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tv   News  RT  August 22, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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dramatic development and getting to resist, i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk with breaking news and r t brush it say ukrainian secret services were behind the killing of daria duke and the daughter of russian philosopher alexander, to get with the prime suspect behind the car bombing. also ahead on the program a continue to rally and his support in pakistan. the countries former prime minister is granted protective bail by a high court in islam, but after police file terror charges against them. but with the court ruling expiring in days,
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he still faces arrest europe faces more blow back from it, sweeping out the rushes, sanctions for the 1st time and $50.00 u. k. citizens that have control black guides to contend with this winter of electricity costs continue to store local officials report to people have been killed on 16 injured, 3 more are missing after the ukrainian army shelter bridge. in the her southern region, a nearby village is also hit by debris, with across the world run the clock. this is our t pleasure to have your company today. i'm, you know, we begin read breaking news. the russian security service has blamed kiev for the killing of doria, duke and the daughter of russian philosopher, alexander, duke. and according to the f s. b,
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ukrainian secret services carried out the car bama tech. on the 29 year old journalist, this is footage released by the f s b and taken from a security camera on the apartment building where doria doing lived. the suspect is spotty, going to the entrance and typing the code to the door. she apparently rented a flat in the same building where mistook and lived. another video shows her crossing the border into estonia. the security cameras captured all the details, including her face on the car which the f s. b sage was used in the assassination. when i spoke to r, teased all a quarter, and what more is known about that? the deadly incident itself, the she will go to thank you guys. well, 1st and foremost, the fs bees official investigation has concluded that the assassination of journalist and political analysts, daria,
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do gonna was carried out by ukraine's security services. they. the official statement has identified a 43 year old ukranian woman as natalia evolve as the assailant. here and also it said that her 12 year old daughter was taken along in the process of committing this act of terrorism, sophia shavon, and according to the f. s. b, the assailants were following, do gonna around in a mini cooper around moscow. this is a car that entered the russian federation with license plates from the danielle peoples republic. it was traveling around moscow with catholic stan licensed place and had actually left the country with ukrainian ones into estonia when the assailant went to basically escape from a capture in the russian federation. but it's also important to note that the same mini cooper that we're talking about here was actually after the fact put up for sale on ukrainian websites. but the listing for it has since been taken down as for the assassins where they carried out this terrible attack,
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it's assumed that it was, it was that a literature and music festival that where the assailants were in attendance, as well as daria do gonna. and her father, alexander, duke and, and it was a right after that, that festival that daria do gonna was driving her car away from it and was unfortunately killed by a car bomb. yeah. her father was giving a speech there. a talk was an a. so the f s b quite a lot of information, don, the aim even. what kind of car used by the perpetrator? probably good. any additional details from other sources? well, everything i just went over is confirmed information, but that it is true that there's a lot of information going on going around the internet that could be true, but it still is yet to be confirmed. this mini cooper that i just mentioned, actually there's a lot of speculation going on around the internet that this was actually an attempt to be a time to sell. it was an attempt to cover up what was going on in some way because the person who actually made the posting and it has been confirmed that it was
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posted on the internet for sale, was a close relative of the assailants and an agent of the ukrainian security services as well. there's also speculation going on around the internet. there's documents, photos of, of documents that are alleging to be those of this woman involved. and if that's the case, if they're verified, that would mean that she's actually part of the neo nazi organization of as off is one of the, you know, military organizations and ukraine that has been fighting and in against the don boss, people. and i guess against the russian military there, and also it would prove that she is an agent of the ukrainian security services as well. so that's verified. you know, that basically backs up exactly what the f s b is saying. in terms of the person who was killed, see you give some details about her 29, a journalist by all kinds, very popular as well. give us a sense of wider sense within russia. what reactions been to the assassination?
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well, one of the 1st official reactions we've heard actually was maria's or har of the, from the foreign russian foreign ministry on her telegram channel. she called this basically what it is a terrorist attack. there's really no little gray area too and interpretation here . these people did not have any weapons. they were not combatants in the war and or the conflict rather in the special operation. and they were, they had a bomb planted on their car. so that's, that's what it is, a terrorist attack, as russia has said. and this is what's interesting is that this is happening at the same time that keeps propaganda, keeps accusing. russia of just callously killing civilians. when in reality, we're seeing the actual actions of that playing out at the hands of ukraine, of the ukrainian security services. and what's more, there are even ukrainian officials that are calling for russians to be genocide. essentially, let's take a listen to a statement made by the ukranian envoy to
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a catholics in friends when we'll try to kill as many of them as possible, the more russians we kill now, the less our children will have to kill us in terms of daria. do ganette, what did she achieve in her all too brief time on earth really and her father, we keep hearing so many headlines, but him in the west who was what were his beliefs to what are you doing? i was a journalist and a political analyst, a very active one at that, and her father, alexander, duke. and he is a philosopher that's known in russia an anti western author, and a political commentator that the western media has for years been really heavily focusing on actually saying, saying that he was the sort of adviser to vladimir putin for foreign policy. and like a very high up person in terms of the russian government. but the kremlin has never identified any sort of ties like that. and in russia many consider him to be
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actually a marginal figure. so it's actually assumed by many of course there's no evidence that the terrorist attack was aimed against him because of the fact that the car that daria was driving at the time when she was killed, the bomb was planted under the driver's side. and it was actually alexander, duke and car, and at the last minute he had made a decision to not take that car and doria took that car and we get we had her being the victim of this attack. well let's cross live now to doctor george w l e senior research fellow of the global policy institutes of london. you're most welcome, george. so russia security service has pointed the finger squarely at ukraine here . they've also supplied a lot of information as well on the prime suspect and how the events came to be is key evans involvement something you expect it? yes,
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that was always very likely. what we don't know at this stage is where the western intelligence services also involved. and you have to suspect that because as your correspondence pointed out, again, was much more obsession in the west than he was in russia. i mean, you know, it will known in russia, but he was hardly a well known figure in the west. he was a very well known figure. and not only because he had some we've been associated with the bannon and alex jones, but he got a lot of publicity and the media were repeatedly writing stories about oh, he was brain to spiritual bench or the intellectual guru, the rest beautiful. all of it complete nonsense so that, well, you have to wonder who came up with a bright idea that he was
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a legitimate target for assassination. and that's why i think they think that has to point to the western intelligence services because they were much more preoccupied with do. and then i suspect the ukrainians. yeah, this was a very brazen attack. you seem to be thinking towards that ukraine would need help to cardiac something like this. if i can just put a to you a former russian politician earlier pon mara pointed the finger of the so called nash, the republican army, putting the blame on them. but are their patterns of potential external involvement here? let me just put this out there. british intelligence has been helping kids. is all that anything that's not being spoken about kiana's been involved with is not all on the table now. i think so, because as you say, the british have been very actively involved as the american, as of course have been the french and the germans,
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the british and the american very adaptive nations. i mean, they, they've been doing this for years. the very go, that is a very skill that it and so you have to think that this is obviously a very well organized operation. that's why you would think that they would, you know, have some sort of a handle that we know, you know, with all of the targeting in the military activities of ukraine and how active live the british and the americans are involved in this. you have to think that this too was a western intelligence operation, but that would be nigh on impossible to prove, wouldn't it? i would have thought. so i think so, and i think that the same goes for i. it's very unlike that she will ever come to trial. i mean, obviously it's sonya isn't going to extradite if she's still in the 70 s, she may well be back and ukraine by now, obviously ukraine isn't going to extra either. on the other hand,
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that doesn't mean that she's safe. i mean russia now all this in those who she is, what she looks like. she has a goal. so she's very easy to find. so i don't thing, you know, so days on like that to be very long a lot, a shock in russia to this, in terms of the, the reaction from moscow though, george, what kind of reaction do you expect from authority? i don't think they going to react in any very extreme very emotional way is just double style of the government. i think they will continue doing whatever they're doing and expecting whatever outcome they're expecting. but as i said, i do think it's quite likely that the of the russian intelligence services will be tasked with the goal of getting this woman and fascinating
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and possibly assassinating. whoever handles special operations or the ukraine in intelligence services. don't know who that is. the russian probably do have a good idea. we had of special operations. you great. just the point as well. the alleged color is being linked to the as all of nationalists battalion does not surprise, you know, it doesn't surprise me. i think that's what's to be expected and again, they to liked it now to be targeted for some russian special operation. but i don't think russia is going to do anything reckless. and i don't think i got to launch a, a bombing attack, one of reprisal. i just don't think it's, i think it's much more like a, a, a police intelligence operation to get the people who are involved that may have been involved in this very little column,
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inches in the west given to at really the killing of a 29 year old journalist, much more about her father alexander do can. why do you think mainstream media outlets are so preoccupied by him? by his type of intellectual design? well, i think that they see him as kind of a nationalist figure. and you know, in order to western liberal opinion, that's the worst possible thing you can be. so he's, he has the worst of all world. he's a nationalist. so that's bad enough that there are nationalists like a banner or on a different level. donald trump will suffer counseling, but not only the nationalist, he's a russian, so he's, he's kind of bad in 2 very bad ways. as far as the western lib. ready opinion is, what is very striking, because even if you focused on him is we just have an orgy of emotional outpouring
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over the attempted. assassination of someone resting everyone's indignant while you're attacking a right. so he's a novel is possibly try to nother a novelist. but a back of the same with the liberal, a perfectly happy with targeting a russian think, philosophy, right, the practice, why no problem. so you get a sense absolute lack of any kind of values among weston, people and immediate commentators. values is just something i like the spouse about . one thing they don't have is in the sense values. yeah, quite a difference in reactions and that's what we're going to be talking about next. doctor george w l. a senior research fellow on the global policy should have london many thanks. i will indeed some western media. i said, i responded to the killing of alexander dickins, daughter with cynicism,
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focusing on her father at describing him as a mastermind behind rushes foreign policy. now that reaction is in stark contrast to other assassination attempts against pro western figures picking up the story r t's. rachel 11th. the tragic killing of daria do. gonna attracted headlines for media across the west, but their focus seemed to be on her father, alexander doogan, or more specifically his political views and his supposed ties to the russian government. sienna referred to him as a spiritual guide, while the u. s. government funded radio free europe called him brain. the daily mail took a different approach focusing instead on duke and appearance, which was shown on videos taken at the scene. they described his reaction to seeing the car. his daughter was driving fully engulfed in fire as if it was the plot of some hollywood movie. but whether the attack was aimed at doogan or his daughter were both, didn't seem to matter to the individuals on social media who looked to justify the
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apparent assassination. simply because they disagree with the views of the duke and family, and speaking of justifying it, here's what some and ukraine had to say. doogan. what's wrong with the face? prudence propaganda, consultant alexander duke himself was also supposed to be driving in the blown up car. his daughter was killed in the explosion. the apple fell not far from the tree . she continued her father's work promoting the ideology of the russian world and justifying the war against the ukraine. in general, the earth is vitreous to this russian, and we hope very soon dad will join her in hell. if it seems like the means you're in response to doris killing is different. that's because it is. in fact, earlier this month to doesn't gathered in new york to show their support. after a controversial indian british author was stabbed an apparent assassination attempt at an art festival in new york. while he had made his share of enemies due to his
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religious writings, world leaders quickly came to his defense, insisting that he was fully entitled to share his beliefs. salman rushdie with his insight into humanity, with his unmatched sense for story with his refusal to be intimidated or silenced, stands for essential universal ideals. truth, courage, brazilians, the ability to share ideas without fear. these are the building blocks of any free and open society. and he is not alone, long time u. s. government official and accused war criminal. john bolton also made headlines this month after the department of justice revealed that he was the target of an alleged assassination plot by an iranian national. but despite the deadly attacks, bolton himself has supported, western media responded with nothing but concern. today the department of justice unsealed charging documents, revealing in a rainy murder plot against john bolton. this was a serious plot and the threat extends to other former government officials.
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officials say the man was a member of iran's revolutionary guard, cor, suspect, put a $300000.00 price tag on your head. what goes through your mind? a bachelor? well, i've, he bearish, that the low price i would have thought would have been higher, while both individuals were controversial in their own ways. they didn't do the one thing the alexander to get has been doing for years. he has been an outspoken critic of the west and its foreign policy. he is also condemned ukraine's attacks on russian speaking people and supported rushes, defense of the people in the don bass and, and crimea as a result of their willingness to publicly share their beliefs. both doogan and his leg daughter were the subject of sanctions from the west. but it's the media's response, which serves as a reminder that tragic killings and attempted killings are only condemned when the target has a history of selling the approved narrative. if this were this we're killing did
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happen again, someone in the u. s. for example. ready this would be treated much differently. i do think the western media is showing a double standard here. there's no question that if this it been the daughter of an important american intellectual, that the u. s. media would be ringing its hands would be calling for justice. would be calling for reprisals against those that did this. instead they seem to be taking some glee in what has happened. and yes, i mean again, clearly this is the result of a very strong anti, a russian sentiment in this country, which frankly has crossed the line into pure racism. and it's not acceptable. and i think the journalist, in particular, in the western media should take a good hard look at themselves and do some self reflection. the islam about high court house granted former pakistan prime minister imran con protective bail until
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thursday after police lodge, the terror case against him. the in the late his pictures published by his p t. i party mister can, can be seen greeting his followers outside is residents. he's facing action under the empty tourism i for allegedly threatening and not just straight. senior police officers at a rally. he organized to protest against the arrest of a senior member of his party in he alleges was also tortured. there's no co journalist java drama. well, i know i'm, i'm in front of the hotel. we're going to, i'm assuming hahn is addressing a lead gathering of journalists to intellectuals and political, political activists. and he's, he's telling whole foreign policy is extremely important in buckets on. and this is
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tossed up in his after the tests, all phase, the possible rest on what appears to be politically motivated. that isn't charges today. according in capitalist law, bob provided him a lease, provided him a beard for a couple next couple of days. and it means that the turks, off his wrist are not over yet, but it seems that perhaps for the next couple of days he is unlikely to be arrested . now let me give you a bigger picture in focus on it seem perhaps that the better lines have been drawn between the former prime symbol on cone. and the part will bought the powerful military which has been called and short impulses on the military. allegedly in league with the u. s. and the ministry political parties, according to the allegations by the, by the current opposition parties. they had had cms plus you to talk to his government in after this year because he did them the former state and march this year had wrist of moscow. at the time general,
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she has started especially military oppression that was received by the americans that perhaps, but the son was going through the sion and chinese blood. and they used allegedly bach son, military, and didn't office in parties to topple his government. but since then, he has stalked into medic, consumers, according to live, to sort of a 72 percent focused on his consider the u. s. as did enemy, and now it has become extremely difficult for the current government and the thoughtful ability to let us to him just because that he enjoys that extreme popular public sport. and that has become problematic for the military, which is known to be making and but it can gum it in the pockets on. but it seems know the situation is cost tuning and back to son didn't dynamics of default politics is changing. and obviously, the connected goes to the formative by mr. was a changing the traditional and historical dynamics of the politics van. it's seen that the defined quantity of the, followed by mr. is forcing the military. but you is policy,
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or maybe if that doesn't happen, there's a possibility of a violent reaction from the people in boxes, san o a senior member of em, ron counts part. he has said the size of those rallies testifies to the continued level of support. the politician and former cricket star enjoys in the south asian country, public has been somewhat charge if you see, since the 9th of free for the public is behind it, behind him. ron hahn and last night was me. one of us it on we would be towards that. it is an i out, it is a case again, it's been registered against him on i don't have them charges. so the public reacted. so the entire country is if you see in the hall, county is law bog. everyone in parkinson, you can see the large amount of people coming out on the street and brought us being used to kind of which we believe it's an important team. retention has been, you know, imposed on focus on through a jeep tinge exercise. will security on policy on this side. alley zaya
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jaffray believes the terror case against them around can. just doesn't stuck up. houses. people are on their way to miss channel. but so i'm, i'm not surprised you don't, and i don't be rested because it's a frivolous case. he only asked about the only and made to the public that you'd be taking some officials to court. and every person in every part of the wood is relevant in their rights to anybody to go, oh me for you. when we see this, it has been wrong. what has on the wrong in somehow he's arrested that he actually would be sylvia, by all indication or indications point towards the fact that the public which never used to come out when previous governments were to own or when they were just
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minute really react was to finish lee and been a good deal of fashion because ron khan is enjoying agreeable popularity the united kingdom could face electricity blackouts this winter for the 1st time in 50 years. that's under worst case scenario plans reportedly being drawn up by the government. if gas shortage is combined with a cold season, now the warning comes as average electricity costs shoot up to $4.00 times higher than last year, reaching more than $4000.00 pounds per household annually. prediction suggests that power shortage lasting up to a week in january will be seen in total. ryan's $6000000.00 britons 10 percent of the population would be impacted. authorities have suggested that people turn off appliances between peak evening demand to say power. and those, the gas price across the u, it's new records to official to voice concerned that citizens will have to choose
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between buying food or heating their homes. here is our to contribute our rachel marston's take on the situation. anyone who just a few months ago would amused about a potential humanitarian crisis in the u. k. or d, industrialization of germany or blackouts in wealthy switzerland would have probably been left out of the room and into an insane asylum. we're talking here about the most developed nations on earth, and yet that's exactly where things are at to day. it still summer time here in europe with the winter's pea heating seasons still always off. and yet, every day now official across the continent are making increasingly dire. predictions about the impact of the energy crisis caused by europe sanctioning of its own gas supply for russia. the latest to sound the alarm is the mayor of london city khan, who called attention on twitter to britain's national hall system leaders saying that the u. k. could be facing a humanitarian crisis as people have to make
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a choice between feeding themselves and paying for heating. as we near the winter months, choosing between heating and eating is a fair and reality. for many, the impact on people's health will increase the pressure on our, in a chess off to, to pandemic years. the government must act now to protect people in the, in a chest british industry. leaders are also warning of potential closures of shops, restaurants, cafes, and nightclubs. as they get hit with impossibly high energy bills, perhaps even to the point of bankruptcy, according to media reports and representatives of german industry fear an exodus of manufacturers of car parts, chemicals and steel, all to, to record high costs of power, currently reaching a price that's $11.00 times higher than typical analysts are also fearing resulting unrest if the industry has to go to shortened work, weeks and reduced pay thanks to the energy crunch. this is where i get nervous. the ingredients for social unrest are there and the risk of that is under appreciated.
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meanwhile, swiss officials are drawing up doomsday style scenarios. i made a fear of potential blackouts or even a shut down of the power grid. all these nations officials are going to great lengths to comment on how they're handling this slow motion train wreck screening about the potential follow, while ignoring the fact that halting the crash is entirely within the power and control of their own governments. they're not, is in bystanders. their architects of this crisis, and it's just a matter of stepping back from the ledge, taking a deep breath and ending their self harming sanctions. but instead, as the e, you constantly point out, they're all united this time in their folly. and it seems increasingly like their intent on pulling all of their citizens down together with them. trade unions, community organizations have created they enough,
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is enough campaign to fight against the rising cost of living and have made 5 demands to improve the situation. they want to real pay increase in pensions and benefits too much storing inflation and energy bills slash seeing people can't afford another price, like they're also demanding guarantee food for everybody on to make the rich pay more. by raising taxes on the wealthiest a must have lum slide which hidden this luck she i shrine in central iraq has left 7 people dead, including a child local authority, say current high humidity could have caused the clubs. rescuers are still searching for it. survivors now and saturday, the roof of the shrine collapse on worshippers. after the building was hit by a turn, the rock mud official said only the walls, entrance, minarets, remaining stumbling. rescuers have been sifting through the rubble for 3 days now as so far at the mileage.


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