tv News RT September 11, 2022 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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a business with a girl who's with russia, orders a regroup, is also for the northern front lines in ukraine to reinforce is intentionally the next region also in the story was the week with sitting a price cap on russian resources is an absolutely stupid idea. if political decisions are made and they go against contracts, then we will simply not fulfill them. we will not supply anything if it's against our interest of the decision of g 7 countries to
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put a price cap on russian fuel important and lamed, western elite for the global energy. quite a thousands of factors. i take that to the street again, supporting out of prime minister among con this as he calls for the country to be ready to change the destiny of his teacher. a queen elizabeth. the 2nd, the longest road in monona died at age 9670 old range from britain grand colonial era to much different role in now. it now has on the with good morning. good afternoon. good evening. wherever you are in the world, welcome to r t blue cross you live for moscow. i'm right to my, let's take a look at the top. so it's from last week. and the late just news will begin with
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the latest developments from the conflicts and ukraine. this weekend, as keith says, it has a vase in the northern parts of the front line in the heart of region, while russia analysis regrouping its troops and equipment from there to don't boss over the last 3 days. the map shows that the most recent changes on the battle feed russian measure forces were redeployed away from the area you see now we saw in test puzzles with ukraine. troops engaged in a counter offensive russian defense minutes. he says that these have been moved to the south to reinforce the operation in the region. all these correspondent roman casa rev, was there and sent us this report. well, after a relative, a silence over the last 3 days, both of from the ukrainian and russian defense ministry we are are finally hearing
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of from the latter. so in his statement said that during this operation i was carried out of the last 3 days and number of distraction and decoy activities that were carried out by a russian troops at the same time. they used real of firepower against ukrainian military. and in order to prevent damage and destruction to the russian troops, they used to aviation artillery fire and missile her troops as well. and now are kind of shank off from the defense ministry of russia also added that over 2000 to ukrainian fighters and foreign mercenaries had also been killed during this operation. also, there was quite a lot of destruction to the equipment of the crane and military, including armored vehicles and artillery as well. but meanwhile, the news for the next that the russian military is move in here is what,
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what is comforting to the local residence as well. and i have a proof to that effect as well. because over the last few days, i have been traveling around said that the nest people's republic, and indeed i have seen with my own eyes, a lot of you, russian and military equipments around the republic. and the reason why this jesus comforting to the next president's is because civilians here continued to be killed by ukrainian artillery on a daily basis. now we have reported about civilian deaths just the other day. and this saturday in the morning, we already have reports of at least 4 civilians who were killed by ukrainian artillery. and at least as 7 people that have been wounded. their mind, you are, these reports are at daily affair for the next president's and they're probably going to lead this ease of more arrival of the russian troops with comfort. and
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hopefully, artillery shelling by ukrainian military of the city of the nest will finally stop . early on friday night, he craned troops of scented infiltrate and go dar city in the russian control part of that rosier region. according to local officials report say the 15 bows at 10 to the river landing only to be pushed back by artillery. it was the 3rd ukrainian attempt this month to gain a foothold the russian defense murphy says. the goal was to capture a nearby nuclear power plant. meanwhile, thirty's in an o goldar se alexis, the supplies have been cut off due to damage from ukrainian auxilary of tax. this, as a drone strike was reported on thursday, on the city's main administrative building. the u. a v. used in the attack is said to have been carrying an improvised explosive device which designated on the roof
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of the building. the un secretary general has demanded that russian and euclidean forces agree on a deem it done to ensure the safety of the zap rozier nuclear plants. his speech to the un security council came off of the i. e, a release if a port following him visit wine specs as a site last week. the nuclear watchdog remain neutral and do not blame either side for the security situation at the plus the i. e, a safety standards and nuclear security guidance, establish the principles, requirements and recommendations for nuclear safety and security that are to be applied to protect people in the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. the i. e. a safety standards and nuclear security guidance outlines the next steps, including the urgent establishment of a nuclear safety and security protection zone was with perhaps if the document was
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devoted exclusively to the results of your trip to this approach, a nuclear power plant, your conclusions could be clearer and more unambiguous, we regret that in your report of the implementation of international atomic energy agency, safeguards in ukraine for the period from april to september of this year. the source of the sheylan is not directly indicated you can, you know, one is almost meanwhile, on the southern part of the front lines, moscow says it repelled declared he attacks the nikolai of and has on regions this week. ukraine, special fulls of however, say the offensive, there was aimed to distract russia from the offensive in harkell region on season. rud garcia has been on the ground and has on visiting cambridge that has been shelved using the american high mas rocket system. and he brings us this report. ukrainian, the high mas multiple rocket launcher system, alludes on a bridge and here san hughley bridge in the vicinity, across the vos river,
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near part of the american supplied rockets barely missed a ferry packed with civilians who to film the impacts. lease is santana, sky bridge. we have a 15 minute window. that was easy or was, is it? we have a 15 minute window to fill the consequences in the aftermath of ukrainian shelling will rocket attacks on the bridge. here is what they look like. american american miss hanson would have targeted the bridge winners every day for 4 weeks now we're close. aah! to the him, son, side of the bridge. on the other end towards the middle of the bridge, the destruction these much west civilian vehicles are no longer able to cross it.
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but again, as i said, there's only a short window. we've been told by troops that we have. they have detected new launches. as of now, but this means that the cities in effect power lies than the people here who want to leave the safe. a passion for russian control territory with hospitals that are fully stocked with medicines are unable to do so because of the garbage rather than civilian infrastructure by ukrainian troops. only a fraction of the rockets each one costing american taxpayers a $150000.00, reach the bridge russian air defenses. see them coming from afar and shoot moves down. they also warn the locals as an ambulance then case someone in this, in this kilometers long q feels really feels ill because it is incredibly long when people come my truck or day for their time to cross the river. for whatever reason,
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these things cross fool ukraine has now launched hundreds of high miles rockets at the untaught of ski bridge. yet it still stands over have achieved his to cause great pain for civilian logistics. food and medicine. deliveries to a city of 300000. have been greatly complicated, that isn't all that they target. apartment blocks houses. hotels have also been struck by ukrainian artillery in recent weeks. yet they have not broken the city shops and businesses brave the bombardments and people out in their thousands enjoying the early autumn weather. here san, just like the untaught of sky bridge, remains and bowed. more ad gazda of 40 from gibson, southern ukraine. according to
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a recent report from the telegraph, the plan of an oil twice cap has been sidelined with some gum less concerned russian present than it was in may cut europe off from russian gas completely. this comes as after the russian leaders slammed the g seven's proposal to apply a price cap on moscow's ex wars doors to shows priest with the current situation on european markets is a direct result of the work of the u commission and their so called experts. we warn them against doing so, but no, they basically coerced us to link our gas sales to the spot market. we were not the ones who wanted this. this was forced upon us. everything will come back just like a boomerang, and they're sitting a price cap on russian resources is an absolutely stupid idea. if someone tries to implement this, so it will not lead to anything's good for those who make this decision. if political decisions are made and they go against contracts,
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and we will simply not fulfill them, but we will not supply anything if it's against our interest. st. no gas, no coils, no coal, no fuel at all, but we will fully comply with our contract obligations. you said the particular you'd mentioned earlier this month of the group of g 7 countries, laws the plan to implement a maximum price paid for russian oil. and it's to rid of it if products. the idea is designed to reduce criminals ability to fund the, the conflict and ukraine without further stoking global invasion. the crude cap is to be applied from to some of the 5th and for refine products from february the 5th . next year. again, the russian president hit back at the proposal saying g 7 countries are only shooting themselves in the foot theater lanyard western to lead to make reckless decisions that contradict the interests of their country's peoples and their own citizens. the quality of life of people in the you is being fed to the fires of
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sanctions, of the sacrifice for the sake of preserving a u. s. dictatorship. this situation has been brought about by the reckless moves of the u. s. u k. and that you who are obsessed with illusionary political ideas and they pushed their own citizens and people outside the so called golden billy. and the valise into the background to this will inevitably lead western countries to a dead end of economic and social crisis. and it will create unpredictable consequences for the whole world. meanwhile, the energy situation within the block is already boiling over. as mass protests have erupted in many european states as citizens of blame, their governments economy fall out from the sanctions against russia. this comes as the check prime, as, as plain russian propaganda and disinformation campaigns of behind the demonstrations. besides process in germany, the czech republic and others citizens in france are also processing 3 row for the
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invasion. the in a vest movement have taken to the suits of paris. they would be in see they've been seen setting bins on fire and the damaging st infrastructure. several arrests were made with 40 people the surrounded by and key white police officers like zig and berlin. the have seen the 1st round of planned monday protests against soaring energy bills, organized by the germ is left party artists vote the some of the protesters at the event naturalist there. so it would be good for us if not stream one and 2 open and even during the cold were who supplies with guess. but not at the moment. at the end of the day have to realize that this is what they actually wanted. and now they're complaining that this is how t's t cur, the war has long been in preparation with the whole eastward expansion of nato that
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has been forced on the russians north stream to should start operating the energy policies completely wrong. why are we fighting each other? this is total nonsense. boy, i think we all want high think to leave nato. that is my motivation that i actually thought today we should see union. what would the we see instead? dozens of protesters burn gas and electricity bills in the center of naples on friday to protest against rising food and energy prices. never say it is mainly belong to the 7th of november and the unemployment peoples, campion movers, one roads, us as an outside event quote of the distance between politics and the people have become evidence they gathered in front of the central post office and later marched towards the town hall them and say it is a declare that they don't intend to pay for the costs of the pandemic and re arming
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the country. said the, on a shuffle thong finished, it arises from frustration, felt by a group of unemployed people known as the 7th of november movement, which is always struck of a stable, secure jobs and for guarantees ensuring social benefits for the jobless. this initiative sends a symbolic message of their uneasiness. we want to sound an alarm so far we've seen an energy price surge and given the prospect for prices doubling again, it's clear that there is much concern. and given the general inflation, the cost of basic goods of surged as well. this is a huge burden with it. here, nobody will be able to solve the problems of the unemployed and of the workers which pay the bills, but the unemployed and the working people themselves. they left alone to pay the price for a crisis which they didn't create. we have to turn this page or a message says that we don't deceive ourselves, that a possible power change on the 25th of september will make a difference. there is an awareness that their situation emerge as the consequence
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of political choices made in recent decades. in particular, in regards to the decision to privatize the energy sector and policy decisions surrounding the ongoing war. 52, i mean by this, the latest decision to join those who have been sending weapons to ukraine, who upholding the interests of the minority rather than of the living conditions of millions of italian workers. thousands of evil took the seeds in support of former prime method, wrong con, who is currently facing contempt of court charges. despite his statement that he will accept a decision of the court kong gave a fiery speech calling on his fellow countryman to rally behind him. oh, i am announcing to all my party members in the country get ready because there will be my final call, which will change the destiny of our country. i have seen all pakistan. these are ready for that final protest call. are you good? you're in walla. packets on has been in
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a state of political turbulence. the months as the popular prime minister was removed from power through a vote of no confidence. he claimed that the u. s. was involved in his regime change. fowls of packers eyes continued to support him as drive with them of faces . on sunday, a local correspondent bought us more details from con speech in their support. here in finance, we'd form a prime to study a message for beth a. this was the last of that cbs optima for a cross country that he's there. finally decided to mobilize the masses at the gospel play 1 o'clock is fine. i don't think they do. they got a
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gun, b, a, me, his performers in big armored with the, god forbid, i said the odd price is a, is going to be as measured presently, the audio which says that focused on following the study, like a warning light on a couple things. this important garmin because he says you will be responsive when is focused on friends and fog sunday party. why hassan is, i did call a b, b a r
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medical a . so we didn't know before. we thought that the american block was in our favor for us to visit in russia in ron, explain to us that russia is much better for us. first of all, russia is in our region, and secondly, prison put this offer is good for us while the americans have given nothing to us in the last 50 years. what marco found him, ron khan, is brave and loyal to his country when he was in power, he was with us and when he was ousted, he never left the country. and i would add that friends to americans are traitors to this country in the heal. i need my next generation not to be slaves like i was, i am here for my children. i want live like a free man and not a slave. in addition to his political term,
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all pacifies our overwhelmed blan environmental disaster. as the country face deadly floods that have affected some 33000000 people, leaving more than 1300 dead. i'm booty nitty 500 children entire yields of crops, of in the disseminated and washed away, full seeing farmers to wonder how they can survive the current twice. chronic my mother, my, when i got out they do have yellow plus a lay. the field is filled with water and the crops are completely destroyed. april upon nothing is left in our district. everything is wiped out. and what a life i select our crops are wiped out because of the flood. we are just for laborers and how will we manage to survive? we earn by growing crops, but they are destroyed. now, judge i as are your person who will come here to save our lives. why should we go have children please kindly help us, but generally not. they are oh. queen elizabeth,
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the seconds eldest son has been officially proclaimed king charles the 3rd at $873.00. he is the oldest person ever to assume the british throne. he was officially claimed the head of saint during a historic ceremony dating back centuries, half guns saluted the session while a band at some of james's palace played the national anthem. and charles held his 1st audience with the case. new prime minister list trust made his 1st televised address on friday. all of this comes after charles is mother queen elizabeth the 2nd passed away on thursday. at the age of $9600.00 is poured in from around the world. as news of the queen's death stood mixed emotions in the former british territory of cameroon. locals complained that the late leader should have them more to address the ongoing civil war in the country. even look at a crisis though, we have to be started when she was queen. um,
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what happens during the eclipse city? $96.00 to $1.00. i'm offered us dollars, that's the expected her to at least do things to read without younger force will actually address from autonomy. the may, so for o'kelly's bed is enough to tell the world and nobody leaves forever. this is all indicator of the fact that the coronet era has come and gone. and anybody, somebody actually we of inherited language from such a person from social country, hadn't really to see seeing these different crises for 5 years. nothing to talk about. glasses and cameras started to protest against the francophone majority in the government leading to an on conflict which has been ongoing since 2017 angler firms step of this grips now wish to gain independence from french cameroon. after will will one. the region has been split between britain and france, but in 1961,
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cameron became independent. and now the english speaking populace considers the francophone majority to be prejudiced against their civil rights. meanwhile, has been surprised by some africans at a, b, c. as a b c report, showing the history of queen elizabeth relationships with the continent claiming they were, quote, positive and long standing. somebody is expressed a much different view, at least that's before the outlet shut down. the common section on the post we spoke earlier with an international policy consultant who says, african countries have to fight for their independence in the british. and the it's funny and british sure. i mean, if you look at it in 2 arguments, and it's where many points, definitive,
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a low rate that a lot of african countries got their dependence and their understand that a lot of the need to go and use them and imperialistic weight had been reduced. and now the bigger than that happens, well, it was parcel back and you look at it 119, which mean one of the 1st african country of the british colony. and then she was empire. so it's not fair to say that the origin was african then the subjugated door of preston on the margin. and that for the well, over now the shows that check out the all c dot com for all the latest breaking news and updates will see though, right back here at the top of the l. o
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. ah craig, well, never be a victory for russia. ukraine war is a proxy war. this is a war between russia and the united states. as amman are made, it comes to last should kick in carbon dioxide. america forces are, and you're not in your gage, in conflict with russian forces. the american forces are headed at fat nato allies . nato escalates even more indiscretion. military opperation become a war door when you put the l sips of girls that never show another 1000 is my idea that i see your to us. thank you. costliest. discuss what i'm here with. so you sleep, he should weakened. he stops in a bill for me to my prisoners. will. he needs almost them. let's you and you only
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distort finished entering a sewer near us. he cooked the coat. ha, february 2007. that amy of hooton's munich speech is a milestone in contemporary history. many consider his famous address of the security conference to be a turning point in relations between the moscow. on the west with president putin spoke about major geopolitical issues in no uncertain terms and harshly criticized the unipolar world model, u. s. foreign policy and unjustified use of force against other states that says, notice go to shooting it. me me, it. michel, what national wondering you that say? so my only answer hillock of is between your bizarre bus, mr. or you were now about it at the shooter. you know, what? i, what pseudo issue, fucked up. can you say she wouldn't they, even though there you do you want us? yes. pretty video. what our at could i am. those prices are difficult. it's not
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a shitty and you're still still esteem is. if you need me to read, noel is opening it, but it's not in yet post arrows postcard but shops go with a go brother. do. in georgia, the western sponsored my dan to an vision to pull those countries into nato. it old cause. it's a new conflicts and the profound global security crisis goes numerous attempts to negotiate the rules of the game in europe futile human on the card that america, latoya gray, lex fuel door of my gym needed couldn't, couldn't be to school much just couldn't. i didn't use the buck, ma'am, the truck games him nuts at the moment to put the most of the units hit in the bullet, you know 60 percent of the week of the list. that was thinking. yeah. so i see if i'm a big deal, that would be good. i'm a to control it says i didn't want to run a delay. see like bo greiner could, isn't it mute? so why should do the she j was your point problem. it could move america,
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but i think in the come on you can use this as a sale of work for me. i even in the utility at the cool when the british go pretty well. yes. and let's see, you finish the, the one from dental claims quarters. i'm a fuel the united states ad for many years now provided in the area between a $1300000000.00 worth of lethal and non lethal military assistance to ukraine per year. some were some misconduct case, q mosquitoes in her dose, was to run the show. okay. in the case push this using show coming up with a lot of cyclical. charlotte may yeah. with us completely good food get we shouldn't a sense of what was done. can i point, but if, if you stick to short, it's a discussion messages with bullish to we've got to if you need to consider what actual with me should be willing to submit a culture ordering merchandise i'm up emotionally. so if you keep your kids there,
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cool, what order can share it, i'm sponsoring. but if there are no for the leaning, the stumps and notes and these girls were sitting ordering sure you're supposed to be me and i missed with what we're seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg. the logical outcome of washington's e is mon and consistent policy. ukraine was chosen as a native bridgehead near russia's borders back in the mid 19 ninety's. when the country started its nato integration. i was in 2008, when george w bush said he was, did you trade in a ga to be a fast track than to nato? that the venue as ambassador to russia, william burns, who's now the head of the cia sent back a memo to wash, has been titled me yet means in the yet don't cross russia red lines when it comes to ukraine. joining nato, we see when you meet my tree lane not done by she located.
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