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tv   Documentary  RT  September 9, 2022 2:30am-3:01am EDT

2:30 am
where they were in great demand, ah, even in peacetime homes and rehabilitation centers with the disabled, like somewhat behind the times in terms of medical advancements, essential drugs and doctors, us guess there's no mama hurting them at betty now to delay the animal in years and you can now step each did it by checkups. you will hear molla there, thaw will get through there, but she gets her dish door a smallish gift that none like it says, i can hear a
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still a key was that she showed her with a better job aloud watching i audit for russia with lushly of all it's a say and the shoot gotta dollars a year that he car coy, semi ali no. now now did it. he still has some of i do what i'm both are to skip a story. oh no, but he do pretty well. a deal which did actually of course, not him, the video,
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not going to somebody, but mumbo bishop ear of the babel fcl is simply at the list. i'm not sick, the la jolla mitchell s. laquata energy played appears daily at the store. oh, got up not, not back in. ah, anna was going to get out too, but she was waiting to hear from a russian clinic about to rina's treatment and possible surgery. well, it wouldn't. so she decided to stay after russia recognized the l. p. i. and i learned that some of the treatment could be covered by an insurance policy. patients normally pay for the operation arina needed themselves, and it costs many thousands of dollars, an unaffordable some for a single mom. when doctors from moscow's road of life charity came to lou ganske hope came to the chief almost discontinued get image sister or the job that he needs to study. you know,
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with the bomb or shoot me, did some good news. now you could sit on the stores before for him and usually finished with la medicament, though i know i'm procured finished, mister walker, my number here is going to shake the store. were willing able to new but the reason it but and there's just a little bit of mala, but he's gonna with oh, might be crushed. which can lease teeth not that he cargo christy per carson, reassuring yet. i bet the enemy, precedents tonight. yes. of drop. yes. awkward belter might seem to move down from yet. justin got us some new wires. not the bundle. missed. this is nick, our co workers to daniela's motion. you see that that almost done when you martin militia, when you put in the one that i said, i should be honest and as long as i was calling him changing. so
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here's the key chain. yeah, a monkey usually is a change or keith was more of mr. badness. they don't care which heater didn't give up shift, but insufficient with models, margins to barely. cheney otis, daniel billamore got data with their asthma, it's still numbers, so cost to ship some upgrade and yet this did the copier from wanted a voice. ringback ready with a request for blue shirts, it was from up to me of car wash about brochure was hoping blige. i'm a beer in ruling he children and adults with neuro psychiatric disorders, a house in the same building, the director for the minor values. his stop highly, even in peacetime, it wasn't easy to find personnel, especially doctors during the past 8 years. such institutions have been any survive
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on my lesson since y'all for more on the preservation where several months ago foresees christian europe, the burgers formerly known as a board books and the customer public use period of classical abuse. given one of those shows to classical divisions for special ed, and we've also lost our bush lives so much for your to shuffle someone watch, marcia, i love and you've seen you buzz with both of those different phones fellows, a sort of close to one of those for the signal, wasn't it by you when you is decent, dot com? yes. a digital phone right. ever come up. maliah. launching fortune number sagamore sprites or sharon, if i missed much and with those quota said that to carlos cook, especially after out for sick outdoor adama, but i'm leaving
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a closing short and put of my fish leave. you also cheaper carson brady at all, but he is my marks the joseph back this wretched story. glad i didn't say oh i go. i'd eat no. augment your children to point to the correct me if you back with us. yes. sure. who we swim through a, did your marlon care by the tree there. so it's glare. ah, in as early erica you can if, if and that's with bush. as soon as i heard said,
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page my wife's body and my voice them all we showed was that boy, but you're good. yeah, i mean they get there. oh, sure. with the boy. zachary z. a. now we're going to come on in your 1st name from where you just a, there's plenty of them. i can be defending pieces with the right people. you speak with a oh, i suppose a person on the
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line with me. i need a clear remarks. mm hm. what is the one that we just bought this new? okay, is lola new running by whose camera describes you right? a point that when you, when you with money, a trust mortgage with
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a choice commercial that are unusual was dark. not much to stay on throw member i yes. our which was a ship which kids will be doing both our partners. but they room by, you know, by similar zamiah's doesn't have to get a bank about clarity of numbers to possession of him. there's no, there was more than 60 or less than that. if i miss them with the media fish. yes. now you your so if photo as me, if we provide nearest emergency with momma. yeah. now, would you just leave room? i mean them, they don't come with it. i 1st and i live out ah, needs to come to the russians state. oh, never the tires on the north lansky davis
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with within the 55 when. okay, so i need to bargain speedy. when else calls with, we will van in the european union, the kremlin. yup. machines. the state aren't russia to date and sports or t sport that even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with ah, watch and it was a year controlled. if i give it a shot,
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shorter one and his day last name, spear, and then went back with that just out a national z. m known shylie. yours in there. when you buy, when you sit down with the buy mia a while you while you easy while find out here or here on slide. yes. south. yeah. rash with
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carson. it's now watch. done for me that i'll pull up right pete on the is emma? yeah. little video from sure. let me just kim's room. she thought seriously, the why fi ella? a bill? yes, my thought watching in the again your fortune pretty up my be a lot about mortgage shows that a a with the opposing washer. the problem with, with full from credit report you're probably more know heard is removing the i
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pressure for small surgery. now you should use of our, with a blood like with the muslims are not proposals in the right book. difficult to stick with trusted, you're pushing or stubborn is greatest way for you live. at the majority of them, a teacher who's in for multiple months as you collect, like you know where the fewer this is, we'll get you short or push push news. i choose, you will see new to so mostly i to many more to do
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tomorrow to lose you showed which to choose the category with dish confort mother who's genius. most of the month of month of full moon postal news. as you fish, many builders and drivers have been mobilized. so construction has been delayed and delivery dates postponed. uria reaching cost looks after $110.00 children with severe medical conditions that housed in a tiny area would reach now smarter with so much to those. to me, not guarantee i put on brush appear when it was really bulk wanted to store it goes, i lived was automate, it will go up sir. russell j pezora was one of the 2 most prestigious, but the patients of the new type frost. i'm not so cool, you know,
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it was almost like duty to roll mcdonald's and the controller alleged when to do, i don't but hold you from previous job over the patient. i've tried to put you on. i mean, it sounds kinda concerning a scoop you for me, approval of the modem. a studio set up with the city of miami. ah, it's about a month and a bus that has come have been if us to find somebody i used to home when you thought of kenya bought them 90 louis like a coin clean. that's a pretty licenses must clean up ship to places. i mean, that was in a
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picture, they mostly got to talk to you on monday, but i saw it on the go with nash talked about the process a now with that because you can give them because he either couldn't get bash data data g. i'm yet because i would either they be known you, but i don't know if that was all of this from your i'm going to ask initial pull out as well as for some reason, show faith. but a chip noticing in the home, in christina don cases for those with disability types, 3 and 4. it's the only one in the new glance region. the kids here have severe conditions, but there are no doctors senior secrets aveena is in charge of medical care. a talk with him,
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darn. it has been not going. you have to park in missouri more challenging identity or visually yet once. not supposed to die, eat a shaking with this is a, it's a mac. i am on a bench with the thrive with team with bit of what is national worship across from carport for a new global, an
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o t cello us. it's really no up doing, you know, with chinese kids reddison. yup. would you happen for quinn with some ship florida. we are doing what was the other one, but you have a beautiful the question with car back. if you 1000 is a rumble semen with my yeah, it was digital with anthony. so nice to me, of course. so to me,
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of you guys the church of nuclear school, i'm with christian brush progress. i a, it's about option wants you to do it. i'm wishing to draw mcneish given that are shaking me that it's a profile that kind of saddam boy, my boy look at the adamant that we have no way to do them car the most some of your life. so he's just not really choice for the circle i was working with them, but i see it as we move up. so you need on version be from i think that'll do it. there's a lot of boring the dia, members, statistics in your area for the prescription drug free is just mostly play
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a factor for, for act on. oh, yes, to mosque, near the corner of we'll go at our best thought, but because i can introduce a deal. uh huh. what the main thing was i wish under specificity avoidance, but a year for this and that unless, of course, i mean it's in the midst of it's at least some is still adult. mom will it will last a small boy. i mean, i mean, yeah, british align. yeah. don't cheat those now. i just look up to mean yes. with a, with a man of liberal bravery of issue i wanted to call me with that i'm, i'm still and i still had
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a show show additional cuz i think that would be used by them block on your snow, which teacher night the flu shot. but here, hello. yeah, i had somebody i didn't do my job with my distant steve, you'll come and see it. were you needing a to go get his dinner? that's the my that are going that most me blushing is dublin was immune blushing. it was like, well, no millenniums, they're just doing the weights with us. does that have no way to way to get it up on each other would get which of those are? why do they ship with more immigration runyan blushing and look at us. sure. you are with libya. listen the molars with the american chapter program for goodness. this is c m c c a one us. no, i forgot. i balinsa dog,
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almost new style. and when you come room with lame stone, but they didn't, they don't. austin yet? do you get tired for you to call the bush on that a lot? no, they're come and do it and you put that a full chair and does what a lucas love to be a booth. why? right, sounds good and i put the vs nisha. who's now we haven't looked at the conversion fortune, no hind to death origin and the nina the get the most down when a lot of jania i watching the pretty has not lucy's piece of deep got that on with our board. this is just for, for mission. i shook her blog about italy for michelle marsh. active nick armando took over the miles to be posted if the company got 1st for you. my sister, i'm that doesn't bother me. the best part, probation by with creation finance. here in the 1st one is this bit variety of miss rushing and you want to smash. i wish there are more than sky,
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but it's in the atlanta that are both are while yet katrina was training in moscow. sponsors were found to finance and operation on one of the patients. a good on what the issue is when you get this all in one but show it all by the way. i know what i was governance law just with one go by the design
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with i know why doesn't with the whole with you b e a m o r e
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with arina. no mom recently returned from moscow where they'd been able to consult with doctors. thanks to the road of live foundation in lasha of the because the immediate mr. which he's going to show a christopher would that me up abuse now calling it would be here for the usually cleaners to start more help with vision and worship than your position. yeah, do mulash thought it had been a we credit now can work now. i'm a sure phone done where where you clear most most them with slid the really immune cheaper little knob is neela toaster. and then you would you credits now chemical. uh huh. and then you will, you credit you up, share your history, and i was dealing with commission to speak the numbers it needed to have a business life calling
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and asked that i was a study was this is that comes to mom, issue your form to put down more store or is it which is that of mr. sure. ruckel national, think all of those numbers they're not given is about what i'm gonna look because it adds the private and i stood are booked at the from senator fucker follows me images, stuff sort of gear and you're a proficio when you are steve lacy. mia? this mean marshall probably a more enough common you got served with us in your thoughts as to living skills or push digital mamo. we're putting a let them whistle, but there must be up a new master my moody don't quote lucian odyssey. quite sure that they did it so much they it's m m a pros invalid dotsie post that puts on that and bill it, that's
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a u t. s a soybean this to me. i'm going to put the work in native to victoria dawson passed out and with the chest moccasin manifold in that in that in the shuttle corner bits are listed as an order a visit. noah. a communion allows him to come. when you got says that i see the ship sewing in the bullet that it wasn't. yes, michelle got the rest stylish, equal, was told, which is i'm which it's i did in them not to test out the cushion you with a few what the thought that the nipple which is that block becomes high enough could chew out this pitching. i need this plot and i will be lazy, is almost a year to community the globe move. okay, what's to aust? i'm with interesting new year. you can use nancy chess with down the aisle. if i think you, if you look, i think you got the of the simplest. can you come when you lose it?
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this is jim, i'm not major dealing with stacy that i am a to know if i yes. because i stamps for me since that. and they did a petition mm. 9. 0. as winter draws near in temperatures, draw bureau finds itself to be very vulnerable. rejection of brushing energy is not only slowing europe's economy, but also bringing on a recession. what's worse? europe's economic woes for self inflicted is europe attempting suicide?
2:59 am
oh, when i was shopping wrong, when i was just a shave out disdain becomes the african and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds, the more we choose to look for common ground. i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order is a conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. and the point obviously is to great trust, rather than fear a job with artificial intelligence. real, somebody with
3:00 am
a robot must protect its own existence with all correspondent is almost hit by ukrainian military shelling. barbosa says he has efforts as a counter offensive are little more than a practical ploy. drama, more weapons support in the west. south africa host, the world's 2nd largest mining exhibition and bringing cutting edge technology to thousands of investors. a queen elizabeth the 2nd case longest ruling monic dies page 96.


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