tv News RT September 14, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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ah ah, top headlines right now here with our te and russia ones that ukraine's latest security proposals to its western allies are a direct part to well worth 3 you chief underlay and state of the union speech is all about ukraine, potentially ignoring that of skyrocketing and inflation, a massive energy deficit and other serious issues affecting ordinary people, living and working within the block india's government and poses a ban on the rice. x falls in an effort to increase domestic availability, a devastating floods wipe out
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with pleasure to have you with us, with our program live from moscow. you wednesday, we'll headlines right now what i see and so being shackled into key of servitude. that's how moscow has described newly proposed ukrainian security guarantees that they are expected to be signed into approval by more than a dozen european states. and so a bit earlier in the program here, one r t, i got some clarity on the issue with our correspondent equal to the very basic bottom line is we these of these proposals that have been drawn up by the way, by key of and nato together. is to provide ukraine with all the perks that a now you to member state gets, but without actually declaring or ukraine, i'm giving it the status of a member states of this block. essentially, there are a few points here. for example, a of european nations and nato member states that they will be obliged to,
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according to these proposals, or to invest into ukraine to provide ukraine with arms shipments. secondly, they would pledge military action in case ukraine's well security is compromised in case ukraine is threatened, or they will be conducting joint exercises, nato, and key of and so on and so forth. the proposed guarantors of all this would be the u. s. u k, canada, a bunch of european nations like poland, italy, and et cetera. and so they would have the same obligations in front of ukraine are as they do in front of any other nato member, state preventive measures like when the realms of the military finance. so it is really an all encompassing our effort as is an all encompassing proposal that is very, very much global are and in its magnitude, it could be very significant when it comes to both the fates of ukraine and well
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the natal block, his house zalinski under his nato counterpart, how the, well, how they discussed and how they announced this, these proposals have allison, this one. this is the key issue. that the great big 1st step was everybody you've done a great job is done a lot and work together as a team. but this is just the 1st step. it is the 1st, but an essential step. of course, keith, once this deal give once this out of the proposal state and drawn to something more concrete. because again, it has quite a lopsided key of gets everything, the american military industrial complex gets loads of money and loads of orders under europe world europe has to provide everything kind of as like, this is all going to be crossing one of our putin's red lines. you got to tell me here what kind of reaction we're getting out of moscow to this well in moscow, in the kremlin now they did not missed their words. they said that it was due
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a direct path to world war 3. this is a quote to, by russia's former president, of course, dmitri madrid of. and again, this goes, this brings nothing to the table when it comes to, you know, restoring peace in europe. if you like it, it does exactly the opposite. because if you rewind towards, you know, february january, december, when russia, when moscow was voicing its security concerns, it wanted exactly the opposite. this was the main reason that russia started. it's what it calls a special military operation because it did not want ukraine to potentially sometime become a nato member state. here's how this these proposals were described by the spokeswoman of the russian foreign ministry. maria's a heart of again heavily sentries. but if this will tie the hands of the european union in such a way and put them under such savage, so vile dependence that they will never recover to their former economy, growth and development. now that they, in such a difficult situation,
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they have proposed such a terrible shackle and to silent in their blood, it will be a never ending horror. so we have this kind of further coagulation of ukraine or kia with it. so western professional partners here, we've had a reaction out of moscow that was pretty firm, one might say, any reaction out of brussels yet? well, so far there's no indication that these proposals were drawn up in any shape or form together with brussels. it's as if they were held almost like held hostage. so this is what we're getting, this is what keeps going to get. this is what the us is going to get and you are going to provide everything. so again, time and time again, we've been hearing the statements coming out of brussels coming out of various european countries. they're saying ok, we are eager to provide money to loan money to ukraine, to provide weapons heavy military equipment as well. but only to a certain point, and many nations have already stepped forward saying that the limit has been reached if they were to send more weapons to ukraine than they would be taking them
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away from their own forces. so like, know, can do. and almost every such statement we, we've seen more and more alms pouring into ukraine, including from europe to, from the united states, of course, a lot of them, but from europe as well, it's as if they're being strong armed into providing more and more weapons so that they potentially could, later will strike deals and, you know, purchase said weapons from the united states because their own safety and security is being compromised by all by this, you know, by, they still flow by the stream of military equipment that they are providing to ukraine. so europe, it doesn't seem that europe is excited about this thing. and while shoot amounts of advance to western arms have been handed over to ukraine. here says it's still not enough. in fact, it's called out germany, particular ukraine's top diplomat. so he's not happy of a berlin's refusal to send in its modern battled tanks and armored personnel
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carriers insisting his country needs them right now. disappointing signals from germany while ukraine needs leopards and martyrs now to liberate people and save them from genocide. not a single rational argument on why these weapons cannot be supplied only abstract fears and excuses. so now kiev is demanding, as you heard there advanced leopard, 2 times, which cost about 10000000 euros age, as well as mazda infantry fighting vehicles to replace hardware reasonably destroyed in the conflict. now up to this point, the western countries have been supplying mostly outdated vehicles. this is not the 1st time key of officials have taken a swipe at berlin for not doing enough. with germany's defense minister said its military aid has right reached that of the limit. we have handed over an unbelievable amount from the reserves of the boon to the fair. but i say at this point quite clearly that we have reached the limit. we spoke to martin also just
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regarding human rights, the lawyer and socio ledges. he says that it's not entirely in your best interest to invest in the ongoing war in ukraine. i think she's right across the limits. and then from the point of view of humanism that everyone who wants peace negotiations have to be brought forward and no more exports. so weapons to ukraine, we as a peace movement in germany, the majority of the peace movement, though, so human as we would like to the german government anyway, it stops any support with weapons because we don't want to endanger europe in a 3rd world war. it's the u. s. interest. want the ukraine to fight on and type on. and it's not the european interest. i think there has to be a turn around, but the german government, now they say they don't want to explore more anymore. lessons are not legal part
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and mother things, but there's a lot of pressure in which on the mainstream, and even in the left that there should be more exports of the ukrainian government and should be supported even though that knowledge that they have supported by pressures and that they are not really democratic or turning now it's about the legacy from the don bus and the ukranian artillery. shelling has reportedly killed 4 civilians in a village, north of god. all of that isn't that? don't get square public over the last 24 hours. it's off their local officials in the neighboring lu guns republic said at least 2 people died in a ukrainian strike on tuesday. i should warn you, the upcoming images are disturbing. we'll show you the aftermath of the attack which at the city of look at change. officials say the shelling came during shantarian aid delivery to locals, and apparently it was us supplied high mars rockets that slammed into that area.
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meanwhile, the governor of russia's belgrade region has reported it renewed ukrainian shelling about the village on the border. at least 2 people wounded. the locals have been evacuated, has come to day after a ukrainian refugee was killed and 4 wounded in a similar attack by the forces. hundreds of ukraine is of now fled to russia, following a recommendation by the acting head of ukraine's northeast and hug off region. the influx of refugees was triggered recently when key of military forces. we took control of a number of towns in that region. fears if ukrainian reprisals and those territories have certainly been growing with threats being made against any one who has cooperated with russia. is what one of the refugees at the say to us who much of the subs thrill in the shell and started and they fired at the administration and shops shops where there were a rushman products. they were looking for people with brushing passports and they tortured them. these for the national battalions. he grant and army seemed to be ok
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. but the battalions didn't carry was women or children. they didn't even speak ukrainian or russian. we thought it was very scary to state when it's getting tough in the e. u has natural gas prices of sort of over 2250 euros per 1000 cubic meters, as well as about 200 euros up shortly after the e. u chief of and the land delivered a state of the union speech on a wednesday. she did focus more on ukraine than any other issue, particularly that of the energy crisis and the about of vast inflation across the european continent. this is not only a war unleashed by russia against ukraine. this is also warn our energy. it's a war now economy. it's a war on our values. it is a war on our future. it is about autocracy against democracy.
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anyone tuning into the you commission president. ursa vander, lands annual seed of the european union speech this morning, could be forgiven for thinking that ukraine was part of the you when of course, it isn't right yet because that's all she could talk about despite brussels own sanctions. policies, amid the ukraine conflict being single handedly responsible for downloading costs of living, hardships on european citizens. so europeans wanted to hear what brussels planned to do for your appearance, to ease their pain on everything from energy pricing to inflation. several members of european parliament rob set with what barbara lane had to say the surgeries could be, but a lady, you just have to speak to citizens to businesses only i can promise you that none of them is concerned about the russian fret. but what they are concerned about is that they are having to deal with the damage caused by years of devastating policy . i quibble, ah, we have heard talk about general policies snoop, but the objective must be to look after the interests of european citizens and respond to their concerns. so i have come here with the gas bill that people asked
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me to show you a 2130 euros. people are worried about not being able to heat their homes this winter. certainly chrissy filled me with your song to york there. the commission told us that these sanctions will bring russia to its knees. you promised us that the sanctions would hug russia, not your opinions. i am better and the surprise to sa continue to skyrocket. and all this time, russia has happily profited from the energy market. so it's almost as if ukraine is just a convenient excuse to avoid longstanding problems that have long played the you listening to vander line, you think that everything in europe was going pretty well. which of course, it really isn't brussels is also parents committed to staying the course on its ukraine policies, which are proving to be nothing less than disastrous for the use economy and for its people. and as if to illustrate how oblivious she has of underlay in announced that you energy companies would have their profits kept. the commission is proposed inter seeing a profit ceiling of a $180.00 euros per megawatt hour for coal nuclear and renewable energy companies
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in the u. and using the so called excess profits as a solidarity contribution to offset the energy crisis and dump it all. probably into a big black hole slush fund which the e. u is so good at doing now. this kind of language, solidarity contribution with excess profits. 33 percent of their excess profits are going to be used for this. apparently that's really uneasy language to free market capitalists which the west is supposed to represent terms of their values. so now instead of the russian or foreign energy price cap that some member states wanted initially, it's the you companies that are going to be paying the price for the e use ukraine policies so much for the western free market. i guess the commission also proposes a reduction across the block of electricity consumption by 10 percent until march 31st of next year and an obligation for member states to reduce use by 5 percent during peak hours. this ignores the fact that some countries have already cut their consumption like finland, for example, which is down by 50 percent already aren't natural gas consumption from january to
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august compared to the same period last year. overall, the whole speech was like a mix tape of the use greatest hit. she talked about expanding the block to include moldova, georgia and ukraine, when there's hardly enough cash to go around already. she made a lot of noise about green and digital transitions, which just sounds like a pretext for taking more control over people's daily lives. she announced a new 3000000000 euro investment fund for energy hydrogen energy, while ignoring that brussel sanctions and the need for immediate energy have single handedly revive fossil fuel projects and infrastructure. it just sounds like the leadership in brussels from vander, line to chief diplomat, joseph burrell, are totally russia obsessed to the exclusion of pretty much everything else. we cannot live sanctions until they have had their effect. they may not have had an immediate impact. it is like going on a diet to lose weight and being upset that you haven't lost kilo's killers after just a couple of weeks. so while they are focused on sticking it to russia and to russian
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president vladimir putin, low income spanish families are now finding it harder to afford healthy food basics that's according to al mando newspaper. and new survey also found the 85 percent of them worry about the impact of the ukraine crisis on their daily lives and say that life is become 30 percent more expensive. so all europeans suffer vander lion is basically telling them to not ask what can be done for them, but what they can keep doing for ukraine to paraphrase that famous sense by john f . kennedy. so i will let a focus on this plan outline today to take a huge profits from european energy firms and use them to help combat the soaring bills of people off facing there is john lochlund joining august now a visiting fellow at the college. they're joining us here from the entire corporate collegium. john, thank you so much for coming on the program today, especially during such a busy hour here at auto international. what, what do you make of this move then? i mean, some a, comparing it, some a, comparing it to i took communist economy methods, your thoughts?
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i think that's a very good way of describing it. and the fact is that the energy crisis has been caused by the european union and by the member states. yes, she is saying that brussels will come down the dancing down a rainbow with a money pot to prevent the effects of it. but the fact is, it was cold. it was caused by the closure of north street to which sent the gas markets into a frenzy. and of course it's caused by the sanctions in the attempt to at the sanctions on oil and the attempt to capture the gas price. that's what's cools the energy shortage. there isn't a it's, it's not that russia has stopped supplying gas because as, as i'm sure your view is know, there aren't just the ones under the baltic. see the to not stream pipelines. they're also overland ones which are still operating. it's the european union. so the speech was a terrible exercise, a really frightening exercise, actually in,
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in hypocrisy with us. john, would you, oh, why i guess what kind of reaction would you expect from the energy firms in the wake of this? oh, i don't know. i mean, the, the, the, the fact is that the brussels machine has been aiming at reducing fossil fuels for a long time now. and they are trying to use the ukraine crisis and the energy crisis, which they have created to push forward that green deal. you mentioned socialism in your communism and your 1st question. the green deal is a way of controlling energy supplies and, and, and, or centrally directing energy supplies in europe. they've already, by the way, a years ago introduced various socialistic mechanisms for driving up the price of fossil fuels for example. so i suspect that these companies will try to take the hit at 1st that will know that socialism leads to shortages. and that's what we're
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seeing now in europe. the attempt to centrally direct and economy always leads to shortages and that is exactly what's happening now. and then the shortage is having already made themselves felt you will see russell's applying ever more communistic or socialistic messages, measures to correct the effects of its own decisions. jonya, you mentioned the agenda 2030 of the going green agenda for example. it with kissinger who said, years ago, you know, you control the energy, you control the countries. i think it was him about somebody else who also said control the food. you also have control of the countries in this tough conditions. we see right now of underlying during her state of the union address. she, she, she really did focus mainly on ukraine as we know, the average european right now is facing skyrocketing bills, a, a currency that is getting less and less and value of the energy crisis as well. i
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g think the average european he might have watched her speech might have felt a bit of a disconnect. well, 1st of all, let's reassure there's one small grain of reassurance, which is that very few people will pay attention to this speech. very few europeans will pay attention to it. this is something that happens in the micro bubble of, of brussels, or in this case, strasburg, president on the line and look on the line, talks about democracy. she is, of course not elected. she presides over a totally on democratic organization, the europe in commission. the european union is supposed to embody peace and promote peace, whereas hers was one of the most belligerent war mongering speeches. i've heard in the mouth of the european politician recently. so no, i've of course, europe pins concerns are more with their gas bill and businesses which are closing down big and small. but what, what i'm can, i think there are quite
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a few europeans who aware of the hypocrisy by the way, which was only aggravated when they then in the european parliament went on to attack. hungary allegedly not being a democratic country and protecting its government. so yes, they'll be plenty of europeans who understand that the european union is on democratic and hypocritical. and so what i don't think people understand is the point i just made, which is that the energy crisis has been caused by them and not by russia. that message, i don't think european will understand. unfortunately, it's also a message that isn't really being broadcast out there on the press. either john lochlund, author, john list a lecture in political science. always a pleasure to have you one appreciate your time. thank you. by shifting gears now about central africa, where 60 farm associations of us government officials, to invest in put into the domestic agriculture industry to help ease the dependency on food imports. that's given the current crisis, we need governments in central africa to give us the means and resources so that we
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can produce enough seeds. because now we don't have a sufficient amount to insure our food sovereignty. there is an urgent need and the farmers organizations are very willing to solve the food crisis. and in the south of the continent, the situation is dire with economic and environmental factors contributing to a potential humanitarian disaster. sim, bob weigh 3800000 people without a stable supply of food. also in booking a fast so that number comes to a roughly 3.4, while in gambia, over 300000, people are desperate just to find that next meal. well, associate professor at the university of south africa to me be sent. oaken believes the food problem on poverty in africa will be growing until the you and evolves and adopt some more flexible string of policies. the damage is that while we are, you know where to where the gap between division, who keeps on going and going every day,
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every hour. i know that he tried to come and he started becoming poor. do you have 2 of them? it is that nothing will change and especially where we are to do with all the seas . i'm the 15. i'm d a b. jim's all reach out based on the case in general. so so i'm extending outages, but we'll continue to see this. kept going and food becoming a public, as long as the united united mission or the old general does not playing flexible lease. a key for those who are poor and those who i need if they can self i the consequences. what about the progress of the post, which is i've got, i think guys is one of the quentin n dot dot stuff i can get consequence of this kind of functions. now as the main
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rice exposure to southern africa have been dealing with very poor harvest, the situation is due to get even worse as massive floods in pakistan and india set to cut imports from these nations. i mean, look like of the history islamabad had been exporting 4000000 tons per year in the past to southern africa. and new delhi had been a steady contributor of $21000000.00 tons per year, but it seems perhaps those days have come and gone. meanwhile, the price of the commodity could rise again after the indian government has now been the export of broken rice that's used to make a starch and rice flour, new daily, may the move to protect the home market, open out to all he's run jones shot and she has all the t it's already been the export to wheat, and now the indian government has put a blanket ban on exports of broken rice. additionally, a 20 percent duty is also being placed on the export of all non boss maddie mal
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rice, barring to premier, were i tease the soil, comes into effect after the 15th of september. when this no deviation came on, if evening, lot of consignments were already either emerald ordered under preparation, and they were ready to move to the ports. we estimate that it on the $5.00 to $7.00 electron, sir, would have been under this sir kind of situation. so its a huge damage because uh they will all get stuck and all the heavy duty burn the concerns are back to the government, blamed and abnormal increase in exports and said it's more was to control domestic food inflation in the abandon exports because it had less talk or wheat and rice following an unexpected crop failure. moreover, rice producing states of india such as been job arianna be har, an order for dish soul week monsoon, the c r and that's disrupted and destroyed. crop yields. india exports rise to more
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than $150.00 countries and broken rise to all was $75.00. as for experts, the sudden halt in all these shipments could mean an upward trend in food prices disrupting the global supply chain. the move by india, which accounts for 40 percent of the global rice trade is expected to father put pressure on countries that are already struggling with soaring food inflation and worsening food crisis. due to extreme weather patterns, heat ways, and the conflict in ukraine. pollute, go at times from cali to uh, 2020 india was the only country, vito maintained its exports did not rest. if you look at highland data, 60 the export for something vietnam sick did. so what happened into them is that the whole world started looking at india for a place. this fight call eat our exports 1st,
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so that records now going to be then didn't put security across the way. we'll get dent no rice ease, attend, surely. fragments of rise green broken into feel during transportation drying, or milling. i know it's not defective or less nutritious. in fact, it's very popular in some southeastern countries root and weiss and india as used primarily for ethanol production. and as i move for the and of course for human consumption in several countries, india husband, the cheapest supplier of rise in the world by a big margin which is shielded several african countries. but all that aside, the priority for new delhi for now is to boost domestic a well ability. runjun sharma, r t her we are not in
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a bid to protect journalists from state interference, b, e u. s. set to bring in a raft of new media loans. apparently it'll require outlets to make public the names and contact details of their owners and state and affiliated companies will need to publish how much they spend on media advertising. this as well. several tenuously, prohibiting governments from trying to influence editorial policies or surveilling journalists. it might sound like a bit of a democratic pipe dream, but let's discuss it now. it's off the economist, the analyst. joining us here this afternoon. great to see you today. the, the expected act will force media outlets to disclose the details of their owners. i guess i should ask you, what might people find out about some of the media outlets they've long considered to be sovereign and independent? i think the people don't find out too much because in the western world, the media conglomerates were experts on hiding who is really behind it 1st. secondly, in the western world, especially in germany,
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the influence the governments take on the media groups works a little bit different. it works by money, it works by advertising and so on. for example, the german government spent an additional $400000000.00 techs pay money to some media groups to sort of buy their, their influence and the ministry of interior, whatever they spend, a very costly advertisement in those media groups just as the spring are group. and so on to, to pay for them. and this money is so essential for these companies that they do whatever the government once so to, to get the names of the shareholders. of these media groups only help the government to blackmail the shareholders when the group doesn't do what they want.
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so for example, sending the texas already and turning the media groups upside down, what they tried with a friend and all the things. so there are some real loopholes in here talk to have that could be easily manipulated. i wanted to ask you quickly the, the proposed draw says that despite the bid to crack down on state interference, in cases of national security, it will still be possible. i mean, you think the government will use such loopholes, do you? of course they use the loop and this a lot is only something that is meant against russia or other countries. countries. they are in fact with all that. so on it is it has nothing really nothing to do with live right, realization of the journalism or getting more opinions into the discussion group. they do exactly the opposite side them enough last.
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