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tv   News  RT  August 29, 2022 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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oh ah, breaking news ukraine military has taken heavy load is off to say failing and offensive on 3 fronts that according to russia's defense ministry, radioactive feel, storage building a bizarre padaya nuclear power plant has been heads, bind ukrainian shelling according to local russian back officials and some graphic distressing images from a rock there at least 10 people have now reported being killed and dozens injured. in fact, august, protest assume government offices in support of the leading opposition. shia cleric who's announced he's quitting politics is the name of
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a spec. and ukranian suspect accused of helping fascinate russian journalists study a duke and not in the most official se o'clock then 2nd young per provided the killer with fake documents, with a very well welcome. this is archie international. with the latest world news update is good to have you with us. now we start with breaking news from ukraine, where kia sportage have been beaten back in the country south after they tried to launch an offensive debt. that's the latest from russia's defense ministry. most goes days the ukrainians try to advance on 3 fronts at once, but have suffered heavy casualties. as a result, using more than 500 troops along with 26 tanks and 2 aircraft, the butch defensive is said to have been ordered by ukranian president the landscape. early camps trips shall be rushing control town of via ca,
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calls in mckesson region, according to local officials. ukrainian army bombing resident has been bombing residential areas. this is the latest we have from the scene. authorities say that one us applied high miles rocket fell on the city, but failed to explode. and then another shelling of a neighboring town, a local school was completely destroyed. according to local officials have shown this footage of the damage. no casualties have been reported as separate development, a radioactive fil, storage. building of as apple, she a nuclear power plant has been passed by ukrainian shilling. that's according to local russian banks. officials. they have released these pictures of the off the mouth showing a damaged roof on one of the buildings. their lesson officials are previously warned ukraine multiple times to stop selling the plants, which supply hundreds of thousands of people with electricity. here has been
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blaming moscow for keeping its military out the facility we spoke to the russian backs, men of a near good doggy ukrainian town, which is located close to the nuclear power plant. he's a taurus he's ready to provide evidence of key shelling of the facility to international observers. no, no, no one knows a shoe at the moment. radiation levels are normal. it's the shilling only pierce the roof of the building. so they wanted to carry out a terrorist act that would lead to the spread of radiation around here and further towards europe. i think this is being done in order to prevent the international atomic energy agency from entering the plant up always we have a lot of evidence to show the international atomic energy agency in particular on how the ukranian army has sheldon nuclear facility and the nearby city of n or go to r u b as low. all these attacks are documented and all of this will certainly be presented to the international atomic energy agency mission that which is coming here. well, this is what ukrainian politicians and their military are afraid out because they are terrorizing not only russia,
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but also their own citizens who live here. it comes as the international atomic energy agency says his delegation will reach the power plant later this week to inspect the situation. same includes the head to all be global nuclear watchdog, and experts from 13 countries high. the key of says it once the i e h to come to a single conclusion that moscow is responsible for the trouble at the plant. the day has come, the international atomic energy agency support and assistance mission to zap roacha is now on its way. we must protect the safety and security of ukraine's in europe's biggest nuclear facility, proud to lead this mission, which will be at the power plant later this week. we expect a clear statement from the international atomic energy agency mission about the violations of all nuclear safety protocols. we know that russia endangers not only ukraine, but the whole world, exposing it to the risk of a nuclear catastrophe. we got reaction to the client that around the nuclear power plants from the ortho,
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and we'll correspondent thomas roper. he says the upcoming investigation and eventual report by the i. e. a should be taken with a pinch of salt. i'm so the trains one to want to see a result which says russia is, is, this is the one who so skilled you that and that for ukraine in ukraine, each western extract from really hard radical countries like usa, britain, poland, baltic states and so on. russia is also have once at least a neutral result as far as i understand and they have from people from countries they are friendly with like, so be on china. so it will be interested to see whether there will be one conclusion or whether these exports will come to a common sense or what they see that this was also interesting because we know from further problems like that, whether it was chemical or whatever that term sometimes these reports are quite political, so it will be interesting of that have one common conclusion after the wizard i
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think can people have reportedly being killed and dozens injured during on going on west in baghdad. it comes as protest is broke into government offices in the iraqi capital earlier in support of a leading opposition. shia cleric, who announced his retirement from politics and with an ongoing power struggle in the country. it's latest footage comes from bank down to where i protest is, have taken to the streets despite a nationwide policy, which it warn you that you may find the following images. this is one of the victims who was allegedly killed during class. she is with the local security forces. earlier mac tonto, i'll fight as follows. storms, the republican palace, a key meeting place for iraq. the heads of stays in foreign dignitaries. the rocky army has never fortunately taken full control of the government offices off using live bullets until august to disperse. the crowns, protested, were met by local security who is at the end of the ceremonial building. but after
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the arrival of the iraqi army, the classes moved on to the streets of baghdad, georgia, the military is patrol the streets of the iraqi capital while he has been declared a country like the sunrise begun last month when roxy freeman, judicial council suspended his work officer to support his camp out near its headquarters to demand city to those parliament. his policy was unable to form a government. this plan having more the largest number of seats in the federal elections held long table. his local journalists missing the bill, reporting directly from the green zone in back that the security situation in iraq is still very patient. it shows start my speech from the south of iraq. the leadership looked all solid. so console on a bus for the car building. while the broadest are still controlled on too many streets, and these are burning fires, please. but, and by that,
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that situation is still not really a good shooting. fires again, is the broadest inside the green zone. will say heard from political analysts said almost a levy who stays the current unrest in baghdad could lead to a civil war. the processes are still on the streets and the green zone, or the international zone, as it know, as still surrounded by security forces and large number of investors are soon inside the nation. so also number of armed militia also enter, which are connected to the the, the address and to the area of the situation is moving into more, being more critical. it is very possible, a civil war. we can actually see the beginning of an escalation that could very easily lead to room to pull out
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a war which will be devastating to the oil industry because the civil war will take place the main, the south of iraq, where the oil fields and the world exports facilities are situated, so we are actually facing real. present danger. and we can see, oh, very good. the f f b says it has identified a 2nd suspect involved in the killing of russian journalist study, a duke and on august 21st. it crania national bank and it's like a man co is accused of providing the assassin with fake documents and helping prepare the explosive is to blow up duke in his car. our teeth on core to has the data, the f. s. b's investigation into the assassination of russian journalists. daria duke and continues. and the bureau has released new footage that appears to confirm
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that the already established suspect ukrainian national natalia evolve had a previously unknown accomplice, se ukrainian national, named bogged on to gun yes. now this footage appears to show him entering the russian federation on july 30th and meeting with volk shortly after the f. s. b says that the mail suspect assisted volved in replacing the done, you have to people's republic license plates that she entered the russian federation with you on her mini cooper with the license plates from catholic stand, which he was able to pick up from a delivery point that can be seen in the footage as well as the mail sucks, suspect, departure from the country just one day before the terrorist attack took place. now the f. s b also says that gun yank helped both create the improvised explosive device that is in question here. that we used in the terrorist attack and that was created in a garage that was rented out by them in southern moscow. now to give our viewers a bit of background,
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this actually really gives more credence to the original findings of the investigation. that voss was indeed following do going to around before and at the music festival that preceded her tragic death. she was killed in a car bombing over a week ago, which the f s c has since laid the blame on the ukrainian security services. after all, she was on a list of enemies of the ukrainian state that called me toward it's likely for her journalistic work in ukraine, exposing neo nazis and the f. s. b has said that the assassins were after her specifically, but there has been speculation that they were after her high profile father, alexander doogan, who was an anti west author, philosopher and political commentator. all the while though you ukraine has denied having anything to do with this. so we're going to have to see what other conclusions this investigation can yield and the future as well to shed light on what we don't yet know about what happened. a group of canada and see were forcibly
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evicted from their land by british settlers during colonial rule. have fought a case against the u. k. at the european court of human rights, they demand $200000000000.00 and compensation and the apology for the crimes. they say were committed against them. lawyers for the canyon, for the decision from the european court could be still months or even years away with the british government refusing to meet with the victims. the colony and protect choice of tenure more commonly known as british county, was established in 1920 and faced frequence rebellions of the indigenous population . like the mail now uprising in the mid fifties when local tribes revolted against the land. theft of the colonists, the trauma have a lasting impact on canyons. he still remember the cruel seas of the british settlers. cooking on your dom d for many years. our land has been cultivated by white people. i own nothing. i have been living a life full of challenges. oh it did me. my parents died suffering under the u. k. and we still remains in waters without even the ocean of land where we can be
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buried. doing would they have used our land for many years in our cattle and other property was destroyed as we were chased away. young girls and women lorraine don't, but we are just asking for compensation. you do it to her to give me like as a kid sick as people have had a loss of vision, leave me your 100 in many petitions, god what nothing has happened. we have major plans for how to rebuild our lawyer. city to buy land is returned, so you should also receive compensation. and that money will be used for assisting our community. us is what if we get compensation from the u. k. government, we will buy food on this. educate our children and also to call try homeless issues because some of us sick many have even died. joel and kim and i both like one of the lawyers working on the case a local people were forced on the land, tortured and even killed by british settlers. this lunch was taken for 3 minutes. nadisa objected to what did you torture where people are big
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enough and you've got the salted houses. let's talk on his get each. there was several incidents or grid women and children, and also their families. we kind of separated each member of some family that need to be in. i know the many people who are cute and civil people also teach austria as chancellor is calling for european unity. i'm it, it escalating energy crisis. they're saying your government scrambling to fill the gas bolts ahead of winter. they struggle with shortages on price hikes due to the back class of their sanctions on russia. we must finally stop the madness that is taking place in energy markets. and that can only happen through a european solution. well, his ortiz contributes
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a right to marsden with more on the european energy crisis. the european union is made its own bed with energy sanctions, and that bed is clearly on a sinking ship. as energy prices skyrocket and supplied to windows. but you member states are busy playing tug of war with the bed sheets ahead of the winter cooled when they were all supposed to be sharing and playing nice. now it's scandinavian countries that are unhappy because the government of norway refuses to man that it's energy companies reduce the price of their gas so that other you, nations can get a cheap grid operator. executives in finland and denmark are accusing norway of being a selfish nationalist bed sheet hog. and you know, who wins when that happens? no, not the people of norway vladimir putin. of course, it would be the 1st country in europe to adopt such a policy on electricity would be a very dangerous and nationalistic step. it's very selfish behavior,
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if we don't work together, it will only help russia. there is a danger in any national measure in a situation like this. it's a contagious example. people might say, if norway can do it, so can we. therefore, i think it's the wrong approach. of course, norwegian officials are only doing what's in the best interests of the citizens who elected them. but being and you members, state right now means standing shoulder to shoulder with those who made the very dumbest energy policy decisions as demanded by brussels and all to prove how much they love ukraine and how little they apparently are willing to fight for the interests of their own citizens, things aren't looking much better right now between france and its neighbors. on the surface, everything is about solidarity. french secretary of state for europe, no hauls buena says that quote, germany supplies us with electricity and we have undertaken to supply them with gas . what, maybe he can 1st point out to french citizens, exactly where this gas is in france,
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that the government appears certainly has so much of that. it can export it to germany. and then maybe she can explain to german citizens where it's getting this electricity that it's exporting to france. the fact that france needs to import electricity at all, given that it's supposed to be a nuclear power, is just mind blowing. but beneath this facade of unity also lurks good old franco, german economic rivalry, because germany and its southern neighbor, spain and portugal could really benefit from the construction of the miti, catalonia pipeline, that would transport algerian gas from the iberian peninsula and into central europe. if we told him, if we heard german chancellor, olaf shows speak about the need to reinforce the iberian peninsulas energy integration into the european energy market via france. this is something the spanish government has been calling for and demanding from europe for a long time. now among them, but we hope that soon we can turn this dream into a reality with the government of catalonia has been asking for it for months.
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madrid is now ready to relaunch the work that has remained in abeyance. it's up to france to do its part, but the pipeline would, after run through france, france constantly sites the environment as a reason for drapes, feet on the construction. but the reality is that the project would ultimately benefit the german economy while competing with frances ability to export its own nuclear energy to its needy neighbors. meanwhile, austria's upset was slovakia over plants for a nuclear power plant on their shared border, calling it dangerous and outdated despite the e. you having just given nuclear the green label and hungry has clearly just well checked out entirely from this entire mess. after announcing new gas deals with moscow earlier this summer, budapest is now green lit, the construction of a new nuclear power plant built by russia. you think the hungry was operating on a completely different planet than the rest of the e. u. and you also have to wonder how long it will take for other you member
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straight to break free of the straight jacket rather than continue abiding by the current insanity. the f b i has owned up to providing private american companies with advice and so called foreign threats. as off amongst the came clean about censoring b 100 bite and laptop standalone facebook. on a warning from us federal agents of alleged russian propaganda the f b. i has provided companies with foreign threat indicators to help them protect their platforms and customers from abuse by foreign malign influence actors the f b. i will continue to work closely with federal, state, local, and private sector partners to keep the public informed of potential threats. but the f b, i cannot ask or direct companies to take action on information received. we have the f, b, i admitting that they flagged companies about possible distant information and the lead up to the 2020 election. and facebook took this advice from the f. b i and
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started calming through various story, then determining to suppress certain stories and that that led them to the conclusion that they were going to suppress the hunter. bide laptop story. this is what mark dr. berg said on the joe rogan podcast. the distribution on facebook was decreased. basically the ranking a news feed was a little bit less. so fewer people saw it than would have otherwise. so it definitely by what percentage? i don't know off the top my head, but it's, it's meaningful. now since then, we've had met the parent company of facebook, come forward and clarify that while they did not, they were not specifically told to suppress the laptop story. they were simply warned about this information. and that seems to have tempered some of the public outrage. but at this point, there are a lot of questions on people's minds. first people wonder does the f b, i have the right to go to private companies and advise them on what stories should
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be moved to be removed to their asking? does the f b, i statement suggests that it actually regularly does this the only time they've been advising facebook and other social media companies about suppressing stories. and the 3rd question is, was this done by the f b i with partisan and intentional purposes? were they trying to help the democratic party? that's a pretty important question. people are asking get the f b. i metal in the elections with the hope of helping the democratic party. now senator ron johnson says that he is not alone in raising serious questions about this case. and this revelation, we've seen poles to show that heavy american public known the corruption, the buying trailing of hunter by joe biden, will not be present for the epi ised palletization. there parson ship, and there suppression of the 100, by the laptop. if that is a definition of police think behavior a government agency independently decides it's going to determine the outcome of a supposedly democratic election. does that look like legitimate use of law
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enforcement authority? do you, the government openly, coordinating with free speech? suppose it platforms like facebook and like twitter in order to quash particular stories on behalf of one political party. you have f, b i, agents using their position to collude and conspire to change the outcome of an election. now, the poll numbers seem to indicate that this had a big impact on the election. one poll shows that 80 percent of americans believe that trump would have been reelected if there had actually been notable coverage of the 100 biden laptop stories. it also doesn't help that we now have the i whistleblowers who are coming forward and saying that they were told that, you know, and members of the u. s. senate were recently told not to dig in to the 100 by laptop story. that's pretty big information. when you look at the details with the whistleblowers, et cetera, it's starting to look like what summer calling election interference. these new allegations proved even more evidence of f b i corruption. after the f b,
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i obtained the hunter biden laptop. these whistleblower stated that the local f b i leadership told employees, you will not look at that hunter biden laptop and that the f b i is not going to change the outcome of the election again. the f b, i cannot be trusted with the handling of hunter biden's laptop. now members of the u. s. senate at this point are saying that they would like the opportunity to grill the api i about what actually happened in a congressional hearing. and facebook is now back tracking out from what was originally said, ah, so at this point, people looking on the questions are getting bigger, but it appears that all is not fair and love, and politics and outward special coverage on afghanistan, which marks one year since nato's chaotic withdrawal. ah, 12 months on taliban foreign minister mohammed jak who claims the us is using
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pakistani as space to launch drone attacks on afghanistan. calling it prove that america's unwanted interference continues his artes peter scott on how u. s. trone strikes. regularly had civilians on the grounds, including a family wife's house in august 2021. in one of its passing gifts after its 20 year long war enough gun it's done. us conducted a drone strike on a vehicle in cobble it was meant for an i fis k terrace, the valley targets, whose car was apparently pots with explosives, retaliation for the suicide bombing that killed a 13 us servicemen at the airport just days earlier, bought the new york times carried out an investigation that revealed the awful truth. the person killed in the car was 43 year old demari, amadi, and amadi was no terrorist anything. but he was in fights an 8 worker for 15 years at nutrition and education international,
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which is an american organization that helps fights malnutrition. he was killed as he pulled into his driveway. it's home. but he wasn't the only one. ah ah oh, i love the guitar, let him get you off. i can't forget that moment. we were standing outside in the street, chatting with friends, and there was a huge blast. i looked around to find out what happened while i saw the main gate of the house on the ground. flames were with the bill from the house. the building was burning. i saw children's bodies torn into pieces. i saw their arms, my and the round and legs and feet. it was horrible. ah,
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i am a walk. they called the session that night when americans had announced they had targeted isis. we were shocked. it was a completely false proclamation. their claims could pierce infer the danger when faced with his horrific realization, even us lawmakers expressed outrage. the guy the by administration drone was he, an aid worker or an ices k operative? the administration is, of course, reviewing that strike. and i'm sure that a, you know, full assessing will be, will be for you don't know if it was an aide worker or an ices k operative. i don't, i don't know because we're reviewing. we'll see. you think you'd kind of know before you off somebody with a predator drone whether he's an aide worth her, or he's an ice is k, and only when bites into calling it depends again, finally admits it, made a mistake and say it was sorry. i all, for my profound condolences to the family and friends of those who were killed.
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this strike was taken in the earnest belief that it would prevent an imminent threat to our forces and iraqi was at the airport. but it was a mistake. and i all for my sincere apology, having realised the error of his ways, the pentagon then endeavored to make amends for this botched strike to conduct a thorough investigations the events and somehow make amends to the family. 2 months later, the conclusion of that review came out. that's a mistake. it's a regrettable mistake. it's an honest mistake. i understand the consequences, but it's not criminal, conduct random conduct negligence. that's right. every almost lets off the hook. no misconduct or negligence, no disciplinary action. just a breakdown in communication wrongly identifying the targets and recommendations were made to avoid similar events happening again in the future. a modest form employer based in california was outraged at the injustice. how can our military wrongly take the lives of 10,
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precious african people and hold no one accountable in any way? what messages sending to family members who lost their loved ones. and my employees who lost a beloved colleague under mart is, is not the only life to have been lost without any accountability from the u. s. military, between 242020 the u. s. can do some more than 13000 drone strikes. enough gun is done going up to $900.00 civilians including more than $100.00 children. so a modest case is not unique, but it's a symbolic of the chaos surrounding americas withdrawal. the tragic twists in the story is that our muddy and his family had applied for refugee status in the us and we're waiting for a response. i mean, dedicated 15 years of his life working for the u. s. based a group been stead a. marty was killed by the very nation he was seeking safe haven in a tragic end to tragic 20 years. as always you can find all the latest
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news updates on our website r t dot com. thank you for joining us. hey, anaki international ah ah ah . mm for on november the 3rd 1945, just
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a month after the war ended. the u. s. joint chiefs of staff receive report number 3 to 9. select 20 targets to attack in the soviet union with nuclear bombs. the time was right. as the u. s. s all was devastated by wall. it either states last about $400000.00 people at the brit sloss less than the americans dead. and the soviets suffer 27000000 deaths. ah 27000000 is an incredible. ah, with john kennedy case, american university of commencement address said that to 63 he said that was the soviet suffered of world war 2 was the equivalent of the entire united states.


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