tv News RT August 30, 2022 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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ah ah, with making youth out here, when are you international? the final leader of the soviet union, mikhail gorbachev has died aged 91 in moscow, central hospital all for a long illness. here all the program will be looking through his historic legacy and our spiritual coverage in just a few months with at least 30 people reportedly killed over $700.00 wounded in clashes in baghdad. it's following the at the time and the politics of leading shia cleric outside up to oppose is a u. s. influence in a row with all of the 1200 of keys,
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troops are reportedly killed and a failed, offensive ordered, pri, ukrainian president zalinski in the country south. that is, according to information released from rogers defense minister with i'd like moscow at 6 o'clock in the morning. this is our t international, a pleasure to have you with us for our special rolling coverage of breaking news. the final leader of the soviet union, mikhail gorbachev. has died 891 in moscow, central hospital offer a prolonged illness. many top politicians from around the world have already expressed that condolences over his death. and now for a moment, let's take a quick look through gorbachev. legacy in our special coverage chair. we're not into nash. ah
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yeah, just a short time ago, i spoke with ortiz peter scott, who has been following the wells reaction to go which offset. unsurprisingly, there's been an absolutely huge outpouring of condolences for the former soviet leader, mikhail gorbachev. i mean stuffing arrow, we have putin who expressed his deepest condolences on the some point later today. he is expected to get in touch with gorbachev's friends and relatives and express those condolences to him. un secretary general antonio good terrorist described him as a one of a kind states new change the course of history. the u. k. p. m, admired gorbachev's, courage and integrity, your opinion and presence of underlying praised him the trusted unrestricted leader who laughed as she described. unforgettable legacy. and i could go on rory, but just touching on not from forgettable legacy that live on the lion praised him
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for. i think he's fed say that it is a bit of a mixed bag. depending on where you look at it from in the west. gorbachev is seen as this sort of progressive reforming lead. you both around democracy, an error of hope. and he opened up ross, and of course he did, you know, he, he bought an end, the cold war, he signed a number of arms reduction treaties with the u. s. and, of course, brought around to be an indication of germany. he was awarded the nobel peace prize in 1990 as well for his role in improving relations between the east and west. but i think you said to say the overhead and russia that legacy isn't quite as rosy. many russians, they do blame him for the economic turbulence caused by his reforms. you have obviously the iconic perestroika and glasnost, the restructuring, an openness to plunge, living standards here. and of course, the ninety's were very chaotic time in russia. so he isn't seen in 2 favorable a lights among many russians here. and of course,
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president preaching famously said that he sees the collapse of the soviet union as the greatest duplicate catastrophe of the 20th century. now, following the clubs of the soviet union, of course, gorbachev stepping down from power in 91. he very much took a back seat in russian politics. he did, however, try one more for a into the national political arena in 96 where he run for president. but he only received half a percentage of the votes. and since then, he mainly focused on humanitarian and educational projects. now he's expected to be buried in moscow's nova d v chief cemetery next to his wife rice. and she passed away in 1990 very famously, and mrs. her solely or mister solely. and of course will bring you more on the full off course of gorbachev as me getting kind of crossing lived out a jo ultman, head of the conservative daily podcast. you're joining us here on this special role and coverage on the international. great to see you today. thanks so much for
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joining us here. of course we're looking back at the legacy of mikhail gorbachev, the, the final leader, the soviet union, who's now died at the age of 90. 1 1st thoughts right off the top of your head. what do you think? well, he was a controversial leader, but he did, you know, paved away for, i think more i'll say it more freedoms in the, in russia. right. he did try to create some unity between other nation states. and obviously his idea that there be a federation of states was something that was widely accepted. so i think it's a controversial figure on our side. but i think we also see that he brought down the cold war. and there's a lot of great things that he did in and again we see things differently. they maybe see them in russia, but bring an end to some of the conflicts. or some of the stereotypical anc that we have, that there is going to be some sort of conflict between russia in the us. you call him a controversial figure, but how, how did he still attain such
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a celebrity status with his western partners? do you think, i mean, honestly, you know, he, he kind of went against the grain from, from the standpoint of maybe looking out for or aligning with western interest. and he spent a lot of time. and this is, by the way, someone that i studied for a long time in college and you know, back to some of the relationships that he had with georgia or senior. they met multiple times to, you know, some of the, the agreements that they made related to nato, which again, is i think, one of the key issues for why there's conflict in ukraine right now. but i think he just adopted some of the, some of the western ideologies on what we saw or what the establishment in the united states saw as the, the future of the soviet union. obviously, in the final days and months of the soviet union, a v,
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a war enough canister on came to an end no surprise. it is called the graveyard of empires. and then of course, just over a year ago, we sold a hasty chaos that withdrawal of the us and nato forces, again, from afghanistan. it seems that the biggest players on the blog like to make the same mistakes twice in history, has a tendency to repeat itself. gorbachev was one, he was a proponent of a multi polar world. and this is what we seem to be seeing emerging today. something that putin is called a new born world. what do you think gorbachev position would be right now with a state of affairs, for example, bricks, the shanghai cooperation organization or uncertain gatherings of allied countries around the world that seem, in some sense, some of them seem to be positioning themselves against what some call the western hedge him on. yeah, so i think that i think he would probably do a 180 and then this is just my,
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my opinion based upon what i've seen and what you've done in the past. but i think he would do a $180.00 on many of those positions. you see fraternities that are building across the, across the globe. i think those are very dangerous by. ready because it starts people from, they become entrenched and they stop them from having conversations because special interest and lead interests are the ones that kind of rule the day. so i think that gorbachev today would probably have a different approach to what he sees the, the west through intentions. and again, i said this before i'm, i'm very proud to be an american, but i just don't think the establishment or the, the organism of our government on the west or, or maybe, or western allies are seeing things clearly. i think they see him through beer goggles and through the interests of a few people that frankly has allowed for many nations to suffer. joel, my host of the conservative daily podcasts, really appreciate your time today and thanks for joining us during this breaking news conference. thank you. but meantime mikhail gorbachev over hold the soviet
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union's foreign policy. as we look back upon the days and the last final days of the soviet union, he, he introduced are the new political thinking doctrine. which thought relations with a western ultimately brought about the end of a costly cold war. go too much off a cold for the world to be seen as united and interdependent. instead of divided into a communist and capitalist countries, he saw the balance of interests of different countries as a way of solving international problems. a universal values had to be recognized above all others, whether they with they be religious or even national. soviet leader also wanted to see the world free of nuclear weapons by the start of the 21st century. ah, he ended the isolation of our country. and she brought last most and freedoms.
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he accompanied group which of to the key meetings of the time on witnessing his history was made. one such meeting was the reykjavik summit in october 1986. the one when ronald reagan and mikhail gorbachev moved to a ground breaking nuclear arms control agreement. despite talks collapsing at the last minute, there was still seen as a huge breakthrough break event was the most dramatic and the most exciting and ultimately a disappointment. add to that point. but later it turned out that the main parameters of nuclear arms reductions had been agreed and then became a treatise that were assigned and 87, and then 9 to one, and those are treaties searched i think her russia and the u. s. and the world are really well over the decades. breakover became possible only after the 1st meeting
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between reagan and gorbachev, the historic 1985 geneva summit. it was held despite huge skepticism around the event. many soviet experts on the might at states thought that reagan was a very conservative, very right wing president with whom you can really cannot do business. and gotcha believed otherwise and said otherwise. and they were able to establish a relationship with reagan that worked quite well. but one of the very 1st meetings gorbachev held with the west was with the iron lady herself, yuki premier, margaret thatcher. the 2 met in 1984 before gorbachev, even by in soviet leader. their talks were viewed as a 1st step to finally warming relations between the soviet union and the west. i like mister gorbachev, we can do business together. she said so to ronald reagan, in that sense,
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she was influential and she played an important role in establishing the right atmosphere. remember that before gorbachev came in, there hadn't been a us soviet some, it was 6 years. it's an absolutely incredible thing. if you look at it, it was a huge turnaround in the relationship and something that despite all the differences between gilbert children, subsequent leaders has not been undone. gorbachev was responsible for a major nuclear disarmament breakthrough a following nearly 2 years of wrangling with n u. s. president reagan over the issue, he did make a sudden surprise announcement and said that the soviet union was ready to sign the treaty without delay. so go december 1987, the u. s. r and america signed the deal to eliminate intermediate range nuclear forces. in fact, right there is the connie picture of gorbachev and reagan signing the docs. so they agreed to destroy, they miss isles, stop production in place,
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not to carry out any flight tests of intermediate range missiles, professor of politics and author of the rise and fall of communism. archie brown says gorbachev should be given some credit for voting. a devastating nuclear war. there are many western leaders as well. well as many people in the soviet military, industrial complex who thought that was utopian and couldn't happen and shouldn't happen. marg, sacha, for example, was very much opposed to achieve us in favor of produce nuclear weapons. so garbage off really was ahead of his time and, and that particular respect, he and reagan, so i to, i don't think they were successful in getting rid of nuclear weapons. so they did greatly reduce the size of nuclear arsenals. and suddenly they were successful and ending the cold war. the question about they got the chocolate leading role and ending the cold war. and we shouldn't be the soldier for that because never could have begun by accidents or all sorts of ways in which
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a devastating nuclear war could have broken out. and gorbachev, secondly, more than anyone else played a decisive role in ending that threat on many of the u. s. foreign commitments ended during gorbachev rule. one of the most significant was that would be an element of a collective defense treaty among communist states in europe, or the warsaw pact, which mark the end of the cold war and lead to the withdrawal of the soviet army from various european countries. the council for mutual economic assistance in the eastern bloc was also disbanded. also that of the withdrawal of soviet armed forces from afghanistan after 10 years of war. 1979 of canister. the situation is volatile. the peoples democratic party is in danger. being talking, the afghan government calls on the ussr to intervene and helped to stabilize the country. so get governments worried by the end of the year,
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it looks like tensions could spill over the border into the soviet central asian republics. love with some of the 12th 1979, the soviet government secretly decides to send in the troops was only meant to be a short term military operation to secure the ussr southern borders. instead of the soviet union was dragged into an almost decade long campaign, a march 1985 moscow. mikhail gorbachev comes to power only several months later. and soviet troops switch from engaging and direct battles with the afghan opposition to advising and assisting pro government forces. april 1988 agreements from the settlement of the situation in afghanistan assigned at un headquarters in geneva, the u. s. and the ussr serving as guarantors. the courts also include provisions
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for the time table. the soviet withdrawal from afghanistan, as well as restrictions in the u. s and pakistan supporting the afghan with withdrawal again on may 15th 1988 and took 9 months. 10 years over 600000 soviet soldiers took punch in the afghan war with almost 14000 killed. february 1989. so an end to the deadly conflict, as the last of your troops left the country, one of the biggest marks that the last so yet later made was with the for what i guess that that of the fall of the berlin wall will take it back november the 9th, $989.00 that led to the reunification of germany after being divided for almost half a century. look at this, this is how the historic event unfolded. ah,
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1989. the year when the berlin wall fell together with the political, ideological and territorial division of germany, the last 28 long years or the people of germany awoke in 1961 to the bitter reality. from this moment on they would be divided by barbed wire. concrete and stones from their friends and relatives throughout the walls, existence more than 10000 people tried to make it across. hundreds were killed. and mikhail gorbachev played a crucial role making a peaceful re unification possible. ah, come here to this gate. mister gorbachev. open this gate. ah mister gorbachev, tear down this was in
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1989 mikhail gorbachev visited germany promoting perestroika and glass. no c, my interrogates, got about and people longing for change. quickly followed his ideas. the leadership of the communist party in moscow was much more open much martin reacting on the political questions all the time. ah, i think that he wanted to make thee the leaders of the eastern world. understand you have to accept that we live in times of changing. and if we don't react, we will be pushed by size ah, and force work on improving relations between the east and west. gorbachev was awarded the nobel peace prize. and even 2 times aimed time magazines,
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man of the year 2014 germany marked a quarter century since the fall of the berlin wall. and gorbachev, as you can see in these special pictures right here was a guest at the ceremony. he visited the infamous checkpoint checkpoint charlie, which had previously divided the city between soviet and western control and released one of the 8000 balloons illuminated the weather was used to be at the time. gorbachev praised relations between the russian and german people whose still i'm proud of what we've achieved together. i think that both people of russia and germany are proud of the fact that we are united and that our relationship is exemplary. but bear in mind that many unhappy about it, but it's tough, doesn't it? and judging from experience when russia and germany are on friendly terms, europe is calm and happy is good for them. and it's good for the world. the former austria and chancellor, both gang sure she told us that gorbachev role in the re certification of germany
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ultimately paved the way for amicable relations between moscow and by then nothing. this is his legacy that with his decision to make it possible a peaceful relief occasion of europe, a peaceful, really vacation of germany, to free to lead these, these former satellites, countries of poland. bolt existed for go independently. it was a great decision, a great and courageous decision, and the fact to eat, made it possible with the, especially with unification of germany. that russia and germany can really now forge in lasting friendship for the years to come for the, for the future. this was the decisive moment in history. i know there are some reluctance ease and negative views in russia today. but i think all
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this is a great legacy. what mikhail gorbachev gave to the world, especially to europe or corporate office, not only for his new political thinking policies towards the west, but also for his love of western culture. during his time, he did also meet and greets and rubbed elbows of all mixes of hollywood stars. he even featured in a european clothing campaign and even cameo rolled in a pizza hut commercial. oh, he's not all of us. we discourage his wisdom and his vision, and of course he's tremendous. will a real person, every kind with
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back home. gorbachev implemented a spread of domestic social, political, and economic reforms, including the complete democratization of soviet policies and an intended boost for the economy. of course, no discussion of soviet policies would be complete without mentioning glass and austin perestroika glass, nor was the transparent discussion of political and social issues as well as the free circulation of news and information. as a result, ecological problems, politicians, privileges on soviet bureaucracy. we're all fair game to discuss. perestroika was the democratic restructuring of the so good political and economic systems. however, many thing that perestroika was a failure. it led to a collapse in industry and dia,
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shortages of consumer goods leading to long queues for even the most basic of necessities. the weak economy sparks massive social unrest to have a look at this. so many people angry citizens protesting on the streets of a pole living conditions and political scientists of yet just love. nicholas says people felt betrayed of the politicians back tracked on promises of prosperity and democracy. a democracy without market economy. that didn't work for one simple reason when people were allowed to ask questions. the worst question they asked in economy deficit was, where is the food? where are the commodities? when they were allowed to watch television including the west and television, they saw the western stores and they compared the 2 stores in the soviet union. and their question was absolutely evident. so where is all this?
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and of course they blamed the commonest 40. well, a slew of economic, social, and political failures during perestroika led to an attempted coup when it was august 1991 senior government and military officials trying to take control of the country, taking it away from gorbachev. it failed. however, just 3 days, however, did purchase, i should say, precipitated that of the dissolution of the soviet union with future liter boris yeltsin. then coming to the 4. 0, the 19th 1991 on every tv channel in the country, a continuous loop of the ballet swan lake. meanwhile, in moscow, dramatic scenes with playing out a moment. vehicles rolling into the account with the presence of the usa seller is out of town and not the house arrest the holiday home in crimea will
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radio and t v announcements proclaimed mikhail gorbachev was no longer fit for duty . and the country was now under the control of an emergency committee. a city the city was motionless, stupid to use that or yeah, the phone you got a bunch of them if you want to the h. hm. so i doesn't list the president the as a say he's anesthesia, the volume shuttle you play awfully. senior at his teaching is up on misty, but at least teaches a chain, a pleasure. any of us didn't with me as much as to set myself safe. nickerson, with independent media shut down, people across the soviet union and left struggling to understand what exactly is happening. almost device for waking up to around full 1000 troops and hundreds of times to petroleum street. the co attempt was masterminded by communists hotline is wants to derail a pending agreement on wide ranging sovereignty for soviet republic. but tens of
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thousands of protested again heading outside, forming around the russian government, had quoted a russian leda. boris yeltsin famously defied the takeover from the tub. i knew on friday evening, 6 more tanks, join yell in sight. next day crowds outside the white house continue to grow. ah, and overseas, when he 1st 3 people, it kills when andy cooper, a colon, vomit vehicles ah, a day later, gorbachev returns to moscow as the attempted overthrow effectively collapses. as the russian tree cruel becomes the official state flag in bull excited victory. the hard line communist
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truth. by crossing life out of jim rogers investment gertrude legendary investment guru and co founder of a quote and some find a way to see it. jeff, thanks so much for coming on the program. i'd like to just start off. if i may just ask you about some of got about jobs, economic legacies. i mean, some have long lost again. painful effects on average households, for example, the evaluation of the russian ruble in 1990 by 70 percent overnight. and then later that of the monetary are full of 1991. do you think jim? those were the right decisions at the time and, and what were the factors that were potentially forcing his hand? do you think well, decision to chime or necessary or painfully were horribly painful for everyone in russia, the soviet union, even at that time. but look out the window next time you're in moscow, you will see it was good for russia. it was good for all of us. in the end were
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none of us are dead. fortunately because he changed the world gym. what, what was the reaction, or if you look back 30 or g is what, what was the reaction to the attempted crew in moscow in 1991 towards the end of the gorbachev era, do you remember where were you, what the time, where were you in 1991. well actually i was driving across russia in 1990 on my way driving around the world. so i drove from home to breast 1990 and i saw a lot of this birth, and i can certainly see that most people enjoy your work stream the interested in a new a new ride. they didn't know what was going to happen, but they were certainly interested in and nobody will die. and everybody wanted to eat and drink. now it led to pay, but the pain left to prosperity. talk to me about this relationship between
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gorbachev and ronald reagan at the time, but of course reagan was no, no, i mean, obviously not just being an actor from hollywood, but he was, he was a great diplomat, a politician. he was a real meter in greta and both reagan and, and gorbachev certainly when they would get together, they seemed to attain this celebrity status. why do you think that became the case? will lead to very good, very good question. good insight. i'm not quite sure why they got along. maybe it was my destiny. gorbachev knew he had to change russia and reagan. he had to help russia. otherwise we might all die. so for whatever reason, i think it was, they wouldn't mutually needed each other. and they knew it and they weren't or same door. are you shipping? cause you say they were in mutual need of each other? why is it, jim? maybe this is a bit of a tough question. but what, why is it that gorbachev was so roundly embraced by western professional partners. but today.
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