tv News RT August 25, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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a booklet lucel included with them. it doesn't do terrorism case that bad my life coverage on, on the screen. and they're trying to ban me from politics because there's a case of condemned to get him wrong account speaks exclusively to r t. in the aftermath of the former pakistan prime minister, being charged with threatening current government officials, much to the anger of his supporters also ahead with
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r t crew is forced to evacuate after getting cold, hunger artillery fire while following the advance of russian troops. and that done yet, republic, a brazilian cartoonist uses his art to call out ukraine for what he said. or the war crimes against the most vulnerable in docs. for you might feel that you heard me at the residence, became the 1st victims of mines, especially children and the elderly. i'm trying to do the work that we can warn civilians. it is an attempt on my part to assist with like from moscow. this is our team, my name is you know, neil on 30 minutes of news and views starts on the west expects their problems are going to be our problems. but that will not happen. that's what former pakistan prime minister, enron can told our tape during an exclusive entry this thursday. the wide ranging
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discussion came shortly after this long about court extended his bail following terrorism charges against them. they have made this into terrorism case. they ban my life coverage on, on, on, on screen and, and they're trying to ban me from politics because there's a case of contempt against me a since i left office 4 months back. never has there been such a public response for, for any political party as it is for my party today? the government has been working there. they're watching us growing popularity. we. we swept the day by elections and the biggest province and my job. there were though other 2 by elections which were swept so they are bit scared and that's why they're clamping down. if we go back, mister can to, when you are, i stayed from power in the spring time. you've mentioned several times that certain
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documents exist that confirm foreign interference in your removal from power. are you in any position to tell us what those documents may be? well deserve the cipher alert conversation between the biggest on ambassador and washington, and the under secretary of state, or of the you of the us. there's a conversation between them where he threatens the pakistani ambassador that unless i m, ron hahn was removed as a prime minister in a no confidence, a motion that book that still wasn't table as yet that there would be consequences for august sun. the biggest problem is that western countries expect their problems through to become our problems while some background to what mr. ken was speaking about there in april and no conference. so it's removed from the country's top political position. the x p. m has been holding rally's regularly since earlier
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this month, as chief of staff was arrested on charges of edition. mr. can also insist chabarise girl was tortured by police and custody. something officials deny it was not accusation on words used in the campaign. raleigh, to quote, take action against the police. she's on a judge, which led to the terrorism charges the former cricket stories immune from arrest until his next high court hearing on august 31st. my name, ron con, came under intense international pressure for visiting moscow earlier. this year, pakistan's former leader told me he was simply seeking to boost economic ties between the nations. well, look, you know, countries, foreign policy must be for the benefit of their own public. 220000000 bug a son is elected me. my briar. he had to be there, what is good for that their benefit, their rights,
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that interests that has to be my priority. and so what i had took the trip to russia and this was all the stakeholders on board. the idea was that we would improve our relationship with russia, and we would, you know, we have trading it links with russia, we want to improve the trading links. we already were a pipeline. a gas pipeline was, was being planned 56 years back before i came to power. so we wanted to cement that contract and then we want to buy cheaper oil from, from russia, as well as we 200000000 bargain. sundays of hon. 50000000 below the poverty line. 50000000 just above the poverty line. when the prices go up, when inflation bites in western countries, they only, they just have a drop in the standard of living. in the country,
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people go below the poverty line. they're going to have to square be the day. so my interest was that people are bugging on. and obviously this didn't go down well. and you'll be able to watch your exclusive interview with former pakistani prime minister and run can. and it is a comprehensive sit on in full major in the day here on rti k to the latest developments in the ukraine conflict. according to authorities in south rouge in electricity. supplies are being restored throughout the region after what was reported to be continuous shelling by key or forces that affected the work of the local nuclear power plant. there. earlier report said a number of varies in substitution, including the cities of her song and military people. face the black eyes, that's after shelling started fires in the forests that cause the failure of power lines. by russia's defense ministry claims more than
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$300.00 ukrainian troops. something killed in the past 24 hours among the fatalities were said to be around $200.00 reserved soldiers who were targeted in a strike on the chop leno railway station in the southeast of ukraine. now in these on verified images, you can see military vehicle software, allegedly transported there by train were, according to kia, at least 25 civilians were killed. more than 30 injured in the strike on the railway station, which had blamed and moscow footage from the next day though, shows no evidence of military vehicles. russia has repeatedly stressed that does not target civilians was russian and allied forces advanced on the territory of the done yes, republic. the time of d. f. one of the main posts of ukrainian fighters is not being in circles. it is a strategic point as key of is accused of regularly shelling done yet. and other times from positions there are t corresponded,
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eager set down of he reports from the front line where our crew came under or to re fire the right away. the village of the crops can wipe out any doubts. it is still very much a front line. we're here to join in a lead russian special ops unit supporting the offensive on this part of the front of the cranes abandoned. their positions is always in a hurry, the true way, all of their inventory. you can see a 4 made jacket here. madison's 1st aid kits and overhears their fortification trench. so the main purpose of this fortified area, just outside the village of krakowski, was to not allow this village to be encircled from the south. now have also this
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position that was where the ukrainian forces tried to briefly gain a foothold after it was clear that the village itself had fallen. we are quite literally treading on egg shells. here, upon abandoning this position, ukrainian troops rigged the whole area. they used cluster munitions to scatter hundreds of anti personnel. mines all over the place. such munitions are explicitly bound by the geneva convention. the blast is more than enough to tear one's foot right off tappers have their hands full extracting anti tank minds to russian motors, and howard says he abound enemy positions around the clock. ukraine's artillery pulls no punches either. something that we witnessed 1st hand with
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yet keep troops efforts to stool. russia's advance proved to be futile with the main fighting, already engulfing the streets. what your mosque, my gosh darn of reporting from the don bass. r t. another development the pic trotsky district in done yet has been shell by ukrainian forces with anti personnel mines. that was, according to local officials who said the attack occurred on wednesday. well, it is not the 1st time keith has been accused of using mines bound under international law. their reported regular use on the front lines and dunbar saw raleigh in moscow, which was aimed at bringing international attention to the issue. and i did, one of those who saw the protest was a brazilian artist who then created a work showing the menacing nature of the explosive. here in the news while behind me, carlos le tooth saved his intention was to highlight war crimes being committed.
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and the most vulnerable law is the 3rd. this is my work was to show the civilian population, the danger of these explosive devices to adopt the cities. their inhabitants are the 1st victims of mines, especially children, and the elderly, or international treaties regulating the production and use of these mines. my opinion they should be complete by. i believe that the use of these mines in cities is a war crime. there are clear examples in history, cambodia, and a goal assist a greatly from these mines. even after the end of the was they continue to operate . is time to decide which side you're on. it's important to understand what's at stake. you can't stand aside. i quite clearly understand that russia was pushed into these conflicts. this is the fault of nato expansionism. it was necessary to create a certain situation which was done in ukraine in order to put pressure on russia. push it into conflict, just if i western sanctions and attacks on russia as during the cold war. okay,
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let's move on to more world news. there are u. s. congress members have been asked to approve a significant financial aid package for the improvement of human rights in india. the biden administration requests $117000000.00 in foreign assistance to india if the financial year of 2023. congress could consider whether or not condition so all of such aid on improvements in human rights and civil liberties in india. yeah, that request was made a month after you said chief same month of power, travel to new delhi, praising india's importance in countries. regional challenges such as china, united states, human rights concerns about india were not mentioned, was dated. nobody will, it is in india's, multi ethnic, multi party democracy that has allowed it to withstand the challenges it has faced
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and come out ahead, stronger and more. resilience. on earlier i spoke to india's former foreign secretary conwell, said bol, who offered some thoughts on the possible motives behind the funding request. in does not ask for this money. and we'll, we'll give this money to because we have very well established rules and regulations regarding foreign money coming into india to and deals and other things . and if this money is intended for a critical purpose, then i don't think our rules will allow this, the u. s senators very often believe that individually, the many that all the world and then ship the intersection at which the world would go. now they would take a moral high ground to say that they are the defenders on the right. you get the usual. this isn't with me my 1st at 10 to their own problem. look at the shooting that vehicle is constantly in schools in moreland street. innocent people are being
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children are being killed, but there is no consciousness this even if some other countries yeah. can point out all these things to the united states, you know, they don't control the international information is controlled by the west and his agency. so this is all kind of a posturing and show and embarrassing india is that are working against us. and behind this, let me tell you, is our position on the ukraine crisis. we are very unhappy that we haven't condemned russia. we haven't voted against russia. and this is one way that subtle lobbies in the united states are actually paying us back by eating at us on the issues of human rights and minority rights. and things can, while about the fall light from the sanctions against russia over the conflict in ukraine has turned europe into quote,
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the 3rd world of the western world economies. not according to an article recently, population forbes magazine. it comes as figures show, european stock market are done a full 22 percent compared to last year r t contribute to rachel marston offered her take terribly. it's investors who are starting to wonder whether the european union is on the verge of becoming the 3rd world of western economies. according to that forbes article, you really have to wonder why heads of state across the block are just sitting there, slack jawed, and just letting it happen. what's even more troubling is that no one's talking much about how the you can pull out of this kamikaze tailspin. but the new piece in forbes dropped some clues as to possible outcomes. micro traders are looking for 2 signals for europe and the world economy. these are sci fi in ukraine, or europe becomes so desperate this winter on supply chain. so stretched that it has no choice but to relax some sanctions or convince non you partners to be label
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and trunk ship russian commodities to look in compliance with the own rules, but really doing an end around. now your leaders are behaving like they're like, by my say, a one day german chassis off schultz is in canada, bragging about a 5 year hydrazine energy project. while his own industrial plants are staring down the barrel, that shut downs right now. now the next day, berlin is back to firing up coal plants and yesterday, french president amendment my co rebroadcast and meeting with ministers, you know, the kind, it's not usually for public consumption. now the message, apparently wine frances, as to here, is at the end of abundance. and there's need to make sacrifices for freedom. now, doubtful friends citizens feel more free right now as their currency crashes in cost of living skyrockets, along with energy prices. you know, we're talking here about the 2nd largest economy in the u after germany, and that helps to keep the economies of the other members states of fro afloat. now france thought it could bank on nuclear to replace gas from russia. but now we've
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learned that it can only get about half of its nuclear power plants operating. so the big problem is that no one really knows where these top yukon emmys are headed, and investors citizens would like to know where all this is going. and it's pretty clear that the leaders of the nations themselves, art inspiring confidence in their moose. instead, they're acting like they're just bystanders to crash when reality they've aided and abetted all this at every term by supporting self harming talk down sanctions that the eas, supranational level to the detriment of their own economies. now these heads of state were elected democratically to uphold their own citizens interest above all else. and when you have to read the riot act here on citizens about how their way of life is ending as max haunted yesterday, then there's no doubt you failed miserably in your basic duty as an elective head of state. now, at least the leaders can still brag about being unified in their failure, as they bury their own responsibilities and elected officials inside the black you box, and hide behind the unelected. you commission present ers, are ursula vander,
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lane, skirt, or pansy. whatever the case may be, you know, it may be that warm and fuzzy, unity talk will heat europeans homes and put food on their tables. this winter to pay for ukraine. thoughts the message of prime minister boris johnson, to britons who he sees and the name of freedom for the eastern european nation must endure. soaring, energy builds poverty. they quote, catastrophic winter at home. easy sensible to pay for british tax payers to support freedom in ukraine. i say it is absolutely vital and we've got to continue to do it. on mr. johnson's words came during a surprise visit by the outgoing p. m to ukraine's capital the u. k. itself, funds you may know, was currently suffering from skyrocketing inflation, which is on track to hit 18 percent in early 2023 according to some predictions. that would be the highest inflation peak in some for decades. here subarus
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johnson's calls for people to be prepared to pay the price have gone down with some just imagine being so wealthy, so privileged and so utterly lacking in empathy that you can't see that people in poverty suffer, struggle and die in the crippling financial crisis. this is everything that's wrong with boris johnson. you don't balance this war on the backs of suffering british children, and thereby escape the government's responsibilities to those kids. voice johnson playing the champion of all things ukraine. when he's a busted flush on the homefront, is utterly transparent. so he's obviously making a last ditch attempt at being an international statesman. after being such a monumental disaster domestically where the price is soaring and wages falling further behind british trade unions have launched a campaign called enough is enough. it's meant to put pressure on the government to tackle the cost of living crisis. and the movement is calling for
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a real pay rise for workers and g bills to be slash d and a food poverty and more taxes on the wealthy. one leading union leaders said it's time to turn the anger of the people into action. the working class is back, we refused to be humbled. we refused to wait for politicians and we refused to be poor any more. general secretary of a communist party of britain, robert griffin sees the u. k. a strictly witness saying a level of strike action that hasn't seen for decades. and that's something the incoming prime minister is going to have to tackle immediately. people really aren't quite as stupid as the the zone be prime minister is the time those want is position seem to think they are for people to pay these bills is not, is not money that's going towards support in ukraine in the wall. it's money that's
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going straight into the coffers from the dividends, all the oil companies and energy companies and their shareholders public. undoubtedly the public or rally and 2 initiatives such as enough is enough, as well as other campaigning bodies. there's support for strike action level that i certainly haven't seen for decades in britain, there's a lot of sympathy for workers who are fighting back against real terms coach in the pay and fire and re fire and replace policies and so on. so there really isn't upsurge of anger and it means that when the new prime minister takes over in early september, they are going to be confronted by that title, wave of protest war between russia and the us could lead the world into nuclear winter. the conclusion of a group of american scientists who released
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a paper calling for the urgent need for global cooperation. according to the research, more than 5000000000 people would die as a result of conflict between the 2 countries. nuclear war in their words, would be hard to avoid. the u. s. s. allies and russia possess more than 90 percent of the global nuclear arsenal. similar warnings also recently came from the u. n. chief, who said she morality is just one misunderstanding away from nuclear. elation you love him putting meanwhile, he said in the case of a nuclear war, there can be quote, no winners. earlier we spoke with the scientists behind the report who say there warning has to be taken seriously. the findings of your research, frankly, is, is terrifying. did you expect the conclusions to be as extreme as they were? no, i didn't expect that they would be this extreme. this is the 1st time we've ever and looked at the agricultural losses from the climate disaster that would occur after
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a nuclear war on a country by country basis. we've studied, for example, the daily temperatures in a place like ukraine, which is a bigger red grass in europe at once. the war starcy radcliff freezing and there is no day for more than 2 years in which there is not a day and a minimum temperature below freezing. we calculate how many people would die from the direct effects of the nuclear. ready with her if effects we already know about a blast. ready radioactivity and fires, but the number of people that would die from starvation far removed from any bombs will be dropped, was more than 10 times the number of direct effects. the non proliferation treaty negotiations are just ending today in or tomorrow, i guess in, in new york at the united nations. and the question is, what will be the final statement. ready of the 9 nuclear nations,
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including the u. s. and russia, make a commitment to reduce nuclear weapons and go on with article 6 of this treaty, which they've been ignoring for a while. it's not just a us russian nato issue here. are other countries like accent in india that are constantly in conflict or cashmere, and they both have a substantial nuclear arsenals that i expect by the end of the decades of those countries all have about 250 nuclear weapons. so this is not just the u. s. nature russia problem. it's an involves the entire world. and all these countries do have nuclear weapons and need to resolve their problems without having a nuclear conflict. there are people that build weapons, their careers will continue if the fear and the conflict of continues. brian, who benefits from nuclear proliferation? no one benefits from nuclear proliferation. it's a waste of money. you know,
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stacy's rebuilding as nuclear arsenal. people have different aspects of the cost, trillion dollars rush is building up all kinds of new weapons. no one benefits from that in the weapons can't be used. they just sit in the ground writing. so it's like taking money and sewing and on the ground and carina, i you know why, why don't we use the money for something beneficial? like, you know, we're developing new energy sources to get around the gold climate problem, or educating our citizens or making people who have less money than others, more equitable. there's lots of things we could do besides just building useless weapons that will never be used, can ever be used. and if they were use, it would destroy the civilization across the earth. a thought provoking one next as well. kind of functions actually hurt more. those pushing them than the country and the receiving end or documentary team have been doing some digging. they close for the results. for
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ah, a quote on in my chair, the sas laura doesn't want that extra mom. but i know it's up under that. y'all. is the aggression to chose this war? today i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions. i think you chose williams, of course, when you're actually becoming louisiana mostly mind the branding all in ports of russian oil and gas turbine and imposing these sanctions. i brochure you as destroyed the american customers boomerang by way, suffering the i key interest really hitting people in the pocket book.
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moses, i'm a lawyer. i see you using him or is your, your router visitor, unless you, this is gonna impose severe cost on the russian economy immediately. and overtime. there is some other stuff on there, but we have listings or so and then use that for them. are started a little bit famous. they saw the emeralds. been very, an absorbed it sort of to pull up its big body hub. did show that 21st century is with asians. it russia is also an asian country and going to develop military cooperation. similar to what nature does in europe propose, we are going to reassure chauffeur to spring box or crate was the search for new markets import substitution. the word sanctions has become part of our daily vocabulary neutralizer friday with more and more reports
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of restrictions. however, sanction this has an instrument of influence and nothing new. they've been used against russia for decades. through america 30 is for the 2nd story. milton for jack upstairs with these can only i can that would be free of the rules of how and then did the net to state to come up with this concept of sanctions instead of real military action operation sanctions can be imposed when you don't know what to do, does the united states want to go to war with russia over you, craig? i can tell you right now, but that would not be a popular outcome. a given the fact that russia has 6000 nuclear weapons, we have 5000 piper in any war with russia, which tend to cause a global temperatures to rise by say, 200000 degrees. meaning the end of the world today, russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing.
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