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tv   News  RT  September 9, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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sketchy programs and has been not, is a liable block. that's how can you know india look the other the it on and be like, streamline, opportunistic. mm ah, in the headlines this saturday, the shelling i've done yet, it takes 2 people's lives and says, a local hospital on fire. and meanwhile, from the front line. beyond this, he's new mines land also that ukrainian positions are corresponding and takes a closer look at ukraine's counter offensive attempt and hers on region. kiev troops suffer heavy losses while making no strategic gains and belgium rebels against price cap on russian gas import. slamming the youth,
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commissioned proposal a cap on only russian gas is purely political. we will not agree to this with from moscow to the world. this is our to international i, mary jo blevins and here are the top stories this hour. we begin with reports of 2 people killed and a wounded in a recent shelling of done yet city. among the places that have been hit was a hospital near this city is central embankment, according to local authorities. a fire broke out on the roof of the medical center . firefighters arrived at the scene to put out the blaze. this as a public square in the city center was struck by the shelling, wounding several people. emergency services arrived to the scene to bring those
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injured to the hospital. they attack shattered windows and nearby stores and residential buildings. meanwhile, as the northern part of the front lines, the russian army has the air, elected military hardware and personnel to the heart of region were intense battles are going on with ukrainian troops who claim to have launched a counter offensive. however, local authority sake he adds, forces had suffered heavy losses trying to break rushes defenses. taking a closer look at the situation in the hard copy region biting is escalating on the outskirts of the block, lay out while the city of coupons is being defended by russian forces amid fierce clashes. mean mount moscow says that ukrainian attacks and this other, nico love and hearse on regions have also been repelled ortiz moran gazette, is on the ground. they're looking into cranes counter offensive attempts. this is
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she have sought region outside the village of alexander of co depleted and todd ukrainian troops, all again ordered to attack. these drone footage was provided to us by russian soldiers. they monitor at the me activity around the clock and call in fire. when the opportunity arises during a lull and the shelling we drove as close to ground 0 as we were allowed. because of the situation, it is at this time incredibly difficult from a security perspective. to film anything, anything we film could give away? troops, positions, defensive positions. ah, what troops stationed where with, with what weapons? taking that into consideration, our options are very limited, but this is the frontline beyond us.
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beyond us is no man's land after that ukrainian positions. we have learned that the offensive here is about to resume the counter offensive launched by ukrainian troops. urine, him southern region, which has so far, been incredibly unsuccessful in all over the past week and a half ukrainian forces have taken over about half a dozen small villages and settlements. ukraine's exact losses are secret, but they are said to be formidable. moscow community asthma from what i know, at least 400 wounded, ukrainian soldiers have been delivered to the hospital of the ministry of internal affairs in nic alive. in total, the cities, hospitals took more than 2000 wounded ukrainians when he was no space left in walks nearby in newark, a healthcare far away from the front lines. the american supplied high mas rocket impacted an apartment block, killing 6,
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have billions. this has become the norm here, and it has only gotten worse, which is what many locals feared. spiteful strikes, launched by key f to avenge it so far, failed count her offensive more at gaz. give archie from kennesaw region un secretary general. antonio gutierrez has called for quo nasa global support for pakistan. we're devastating floods have affected around 33000000 people and claimed more than 1300 lives. pakistan needs massive financial supports to response to this crisis that supports is entirely necessary and it is not a method of solidarity. it's a matter of justice. his remarks came as he arrived and as long that to see the devastation in the south agent country,
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he said the floods have caused damage estimated to be nearly $30000000000.00. the us has launch an appeal to raise $160000000.00 to help pakistan, while the countries prime minister stressed the need for an infinite amount of funding. meanwhile, a number of countries have pledged their support with more than 50 humanitarian bye have already landed in the country. senior staff reporter at the news international newspaper and pakistan med top had dark, says the response so far is falling short of what is needed. it is a human did in crisis did. is it still a possibility of food shortages? the u. n. flash appeal at so far? a nose, $160000000.00 only. it's just a peanuts. there are 2 elements which i want to highlight. one is donors fatigue, that is the major issue. but the more important thing is the double standard
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because vent august on muster standing on the right side of the registers, after $911.00. and then the up week occurred in 2005 and then the flood occurred in 2010 vent august on was the lay of the united states. there was generous influence from all 9. did i say donors, but after the 911, when the things have no change after the redraw all of us troops from afghanistan, not be at their least interested in august on. and it's being shown that pakistan has been isolated up august on has been standing. and dying for the foreign nig, but so far get more attention is to what you claim. so the sofa, the word response is very bleak, and disappointing. and then send me the house mattie has signed during an
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interview with former new york times journalists. ben smith said that the news media should get rid of the quote, both sides of major issues being discussed. there are 2 words we need to move from my media of a cavity right now, and that is both sides. this fundamental crunch this reliance on both sides of the kind of lazy way of covering up living is deeply dangerous. there are a bunch of major issues in which there are not both sides or not both sides on climate change. there are not both sides on white supremacy. there are not both sides on democracy, but they're not both sides on the holocaust. however, not everyone agrees with the call for one sided coverage. here's a sample of some reactions on social media. while there's no risk of hearing both sides on m. s m, b, c. so he should feel right at home about there are 2 sides to every single story. but authoritarians of to sponsor stage, especially men, there use a trash and sensor in the on his side. he is the only way to get people to accept
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them. being honest and fair is only deeply dangerous to those who are dishonest and corrupt. the moments journalists become bible, they have stopped working for the people, as well as cross live now to legal and media analysts. why and all line all. it's great to see you as though we're now that's quite a controversial statement from the m s. and b c. host, they're saying that covering 2 sides of a major story is dangerous. so i guess my question to you is dangerous. how and for home? well, if you for all that, didn't you think it might have been an onion headline or to some care? babylon and b, and by the way, it's a great ethnic whenever you're involved in an argument or a disc in with somebody. you just say we're talking about justice, we're talking about correct ways of thinking. and anything kind for reach going is fell and we move right away. so there are no 2 side. there's correctness in it.
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there's what intern wait a minute. it's no other side. maybe i can explain how you are incorrect or so i let tell you my version of it, or rooms for john at balsam. wait a minute. that's called a great in any event. this goes to show you, rachel, how this lunacy and i don't know what motivates this, maybe. and i'm going to give you a conspiracy theory here. maybe the ratings are so bad. the they are so at the need here are some dead ace in spur that people will be talking about it because not what you're watching. this maybe by virtue of saying this lunacy people are saying i had a tune in. did he really say that? look, i don't know what journal are and i'm not sure, but it's not. and sometimes,
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or a 2 size and 3 sides. but the idea that you would have a television show or any type of journalistic platform designed to get to the truth or what is believed to be the truth. and you cut off the other side or the other. somebody who's maybe explaining your error. and then you say this is good journalism because there are no 2 size. i will make 11 bit of a, an exception. sometimes if i think if we were talking about, let's say astronomy or a new planet or a black hole or something, astro physics related and the other side presented was, let's say an astrologer. that might be the other side. i don't particularly care for. but in international conflicts. no, no, rachel, this is absurd. right? and you know, it's interesting you make that point there, that when it comes to those calm as they are essentially saying there's
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a right and are wrong, and we're assuming that us and me see is the right side there. now you also brought up ratings here. i mean, is this a case where they don't even seem to care about their ratings? they just care about what they feel is the right side of the narrative overall? well, i, let me give you this analogy. first, the notion of a broadcast news, as, as we've know, it in this country. this model is overweight. look at what cnn is in free fall. it's incomplete, free for talking about black holes. it is collapsing on its own gravity. this model is not working. nobody cares. rachel, we live in a world right now where there so much information should thank that somebody's going to say, wait a minute, i'm going to tune in to might able nothing wrong with cable. so to dairy, what they should be doing is trying to be better and trying to be competitive,
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but there is a sense of real desperation. you know, m s, n b c, just like cnn when it 1st started was. busy re something look at, look at another rachel matto missing in action. a wall. what happened to her? where was just going gen saki, the ex white house correspondent i think is going to m as nbc. i think i, i get them confused. sure. we got emma's dnc because it's really, it's a democratic operative. so these, these, this model is over with the, nobody is watching this, nobody cares. you know, i got a phase of the other day when the queen died. i happened to be watching and instantaneously, rachel, this was the most incredible thing i've seen in a long time. everybody immediately responded and reported. at the moment it happened on every platform in every corner of the world. immediately. it was like
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one big coast, one big reaction looking at that as this, as the standard. do you know how good you have to be, to compete with this, with thousands and thousands of simultaneous immediate sources. what if that's what you have to do? this show ain't gonna cut it speaking. nothing about it and also rage, right? to say that the, i don't really age, i'm going to say it, the haughtiness, dis, pretentiousness, the hubris. this sense of i'm going to determine what is right. we're only going to hear that and believe me, if ever there was a chance for those a timer. when the world really need to see all aspects just to find out what's going on, it's now no more censorship. yeah, it really does seem like a case where they are just outright saying the quiet part out loud there. now when
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it comes to some of the reactions that we saw on social media, does it seem as if m as in mrs. goal here is just to hope that eventually people will get on board with this right versus wrong narrative that they're trying to sell and that maybe eventually they'll get those viewers back if they just keep trucking right along and doing exactly as they're doing right now, i mean, do you think that that is their goal, or do you think that they even have a goal here that they know that they are pursuing? i don't think there is a goal. and i think the ideas that go on do the show. what don't, you know, don't lose a license as we used to say, do your best because we are absolutely at the bottom. we're scraping the barrel. nobody even knows the show is on. and i'm telling you, if it wasn't for show, if it wasn't for platforms that talk about ridiculous statements, or let me be really a candidate here. i sometimes,
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and i know friend of mine will watch, you know, fox news to find out what cnn is, say, people watch cnn, to find out what fox is doing. and people watch the view when they can find either fox or cnn. so were doing it. we actually go to the uh, it's weird like a chiral. opposite. we go to the other network, the other political faction to find out that the interesting things about the network because we don't want to watch the other network. when you look at media, i'd, when you look at a lot of these various platforms that pick out the most, quote outrageous things that were said. they save us the time and the waste of time that we would have to go through in watching this dreck in the 1st place. so what, what it is is it's one insane thing after another. what did joy be harshly? what did a range dollars? it who was fired from cnn. next is this news. i mean,
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this is like one big blooper reel. this isn't the way it was intended. you know, in my generation, we had cronkite, and you mentioned that today. i don't think anybody understands it. i mean cronkite, robert trout, douglas edwards. i mean it was just what merle, it was so rude, feared these people were stentorian. they were academics everything. walter cronkite was responsible basically for the end of the vietnam war with one common dairy. linda johnson, if i've lost cronkite, i've was middle america today. who is it? joy bay hor the cnn. i don't even know it's it's, it's beyond. but it truly isn't. like you said, is it new? you would think that that would be the biggest question that they would be asking themselves right now. legal and media analysts line all. thank you so much for your
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time and insight. thank you. i witnesses have been sharing images of a massive fire and goal thing. a shopping mall in the central russian city of around 30, around 80 firefighters and 30 units of equipment have responded to battle the blaze . according to the local emergency service. everyone was evacuated from the structure. currently, the buyer is under control and there are no reports of any injuries as of yet the belgium will not agree to a price cap on russian gas. that's according to the countries energy minister who says that the you proposals are purely political. our intention, 1st and foremost, is to bring prices down, a cap on only russian gas is purely political. i don't see the added value in that . we will not agree to this european union energy ministers are meeting today in
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prague where 70000 or so protesters came out against european energy sanctions and rising cost just a few days ago. all focuses on the blocks energy, price and supply problem. earlier this week, european commission, president ursula vander line later, a plan for the block to make it through the winter now that it sanctioned so much of its own energy supply, that its reeking far more havoc on the e. u, than on russia. van der line called for a price cap on russian pipeline gas to quote, cut rushes revenues. thinking that it would prevent russia from pursuing its objectives in the ukraine conflict, which should blow up in the use face about as well as its other virtue, signaling and manipulation attempts have if it ever decides to implement that price cap. vondell line also said that a price cap on all important gas from russia, including non pipeline liquefied natural gas is currently being studied,
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but not on the table. belgium is one of at least 10 you countries that wants to take that idea even further with a price cap on l n g imported from all suppliers. and not just singling out russia politically, as you mentioned in the initial clip. so basically, now that the u has made a total mess of its energy market, some block officials believe that they should be demand discounts. it's a bit like walking into a store and demanding to get things for a lower price than everyone else who comes into the store, just because you mismatched your own finances. it's hard to imagine the u. s. a major supplier of l n. g agreeing to provide it to the you at whatever price the e chooses. what happened to this whole price cap idea being about denying putin revenues? now these politicians are basically admitting that it's just about saving themselves
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from the mess that they've made of their formerly free market by considering it for all countries. now the eas sanctions policy has been a bit like when you try to cut your own hair, you know, you give it a for shot, it comes a little bit crooked out, you realize you messed up. so you cut it the other way. it's still crooked. it's even worse, it's getting shorter ensure you cut more and more, some point, maybe you realize that what you really should have done is just stop and think before doing any more damage. let's just say that wagner, lion seems to be finding it hard to put down those scissors. some germans aren't happy about the proposed e u price cap. either my colleague, nicky aaron discussed the controversy earlier with the german opposition politician ralph nea meyer, who says the u. s. is trying to use berlin against his own european allies. well, i think germany is not suffering enough to stand up against the americans who dictate us festival, not to not stream to pipeline which mr. miller just confirm to me is ready and he
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just needed to press a button. so he would have enough gas and we wouldn't have to negotiate any price caps to secure supply at a reasonable cost like we used to have. so i think germany is being used as a weapon against the european union. let's put it that way. if we, if we want to look at it from, from both sides now the war in the ukraine, which we call a war, what others would call operation. but we call it a one less than europe and we, we see it more than now we have the was that the americans fight in ukraine? not so much against the russians, probably, but rather against the european economies. and as a tool they use germany for that, i wonder how far the public will have to go. governments to, to take notice of how they feel your pain produces, they've called for immediate action as the energy crisis that can have the industry . what are the possible consequences if an adequate solution is not found?
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well, i think we can only talk to the russian government. i mean, we have to come together, talk about it, and find a solution. what if the price can impose on old gas imports to europe, but he will actually benefit? will it be the ordinary people that needed the most? well, i don't dutch, i don't, don't, the ordinary paper citizens will. and anybody benefit here? well, industries will probably be saved. that of course is already good, but we know the german government has agreed to i 65000000000. you are a relief package to help households out during this difficult time, but is money the solution here? the festival, not because it will increase inflation. if you print more money. i mean, anybody who started to columbus would understand that. so it's, it's a desperate move to pacified paper, not to take it through the streets. and maybe some people will get 1000 zeros and the end of the year and, and say well ok, but this is not a solution. and a long term of course, one has to think about the economy as
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a whole. and then you have to have a balance and the, the balance is simply not ever, and we don't have energy. north korea has established a new law saying it has a right to conduct a preemptive nuclear strike. if it's national security is under threat. the legislation also declares the country a nuclear power and will not engage in disarmament talks. then move comes as washington claims that north korea is set to resume nuclear testing for the 1st time since 2017 historic summit were held with then us president donald trump and other world leaders in 2018. but the talks ultimately failed to persuade p young yang to bandon it's nuclear arms development program can do so. senior fellow at the beijing base pan goal institution says north korean d nuclear as ation is unrealistic. north korea is a nucleus. this whether you,
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you, you basically claim it or not. it is a new day and you treated as a, let's be realistic, creamy, a lot effort. and why do you, you could live the pen, you know, the, prospective korea. well that's, that's realistic. you know, given what happened to lee be what happened to, to walk leadership over there. i think you have to ship that you fully aware of the danger of giving nuclear weapons completely. so that would be just impossible for them to abandon the nuclear weapons. now that made it clear that you know what we leave off as we are here and know more about the nuclear. this is the response to the finish de la steel door to make it feel between united states and the south korea year. fallen off korea that that's
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a threat. and that, that's very provoking. while north korean nuclear missile tests remain a possible threat, it's still unclear which country provided the necessary equipment to young young to begin its atomic weapons program. there are numerous reports that it was ukraine with his inherited soviet nuclear capabilities that provided the technology our guess, gave us his thoughts on this matter earlier. probably we don't know for sure, but the, the possibility doesn't exist. because we know with a cap of the former soviet union, ukraine, important member of the former soviet union, the nuclear weapons, and all the other technologies that are about them. we know there's the corruption issue that can be controlled by
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a few only got over there. but now because of the ukraine complex all the way media present, the crim as a, as a clean as a space and the way the corruption, there's event that like any or parties though, and people can say no, here is the price. and what i want event is illegal is, and the grand, they've all been forwarding and the reporting. and that the, and probably plans whether the lack of knowledge are completely understanding of what really happened between the rate and the ukrainian. or if you can use another copy, that's all for now. be sure to check out our t dot com for the latest news and updates. we'll see you right back here again at the top of the next hour. ah
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ah ah ah. ah as winter draws near in temperatures, drop europe finds itself to be very vulnerable. rejection of brushing energy is not only slowing europe's economy, but also bringing on a recession. what's worse?
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europe's economic woes for self inflicted is europe attempting suicide? with back in 2014, citing the military danger, the ukrainian authorities ordered the evacuation of old children who had lost their parents in don bass. this is denise from god or not, should you kimberly mccoy at on that them i. e una. what if girl or boy's sicilian? you middle meliss yet, donna detain them about my bag. do you ayana's or inca children's ombudsman in the new guns people's republic is investigating cases of
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missing children. so she is permanent love with isn't that there is to him just had brought a bianca should i think it yesterday for pitching out, are you to look at ash cooling or not? then just give them i don't really don't put the label on your little guns, canada's public, you ditty dahlia. a family and my have a shell as well. guns collateral net is public on. i mean, school bush peter, go wouldn't let. there was a note for cindy should give the liberty sheba gate. yes. she wouldn't. a girl nap problema was night. scottsdale actually breaking? did you getting enough which actually i knew up she 2022. so a repeat with children. once again, being evacuated from territories controlled by cave grain up with her. so political, did you thought here? if not, since you got a book here or you'll know what i believe it even up it's come to.


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