tv Documentary RT September 9, 2022 6:30am-7:01am EDT
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would lost their parents and don bass. this is denise them. god or not shaggy kimberly mccoy at on that r e una. what if girl or boy's socially new militia to diana detain nebraska. yeah. bag bulio. nasa rancor. children's ombudsman in the new guns people's republic is investigating cases of missing children. so she is formerly campbell, i was in there is to him just had law. blanca strategic here, stuff for pitching out regularly at our school in the amount, then just get them on it. don't worry, don't put the label on your guns. cannot ordinary spook. you did g dahlia a from liam. i have rochelle as well. guns collateral net is paula camden. i mean school was shot for peter. go. what was that? there was a note with schwartz him. you should get a loyalty. should you buy if you gate nissan? yes, no, she wouldn't have a girl. no problem. i was like scottsdale actually breaking dicky, digging enough,
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which actually agnew up 2022. so a repeat with children. once again, being evacuated from territories controlled by cave, grain up the herd. so political, no, did. he thought he had it not said you got out of here or you'll know what i believe women up with control. now crania danger. let us pull a girl is as school inter, nothing is pasadena of the was the it will get, it is a plea. you'll m you today august the number that is public. it would have not got you got of course the carpets. ghoulish, noted it already 50 way. we is the full full sales that says me here was mostly premier in our colleges. the o'clock works with children. hundreds of orphans from the internet's people's republic were evacuated in the same manner. but it's anyone's guess how to find children who have essentially been abducted from dumbass . the most favorable outcome would be adoption. but there's
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a question mark on that diagnosis. molina, a friend? yes. as a corner nor counter all that russia. right? yeah. dick d watson. i was, i am a senior, i bizarre gillian teaching new york lit, but the more the organ of a busy baby teaches through diagnosed and they're willing. yeah. yeah, we'll add that up. what you mean by me? anthony. ukraine ignores all international legislative norms and refuses to say anything about the fate of children. it is taken means already, i think much. where do you put the muster in the car with sigma under the keeper sky, oregon? children i transplant that 2nd. ah, yes. if they actually g things passed, the red cross seems to be suppressing information regarding the missing children from don bass. oh, and the doctors without borders,
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organization allegedly involved in human organ trafficking in conover appeared just as the children were being taken away with kearney abolla. though my mill dad wasn't getting a lovely mortgage and i was jim out of his up feel to cheer. it's really weird. i fucked. the business selling a garage, the num gets his people out of his appoint, shannon settle, come goodness, to let them of their nisha. a little guns cannot admit macabre statements of ukrainian figures, such as doctor chin of reinforce concern about the fate of the children. evacuated from don bass, dubbed the ukrainian doctor, manga chin off openly call. so doing away with don bass, his children saying those in the 3rd row and are to be killed lows in the 2nd row
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in a year or 2, they'll move to the 3rd row. apparently many ukrainians hummed with anti russian propaganda support his statements. 2 2 ah, use them out. it's in just them when you thought it, since i knew it was alaiya ziegler crane. i'm not sure yet. i'm good with this guy . i knew it was canyon got out the door to push the disability order on this night . there was that a wireless bill yesterday this what then when you text them each a little gray and a piece of i to the right now she did door come down, you was just the chest hoarded selected, it did it, but control no grain. the cock, where can you modern with that mileage which scott, machine field commander, raman or merchant go as witnessed. numerous crimes committed by ukrainian,
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neo nazis in don bass numbers to people know where would you kiddos are going now showing and then a little bit a buzz here. i thought of the glamour shooting little torch. cool maple story really took was singers to better all. did you build good? unless you learned your chunk were up? don't push thiefs barajo if sure. ah. a $1000000.00 solution. i purchase them all. shadows. if you're stuck at dora nicely, she needs you to re evaluate linda to me. korea lucila. will you value jean sion malady dear? which can last proper dollar asked stevenson the do schmiel no one is gillian. yeah mm mm.
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had my children remain children with me. they always neither sense of wonder and joy boss of the lugens pabo this what kind of academic russian drama theater gala, michel york, phillip over never forgets this that i'm getting or to know, gets it back. like it said, i shouldn't like the did the subsidies through. it's just reaching out those are i did it in the theater also cares for children who have lost their parents. dish that they're watching. work by lights here. mom slippers now can we just have to let some campus just bomb on union mogley? perhaps? i mean my gets caught. gloria is my last or can we prior 40 tim school j as
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dallas is mom with bob castilla short yard opinion. gets kid on delia and so lie. she dynasty, he is an 80 audra storm, she slipping in like a chest over citizen meeting for spit, i needed to alexander for santa what it is national it's yard around because getting used to chose one which in to harangue and nas this to peggy, she said to nick national data for 8 years they've been killing people in don't best every day. ah, this includes children and they kill with weapons supplied by nato. mm. oh, essentially, testing grow. we are interested in testing one of assistance in the fight against
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the enemy and we are by the arms. manufactor is put dead new products here. mm hm. but you won't get acquainted with a oh cranes care lesson grade level post that she didn't know if i treated them. yes, those are about the when you gina lou, ready on the road snake. no guns people's republics ambassador to russia has been at the forefront to the inflammation war since 2014 and in that one, the children pacific sick of them were vinyl deutsche as immune urine window. nothing the what you said from them, those love rug all the way through that will be visited a boy. what was it? it will just to let lillian cortisol billing injuries for the when she meets. every sport is a way to please sure those. and yet most just to get them a call, the one you now that he is nick of your mark or is in the other people which and
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they said it's that he didn't mccullin's not that night that you did yesterday about how to shop a garage door actually village olivia, that will be what she thinks india what fruits are in his owen that such by suggest that you can show mcmullin who grains of was no. g d 0. it's even worse. not i should. that's us. we have to cross my bullish ah, this me at the one that begins with the most far. i do the loosely steve though, each it it ah grain and yet and on the which was and beauty home sustained by the my social's book winnipeg lot. the additional she'll agree, baker. d t. e diligent lam, blemishes to her teacher there local for. he's the some of the deals through somebody. consultations, montoya to beatrice booth. not to do. graham is buddhism in seattle. there is about this. been done with you, the lavinia, it does show video, so nisha, newton, that old new when the promotion at that what also those are about the with nathan musicians loosely, what are we doing with them or what is it?
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and we're just, we're here probably about the, with my from ginger, just look of would you the 01 that knew you wish that you did through that there was session, you will more than you was that i'm right on the season. your plan, you would, i would attribute many shells, no variance bringing. so from that you more, your militia of those are publicly really unusual. your quiz outs. if that a little from there grab it. i was wanting make a month. we'll say 2 minute thumbs. i to the radio, reach up with us till after 1 o'clock wish to con pixels up with the great patriotic wall cemetery stands on the other side of the road. translated from ukrainian. it's labeled unforgotten, unforgiven, about 3000 jewish children and civilians killed by the nazis a buried here. however, israel does not condemn ukrainian neo nazis. hm. is there any other, michelle? no, not susan carter. i also wanted to know crane new car. this is vicky at the politico
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petition. would you like us to check? it again still means that i'm not so sure. look up to that, but did, is it the crane we have when you're not season and i hear it? and unless the snip a point out in the, in your view garden, ah, no gardening shows that the one you were similarly explaining. isn't that what you're saying? is that oil has their own affinity senior? can i say that the one thing that was that with near to put them up with that is perhaps if you cry even though it's naive music, but that's a music. yes. well, senior homeless the, let's look at the means could minced minsk agreement. this is important. local elections on the special status of the don bath. hardly implemented the tool. why not? this was agreed by france, germany, russia, and the ukraine blue form of british tip match. and right sir william melanson
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is well acquainted with the history of the min hska cords, bmw, withdrawal, a foreign arm groups, weapons and mercenaries not implemented. we have america doing what it can, sending soldiers bombs, weapons to keep things boiling under the surface. the u. s. wishes to provoke as much as it can moscow into taking defense more and more defensive measures in order to justify continuing the sanctions. blue, blue, blue, blue, blue with
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blue. ah ah, as winter draws near in temperature is dropped, europe finds itself to be very vulnerable. rejection of russian energy is not only slowing europe's economy, but also bringing on a recession. what's worse? europe's economic woes for self inflicted is europe attempting suicide. with with the implementation of the minsk agreements,
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assume the peaceful restoration of don boss is part of ukraine or mm. but apparently, washington needs a got the one of someone who born me. we're also in live with susie. she's a conduit to break the muscles and that just a minute wasn't biased. miguel is he didn't, i just did speak to you, but the political leadership of ukraine and it's overseas managers apparently think otherwise. i was calling. did you get to hook you up with?
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yes, these children did cower in basements yet even then they continue to study to draw on to dream. i am, i'm in a bar pledge, don't i? well the i look forward. she list nebo, interested ash line with but like what you're still delayed for not bust off the road bus was a much less some of a lie if the rope of his likes their love the yes he offered one is of all that for what i mean there is a law some children read poetry like la scala, sloane, the treasure gable. i'm nowhere near close to the last
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minute shall i guess. guess me now said lacrosse, let's go to school. kimberly. why should they just sign wash? hospital cough me with the frontier mileage time. well, her name is ross from a little more difficult o'clock. that's the us museum. don't buy me to buy your debit, iowa, for she has school on denila. how krinski? well, it is a lot. we got to city school number 7 was done by ukrainian neo nazis in 2014. we're among the 7 victims was a child, whole marsh corks was really and you know, just i'm not sure what i thought about by wednesday stream. say this for me to pick
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good. there really still is not going to school. your family is 0. it would these i believe that shaky secret glue stood you talk to me the gala go out or fan. yeah. if i chose the way the way in the budget like the we're national vendor. i kim craig. right? yeah. got you so like yeah. why don't you say but the boat so, but i need you to know which loser would move from w in the history of the world that a bottle of nation wide open comes up artic. 2 ah, yes, and then i'm newly changed since can you by june in the bedroom, one or more by your to do something with on what's going it's able in utah, or is it just by jo? what us no scope and even school didn't show up when you don't want to read to release the vehicle.
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ah, in this day to chunk of simulation. yeah, richie, and i wish them doing the final project i trust also with april my tim for this is not just the shadow formula eve or channel hostile on any of them or yes, problem. ah, these are the children of ukraine whose adults are teaching them to hate and prepare for war. ah, most girls, when i hear o scholar, not nyqold percentage portraits of stock. i think the retina is the extra inc, primo cook cook, at the most of which it is mostly bianca. m. a sweet fair is held in the
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school in the city of nikolai of the cookies, and named sharon oscar his brain. there are blue and yellow stars on the kremlin, under drink, called the blood of russian babies, ah, all prepared by children with for approval, from teachers and parents at the used physical chest of rain. but the most notable of ours learned se mobile shy startles kids were rock, still wolf of civil war, would be the editor in chief of your guns t. v. the a nods. feodor scoff, witnessed how the history of ukraine was gradually rewritten, and how its values were substituted for something else. your video card is arbor clarion, the dc, but thought is due, it will crane self latching, a garage store will skew gray and sofa. absolutely. rosemay lodge
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a boiler to warn you. what i g assume. waited when i'm to what the i am. when you go, i do will be all kinds of follow up. no more thing up with them. does anyone wish learn or what you thought? no one which is pros, newest, nearby eunice at the thought you employ them was a, this mute was some live anti russian propaganda has a long history in ukraine. children's books, comics and even text books in which russians are depicted as murderous and monstrous oaks. these publications have sponsors in america and the ukrainian desperate in canada own oprah coordinate codeine and usually canada newer grants could just put it which on is used because the name were creeped. you could sort of unpredictable when of course them just come saluted from their chickens. dear girls have talked to them. papa mac, keep keep ambiance. us must condemn at the mama with 50 boots. masculine, usually mama, papa butte, them a good customer was moved off the market. when you come to work, ma scully, thurston must believe is, do i have some outs? will christ you're not all of them still go? i did die if they're 30 skolnik of what have been throwing out is what the key and
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he spoke was baton is like were europe is kim so she's form mira william was pretty much another minor but almost all anesha. no problem. the shit ready choke. you project rosky history repeats itself. this is how children were once brought up in nazi germany. childrens camps in ukraine resemble the hitler youth camps. i ah, the soviet union was the country that food german naziism to the end and defeated it now ukrainian new naziism once again, collectively, nurtured by the west,
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finds itself opposed by russia. even obama saw mom deal it, forsooth. barbarossa ward. that'll gosh, what is a saw my jello gear? there's a saw my need she won is many. was yes. did you sooner rock report or product or state would that the more not says come on luscious to or a c or roof kasanya ceiling? one wasn't. is we need to this mute, when was it from his side to response to kaltura? where did the music? even though rules kid shows the same internecine nippy to cool on the nip, i believe one massage to chance. my hazard would typically typically record the which in there is other music. it could be said that russian troops are dealing with a large terrorist army that holds entire cities hostage, a force that is supplied and overseen by experience,
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u. s. and european military intelligence in western politics. the lives of ukrainian soldiers are expendable a locust with all kinds of when you might study synergies and blotted. well, we'll do. we'll do. you won't be on medic. nor do they care for the russian people, including its women and children. guided withdrawals came with a new process just no more than it up. why wouldn't i suggest number would so i will cut off corners, right. and does will do it. mm. dumbasses been through hell during its 8 year war with ukraine, a factories, villages, and cities were completely destroyed, ah, over 40000, done by citizens were killed. and so there are questions for those responsible
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leg broken by scholars up on him political, you're not there please to come with 3 model would be what i did on. so what i'm, what are the la bravo bond flow right here. i don't was a wi, enoch other than well newton, you're blowing jim on purchased a new west 1000000 lights, monica, that's a slave re, yan mm. brightening shows that on the, that shame with the news. i mean south and you with me as a live, but you but i'm standing you bit is really at the, i'm a bit is really, i was them back. thought came you've called nampa violated. don't call you the unless it, by the studio. let me let you plead inc, i did, but vital i was he just but i do it already met and you by him with god number love was similar just to look in your 1st and last nationally on your coin are then yes, can i mission, solano? william leah, you think mr for was from linda, missouri,
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or the least. russell said fidelis for when you're sleeping. i saw i for when your bill is really ill, sleep claim good on sam. ready to lamb. my height images eat, eat it, that the cub would little mask on your snack, that i see. but that was, but i see this love him by nearly a whole month. will you polish them suggest mila? ah, the areas liberated from the ukrainian neo nazis, russian soldiers and the people's militia of don bass are greeted as long awaited saviours. ah, but if you get a little steel, i thought you said this, me, it's don't you bullock a car and what he does, how can you put you down if there was that nobody is coming, riding him, get comfort on static? i'm at the very least the other, but it still does, doesn't please lou free with a block of them. he says, thing if you said the only about the what, the funny my stuff and not very likely see what you guys there as if it was it
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vicky they need to come in to get a feeling community where briefly meet the teacher. ms. bush is really not clear buttons work was torture with border got up, but here carol, still in the middle man, that is the only miss a bus in the join your my in my bed does ally buddy deal that brought by this bad a morgan long. mm. every year on june, the 1st on children's day residence join a commemorative rally at the alley of angels and done it and show us park in new ganske me on this day. white balloons are launched in honor of the lost children. mm. i love bush.
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ah ah, need to come to the russian state total narrative. i've unfortunately no some scheme div asking him then i can post all sunset for a week within 55. would this be okay so mine is 2000 speedy. when else with we will ban in the european union, the kremlin. yup. machines the state on russia today and split our t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all band to on youtube with
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me. ah . with hello and welcome to cross thought were all things considered? i'm peter lavelle. as winter draws near in temperatures, drop europe finds itself to be very vulnerable. rejection of brushing energy is not only slowing europe's economy, but also bringing on a recession. what's worst? europe's economic woes are self inflicted as europe attempting suicide. ah.
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