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tv   News  RT  September 11, 2022 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] ah ah rush, so it is a regrouping of its full sins for the northern front lines and you claim to reinforce it, showing the region also in the shape of the week. the shirts, but who are sitting a price cap on russian resources is an absolutely stupid idea. if political decisions are made and they go against contracts, then we will simply not fulfill them. we will not supply anything if it's against our interest and slammed the decision of g 7 countries to put the price
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cap on russian field in port blamed western leads for the global crisis. thousands of packets i again take to the street in support of our prime minister. wrong. com this is he called for the country to be ready to change. is it a 2nd the longest routing? why not size $896.00, a 70 year range by britain grant, colonial era. the much different role now has on the world stage. a broadcasting live from las go, i'm right, i'm, i'll be in today. we'll be looking at the top stories from last week and the latest news good to have you with us. we begin with a that i just development for the conflict in ukraine this weekend is russia,
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and now it has transferred his troops and equipment from the hong kong region to don bass of the last 3 days. while he says it has a bombs in the northern part of the region, and we've taken the territory left behind by russian forces. this masses of the most recent changes on the battlefield, russian forces were redeployed away from the area you see now which still intense puzzles with the cleaning troops engaged in a counter offensive. the russian defense murphy says these ships have been moved to the south to reinforce operations, the donica region. it has just added that ukraine full has continued to suffer heavy losses on 2 fronts of his counter offensive. with over 4000 kil, and 8000 injured over the last 5 days. as good more insight from our senior correspondent, mariah garcia, who is with
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a russian forces on the southern form. murat, what are the latest updates from the russian ministry defense? oh, here in here. so for example, the russian military of defense has proclaimed huge casualties for ukrainian forces which have beat on the attack here in san region of ukraine in the southern, in the south of ukraine bordering the black. she, we're talking about thousands, thousands of thousands of troops killed during repeated attempts to assault russia . the hell towns here in kennesaw region, again, thousands of uh, thousands of soldiers injured as well. we have seen a huge are almost traffic jams of, of ambulances streaming towards. and through various ukrainian cities ferrying the wounded, ukrainian soldiers who were casualties of the fighting here. the endless assault
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across the frontline though very little of strategic or indeed tactical value was achieved here by you created forces on across the fraud blood. several villages take it a half dozen small settlements, but that seats for the loss. huge amounts of men, manpower, and materials which includes vehicles, a don supplied by western countries. as for thank of region there. ukrainian forces have experienced much more success than on the he had a son fraud there. they have taken dozens and dozens of villagers off to russian forces, elected to withdraw, to reposition across the or school river to the other side. and to build new fortifications. new defensive lines there, the russian side says that these special operations here, ukraine is being re formatted that russian forces are being re, deployed for
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a different strategy in the dog bass. however, there has been more success for the wagner private military company as well as the nets people's republic forces. luggage, people's republic forces, which keep pushing across the front lights in the dawn bass to free, as they say, to liberate thee than yet people's republic which remains a central priority of the special military operation. nevertheless, as i say, the situation is developing rapidly. there are, there are converts kilometer long got voice of civilians desperately fleeing from from assaulting from attacking ukrainian troops. many of them fear reprisals, reprisals for, for living under russians for, for collaboration as to the ukrainians cooler than they are off to everyone, including even school teachers, which dared to teach in russian and schools that were liberated by russian forces and schools at towns and city sorry,
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that we're liberated by russian forces. if they're good, are europe's largest nuclear power station has been taken offline because of the ceaseless bombardment against the reactor complex by ukrainian artillery and rocket forces. the reactor is doubt offline and its future is, is very difficult to determine at this point. i say safe out there. i appreciate the updates. that was our senior correspond right. garcia out there. ok . now, early on friday night, you 20 inches attempted to infiltrate, and god does city in the russian control part of zap rosier region. according to local, officious officials report say the 15 bows attempted a river landing only to be pushed back by artillery. it was the 3rd ukrainian attempt this month to gain foot hold there the russian defense as he says,
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the goal was to capture the nearby nuclear power plants. meanwhile thursdays in and i've got our se supplies have been cut off due to the damage from ukraine up to the rear tax. this as a drill strike was reported on thursday, on the city's main administrative building. the u. a v use in the fact is said to have been carrying an improvised explosive device which designated on the roof of the building the you and it says, the general has demanded that russian al ukrainian false is agree on a demon fraser to ensure the safety of the zap rosier, rosier nuclear plant. his speech for the un security council came off of the i. e. a release is the port following a visit by inspectors to the site last week. the nuclear want, so remain neutral and did not blame either side. for the security situation,
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i've unplugged the i e, a safety standards and nuclear security guidance, establish the principles requirements and recommendations for nuclear safety and security that are to be applied to protect people in the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. the i. e. a safety standards and nuclear security guidance outlines the next steps, including the urgent establishment of nuclear safety and security protection zone was with perhaps if the document was devoted exclusively to the results of your trip to this approach, a nuclear power plant, your conclusions could be clearer and more unambiguous. we regret that in your report of the implementation of international atomic energy agency, safeguards in ukraine for the period from april to september of this year. the source of the shell is not directly indicated you may, while decimals has have limited to sabotage booth pine toes effects in residential areas in dumbass, aussies,
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roman cassandra has the story. this. the operation began on the 26th of august, when done as malicious, recognizance platoon intercepted and liquidated a ukrainian special forces units near girl of cup. among the members of this subversive group was a high ranking ukrainian nationalist. but just love, much live zippy, to reconnaissance, commander of the 5th regiment of the presidential 1st brigade. the footage from his own body camera and other evidence pointed to the fact that ukraine is sending another subversive group to the area where mister boy, 3 corpses of ukrainian troops were found at the site of the battle. one of them had an explosive compound equivalent in power to 5 kilograms of t and t, according to the intelligence services of the de nest people's republic, her peoples, a militia here, it don't boss, have completed
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a 2 week operation and destroyed to 2 groups of us special forces of ukraine. how are planning terrorist acts on the territory of the de nest people's republic? right now, i will speak to the commander, offer local reconnaissance unit who have been active in liquidating this group and say he will show me what these special forces of ukraine have been caught with dunlab mythical. such devices are used for conducting demolitions blowing up bridges. vehicles and even people from the item was found in the backpack of the ukrainian soldier identified as met via we can assume that civilians probably would have suffered from this as there were residential areas and infrastructure within the vicinity. a simple internet sir, search will show you that these kinds of plastic explosive devices are
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usually used by civil engineers. and they're not used in that's what was the goal of that ukrainian group. it's hard to tell right now because they have all been liquidated. according to local authorities, but all these things that they show to the water specialist, they were trying to create their versions. and possibly, terrorist acts that could have resulted in the deaths of many, many people remark offer have already done at the people's republic. according to a recent report from the telegraph of the plans for an oil price, cat has been sidelined with some governments can send russian prison when a person may cut you off from russian gas completely. this comes off of the russian leader slammed the g service proposal to apply a price cap on moscow's expos. justice issues for his with the current situation on european markets, is
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a direct result of the work of the u commission and their so called experts. we warned them against doing so, but no, they basically coerced us to link our gas sales to the spot market. we were not the ones who wanted this. this was forced upon us. everything will come back just like a boomerang sitting a price cap on russian resources is an absolutely stupid idea. if someone tries to implement this, it will not lead to anything good for those who make this decision. if political decisions are made and they go against contracts, then we will simply not fulfill them. we will not supply anything if it's against our interests. no gas, no coil, no coal, no fuel at all, but we will fully comply with our contract obligations if it the way it is. martha rella, g 7 countries laws. the plan to implement the maximum price paid for russian oil. and it's the rivets have products. the idea is designed to reduce crumbs ability to
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fund the conflicts in ukraine without further stoking global inflation. the current cap is to be applied from december, the 5th and for reform for us on february, the 5th next year. again, the russian prison hit back at the proposing g. 7 countries are only shooting themselves, the furs, theater, lanyard western, the leads to make reckless decisions that contradict the interests of their countries, peoples, and their own citizens. the quality of life of people in the e. u is being fed to the fires of sanctions, the sacrifice for the sake of preserving a u. s. dictatorship. this situation has been brought about by the reckless moves of the u. s. u k. and that you who are obsessed with illusionary political ideas. and they pushed their own citizens and people outside the so called golden billy, in the beliefs into the background to this will inevitably lead western countries to a dead end of economic and social crisis. and it will create unpredictable consequences
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for the whole world. meanwhile, the energy situation within the block is already boiling over mass protests of erupt in many european states as citizens. blame that governments for the economic fallout from the sanctions against russia. this comes as the check prime minister claimed russian propaganda and this information campaigns of behind the demonstrations offering citizens were among the latest to voice their concerns. thousands rallied in vienna against soaring energy prices, and inflation. protests is also demanded the lifting of anti russian sanctions and the note seemed to gas pipeline activists on social media claim. the process is not covered enough by european mass media besides demonstrations in our fear, germany and the tank republic and other countries,
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citizens and france, are also processing, skyrocketing inflation. the yellow vest movement have taken to the seas of paris. they were seen setting bins on fire and damaging st info. furniture. several rest were made of 40 people was surrounded by white police officers. ah, my, this cross live now over to sit here for speak to associate professor mark humphrey . mark vancoogerin is here in nazi now. we know we talked here about these talks about these us sanctions that have been so impose a price cap on russian oil. but how's that affecting the market a bit slow? are they responding to it? well firstly, thanks for having me. it's great being with you. and in terms of the, in terms of the markets, they have been very volatile, but they've been less volatile than you might initially expect. and that's in large
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part because people unnecessarily show that the price caps will even work or even come into effect. so across many of the european union countries, the isn't a consensus about even imposing a price cup, so hungry in austria for vakio, a very much against a gas price cap and an oil price cap. while that a piece have slightly broader support is non highly cli had that would work. so the g 7 might want that china and india aren't on board, and it is even clear that would be effective. so there has been quite a bit of volatility. and in partners volatility is due to what's happening, the c b, it isn't really as volatile as one would initially, the, even the lack of belief that it would really be that effective. all right. now we know that the oil prices will go up and down over the last little months, and of course the output is different until they come. so we'll, but our markets on foreseeing in the future that they could be serious problems now
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with winter looming, literally just around the corner. laughing to see a way i would have been like in, in australia. i mean, you go into a some analysis going to be a slightly different, but always looking that may perhaps europe will stand up or maybe have to fight against the need for for heat. yeah, absolutely. europe's going to have some significant issues going into winter. so european gas prices in general terms of being increased, but energy prices more generally have potentially in skyrocketing in many countries . so before these trust came in, the energy tariff on energy in the us in the u. k. was going to see energy prices increase, run 80 percent. so the average home is going to have spread around $3500.00 pounds per year on energy. the least trust came with a proposal to cap that at 2500 pounds. it was going to be funded by a $150000000000.00 of government expenditure, but the government was going to subsidize energy providers to provide subsidized
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energy to consumers. and we're seeing this across europe. there are multiple different proposals to leave energy price concerns. so could you k one there in other locations like germany and france, they just bring in price caps, surprises, forcing france rather is forcing $1.00 of their energy providers just where the loss of their price cap leading toward government subsidy is required for these energy providers. ad or potential nationalization. so many of the european countries are facing significant concerts. this is led towards a couple of proposals. so seen the gas price cap proposal come in, which is unlikely to only get through the ego because we need all of the e u countries to agree upon a gas price cap. additionally, you're seeing proposals for ellen, g exports will inputs rather to have a cap imposed upon them, which is extremely unlikely to be successful. but within those elegy imports, we just dry up because they'll go elsewhere. and then we seen proposal for super profits taxes, particularly on renewables, which will be self defeating because then you won't get the supply renewables
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coming to the market because not as credible renewables, window, zebra profits tax. so seeing various measures being proposed, they're not all necessarily going to actually achieve the purpose of relieving the concerns with facing over the a you definitely does have a problem on its hands are excellent. mark humphreys, as a professor 5. thank you so much for joining me. on arte banks, right, you ah, my thousands of people sent to the seas in support, a former prime minister among khan, who is currently facing contempt of court charges. despite his statement that he would accept any decision of the con, gave a fiery speech calling on his fellow countryman to rally behind him. i am announcing to all my party members in the country get ready because there will be my final call, which will change the destiny of our country. i have seen all pakistan. these are
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ready for that final protest call. are you good, you're on walla. ferguson has been in a state of political turbans for months, as opposed to par mazda was removed from power through a vote of no confidence in parliament. he claims that the u. s. was involved in his regime change. thousands of parker science continued to support him as evidence by the demonstration on saturday. the local correspondent brought us more details from con speech and this report. i have our primary study mom. i had left a message for bethany and good hi lynette. this was the last dad babies of the month for just a cross country. and he said that finally i decided to mobilize, my says, add the gospel plan when it was park is fine, and the bank allowed to the got
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a hold of me. his performance in the grammar, wendy, god forbid, i said the odd price is a sunday, sunday is going on. he has been served. presently the audio have 2 more weeks. is that focused on this following the study? like i'm a big one. bridge to bug is going to light on with this important government because he said you will be responsive when his focus on friends and fog sunday party. why he's fun. is that because or a b, b,
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a or medical? a i don't, we didn't know before we thought that the american block was in our favor. but after visiting russia in ron, explain to us that russia is much better for us. first of all, russia is in our region, and secondly, prison put this offer is good for us while the americans have given nothing to us in the last 50 years under cameron con, is brave and loyal to his country. when he was in power, he was with us and when he was ousted, he never left the country. and i would add that friends to americans are traitors to this country. when he'll do, i need my next generation not to be slaves like i was, i am here for my children. i want live like a free man and not
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a slave. don't to how many con, foreign affairs i, switzer that despite being ousted emron con, has huge public support and pakistan remains the country's most popular politician . since he's all stayed from the 5 prime mr. house, he's been having so much public support because his negative off american conspiracy behind his toppling his government is very popular in the, in the masses. and they believe that iran han was performing very well in the country and he should have given the full term of 5 years while he'd been ousted much earlier than that. and on the other hand, we have seen that masses are supporting him and there is a lot of pressure on the current government that they should go for the reelection as soon as possible. the reason is that economical situation is very bad, inflation is at the highest in the history of pakistan. on the other hand, a price hike the petroleum prices. so he believes that he,
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if he will come in power this time will over 2 thirds majority, he will be able to change the constitution and make it strengthened more democratic and it will have a great impact that establishment would not be able to interfere any more questions with the 2nd the other son? has it officially proclaimed king charles the 3rd at $833.00 is the oldest person ever seen in the british throne. he was officially proclaimed the head of saint jeron. historic ceremony dating back centuries. guns saluted the ascension and want to ban. as in james, his powers played the national anthem. king childs held his 1st audience with the case new prime minister this trust and made his 1st televised address on friday. all of this comes off, the child is mother quinn, elizabeth the 2nd passed away on thursday. the age of 96 condolences
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pulled in from around the world as news of the cleans destiny mixed emotions in the form of british territory of cameroon vocals complained that the li, this should have done more to address the ongoing civil war in the country. look at a crisis or we have to be such it's when she was quin uh what happened during the eclipse city. messy 6 to one. i'm offered us tools that's the expected her to at least do things to read with. with that, younger force will actually address from autonomy. the demise of kelly's bed is enough to tell the world that nobody leaves forever. this is all indicator of the fact that the coronet era has come and gone. and anybody somebody will actually, we have inherited a language from such a person from such as country, hadn't to see seeing these hitting the crises for 5. he has nothing to talk about the glasses in camera and started with protests against the francophone majority in
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the government meetings and on conflict which has been ongoing since 2017 angler firms separate his groups now wish to gain independence from french cameroon. after world will one, the region had been spent in britain and france, but in 1961, camry became independent. and now the english speaking populace feels their rights are threatened by the fact of a majority may not. while there has been surprised by some africans as a b b. c report, showing the history of queen elizabeth relations with the continent claiming they were, quote, positive and long standing. some readers expressed a much different view before the outlet shut down the comment section on the post. we spoke earlier with an international policy consult and his, his african countries had to fight for their independence. the british
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reach and the british troy. i mean, if you look at the 2 arguments where many points, definitive, the queen, a low rain that a lot of african countries got their independence and their understand that a lot of the new use them and imperialistic ways have been reduced. and now the bigger and then that happens with the parcel of african people and we look at it, we know what i mean when the 1st african country of the british colony and then she was the empire. so it's not fair to say that the radio in africa and then there was some dictated
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door of the margin and they had to fight for the while they're on the top stories for this hour. and the last to me show those check out. i'll see dog calling for more international updates. i'll be back on the hour . more news. so be sure to join us that the oh, the news in release of russian estate marriage. i've gone in the north lansky game for the me to see if that would be the one else, because we will ben in the european union,
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the kremlin machine date on russia to date and r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all band to on youtube with a train will never be a victory for russia. ukraine war is a proxy war. this is a war between russia and the united states. as amman are made, it comes to lawsuit kit. then in carbon dioxide, america forces are and you're not in your engage in conflict with russian forces. the american forces are harrington,
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defend nato allies. nato escalates even more indiscretion. military operations become a war when you put the dell sips of girls that demonstrate that those as much to what i do yet, that i see you have to ask. thank you. costliest, you got what? i mean we have so i you sleep he should me, can you stuff philadelphia committee to a furnace with almost them lets you when you read only this, don't finish that are in your sewerage. no, i see you cooked the cold ha february 2007. that e me of huge in munich speech is a milestone in contemporary history. many consider his famous address of the security conference to be a turning point in relations between the moscow. on the west with president putin spoke about major geopolitical issues in no uncertain terms and harshly criticized the uni, polo world multiple


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