tv News RT September 1, 2022 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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ah, ah, the it is breaking news this our off to you until after we come to you live from moscow. ukraine conflict continues to be the top story official saying the ukrainian power troopers have been lining of the peace in the city of another goddaughter near the pothole nuclear plot. this comes as the international atomic energy agency crew has arrived to visit that nuclear facility. and while the european powers speak about africa, nation is facing salvation. only 2 cargo ships, kara and ukraine's, we have actually gone that all the rest selling off to the world's richest nations
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and frogs grated as citizens for rolling blackouts. coming in. when i made soaring energy prices, while a ceramics company in italy, office workers to sleep last and start earlier in the morning to reduce electricity costs for lighting and air conditioning for company like ours is difficult to bear . we're trying to hold onto our savings. we're trying to spend less on lighting and energy. our situation has changed. the u. s. approved and other $4000000000.00 worth of military a to ukraine and taiwan. it cancelled it's free at home kofi testing program due to a lack of funding the i'd appreciate you joining us here on the international. we're coming to you live from the russian capital without breaking news for you at this hour from ukraine.
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as local officials say ukrainian para troopers have been landing in this city of nautica dog, very near that it was the embattled or sheet nuclear power plant. and we are working now to establish a solid connection and a signal without cor apartments in the region. they will be getting us with the latest breaking news as soon as we can get to them on a proper signal. we'll have the latest on that in just a moment. for the mean time, let's show you some of the latest footage uploaded to social media showing the aftermath of a local shilling, official se ukrainian force is damaged civilian infrastructure. and for several days in a row, official say the city has been getting continuously shelled by key as military the earlier military drone attack to city administration building in an article dot also we as we understand,
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no one is reportedly heard in that strike. meanwhile, another drone was shot down after had open fire upon radioactive waste facilities at the nuclear plot. that is called, according to that of the russian military. well, it's all as a team of experts from the international atomic energy agency has arrived in the ukranian controlled city of g as just north of the nuclear power plant, which has been guarded by russian forces since march. the vienna based i. e wants to create a permanent mission at the facility and assess its condition after repeated attacks . my mission is emissions that seeks to prevent a nuclear accident and the reserve at this important, the largest, the biggest nuclear power in europe, the whole of europe, not only in ukraine. so this is what we are concentrating even with numerous attacks at all, just around the pond, concerns are high about what conclusions the i. e. a will draw as cases have
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already emerged, according to some where international agencies have changed their mind to apparently better suit of mainstream narrative. we'll give you an example. the visit comes after another global watchdog. i'm the see international came under fire for its criticism of kiev and had to backtrack. earlier this month, amnesty international published a report accusing the ukrainian military of violating shi might a terrier law claiming it was putting civilian lives at risk. i placing its military assets deliberately in and around civilian infrastructure. the report on human shields sparked fury in kiev, which then led to amnesty international issuing an apology for doing its job. we spoke with former pentagon analysts, michael maloof, told us the investigation has got to be impartial because the alternative would be an atomic catastrophe. it's, it's very west and dominated,
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as you can imagine. so it's going to be, it's going to take a western more western perspective on things and, and that seems to be the crux of this entire crisis in the 1st place. is these versus west that i but i'm hoping that they give them more impartial analysis of the safety upkeep of the facility. because the, the alternative would be very, very, very serious for all of europe and perhaps the world because of the radiation leaks. and it's really imperative that the inspectors ensure that their, that leaks are minimized and that there is no way that and, and to encourage ukrainians, especially this to quit firing on it. it just makes a logical sense. i mean, the policy of, of the ukrainian statement is just numbing it's,
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it's amazing. and i think that this is just something that they stop showing it naturally. it's going to lessen radiation concerns. meantime, one ship carrying wheat from ukraine. dr. and eastern africa on tuesday, while another headed to war torn yemen. international officials are pleased and optimistic with the efforts to battle starvation. ukraine's grain is getting out and it's getting to the world's hungry. i think the hopeful thing about what is just happened with the docking of the ship and the food test and for, for being small is that it gives us somehow to step in the right direction. however, off he's done a quarter now gives us more on why only to ship so bound for countries in real need and the rest are selling off to rich nations. brave commander, the un chartered ship carrying ukrainian weight to east africa. it's finally arrived in djibouti and since august 14th the western mainstream media has been
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hyping it up to no end. the united nations chartered ship brave commander will depart ukraine for africa incoming days after it finishes loading more than 23000 metric tons of wheat in the ukrainian port of picked any a u. n. official said the vessel, the 1st specially chartered by the u. n. s, world food program to unblocked food shipments stuck after russia's invasion of ukraine will head toward your booty. from where the grain will be transported to ethiopia, the restarting of food aid from ukraine could mark a major turning point in the fight against worsening global hunger. we heard about it again on the 16th of august, and then again on the 18th of august and 2 days after that, the un secretary general praised its mission as well. so moving to see and he stumbled, a w. s. p. ship brave commander, loaded with tons of ukrainian wheat, destined for much needed hunger relief in the horn of africa. i salute all those involved in this amazing humanitarian operation. at long last, the ship made landfall on august 30th. it was as if hunger on the continent was
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about to come to a definitive end. it took 2 weeks to travel here from southern ukraine. this wheat is meant to feed 1500000 people in ethiopia for a month, but it is not enough for a country facing several humanitarian challenges. food security experts call it a drop in the bucket for the vast needs in the worst hit horn countries of so malia kenya and ethiopia, the nation where this 1st shipment is going. but wait a minute. why did all of east africa only get one ship if there are so desperate for food? un records show that ukrainian grain went to other places as well? ireland, greece, italy, countries that are not exactly hunger stricken well. ukrainian officials are wiping their hands clean of that since after all, the free market decides the destination for the cargo has been negotiated between the supplier and the buyers, and they are totally commercial activities. we don't decide where it goes. it is a free market. however,
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not everyone's buying that alibi. 34 ships with grain went off odessa. only one went to africa. the other to europe and usa, ukraine is rescuing nobody from hunger. only one out of 34 ships exporting grain from ukraine went to africa. so much for the western fake, concerned about hunger in poor countries. all that media attention for a single ship and the plight of starvation in africa. was it all really because the west is so concerned about starving africans, or was it a big p r study to boost calves popularity around the world? we're the 1st place you blame this on russia as it is absolutely absurd, was the food crisis has been around for a long, long time. this is cynical, and this is todd o. the geopolitical out propaganda comes from united states in european countries and that watches very carefully watched policies of the bible gratian and new new
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africa strategy, which i just wrote about. and secretary state lincoln's trip to africa a last week and is still with hypocrisy. and for o, r returning now taught breaking news from ukraine as an article, doris may says, ukrainian force is an paratroopers of in landing in the city, one local official ledgers, the arrival of ukrainian troops on the shelling of a note about his being done to prevent the i e, a from reaching the zappa algae, nuclear, far less cross lifetime correspondence from on cause a ref. country station in dawn. yes. remind what else do we know about this potential escalation around the nuclear plan? well, what we're doing all right now is what's coming from a local authorities and from you great. and from a local sources as well. at the moment it looks like the experts from the un
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nuclear watchdog are indeed on their way to is upper origin nuclear ah power plant . but indeed, earlier, local officials have reported that ukrainian paratroopers have landed and opened a flyer along the route where these experts were supposed to travel. now, according to local officials, the goal of the ukraine paratroopers was to prevent the un official from visiting this a largest in europe nuclear power plant. local officials are also reporting that the ukranian paratroopers are currently pinned to the ground. and that this operation will soon be over as a russian aviation is working against these that paratroopers that ukraine, on the other hand, are blaming a russian forces for opening flyer along the route where the,
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the un experts were supposed to travel. so we have 2 sides, they're accusing each other of what's that been happening. but like i said earlier, the, the, you and officials are currently indeed on their way to in their good dar, where the upper ocean nuclear power plant is located. meanwhile, authorities in as upper osha authorities in their good dogs are reporting that set 3 peaceful civilians were killed earlier in the morning as the result of ukrainian artillery is freaks and civilian infrastructure was damaged as well. including 2 kindergartens or at ortiz, romano cause arthur and don. yes, roman were working really hard to try and get all the angles on this story. we were getting as much as we can from local sources and local authorities. here it's, it's tough to get a clear picture of exactly what is happening in the regional that's up at ology atomic claude, the i a e, a. you're supposed to be visiting there any moment. apparently they're having
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trouble getting down the route to the plant. as we understand ukrainian paratroopers have been flying in over the city of antarctica dot right here at auto international will be in touch with roman as we struggle to get more information during this crisis. thanks for that. ah, the french prime minister as warning citizens, they may be facing rolling blackouts in our homes this winter that says the energy crisis grows amid anti russia sanctions for one day that we are producing less electricity. and there may be moments if it's very cold, where we can have a problem to supply electricity. in such case, we'd cut off by a rotation neighborhood by neighborhood for no more than 2 hours. now the statement comes from a gas problems. notice that it will stop providing a leading french utility company with any more natural gas that cut off comes off
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to that company failed to pay for supplies, transferred in july gas promises the flow won't be resumed until the french fun page. it's bill in full and that prompted powers to claim that moscow was using energy as a weapon. we discussed all of this with economist and political commentator like a hammer course of this justifies because if the europeans tell them we don't pay you, we would pay euro's those euro's we freeze right away. so basically not pay. so who is, who would supply anything? when he told you, you won't get paid. i mean, that's totally normal and death and then europe is not the view. the only client forgets from they can sell the gas wherever they want in the world. and india and china, they demand the guess they want the ghost, they pay for the guess. so it's totally normal that you don't supply anything anymore. the people don't, don't, don't pay. now this comes as fears about power shortages have certainly grown off
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the russian and john gas from this week halted gas supplies to germany via the last one pipeline. though, due to a report, it shows you all the 3 de maintenance project. now, of course, that adds to compounding problems in europe, which are seen inflation rates rising even going past 9 percent, of course, largely driven by what that of soaring energy prices and faced with skyrocketing energy bills, european businesses have been struggling to find solutions. one italian ceramics company has office employees to sacrifice sleep and start earlier in the morning with the firms bosses saying that would help reduce electricity costs for lighting the facility. workers of also be known to use less air conditioning. ceramic sol traditionally viewed as one of the most energy intensive businesses. now we heard from the firm staff about how they're adjusting it goes to them in the costs of methane has taken the substantial,
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told us it's increased 1000 percent for company like ours is difficult to bear. we're trying to hold onto our savings. we're trying to spend less on lighting and energy. our situation has changed in the morning. we make breakfast here. we want to keep our jobs. i've been forced to rely on my parents every night because otherwise i would have to wake up my children at 5 in the morning to leave them with their grandparents. it's some feasible elsewhere in italy, several sicilian fishing marino's have announced strikes as fuel prices continue to saw. while prime minister mario drive, he refuses to subsidize energy costs with the countries newly announced 8 packages . the rising cost of fuel is crippling. the italian fishing industry threatening mariners up and down the coast with bankruptcy. santino, a da 0. the president of the italian national fishing association, and mazata delgado declared that all 70 over the marino's fishing boats will stop
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their work indefinitely. so we heard from several of the towns anglers about this drug. well august, especially though we've resisted the increase in petrol, but now we are really tired and we can't take it any more. all the prices have risen, but especially fuel. and so we have decided to turn off the engines and not go fishing anymore, because now we have more expenses than revenue that on there is a lot of demand for fish, but we just can't go out to see any more because petro cost way too much phase it was the sun that you know, we can no longer work with these fuel price increases. petrol is too expensive. we have all stalks with this system is useless to go to work. we cannot even pay the expenses. we are in crisis. no one is helping us up, the government should intervene, so we could pay a little less for gasoline than the current prices as auto body of the boot. we are experiencing a nightmare due to the increase in the price of fuel. we are almost all bank father . you cannot go wrong with lease price. we are paying 5000 years for petrol. and i
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tell you that before we paid 1500 away, even for us fisherman who have small boats, the situation is becoming terrible. we are now ready to stop fishing for this increase in the price of fuel, which i will. there are now shifting our attention to east africa, where in malawi, fuel is not just expensive, it's well hardly easy to find residents there in our forced to purchase gasoline smuggled in from neighboring bows. i'm beek and malawi has been low on fuel since april with petrol stations across the country, just running on fumes and the rising prices. have the government struggling to pay for critical inputs. and some entrepreneurs, however, are benefiting from the situation and reportedly smuggling gasoline into the country. selling it at a 50 percent premium to the price is listed at the often empty pumps. are we heard from an official in malawi, 2nd largest city, who says that western sanctions imposed against russia? i've had a direct impact on the east african country. so there must be people struggling
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with functions that are coming no time quarterly. we'll have the way the company we can go about story. we made the schedule, we are the ones that us present when they actually on the, on the rush exam. and we spoke a week and i think time on your life as follow, then they want to punish rash. they're also true. punishing asked elise mitchell like my life because like, you know, how well the u. s. is holding its free cobit 19 at home testing program. starting a lack of funding this while funds continue to flow to ukraine, anti wine in the fall of an additional fall $1000000000.00 of military aid is
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correspondent caleb martin. while the united states seems to have plenty of money to throw around, there's just been congressional approval for bite and sending $3300000000.00 to ukraine military aid. there's also been an armed sale to taiwan for $1100000000.00 . it's also been approved, so there's plenty of money being thrown around, but not for everything. ordering through this program will be suspended on friday, september 2nd, because congress hasn't provided additional funding to replenish the nation stockpile of tests. now there won't be any more at home. cobit tests that will be available to people. this program has been going on since january the u. s. department of health has provided over 600000000 people with at home 3 koby tests. now, at this point, this program has been shut down due to lack of funding their stockpiling tests for
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what is being predicted as an autumn winter serge in co. now, many americans are reacting to this in somewhat of a negative way. wondering why are their concerns not being put 1st? they should just say the coven tests are weapons for ukraine, and there will be plenty of funding. they should call it tests for ukraine, because then the funding would be unlimited. amidst record inflation, washington has spent some $50000000000.00 on weapons for ukraine since february alone, while seizing all coven 19 relief funding and targeting social welfare benefits for millions of americans. now this isn't so totally surprised the other people are many were familiar with the patterns of us spending of observe these kind of actions. for example, you look at the congressional discretionary spending from the year of 2021, half of the $1.00 trillion dollars went to military affairs. whereas less than 9 percent went to public health. 2022 has been
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a rather top year for average american. there have been rising gas prices rising energy costs rising cost of food. we now have the federal reserve saying that americans should expect some pain in the future. others talk of at this point, job cuts i had, but the d. c. elite seems more concerned about an international agenda of hostility toward russia and china. then about the concerns facing average americans that seems pretty clear to have with us for this program here with our national looking back and i'll just briefly here and mocking one year since the sudden withdrawal of western forces from us dentist ah, afghans celebrated the 1st anniversary of the withdrawal of us forces from the country on tuesday with festivities and fireworks taliban supporters commemorated
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retaken control over the country following 2 decades of u. s. occupation and war which is estimated to have claimed the lives of at least 200000 people. taliban government has declared august 31st, a public holiday. now, one of the very last afghan detainees held at the us prison at guantanamo bay. i said doula hoodlum ghoul was recently freed off for a decade and a half in custody reprieve. a non profit organization of international lawyers and investigators fighting against human rights abuses, welcomed is release. o reclined, i saw the law harun ghoul. his has been released from guantanamo after 15 years imprisoned without charge or trial. i saw this finally free and able to rebuild his life with his family, who have waited so long to see him. of course, washington created guantanamo bay prison in cuba, right off the $911.00. its purpose was to hold suspects linked to al qaeda all the
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taliban, and many of its inmates have been held without formal charges and without the legal power to challenge that tension. we heard from a former guantanamo in may to us. i don't know how to go about is 15 years behind bars without trial that get mo the tar why the americans have their own laura in one town of my bank, they believe they can arrest any one from any way. that is then might mm. ah, it is a long story to mentally. i was shocked. although there was an agreement tree, the afghan government and the u. s. in 2006, the no afghan would be taken to once on my bay. they never respect to the agreement at that time, prisoners were being released from one ton of my bay, but in june 2007, i was sent that mental stress was always part of our life because of solitary
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confinement, leaving you at an abandoned place for several days sleep deprivation was the worst thing i faced and still today i can't sleep peacefully, no way. it's a hide. why they would doing all this. they might have reasons for that. ah let's go to them. so 10 years, man, it was not like 10 days, 10 weeks, or 10 months old, hadn't years. i was not given access to a lawyer to fight my case. ah, it wasn't a part of them. the war was over, the u. s. army had left afghanistan, according to the geneva convention, prisoners will, must be released after the war is over and peace prevails. my question is if they wanted to use one of my beef of justice and why did their legislatures like in
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congress approve a law to keep a prisoner that for an unlimited time? is that justice to keep a prisoner without proving his crime in a court? one of the top american military generals once said that they will give the west torture to the prison his him one time i by said they would never for the rest of their lives after they were released. as i've not seen a single prisoner less than 40 the person that was brought in at the age of $22.00 . now he's 42. so don't talk about justice, but it was just cruelty in one side of my bay. ah . the zillow did it, the psychological effects of detention will remain with me for years. whenever i talked to my family on the phone, they would tales of death, sorrow, and pain in the family. it was the biggest challenge for each prisoner that to face it alone, with no shoulder to cry on. prison itself is
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a horrible place. i would say that if you just live in a prison, that is less than the torture you face. it's beyond your imagination. you lose all hope, but where muslims and we believe that one day you will be released day, the americans plan something back to you. but their wisdom is nothing against the wisdom of god. for turning out are breaking news coverage from ukraine as a noted without, as maya says, ukrainian power troopers have been flying overhead and landing in the city. this is not far from the sap at all. she'd nuclear power plant. now we understand the russian defense ministry has commented on this latest situation. so let's cross live now. of course on an indoor netscape wrote romance cause or f a with the very latest on this, the russian military robin has commented. what do you have for us? oh finally, we are receiving some official information as to what might have happened. very news of her osha as i aid theme arrived there to pick the nuclear power plant
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according to the russian defense minister, feed 2 groups. so at least that fixed the soldiers arrayed did that try to re the nuclear power plant, tried to attack it around the 6 o'clock in the morning and said they arrived actually by boat. and it landed about 3 kilometers away from the plant itself. and now they did attempt to seize the facility. however, according to russian defense ministry, or russian and military took all the necessary measures to try and prevent that and eliminate this rating group. and now it was also alleged that the ukrainian troops opened fire against the a nuclear power plant. and it was indeed an artillery fire. and a shells landed about 400 meters away from the nuclear power plants,
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the 1st power units. now, russian defense industry are calling this a provocation against the visits of the you and say, nuclear watch doctors up her or she nuclear power plant to try and examine and inspect what's been going on there. now ukrainian authorities, it ends up our raj, m y, and you are saying that it was a russia who opens our fire along the route where the un un experts were supposed to travel. meanwhile, the situation in their garage door where the nuclear power plant is located is very dire at the moment as a ukrainian artillery continues shelling the town. as we understand from local authorities at least 3 peaceful civilians have died this morning
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and civilian infrastructure was damaged as well, including 2 kindergartens. eyes were getting the latest i from our romano concert, our fair. so the russian, the russian military saying that what approximately was at 60 or so ukrainian force is made that way to, towards the atomic power plant there. the 1st report was power troopers coming in of another good. then i'll be hearing other reports about a possible water offensive that came in over this giant piece of water that essentially used to cool the energy plant. it's tough to get all the details right that we are doing what we can here at all at the robot. closer if we appreciate that, we'll be in touch with you as soon as possible. thanks for joining us. you are an international for our continued coverage of this rolling breaking news out of ukraine. if you've missed anything, check out all t dot com otherwise i'd telegram channels for the meantime. we are back 29 me.
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