tv Documentary RT September 7, 2022 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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and the political decisions violate the contractual obligations when it go into implement them. then we'll see our supplies, if it violates low interest, in case economic interests, we're not going to apply as a gas or oil co. we are going to implement our contractual obligations in full measure, but if someone tries them both on the on us, let's say those who impose something, i'm not in a position today to dictate they are on the wheel, they should come to the offensive. but it's something that applies to the economy or as such, it's also true for domestic economy. getting back to home, you mentioned when it go into supply, anything that goes beyond our contractual obligations, we're not going to let them impose and isn't enough. let them threes. you know, by the way, they are considering several decisions and we see what's happening either they wish
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to subsidize at the high prices and it's bad because it's not going to change the consumer behavior. they will consume exactly the same well means that before or one can reduce the consumption economical point of view. it's correct. but from the social point of view, interest situation can make those a situation. it's better to seek to contractual obligations to negotiate jewels and civilized norms. but we to, you should act in a civilized manner. we should provide preferences, but at the same time, we should act in a careful and predictable manners taped by step. without any fluctuations we should gradually move towards our goal. that's how we intend to continue. but may i ask another question about reasons sensitive relationship? you mentioned, please in crisis times,
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the state is always going to give you an example. 2008. you said you had sent a dr. does anyone know if mitchell sells in 20? you gave an interview and you were asked whether you consider businessman or swindlers and on 3rd, reasons behind that statement. recently i had a conversation with mister bellow silver, and he said this with industry mit, mit, allergic in 3 have cheated on us. how do you develop your relationship with the business right now? well, you shouldn't focus on that particular statements and see them out of the context. if i'm talking about specific concrete relatives of the business community it with about those particular representatives. and it shouldn't be applied to the
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internet business community as such. and the business community demonstrate the high level of responsibility before the citizens of russia and before the russian state. i would like to throw a point you by the way, you know, i used to tell them in the past to have trouble is protecting the interest a received. it's something i want some about. they should have invested not in current projects, but in the development of the infrastructure. they would have benefits right now. it would be a lesson for them who could have imagined i warned them i spoke about that. it's not because i'm so smart because i have more information. i have warned. i had one
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to many of those sit in this hole in particular. do you realize you did realize it and they didn't. how may as at some short, and if they turned out to be right with you mentioned mr. b o l. and his statement that someone to say someone. well, in the course of discussion, you can say many things. but a 2 year to get in touch to the fact that what i said right now was correct. there are specific rules, objective rules and the economy. you can think of that some with why did we have high choices in the field of mental engine? it's because your market conditions for you to be responsible before they are workers with interest,
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but states should have responded to says before, by applying specific instruments to restrict or limit exports. now, with the budget, with these market instruments a, or we could the returns the profits in some other ways with what the state can or is a willing to do in a particular situation. here, it's a very delicate matter of concentration within the domestic calling that there is no problem with regulations and we are doing to continue with them and a very careful manner. the conditions have we put in place conditions to make sure they are here and not going forward. i know is that i know conditions for
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and many of them now register their office says here a way to have you created specific conditions while there are some on check them factors. you're absolutely right. the responsibility lies with today. you had a state council, the president was a state council on tourism, or would you please clarify your position regarding these as we have many of the station agreements with american countries. and as for europe, we have, we don't have such a agreement. so these are 3 agreements with none of european countries on, but many european tourists could come here. maybe we don't need a curtain, but could lead you should attract terrace. yes, let's try. it just doesn't feel that there and we won't let anyone impose in
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a decision on us with the same feel to we can give the same weight, but we shouldn't do any things that highlight so interest. probably mr. laugh would be angry with me. yes, he's here in this whole ministry of earnest, believe said, normally we should act as a truck all manner. if they have taken the decision was enough to share with us whether we should do the same. i believe not. we are interested in seeing young people come in, come here. we are interested in seeing business, our country despite and restrictions. there are many businessmen who love georgia choice to georgia and are ready to work here. so welcome. please come here and do work with professionals. come in here and teach now with wires to cancel it. how to try to
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figure out why should it in any way with we're not going to cut off the contact on our own. those who do this. i say it's not us, but themself. and yesterday, and they say to the state council, with a federal agency for you to raise some people said that the mandate of these agency got to be enhanced. otherwise you didn't agree. what decision did you take? well, it's quite easy to either pragmatic decision on the internal tourism is something very important. very important. and external terrorism is important to you. we have a big country with friends and colleagues mentioned this today. our friends from the cham people's republic of china. our call is from young and mongolia, and not to mention the clues has gone through. the former soviet republics include an armenian, theo,
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of the vast tourists potential of the russian federation. naturally, it remains to be done in order to develop the infrastructure for domestic terrorism . i'm going to go into least all this instruments, but we are going to develop them. and yesterdays delayed was very simple. a, you should receive the 10000000000 so both that i have been allocated for the development, whether it is ministry of construction, the agents responsible for terrorism. it doesn't concern me. the ministry of construction is professional in charge of infrastructure and construction development, and a federal agency, fortuitous muslim boys, hundreds of people. it's not something that matters. i mean, i only construct but until agents,
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if attention sets out the vector for the development of fear in the main. so i think it would be on logical t t. l. ok to save money is a federal terrorist agency, but it's up to the government to take the decision. i think the decision will be taken soon. it's not so difficult. no question. so let me ask you this question, but i recently had a point phase with an inflow fairly to mine. friends. many russians came with armenia and those who oppose the developments in ukraine. our child is a play in the economy with shimaya. i remember, i'm sorry, i missed a passion. i. i'd like to say before you begin to respond, that even more armenians have come to russia more than one peeling people. well, nothing new about the bad about armenians coming to russia. it's always
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a pleasure. i have to tell you that one thing, i do not quite agree with your assessment and that, but that many people have come because the need to get their salaries even though they stay in russia, they work abroad. and there are problems with financial transactions with wires and due to that they had to relocate to armenia. i think when i made you my address, i painted our point of view. i do hope that what's happening is being perceived in russia. religious belief as so simply, we're location within the framework of the region economic union. and it's precisely the goal for which the you ration, economic union was established. it was meant for the free movement of the
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service is good. labor capital. and this is what we see happening in reality and prison. proteins said that to he warned against future potential problems so which could not normally administer the rise for business people who work in the west. but i think this is precisely why the reason economic union exists. it's designed to make the economies of our country is more flexible and we can it's obvious now already. but for the sake of justice, i have to tell you that in january, february, we already were expecting a very high rate by a release of economic growth and march. however, we ran into problems and there were concerns a, initially the meal lows that came into armenia,
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turned out to be a huge help. boston kentucky and wearing constant cough contact with our ease russian got little counterparts. most of mr. there are some ties, some connections which we can explore, which we can work together on that is a very good dynamically. many russians are regionally, are interested in working with their counterparts in armenia. you've asked about potential sanctions. i would like to draw your attention to the following fact many, well theoretically, if armenia were to come under sanctions, i see this is not gonna be beneficial to russia. so what we propose grandma is to work smart 3 of us more than with misty and explore the opportunities together, the ones that i've just got a reason here, we have to support a potential difficulties. that concern was not only armenia,
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but also the ration economic union. we need to support those difficulties. literally then time to neutralize them, to store districts in eliminate the rescue and, and got tory but here the russian citizens, if come to armenia, are most welcome a much more over during the 1st half of the year. this was some things we discussed and i drew the attention of my history. i brush and counterparts to the following fact, a menu these yesterday, russian citizens relocate to armenia. they still remain within the framework of the region economic union and the chance is the load. so sadly, his army will go back to russia. bullshit him from armenia several times to the
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middle higher than if they were to move to the west or to france. there, i'm many people a leaving here. i says, well, even in the past many people went on vacation to armenia right now, it's vice versa. the live in armenia and go back to russia to get some rest. a relative, well in the past used to come to get yvonne and everything was still cheap right now the prices have risen. well it's another matter, no one to keep my ship. and moreover, we have a very big problem with the property with real estate because real estate prices in armenia climbing up and the grand flat rates are rising as well. this creates problems on the one hand, but on the other handy, it creates new opportunities. and i think it was a 13 percent increase in construction in armenia, whiskey,
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business plan. i think the russian business is also interested in investing into this field e e o n. incidentally, i would like to say that i'm within the context of potentially can all make problems. it's very important that despite the fact that we are in close cooperation with russia, international rating agents is a, are, you are still confirm. yes, very good. rankings. full armenia. i would also like to many as daughter over here with reminding russians for our business circles that armenia is moving high very rapidly among the countries with a economy needs and we ever now saw by doing bigger ambitions. in guilford, we do hope that we will rank among the top 10 on a world scale, which is,
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and there's 14 regimes, mostly stably. and there are some very good opportunities in that. the south roneesh the mill, and we can work closely economically together with shield russia, and we can put them hel, this called duration to very high level teaching. now that it's silly, over the last 13 years, in part, no, russia armenian normally has always been there. she'll 1st still trade an economic partner for armenia. those mom was murdered presently. it. gotcha. it's a new chance that we see in front of us. we can give a new quality to this economic alteration. let's take this opportunity and ask, present, putting how we view those migrants we who go from russia to armenia to well welcome and everything that stands to benefit the russian businesses. and if the
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circumstances are such that it's more useful, more beneficial for people to work somewhere else, these i g specialists, 1st and foremost, well, let them do that and i agree with you during the prime minister passion. armenia is no stranger to us. you can work and get yvonne and you can, you must, you know, basically live in moscow, come back and, you know, nothing stands in this way. many people have come back. they see that nothing bad is happening here. well, if, and despite the sanctions, aggression from certain countries against russia, everything keeps functioning, everything keeps working. but if someone likes it, okay, and armina likes to work, and i mean, you, well, let them do that and on the road. headed for anyone once to live in by cool. let them do that. the same goes for cows. i stand because catholics town has created very good financial area. these purposes,
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bruce everything and the ration economic union. well, it's easier for us to regulate and it's easy for people to work in this space. i would also like to ask about those who live in the russian far east and also along the rules of other sees of our country. i think by the end of the year, we'll have new draft law should be submitted to you on the quote. as on crab b catch stand. business on the ground is concerned, but small and medium sized enterprises are not going to be able to move shooter. you know, implement the norms of this law. yesterday we spoke in great detail with the governor of jones on this matter. there is a problem here and let me tell you what it is with this quote or 20 percent of the overall quota. that has been allocated for the will caching of marine by
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resources are made, has to be funneled into a ship building or fish, purchasing the clamps on the ground. this is a forced measure because our phishing fleet is becoming obsolescent. and this is norm is working around 100 contracts have already been concluded to build ships or to build fish purchasing plans from any of these contracts have already been implemented and many ships have been built and commissioned and the same goes for the fish places in facilities, but even though it's working, there is a problem. some of the small enterprises have straight to the old of committed themselves to this example, chris says you man, even unfortunately, due to the sanctions that have been imposed, they cannot implement these obligations on time due to the system
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disruptions and valley chains. and because they are foreign partners, have failed to fulfill their obligations. and the government has to take that into account. i've heard a lot of talk here in particular with regard to the international agenda about the international energy security and new structures for energy security. recently, the i e a has published a report on the development these other raska nuclear power plant. this report does not say who is firing at yet, but at only states, the damage that has been done to the nuclear power plant. can you comment on that? do you trust this report? yes, i'd just stick with certainly, neural review the i. e a is a responsible, international organization and it's had as in a true professional, of course the i. e was under the pressure of the country is in which the iraqi of the us in particular and the p and country is. and they cannot see outside of the
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fire camps of the ukrainian territory. but it's obviously we are in control of this nuclear power plant. our military are there. so are we the ones who are firing our cells? it's, you know, pure nonsense. we were still with the sheriff's thirty's here, but we knew girls of the rooms with yes, some agree that comes off school headquarters against common sense. moreover, there are some remains of high mascot and other little girls iliad. i miss her from western technologies and i saw that this finished reporting, sales about the i e games. it's important to withdraw military equipment from the nuclear power plant. but there is no military equipment and lee at the site and you know, the e professionals to seem bad and they can see that stale because there are 2 experts with the military are simply protecting the perimeter and also on the territory.
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well, there are capital, especially with machines, well, but that's the russian guard that is responsible for the safety and security. and really you can go there and see that for yourself. we can bring a big group of journalists, or you appear in american journalists, and you can come and see for yourself, and you can see the remains of the missiles against her and her guitar. the come from the other side of the water reservoir. we know that the russian military equipment, in particular, the equipment that is responsible for the counter battery fire is not stationed at the nuclear power plant. it's very far from l, but the ukrainian side to the creators, to nuclear security and safety. why are they doing that? i do not quite understand, maybe they're trying to create a more attention to their current situation,
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to crisis on many occasions and due to risky for you know, they were trying to carry out to penetration terrorist attacks on the russian territory. a blowing arbor, noticed any transmission, transmission lines are close to our plans and energy facility is, why are they doing that? what's the point in creating a federal to europe as a whole, but they are doing that. yesterday i asked the head of ross as m t, please sent me with a report that i won't ross out to come up with several additional proposals as to how to ensure the security. because the biggest threat is not to the reactor, but to the storage of spent nuclear a p. c. well, it is. meanwhile is head of the european diplomacy shows up. well, i'm going to read it out. it's
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a translation go. today we are meeting as negotiations with the ukrainian representative. so far we do not have a concrete plan to how to win over the fascist regime in russia. when you me, what is that? well, how does this concern the nuclear power plant? well, there is no relation to that, but this is the characteristic well, he's just saying things he knows how can but he's, we will say things we've seen many. ready appeals, we, we've heard him say appeal to you, we never russia in the battlefield. if he were a defense minister of some country, then it would have been understandable, but coming from the out of the european diplomacy. well, it sounds bizarre. look in the studio. well, get your foot, i'm not one to judge. let him say what he wants. as far as the fascist regime goes,
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i can tell you the following list with if he had lived is better than 930 s. he is spanish. i think if he had lived and spain in the 1930 s, and he had heard the weather forecast, he is louie sacramento phrase. this guy's a clear over the whole world of spain, as is known, it was a signal from general franco just started kuta, then he would have taken up arms, but who would either enjoy and the democratically elected government of the country of the purchase. i think he would have joined the purchase with i guess you today. suppose the very same purchase in ukraine with the primary source of authority in ukraine. goes back to the kuda. tar. that transpired and 2014.
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so he is the warranty side. with the fascists, lutheran, secondly, i can tell you just as the rest of europe, he is actively supporting the ukranian authorities. i've had many discussions with my european partners with these matters and weaknesses. you see always demonstrate the near nancy chase and the current cave authorities. they say, well, there, i mean, as, as everywhere and in russia to new. yes, you will do, but neither in russia nor in other civilized countries are these nat sears, an extreme nationalist or wrong of nancy sentiment be elevated to the pedestal of national heroes. and this is precisely what ukraine is doing. who manifested sir, whom you have mentioned. may god image of god give him many if
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he knew who should have h n band era law were who killed a jews and a postal people on the stairs he worked was given to them by then as he occupants, they were the ones to destroy the people well, if it he, so he took when you get new that left and then she would understand with where true nazism is thriving and where it's being supported at the national level. we should give them a chance to look the truth, the reality in the eyes. and if he has a grain of conscience and then we should make the right conclusions. well, those events in ukraine, the massacre balling, it was a tragedy for many families. right now. we are facing tragedies as well as early march. i stopped speaking to a friend of mine who lives in key if well he stopped speaking to me. mitchell
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pascal says that you are all friends of his wife stopped me talking to her. now, how do we overcome this tragedy? how do we rank and file citizens should go about building bridges with rank and file ukrainians? you know, for many years a sorry, a chill. the power ended up in the hands of nationalists analysis and they are carrying out a total terror across the country. many people are afraid to speak the truth about what's really happening. there's no need for much, i'm good. well, we're critical of certain muslim citizens of ours who have a very particular view of our actions to protect the don bus. but what about people who are being showed up the streets who originally accomplish being killed?
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simply, they carefully think differently. they are physically exterminated. there and see when there is a difference in you do understand what is really happening that we need to do that we need to understand. i can assure you that a great number of people in ukraine hate this reunion with. we should rely on these people and these people who understand what is truly happening and who are willing to fight this. but they cannot do that because they are under the yoke of this nancy regime euclidean. but once again, i can tell you that there are many people like that and we have to support ties with them. and we will do that. i am confident that the future of russian ukrainian relations. well, it's going to be after these people, but we have to explain to them what values we are bringing that we have to explain that image that what we brain.
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