tv News RT August 23, 2022 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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a you're ready? whenever you're ready, get voice. you're more and handy to play. da garrett, this is stuart. should sit on the should that, you know, sort of the bizarre. let's do, let's go with them. but if i didn't they by as good now, should i neglect you the girls in your little middle? yes way though they started to tell where ya at your columbia girls, tanya, you brought the representative of the ukraine to participate in this meeting. it is
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so decided in accordance with will $39.00 of the councils, traditional rules of procedure. i invite miss rosemary decarlo on to suck, to turn off political and a piece brought in affairs to participate in this meeting. to so decided the school council will not begin its consideration of item 2 of the agenda. i'm not going to talk to miss rosemary decala. mister president, the united nations remains gravely concerned about the dangerous situation in and around the zachary z. a nuclear power plant in southern ukraine. the plant continues to be operated by ukrainian technical personnel, but has been under the control of the military forces of the russian federation since early march. in early august, disturbing reports of an escalation of shelling around the plant began to emerge.
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the secretary general has appealed to all concerned to exercise common sense and reason and to refrain from undertaking any actions that might endanger the physical integrity, safety, or security of the nuclear plant. europe's largest. on 15 august, the secretary general discuss the issue of the plant safety during the call with russian minister of defense survey should go on 18 august. during his visit to levine, he discussed the situation with ukrainian president ballade. amir was in his entity in all his statements and meetings. the secretary general has continued to call for all military activities in the immediate vicinity of the plant to cease immediately, and for all sides to refrain from targeting it's facilities or surroundings. all military personnel and equipment must be withdrawn from the plant. there should be
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no further deployment of forces or equipment to the site. the facility must not be used as part of any military operation and an agreement on a safe parameter of demilitarization to ensure the safety of the area should be reached. regrettably, despite numerous calls in appeals instead of de escalation, we continue to see the almost daily reports of alarming incidents involving the plant to day, the director general of the i am renewed, his request to send an i. e, a mission to carry out essential safety, security, and safeguard activities at the site. preparations for the mission are proceeding in the i am, is in active consultations with all parties regarding its efforts to send such a mission as soon as possible. we welcome ukraine and russia's recent statements
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indicating support for the i. a's aim to send a mission to the plant, which would be i am 1st to that site. since the start of the war. mister president, common sense must prevail to avoid any actions that might endanger the physical integrity, safety, or security of the plant. as the secretary general stressed in his briefing at the council yesterday, the commitment to die log and results must be applied to the critical situation at the plant. if such, incidents continued to escalate, we could face of disaster. the united nations continues to fully support the critical work of the international atomic energy agency and its efforts to ensure the safe operation of this operation, nuclear power plant and other nuclear facilities in, in ukraine. in close contact with the i, 8,
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the u. n. has assessed that we have the logistics and security capacity in ukraine to support any i. e, a mission to the plant from key of provided ukraine and russia agreeing. we once again urge the parties to provide the i am mission with immediate security and unfettered access to the site agreement is urgently needed to re establish the parisha as purely civilian infrastructure. and to ensure the safety of the area. we must be clear that any potential damage to the plant or any other nuclear facilities in ukraine, leading to a possible nuclear incident, would have catastrophic consequences. not only for the immediate vicinity, but for the region and beyond. similarly, any damage leading to the plant, being cut from the ukrainian power grid,
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would have catastrophic humanitarian implications. particularly with winter approaching. as the secretary general has made clear, the electricity produced at the czar parisha plant belongs to ukraine. at this moment, it is imperative that we receive the express commitment of the parties to stop any military activities around the plant and to enable its continued safe and secure operations. to paraphrase the secretary general's blunt warning, any potential damage does operation is suicidal. thank you mister president. i thanks, miss decarlo for her brief. no, keep it whole to the members of the security council. like you people to the
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representative of the russian federation with president thank the under secretary general rosemary decarlo for her briefing. i'd like to in the contest of this briefing, point out that we heard her words when she said that they electricity of this approach it. and the p belongs with to you kind of, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that within the i didn't hears similar words from the secretariat, a bout of the frozen russian financial assets that a person in the west or the syrian oil lamps are being held by the american authorities where illegally occupying sarah. we'd never heard that since the last meeting of the security council on does upper asia and p p about 2 weeks have passed. another course of that time, the nuclear safety situation is further deteriorated. the armed forces of ukraine
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continue basically every day to show the territory of the m p. p and the town of erica dar. and this creates a real risk of why radiation accident is average it. and p, p with counter straw fake co consequences for the entire continent. according to the information to the ministry of defense of russia has and the administration of this approach, oberlin, on the 11th of august, the 44th artillery brigade of the ukrainian armed force shell to the station using 152 millimeter shells. as a result of that, the equipment of a spray ponds within the nuclear reactors cooling system was damaged. on the 14th of act of august, the armed forces of ukraine had 10 shillings of the n p b using 115 millimeters shells for am 77. how, how it says which american made and 2 guided munitions were launched. as a result of that, one person died in an echo dot and their good are one for the person was one judge
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. on the 15th of august, the 3rd t shelves were launched, $152.00 millimeter artillery for facilities on the 17th 11 shells and also a kamikaze. unmanned aerial vehicle was launched, which is polish. made. 3 strikes were made by lord loitering munitions on an air guitar on the 18th of august to the internet of good or there was 7 shillings using heavy artillery on the 20th of act, august from the ukrainian forces position. once again, there was shelling against the n p p using heavy artillery and american made shells for 155 military caliber caliber using m 30 is 37 actually fuse which was american made there was an l. t early strike against specialized and salary buildings, one and 2 and the lab and amenities building. as a result the allow but amenities, buildings, and number 2 was damaged. the hydraulics unit building was damage and lighting over
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their station was damaged immediately after the shelling fire was open against the suburbs of america. on the 22nd of august, and u, a v straw to the lab, and i'm in it is building number 2. furthermore, the american long range all truly was used to shall the thermal power station in and i go doc and according to our information, one civilian died and one was wounded. i just wanted to show you now a photo of the destruction of the territory of these upper osha nuclear power plant, as a result of shillings my, the ukranian armed forces. hey, we have a whole slew of such a photographic evidence and we're disseminated as this morning. as an official document within this security council and a ga, the fact that the key of regime continues with attacks on the station is
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a direct consequence of criminal acquiescence on the part of its western patrons. the last meeting, not a single western delegation, had the courage to come to condemn the shelling of the station by the ukrainian armed forces and after you came running to stop it. norah was the courage found in europe and capitals. the capitals are simply launching and appeals to russia to stop their so called recent activity surrounding these upper o g n p. p. were under the impression that our colleagues exist in their own parallel reality in which the russian military are themselves shelling the situation where they are protecting and are using the american system for that. that pinnacle of this absurd was a recent statement made by the u. k. mitten m. p. tobias ellwood and member of the house of representative of the united states adam cousin garcia when they said that the shelling of the and p p cooled to be the reason for invoking article 5 of nato . at the same time, the west and mass media are using the conclusions over the u. s. arms control disarmament agency,
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which says that there is nothing dangerous for the people in western europe in the shelling of e and p. p or even in, in the possible accident. there will, there will be no major disaster. the station should with a stand of a rock and strike. and even if it does on them, the tongue of radioactive count contamination will not really reach western europe . the fact that even in this scenario, another the very least that people and is up orosco roblis was suffer. well, our western colleagues, i think, traditionally chunk off to collateral damage, probably this is how they express they're concerned about people and the huge human a centre of security that we heard so much about to join yesterday's meeting of the council. this is a cynical attitude towards the people of ukraine is even one other evidence of the fact that the western handlers of ki, of, i'm not at all worried about that. and they stand ready to fight until the very last ukrainian, the disaster. as
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a result of all these shelling over the and p. p a so far away off been able to avoid only because there is smooth joint work between the workers of the station, fire squads, emergency people, and the russian military who are helping them every way they can you can visit show . so there is a healthy working atmosphere at the station and no one is oppressing anyone there. despite the full statements made by the key of regime and its handle as russia is not a locating heavy weaponry approach, n p n is not using the station formulated purpose on the military defense strand, ready to provide a with high resolution photos which shows the weaponry all them less so heavy weaponry is not located on the director of the station. is a president. recently a ukraine had the visit of the un secretary general antonio guerrero and we pinned to certain hopes on his trip. we expected the when finally will demand that key of
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to stop shelling the station. but we didn't hear from the secretary words of condemnation or what's going on other than appeals to. i quote that you military activities should avoid the approach and p p. i would like to ask mr. carlos whether the sector gel and manage to obtain from vladimir zalinski promised to stop shelling the station. and what is the assessment of the secretariat of the un that the shelling of the station by ukraine continue in the light of the fact that i am seriously concerned by the situation from you day one, we have supported i efforts and his director, director general rather grossey to organize a mission to this oper, osha and p, p. and we did everything. we could to make sure that the experts visit the agency visit took place already in june. and we agreed to the mission already by the 3rd of june. at the time of the middle, the trip did not happen through no fault of our own. today,
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we hear absurd statements in foreign or mass media that the foreign country is basically pushed russia to agree to the mission. we expect that the i e trip or mission will take place in the very near future and the agency experts will confirm the real situation at the station we stand ready to i'm an extend maximum support possible to resolve organ is all organizational issues. with mr. president, i would like to now in conclusion, draw attention of the members of the council. truly tragedy and moscow. on the 20th of august, an explosion of the car took place on inside the car was a military policy corresponded. apologies. daria looked, do you know, our competent authorities are investigating this and preliminary conclusions are that this monstrous crime was organized by the ukrainians special services. and it
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was the time at who the person doing that was and she's connected to the us all battalion. she managed to escape to estonia. danny took in, i was 29. her life was a storm and i had it's very high because i was professional activity. she what has been for a long time, followed by ukrainian nationalists. this is her photo or the meritorious site, the infamous one that we mentioned several times and they are boasting about her murder. as you can see how photo is good fraud. and the caption here is eliminate it. we know just for this crime was condemned by an official representative all the u. s. department of state we call on the council and the you and leadership to condemned yet. and this a yet another crime by the key of regimes. not only are they using local or blackmail by shelling the and p p and holding people in europe from in cognitive,
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hostage by. they also cross all of the lines and out physically eliminating those civilians. they do not totally like, and in this case we have a victim holes, an independent journalist. she was killed because of her personal activity in the official representatives of the key of her to him, are openly calling for the murder, the murder of russians, the crate ambassador in kazakhstan, mister verbless gifts stated publicly recently that the goal of ukraine is to kill as many russians as possible, the greater number of them are killed now. the fuel russians, other generations of the koreans would have to kill, were outraged by the fact that the western currency countries not only do not condemn this, but they help ukrainian special services to prepare a saboteurs to eliminate the so called undesirable ones. very good example, the situation where the ukranian citizen, mister car benco, who was recruited by ukrainian services in check he m and was being prepared a to a trained to mind and explode, things that in it check city of chest,
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get groomed off. he was hard to how to lay explosive and buildings and cars after that he was sent to the donetta peoples republic to conduct acts of terror in the admin building of didn't miss administration of the vote dusk region. fortunately, car banker turned himself in. but if he had done what he was trained for that the, the scale of the victims is, is, is frightening to imagine. in this context, we are not surprised. a very authorities of over chakiya are openly expressing their happiness their dia. duke died the minister of defense of j. k. young. much on the hope has stated that she has no pity for daria or her father, and that i quote, that night of the 21st august in russia, something that the russia will remember a long time. and then subsequent confirmed that she understands my every single word of hers. even if we set aside the morals or that has been in our western
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culture placed by the russell phobia. the vis a statement of mr. turner hopa is an o when support and propaganda of acts of terrors against civilians. when i'd like to recall that mister chairman at chic citizen, who openly supported an act of terror in christ church was sentenced to 6 years in checking in. we expect that the coffin to the authorities of checker will be equally serious about the statement made by the minister of defense of the scope of their country and will assess them accordingly. i thank you. i think the representative of the russian federation for his statement and then now gave the blood to the represented of the bon. thank you mister president. mister president, i thank under 3 general rosemary decarlo for her inciteful briefing. i put in prison to weeks and weeks information on the recent on the nuclear accidentally and
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crane has become more insistent in the system. the intensification of military activity, activity in the vicinity of entity, zapora, z, a nuclear power plant. and that allegation of the rules of this nuclear power plant for military purposes could recover. raise this rector's picture of a nuclear disaster with potential potential incalculable consequences and consequences. a couple of weeks ago of weeks ago, we get roads, we get in this room in this to express our collective indignation at the like, would that like such an outcome could happen? come happen, or military activity at the nuclear said clears must cease, marcia. parties to the conflict is to the possible friend from any attack on including increased cyber attack, cyber on nuclear side, to clear sky and from any rhetoric god or tend to use nuclear risk or risk. as a whipping of wall,
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been of what we call for independence and international investigation and establish responsibility for the attacks, an auto bumbling or targeting target to the support of your power plan your power plan. in the meantime, in the meantime, it is crucial that will the belligerent resurrect the nuclear security role in force and operate on separate i. e, i. e, with a view to securing the site. the site we will come the intention expression x by the parties to facilitate the conduct the kind of an i e expect mission and urge them to finally come and run on operational modalities of this mission, which we all call for korean. as soon as possible, it is not acceptable to wit and spec lids on the potential risk of adding devastating environmental and human health effects through economic elementary and
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in birth. after 6 months of war, suffering and destruction within his time to bring back peace to the hurt of our priority agenda. my country encourages all initiatives aimed at bringing the parties to the negotiating table for peaceful coexistence as long as the fighting continues. the sedition in ukraine will surely continue to watson. the surest way to world of more deficit security threat is to end hostilities. we encourage all political and diplomatic effort to stop escalation, to silence the guns, and reach an agreement for a lasting peace between the parties. the grin agreement recently concluded, is source of hope on the possibility of convening it cease fire agreement to pave
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the way for would fit negotiation for return to sustainable bits. my country supports all international underground efforts aiming at the restoring piece in you can. i thank you very much. i thank the representative. look up on for his statement, and now i give the full to rip is ended up united arab emirates. now thank you mister president. i'd like to thank l. so miss decarlo for her timely briefing. since our last meeting on august 11th the situation around these approaches, nuclear power plant continues to be deeply alarming. despite urgent calls for dis collation, we have continued to receive a news of shilling in the proximity of the power plant. we underline a once more that shillinger our nuclear facility, puts ukraine, the wider region and the whole world at a great risk of a catastrophic nuclear accident. the example of your novel has been frequently and
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walked in this chamber and elsewhere and was the reason. we remember all too well the horrendous consequences. the world cannot afford a scenario where another such calamity is even a possibility. when it comes to nuclear matters, our collective security is truly intertwined. it is a message that has been reinforced these last weeks during the 10th review conference of the parties of the m p t. here in new york. nuclear safety is a critical issue for the united arab emirates. and as a matter of priorities, we remain committed to supporting all efforts ensuring the safety and security of nuclear facilities globally, including through our work with the a and through our participation as the a board of governors. in this regard, we underlined once again that the importance of refraining refraining from any action that could farther endanger the facility,
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particularly considering the vala tile and fraud situation. and we echoed the a director general groceries. recent statement, calling for the urgent need to lower tensions near the plant. we farther stress again, that particular protection according to the nuclear plants under international law . the united arab emirates also reiterates the importance of the a that the i. e. a has full and p did axis to the site in order to assess the damage and a certain the safety of the facility. we welcome that both parties support such a mission. and we urge that it can be conducted an expeditious manner. mister president, we are a day away from making marking 6 months since the beginning of the conflict. that remains crucial to advocate for a constructive dialogue that will bring the conflict to peaceful, sustainable resolution in
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a way that is consistent with the you want charter and international law. the only way to truly stop the suffering brought by this conflict and to stem its consequences, including the risk of our country traffic nuclear accident is through achieving a cessation facilities throughout the ukraine. we, the members of this council must work towards fulfilling its mandate and take incremental em programmatic steps to support efforts toward diplomatic and to the conflict. i thank you mister president. i thank the representative of b o, a. e, for his statement. and now i give the representative norway. thank you, mr. president. and thank you use g decarlo for your timely briefing. crush us ongoing war of aggression against ukraine has endangered nuclear safety and security in ukraine in the russian federation in europe and b on. and we reject the
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