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tv   News  RT  September 8, 2022 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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way to look for common ground a, with a talk on a russian control, 50 ukraine's the nuclear power plant that's according to the local official tuesday . kamikaze drone is bomb, the government building a president, se ukrainian grain is being shipped to wealthy countries instead of needed the most . as he joined the chorus of international condemnation of a western failure to help with american energy. so i couldn't say to you with will profit hear from europe fuel prices waking in the big bug banks to gas sales to the e. u. a
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. another person is reported killed in violence between police protest is on the un peacekeepers. the class is on the rise for several months and brought increased scrutiny upon the un mission and the central african countries with very well welcome to you. it says $10.00 to 8 pm here in the russian capital, and you're watching all t international with the latest world news updates. it's good to have you with us or i. we start with the latest from ukraine, local authorities in the russian control, city of america, dawn, there they ambassadors up little j a nuclear power plant. say there's been a drone strike on the cities administration. headquarters officially calling it and attempted terrorist attack. these are the latest images we have from the scene of the kamikaze drone carrying an improvised explosive device detonated on the roof of
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the building. authority have recovered down on now examining the remains of the way v and say that there were no casualties in the attack. because across the indoor bass, at least one person has been wounded in the latest ukrainian shelling of don't you ask according to local officials. they say there's also been increasing numbers of civilians wounded by internationally bound pets. all mines which have been scattered across residential areas by the ukrainian military ortiz, women, cars, or reports from the grounds. xanax trauma sensor continues to receive the wounded civilian said this morning, another woman was wounded here in the nest not far away from this hospital. she received her injuries to her arm. thankfully, her daughter was very close to her and called an ambulance issues, promptly delivered here to the hospital and the doctors it everything to save her arm right now. i will talk to her and she will tell me about what happened. yes,
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leonard, i will talk signalman dullness of i was walking to work when the blessed suddenly came it piece of shrapnel in my arm in the doctor's pulled it out and i will be on sick leave. now, i was treated quickly without a cue and everything is all right now, the doctors and then ask a trauma sensor. i working 24, a 7 in order to help the a wounded patience. but also, some of them are arriving not in ambulances, so their relatives are bringing them here by themselves. according to the head of the local trauma sensor, a lot of the wounds it are, those who stepped on the prohibited anti personnel mines, so called butterfly mines. and this is what he told me about the latest injuries. so look of horror do see what the situation in the city remains tense. the wounded already brought us this morning. recently, more than 20 patients were brought in with wounds from pestle mines. in 11 cases, limbs had to be amputated. these are very dangerous weapons design to main people
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instead of killing them. any artillery shelling of the nest bi, ukrainian nationalist continues on a daily basis. killed and wounded civilians is a daily affair at the moment. oh, so civilian infrastructure is suffering as well. there is no running water in and ask at the moment, so a lot of places are without electricity. this hospital also has no water supply. so local government are delivering water in trucks like these in order to make sure that this hospital is functioning properly. room on cost or have ard see, don't ask people's republic took his leader, which at tie per to $1.00 says grain is not leaving ukraine to pull countries as was initially promised and is instead going to the wealthy ones. and he's pledged to work out a solution to the issue together with russian president vladimir putin,
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b q q that will search mr. prudence right. about one thing for sure. grain is being shipped to wealthy countries and unfortunately not to poor countries. i will discuss this issue with mister putin at the seo summit in summer conte. we also want to start grand supplies from russia. we're looking forward to that. let's begin this process and deliver the cargo to the countries that really need it. or the one statement comes to the day off their vladimir putin brought up the issue with the eastern economic forum saying that only 2 cargo ships out of $87.00 have taken ukrainian grain to africa. while the lion's share went to europe, who's an accused western countries are deceiving, other nations over the grain deal and say, the agreement should now be re evaluated. according to an stumbled based center for monitoring the grain dale, only 30 percent of ukrainian grain has reached low income countries. meanwhile, western leaders have also been criticized for failing to financially support
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african nations. as artes, maria, financial reports, the west war is a lot about losing ground to russia in africa, at least that's what a confidential internally you report shows. and that's after was seen some desperate attempts to fix things as a number of us and european leaders. and top politicians recently visited the african continent trying to convince that public and decision makers there that they are loyal friends. but their actions don't really seem to be matching their words. on monday, the netherlands held the african adaptation summit, the 1st of its kind to help the continent tackle the fall out of climate change, 3 african presidents, flu, thousands of miles to be there. so what about western leaders? only one, the dutch prime minister, the host of the venue turned up in person. and the high profile african guests were not impressed. i cannot help but note with some bitterness,
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the absence of leaders from the industrial world. i think if we made the effort to leave africa to come to rotterdam, you be easier for the europeans and others to be here. i associate myself wholly with these sentiments of precedence mackey sell about. the failure of certain vested interests to be present with us at this meeting. it is my turn to also deplore the absence of leaders of industrialized nations strong words the snob by western liter as seems even more unacceptable given that their nations are responsible for the majority of carbon emissions in the world. as the african participants pointed out. because these are the main polluters of our planet, and it is they who should finance adaptation. the african continent has the smallest impact on climate change, but paradoxically suffers the majority of its consequences. in fact, africa is all, are responsible for 3 per cent of global carbon emissions. and yet it bears the brunt of the climate crisis as the most vulnerable continent. despite having
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contributed the least to global warming and having the lowest emissions, africa faces exponential collateral damage posing systemic risks to its economies. infrastructure investments, water and food systems, public health, agriculture and livelihoods threatening to undo its modest development gains and slipped into higher levels of extreme poverty. the perceived disrespect of westerner is, wasn't the only topic on the agenda. some of the promises industrialized nations made that have failed to meet were also discussed. we find that australia, canada, and the u. s. continue to fall massively short on international climate finance. the u. s. is overwhelmingly responsible for the climate finance cap having provided just 5 percent of its fair share in 2020. although its economy is 40 percent larger than the european union's. it provided only $112.00 as much climate finance. but are any of those countries even listening? according to the use climate had reached nations,
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couldn't care less that african suffer from what westerners are responsible for, because they're simply too busy with their own 1st world problems. let's be frank. many of us citizens in europe will not buy this argument today, because i worries a link to their own existence in this energy crisis is food crisis in this inflation crisis. this might seem very strange from an african perspective, but it is always was closer to your o mores is always bigger on your agenda than someone else's worries. a controversial statement at a time when western leader is telling their romans citizens to be prepared to ration energy cost their food consumption and perhaps in fries because of the re sanctions they imposed on russia. while the fact that africans are literally dying due to western policies, isn't alarm enough for them to take action. the summit, by all accounts confirmed what, why demur putting pointed out recently at the eastern economic forum when he
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revealed that most of the grains shaped from unblocked ukrainian ports went to the you while only 2 out of 87 boats actually went to africa. and it's not easy to argue with that after seen what happened at the summit in the netherlands, a chance to call parade, to help fix their mistakes, to create an equal partnership, and prove their commitment all successful, ignored and missed by western countries. roof national r t the eastern economic forum, a key international platform for building and boosting ties between russian and international investors, wraps up on thursday night to my parents and attended the forum along with some other key leaders to discuss world issues on for that cooperation. the business program included dialogues with leading a partner countries in the asia pacific region, particularly within the format of the ozzy on group of rapidly developing nations in southeast asia man mas, deputy information minister emphasize the importance of his country,
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working with russia to cast off the west and during colonial mindset regarding his country. he rashadi the route to cool. we must all unite to ensure peace around the globe. western countries feel they are in charge the world. they still have a colonial mentality. so we need to stick together more than 90 countries have participated in the eastern forum with numerous business people. that's a sign that russia is not isolated from the rest of the world. we understand the russia is fighting for its sovereignty and for the sovereignty of other countries, russia is currently promoting development to the far east. we are also interested in it. we are ready to work with russia. we have been brought together by the fact that the west considers us unfriendly countries. if you ask somebody abroad, what they think about russia, than for sure, people will say bad things. but in our country, everyone loves russia. the u. s. is said to benefit the most from the energy
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crisis across the atlantic has american companies will be exposing gas at a significant premium to europe during the upcoming winter. that's according to u. s. energy tycoon. at charis suki. we are sitting on huge resources. they are not very expensive to produce. we are good at building infrastructure. we're going to be able to develop american gas very affordably and sell it at a significant premium european commission. president ursula underline is for jihad with that black hole that she's been digging for european citizens and the economy, and is proposed to price cap on russian gas import, saying that quote, we must cut rushes revenues, which putin uses to finance this atrocious war against ukraine. he keeps blaming russian president vladimir putin for weapon ising, the eas energy supply. but it's, you officials alike vander lane, who can't seem to stop meddling with it 1st with sanctions. now the price cap, it seems that the more the use, big brain bureaucrats try sticking it to putin. the more russian energy revenues
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just keep increasing. vauder lane is also recycling, talking points now from the cove in crisis. remember what we're all told during the pandemic to stay home and hide from the virus to quote, flattened the curve. well now underline says that you must quote, flatten the peaks of energy use because that's what drives prices up. some top european politicians apparently aren't too convinced by any of this. if we don't change the sanctions policy, the situation in europe will be uneasy. the thing is that europe has run out of energy. we have to bring it in from other places and the energy that comes here is expensive. it's not a constructive proposal. it's more like another way to sanction russia than an actual solution to the energy crisis in europe. and we don't want to prepare more sanctions now, but rather to solve the situation with energy. meanwhile, german vice chancellor and economy minister robert havoc has now publicly admitted
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that it's entirely possible the companies could very well. just stop producing, it's unclear how companies would avoid insolvency with no revenue coming in and overhead to pay and other german politicians are outraged by his remarks. he's come here. flinch joined us. i can imagine that certain industries will simply stop producing for the time being. we see that everywhere now to life, which depends on people's spending, money, flower shops, organic shops, bakeries are part of it and they have real problems because there's a reluctance to buy it and, and then they're not automatically bankrupt. but they might stop selling, dusty boy dance, rob, we can watch him think again and again, will you? and he can speak pleasantly, but with all due respect, you could see how helpless he was yesterday on german television. one can only hope that the majority of german entrepreneurs were asleep yesterday. we are in the middle of a massive energy problem. and to this day, they apparently haven't understood that this is the case. we have the stupidest
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government in europe resign, mr. ha beck, your continued tenure as the minister of economy of germany will lead to the collapse of the german economy. the greens are not politically bankrupt, they have just stopped doing politics. and at some point, when the crisis is over at the latest by the next election, then they will return again. unbelievable. he just has no idea what he's talking about here in france, a private company operating public swimming pools, that marina shut down dozens of facilities indefinitely. this week, citing energy bills equal to the company's annual turnover, french economy, minister, berlin, or the mazda is now offering bailouts to companies whose energy costs represent more than 3 percent of its revenues. yet another crisis where those 2 big to fail are safe by the government. but what about all the smaller suppliers and economic actors that also are part of the supply chain? can you really do without them?
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or are they going to be billed out to? is everyone just going to be billed out, kind of like in the initial days of cove, it metallic as to and 40 ceos of leading. you holdings have written a letter or sounding the alarm on the de industrialization of europe. we are deeply concerned that europe face is a critical situation for the foreseeable future with a perfect storm of sky high electricity prices, no energy market liquidity due to insecure gas supplies, a continued nuclear and coal phase out, and the remaining power sources being insufficient to cover market needs, the europe cannot have a successful energy and raw material strategy if it's power and gas prices stay at today's levels for a sustained period without relief. it's not just companies either, but also citizens who are getting fed up as the initial blows of the energy crisis are starting to be felt with protests across the block from germany, to france, to the czech republic and others still being planned. fewer than 40 percent of citizens across $22.00 countries considered the situation in ukraine to be in their
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top 3 priorities. thus, according to a new you got full cost of living and the climate talked the list of those concerns . and in poland, at least one political figure proposes some innovative solutions for the looming winter energy crunch. one needs to burn almost everything, of course, aside from ties and similarly harmful things because poland just needs to be warmed up. is it possible for the e u to undo centuries of progress and enlightenment in just a few short months? if they were literally trying to do that? it's hard to imagine that they would go about it any other way than they are right now. we won't, washington says it once more countries to enforce a price cat on russian oil. the u. s. is particularly pushing the measure on moscow's traditional allies, china and india, which have recently increased that imports of russian feel. our hope is that countries like china and india will join the price cap, coalition,
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or take advantage of the price cap coalition to lower the amount of money that russia makes from oil exports. beijing and new delhi, however, don't seem to be interested in complying with washington's controversial policy that says russia and china recently signed a new trade deal were paying for commodity supplies and their local currencies without using the us dollar. even some of the european countries that have compliance with the price cap had being skeptical about that raising concerns. so they could exacerbate the current energy crisis where they could decide director of the political economy research group said it's highly unlikely that china or india would agree to impose the western lead price capital russian oil. the fact of the matter. ready is that the chinese are able to buy russian energy as that it to do your costs. and so there is absolutely no reason for them to participate in the price capping. really i write that on the one hand,
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the rest is leaving the democracy and human rights. and on the other hand, in reality, western leaders, you know, like i'm really a bad, bad ball actually boasting about they don't care what ordinary people think they're going to stick to the russian stones. i'm not sure that the oil price get can be effectively imposed. i number of the shipping companies, the insurance companies that are asked to actually implemented themselves, not comfortable about this because that would require them to do a lot of research. and also it would make them liable for breaking tanks. and so i think they are very reluctant to cooperate, but if the oil price gap, when it comes into effect, i think the russians have been people other buyers off, or that they were willing to testifying toby strengthening ties between russia and china. the countries recently held a round table devoted to the formation of a new polar world. older,
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the head of russia is foreign intelligence service. again, now lose can pointed out that the vast majority of nations around the world have shown no support for the western sanction. some states just give me this meeting with chinese partners and the similarity chinese and russian assessments of how the color situation in the world is developing. the once again, you compare majority of the population has not joined the odious western campaign. the so called cancellation of russia by you. moreover, the way and disagreement with such an aggressive cynical policy, the totalitarian, liberal western regime school sounding louder, louder boys, independence specialist on china. andrew long say russia, these been partners, particularly beijing and new delhi, was wisc that own economic development in order to comply with demands from washington. a host of the system. and so it all along lock, not going at all with the united states,
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the sanction from russia. so you haven't gone wrong with the law. why should china obey this unreasonable proc, price care as it were, wait time has been trading normally with russia. why don't leave a show that the so called american late l. b is, is really coming to win more and more countries. we'll see why they should be americans back whole, including the whole assembly united states and i like india. i bought a lot of other companies that china, a lot of district. so it was like and all of those, you know, see why they should be paid the price and being caught in this american
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angeleah conflict with russia. great. so i don't think of it the last the beginning to see is no longer. ready able to pull the shore fresh fighting has mapped between un peacekeepers and the locals in the democratic republic of the congo. but at least one person reported killed in the violence. trenches per account off the crowns on motor bikes blocked to you and convoy in the north, eastern city of and i, the protests which figured by complaints that the peacekeepers have failed to protect civilians against militia violence. the un mission has been a d. r. c. for more than 2 decades, and it's already cost around $1000000000.00. now fresh fire the peacekeepers rise in the country back in 1999. but in the past 2 years, a dramatic increase in violence from onto the list that left thousands of civilians killed or wounded and total throughout the 2 decades of the un mission. 400 of the
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peacekeepers have lost their lives. local contributor julian colon says many residents have become frustrated with the u. s. continued presence as people fear for their lives due to the ongoing violence the local population as be now. yeah. talking you bought this declaring about this, saying that why we have a bay. well paid mission in their work, especially with one more than 11000000000 dollars each year. and there is no peace in the country the you and they have all the logistics. they have everything. but they used to say, or can we have to wait for the day, the security council decision when people are dying, and especially when people are being killed and the women are been raped. but we have to wait for the security day, j u n. k,
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a concert security decision. so it's better for the you went to, to be efficient and to make sure they can satisfy. i buy peacekeeping and promoting peace. and that's the only one set this satisfaction that can, can make people ha, happy, especially to converse population which they are monday normally eats are to protect the local population. but unfortunately, that's not the case ah ah
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leg, unless movie demi, but actually illegal is the new global challenges, namely western sanctions of the place. the pandemic posing a threat to the whole wealth westland disguised attempts to aggressively impose on other countries favorable models of behavior, deprived them of sovereignty and submit these states the western will. that is nothing special about it really. the collector west had conducted this policy for decades. however, what catalyzed this process was the weakening dominance of the united states in global economy and politics. but also, stubbornness and non willingness and even an inability to acknowledge solid facts. recently, international relations of undergone irreversible tectonic changes. western
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countries seek to maintain the previous world order, which is only convenient for them to make every one abide by their rules rules. they made up themselves rules, they constantly break and keep changing. in accordance with the emerging conjecture, meanwhile, of a states refusal to abide by this dictatorship, an outrage, force west, no leaks to lose their temper, and undergo shortsighted and picturesque decisions from political, economical and international security points of view would saying, in addition, all these decisions go against the interests of other nations, including the citizens of these very western countries. the gap between the interest of western elite and the interest of their very own citizens widens them. this way achievements in europe's industrial development, peoples living standards, and socio economic stability. all of this is being indulged by the sanctions fire squandered as instructed by washington and the name of the infamous idea of euro atlantic unity. it is
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a sacrifice for the sake of keeping the u. s. dictatorship involved in international relations to witness the dollar, euro british pound lose, their trustworthiness has currency for transaction money, reserves nominating acids, and we'll step by step, stopping using these compromised currencies. the sophistic show that even though us allies are gradually reducing that dollar holding, i would like to highlight that this situation is spark by the reckless actions of great britain, the u. s. and e. you who are obsessed with illusionary political ideas. meanwhile, the well thing the own citizens let alone people outside the golden 1000000000 is of no interest to them, which will inevitably bring these regimes into an economic and political stalemate and will have predictable consequences for the whole world. who new to me when you know your question? thank you very much. is it just me or was ukraine not even mentioned at the most
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current part of the pacific region? i think we are discussing issues this region from the russian far east. nevertheless, if you have any questions concerning your crime, i'm ready to answer these questions to you now, of course, that's for russia since february 24th. what have we gained and lost as a state you don't wish to? i'm convinced that we did not and will not lose anything to do what we gain 1st we fall for the state sovereignty, and this is the inevitable result of what is going on right now. of course, there was a certain level of reservation going on from the world and within our country, but i personally think it is for the better. secondly, most importantly, i would like to emphasize what we keep saying that we did not start anything. what we are trying to do is stop the house still minutes reaction started back in year 2014. after a cooling from those did not want peaceful and normal development. some sort of
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devastating around people. i can talk to one military operation after another. and committing genocide and the people looked and buster 8 long years. russia decided after numerous attempts to resolve the conflict peacefully to answer ukraine equally much, but considering the way that our potential fire was acting, we went for it consciously. all our actions are aimed at helping people living in don barzyk. this is our duty and we will fulfill it to the very end. the middle of the guns or through some of these are now is zeal, kicker about the grain deal. we agreed and even made concessions. only 2 green ships went to africa. now our representative says that we'll consider whether to keep upholding this deal or not. it was the few the dealers but, but it logged them. i be speaking tedious of it was all done under the disguise of catering to the interests of the poorest countries to prevent hunger there. and all the pressure on us imposed by our so called partners. and our geopolitical foes was based, namely on the call for russia to secure food for the world's poorest economies. so
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understandably, we did all in our power to form these arrangements to cities. we have since stuck to the agreements, fulfilling them in good faith. as it turned out, once again, russia was screwed over, not only russia, but they also screwed over the poorest countries. his i, evident, thanks. look at the reports, only 2 ships out of 80 supplied poor countries. all of us went to the you. how is that fair? moreover, despite all of that, we continue this mission, really hoping the goal set as the core idea at these agreements will be met, michigan bustling, you know, is to 3rd, the latest news is the introduction of price caps on oil and gas purchases. by g.


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