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tv   Documentary  RT  September 7, 2022 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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facilities, and there is a growing body of independent information indicating serious human rights violations and abuses against civilian that a nice and prisoners of war at these sites. these reports emphasize the importance of all parties engaging in identifying and recovering missing persons. an appropriate humanitarian actors must be given unhindered, access to all places of detention in accordance with and national humanitarian law . we welcome the update today by rosemary decarlo on the fact finding mission established by the secretary general pursuant to the incidence of 29 july after the detention facility. now the village will in victo, the mission must be allowed to conduct its important work. we also recall that all
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measures aimed at all doing the demographic composition of an occupied territories are prohibited according to international humanitarian law and may constitute war crimes. we read, read out the man that civilian must be protected and the national humanitarian law . an international human rights law, fully respected and implemented civilians forcibly transferred who wish to return must be allowed to do so. your military and actors must be ensure access to the men in need and there must be protected against attack. norway condemns the reason the attack on the base of the ukrainian red cross in slow. now president, russia's war against ukraine also has global consequences which searching fuel and energy prices and increasing food in security. we commend the secretary general
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for his tireless effort to promote dialogue, an negotiation between the parties, the most effective way to ease the devastating humanitarian impact of this war is to stop it. russia, russia chose to start this war. russia can also choose to ended. thank you m f c i thank the representative of norway for her statement. i now gave the floor to the representative of the russian federation because we're doing the to the mr. president. miss residents. mister president would take a note of the information provided by rosemary decarlo,
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elizabeth cares. and we also heard the latest inventions from the well known propagandist and former advisor of the minister of defense of ukraine. alexandra trick. today's meeting, which was confined upon the request of the united states and how pania has every chance of becoming a new milestone in the dis, information campaign unleashed by ukraine and its west and back as against our country. the west tactic, which is the west, which is waging a hybrid war in ukraine, down to the last ukranian against russia is well clear to do anything possible to bas much there wasn't innovation and the special military operation that we are conducting, the dirty methods of weapon western propagandists are also very familiar to us. we simply need to recall the evidence, staging and provocations in future crimes tossed could have ensured mary opal that a refuted, increasingly by new evidence which in the west they're doing everything they can to
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try to keep out of the eyes of the general public. now we're being blamed for a certain filtration activities which we are allegedly carrying out against ukrainian citizens. and i would like to ask our american colleague, although she's already left a meeting and i am sure that you'll be able to pass my a question on to her. you spoke to yesterday about her as they were horror film. what's the horror? what horror film were you telling us to plot of exactly. we've never seen that film. it's a film that was produced by the ukrainian ministry of propaganda perhaps. and in that case, sir, when you sit on the screen as for the so called filtration, 1st of all returned really understand what is being talked about because the term filtration doesn't have a clear definition in international humanitarian law. if we're talking about identifying among those people who want to come to russia,
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ukrainian citizens who are fighters of the nationalist battalions or ukrainian army soldiers who participated in crimes against the civilian population. then that's normal practice for any army around the world. and when it comes to filtration activities, it's the american colleagues who could tell, especially anyone else who requested this meeting about sufficient activities. just look at the program. so the previous administration to expel to mexico, tens of thousands of false displaced persons who requested asylum in the united states. the migrants were captain, inhumane condition is deprived of their rights and legal representation of the interest and also just court proceedings. at the same time, the american authorities often separated families and sending children and their parents to different detention centers. more than 2 and a half 1000 and such cases were recorded. for many years there was the legal detention without trial or investigation of the prisoners in guantanamo. perhaps
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the talk is staying on the various day and human rights reputation of the united states. still nobody has more responsibility for the use of torture either or miss treatment of the prisoners in secret, a prisoner which in the 2 thousands were operating including in european countries . i would once again like to ask my american colleague, or simply michel lake from the delegation of the united states just by means of curiosity. did the united states allow you and system human rights defenders in that they allow? and i would say representatives, for example, to see the prisoners in guantanamo against this backdrop, or particularly cynical attempts by those behind the discussion under the most of human rights to try and force an unsuspecting public to believe in the existence of these bizarre camps. where we're trying to, by hook or by crook and force these ukranian citizens to come to russia. and those who make such insinuations have simply parted ways with the facts or common sense.
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that is contradicted by even basic statistics, including international ones. the russian federation, as is well known, is the largest recipient, country of ukrainian refugees in total from ukraine, dpr and the l. p. r to russia. more than 3700000 people have come up with 600000 children. if you remove from that number, the people with russian possible to a citizens of the g, p r and the lp and the number of citizens of ukraine who have come to russia is, according to the assistance of you and hcr. more than 2400000 people and those people are being kept in prisons, such as for example of montana. but they are living freely and voluntarily in russia. and nobody is preventing them from, from moving or preventing them leaving the country. and that was confirmed today, even by the representative of a c h r. do you seriously think that such
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a large number of people could be forced to move and forced to keep silent? many of them are writing about the impressions and their assessments on social networks, figuring interviews, and they're expressing worth of gratitude to our country. from what they're publishing, it's clear that people are fleeing ukraine out of fear for their lives, trying to save themselves from a criminal regime which has not allowed them to evacuate and use them as a human shield on the territory of $85.00 constituent entities of the russian federation, there are more than 15, hundreds temporary settlement points for a total of more than $95000.00 people to convey refugees to these temporary settlement areas, trains are provided for that surgery. trains have been allocated as a telephone hotline, which each person more than 250 communications refugees and displaced persons are provided with financial, legal, psychological, and medical assistance. particular attention is paid to the fate of children. they
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are given every opportunity to continue studying in schools. unfortunately, for, for more of the children and unethical against people's republic. were able to happily go to school on the 1st of september, due to the daily shilling of the cities on the by the ukrainian forces. a number of schools upon the decision of the authorities are currently operating on the remote learning concerning the policy of children that was mentioned today by ms. brands caris, we are stunned in saying this un official who is repeatedly tried to not note the fact that the ukrainian was a mirror for its peacemaker. is publishing the best information, not only of others, but also mine as the threatening them with actions. we have already formed the un, including unicef, about the database of this extreme is you resource that contains more than $340.00
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children, including van s of ensure which the representatives unit stuff have not yet met. despite the fact that, assertions and promises were given to that effect, naturally on the border with russia, force displaced persons go through registration of to which those who need it given help to reach temporary accommodation points. and we will note to those who are trying to confuse us with terminology ukrainians and rep residents of d p r. and help you out, come to russia, go through a registration rather than filtration procedure. as far as we can judge, similar procedures are applied in poland. and other countries of european union against ukrainian refugees. but they can tell you about themselves later. distinguished colleagues, how far west and colleagues of deviated from reality in their fantasies about the violent movement of ukrainians to the church. russia is clear from the situation on the ground, even the western media accounting nor the fact that
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a vast number of your credit in citizens are trying, by hook or by crook, to get from ukraine to the areas liberated by russia. alone lion built up outside these apart osha checkpoint, through which each day up to $700.00 people are returning home. once they've learned from their friends and loved ones about objective information about peaceful life taking place in the towns and villages. in particular, the i experts were able to see this, they are on their way to these photos in nuclear power plant. they went pulses cure and they were able to talk to the ordinary people. that this is a clear indicator of the fact that many ukrainians already prefer to live with russia, not believing the corrupt and criminal care regime. and if we're going to talk about the violent actions against the civilian population, then what comes to mind is the efforts of the king of regime the care of authorities. since the beginning of august you crania, has been, can recreate, has been conducting a so called obligatory mandatory evacuation of the population in the areas of dpr on a number of the country that remain under its control. people are being deprived,
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not only of the opportunity to choice, choose which way they evacuated, but often the opportunity to stay where they live, even if they're not under any threat. and those who do decide not to leave are intimidated with the threat of the reversible punishment for cooperating with russia. the war norms of ukrainian legislation about the so called collaboration ism allow for the prosecution of people even for getting food stamps from the rational authorities. or for example, for the decision of a teacher to continue to teach in a school in a liberated area to the western and indeed un human rights defend does not want to take note of these war time laws. so called was a lower time. and the way that they are being applied by the kid regime. moreover, you continue not to take note of the terrorist attacks of key of subaltern against the representatives of the local authorities in liberator territories. people who are providing for the viability of cities and the work of utilities for the
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benefits of the civilian population. just the other day, a car exploded with the head of the by chance for ministration abroad, and he died on the 24th of august, the head of the temporary administration, civil administration of mikayla's in separation of last event. susco was killed when the car exploded. his daughter was in the car, he was taking her to kindergarten, but fortunately, since she survived, that clearly is how key of imagined the partisan was that we were promised from the very outset of the special military operation. however, given the real mood of the people in the liberated territories, it seems that other than resorting to the tactics of killings and intimidation, these islands can resume has no other option. left. last lay at last to the assertions of our former western partners about cruel filtration. procedures which allegedly of being applied ukrainians on the way to russia, blown to smithereens. for example, with the example of the free movement of ukrainian agents who were involved in the
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killing of the young russian generalist duke and allow me to tell you the fact briefly the person wanted accused of this bass killing and terrorist attack against the, the, these 2 of ukraine, natalia both siobhan most a month before committing the crime on the 23rd of july. quite calmly. along with a 12 year old daughter, sophia shannon came to russia in her car. as you can see from video tips that have been published on the border, she was held up for just a few minutes. where were those same filtration activities and interrogations? russia allegedly applies to all ukrainians who want to come to our country. in moscow, we're both drove around very comfortably in her cars. she rented flat in the city and a carriage on the 20th of august, she organized the terrorist attack, the victim of which was due gonna off to this base crime ukrainian together with a daughter. once again, cross the border into estonia and was able to do so once again without any
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filtration procedures. similarly from a sonia to russia and then back again without any problems, the accomplice of the terrorist. you couldn't enter, it isn't booked, and you can info was able to move around. i would like to put a question to western colleagues, how were these ukrainian cripples able to twice, calmly, cross the russian border. if our so called police state, as many of us has introduced 4 ukrainian citizens, a network of filtration camps. and how do the mass of voluntary movements of ukrainians to russia chime with accusations of the force people taishan? do you not think, gentlemen, that you simply once again get tangled, tangled up in lies? it's very regrettable that become pain too much. our country has now extended to human rights organizations, not just by 2 objectives or 2, and one very recent report that was published, which was cited too broadly today. there unfounded accusations against stuff. the legend of massive filtration activities based on the questioning of several dozen
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people, many of which had never come to russia and others of which said that they did so voluntarily. and why is it that when they were last numbers of ukrainian refugees, the authors limited themselves to this, to jointed on selective set of testimonies and didn't take an interest in the hundreds of thousands of people who fled to conflict to russia. how they've been living all these months and years on the ukrainian shilling, and the procedures that they went through and across the border. in principle, how impartial can humanize defenders be when they work only from one side of the conflict which into alia, has established total censorship. on its territory, the preferences today to the human rights watch report should in no way mislead anyone. we saw all to, well, what's happened to the international which was hounded for its attempt to show the truth rather than an invented picture of the use of the printing force as a civilian objects for military purposes. it seems that i was in college there need
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the truth, even from human ice defenders. they only need them to do what whitewash is the rotten 7th regime and much as russia, mister president were not opposed to discussing what's happening and ukraine during the special military operation. of auth, number of facts are coming to light of criminal actions by kia and it's western supporters, which could be discussed almost every day. but we're in favor of talking about real rather than invented problems. and since today we've wasted time talking about the latest conjectures in fantasies, then we propose that tomorrow we discuss real threats to international peace and security caused by the supplies by western stay divided by foreign states of arms and military goods to ukraine. as brief as we would like to see under secretary general for disarmament affairs is not commit to and also representatives of civil society. we will immediately send the corresponding request to the french presidency. thank you. i thank
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the representative of the russian federation for his statement. i now give the floor to the sensitive kenya. thank you. pristine. thank. under secretary general, transmitted to color and assistance such as general ill sikaris for their updates on the situation in ukraine. i also thank miss alexander dick for our insights president. we must always go beyond enforcing international law in the conduct of war. by appreciating that the greater evil, he swore itself. the reason being that war inevitably leads to the suffering of civilians. one of the most frequent hums is force displacement and is domino like effect on for the security,
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the destruction of livelihoods, the outbreak of deceased sexual abuse, denial of schooling for children, and forced labor to mention i feel the war in ukraine has generated the fastest and largest mass displacements since the 2nd world war, 6900000, internally displaced. and 7000000 refugees. last month alone. more than 330000 people, mostly from the east and south of the country. where violence has been reggie white displaced. we commiserate, especially with a most vulnerable ukrainians who have been forced to flee their homes in response to a war against their most basic laws of international conduct. including the provisions of the you and chatter. the claim that some of the force play displaced are being
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subjected to filtration. processes he serious and allow me be called for independent investigation into these allegations to establish the facts upon which these council can take appropriate actions in disregard. the relevant united nations agencies should be granted access to thought that i've been forcibly displaced, particularly those in or i've been in dilate, filtration comes most critically. freshman. he's the, i don't need to prevent the creation of new waves or forced displacements, which would suddenly watson, they want italian situation. more should be done to provide to monitor and assistance and ensure the safety and protection of the dns from water lead
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violations, including force displacements, particularly in b. c. cities in the east and south of ukraine is the president, even as we discussed the plight and fate of those forcibly displaced by the conflict in ukraine. where to call the international day for people of african descent that took place on touch at august 2022. on this day, the need to combat the multiple forms of discrimination and violations against people of african descent. one underscored, we vividly recall that differential treatment africans and people of african descent, received when day, like millions others was seeking to escape. when the war against you, quinn broke out. what transpired then steel took the sense of call on all debts to review their laws and practices, to address racial discrimination and uphold their duty to treat my grand refugees
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and asylum seekers with their dignity. they deserve mister president. can you read that? it's once again that although it is going to grip challenges. multilateralism as anchored in the united nations, including these as tim body, remains our hope and bulwark against war. we therefore continued to call for the federal of the conflict in ukraine, and i sought to diplomacy. this is the only viable avenue to resolve this conflict . we continues propose a grip threat to international peace and security. i thank you. joy m f c. i thank the representative of kenya for their statement. i gave the floor to the representative of mexico garcia. thank you president. i thank
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you. under zachary general decarlo and assistant secretary general bronze kerry found missouri for the information that they've shared with us. the escalation of the on conflict in ukraine has led to a high number of civilian victims on the destruction of basic infrastructure with serious consequences. as we are all aware this has forced. ringback millions of people to leave their homes, seeking protection and assistance. many of these traveling as refugees have crossed borders to neighboring countries, and others are displaced inside ukraine. the numbers might fluctuate, but the reality on the ground is that millions of people have not been able to return to their place of origin. the widespread
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displacement of people has posed a series of challenges for host countries whose solidarity has made it possible. we need to express our gratitude for because it has made it possible to provide support to millions of people. mexico appeals to all of the parties to respect international human rights law, international refugee and ibp law, as well as international humanitarian law. and in particular, the $4949.00 geneva conventions and its 1st additional protocol of $97977.00 is worth recalling that in accordance with international humanitarian law, the parties to an international conflict may not deport nor move by force. the civilian population of an occupied territory. this is
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a provision of the 4th geneva convention and customary international law violation if this principle presents a war crime. mister president, what is being experienced in ukraine is a constantly changing crisis. hence why detecting new needs and mitigating threats to vulnerable groups represents a priority. the challenge various united nations agencies and humanitarian organizations have ruined of the risks faced in particular by some groups and allow me now to briefly mention 3 such groups. first women a few months ago we heard from you and women about the public health risks faced by
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women in the region. special representative patterson has already warned of the impact of hostilities on the disruption of services for the victims of sexual violence. she insisted on the importance of addressing the threat posed by human trafficking for sexual exploitation, prostitution. for this reason, we believe that all the humanitarian action responses and strategies must have a clear gender perspective included. second, children. both the you and hcr and eunice have been unequivocal. in noticing that it is crucial to ensure the immediate identification, registration, protection,
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and appropriate care for accompanied or separated minus to avoid adoptions either during or immediately after and emergency fed, older persons and persons with disabilities. the 2700000 persons with disabilities in ukraine have very limited access to emergency information to shelters, to health care services or support networks. this is a group that is facing serious difficulties in accessing services that allow them to address urgent conditions or preexisting illnesses that are not being cared for. president mexico calls for all necessary measures to be taken to ensure that any displaced,
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civilian has safe shelter, food and health services enlightened the information that has been provided. they are to noon to the security council on the so called filtration processes. we believe that it is crucial for the un to have access to these sites without restriction so that they can objectively and rigorously compliment relevant information. i conclude by reiterating that the only way to resolve all of these deplorable circumstances prevailing on the ground will not be with concessions is that we've had to now. and we have
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currently the only way will be by reaching an immediate cessation of hostilities to that end it urgent to advance along the diplomatic track with greater commitment from the international community. thank you very much. sure, let me see. i think the representative of mexico for this statement, i give the fluid to the representative of ireland. thank you, mr. president. and also thank you to us. do you decarlo an a s g brown's cameras for their body concerning briefings, and also to alexandra rick for her test me. arna continues to be disturbed by the continuing shelling of areas containing civilians and civilian infrastructure in ukraine. the 1st 6 months of war have already seen over 12000000 ukrainians, forth from their homes, creating a displacement, crisis of enormous proportions. these are not just static numbers stemming from the
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force weeks of the war. the number of internal space persons rose by 330000 just just past mont. nor r d is mary statistics. we are talking about children, the elderly, infirm, those with disabilities, vulnerable people caught up in a situation beyond their control, seeking shelter and safety. just as we would do, this makes destruction of the, of the infrastructure. they depend on all the more abhorrent. on the 24th of august, a missile attack near a train station in chaplain, a cause at least 25 people, including children eating t more lives lost in an illegal war. and the legal war. members of this council have called recalled many times in the past 6 months. the party to conflict most comply with international humanitarian law including the obligation to distinguish between civilians and combatants. we condemn indiscriminate under.


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