallies, ultimately testified to the enduring level of public support for him. ron con, public has been somewhat charge. if you see says tonight, the free for the public is behind it behind him. wrong and last night was to be on the visit and we were going towards that that is a don't,
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isn't charges. so the public reactive. so the entire country is if you see in the hall cannot log everyone in parking. so you can see that argument coming over the street in protesting i used to going to do which we believe it's an important team which has been, you know, enforcement focused on through a gym to exercise. iran con, held his latest rally despite the threat of being arrested. he criticized the alleged torture of a senior member of his political party, shabazz gill. ultimately saying that mister gill was abducted y'all's avow to achieve what he described as a true independence for pakistan away from western influence that he coldwell lamed america. and that of the i m f. the international monetary, local journalist massuce shaheed brought us this report about iran cons, latest d. 8 merrinac gama, i'm standing here iliac bog to prime ministers have been killed in this park. that
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is the reason emer on con, was asked not to address or rally here, but he insisted to come here and address his supporters. he was here without paying attention to any of the ongoing security threats. if the army stands with the current government, do you think the people of pakistan who has called them thieves and robbers for the last 30 years, will forget to day, the army supports the government, but the people will not accept them as rulers compressor middle off in fact, he was a big gathering to day, and people were excited to see him in his speech. he said he wants a real independence for the people, not to be slaves to any one. we need a real freedom from slavery. he said, we must not be slaves to the i m f which is influenced by the us. because after taking money from the i, m f were making major policy changes. emer on con also said if we had a good relationship with russia, our fuel crisis would not pushes to the brink. and that this government has ignored the relationship with russia. due to u. s. pressure,
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he said we must allow our youth to stand for independence. he urged for freedom to the press as a free press has an important role in an independent nation. massuce shaheed r t t v rollo pending. now right, so here at ot tv we've got all the tabs on the situation in pakistan. we'll keep you well, fully updated throughout the day or nazi international. ah, for now in the prague and investigation is underway into the killing of russian john list diarrhea. due to the daughter of influential anti western political philosopher, alexander, duke, and show you the last photo taken of the 2 together at the event right before the tragedy that happened on saturday evening. media reports have said that an explosive device equivalent to roughly 400 grams of t n t had been attached to the vehicle. the destination apparently having been remotely triggered. authorities have reportedly confiscated the surveillance cameras that were in the parking lot where the car was located. and while
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investigators have yet to name a suspect in the bombing, there has been a wave of speculation with many of the queues and ukraine of involvement. while key f has rejected those allegations, the russian foreign ministry has issued this stern statement. if ukrainian involvement is confirmed, then it is state terrorism carried out by the kiev regime. there have been plenty of facts accumulated over the years from political calls for violence to participation of ukrainian leadership and state services and crimes. let's get more details now. marty's peter scott, who examines why suspicions have so quickly fallen on ukraine for this car bombing attack. he brought us this report now doria herself, she followed somewhat in her father's footsteps. she, it was a political commentator, and very frequently appeared on russian television. now she's a co author of a book called kinney gazette or book said in english, which is due to be released this autumn. she's also been to the dumbass on a spoke out in favor of russia's military operation. there. she found herself on
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the u. k. sanction list back in july, i am honored to be in the same boat as my father. the fact that we are on the sanctions from the united states, canada, australia, and the united kingdom is a symbol that we, the dragons are on the path of truth in the fight against globalism. for 8 years in ukraine versa, forbear, was cultivated by various programs. and history was written after the physical massacre of russians in those 8, terrible years for don bus with daily shelling, alexander, duke, and, and his daughter on the nearest for yates websites. now this is a ukrainian website that blacklists and enemies of the ukrainian states. now, alexander, to get the philosopher is a widely known philosopher here he's known for his political and ideological work is also known in the west for his unseat weston rhetoric. it won't be surprised if
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investigators were investigating this as a more of an a targeted attack. now that's definitely something that one of daria's friends believes have happened. if a balloon, this is terrorism, this is ukrainian nazi terrorism. they cannot win on the battlefield and turn to terrorist matters. their main task is to saw panic and horror, both in the media and in the public consciousness in russia. that's why they kill innocent people. terrorists always do that. they kill innocent people once who are just easier to kill. they cannot defeat our military on the battlefield. so they kill innocent people. women and children, william gary alexandra darnell examiner of now was a member of the intellectual group of the philosopher alexander doogan and was a key element of his team. this was a terrorist attack, of course targets in doogan intellectual group and him personally,
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the activities which he has been engaged in for many decades have now suffered a heavy loss. in my opinion, the beneficiary of the explosion is obvious. and this comes from the fact that american, the leads have repeatedly declared duke in the most dangerous person for the western agenda. or western media outlets have reacted to the killing with us rather well cynical headlines artes ritual. blevins brings us some of the reactions from around the world and how coverage changes, i guess at the end of the day, based on who the victim is. the tragic killing of daria do. going to attract headlines for media across the west, but their focus seemed to be on her father, alexander doogan, or more specifically his political views and his supposed ties to the russian government. sienna referred to him as a spiritual guide, while the u. s. government funded radio free europe called him brain. the daily mail took a different approach focusing instead on duke and appearance,
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which was shown on videos taken at the scene. they described his reaction to seeing the car. his daughter was driving fully engulfed in fire as if it was the plot of some hollywood movie. but whether the attack was aimed at doogan or his daughter were both, didn't seem to matter to the individuals on social media who look to justify the apparent assassination. simply because they disagree with the views of the duke and family, and speaking of justifying it, here's what some and ukraine had to say. doogan. what's wrong with the face? prudence propaganda, consultant alexander duke in himself was also supposed to be driving in the blown up car. his daughter was killed in the explosion. the apple fell not far from the tree. she continued her father's work, promoting the ideology of the russian world and justifying the war against the ukraine. in general, the earth is vitreous to this russian, and we hope very soon dad will join her in hell. if it seems like the mans here in
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response to doris killing is different. that's because it is. in fact, earlier this month to dozens gathered in new york to show their support. after a controversial indian british author was stabbed an apparent assassination attempt at an arts festival. in new york, while he had made his share of enemies due to his religious writings, world leaders quickly came to his defense insisting that he was fully entitled to share his beliefs. salman rushdie with his insight into humanity, with his unmatched. since we're story with his refusal to be intimidated or silenced, stands for essential universal ideals. truth, courage, resilience, the ability to share ideas without fear. these are the building blocks of any free and open society. and he is not alone, long time u. s. government official and accused war criminal. john bolton also made headlines this month after the department of justice revealed that he was the target of an alleged assassination plot by an iranian national. but despite the deadly attacks,
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bolton himself has supported western media responded with nothing but concern. today the department of justice unsealed charging documents, revealing in a rainy murder plot against john bolton. this was a serious plot and the threat extends to other former government officials. officials say the man was a member of iran, revolutionary guard corps suspect, put a $300000.00 price drag on your head. what goes through your mind to better? well, i was embarrassed at the low price. i would have thought it would have been higher, but you know, i guess maybe it was the exchange rate problem or something. while both individuals were controversial in their own ways, they didn't do the one thing the alexander duke and has been doing for years. he has been an outspoken critic of the west and its foreign policy. he is also condemned ukraine's attacks on russian speaking people and supported russia's defense of the people and the don bass and, and crimea, as
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a result of their willingness to publicly share their beliefs. both doogan and his leg daughter were the subject of sanctions from the west. but it's the media's response, which serves as a reminder that tragic killings and attempted killings are only condemned when the target has a history of selling the approved narrative. if this were this we're killing, did happen again, someone in the u. s. for example, this would be treated much differently. i do think the western media is showing a double standard here. there's no question that if this it been the daughter of an important american intellectual, that the u. s. media would be ringing its hands would be calling for justice. would be calling for reprisals against those that did this. instead, they seem to be taking some glee and what has happened. and yes, i mean again, clearly this is the result of a very strong anti, a russian sentiment in this country, which frankly has crossed
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a line in the pure racism. and it's not acceptable. and i think a journalist in particular in the western media should take a good hard look at themselves and do some self reflection. so as united states defense to pop and approved, yet another military aid package for ukraine, he has forces have been implicated in attacking civilian areas with devastating artillery. shuttling particularly in the city of don yeske. now this new $775000000.00 package includes an extra ammo for us supplied hi mas rocket launch systems and howitzer artillery guns civilians, and the don bass continued, bearing the brunt of continued shelling by the ukrainian military. no correspondent, naughty romana cause a ref, he's examines how weapon to re provided by western powers. particularly america has been used to attack residential areas. ukrainian, nationalists forces continued,
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sar, getting civilians and civilian infrastructure in a generic can in the inside the nest people's republic. recently they began using very high caliber artillery hands are we just arrived at. so one of the houses that were destroyed by ukrainian shilling and here we discovered certain elements. now this particular one. 0, it has her english markings saying fuse and then a serial number. now is simple. google search her has her told us that sir, this particular fuse is used in and these are artillery says that systems up to 155 millimeter caliber. 2 people were killed and at least 11 were wounded in dannetta people's republic. on saturday alone, come in here to the next trauma center has become almost
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a daily routine for our crew that has been working here for the last 8 years. today we're visiting the children's way. ah ah, we'll check it on the, on the to the children were playing, hide and seek in the room. one of the kids he did the closet, while with alina, was standing beside the bed. suddenly there was an explosion. thank god, my husband told them not to panic. i managed to get the children out of the house. the whole place was just a mess. then v to lena told me, mom, my leg is bleeding when our neighbor and i were treating her injury, we saw there was a 3 or 4 centimeter gash, with the in a flash, completely exposed in the hospital, they told us that the injury was not from cut glass, but shrapnel from
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a mine. the doctor said that such injuries take a very long time to heal the children's wing internet trauma sensor has seen hundreds and hundreds of patients over the last 8 years. unfortunately, the number of children's casualties continues to amount here. unfortunately, we witnessed not only children that were wounded by those who are killed as well from one cause for f r t, the people's republic. it is all the international rushes of success in developing its influence in africa, sparking criticism from former colonial powers that are continuing to lose influence on the continent. ortiz, paula slee now, reports from the central african republic. a russia is seeking to help and a devastating civil war that has largely gone unnoticed by much of the western world. away from gilbert and international communities, watch unto elephants in ukraine is
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a bloody civil war effort. nearly 2 years has gone unnoticed by most of the world. this is bungie capitol of the central african republic, a landlocked fragile country in the heart of africa, that for the best part of a decade, was the world's purest state. wrecked by conflict, suffering and death. but there is one thing for locals to smile about. it's the annual military parade. a highlight on the calendar 62 years off to becoming independent from france, only recently has it become a permanent fixture who years ago, something like this would have been an imaginable. there's a thin private victory and we government demonstrating its military strength, which have been mightily bringing peace to a country that was once torn apart by a brutal civil war and instability. back in december, 2020 rebel groups of a took 2 thirds of the country and threatened to overthrow the government. the president appealed to moscow for help and within
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a few months with russian backing. the republics, ill equipped and pretty trained ami had successfully repelled to rebels to the countryside and bought stability and security to large parts of the state. therefore, i don't, it's the 2nd time i've attended the military parade. it was beautiful and i enjoyed looking at different military vehicles. buffalo photo site did the, the military parade went very well, especially for the president of the central african republic. and the general commander in chief. ma'am i do for the local authorities for the prime minister for the ambassadors, including the u. s. ambassador at the military parade went very well for our country monkey. so lindsey bishop, i really liked the military parade on this one is not like the ones before. from the moment russia started helping, as i've noticed that the military personnel started behaving differently, their behavior and worked drastically improve russia. trains are soldiers very well . russia came and started resolving all our issues. they didn't here to play game. so is it some people say that they came here to destabilize and destroy our country,
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but it isn't true. they work hard, day and night. we see it with our own eyes. they provide a lot of help to our military, full people here. russia is not just another country. they follow closely, the one ukraine to movie, show nike at the local stadium, and feel for the people on bus. so, montez central africa thinks that the russians are very good persons because for a very long time, there is not so much peace that is, to day, the russians in central africa have restored the peace. central africa loves the russians very much. 7 out of 10 central africans looked below the poverty line. most don't have access to tv and even fewer to the intimate, which is why a competition to when cellphones sponsored by the russian embassy in the local social media app is a major event. but just say already it is social error that is secured is a we don't need to have fake news. everything we broadcast, everything we share is good information. i work with developers who studied abroad . for example, in india, where there is the biggest i g school,
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we created this. turco is the 1st central african social network. it's late to curiosity about the russian faith and culture. in a small village with one more to pump, the faithful come to pray alone are communism appeared in central africa back in 2010, we've been waiting a long time to become a genuine part of the orthodox christian church. finally, the russian orthodox mission arrived in africa, which allowed us to establish close ties with the moscow patriarch, letting me alongside. a growing appreciation for russia is a growing anti french sentiment exposed to regular anti fonts demonstrations. paris is considered by many to be unhelpful and dishonest, with a new hope and pray that moscow will bring the much eluded peace. and even prosperity to this deepest part of africa. policy on ot bondi, central african republic. let's take a look at another story here when r t, as a western media outlets have broadly condemned the chaotic us withdrawal from
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afghanistan, the scandal is still sticking. joe biden, one year on, and in our special coverage here, what are you? we look at one years in the u. s. military abandoned its positions and the war torn central asian country after 2 decades of what was an occupation ah logical, rational, and right, exactly. one year ago, those were the words joe biden used to justify pulling us troops out of afghanistan . i think that history is going to record. this was the logical, rational, right decision to make. jeff wakes before that fateful day biden was riding high on a near 60 percent approval rating, but after a 20 year long, military occupation came crumbling down with the humiliating and chaotic withdrawal
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. americans were left shocked and odd. it was a pivotal moment that he doesn't ever really recovered from things were going well in terms of how voters viewed him in terms of bringing stability to the economy. and how the government addressed upon demick issues that a higher priorities to the american electorate than the war. enough, gunston, but i'm gonna stun cracked that image of competency and he hasn't ever really been able to repair it. over $2.00 trillion taxpayer dollars down the drain all for the u. s. backed regime to head for the hills and for the taliban to return to power. naturally, many felt the white house had betrayed its people. the president made the morally indefensible decision to leave. americans behind dishonor was the president's choice. may history never forget this cowardice jo. bite and abandoned americans in afghanistan for months by dint and his administration promised. the withdrawal from afghanistan wouldn't be chaotic. they were wrong, and it was all downhill from there. last month, biden's approval rating was pegged at an abysmal 36 per cent. within his own party,
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biden's approval has dropped by around 10 per cent. and when it comes to republicans and independence, the figures are way lower. when a president with the fishing carriage and poets, and she thought and writes a rapid transition to renewable energy invest some health care access to abortion in all states and controls and assault weapons in high capacity magazines, president but, and hasn't shown himself to be the present in twin eat. so why is biden's still haunted by a decision he may it a year ago while the u. s. is botched withdrawal from afghanistan was just the beginning of the saga. the white house caught a lot of flak for its neglect of afghani collaborators after the pull out as of july 74000 potential afghani immigrants were in line for special u. s. visas. people who helped washington for years and are now at the mercy of the taliban. what americans are dissatisfied with most of all, does anything and everything that affects them directly unreal energy costs record
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high inflation and extortionate prices at the pump. sure gas is expensive and crippling the economy, but we still can afford 3 different kinds of joe biden. i did that sticker, so it's not all bad. saw this in a ton of i did that stickers, the station owner scraped them off, but by the following day, they're back. someone must have gotten tired of scratching off those bite. and i did that stickers and decided to put one up of his own with with midterm elections around the corner. and over 60 percent of democrats saying they prefer a new presidential ticket. biden's going to need to pull a rabbit out of a hat if he wants to overcome the legacy he's forged since the withdrawal. you can get many more of the final details of the afghan withdrawal via our website. are you dot com down here one or 2 international throughout this month?
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