tv News RT September 2, 2022 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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ah ah ah, we are glad that the russian federation did what it needed to do to keep keep our, the inspectors are safe. the un acknowledges russia's role in ensuring the security of its atomic watchdog at an international team assess is a delta ology nuclear power plant, a safe and cumbersome it continuous attacks on the facility by ukrainian forces, and that is, according to a local official donald trump and the magar republicans represented extremism that threatened to the very foundations of our republic. joe biden takes a harsh swipe trust by another rival republicans ahead of blooming midterm elections as new evidence proposed to show biden's administration itself is getting
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bogged down in scandal. pressing the big tech industry to stand out free speech with the u. s, as it will give awards to all of its soldiers who are involved in the hasty withdrawal from afghanistan. that's submit the one year anniversary marketing the end of america. longest war in history. with spending all corners off the globe and coming to you live from the heart of the russian capital. welcome to your new zonati integration for the un has acknowledged rushes, commitment to ensuring the safety of the international atomic energy agencies team, or the embattled zappa or nuclear power plant. that has a mid continuing attacks on the facility and its surroundings by ukrainian forces that is, according to local officials. russian defense minister today stated that the
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ukrainian group of service stores tried to capture the station in order to use the mission as a human shield. we are glad that the russian federation did what he needed to do to keep keep our, the inspectors safe. the statement came off to a group of about 60 ukrainian troops. try to take control of the plot on thursday morning. that's according to the russian ministry of defense. the i. e. a team has said it plans to maintain a permanent presence at the facility and conduct further detailed analysis of the shelling that. meanwhile, russia has requested a meeting of the un security council, so that world powers will have no choice. they will have to hear the conclusions of the i. a mission. and ortiz correspondent e could have done off is among the 1st journalists that the nuclear plant to report on the un teams visit. hey, around me is arguably the biggest nuclear scare that the world has seen since the
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caribbean missile crisis between the soviet union, the united states. this is this upper raska nuclear power plant. you can see some of the react number one and 2 nuclear reactions. and in fact, it is being shelled, relentlessly and russia has been very much concerned and has been trying to draw the attention to this very big problem, trying to raise it to an international level. and finally, a special monitoring mission of the international atomic energy agency has paid a visit to the facility with quite a scene here at the dap ross can nuclear power plant. he's special mission with the international atomic energy agency on you can see him hook and right beside the man in a suit here. he's basically being claimed and he's being shown the sort of
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extensive damage that's been dealt to the facility we were able in these few hours to put together a lot. a key things i needed to see i saw of your explanations were basically right here. next to me you can see an, a u, a v, basically a combat drone that was down just days ago above these upper oscar nuclear power plant. if you very interesting details, i'm pointing to which side could have used this drone again. russia does not import any, but here, for example, you can have this little chip plate and everything that you see here is written in english like you have parachute left wing and so on. so the russians, they simply don't use english language for anything military. it is very much out of the question and here says another piece, another device, another piece of the drone. you can see that it is brand new. it is year 2022. so
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it is very, very new. this particular well paying this particular drone has failed to do any damage to deal any damage to the facility because it had been down. but this is not the 1st time that things like this devices like that are being used against the facility. you can hear and see the water still gripping here because the shelling phase of them to have broken the point here and well, the personnel. they still haven't had time to fix them because well, the shelling hadn't stopped this place was where the 1st mortar shells landed and hailed down upon the that roscoe nuclear power plant, who from phoebe downward you can see the aftermath broken windows and this warehouse stands abandoned it used to be producing liquid nitrogen, which is crucial to the functionality of the whole atomic power plant. now, well,
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if you look rational and it is making basically the work of the whole facility, very difficult reason for her child right here by archie in and out about the city very close to the nuclear plant, shows deserted streets on the morning of the i a a visit that's after attacks on the facility and residential areas which claimed the lives of police 3 people and wounded 5 others that's according to city authorities. bhaskar has continually accused ukraine of targeting the plant after securing it back in march with 500 russian soldiers and guarding it ever since. he of disagrees with all allegations and in turn pin the blame on moscow. local mayor has claimed ukrainian forces were deliberately trying to disrupt the arrival of the un watchdog. i all means possible to get in these machines, but surely done in for some time. now the ukraine in armed forces have been showing residential areas and the approach a nuclear power plant,
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the residence of our city. a scared ukraine seeks to disrupt the arrival of the a commission. that's why they detained the mission. at the check points, they try to destabilize the situation and give false information to them that the russians are firing on their own positions. this is a standard scheme by which the ukrainian media provide information. i hope the head of the mission. mr. grossi has enough understanding of the current issue. independent journalist and war correspondent thomas roper says, the shelling by ukrainian forces clearly shows that key f didn't want un inspectors to get to the nuclear facility and to see the shelling damage for them. so the interesting thing is they shelled enigma dara and the region in the morning when the, when the team didn't arrive, there's also looks like have tried to stop this in the last minute, but it didn't work as soon as the team arrived at the place at the spot, there was no shelling anymore reported. so we have to see how key if we have,
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they are not really rational. they are not military experts. so they don't have really a clue about about weapons artillery and all this stuff. they are nuclear experts, so their job is to check whether the station the power plant is, is an order whether they are working well. whether there's a danger from a technical side. that's why i'm not expecting very much information from them about the selling because it's not their job and they don't have the ability for these, these nuclear exports, not military experts. donald trump and make america great. again, movement threatened the foundation of the united states. that's how us president joe biden slammed republican conservatives in his prime time address to the nation on thursday. just ahead of looming midterm elections. you must be honest with each other and with ourselves too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal. i will not stand by and watch i will not. the will the american people be
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overturned by wild conspiracy theories? we told ourselves that american democracy is guaranteed. but it's not. we have to defend it. bagger republic is looked at american chic carnage and darkness and despair. they spread fair and lies, lies tall for profit and power. when i see a different america, america long limited future. well, the theme of jail, biden's remarks was the soul of america, and he used his remarks to echo much of what he's been saying and read the week that he refused republicans. those who are supporting donald trump the make america great again, republicans were mag or republicans being a threat to american democracy. he echoed words that he's been used. this seems to be the drumbeat from the democratic party. well, joe biden basis, very low approval rating. there's
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a lot of unhappiness in the country with the economy with other issues, it seems like the democratic party is focusing on this notion that republicans are a threat to democracy, are fascist, etc. here's some of what's been said. it is one of the most extreme agendas that we have seen and it is a part of the it is the extreme part of the republican party. they are threatening political violence, and they are attacking our democracy. during his remark, joe biden made some interesting comments. the one thing he said is that political violence has no place in america now. many who are familiar with the history of the united states may beg to differ. we've seen the united states backing up who's insurgencies, terrorists, and other forces across the world. so this idea that the united states and political violence simply don't go together. that was one remark made. now biden said it was a big, complicated country and he was remarks. it's worth noting that as he was speaking,
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we could actually hear the sound of protesters that were attempting to disrupt the speak. but basically this was just bide in repeating what your dad he did not use the term bashes to describe the republican in his remarks. but he has used such rhetoric previously and in recent weeks, this is what joe body said, what he was on the campaign trail of supporting democrats in the mid term in rockville. were it a serious moment, our nation's history? the mag republicans don't just threaten our personal rights and our comic security for a threat to our very democracy. they refuse to accept the will of the people. they embrace, embrace political violence. they don't believe in democracy. and now polls indicate that 2 in 5 americans believe it is possible that there could be a 2nd civil war in the united states of america, there could actually be some kind of armed conflict. as
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a result of the heated divisions in the country. now, many are looking at joe biden and the rhetoric that he's using to describe his primary political opponents and saying is any kind of throwing gasoline on the fire . now, 66 percent of americans say that the country has become more politically st split and that they are pessimistic about the future of the country. now, many people are pointing to one of the most deep ironies of the speech because joe biden used the word democracy. he was looking over the role of the, at the eye and the way that they conducted themselves in relation to the hunter biden laptop, scandal. people are seeing are the, the, the intelligence agencies of the united states and, you know, the policing agencies and security services at a federal level and the way they're operating and asking maybe the threat to democracy isn't coming from tromp, who is now out of office. and his supporters, maybe it's coming from an administration that seems determined to control political
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discourse. right. crossing life out often of over the, a vice chair for the libertarian national committee, joining us from washington dc where it's just after midnight where you are now, thanks very much for joining us. what is the very late evening for you off and let's address the speech a joe biden. not mincing his words, i mean i, i struggle to summarize on air what, what is calling half the country? what a comments like these lead to is certainly not unity. i would suppose i think that joe biden is making that classic mistake. we see from democrats, which is conflating, the us government with the united states. and among the right among the left, among libertarian, there's plenty of hope in the united states. there's plenty of of joy in the united states. the hatred is targeted toward the federal government towards state government, because those entities have become too big. they become too intrusive, their entire interfering with our lives domestically and their interfering with the lives of other people internationally. so it's not that people who are on the right
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are people libertarian, don't like america. we love america, we just hate the american government, and also all the state governments that interfere with our lives. often, president biden gave us some very doc views, a former president, trump band, his followers that he was focused well, thoroughly on the negative, but was the positive, or is this just the way that campaigning goes today? and what type of rhetoric do we expect to see is a mid terms approach that democrats are looking at some real trouble. in the past there was a sense that once somebody was elected president, he would strive to be the president of everybody. try to represent all the people, not just his side, but that certainly has changed with both on the left and on the right. president, striving to represent the views among their followers only rather than the views among the people. and you can see that in so many different areas, whether it's debates over gender and pronouns, whether it's debate over freedom of speech,
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whether whatever to or whether it's debate over intrusive police or whether it's a bait over war. americans want to see less government in all areas. we want to see a downsizing, the military industrial complex wounds. the american troops withdrawn from countries overseas. we want to see an end of the war on drugs and violent policing . but on both the right and left, you want to see this. and so there is a great deal of inherently unity among the american people. but among the political parties we're seeing in parent intentional attempts and disunity. often if we go, if we go back to the immediate months after $911.00, i know it's ancient history now, but then president george w bush, basically. so when it comes to invading iraq and invading, i've gotten histone all in the name of tara bush said you're either either with us or you're with them. and it's a very similar comment now, coming from president joe biden, basically saying, we are the democrats, the rest of you are extremists. now. we heard protest is outside independence, whole shouting, let's go. brandon. how do both hogs, if you will, of american society receive biden's remarks. all we're seeing that the
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hatred isn't really between democrats and republicans. we're seeing a great amount of disenchanted with government on both the right and the left. on the left, we're seeing an open hatred of the police and the overgrowth of the police complex . we want to, we're looking, we're seeing people want to downsize, re abolish the police, to get them out of our ways. and they stop interfering with our lives and creating violence and creating problems while failing to protect everybody. on the right, we're see similar, a desire to get the government out of our lives financially to get government out of our lives, in terms of invading other countries to get the government to do. so there is this unity, but it's not between the left and right. not really. it's between those who are more government, which is pretty much just the people in government and everyone else who was a massive reduction in the size, scope and power of government. and i've got very little time left, but i'm really grateful to have you without your naughty international for this
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program to be the midterm elections are looming. what's your full cost quickly please? you're going to see a higher number of democrats than expect to do. okay, but i think that is going to be a republican sweep or and of involve wrote the vice chair for the libertarian national committee. always a pleasure. thanks very much for your time. they try me on well, private e mail is reportedly from to us. state attorneys generals are allegedly show the by the ministration, pressuring big tech companies to send so posts on social networks. i wanted to make sure you saw the steps we took just this past week. to adjust policies on what we are removing with respect to misinformation, as well as steps taken to further address that is info doesn't other males for orderly show, the government asking social networks to delete certain pages and facilitate the creation of new ones with approved content of particular concern to a post about covert and related vaccines with that content scrutinized by 3rd
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parties who could reduce the business ability. well, meanwhile, 3 top house republicans are pushing legislation to stop by and from using their official positions from influencing social media censorship. lawmakers say that from covert 19200 biden, the current administration labels anything that doesn't fit that narrative as dis information. with dr. michael rectinwald's, the author of google archipelago says the white house uses big tech for his own interests, while shutting down the opposition. the government itself, using these big tech monopolies to infringe upon political and other speech and basically shut down all opposition. now we're talking about direct assaults on the 1st amendment of the united states. that is the freedom of speech. we're always told, you know, these are private companies, they can do whatever they want. they can censor, you know, you don't have to allow somebody in your house to speak things you don't want to
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hear. but they've proven over and over again that they're actually appendages of the state that they are state apparatuses that are doing the bidding of the state. in particular, the unit party controlled state, the democratic party controlled state that they work for. so they are not private enterprises, strictly speaking, they're actually part of the state, and they're being wielded by the state to do its bidding. unicef has released a report claiming the number of people in yemen needing humanitarian aid has risen to 23000000 artes peter scott. dig deeper now and what's commonly called the biggest man made catastrophe in history. overshadowed by the war ukraine, the ongoing bloody conflicts in yemen and the world's worse humanitarian crisis. have slaves even further down the news agenda. unicef humanitarian situation report
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for the 1st half of this year paints a pretty bleak picture, children and sudan, yemen, syria and lebanon, are at risk of facing the impact of acute food insecurity, with yemen at the highest alert level. now the saudi led at war in yemen has devastated to the country this year alone. the number of people needing food assistance is well over 23000000 over half of whom are children. now 2018. so a huge escalation in the conflicts with the saudi coalition. conducting dozens of indiscriminate airstrikes, killing thousands of civilians. but that didn't stop the u. s. on the u. k. from continuing to pump billions of dollars of funding and military support in saudi arabia or the economist from painting a rather rosy pitcher of his leader. crown prince mohammed in salma, under the leadership of mohammed bin simon, the young crown prince. the country is changing. the prince's ambitious plan ends
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to attract 30000000 visitors by 2030 dabble. the current number buds us relations with the country quickly soured, after the brutal assassination of saudi journalist jamal shoji di would make it very clear. we were not to go in to sell more weapons to them. we will go in to make them pay the price, in fact, make them a pariah, that they are. there is very little social, redeeming value in the present government of saudi arabia. well, certainly it's half words, but they didn't seem to be followed by equally decisive action. only 17 saudis were sanctioned over the murdy and visa restrictions imposed on another 76, certainly not a pariah by any stretch of the imagination was m. b. s and biden aren't exactly best buddies, either. we've been some man ignoring biden's calls and refusing to turn on the oil tubs. when he came cap in hand, the economist has also changed its chin somewhat. but there has the greatest threat
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to the crown prince might be m b f himself. he has shown himself to be eager driven, aggressive, and impulsive. and perhaps it's only so long before he makes a fatal miss judgment. but a saudi us relations falter, ties with his eastern eye, china a being gradually on the arb bilateral trade between the 2 countries at dwarfing dots with the us, china and saudi arabia, our comprehensive strategic partners in recent years with the commitment and guidance from the leaders of both countries, china, saudi arabia relations have grown robustly with fruitful cooperation in various areas. we are ready to work with saudi arabia to keep cementing mutual trust and deepening cooperation, and further advance our comprehensive strategic partnership. while biden will be keeping a close eye on the budding bro bonds between china and saudi arabia as the vice influenced in the middle east. maybe it's worth remembering that the situation, yemen goes with every day. all of that us soldiers who participated in
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last year's evacuation from afghanistan are now set to receive a military award. the one year anniversary of the u. s. withdrawal has now renewed criticism in parts of america regarding its longest war in history. the pentagon says the troops will be honored with a meritorious unit commendation. it's a broad recognition that covers both combat and support roles. no other military could have protected so many lives under such challenging circumstances in such a short amount of time. not just because of our air lift or our logistics capabilities, but most of all because of the immense compassion, skill and dedication of american service. members. what about all the americans and translators left behind news of an award for us units who took part in evacuation last year, reminds me of the time i found a kid in the shower with a box of us afghanistan, campaign metals out here, a member of the taliban swept through parts of the country and the closing moments
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of the us military presence. nearly 200 people lost their lives, including 13 us service members, amid violence in case of the cobble airport. several people even felt that death, so they tried to hold onto a transport plane as it took off from the runway. now, nearly half of americans 48 percent said in a recent nationwide poll that the u. s. war and i've gotten this done was a mistake. according to the survey, a clear majority, 57 percent, believe that u. s. political leaders actually lied to justify the invasion. and just been out in the program we heard from retired us air force, lieutenant colonel. karen, korea, koski who says the by the administration has been particularly sensitive to this criticism. busy because it's well justified. this withdrawal was very poorly planned, very hasty. it was under duress and it was not particularly well done. the thing that they're proud of the thing the united states is proud of is the massiveness of
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the air list. they compared to other air lifts that we've done and it's, it's a massive amount of aircraft. but in terms of the operation, the leadership, the military leadership on the ground, any political leadership from the pentagon or elsewhere, we didn't have any of that. it was a shocking, actually, quite shocking and embarrassing situation last summer. and i think administration is quite sensitive to the criticism because it's well justified. the pentagon itself didn't believe it was over, even though the politicians and the rest of the country knew it was oak. so i put the blame directly on the bed and got in the fact that there patting themselves on the back with this award is really almost ludicrous. and it is sad. it's very sad. the world health organization has warned that a major health crisis is likely to follow recent flooding and pakistan which has already affected now more than $30000000.00 people. fear that water born diseases
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could spread rapidly under the current conditions as unprecedented monsoons resulted in, quote, a 3rd of the country going on the war that's according to islam, about officials. they also call that a serious climate catastrophe. as we understand rescue operations are ongoing. we have this report now from a local journalist. at least 13rd of august is under flood water. as many as 27 people have died alone during last 24 hours since mid june. still now, nearly 700 people have died in different incidents of flood across buck you saw on an earth many as 1500 hats in georgia in different incidents of floods. now there is also allowed me to port that among the dead. there are at least $400.00 children were also killed in long distance. robin robin's cupboard for help. there are 4000 tourist who was tendered in one of the resort of columbia. and lot
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are still happening. still need to be rescued to the helicopter. my understanding is that the government is an auction and law tourists are going to be rescued sooner or later. the overall picture that he's developing focused on suggest that at least in the said, the machine province, the salt water has these up to their, to 9 feet. that means hot, terrible, it has begun for the people to survive in this water. and the rescue oppression is still under impartial barcas on. and the authorities have not been able to reach to the affected people. partly because of the simple reason because the lord networks have graphs. the bridges have glass and the number of the helicopters which are required, given the sure huge scale off off the flood flood operation. that is less so far. the hell that is coming from the fairly can please, is a, is a, me go to some of the food supplies that box. i'm getting from the can do some from
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the turkey and some other countries. the u inspector general is expected to reach and reach in focus on the next couple of days. he and he will himself assess the scale of the damages that have, has been caused by the water. the climate change is one such leading factor. another factor is that the, the success of government have, have failed to build up the mega, mega dams because of which every year, the flood sweep over, everything that comes on the way it gives people a destroyer builder, and then it ends up in the area. you'll see something exactly what is happening right now in buckets on at least marcus on these nice tens of billions of us dollars to re heavily dead people in 3 provinces. java on the islam bob pakistan. wrapping up this, our program are now 9 30 am in islamabad and half past 7 in the morning here at
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moscow. appreciate your joining us here on our feet. we are ah ah lose any of us, liz. to bunker burn up and we're going to do which was a part of the storage store or the listeners store news, news, news the or the non us. so it was worse and i'm not going to go on this paper in the only bit so good smith and we were just need more to pick up more report the dunham school system up and you have to listen to some of my didn't doing those go through the system doesn't
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seem possible to fall in it's a visa card and we need court. it's partition as a solution. barbados kitchen listeners. just don't know who was asking chip, it seems good. could you please hordes suppose grandma all that of a new series of aborted? yes, there is this new spirit any of the supreme you need? once i don't know, consult mr. michael brown with a bit of shirt and william mcclellan's album shirts is.
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