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tv   News  RT  September 8, 2022 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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foundation let it be an arms race is often very dramatic development only personally and get into this. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time to sit down and talk with another person dies in violence between congolese protestors and un peacekeepers clusters. that have been on the rise for months now bring the mission to protect people from violence groups under the scrutiny. also in the program, my government allowing the ukrainian government to try and challenge me. politicians on journalists around the world hold a conference, the money, the ukraine dropping increment, blacklisted is enemies. also,
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water is the solution. there was buying in building more options with one and india doing exactly that with russia, the ruble, and the repeat or on the rise. thoughts on expanding trade in national currency on integrating payment systems might be just around the corner a moscow to the world. this is our international. my name is peter scott. and these, the top stories, this, our biling clashes between un peacekeepers and locals have left at least one person dead in the democratic republic of the congo. ah, the violence broke out of the protesters on motor bikes blocked. a un peacekeeping convoy in the eastern city of benny on tuesday. the protests were triggered by
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complaints. the mission has failed to protect civilians against militia violence has been raging in the country for years now. they reached a peak back in july when 32 protested and for peacekeepers were killed when their buildings and several cities were set on fire. the mission has been in congo for more than 2 decades. at the cost of the un, around $1000000000.00, the un mission, there has been in the country since $199.00, but the dramatic increase in violence from armed groups left $400.00 peacekeepers and $4000.00 civilians, dead from 2020 to 20. 22. local contributed gillian ballou may says that many congolese who are faring for their lives due to the ongoing violence are becoming frustrated with the missions continued presence. the un mission has been here more than 2 decades in india. c, i would evolve more news goes around,
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but this situation is still getting worse and worse and the local population has been now. yeah. talking about this declare ring about the saying that why we have a bay wellpaid mission in the world, especially with one more than 11000000000 dollars each year. and there is no peace in the country. the un, they have all the logistics, they have everything. but they used to say, or can we have to wait for the day, the security council decision when people are dying and are especially when people are being killed and women are been raped. but we have to wait for the security day, j u n. k, a concert security decision. so it's better for the you went to,
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to be efficient and are to make sure they can satisfy or by peacekeeping and they're promoting peace. and that's the only one that is a satisfaction that can, can make people happy, especially to converse, population wish they are monday, normally eats are to protect the local population. but unfortunately, a, that's not the case. i was could have british rock star living u. s. political legend and a former un weapons inspector have in common, they've all been branded enemies of ukraine unblocked listed by care of as pro russian propagandists. many of those black listed on a new list are criticizing their governments for funding ukraine. while it's government continues to targets western opposition, the u. s. congress through it. so appropriations has been finding a ukrainian center for countering does information. and they are attempting
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by doing this to be able to control freedom of speech. not directly in this country, which is clearly on lawful by, by having a foreign entity do it or where they can, where they can suppress free speech using american dollars to do it overseas. my government funding, ukrainian government, my government, allowing the ukrainian government to try and silenced me by one imposing the chilling. oh, there is an absolute chilling effect of being called a russian propagandist. we american, people need to know that their government has been working hand and blow with the fascist ukraine region to suppress the constitutionally guaranteed free speech of americans, the persecution of free dope and free speech is not democracy. it is the killing of
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human spirit and the rule of human fear. it is the reign of terror. i have been put on a list by the ukrainian government simply for expressing my positions as a candidate. it seems that if you believe that it was a good thing that we defeated adolf hitler 77 years ago, that you probably are a victim of russian brainwashing. and as we see, if you don't reform your opinion on that matter, you will have to be liquidated. participants at a conference have demanded the ukrainian body that produces a list, shutting down as a includes hundreds of politicians, journalists on analysts from around the world. they have slum ukraine for targeting international voices, opposition as well as the o governments for funding a key of military that some of those ended up on a 2nd ukrainian list called me to 40. it's many of whom have received death threats
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. but for those who have shown opposition to kiev, it's all ready to late mission. journalist dahlia do going to died in a recent car. bombing of ukraine has denied any involvement in her death, a permanent ukrainian writer. and publicists are less boozy nor was shot dead in 2015. earlier i spoke with former marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter, who was concerned that the us may be involved in efforts to calm down on such global voices. our position. they're not just calling. so in a rush propaganda, so that's all they're calling somebody a terrorist and demanding that actually be taken to, to respond to these people as if they were terrorists and they're calling for the liquidation of these p, let's deaf murder, sas nation. so this isn't just games, this isn't just word games isn't just, you know, ukrainian sitting back in ukraine calling you know, calling names. i don't care what they call me. i am a little concerned when my government empowers them,
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pays them organizes the meetings and then sit back end of facilitates legitimizes, their actions. this is in the front not only to free speech, but this is my government in effect, empowering political terrorism. if it wasn't the ukrainian government, let's say this was al qaeda or isis. we put putting bombs on their facility, that's what we do to terrorists. we kill them. ukrainian government is a terrorist organization, and unfortunately, my government is supporting them. and american citizens and other enter, you know, international journalists, neck admission to politicians, are being put on a target list is result also coming up this our, the un security council is holding a 2nd meeting on the situation in ukraine and as many days. and russia says it has surprises in store for it's one of the western partners, unwholesome not likes to stay tuned for that kind of shortly
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over to pakistan. now when ousted prime minister iran calm is encouraging his pulse is to say to the streets, you continue to stand with him despite the unprecedented pressure of the government . just see it a g, g one ever since the regime has changed. the whole world is observing that the pakistani people in overseas, pakistani, is, are standing with enron. con, we are poor. should we pay house render? eat bread. we, people want only enron, con, con, who was ousted back in april, has claimed that the government is controlled by american powers for both focused on on washington to deny those accusations earlier him on cons pots. he was accused of a legal funding by a pakistan electoral probe and he currently faces in several years in prison under the countries $97.00 ante thirty's in law. because according to officials, he threatened to police under judicial magistrates. on tuesday he called on tens of
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thousands of his followers to march on islam about ah, you all should be ready. i will give you call for islam a bond and this call would be to free our country from these thieves. the government is using propaganda to create a misunderstanding between pakistan's largest political party in pakistan's army. it is their 2nd attempt in their 1st attempt. first, they were trying to disqualify him, ron con. now they want to create a misunderstanding between us in the army through false propaganda. in the meantime, they are also trying to use the judiciary and other institutions against us. immense potential for cooperation. that was the phrase used by indian and russian leaders of the eastern economic forum, which is wrapping up today in a bloody vosta that's in bushes far east. the countries have already rumps of energy and grain trade in the now actually pursuing more but unities, ortiz, runjun sharma explains, it's
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a payment system based on indian and rushes. national currencies might be the way to go. the building economy is facing tough times and conducting economic freedom. it's less than sanctions, and russia has not been easy. the restrictions have disrupted the traditional way of doing business, making it more difficult and expensive. what is the solution there was to find in building more options one and in the i was doing exactly that with russia. india is keen to continuity economic relationship with russia. there is a lot of dependence on russia for a number for the defense, for example. and there has been a long history of trade with we've had a trade in the past for dicky. and so i think this is a response to sort of a circumvent some of the constraints that have come about due to the sanctions by
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the way. so the game that needed in is to kind of make to facilitate what was going on earlier using b, global b one systems. but so to look long, lee global beaman systems with this sort of innovative a system in which recently integrate our system with the russian system. so it is better for the continuity of trade, and we don't have to think despite specials from the west indian building new banking channels and would sift out of the picture. moscow and new delhi have been in continuous discussions and a new financial system. so trade between the 2 countries does not suffer. rush, ellesmere system may soon be accepted at indian atm and point of sale terminals. and the mutual trade might also be done in rupees, in ongoing geopolitical ships, in the us policy towards russia has not been defined by the western view of moscow
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. the primary mission of india foreign policy has been to promote its own interest 1st. and to do so, you deline the permanent being system with moscow. in fact, new delhi wants to boost trade with moscow and go beyond buying oil. currently, indian boards more than it exports to russia and it wants to close that gap aiming to expose around $2000000000.00 worth of goods to russia. the seal, including products such as chemical pharmaceuticals and dairy, essentially that russia previously imported from the west. there is tremendous hope for increasing our trade in economic cooperation. we've seen just in the last few months, a certain change in the direction of trade. we're certainly buying lots more oil from russia and fertilizers also with more and more countries trying to build new alternator financial systems. some experts say that in the changing world order, it may take some time, but certainly it's a start to
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a d dot arised world. and that's already changing the rules of the global economy region sharma, arti, new delhi, former indian diplomats, vishnu. prakash says that even during soviet times moscow anew, delhi pioneer, innovative new trade mechanisms, solitude in india had the payment arrangement. so before the word started dealing in national currency, we have had a legacy of doing that india. and so if you're in and out india and want to do the same thing and dec ready to go to better natural length. i'm going to shoot, it's not makes like a very simple met, kinetics. metric is that when you use an intermediate currency, each site is a commission. can be one person to person 3 percent. so that's the street noise. so why should we include that loss as i'm dogs,
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we can move from it dumps when we can set the account in each of those currencies. so that is why it is simple. it is easier any arrangement which has been efficient to any country and provide a range. why not? i mean, why should indian ruby not be important? and why should not be an important guarantee? when we know each other, we can, we can be each other. we have each other and we can use our national currencies and why not. i'm going to build logic. european countries are deceiving, the world's forest nations by skipping up the lines of ukrainian grain. exports themselves. lots according to him. if you think he was speaking of the eastern economic forum in rushes of love are stock. but i give sure, you know, almost all of the green exported from ukraine is being sent to the e. you instead of to the world's poorest developing countries. only 2 out of $87.00 cargo ships were loaded under the u when world food program that is only 3 percent
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of all that grain going to developing countries. many european countries are now acting as colonizers once again, just like they did for decades and centuries in the past. the simply deceives of the developing countries once more and are still deceiving them at this very moment . however, according to the un, around one 3rd of grain under the initiative has reached low and low and middle income countries. but several african leaders have slammed the european count spots for missing a climate summits. and 1st world countries have also been criticized, fulfilling to financially support poor countries in boosting their own climate. resilience is, are these maria phenomena with more than west war is a lot about losing ground to russia in africa, at least. that's what a confidential internally you report shows, and that's after we've seen some desperate attempts to fix things as a number of us and european leaders. and top politicians recently visited the
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african continent, trying to convince the public and decision makers there that they are loyal friends . but their actions don't really seem to be matching their words. on monday, the netherlands held the african adaptation summit, the 1st of its kind to help the continent tackle the full out of climate change, 3 african presidents, flu, thousands of miles to be there. so what about western leaders? only one, the dutch prime minister, the host of the venue, turned up in person and the high profile african guests were not impressed. i cannot help but note with some bitterness. the absence of lead is from the industrial world. i think if we made the effort to leave africa to come to rotterdam, it would be easier for the europeans and others to be here. i associate myself wholly with the sentiments of president mackey style about the failure of certain vested interests to be present with us of this meeting. it is my turn to also to
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clear the absence of leaders of industrialized nations throng wards, the snob by western liter. it seems even more unacceptable given that their nations are responsible for the majority of carbon emissions in the world. as the african participants pointed out, the calls, these are the main polluters of all planets and it is they who should finance adaptation. the african continent has the smallest impact on climate change, but paradoxically suffers the majority of its consequences. in fact, africa is only responsible for 3 percent of global carbon emissions. and yet it bears that brand of the climate crisis as a ve noticed the vulnerable continent. despite having contributed the least to global warming and having the lowest emissions, africa faces exponential collateral damage posing systemic risks to its economies. infrastructure investments, water and food systems, public health, agriculture and livelihoods threatening to undo its modest development gains and
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slipped into higher levels of extreme poverty. the perceived disrespect of western or is, wasn't the only topic on the agenda. some of the promises industrialized nations made that had failed to meet were also discussed. we find that australia, canada, and the us continue to fall massively short on international climate finance. the u . s. is overwhelmingly responsible for the climate finance gap having provided just 5 percent of its fair share in 2020. although it's economy is 40 percent larger than the european union's. it provided only 112th as much climate finance. but are any of those countries even listening, according to the use climate, had reached nations, couldn't care less that african suffer from what westerners are responsible for? because they're simply too busy with their own 1st world problems. let's be frank. many of our citizens in europe will not buy this argument today because their worries are linked to their own existence in this energy crisis in this food crisis
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in this inflation crisis. this might seem very strange from an african perspective, but it is always what is closer to your in worries is always bigger on your agenda than someone else's worries. a controversial statement at a time when we and leader is a telling their roman citizens to be prepared to rush in energy cost their food consumption and perhaps have been please because of the very sanctions they imposed on russia. while the fact that the africans are literally dying due to western policies, isn't alarm and enough for them to take action. the summit by all accounts confirmed what, what am i putting pointed out recently at the eastern economic form. when he revealed that most of the grain shipped from unblocked ukraine and port went to the you while only 2 out of $87.00 boats actually went to africa. and it's not easy to argue with that. after seeing what happened at the summit in the netherlands,
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a chance to call parade, to help fix their mistakes, to create an equal partnership, and prove their commitment all successful, ignored and missed by western countries. well, despite the self talk from western officials, a you countries are still buying plenty of russian oil. that's according to the expose a from top financial newspaper, the nick, a the, the details. here's the contributor, rachel marston. if european union countries are still importing russian energy on the down low, are they still sticking it to russian president vladimir putin like they're leading their own people to believe they're doing. european leaders haven't stopped telling their citizens that the stratosphere act, energy prices and inflation are all sacrifices being made for ukraine, which is purportedly fighting for european values. but apparently, one of those european values is to betray the very same principles that your val declaiming to defend. it turns out that the new k group has been tracking oil
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tankers off the coast of europe since the beginning of the ukraine conflict. and what they found will no doubt come as a shock to those who think that if europeans are suffering under crushing bills, it's only because of an uncompromising refusal to touch any of that dirty russian fossil fuel. and the k analysis found that in the 6 months since russia's invasion of ukraine begun, $41.00 vessels might ship to ship transfers of oil off the coast of greece, with tankers that left russia and later arrived at european ports. there was only one such vessel last year. the survey highlighted the crucial role. that was his name, greece plays a hub for royal shipments between russia and europe. what are all the ships doing, unloading all our filthy authoritarianism unto europe's morally for steen shores. when the blocks leaders haven't stopped talking about how much it disgusts to them, there is another point on which there is no doubt. we will end germany and europe's
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dependence on energy imports from russia. member states are working on getting rid of the russian oil by active active procedures. and our goal is to get completely rid of the russian fossil fuels for good ministers. agreed that we, they cut our gas consumption because only by doing so just are lowering dollar demand. we can have a positive impact to that gas price that, that a lot have this service agencies and for coming together to reduce your dependence on russian energy. maybe russian energy undergoes moral purification when it transfers from one ship to another before reaching you shores. just as nick cake claims to have witnessed august 24th. when an indian registered ship that had left from turkey, received an oil transfer from a greek flag ship that had travelled from an oil terminal in north western russia. meanwhile, china sales of liquefied natural gas to europe have also risen according to western
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mainstream media reports. while chinese l n g imports from russia have skyrocketed this year, is brussels making sure that the chinese l, n g that it's importing isn't contaminated with all that extra russian supply? or are they going to continue with this ridiculous charade of virtue signalling while pretending that europeans have no choice but to suffer in the name of values that they are already discreetly violating. as far back as 2019 washington was already branding its gas as synonymous with freedom and democracy. increase an export capacity from the freeport l. n. g project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving america's allies a diverse and affordable source of clean energy. freedom isn't free though pal. in fact, u. s. freedom energy is far more expensive than russian authoritarian energy about 40 per cent more to be exact, which is why it makes sense that the, you would rather just keep finding ways to stuff it's coffers with as much of the
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cheaper. but of course, immoral energy that it can get its hands on while it still can. that is before it lowers the boom on itself with even more self imposed embargoes. all a public aid pretending benefits people are suffering. it's because you couldn't dare to bring itself to violate its own stated principles by turning its supply tap of cheap brushing gas back on to italy. now, where arrival, milk for juices are bringing the alarm as costs a shuttle almost 50 percent, and thus priced many customers out to the market. the countries to main produces how satisfied the rival rates demand that the government take some action industry rip marlena barracka says the produces hop, been left with the little option due to rising energy costs. leslie, dog, we and producers are in a great crisis because we have to increase the price of our goods and many people obviously won't buy anything any more. all price is arising. so i don't know how
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much longer citizens can go on given. they are the 1st to be affected by the sharp increases, but we interpreters are also experiencing a dramatic situation. we don't know what to do. the government must intervene immediately. and the 1st thing to do will be to lower electricity and diesel costs . because in my opinion, the sharp rise in prices is caused, mainly because of this. plus, it can also be linked to the sanctions imposed on russia. but i also believe that many people are taken advantage of the situation and are raising prices without good reason. politicians should intervene, but in italy, politicians are really doing very little to change. the situation of spiraling inflation has led to a jump in costs in the mill supply chain with prices for deliveries, packaging, and animal feed, all skyrockets in which is do not believe of milt, over $2.00 euros and spiking energy costs have had
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a devastating impact. not only on the milk producers, but also those trying to put food on the table. i'll feel a row. so the president of the federation of italian consumers does not seen and decides to the crisis you. they'll damage. i then throw that is crazy to think the liter of milk could cost as much as 2 euros we were consistently and the cost of living crisis is felt him more than in any other regions of italy. right. i think that this dramatic situation will last for a long time. and this in winter there will be social tensions and major protests in the southern part of the country. however, this crisis was already underway before the russian operation in ukraine. before that, there was a pandemic, and now we see an increase in rural materials such as milk, or all of this is causing inequality in poverty, especially among citizens of southern a city. the polish people who soon won't even be able to go shopping at the supermarket any more. of course to euros for a liter of milk is too much. as is the cost of flour, bread, pastor,
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and all basic necessities added. however, i must say that there are also many people who speculate on prices and take advantage of damaging poll citizens. and finally, in the wake of the un security council, latest meeting, russia says it has some surprises in store for its western partners. as warn them not to relax ukraine, leach and the security council is not over. apparently having sucked their fingers to the bone in search of an uncomfortable topic for us. they insisted on discussing the alleged filtration of ukrainians to russia. of course we have something to say in response and we also have some surprises in store for our former western partners. let them not relax and they should have no illusions that we can be taken by surprise. it's the 2nd day in a row that we've had united nations security council, the 15 member body that leads the united nations, convened a meeting regarding the situation in ukraine. i focused on allegations about
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russia's practice of the term that they're using is filtration. and the allegations that were leveled were about the process through which ukrainians, who are fleeing from ukraine into russia are processed. now, it makes perfect sense that under these kind of circumstances, russia may want to screen those that come in the country see if they have eyes to extremist organizations, such as the as our battalion, other ukrainian nationalist groups are now much of what we heard from those making these allegations against russia was simply eye witness testimony from individuals who are currently receiving asylum in nato countries. individuals who somehow have gotten to nato countries, perhaps with the assistance of intelligence agencies and other forces that are now coming forward and making these claims purely based on their own words. they saw this, they say this happened to them. now it's important to note, and this was noted by the russian representative when they spoke before the council . that many of these allegations that are being leveled against russia with not
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much evidence being presented mirror exactly what the united states is known to have been doing in guantanamo bay with their torture practices. and also at the border where we saw refugees and their family members being separated, parents being separated from their children, et cetera. let's look at the midst of so called mass filtration. events is based on surveys of just a few dozen people, many of whom did not event travel to russia at all, while others confirmed that they did it voluntarily. and these people are not kept in prison. this is such as guantanamo, but live freely and voluntarily in russia. when do you seriously think that such a large number of people can be forcibly brought here in silence towards clear unities? christalin. so today i, we saw western leaders get up before the un security council unfurl a huge amount of unfounded allegations against russia. now we saw russian representatives get, get together and, and be clear.


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