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tv   News  RT  September 11, 2022 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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what did you think it with in the headlines, onasia, international, russia, orders of regrouping, but forces from the northern front lines and ukraine in order to reinforce its troops so intense shutting the door and region also. and the stories are shaped. the weak aeronautics international doors to shows, but who are sitting a price cap on a russian resources is an absolutely stupid idea. is political decisions are made and they go against contracts, then we will simply not fulfill them. we will not supply anything if it's against our interest is the russian president vladimir putin slamming the decision of g 7. countries to put a price cap on russian fuel imports. ultimately,
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man of the day blaming weston. it leaks for the current global energy crisis in thousands of pakistan is again hitting the streets and supportive, alistair prime minister in ron con. it's this study colon for the country to get ready to change its future destiny. and queen elizabeth the 2nd you case, longest ruling monarchs died, the age of 1970 year reign spanning britain's grand colonial era to the much different role that it now has on that hope the will stay with . well, it's a pleasure to have you with us for this. i was addition of the weekly is running down the top stories over the weekend. the main headline. so today we do begin now with the very latest developments from the conflict in ukraine this weekend, as russia analysis, it's transferred troops and equipment from the how to call region to don bass. so
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last 3 days, or kia says it has it boxed in the northern part of the region and re taken the territory left behind by russian forces. well, let's bring up a map for you here. what are you into national? the map showing the most recent changes on the battlefield. russian forces what redeployed away from the area that you can see in the southeast region. you can see the former conflict line, which saw intense battles with ukrainian troops engaged in a big counter offensive. the russian defense ministry says these troops have now been moved to the south to reinforce operations in a don. yes region. it also just added that ukrainian forces continue to suffer very heavy losses on 2 fronts of its counter offensive. well, there's like a rush in air and rocket forces and artillery units are carrying out precision, strikes against regular army and reserve units of the ukrainian military forces in the car of a nikolai of a quiver. rosky regency, in total, over $4000.00 troops of the camp regime have been killed and over
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a 1000 injured on these to france. between september, 6th and 10th, i was having it over now to our senior correspondent. but i got the remaining imbedded with russian forces on the southern front. he sent us this report from the ukrainian a region of harrison. well i here in sarasota, for example, the russian ministry of defense has proclaimed huge casualties for ukrainian forces which have beat on the attack here in kept sun region in the south of ukraine. bordering the black sea. we're talking about thousands, thousands of thousands of troops killed during repeated attempts to assault russia . the hell towns here very little of strategic or indeed tactical value was achieved here by ukrainian forces on across the front blood. several villages take it a half dozen small settlements, but that's it for the loss of huge amounts of men, manpower,
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and materials which includes vehicles, a don supplied by western countries as for athletic of region, their ukrainian forces have experienced much more success than on the he had a son fraud there, they have taken dozens and dozens of villages off the russian forces elected to withdraw, to reposition across the aust. cold river to the other side and to build new fortifications, new defensive lines there. the russian side says that the special operation here, ukraine is being reformatted that russian forces are being re deployed for a different strategy in the dawn bass. however, there has been more success from law that the wagner private military company, as well as that yet people's republic forces look god's people's republic forces, which keep pushing across the front lights in the dawn batt, to free, as they say,
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to liberate the the than yet people's republic, which remains a central priority. meanwhile, this week, all eyes mean on the developments of the nuclear power plant and as upper audi region, which has been on the russian control since early march. the managing company says the facility was shut down overnight and made constant shelling earlier in the nearby city of and out of which is also being targeted. the authorities reported a drone strike on an administrative building, reportedly carried out by ukrainian troops. the drone using the attack is said to have been carrying an improvised explosive device, which as we understand, blew up on the roof of the facility. now this week the he went, secretary general demanded that russian and ukrainian forces agree on a demilitarized zone to ensure the safety of the embattled nuclear plug is police came off, the i a e, a release is report following our recent visit by inspectors to the site however,
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the nuclear watchdog refused to attribute blame for the shelling, even though the shells have been found with, well, nato serial numbers on them. the watched old again refused to attribute blame for any attack on the plant. instead, i guess you could say, agreeing to remain that of neutral the i e, a safety standards and nuclear security guidance, establish the principles, requirements and recommendations for nuclear safety and security that are to be applied to protect people in the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, the i. e, a safety standards and nuclear security guidance outlines the next steps, including the urgent establishment of a nuclear safety and security protection zone. was with perhaps if the document was devoted exclusively to the results of your trip to this approach. a nuclear power plant, your conclusions could be clearer and more unambiguous. we regret so that in your report on the implementation of international atomic energy agency safeguards in
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ukraine for the period from april to september of this year. the source of the shell is not directly indicated to jim slower. okay. the when, while the city of the i ask is seeing shelling on a daily basis, a centrally destroying infrastructure, including water and gas mains just before the week. winter season kicks off. so reporting from the city eighty's roman culture ref. this is just one of many a residential buildings here in da next. that was damaged by ukrainian artillery. that 155 millimeter caliber shell landed right here, right next to the building. by the way, this is, and they to caliber shell that ukrainian nationalists have been using against civilians here in the next. now the damage is not only to residential building, said the next hasn't had any running water in a long time. that's because ukrainian nationalists are also sparkling water pumping stations. they're targeting gas pipelines and electricity lines as well. so the
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people here are truly suffering, not because they're being shelled on a daily basis by ukranian nationalists, but also because that they don't have any the basic necessities such as electricity, water, or gas. was it a vocal or to walk the explosion was in this room near this window. so i had a child sleeping here while i was in another room w, i saw the flames from the corner. sure. i ran into the room to check if the he was alive. you know, there was heavy shelling during the summer fall. the housing was destroyed. a team from moscow came to us, helped to restore the buildings. membership citizens is hooking me to that. i. servicemen of the russian investigative committee inspected the incident. during the inspection, striking elements were found examples, presumably from nato and the source of the explosives are to be found out after an analysis. over the last 24 hours, 6 people were killed and at least 11 were wounded by ukrainian
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artillery. shelley here in the city of the nets, kanza, those numbers are constantly changing and continued to mounds. as a shelling of the city continues as we speak once again we find ourselves vac at the hospital would be hunt come in here on a daily basis in order to speak to the people who were wounded by ukrainian nationalist. right now there are 6 wounded in this hospital alone. unfortunately, we cannot speak to them right now because doctors here are still fighting for their lives from on calls for. have arti done as people's republic? oh, it's good to have your company for this edition of the weekly. let's talk energy. according to a recent report from the telegraph, the plan for an oil price cap has been sidelined and some government's concern. the
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russian president may cut europe off entirely from russian gas. this comes off to the russian leader slammed the g seven's proposal to apply a price cap on moscow to energy exports. yes, but who is the current situation on a european markets is a direct result of the work of the you commission and there are so called experts we warned them against doing so, but no, they basically coerced us to link our gas sales to the spot market we were not the ones who watched this, this was forced upon us. everything will come back just like a movie. film sitting a price cap on a russian resources is an absolutely stupid idea. if someone tries to implement this, it will not lead to anything good for those who make this decision is political decisions are made and they go and cancel the contract, and we will simply not fulfill them. but we will not supply anything if it's against our interests. you know, gas, no oil, no call, no food at all, but we will fully comply with our contract obligations. but if you waited earlier
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this month, the group of g 7 countries devise a plan to implement a maximum price to be paid for russian oil and its derivatives. this idea is designed to reduce the criminal ability to fund the conflict in ukraine without further stoking that of global inflation. of the cap on crude oil prices is to be applied starting december the 5th. and on february, the 5th 2024, for the refined products. again, the russian president hit the back of the proposal saying that g 7 countries are only shooting themselves in the foot. the jolina western, the leads to make reckless decisions that contradict the interests of their countries, peoples, and their own citizens. the quality of life people in the u. s. is being fed to the fires of sanction except for the sacrifice for the sake of preserving a u. s, dictatorship. this situation has been brought about by the reckless moves of the u . s. and in the u. k. and lou, who are obsessed with illusionary political ideas,
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that when they pushed their own citizens and people outside the so called golden billy and the beliefs into the background, your, this will inevitably lead western countries to a dead end of economic and social crisis. and it will create unpredictable consequences for the whole world. well, he said i'm predictable consequences. it's already boiling over the energy situation with the block of the european union. mass protests erupting in. many states as citizens blamed their governments for the economic fall out from the western sanctions against russia. that's coming to the check. prime minister claim that russian propaganda and disinformation campaigns were behind. all of these protests and demonstrations. austrian citizens were among the latest a voice that concerns thousands. riley didn't vienna to protest. soaring energy prices and inflation. the protesters also demanded the lifting of anti russia sanctions. and the launching of the north stream to gas pipeline, which is of sure,
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you know, remains in limbo following of course, western sanctions. activists on social media claim, the protest was not nearly covered enough by the european main stream media. now, in addition to the outrage of austria, germany, the czech republic and other countries, citizens now and from sir, also protesting the skyrocketing inflation. the yellow vast movements landing into the streets of paris. they were seen and setting bins on fire and vandalizing certain bits of infrastructure. as we understand here about the national several of those people were over. leipzig and lin, i've seen the 1st round or planned monday protests against soaring energy bill to organize get this by the germany's left party. so we hit the streets and spoke with some of the protesters that this early event metallic. that would be good for us if not stream $1.00 and $2.00 opened even during the cold were supplies with guess,
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but not at the moment at the end of the day have to realize that this is what they actually wanted. and now they're complaining that this is how teas peak show your has long been in preparation with the whole eastward expansion of data that has been forced on the russians north stream to should start operating. the energy policy is completely wrong. why are we fighting each other? this is total nonsense. following that, boy, i think we all ones high think to leave nato. that is my motivation. then i actually thought today we should see union. what's would do we see instead we spoke earlier with a mock humphrey jenna, an associate professor of finance in australia. he says that the west oil price cap plan for russia is unlikely to work as $2.00 of the biggest players on the global block. india and china and not on board with a g 7 countries, despite ongoing pressure for them to join this western ante. russia coalition,
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europe's going to have some significant issues coming in to winter. so european gas prices in general, terms of increased energy prices more generally have potentially in skyrocketing in many countries. there are multiple different proposals to leave energy price concerns. they're not all necessarily going to actually achieve the purpose of relieving the concerns with facing over the age. you definitely does have a problem on its hands. many of the european union countries, the isn't the consensus about even imposing a price cup, so hungry and austrian, so vakio a very much against a gas price cap and an oil price cap. while that a piece have slightly broader support is not entirely clear how that would work. so the g 7 might want that china and india aren't on board, and it is even clear that would be effective. so there has been quite a bit of volatility. and in part, this volatility is due to what's happened, the c b. it isn't really as volatile as one would initially feed,
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given the lack of belief that it would really be that effective. ah, shifting gears not a pakistan with thousands of people have hit the streets and support of a former prime minister in ron con. he's a currently facing contempt of court charges. now, despite his statement that he would accept any decision of the court con, gave a very fiery speech calling on his fellow countrymen to rally behind him. oh, i'm announcing to all my party members in the country. get ready because there will be my final call which will change the destiny of our country. i have seen all pakistan. these are ready for that final protest call. are you good, you're on walla. know, pakistan has been in a state of political turbulence for months now. as a prime minister was removed from power through a vote of no confidence in parliament. a wrong con claims america was involved in that power of regime change. the thousands of pakistan has continued to support him
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as evidenced by demonstrations across the country. one local correspondent brought out these details from cons. latest speech. i'm a primary study mom, tanya. i had just a message for bethany and good. i know this was the last bad movies on a cross country. and he's there finally decided to mobilize masses had the gospel play when it was park is found to bring to the government. at least a name is on. 7 me any major dental x as in the gun b. b as compared is a former me, his performers in the garment windy, god forbid, i said the price isn't fuel and electricity fronted either bobby farb with is going on. he has mentioned presently the audio have to move on.
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we says that foggy spawn is following a bridge to bug. you saw a warning light on the black with this important garmin because he said, you will be responsive when his fog is gone. in fog sunday. why his son is that because, or a lot either, why gastorm? i said these are 10 employees. i, b, b i. you can have wireless all at once and had a americans because i said i was did this. so i need audibly. and the medical i received a, we didn't know before. we thought that the american block was in our favor. but
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afterwards it in russia, iran explained to us that russia is much better for us. first of all, russia is in our region. and secondly, prison put this offer is good for us while the americans have given nothing to us in the last 50 years. but back us on dog him. ron khan is brave and loyal to his country when he was in power, he was with us. and when he was ousted, he never left the country. and i would add that friends to americans are traitors to this country. when he'll do, i need my next generation not to be slaves like i was, i am here for my children. i want live like a free man and not a slave. we spoke earlier to dr. hamid khan, a foreign affairs expert, who says that despite being asked, it offer a so called no confidence vote. american has enormous public support in pakistan and to this very day remains the country's most popular politician, dentist ousted from the by a prime minister. how's he's been having so much public support?
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because his narrative of medical conspiracy behind his dumpling, his government is very popular in the, in the message. and they believe that iran tom was performing very well in the country. and he should have given the full term of 5 years by lead been ousted much earlier than that. and on the other hand, we have seen that a massive that supporting him. and there is a lot of pressure on the government that they should go for the reelection as soon as possible. the reason is that it denominate concentration is very bad. inflation is at the highest in the history of practice on. on the other hand, the price high, the petroleum prices, so, so he believes that he, if he will come in power this time when over the geography, he will be able to change the constitution and make it strengthened more democratic and it will have very great impact establishment would not be able to interfere anymore. all right. one of the biggest stories of the week,
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aeronautics international queen elizabeth, the seconds eldest son officially proclaimed king charles the 3rd. 73 is all these the oldest person ever to assume that of the british throne. he was officially proclaimed the head of state during the historic ceremony really goes by centuries, a guns saluted the accession while a bond, james was pal, is played to national anthem king charles held his 1st audience with the u. k. the new prime minister. he also made his 1st televised address on friday. now of course, all of this comes off the charles, his mother, queen elizabeth the 2nd passed away on thursday. she was 96 years old. now. that's condolence has been pouring from all around the world. news of the queen's deaths. some mixed emotions in the former british territory of come a ruin. some locals complained that the late leader perhaps could have done more to help address the ongoing civil war in the. whereas if you look at a crisis though, you have to be, you start to, it's when she was queen. what harpoons do to play the city many,
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6 to one. i'm off of what us dollars, that's the expected ha, to at least do with these. the read without young fools will actually address from what tanami the demise. so for o'kelly's bed is enough to tell the world that nobody leaves forever. this is all into gateway the fact that the clarinet era has come and gone and anybody somebody will actually we have inherited a language from such a person from social country. hadn't learned to see seeing these different, the crises for 5 years, nothing to talk about and mentally at a bit confusing their story. but i'll help you out here that the whole crisis and camera naturally started off the world war one. when the region was split between britain and france for years, the british side felt that the french side was biased and prejudiced against them. and so finally in 2017, an armed conflict did break out. i mean, while there were some african surprised at a b, b c report,
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claiming the queen elizabeth's relationship with a continent, it was, quote, positive and longstanding. a. some readers expressed at very different view, but the outlet shut down the comment section underneath the article. we discussed queen elizabeth the 2nd legacy with a british filmmaker, an international policy consultant from south sudan, the british race and the british or one narrative. i mean, if you look at the 2 arguments and it's where many points, depending on the queen a low grade that a lot of african countries got their independence and their understand that a lot will be neal, go use them and imperialistic ways have been reduced. and now the bigger head then that happens with the parcel of african people and you look at it between one and one, which means when the 1st african country of the british colony,
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garrison dependent had been gone. and i think she would need to share with the empire. so it's not fair to say that religion with poverty in african independence subjugated door of the margin. and that the church adored the queen. he was the person who met the queen when she came down the steps of the cross from africa. he said, i think all the phone people in the world could not find anyone so suitable to the path. and he, he guided her in those 1st few years, she seems to have a very amicable relationship with all prime minister. the queen never influenced anybody. so she was a very good founding cause in her life, went on her political experience was of course, greater everywhere. the night of any of her prime ministers,
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she kept abreast of what was going on. she had the red boxes of the cabinet delivered to her every day of her life. i that story wrapping up this addition of the weekly are not he international of forced out hope the passing of queen elizabeth the 2nd age 96. last thank you for spending a time with us here at moscow. more stores to come when we return with
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ah, a crate will never be a victory for russia. ukraine war is a proxy war. this is a war between russia and the united states. milan are made, it comes to last,
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should kick in carbon dioxide. america forces urine, you're not in europe to engage in conflict with russian forces. the american forces are harris, defend nato allies. nato escalates even more indiscretion. military operations become a war, though, when you put the dell sips of girls that demonstrate that notion is my idea that i see you have to ask, thinking costliest through me with so you sleep, he should unique and you stuff. philadelphia community offers movies almost there with them lets you when you listen, only the story finished covering your sewage. notice you got the code february 2007 that amy of hooton's munich speech is a milestone in contemporary history. many consider his famous address of the security conference to be
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a turning point in relations between moscow. on the west with president putin spoke about major geopolitical issues in no uncertain terms. he harshly criticized the uni, polo world muddle u. s. foreign policy and unjustified use of force against other states. that's just not a scholar shooting me. me. michel, what machine you're wondering is i say, so my only answer in a curb between your bizarre bus missed you are, you are now about with at the here, you know what a, what 0 issue, fucked up. can you say she wouldn't they even that would then you do you want us? yes. pretty well. what i, what i am this price quote you go what if that a should in your store? so esteem is if you, any me how to read though. well, it is up a thing about ignoring it, was there all scope but shops go on the go or rather do in georgia, the western sponsored my down to and the ambition to pull those countries into nato at all costs and conflicts and a profound global security crisis goes numerous attempts to negotiate the rules of the game in europe proved futile. human under decoded america, latoya gray,
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lex fuel door on my gym, needed could em. that couldn't be to school much just couldn't. i didn't the buck mom didn't chuck games him nuts at them on my to put him also say 3 and the bullet . do you know 60 percent off with because the list that was thinking. yeah. so i see. so for begin, that would be good to control. it says i didn't go on to a minute delay. see like, bull greenacres in mute. so why should denisha g was your point problem? it could almost walk in medical school, start taking the come on. you can do this as a fail of work for me, i. e, and then they, you intuitive doughty at the cool when the british group into ideas of let i see you finish the one i realized from dental claims. i'm a fuel the united states and for many years now provided in the area between a $1300000000.00 worth of lethal and non lethal military assistance to ukraine per
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year. some were some misconduct key schema using the cardoso was to run the show. okay. in the case, the citizenship with here to come out, the system will show that they yelled us completely for the don't get, we shouldn't have sense of what was done and get their point. but if the heat stupid is short, it's a special message. it took to bullish to we've got to if you need to consider while you're accurate with martha skews it to me should we will, who are some live grants club and i pressure washing machine. i had them up. let me so if you keep your kid there, cool, what order can share it? i'm sponsoring, but i didn't throw no for the leaning the stumps in those to the scary of care was sitting ordering sure you're supposed to. so amy and like miss be with what we're seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg, the logical outcome of washington's years. and then consistent policy. ukraine was chosen as a native breach head near russia's border.


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