tv Cross Talk RT August 29, 2022 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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the goggle, which can be found on youtube and locals, and the mirror cache re cross to martin j. he's an award winning journalist and commentator, or a gentleman crossed out rules and the fact that means you can jump anytime you want . and i always appreciated. right, start out with george in budapest. what do you think of my introduction? georgia now overdue, and m r m m m, i prone to hyperbole here. but again, i stress all the right points that you did. it's a very succinct summary of where we are. i mean, when we think of legitimacy, what, what do we really mean? we mean political ruling elite that can actually deliver what their voters in a democracy and what you know, what they're populous generally wants, which is peace, prosperity, and that the minimum security for food on the table and the protection from the elements. now the leaders of the west of signally failed to provide any of those
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things. and they've got themselves involved unnecessarily in a war, in which the west coast no discernable interests and, and they have done so full kind of bizarre, obscure, illogical reasons that they have failed to articulate when they talk about the new world order, the liberal world, all the rules based on that, not only resonates with voters because they are rightly don't understand what any of these terms means. and so, as we had towards staggering economic crisis with written will soon have a inflation rate of 11 percent germany 8 percent. where a few years ago, the idea of even one percent inflation from the germans meant my god, it was on his way back. and then the united states is clearly heading towards the speculation. so it really is
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a question of why have the ruling in lease lead their countries into this disaster disaster own choosing was another natural disaster of their own choosing. man, you know everything, the joint site is completely obvious to all of us. but when we're asked, you know, how do you going to address these issues? and when we hear the response, we get we get it back ukrainians as long as it takes, i mean, but that does it answer the question again. and it's really quite insulting, because decision makers, leadership in the west, they're there, they don't, they're not that they don't have to deal with the consequences of their own decision. i've always said, i doubt any of these leaders in europe in north america. have a clue, would have a local broadcast, a local broke, also, or a lease wrestling, or, or even the panoramic cause that's not really concerned. they're not attached to that economy, but it's very disturbing. what you summarize about this mansion we keep hearing
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from the west, that term ukraine must fight to the last man, you know, my god, how incredibly deterministic that these people think they are, that, that if, when you look at the actual human collateral, you know how much value does the west put on one ukraine life? i would say nothing 1000000 talk. it's almost of. busy their ideas and their human rights who live in air brushed. now the whole equation. now george talks about, you know, well this is all heading and why we have got this from the western leaves, this new rationale on this new. we keep hearing about the so called reset button. you know, what is the reset button? i know what it is, you know is i, i don't think they know what it is, but i think what the western lease have been doing for very long time. certainly in my life time is making this transition from being in power under governing and taxing problems had on to actually not dealing with problems too. but simply make
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themselves look busy. as if to give this idea there represent the interests of people who actually believe in, you know, the new world order based on free speech, libertarian values on human rights, etc. all that, all that nonsense, which we've been presented to for so long as being the, the foundations of western democracy. which is really the, isn't really the true true, true story. i think what's happening now to, to explain what george touched on is, i think a certain sense of panic. panic is setting in the western, leach, they don't know where they're going. that terrified of debate, debate, it's like the age of, of the new environment. you know, we don't want people actually talking and this is why i'm horrified to get onto my laptop every morning and look at my twitter timeline and discover one more western jan. this being charged by the judiciary assistance as a particular lady in germany. now he's report from us, she has faced
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a legal absence and she's got this, this trial against, for just reporting reporting the truth and wasn't least, don't really like the truth that's come as a commodity. they control the so called truth or the perceived truth. so wrong now, but i think a panic is set again and i think that is linked to ukraine. i think the panic is very much, you know, that they need to be more and more creative to support the what i call the super lease. you know, we keep looking at the lease. we tend to think of the leads of people liked about it or johnson or emmanuel micron. but there is a puppet really this spokespersons of the relates, the real leads, a people who control equities and start markets, the banks major military, industrial complex, and even hollywood. this is really this real palace, the control people lecture but and then we've been living under this pretense for so long in the west, particularly america. that hey, it's okay. we have real democracy because we don't lecture,
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but we can switch him out. well, let him out and replacing with with was with whom, you know, another muffet wearing a cheap suit representing those beliefs. so i think to answer the question, it's a tech to get switches. i think we're witnessing the state of panic from super niche now in ukraine is part of the whole process of immature isn't ukraine. the deflection because of the panic that we've been, martin had just talked about. i mean, problems are easily recognized. but in when you live in their ideological bubble, they don't have any answers. they don't have any tools. ok, that's, that's the problem they have. and the problem is they only talk to themselves. and what our problems are, they either don't recognize or could care less. because our concerns are not their concerns and they are. busy more they were more important because they have the power george. yes. so there's no question of that. and then we can see this even in
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the coverage in the media of the downfall of forest johnston in which the. 1 media obsess, you know, they devote hours and hours of coverage to all the gossip and trivia who said woman, who you one about once and when, and none of it has any rounds. i mean, you just look at the, you know, exactly who can run any that way. it will, britain facing 11 percent inflation when people are unable to afford the gas and electricity bills. when you have essentially months of months of the month of negative growth economy is, is stagnating, these are the issues that are roiling burton. and it's going to get even worse. we as, as we head into the winter and it was a panic, is also sitting in is that the rest of the world isn't buying what the west is selling. and you know, whether it's india or china,
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they aren't interested in any of this liberal, illogical claptrap that blinking and biden, the little hold of the great struggle going on in the world when democracy in return. isn't that no idea what lincoln is talking about? i have no idea a, you know, the leaders of indian leaders of china. they've seen the national interest, you know, because they, they pose, you, there, civilizational interest and ross are those the same. they understand russia point of view, they understand what russia is doing. but they have no understanding of what exactly the west is doing, what, what exactly the west is seeking to achieve in your brain. in fact, when we ask that question, what exactly is the west seeking to achieve? great. it's impossible to ask, we're just, we're just going to go on, you know, whatever the ones, the ones we, you know, the landscape will get. and we're just going to keep fighting and we're going to
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wait. we are trying to put the russians as much as possible well with you to want. i mean, where, where does this go? since you are local winning and you have no hope of bringing the russian economy to see. so the west is engaged in the war that the rest of the world as no interest and doesn't understand what the west is doing. you know, a forest johnson was brought up because it correct me if i'm wrong, but he was headed to the conservative party. but in the last waning days of this agony or his premiership, he was talking about cox, it masculinity and glasgow county like but we need to be more feminine. what i think voters didn't expect that i'm a conservative leader. maybe i'm wrong now because he was all in respect of he came from that classic conservative background that lead to some of being eaten. not
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many people in britain, even know that johnson isn't really even english. he's russian, greek, turkish and french rolled into one. so he's an old character, but he played up very much the lift. and i think that's because really, if you look at the winning blow of his last election, where he had almost a landside was, was the huge contingent of old labor votes as the voted for him. the cross that line, you know, because they wanted to get it done. the tories want to have the next time around the next election. they won't have that to play. but the story about joseph is really interesting. we're going to talk about nita, because johnson is a product of the whole liters and she's in the u. k. and the reason why he had to be pulled out, well, the reason why there was just minor coup d'etat in england was because the conservative party realized it wasn't playing by the rules. rules of keeping this pretense going, that we have a further democracy in the u. k, and that we really believe in freedom speech and human rights and all this,
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he was going off the rails, he was going away from the plantation of the plantations. american. ready and panic conserves as well. well, if you carried on doing that, it doesn't matter about the scandals that you keep on, but if you carry on doing it, people will start to realize that actually this isn't a functioning democracy anymore. and then there is a facade here, you know, where super lead to our country take the big decisions. and, you know, and i think a big part of george mentioned the, the, the unintended consequence of countries no longer buying a product that probably wasn't factored in to taking on russia in the u. k. you know, the fact that you have this acceleration now, bricks, countries you have this amalgamation of russia, india, china together looking to see how can we put around markets, you know, forget about the west. let's look forward. that's really exciting, but i'm sure the super leads of these western countries didn't fact that in what they were thinking about, i think it to funded mental things. first of all,
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how can we create a monumental distraction tool, the policies in the west, you know, create a war somewhere. that's a brilliant way of just hurting all your unless, you know, taking them away. you said you have 2 points here. you said one, i'm going to go to a quick break, and after that quick break, we're going to get your number 2. ah, ah. the only one main thing is important for not as an internationally speaking to that is that nation's pickups are allowed to do anything. all the mazda races reason us . hey jim, it is so dangerous. is it the law? the sovereignty of all the country wars business and business is good and that is
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the reality of what we're facing, which is fashion with welcome to cross stock where all things are considered. i'm peter labelle. this is the home edition to remind you were discussing some real news. ah martin, got it back to you and their cash, or you mentioned your 1st point. what is your 2nd go ahead. the 2nd point is to see what corruption and corruption always plays a big role. i'm when they leave start to fail when they start to lose the grip on, on countries that are controlling the super leads in western europe. i think our
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son to panic and i think they're starting to worry that they will not be able to support themselves in the longer term. how do you have you insure against that? you know, how do you back up your how do you create a backup plan? against that, you take 40 or $50000000000.00 on the table and you push it across the table to your buddy is in an industrial miniature complex. you sent a you guys just take that, that should keep it going for a while now. and by the way, there's more to come, you know, to, you know, you have these huge rounds which in european union and america about illegal state aid. but when it war comes, well those say a lot, just go out of the window. you give as much money as you want to your own company. so am raphael lockheed martin. even worse, give huge sums of money to $1.00 of the most corrupt countries in the world, which before february 24th of this year, it was well known ukraine was a bit weaker roughly. i want to change gears a little bit. george, it's very interesting to me. we had a number of con fab's. we had, you know, brussels, you know, the use always in permanent,
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a meeting. and we had the g 7 we had a tow, but the most important meeting was the g. 20. which the u. s net a g 7. now ice armor basically disrupted, it made it into a non event. they obstructed it for reasons that you and martin of already talked about here is that they want the, the g 7 element of the g 20. if i can put it that way, they want to make sure their agenda is pursued and everybody else saying, no, we're not on board. i mean, you don't want to solve the world's problems that you actually have created your sanctions, your secondary sanctions. we don't want to be part of that. we want to solve problems. we all know about growing of food insecurity, sanctions and secondary sanctions. and again, obstruction, obstruction, obstruction, i would pause and george the, the global south is no longer with number one, not interested in what the west asked to say, but more importantly,
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it doesn't fear it anymore. go ahead, george. good, excellent point it with so problems aspect of it is very interesting because as you say, the g 7 crowd, they attended and they wanted to make it all about russia and not to come up with any kinds of solutions, which is what the others said. okay, well let's you know, here we all are. let's see if we can discuss this and come up with a plan to resolve this problem. no, no, no. we just want to make the symbolic gestures, which is that i will not meet sir kayla raul. i will not shake his dirty hand and i will not close in a collective photograph afterwards, and i will not take part in any joint communicate. so how does that solve the problem? how do we move forward from that? and then i think is really beginning to define the difference between the west and the rest of the world because the rest does thing. ok, well we've,
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we've set up these organizations and how do we try to resolve problems? and i think there really is something to do. i really love wrong emphasizes this over time, which is when we set up these organizations, whether it's the shanghai cooperation, organizational the c s t o or the, the, your asian, the economic area we're doing with a view to solving problems. we don't do it in order to direct and again, someone else it right now, we're all together. you know, let's see how much we can hate the other. but as far as the witness doesn't always, gideon logically driven the, they get together, the g 7 get together and nato and the e. u haul way though, is to shake their fist at either russia or china or anybody else who's not on board with the other west agenda. so, i mean, this is more, becoming a kind of an angry uncle. everyone is having to just ignore that. you know,
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what do they have to say to us? i was thinking with angry uncle, but i think the west is the global care it. right. is like, oh, there they go. and they're going out the handle. you know, they're very rational. you know, don't talk, never say calm down because that makes them really more angry here. but it's very good martin, you know, i'm looking at in the, in the west. they don't give a whole lot of coverage. you want to because they're, you know, they're not up in front and center and they will be in 2008. the d 20, i would say, did play a positive role. least getting a global consensus to deal with the economic crisis at the time. but that's sort of the purposes of the west. economic crisis came out of the west. ok. and then you know, we have this situation meeting this year. the west doesn't want to participate in having global solutions. or maybe you don't like what's going on in ukraine. but i think everybody's been so we don't want to have family in africa. i mean, i think it shows a lot maturity coming from the west because it's ideologically possess. yeah, it's,
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i'd love to be possessed with his own narrative, which i think is straight to the fraud. you know, they're, they're, they're obsessed with having their own agenda in their own a role. but it's interesting and the role of africa could be critical in an end game in ukraine because what's gonna happen the next few weeks, a couple of months. this is some of these are countries nafrica going to start suffering. and the 1st person going to turn to present situation, they were to interview or been unit brussels, which has been bang on a drum so long now about, you know, we can help you with trade and a, you could reform with human rights. there was a conference very recently in brussels with all the heads of african states. and the message from the africans were sick and tired of you preaching to us about human rights. you know what, we want much more european union. what's happening is the old relationships between the law is african countries. i'm the cleaning of masters is falling up. just recently. last few days. the french pulled out the last troops from molly, which was an absolute catastrophe for macro. and you know, to, to fly the,
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for the french flag and molly, and to dish out the moral tutelage about human rights and fighting terrorism. when in reality, all that was bullshit, actually the french will protect so big contracts for huge french multi nationals and to protect french citizens were working for them, the parenthesis to that was that the margins were hoping that we could get some kind of deal with the french, whereby they would protect us if we have some civil political uprising now. the old deal with colonial powers will the unwritten g was what will help you with that? you know, for most of the sixties and seventies and eighties, but that's over now. you know, we can't do that anymore just as the, the saudis, and most of the state is discovered junior spring when they look to the americans. when they start to get worried about political incentives. see, you know, that's why these countries are looking more and more to russia because we've lost more was huge list that moral high ground, you know, in the west we don't have that influences anymore. so, you know, the role of africans is going to be very interesting if they decide they've had
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enough of this relationship, this nonsense. and they turn to the former clean power. brittany from just say you need to help us out. we need hundreds of millions of dollars now the food date and people in britain from say, well actually that's quite difficult because we've got people here. the actually starving lines of food banks are getting longer and longer gasoline is getting out of control in britain. people are actually leaving the jobs because they can't afford to drive to work. that is how crazy it is. you know, there is going to be a tipping point at a certain point where the europe is going to say to the africans, i'm sorry, we can't help when that happens. everything changes. because what, where did the african chum they turn to russia? that's such an interesting point. georgia was already mentioned, or i think mark mentioned earlier, ok the fall of forest johnson. ok. in the british press, it was, it was just kind of a national enquirer stuff, you know, who said what, who was at that party, which is, why should any of us care about it? he's gone now. joe biden is going to get us so shall, lacking in november in some,
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you know, there'll be a new speaker of the house in all these things here. but george and martin year things are not going. he did change. okay. and this is what the panic that i think martin quite happily is mentioned here because none of these people have any solutions to these problems. you know, you want to change people on a chessboard and things like that. but it's not fundamentally because neo liberalism is the problem in this political class. so i think the panic is, is going to continue and continue because the status quo simply is not tenable. yes, absolutely. right. i mean, you have one of the leading candidates to take over from bars. johnson is richie soon act was a billionaire hedge fund manager investment banker. well, we know where what his agenda is. and we've seen the in the united states recently, we had mike from delivering an important address of the hudson institute in which
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is as belligerent, if not more belligerent than the bygone administration. if in fact, he's allowing visiting with russia and china at the same time. and so, and one is at the very least a candidate to be vice president. do you know whoever is the republican nominee? so we don't have a system in which some of the new leader going to merge the say, we're going completely wrong. i mean, look at germany and i all actual social democrats. are there any dismal? ok, but the people whose number one, number 2 christian democrats in greece, them all religion shots is. i mean then bad beef with shoals is that he's not doing enough for ukraine. and again, we have the case of the united states. it's quite possible that donald trump will return to power in 2025,
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but trump will be in the same position as he was in 2017. i mean, if you really tries to affect some major change in u. s. foreign policy that, you know, the deep state or whatever you call it is going to come off. i mean, you know, they will, they've already got the plan in place as to what it will be that we some very, and he's working for, you know, he's, he's got a plan to destroy the west and whatever. we can be sure that there's a plan already in place to destroy him before he becomes president to be the 3rd impeachment trial. you know that? yes. know that. ok, absolutely. you brought up democracy here. what i think, what i'm really quite pathetic because they like to mount the word democracy, but they don't want any real democracy to be in play because their priorities, the average citizen has no idea as we point. i'm going to have no idea why you say this is important for me because it's not ok and they always can find the limit
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that the overton window as it were about what you can actually talk about. because if you're not talking about their priorities, then somehow and we've gotten to this in 2022, your unpatriotic, you're a toady of someone, you're misinformation or spiral martin, go ahead. yeah, i agree. and not so the whole point about debating is it's, it's, it's any kind of any kind of debate. it's been shut down, good team and i used to get a smidge get suit or taking a course if you even want to look at new ideas and ask, you know, what's the bigger picture? it's worth. i think it's really worrying, but we've come to the stage. what worries me more is that some of these countries are going to include politically. we don't have a subway yet. you know, so many people learn. that's all the time we have here. i want to think, my guess budapest america want to make our viewers are watching us. here are the see you next time? remember? ah,
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with just open the window door with, ah, where does the door? nashville no pointer dumped. a. that'll go up. don't cheat his mouth, so must all must. it always has ceremony. hot. go on that machine up. please concern my stop on a thumb candle. critical. adjust your 3rd to the follow. the shells will hold them
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. would lose her before you move, decides him lash. there was that only the city, so alcohol will driven bushel is wondering was we've got it and when you to you, but i don't, they really will tell you to the symbol and your dog all to push be didn't that. okay, mr. dsl by mr. wheeler, the nicest. yeah. boy you still hold with i'm not on the phone. almost lost. i was going to the bus not as must ok. i need a yes my the when you click on this, will it a box to get over when you add optional ship? if she was just walking in the moon mission, i am will not on the beach. so the q video and it's more than football and all of the grammatical guessing canadian, if the another be more than the dumps, obviously you must forms of monkey meaning spoke to the ear prospect. you always shock is more than the liver, or when you look on the blood up, like a new book like, ah, i don't know, i don't know if it any my machine at all,
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but if i told her this mazda but i still call on it, but i was in your lease a niche. neither penny too big of a problem because with been your boy, you know she, they are still it was, it is, i saw that money. what will it because also what is we should we make it look still wasn't good stead, which it was you have me to please play middle which had been you must you to have to what? glad to with that away disappeared. we bought digital dish out the what a swallow genital jared. you'll look additional way. not glad you lost short the world. so you can see with mold sales when you live grandma misquote, just because of quite a closure applies. this initiative usually shall be what you all of the way. it's a separate dividend. yeah. own. but instead against each other one that i me cross now to music what you will get a you go with sure. this just will go over all model bucklin, yet we phrased love for. can you look when you
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are naturally, scott, a little polkas off at a slow motion on the sheet on incomplete innovation? you do now show them. similarly, mir lucy to the, to the you put the log on the ship. it is leak when what? you know, slope of the month up on which is the michael w. it will go. what all the essential. why must paulina mean you came in the machine doesn't matter. which law mutually kaltura are angela wish to more than published as i put almost a double sold out on the other one, when you modeled with them all dialed up with mister underwood was ania over the daughter madison at albany. with a conflict, the butch moore released was to deal things by we seem to go along with ah,
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[000:00:00;00] with breaking news as our ukraine's military has taken heavy losses after failing and it's offensive on the country south. that's according to russia's defense ministry, a radioactive fuel storage building, zap erosion, nuclear power plant has been hit by ukrainian shelling according to local russian backs. officials also ahead. i think people die in hundreds are injured and backed out
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