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tv   News  RT  September 3, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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very dramatic. i only personally, i'm going to resist. i'll see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk ah, ukraine makes another failed attempt to seize this up r o g, a nuclear power plants, according to the russian defense ministry balance. despite the presence there of a team from the international atomic energy agency, multi coming up in the program. this our a handful of western officials on hundreds of russian citizens gather in moscow for the funeral of the last. don't be a leader week i yield. gorbachev. mom read the cold and an argentine a 1000 rally. and when this ari's in solidarity with christina kirschner following up the nation at 10 on the argentinian vice president week at reaction from evil.
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morales, former president of the nation's neighbor, bolivia, latin american leaders, unanimously. content with across the world around the clock. this is our team from the team and myself, you know neil: hello and welcome to the program. key of forces made another attempt to seize the example: roget nuclear power plant. despite a team from the u. n's nuclear energy watchdog being at the site that is, according to the russian defense ministry, which claims $250.00 ukranian troops tried to cross the napa river in within 40 boats on friday evening. now the attempt was aborted after around half of the vessels were hit by russian or forces ukrainian troops also shell, the app plans territory on saturday night, according to local authorities, they say, or lines were damaged, cutting off supplies to the grid,
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all in nearby city of a nerd the door was again targeted as well. the local morris said 5 civilians have been killed by ukrainian shelling in the past. the mining operations continue in harry is now under the control of russia led forces. this footage shows russian sufferers demanding a school in the city of las a chance. can they look against republic? the frontline has not moved westward numb. an rti team sent this report from there to the hurting roads along the dumbass front lines are littered with land mines. it's important to me carefully. ukrainian artillery shelling rains down not only upon the front, but also overflows and to residential districts of cities and towns. the fighting rage is on as russian lead forces concentrate on protecting the login's republic and prepared a battle over the strategic city of sola dar in neighboring. don't ask. the goal is
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to establish control over all of the done bass and secure the liberation of law. ganske anyway, the russian lead forces are working on destroying ukrainian military fortifications . was to open up those areas and facilitate advances on to those positions. here. another tactic is needed to protect the soldiers from ukraine's chaotic artillery. shelling with the enemy artillery is working so we must move very carefully. the green and troops use drones to support our positions. we are constantly on the attack, but we continue to take out their artillery units. but also just the troops here are looking forward not to the few meters that separate them from achieving their goal. with that rather to restoring the piece that has been lost here over the years and lifting the long time blockade that is divided the dumbass wafa sharon e r t who ganske the funeral ceremony for
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the former soviet leader mikhail gorbachev has been held in moscow. been 191 year old passed away on tuesday after a prolonged illness. a host of political figures came to pay their respects, including the hungarian prime minister, victor, or van former russian president, dmitri, met vietnam and ambassadors from the number of you countries. hundreds of ordinary russians also lined the streets to say their good byes to the last leader of the ussr. in a ceremony that lasted more than 3 homes. looked to see when i came because this is the last page of a play that has already been written. it is impossible to assess this period unambiguously, but it was very colorful indeed we started. i think we stopped being called the unsmiling abyss between europe and asia. thanks to gorbachev. he was a very decent man for me. he was the most worthy leader of the country, radio and the for, but just wanted to do a lot that he failed. but i am grateful for him trying. i have an ambiguous
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attitude towards gorbachev, but i've always liked him. as i get older, i understand how important his personality was for the development of the country. gorbachev did a lot. he liked the foundations of a free democratic russia. or mikhail gorbachev. overhaul the soviet union's foreign policy by introducing their new political thinking doctrine, pushing political reform on transparency. the move thought relations with the west and brought about the end of the costly decades long cold war. he called for the world to be seen as united on interdependent instead of divided into communist and capitalist countries. until the balance of interests of different countries as a way of solving international problems. while universal values had to be recognized them of all others, whether they be religious or national was his thinking. the soviet leader also wanted to see the world free of all nuclear weapons by the start of the 21st
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century. ah not as the u. s. and other western powers seek to isolate russia over the conflict in ukraine. the french president, emanuel mackerel, is urging his top diplomats to maintain ties. g o he who wants turkey as a member of nato to be the only power in the world that continues to talk about russia. the job of the diplomat is to talk to everyone, including people and especially people with whom we do not agree. and so we will continue to do so while president mccall emphasized on wavering support for key. if he cautioned that dropping communications with moscow with further escalate the
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situation, the french leader had been a key western negotiator with president putin up the i'd set of the conflict in ukraine. then there seemed to be a period of relative silence between the 2 at leaders on talks, then resumed recently to prepare for the i a e a's mission to these up at osha nuclear plant. and while money will micron was distancing himself from moscow turkeys president regis, type err to juan. as soon the rule of chief mediator personally at meeting with both vladimir putin of ukrainian president to lensky, thus our tensions have risen between france. i'm turkey with the nato member states competing for influence in north africa. a straw slide not to turkish political scientist, honor shannon was elton for his take on all that you're most welcome. how do you think fiscal bi mcclung to maintain dialogue will with russia will go down in the
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rest of europe? a 1st of all, i have to say that the, from the beginning of, to granular conflicts the, all the governments of europe, they are acting like a vessels of connected states. and they're acting again against the national interests. and the lot lately, the german foreign minister told it so clearly that even the germans business, they didn't want that kind of quote, sanction against russia. they will, cheap, cheap, apply the sanctions and sport to green. that was a good example that the european. busy governments are acting against the national interest. and the, i think that's, that the only way that the normalization between euro and the russia is, is that did the time that the change went off the governments in europe. and i think that mr. mark president, mark launched a statement is baseless. ah,
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president micron uses the term diplomacy of combat really to emphasize his wish to resolve the conflict diplomatically. but you have the french government then delivering more than 100000000 euro worth of military equipment to kiev. so what does that tell us? assured that it is a hypocrite de la statement because on one hand that franz, from the beginning of the conflict, keep sporting the you bring in the force a giving arm to them. and on the other hand, they now they are mr micron, stating that he wants to deal with russia. so, i mean, where is the logic on the, on the statement? and from the beginning, he act with the american not a didn't act for the french national interests. but now as the economics fish and in france is a, is really better. so he's trying to find another v,
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a solution. so that's why he make this statement, but i think it's a little bit late for present. is it surprising at all to the turkey is maintaining tides with russia, despite a lot of external pressure. it say, nato member, it also had armed ukraine in the conflict as well. how does this work? turkey is a independent country. oh, okay. we are a member of nato, but v r o governments. and i mean, i can see that our state is it making policy and defending the national interest of turkey. russia is our neighbors. we have really good relation with russia in energy field in if you'd like, and i'm, if you, these are some examples. and so it's normal that we, that the turkish government didn't apply these on to russian section because the
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sections are against the turkish national interest. so talk to state is following the independent policy and not acting like the european governments like kind of was south of united states just on terms of turkish french relations than on or turkey has previously denounced the french president for accusing anchor of spreading anti french propaganda in african countries such as algeria does that, explain my crohn's diplomatic push. now why he's, he's, he's acting in this way o, france, french government, and french state. keep seeing it, considering the north africa and the middle is as the beggars, but this period is finished. now, and let's look the examples. let's take the examples of libya, offers syria of lebanon. now in this field, france is no more active,
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no more dominance. and churchy play important role to that they did this, this period. this consists of that, the breaking of the french influence in this, in the regions, so death. why? for us? is it following an aggressive policy against or q entered his government's best? the main reason and, and i think that the real fear, i mean that the statement of the latest, the latest statement of present model. i think that the real fear is that as a corporation or between churchy and russia, and that does cooperation continue in, in north africa and also in africa because we had good results in syria. our stand, the process is going well. so i think that the french government is really f rates, a possible cooperation between turkey and russia in north of africa. and. busy also
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in the different fields in the middle east, and that just brings me to my final point which of the 2 leaders, mr. tuan, or mr. cron. g thank is perceived as a more effective mediator by the conflicting sides. i think it's not me to answer this question, but the fact show that the french is out of game now. i mean, they are losing their because the actual french government and even before a whole lot of presidents adequacy, they bridge that the policy of or shot their goal, which was an independent policy between united states and russia. but these governments, i mean, sorry, was the whole lot, and now even my grown day, all day acts like that was also for united states. and now now they are paying the price. but turkey, the turkish government now and torture states self. oh,
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it's following get independent and the independent policy and the defending national interest. all right, thanks for your time on your thoughts today, especially coming on a saturday honor sonata due south town turkish political scientists lie from istanbul. thank you for china's accused germany of trying to undermine its national security. it's over berlin's decision to expand its military presence in the indo pacific region. this will probably lead to some bad memories and associations in many countries in the world. we firmly oppose any countries use of freedom of navigation as an excuse to undermine china sovereignty harm china security, an attack and smear china. beijing was responding to an announcement from the german defense minister, who said a stronger military presence is needed in order to check china's put enormous build up of armed forces. eyebrows, how already been raised in beijing last year?
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when for the 1st time in 2 decades, germany sailed worship into the south china sea. germany is also participating in a joint operation with a string. we're deploying 13 military aircraft for exercises. the largest piece time deployment by the countries are a force asian, the 1st specialist out the university of bass packet. no one believes berlin is trying to play a safe bet, and they're changing worlds because of the war in the ukraine. germany is being exposed to her on their ability to energy dependency over russia. and because china is pro russia and they were trying to position it makes germany increasingly aware that these going to impact upon china, germany relations. the situation is asia is also changing.
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the wizard by nancy pelosi to taiwan ease making an escalation of the tensions across the script. it comes to the conclusion of burly in that they believe now perhaps to increase this military as a cruelty engagement with the in the pacific region. exposure, food allies of the us led coalition will be a safe bet. thousands of argentinians have been marching and when as r a's in solidarity with vice president, christina christner, now for a gunman, apparently tried to assassinate her. on thursday night, the crowds condemned political violence with political leaders around the world. and pope frances condemning the attack on the former present christner herself has recently been struggling with a raft of corruption charges that could land are in prison for more than a decade. her supporters maintain that the allegations are totally politically
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motivated. as the south american nation grapples with extreme political polarization on a tripling economic crisis, our t spanish correspondents, ignacio debir as the story is that it's getting cold and when a series but tensions at the plaza de mayo are hot. as people continue to gather, demonstrating the unity of people and their support of christina kirschner. it must be said that a large rally was already expected in support of kirshner because of the court case in which he was accused of corruption. the case is seen, internal political conflict intensify an incitement of hate against the former head of the country. unfortunately, this turned into an assassination attempt. let's hear what the people in the streets are saying about the incident. negative equity. yeah, no way they need it. i came to show support for christina after all that's been done to her for years. so christina, is the embodiment of love, love for the nation. yesterday's attack is too much and everyone has come here to
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support her. is that since asked you on there? in fact, it seems to me that i've been targeted apasetti in which i'm not on the blow to her . my to all the people a blow to democracy and will not back a number of politicians have already been able to visit kirschner, for example, the governor of the province of buenos aires, alex kissell off a man very close to christina kirschner. and he said she was doing very well despite yesterday's events. yeah. but the governor also said that what happened was not just about one person and should be assessed in the context of hate speech that has long existed in argentina. no, don't countries, president alberto fernandez, called the situation very serious, intent. endow what's happened was very serious, more serious than anything has happened since we returned to democracy dollars a that we're following the investigation closely with judge maria kappa. chatty, issued several search warrants for the residence of the brazilian man who attempted to take the life of the vice president. it should be stressed that president
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hernandez has asked the judge to ensure that nothing happens to the life of kirk enters attacker in order to establish the reasons for what happened and prevent a repetition of such events. so noises has enemy, while police say the would be assassin, is a 35 year old brazilian mom had previously been arrested in march last year for carrying a knife. is apartment and witness. ari's was reportedly rated after this week to talk with around 100 bullets said to have been fun, their evil morale as they long time. former president of argentina is neighbor bolivia claimed external forces could be behind the attentive necessities. whereupon douglas, last week we were informed that legal proceedings were initiated. the prosecutor had requested 12 years in prison and i assume that the united states as desperate over here the leftist parties are increasingly winning elections. the u. s. can no longer stop us. they can no longer stop this democratic uprising of the peoples of latin america said now they resort to such attacks. we all support christina.
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christina is not alone. evil morales. speaking to archie on, while a details into the assassination attempt continued to emerge at latin america, experts, walter from mento believes it's another example of history repeating itself. this she the, or, and we believe this assassination attempt resembles kennedy's in 1963. it occurred when he was the only serious politician in the united states. he advocated peace created, necessary conditions for that, while anglo saxon financial circles were fueling the war and dragging the country deeper into the vietnam war. i see the need to draw this parallel as vice president kirschner is able to foster piece democracy, employment, and integrity in the global economy. without harmony, national sovereignty for politics, challenge those financial leads which aim to impose their own terms. this
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assassination attempt should not be perceived as a random act committed by sick man. as was the talk after kennedy's killing, we should examine this case as it is the only way to avert similar political assassinations in the future. no, a major energy forum has wrapped up in senegal, where a delegates reiterated. there's only one way to meet africa's growing energy demands on the continent shouldn't apologize for using fossil fuels. well, nations on the continent of being expressing outrage over what they dug the climate injustice of the west, the egyptian foreign minister said despite africa contributing less than 4 percent of the global emissions, the continent has been severely impacted by climate change. adding that with limited financial means it's very difficult to spend the money needed to transition to the much vaunted ring power. speaking at the event they had of the chamber on african energy stress that the future, all african energy is dependent on fossil fuels. despite the west pressure to see
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culture, we are not backing away from our industry. i think they have been in narrative out there that says africans do not want oil anymore. i think we need my oil. we need more drilling. we need more exploration. and daddy's are we for the oil companies are not to problem. they are part of the solutions. it's not going to be a switch to just so we don't get a transition away from, from, from there we not the and i think the africans, we should not apologize for our oil and gas industry. the legacy of 2 decades of the u. s. occupation of afghanistan, all in the name of the war on terror, and are continuing special coverage. we're examining the consequences of america's policies in the asian country. i'm telling the tragic story style unfolded
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a year ago, amid the celtic, polite of us forces. no nation, no nation has ever done anything like it in all the history with and the image is still resin, it'll say the former afghan government essentially left the country in a dire situation and one year later, uncertainty still prevails. today we want to bring in the story of said, dick shikari, the former government official who lived an exile only returning to his homeland,
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after the taliban came back to power. he reflects on the struggles that he went through monday. i remember the day when the americans left in an unfortunate manner without thinking about the future of gaston. there was a political vacuum. no one was willing to take responsibility. i thought of gaston could plunge into a civil war. the previous regime left the country in kaos. they only wanted to rule the nation or else ruin it. i still feel that danger today. ah, well, what are those 2 days and they are for, is bought is forced me to leave of got a saw because i had organized protests against the abuses carried out by israel in western forces. they told me the law doesn't allow a government minister to organize a protest ah ah,
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but. busy i was living in london, my life considering the financial education, health and safety aspects was better there, but i still missed my country. no afghan or muslim loves his country, will ever prefer a luxurious life over his home that i wanted to face those difficult times together with my countrymen. it was shameful for me to live a better life there. instead of going through all the hardships with my people, ah yes, clover to israel in this country and to some extent the previous government is responsible for it. the new government has to deal with this burden. during the one year under
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the taliban leadership, they have been many significant changes. afghanistan is completely safe. now. there is no more mafia there. every one is equal under the law that had never been a reality in this country. one of the many stories weeping, bringing to over the last number of weeks from one year on from the u. s. polite in afghanistan. next, or a documentary team asked who benefits from western trails of russia as an irrational and dangerous nation. it's an interesting 26 minutes on the begins ah, ah
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ah. with ah, the eradication of salvation was also conceived by hitler who formed the general plan awesome for the colonization and german ization of eastern europe. the plan
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involved about 80 percent been killed, relocated really it was he technical busy you really just give us proceed. you mean actually up when you my appointment? i be using him. yes. cuz i actually knew it was threatening yet sailor asked the unions e s. i mean i was just, we did a yeah my yes, that you amazed love me so much, ninette schedule. so that was the gate mission much already know it'll be you see me image is here with national models, but again, you still for me and then you sure will change when else get us, but it'll be really changes wales coefficient you digest. what else can i say, a sub, get the pensions, me upgrade to being years here. i could only just just lay on school when i don't just get nobody there. i'm not sure what i do for grades of papers that i need. the national are please close me, go find them. can you just look in your not just give practical toyota for me with the most stablish or don't share dominion pregnancy by like
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a push that with much at least anybody in y'all's number has made somebody about g scheme or something about sped? not that stuff, no, you said to me just at least on what we just a new approach. you jim? you mean you on you them, bruce marshall them. i push a lunch with yours. when you were, you says of skis, but you do. it was like, you don't finally got them both of you that it would start to push that with just some people need see he's for be done. got to can do it to new coin without the problem in force or big contradiction. for instance, the eyes of that guy, you know, they can sure signs without problem orders or double dog lemon to kiss the still can. i mean, if it, anyway it's, i think it's crazy in the form or a form in store
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and press on too much to see who the news you close to the new year. she thought pitiless plans for this love's own brandy. remember today, as is the fact that civilized europe failed to resist his advance for long belgium fell in 8 days. poland in 36, france and 43. it took just a $116.00 days to conquer europe. nazi death camps were set up in poland, latvia, austria, and italy. people were tortured gas to burn them subjected to experiments, who's killed more westerners, not russians. westerners themselves, it off hitler, slaughtered tens of millions of poor. she will forget that about one 5th of all poles. were killed during world war 2 because 8 off hitler, including his nazi collaborators, washing ukraine's pa, mendera slaughter. the 4th people in anti polish genocide in 3000000000, resort to one of the worst extermination comes with. if you look the soldier denise, where you live and.


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