tv News RT August 22, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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a dan, we need to make room for the rest. because without us, there will be k, a. d, a breaking news on our see russia, se ukrainian sick bridge services were behind the killing of daria, a daughter of brushing philosopher alexander, duke, and also a head on the program. today a . 7 ron counts, followers continue to rally in his support in pakistan. the country former prime minister, is granted protective pail by a high court in islam about after police filed terror charges against them without
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ruling expiring on thursday. the phil faces are with europe, faces more blow back from a sweeping anti russia function for the 1st time and 50 years the u. k. could be facing control block. i see this winter that says electricity costs continue to store a 15 injured on. can you printing an army shelter, a bridge in the her song region, according to local authorities, with a nearby village applied to print with her message to the world. this is our t pleasure to have your company today. my name's unit only. we begin with breaking news. the russian security service is blamed for the killing of daria do. gonna the daughter of russian philosopher, alexander, duke, and according to the f speak,
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ukrainian secret services carried out the car bama attack. on the 29 year old journalist while i'm joined live now by our teeth. dawn caught her for more on saturday nights. deadly instant hide on. yeah. and pick us through up the f. s. b. how to say there and do they have any leads on who actually carried out the attack? well, you know, there's a lot of information going out there officially confirmed an unconfirmed, but basically the f. s b's investigation has officially concluded that this was a terrorist attack. the assassination of daria do, going to was a journalist and a political analyst this, this terrorist attack that, that was carried out by ukrainian secret services. the official statement actually calls out the actual people who carried out this attack labels 43 year old ukranian cities citizen, natalia volk volk. and actually her 12 year old daughter that she brought along, whose name is sophia, siobhan, and there are pictures going around the internet that are alleging to be volts
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documents that if they are confirmed she, this would mean that she was a member of the neo nazi as all battalion and also an active member of the ukrainian secret services. according to the f s. b, the assailants were following the victim around in a mini cooper car around moscow. this car entered russia with done yet people's republics license plates. it actually was traveling around moscow with catholic stand license plates and, and exited the country into a stony when the 2 assailants made their escape with ukrainian license plates. and this same many cooper is actually was listed for sale on ukrainian sites with you with the ukrainian license number. but that listing has since been taken down. but again, screenshots are circulating around the internet and we have confirmed that that they are legitimate. and as for the salience where they were, when they carried out this terrible attack, when they, when they rigged the bomb to explode on the car in which daria duke was driving
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it's, it's assumed that it happened when they were all at the same literature and music festival that daria do going to was an attendance. these 2 assailants were there, as well as well as daria took in his father, alexander, duke. and now we have to understand that this state sponsor terrorist attack. and that's exactly what we have to call it. i mean, there's no sort of gray area here. these are on, on the unarmed people that were killed in an assassination attack. this took place at the same time. the key of propaganda is trying to say that russian troops are callously killing ukrainian civilians. and then we see something like this. and what's more is that we're seeing ukrainian officials openly call for the genocide of the russian people. let's take a listen to what the envoy, ukraine's envoy because extent had to say, friends, we'll try to kill as many of them as possible. the more russians we kill now, the less our children will have to kill. now just to give you some background of the people in this attack, who were the victims of this attack?
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she was a diary duke was the daughter of the anti western author and political commentator, alexander duke. and then she was actually a personal friend of mine as well. the western media has long tried to make out her father to be a sort of advisor to vladimir putin on foreign policy. but this is actually something that in russia is seen as quite strange because the kremlin has not actually officially identified any ties to him. and many consider him to be actually a marginal figure. it's widely believed that he was actually the target since the car. the diary was sitting in was his car that he usually drives around and then he had made a last minute decision to take a different one. kiev denied any involvement in the aftermath of the attack on sunday. have we heard anything new from ukrainian authorities? well, this is really a common tactic by key to neither confirm nor deny attacks that we see on russian territory even when they're happening really in the border regions near the dunbar
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. people's republics and ukraine, where the fighting is going on. and we see these are these shelling of civilian areas, even then ukrainian authorities don't take responsibility for that when it's glaringly obvious that they are the ones who are carrying these out. but this time we've seen ilia putnam putnam are of come forward. and this guy is a former russian politician. he's, he's now ukranian citizen and an opponent of the russian government on the special military operation. and he's claiming that this attack was carried out by a group that i'm sure most russians have never even heard of this. it's called the national republican army, and it's looking like he's trying to show that this attack was somehow carried out by some sort of internal opposition that's going on in russia. but let's take a look at what he said. you would, you know, move for the major event took place in your moscow last night. russian partisans
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blew up the car of the ideology of no rosier, the leader of the russian fascists. alexander doogan. this action, like many other direct partisan actions carried out on the territory of russia in recent months, was carried out by the national republican army. so there you go, when the ukranian government doesn't confirm nor deny these kinds of attacks, it basically leaves the open the door open for people like this to say that it's carried out by some sort of partisan organization that really there's no evidence even exists on quarter with the 3rd breakdown dawn, thank you for that. let's brick into some of those points that don was talking about with dr. stephan guy in political scientists and professor the institute of european studies in bel agreed you're most welcome, sir. what reaction do you expect from the russian authorities as this looks to be a terror attack against a russian citizen unrest, for there was absolutely attack,
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and there's no doubt about that. but i do believe that russia will hands down all the perpetrators and also those who are responding are responsible for ordering of this correct terrorist attack. i think that they have a president of the state that already has done so in the past. it was israel, famous seamen of isn't all wanting down denazi's all over latin america and all over the world. and i think this is exactly what will happen to all the carriers who have committed this and other similar crimes. but this was a particularly her one. i must say that i cannot be unbiased because i also personally knew and i can only say that she was the most intelligent and kind of person. so this is really hurtful for everybody who
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knew her and especially for her family. and i would say for all russia and all the free world, which is witnessing this, i would say new round of anti colonial struggle because this naples proxy war that is happening on the russian. lance is nothing of the new circle of anti colonial struggle. so worse for the parents are always the site that is losing a conflict. so that's why they use this a particularly painful method. so we can only assume that actually angel is losing this proxy war, which is why this there is the attack was from dr. young, the attribute you just paid to. daria. very similar ones coming in yesterday on the
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program. other people who are friends with her, just devastated by the news you as you can imagine, your family is. can i just touch steph and on the claims by the fugitive russian lawmaker ilia polymer of he said, the russian republican army is behind the attack. some kind of resistance movement inside russia. how plausible does that sound to you? is this? i think it was a, jason was not so tragic that the claim is probably lawful because russian society is pretty much united when it comes to the struggle in which are russia is right now. i don't think there are some sleeper cells for indigenous sleeper cells that are not connected either to need the structures or to the brain and secret service. so i think that this is only for letting me use this word, barking of a person who is resentful again his own country. and we can only call
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a traitor because you such a tragic event in order to become popular in the world or to i tried to push it is a is really mean and really not at all. so i don't think that these claims are technically correct, but i do believe that that she and people who are like in are happy that russia is in pain and that particular families are hurt by this, this tragic events. and the reason that the reason i bring it up in the 1st place though, if ukraine was behind this, it would be a very daring attack deep in russian territory. what did i needed help? here?
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it is a bearing of that. and i don't think that this was done by a ukraine, particularly there are states that are and structures such as need are leading the proxy war. let me just remind them that recently maurice johnson visited a military camp in england where they claim time, collins, the brain is orders are being trained to fight against russia with an aside in a conflict. so course, we will find out eventually who was behind the attack apart from the direct perpetrators, it seems that they are already that their names are already known. and i do believe that this had some kind of a broader support since union and body also are people who really annoy and
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challenge the unilateral political order, the order of vehicle loaning structure that was billed after the end of the cold war. so of course, this act was designed to her and her, but of course i believe that russia will not say i will and will response 7 as always. thank you for your time and your thoughts as you say, you were a friend of hers as well. so it's a very sad day, the aftermath of this talk, of course, for people in your family. first and foremost dr. stephan guy, it's a professor at the institute of european studies in belgrade. well, some western media outlets have responded to the assassination with cynicism, describing the as her father, the russian philosopher as
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a mastermind alex under duke and at behind rushes foreign policy. that reactions, in stock contrast to other assassination attempts against other pro western figures are to reach a blevins, can break down that for us. the tragic killing of daria do. going to attracted headlines for media across the west, but their focus seemed to be on her father alexander again or more specifically his political views and his supposed ties to the russian government. sienna referred to him as potent spiritual guide, while the u. s. government funded radio free europe called him brain. the daily mail took a different approach focusing instead on duke and appearance, which was shown on videos taken at the scene. they described his reaction to seeing the car. his daughter was driving fully engulfed in fire as if it was the plot of some hollywood movie. but whether the attack was aimed at doogan or his daughter were both, didn't seem to matter to the individuals on social media who looked to justify the
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apparent assassination. simply because they disagree with the views of the duke and family, and speaking of justifying it, here's what some and ukraine had to say. doogan. what's wrong with the face? prudence propaganda, consultant alexander duke himself was also supposed to be driving in the blown up car. his daughter was killed in the explosion. the apple fell not far from the tree . she continued her father's work promoting the ideology of the russian world and justifying the war against ukraine. in general, the earth is vitreous to this russian, and we hope very soon dad will join her in hell. if it seems like the means you're in response to doris killing is different. that's because it is. in fact, earlier this month to dozens gathered in new york to show their support after a controversial indian british author was stabbed an apparent assassination attempt at an art festival in new york, while he had made his share of enemies due to his religious writings,
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world leaders quickly came to his defense insisting that he was fully entitled to share his beliefs. salman rushdie with his insight into humanity with his unmatched sense for story with his refusal to be intimidated or silenced, stands for essential universal ideals. truth, courage, resilience, the ability to share ideas without fear. these are the building blocks of any free and open society. and he is not alone, long time u. s. government official and accused war criminal. john bolton also made headlines this month after the department of justice revealed that he was the target of an alleged assassination plot by an iranian national. but despite the deadly attacks, bolton himself has supported western media responded with nothing but concern. today, the department of justice unsealed charging documents, revealing in a rainy murder plot against john bolton. this was a serious plot and the threat extends to other former government officials.
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officials say the man was a member of iran, revolutionary guard, cor, suspect. put a $300000.00 price drag on your head. what goes through your mind? a bachelor? well, i've, he bearish that the low price i would have thought would have been higher, while both individuals were controversial in their own ways. they didn't do the one thing the alexander to can has been doing for years. he has been an outspoken critic of the west and its foreign policy. he is also condemned ukraine's attacks on russian speaking people and supported rushes. defense of the people in the don bass and, and crimea as a result of their willingness to publicly share their beliefs. both doogan and his leg daughter were the subject of sanctions from the west. but it's the media's response, which serves as a reminder that tragic killings and attempted killings are only condemned when the target has a history of selling the approved narrative. if this were this we're killing did
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happen again. someone in the u. s. for example. ready this would be treated much differently. i do think the western media is showing a double standard here. there's no question that if this is been the daughter of an important american intellectual, that the u. s. media would be ringing its hands would be calling for justice. would be calling for reprisals against those that did this. instead they seem to be taking some glee in what has happened. and yes, i mean again, clearly this is the result of a very strong anti, a russian sentiment in this country, which frankly is cross the line into pure racism. and it's not acceptable. and i think the journalist, in particular, in the western media should take a good hard look at themselves and do some self reflection. ok to another headline story today via lum about high court house, granted,
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former pakistan prime minister, him run, can protective bail until thursday. after police lodged a terror case against him, ah yes, in the latest pictures published by his p t i a party mister can can be seen reaching his followers. i'd scientists, resident. now he's facing actually to be empty terrorism for allegedly threatening in much a straight on senior police officers out of raleigh. he organized to protest against the arrest of a senior member of his party, who he also sees was tortured by before the protective fail was awarded thousands of supporters gathered in front of the home of the former pm to try and block his arrest. a local reporter job and run it to list what's been happening near him run the counselor. right. no, i mean, friend of the residents of the former prime minister on hon. and behind me is
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a long you off the people he spoke to. is supporters, is linus who are here and they asked the, i've seen that be able for tech, the former 5, mr. at the cost of their lives. as we speak of people i was told by the party a party, she really does the odd marching words islam bought. and those people are going to get deployed on the residence of the former families to let me just give you a little bit small geography of the residence of the former prime minister. it is located in plenty go out. this is a very fairly, it bought office lombard, you say, look at it on a mountain. and on that, on the, on the inside, the mon things that the former understood has has deployed his supporters. this means in case there is any possible police action a bit is exhibit to possibility of a war link to the option from his supporters. and that does not aboard well for the
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future of focus on the glass. this is the time and focus on is already physically because i'm sick entity, and if is any police action against him, this is a liking to backlash as a matter of fact because only the backlash last night there wasn't at them by the police who are just the former prime stood up on morning this, his sport does gathered, i don't his residence and because of which i think the police failed to take action, not there are still apprehension. apprehensions about the possibilities offers arrest. but going by what i have seen on the ground, it seems not that the arresting the former understood is something easier said than done. given the fact that they, there is a long queue of the hist for those who will not let loose to dick any action against him. and also there have been a loss good for us across, focused on and,
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but that probably gives a signal that get on to government that it will be difficult for it. and then it will be difficulties with the government in case it go for any police actually use the formula for mr. java. donna, arte slot. i'm federal, doctor john got to thinking we will protest and will block roads. if collin is arrested, i pass this message for your channel. people will come on roads and sit in protests will happen on roads until this imported government quite open at s. got nicky, do any attempt to arrest him? will be a cowardly act. when the arguments had done, then he's the palace with power at the present, he could crush him. that oppression can't stay long. that b r u b. c o, a senior member of enron counts part. he said the size of the rallies testifies to the continued level of support, the politician and former cricket star enjoys in the citation country. public has
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been somewhat charge. if you see, says the 9th of free for the public is behind it behind him. wrong and last night was me. one of us that on we would when toward that it is an i out. it is a case again, it's been registered against him on a 3rd of them charges. so the public reactive. so the entire country is if you see in the hall county log everyone in focused on, you can see the large amount of people coming out on the street in progress being used to kind of which we believe it's an important game which has been, has been imposed on focused on through a jeep ginger exercise, rushes federal security surveys said it has detained a supporter of the eyes. as tara grip, the mon claims he planned to travel to india and carry out an atrocity against officials, they're in 2022. i was undergoing special training the book i flew to russia from where i was supposed to go to in the means that they were supposed to meet me and give me everything necessary to commit
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a terrorist attack. as instructed by these lum exceed for insults on the prophet mohammed less cross to r t correspondent peter a scotch tie. peter, can you tell us what's known so far by the case? is there any information about the alleged target maybe well hi union. yes. so the f s b so far said that the money they've detained is a national from a central asian country. now as we heard in that clip that he did say that he did plan to travel to india, to commit a terrorist attack against the ruling authorities, the government for insults against islamic profits. mohammed now the f. s. b, they did say that he was detained. some time between april and june, this year they went to specific, but when exactly they caught him. but he was detained in turkey, where he is apparently been trained as a suicide bomber by an ice to lead to the now motive or target specific target. behind this plot, it's just speculation at this point. but in the end of may,
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this year in the beginning of june, there was widespread unrest among the muslim community. and that was following some remarks by the b. j. p. 's former spokeswoman per sharma. she made a very controversial report remarks, excuse me, against the muslim of profits mohammed and his wife on a tv show, the announce surprising that spot widespread protest among indian muslims and the wider community as a whole around 20 countries though, so also called in indian diplomats for an explanation as to those comments and over in bangladesh and in pakistan, there were also demonstrations calling for indian products to be boycotted around sea people actually killed the results of this on rest. now saw her, so she received death threats and raped threats. after her comments on this widespread unrest, the b j. p, the india ruling party,
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they sought to distance themselves from her and they denounce the comments, saying that they did not reflect the stance of the government. she was that she sites as a role as a spokesman for the party. as a result of this, she unconditionally withdrew the comments that she made against the prophet mohammed. but she did seem to somewhat defend them, saying that she made them in response to insults against the hindu god. she yvonne . no, that's not to say that she didn't have her supporters. while all this unrest was taking place, tens of thousands of people talk to with the hash tag. take the push on the back and i support no push. alma was, was, was trending the. however fast forward to july in india, the top court, the supreme court, they did rule that sama must apologize for the comments that she made, saying that she quotes, at least tongue set the country on fire on ignited emotions across the country.
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trauma herself has not been seen since sometime in june, presumably in hiding almost just at this point that neither the states nor russia's federal security service have specifically named the push on the as the targets of this plots. but given the widespread unrest that she caused, i'm sure it will be in most of the, of the investigating taken us through that to our team. peter scott the united kingdom could face electricity black to this winter for the 1st time in 50 years bounce on the worst case scenario plans reportedly being drawn up by the government if gas shortage is combined with a quarter seas now. the warning comes as average electricity costs shoot up to $4.00 times higher than last year, reaching more than $4000.00 pounds per household. annually. predictions suggest a power shortage. lossing, up to a week in january and total around $6000000.00 britons of 10 percent of the country population would be impacted authority. some suggested that people turn off
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appliances between peak evening damage to save power. and as the gas price across the us had a new record, 2 officials, they're voice concerned that citizens will have to choose between buying food or heating their homes. here's our t contribute. our rachel morrison's take on the situation. anyone who just a few months ago would amused about a potential humanitarian crisis in the u. k. or d, industrialization of germany or blackouts in wealthy switzerland would have probably been left out of the room and into an insane asylum. we're talking here about the most developed nations on earth, and yet that's exactly where things are at to day. it's still summer time here in europe with the winter's pea heating seasons still always off. and yet, every day now official across the continent are making increasingly dire. predictions about the impact of the energy crisis caused by europe sanctioning of its own gas supply from russia. the latest to sound the alarm is the mayor of
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london city khan, who called attention on twitter to britain's national hall system leaders saying that the u. k. could be facing a humanitarian crisis as people have to make a choice between feeding themselves and paying for heating. as we near the winter months, choosing between heating and eating is a fair and reality. for many, the impact on people's health will increase the pressure on our, in a chess off to, to pandemic years. the government must act now to protect people in the an a chest british industry. leaders are also warning of potential closures of shops, restaurants, cafes, and nightclubs. as they get hit with impossibly high energy bills, perhaps even to the point of bankruptcy, according to media reports and representatives of german industry fear an exodus of manufacturers of car parts, chemicals and steel, all to, to record high costs of power, currently reaching a price that's $11.00 times higher than typical analysts are also fearing resulting
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on rust. if the industry has to go to shortened work, weeks and reduced pay thanks to the energy crunch. this is where i get nervous. the ingredients for social unrest are there and the risk of that is under appreciated. meanwhile, swiss officials are drawing up doomsday style scenarios amid a fear of potential blackouts or even a shut down of the power grid. all these nations officials are going to great lengths to comment on how they're handling this slow motion train wreck screening about the potential fall out. while ignoring the fact that halting the crash is entirely within the power and control of their own governments. they're not is, and bystanders. they're architects of this crisis. and it's just a matter of stepping back from the ledge, taking a deep breath and ending their self harming sanctions. but instead, as the e, you constantly points out. they're all united this time in their folly and it seems increasingly like their intent on pulling.
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