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tv   News  RT  August 25, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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ah, a with operations that are done. yes. republic. chemical plants are halted after you've brainy and true, relentlessly cell to civilian facility. with us congress mulling a multi 1000000 a package to new delhi. we hear from a former indian foreign secretary who questions the motives behind the funding. yeah, absolutely. and behind this, let me tell you, is our position on the ukraine crisis. we are very unhappy that we haven't condemned to russia a case that bad my life coverage on, on the screen. and they're trying to ban me from politics because there's
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a case of contempt against former pakistan. prime minister in ron con speaks exclusively to r t in the aftermath of being charged with threatening current government officials, much to the anger of his supporters. ah, good morning, i am here in moscow and from wherever you're tuning and welcome to the program. i'm fiorella is about what this hour's top news stories from around the world. happy to have you join us. we start with developments and don bass were more shelling by ukrainian troops has halted operations at a chemical plant in the don. yes. republics. eastern city of gorka, local officials have reported ukraine has fired around 40 shells at the facility, causing a large place emergency services quickly managed to put out the flames, and the plants director has stressed that there's no risk of harmful emissions or
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environmental disaster. the attack comes nearly 2 weeks after a ukraine attack on a brewery in the dying. yes, capital led to a cloud of the toxic gas. ammonia leaking around the city as a relentless shelling of civilian infrastructure and residential areas by ukrainian troops continues. moscow says more than 25000 civilians have been evacuated to russia, despite fears, opposition by kiev. that's after russian troops provided nearly 480 tons of humanitarian aid on thursday alone to war torn reasons of ukraine. don yeske and logan's republics are teeth. collette alger bori visited one of the many camps set up by russian forces to provide long awaited medical help for civilians in the city of several don yeske. ah, by order that the command of the russian, evelyn forces of special medical team has arrived in the city of several,
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at the nest to provide assistance from medical care in the city. in this medical unit that a mobile units equipped with the latest equipment for examination and analysis of the campaign was organized in accordance with the request of the airborne forces to help the people in several genetic. this is a comprehensive campaign. it consists of providing medical care in the form of a general hospital. patients are being checked by doctors behind me right now. medical services will be available to more than 200 people. in addition, more than 30 types of essential vital medicines will be distributed to the people. to day anti viral disinfectants, healing, white men's dressings, iodine, what people need every day were distributed. we also immediately hand out medications prescribed after a doctor's examination. many see this event as a lifeline and the ray of hope for a gradual return to normal life in
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a city affected by ukrainian bombing pretty like this. how p c here is no help on the koreans were here. then practically, no one came to us who began to receive help only when the arrival of russian troops . this how many people are there in the city? it was very difficult in the city in winter. every one had wounds. i don't even want to tell you. returning to normal life in the city will not be easy in light of the data on the destruction left by the ukrainian military presence. however, russia was restoring what was destroyed by keith mercenaries and healing the winds of dawn, burst residence. meanwhile, the russian defense ministry has reported that around $200.00 ukrainian reserve soldiers were killed in a single strike on the chaplain or railway station in the southeast of ukraine. in these unverified images, you can see a large column of ukrainian military vehicles on the train that was targeted at the
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station. however, key of claims at least 25 civilians were killed and more than 30 injured in the strike. and footage it released from the scene the day after shows no signs of those military units. russia says 10 military vehicles were destroyed in the strike and stress that it does not target civilians. ah, members of u. s. congress have been asked to approve a financial aid package worth millions of dollars for india, with the legislatures research service suggesting the assistance could be linked to improvements in the countries human rights. however, new delhi has not sent a plea for any such american help. the biden administration requests $117000000.00 in foreign assistance to india for the financial year of 2023. congress could consider whether or not condition so all of such aid on improvements
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in human rights and civil liberties in india. the biden administration's request was made a month after u. s. a. i d chief samantha power travel to new delhi, a visit which saw her call out beijing's opaque loans deals while praising india as an impactful development leader. then america's human rights concerns about india were not mentioned, despite much previous criticism from american officials, west new delhi repeatedly rebuke fighting its constitution had safeguards to ensure democratic practices. across these past 75 years, india has always shown itself to be a friend to the world's poor. now, when the stakes have rarely been higher, india stands able to be an incredibly impactful development leader. earlier we spoke to india foreign secretary con, while se, ball who offered some thoughts on the possible motives behind the funding all this
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money. and who will give this money to? because we have very well established rules and regulations regarding foreign money coming into india to and yours and other things. and if this money is intended for a political purpose, then i don't think our rules will allow this. the senators very often believe that individually. then many that all the world and then ship that addiction which the world would go now they will take a moral high ground to say that they are the defenders. all right, look at the issue of this is and i still haven't been able to solve my 1st, i tend to their own problems. look at the shooting that the list constantly in schools in more than streets. innocent people are being children are being killed. but there's no consciousness of this, even if some other countries. yeah. can point out all these things to the united
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states. you know, they don't control international medic, this information is controlled by the west and his agency. so this is all kind of a posturing and show and embarrassing in the yes so, so if you use that against us and behind this, let me tell you is our position on the ukraine crisis. they are very unhappy that we haven't condemned russia. we haven't voted against russia, and this is one way that certain lobbies in the united states are actually paying us back by eating at us on the issues of human rights and minority rights and things like the last expects their problems are going to be our problems that that will not happen. that's what former pakistani prime minister him wrong con, told r t during an exclusive interview. this thursday. the wide ranging discussion came shortly after in islam about cor extended his bill after terrorism charges were brought against them. you know, neil spoke to the house, the prime minister,
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they have made this into a terrorism case, the ban my life coverage on, on, on, on screen and, and they're trying to ban me from politics because there's a case of contempt against me a since i left office, 4 months back. never has there been such a public response for, for any political party as it is for my body to do the government as panicking. though they're watching us growing popularity we. we swept the day by elections and the biggest provinces been job. there were though other 2 by elections which were swept. so they're bit scared and that's why they're clumping down. if we go back, mister can to, when you are, i stayed from power in the spring time. you've mentioned several times that certain documents exist that confirm foreign interference in your removal from power. are
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you in any position to tell us what those documents may be? well deserve the cipher alert conversation between the bug, a sign ambassador and washington, and the under secretary of state of the you of the u. s. there is a conversation between them where he threatens the pakistani investor, that unless i m. ron hahn was removed as a prime minister in a no confidence, a name, a motion that book that still wasn't table as yet that there would be consequences for by your son. the biggest problem is that western countries expect their problems through to become our problems. a new report says that account shut down by matter products and twitter that claim to be independent. me outlets were in fact propaganda channels run by the us government, our teeth caleb map and brings us the details. it's always supposed to be
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those evil conspiring russians were spreading fake news with their bots and their troll farms, making us distrust our oh, so benevolent western leaders and our great democratic western institutions. but it looks like some shady internet activities had just been uncovered and they're coming from the united states. how jones investigation found an interconnected web of accounts that used a septic tactics to promote pro western narratives in the middle east and central asia. these campaigns consistently advanced narrative promoting the interests of the united states and its allies, while opposing countries including russia, china under room. we believe this activity represents the most extensive case of covert pro western influence operations on social media to be reviewed and analyzed to date. so fake news from the u. s. state department bashing, russia, china and iran, stanford university, and graphic i issued the report and meta,
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the parent company of facebook, and instagram provided the necessary data to promote the narratives. the now deleted accounts, shared news articles, calling for a ban on russian tv channels. they called on central asian nations to curb chinese influence and so on. here are some details of the operation, the operation talk it russian speak in central nation. alden says and focused on praise in american aid to central asia and criticize in russia, particularly rates foreign policy. facebook's post self and had few within 10 locks it only $10.00 pay scale more than $1000.00 reactions. it was pretty shallow stuff . photos of models doctored into profile pictures, synthetic hash tag campaigns all to help push a pentagon version of world events. of course. now facebook says this is the 1st time that they removed a foreign influence operation directed by the united states. now interesting as
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many suspect, this is definitely not the 1st time something like this has happened. meanwhile, what about all the other voices that have been accused of being russian box are simply said on popular things that have then been silenced by the tech giants. what about all the other voices that have been simply asking questions about the war and grain only to be silent over the past few months? now we shall see what new information surfaces in the coming weeks, months and years. but one thing is clear, the narrative that russia is spreading this info, while the leaders of the united states simply believe in transparency and democracy has been completely blown. it is now a matter of public record that the united states has been spreading this information across the world. everybody knows the u. s. volved and these kinds of information campaigns. it's obvious. i mean, any of that would be foolish to believe that you know, that the, the only, the only party that does this is russia, that's, that's crazy as a reference,
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always accusing others of betraying these high and is high and mighty principles that the us itself, you know flouted every opportunity. i'm in the us, us engaged in a major propaganda campaign, especially domestically here in the united states. doing everything i can to make sure that americans do not receive alternative source of information. it has done everything i can to penalize russian or other outlet as being you know, agents of this information. but it's all nonsense. this complete, not just because the united states is the greatest perpetrator, perpetrator of propaganda and this information to begin with. war between russia and the u. s. could lead the world into a nuclear winter. that's the conclusion of a group of american scientists who released a paper calling for an urgent need for global cooperation. according to their
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research, more than 5000000000 people would die as a result of conflict between the 2 countries. nuclear war and their words would be hard to avoid. as the u. s. it's allies and russia possess more than 90 percent of the global nuclear arsenal. a similar warning has also recently voice by the united nations chief who said humanity is just one misunderstanding away from nuclear annihilation. vladimir putin meanwhile, has stressed in the case of nuclear war, there would be no winners. earlier my colleague union o'neill spoke with the scientist behind the report who stressed that their warning is not sensationalist. the findings of your research frankly is, is terrifying. did you expect the conclusions to be as extreme as they were? no, i didn't expect that they would be this extreme. this is the 1st time ever and looked at the agricultural losses from the climate disaster that would occur after
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a nuclear war on a country by country basis. now we've studied, for example, the young daily temperatures in a place like ukraine, which is a bed bur redbreast in europe. and it was the worst. darcy, radcliffe, freezing there is no day for more than 2 years in which there is not a day in, on temperature, below freezing. we calculate how many people would die from the direct effects of the nuclear war. ready the heretic effects we already know about number of people that would die from starvation, far removed from where any bombs will be dropped was more than 10 times the number of direct effects. the non proliferation treaty negotiations are just ending today in or tomorrow, i guess in, in new york at the united nations. and the question is, what will be the final statement. ready of the 9 nuclear nations, including the u. s. and russia, make a commitment to reduce nuclear weapons and go along with article 6 of this treaty,
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which they've been ignoring for a while. this is not just a u. s. nato russia problem. it's and involves the entire world and all these countries have to have nuclear weapons and i need to resolve their problems without my having a nuclear conflict. there are people that build weapons. there are people that are in the military that are in charge of them. and i think their careers will continue if the fear and the conflict a continuance brian her benefits from nuclear proliferation. no one benefits from nuclear proliferation. and since it's a waste of money and united states is rebuilding as nuclear arsenal. people have different aspects of the cost, trillion dollars, rushes building up, all kinds of new weapons. no one benefits from matching the weapons candy used to just sit on the ground writing. so it's like taking money, answering a jewel on the ground and korea. i, you know, one when we use the money for something beneficial like, you know, developing new energy sources to get around the gold climate problem or educating
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our citizens, or i'm making people who have less money than others are more equitable. there's lots of things we can do besides just building uses weapons will never be used. can ever be used gender if they were using were destroyed in civilization across years . ah, serving multiple arity, iran's former foreign minister has met with molly's government during a trip to africa in which the 2 countries agree to boost economic and defense ties . the visit comes as molly praises iranian efforts to confront western sanctions with a terrain official emphasizing the 5 pack, the west nonsensical sanctions policy has failed, and nations will move forward with perseverance, stability, and self confidence. the iranian minister said the 2 countries will intensify. mutual cooperation and economics technology and science and defense with her and agreeing to support by mako in its fight against terrorism. molly's foreign
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minister meanwhile, praised iran's efforts to expand relations with african countries. stressing that while others said seek domination, iran pursues cooperation. the agreement comes as the west reduces its support of africa. france completed the pull out of its troops from molly in august, which had been in the country since 2013 in an effort to combat international terrorism. the withdraw her contributed to a spiraling security crisis in the country where the attacks on civilians continuing less cross live now to christopher holly, political analysts and researcher christopher, why is iran now looking to expand cooperation with african saved? in particular, molly, i think number one, molly is significant because of its long standing fight against jazz forces. the will have been fell if it's forces that back,
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whether it be our keita or even more extreme, isis. so we see that iran under the leadership, in the past many years of general customs to le money that was brutally assassinated by the united states. iran has been at the forefront of the fight against dies with its allies in the syrian government. and lebanon says bowler in fighting dash, and iran is also appraising molly and the government in barco for the fight against terrorism. and also, iran is following a similar path as russia and china are in trying to build relations with africa and trying to develop the continent in the wake of disastrous centuries of european colonialism and, you know, american imperialism on the, on the continent. so iran, see this is the opportunity to have friends in the region. and bama go has also said to the president. right now, the colonel, you said to you runs for administer,
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that they are very pleased and they're very happy with iran pushing back against the west and in still continuing to progress even under such tremendous sanctions. so it's a sign of great friendship burgeoning on the continent. what specific areas do you think will be at the forefront of this cooperation? i think, but primarily economic and cultural, i think, you know, he runs to foreign minister mentioned a multitude of business opportunities that can be built between both countries. i think there are also be cultural cooperation between the 2 and also iran would certainly support molly and the struggle against terrorism. that's what it does in the region, and that's what it continues to promote. so i think that there's a lot of opportunities here for economic growth and development, and that's in conjunction with. also the built in rhode initiative that china is,
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is building. and with russia renewed commitment to the continents. i see it as a burgeoning new block that is willing to develop african nations and to allow for their sovereignty. instead of how the imperialist and colonial power is used to do that with the jail political changes. can we see this cooperation as a sign that developing countries are coming together to tackle regional issues? maybe perhaps they feel betrayed by the west. absolutely, absolutely. without a doubt, i think overall, the past few centuries on the african continent have been written with blood and genocide. and i believe that now in this twilight of us had gemini, i think what we are experiencing is a new multi polar situation where china, russia, iran, cuba, venezuela, nicaragua, south africa. many of these countries are coming together and saying,
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we don't want to rely on the west. you know, the 5 eyes, the u. s. u, a nato. we want to rely on ourselves. we want to develop ourselves and we want to, you know, insured the sovereignty self determination and humanity of the global self in confronting you know, washington and brussels. so i think that ultimately this is a sign of great transformation coming. i think it signals the end of the u. s. dominance on the continent, and the u. s. which has african on the continent is extremely worried about these developments. and that's why the u. s. department is pushing for further relations with african nations because they realize they're losing. there's talk of military cooperation. what benefits do you think it will bring for molly? i think it'll, it'll, it'll bring tremendous opportunities to further the fight against the die sion against the judges. forces that were back finance and controlled in many ways by
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the united states and nato. let's not forget what happened, especially in north africa, over the past decade, where the u. s. over through a general conduct feet, colonel gadhafi in libya and was able to create absolute chaos in the region and fermenting a whole bunch of proxy wars and regime change operations. so i think iran is firmly committed to the sovereignty of molly, the sovereignty of many of the other countries. and in fighting these terrorists, which are at the end of the day, the money true goes back to langley and to all the duck corners of the us. and nato imperialist apparatus. so i think ultimately, this cooperation is extremely profound for bringing stability to molly and for bringing the opportunities necessary to secure it and develop it. and what to make of the iranian foreign minister's comments that the west is policies of sanctioning so many countries like russia has failed. it has failed because it,
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what it has forced. all of these countries to do is to say, ok, let's cut the petro dollar. let's cut our reliance on the us dollar as a, as a currency of transaction on the international market. and let's create new opportunities and economic incentives and structures to be able to do business in our own currencies. and to be able to create new economic structures that don't rely on the western economic structures. so ultimately, this is opening up a huge rift, a huge transformation since the 2nd world war. and i think what we are witnessing is the burgeoning, you know, a creation of a new economic block that will rival the united states in a way that it hasn't been rivaled in the collapse of the soviet union. so i think ultimately this has tremendous opportunities and provides, i mean there are over 30 countries under us sanctions. so this provides an opportunity for these countries to come together to develop, to have their sovereignty and to ultimately to fight back and pushed back against
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these illegal immoral and unethical sanctions promoted by the u. s. in the european union. christopher holly, political analysts and researcher, thank you. thank you very much. we must pay for ukraine. that's the message from u. k. prime minister boris johnson, to his fellow britain to lease, says in the fight for quote, freedom must endorse storing energy bills, poverty, and quote, catastrophic winter at home. easy sense to pay for british tax payers to support freedom in ukraine? i say he's absolutely right. and we've got to continue to do it. johnson's words came during a surprise visit by the outgoing p. m to cab the u. k. itself is currently suffering from sky rocketing inflation, which is on track to hit 18 percent and early 2023, according to some predictions. that would be the highest inflation peak in almost
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half a century. that's how johnson's cause have gone down with some just imagine being so wealthy, so privileged, and so utterly lacking in empathy that you can't see that people in poverty suffer, struggle and die in a crippling financial crisis. this is everything that's wrong with boris johnson. you don't balance this war on the backs of suffering british children and thereby escaped the government's responsibilities to those kids. voice johnson playing the champion of all things ukraine, when he's a busted flush on the home front is utterly transparent. so he's obviously making a last ditch attempt at being an international statesman. after being such a monumental disaster domestically with price, a soaring and wages falling further behind british trading ins have launch. a campaign called enough is enough. it's meant to put out pressure on the government to tackle the cost of living crisis. the movement is calling for
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a real pay rise for workers energy bills to be slash the end of food poverty and more taxes on the wealthy, one leaving union leader set its time to turn the people's anger into action. the working class is back. we refused to be humbled. we refused to wait for politicians and we refused to be poor any more. the general secretary of the communist party of britain and robert griffith says the u. k is now witnessing a high level of strike action it hasn't seen for decades. and that's something the incoming prime minister is going to have to tackle immediately. people really aren't quite as stupid as the the zone be prime minister and it's party time. those who want is position seem to think they are and for people to pay these enormous bills is not, is not money that's going towards support in ukraine in the wall. it's money that's
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going straight into the coffers or the dividends of the oil companies and energy companies and their shareholders public. undoubtedly the public or rally and 2 initiatives, such as enough is enough, as well as the other campaign in bodies. there's support for strike action, a level that i certainly haven't seen for decades in britain, there's a lot of sympathy for workers who are fighting back against real terms coach in their pay and fire and re ios and fire and replace policies. and so i'm sure there really isn't of search of anger. and it means that when the new prime minister takes over in early september, they are going to be confronted by that title wave of protests that would be those are the top new stories for this. our next, it's always about the economy. it seems the economic and financial conditions of
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any society transcend ideology. more of the discussion on r t cross talk next, don't go far. i no nation, no nation has ever done anything like it in all the history. with .


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