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tv   News  RT  September 14, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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ah, he's with the headline donati, international, russia warns that ukraine's latest security proposals to it's western allies are a direct path to world war 3. do you chief underlay in the state of the union? speech is all about to crate and potentially ignoring that of skyrocketing and inflation and energy deficit and other serious issues affecting ordinary people within the block. china as president prepares to make his 1st overseas trip since the pandemic be heading to his beckons don for somebody of the shining hi cooperation organization with
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it is so good to have you with us with this, our program from moscow. an awful lot of heavy hitting stories for you. welcome to them. so being shackled into slavery by key f. that's how moscow described newly proposed to crate in security guarantees which are expected to be signed into approval by more than a dozen european states or in the program. i got some clarity on this issue with our correspondent is eager to start off. the very basic bottom line is of with these, of these proposals that have been drawn up by the way, by k of and nato together is to provide ukraine with all perks that a nato member state gets, but without actually declaring or ukraine and giving it the status of a member state of this block, essentially, if there are a few points here, for example, or a bunch of european nations and nato member states that they will be obliged to,
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according to these proposals, a to invest into ukraine to provide ukraine with arms shipments secondly, they would pledge military action in case ukraine's well security is compromised in case ukraine is threatened, or they will be conducting joint exercises, nato, and key of and so on and so forth. the proposed guarantors of all this would be the u. s. u k, canada, a bunch of european nations like poland, italy, and et cetera. and so they would have the same obligations in front of ukraine are as they do in front of any other nato member state preventive measures like within the realms of the military finance. so it is really an all encompassing an effort. it is an all encompassing proposal that is very, very much global and in its magnitude, it could be very significant when it comes to both the fates of ukraine and well, the nato block, his house, zalinski, and his nato counterpart. how the, well,
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how they discussed and how they announced this, these proposals have ellison, these were, this is the key issue. there. great, great, big 1st step. one possible, everybody, you've done a great job to all in. you've done a lot and work together as a team lead, but this is just the 1st step in the 1st, but an essential step. hello. do so, of course keith, once this deal give wants this out of the proposal state and drawn to something more concrete because again, it is quite lopsided key of gets everything. the american military industrial complex gets loads of money and loads of orders under europe world europe has to provide everything kind of sounds like this is all going to be crossing one of our putin's red lines. you got to tell me here, what kind of reaction are we getting out of moscow to this? well in moscow, in the kremlin now, they did not missed their words. they said that it was due a direct path to world war 3. this is a quote to, by russia's former president,
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of course, dmitri madrid of. and again, this goes, this brings nothing to the table when it comes to, you know, restoring peace in europe. if you like it, it does exactly the opposite. because if you were wind towards, you know, february january, december, when russia, when moscow was voicing its security concerns, it wanted exactly the opposite. this was the main reason that russia started. it's what it calls a special military operation because it did not want ukraine to potentially sometime become a nato member state. here's how this these proposals were described by the spokeswoman of the russian foreign ministry. maria's a heart of again heavily sentries. good. either this will tied hands of the european union in such a way and put them under such savage, several dependence that they will never recover to their former economic growth and development. now that they in such a difficult situation, they have proposed such a terrible shackle. and to sign in their blood, it will be
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a never ending horror. so we have this kind of further coagulation of ukraine or kia with it. so western professional partners here, we've had a reaction out of moscow that was pretty firm. one might say, any reaction out of brussels yet? well, so far there's no indication that these proposals were drawn up in any shape or form together with brussels. it's as if they were held almost like held hostage. so this is what we're getting. this would keep is going to get, this is what the us is going to and you are going to provide everything. so again, time and time again, we've been hearing these statements coming out of brussels coming out of various european countries. they're saying, okay, we are eager to provide money to loan money to ukraine, to provide weapons heavy military equipment as well. but only to a certain point on the many nations have already stepped forward saying that the limit has been reached. if they were to send more weapons to ukraine than they would be taking them away from their own forces. so no can do. and almost after
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every such statement we, we've seen more and more alms pouring into ukraine, including from europe to, from the united states, of course, a lot of them, but from europe as well, it's as if they're being strong armed into providing more and more weapons. so that they potentially could, later, will strike deals and, you know, purchase said weapons from the united states because their own safety and security is being compromised by all by this, you know, by the flow by the stream of military equipment that they are providing to ukraine so europe, it doesn't seem that europe is excited about this thing. and while huge amounts of advanced western arms have been handed over to ukraine, he says it's still not enough. and it's actually called out. germany, in particular, ukraine's top diplomat says he's not happy over berlin's refusal to send in. it's a modern back old times and armored personnel carriers insisting that his country
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needs them. now. disappointing signals from germany while ukraine needs leopards and martyrs now to liberate people and save them from genocide. not a single rational argument on why these weapons cannot be supplied only abstract fears and excuses. and key of is the mining advanced leopard. 2 tanks, which cost $10000000.00 euros each, as well as mazda infantry fighting vehicles to replace hardware recently destroyed in the conflict. now, up until this point, western countries have mostly been supplying pretty outdated ahmed vehicles. but this is not the 1st time that key of officials have taken a swipe and berlin for not doing enough. although germany's defense minister said its military aid has already reached the limit we have handed over an unbelievable amount from the reserves of the boon to spare. but i say at this point quite clearly that we have reached the limit just a bit earlier i spoke with martin delta human rights lawyer and socialists. now he
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says that it's not really in europe best interest to keep pumping weapons into ukraine. i think she's right for the limit and then from a point of view of humanism that everyone who wants peace negotiations have to be brought forward and no more exports. so weapons through the ukraine, we as a peace movement in germany, the majority of the peace movement and also human as we would like to that. the german government. anyway, it stops any support with weapons because we don't want to endanger europe in a 3rd world. war is the u. s. interest wants to ukraine to fight on and type on and it's not the european interest. i think there has to be a turn around, but the german government, now they say they don't want to explore more anymore. lessons are not legal part of
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things, but there's a lot of pressure in the mainstream. and even in part of the left that there should be more expensive and that the ukrainian government and troops should be supported even though that knowledge that they have supported by fascist and that they are not really democratic time to talk to a manager here as natural gas prices have sought to over 2250 years per 1000 cubic meters. basically, we're not by 200 euro's almost immediately after the u. u chief of vandal and delivered her state of the union speech on wednesday. so she did focus almost entirely on ukraine, seemingly sidelining the urgent issues with everyday hardworking european. this is not only a war unleashed by russia against ukraine. this is also worn, our energy. it's a war now economy. it's a war on our values. it is
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a war on our future. it is about autocracy against democracy. anyone tuning into the you, commission, president. ursa vander, lands annual seed of the european union speech this morning could be forgiven for thinking that ukraine was part of the you when. of course, it isn't right yet because that's all she could talk about despite brussels own sanctions policies, amid the ukraine conflict being single handedly responsible for downloading costs of living, hardships on european citizens. so europeans want to hear what brussels planned to do for europeans to ease their pain on everything from energy pricing to inflation . several members of european parliament rob set with what wagner lion had to say the surgeries could be, but a lady, you just have to speak to citizens to businesses only i can promise you that none of them is concerned about the russian threat. it but what they are concerned about is that they are having to deal with the damage caused by years of devastating policy. but i think i quibble, ah, we have heard talk about general policies in it,
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but the objective must be to look after the interests of european citizens and respond to their concerns. oh, but i have come here with the gas bill that people asked me to show you. you have a 2130 euros. people are worried about not being able to heat their homes this winter. certainly chrissy filled me with your song york there. the commission told us that the sanctions will bring russia to its knees. we're just so you promised us that the sanctions would hug russia not european. so i am better and the surprise to sa continue to skyrocket on and all this time russia has happened, lou profited from the energy market. it's almost as if ukraine is just a convenient excuse to avoid longstanding problems that have long played you listening to vander line. you think that everything in europe was going pretty well, which of course, it really isn't. brussels is also hardly committed to staying the course on its ukraine policies, which are proving to be nothing less than disastrous for the use economy and for its people. and as if to illustrate how oblivious she has voluntarily and announced
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that you energy companies would have their profits kept. the commission is proposed intro, seeing a profit ceiling of a $180.00 euros per megawatt hour for coal nuclear and renewable energy companies in the e u. and using the so called excess profits as a solidarity contribution to offset the energy crisis and dump it all probably into a big black hole slush fund, which the e u is so good at doing now. this kind of language, solidarity contribution with excess profits. 33 percent of their excess profits are going to be used for this. apparently, that's really uneasy language to free market capitalists which the west is supposed to represent terms of their values. so now instead of the russian or foreign energy price cap that some member states wanted, initially, it's the you companies that are going to be paying the price for the use ukraine policies. so much for the western free market. i guess the commission also proposes a reduction across the block of electricity consumption by 10 percent until march 31st of next year and an obligation for member states to reduce use by 5 percent
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during peak hours. this ignores the fact that some countries have already cut their consumption like finland, for example, which is down by 50 percent already aren't natural gas consumption from january to august compared to the same period last year. overall, the whole speech was like a mix tape of the use greatest hit. she talked about expanding the block to include moldova, georgia and ukraine, when there's hardly enough cash to go around already. she made a lot of noise about green and digital transitions, which just sounds like a pretext for taking more control over people's daily lives. she announced a new 3000000000 euro investment fund for energy hydrogen energy, while ignoring that brussel sanctions and the need for immediate energy have single handedly revive fossil fuel projects and infrastructure. it just sounds like the leadership in brussels from vander, line to chief diplomat, joseph burrell, are totally russia obsessed to the exclusion of pretty much everything else. we cannot live sanctions until they have had their effect. they may not have had an immediate impact. it is like going on
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a diet to lose weight and being upset that you haven't lost kilos killers after just a couple of weeks. so while they are focused on sticking it to russia and to russian president vladimir putin, low income spanish families are now finding it harder to afford healthy food basics that's according to l mondo newspaper. a new survey also found the 85 percent of them worry about the impact of the ukraine crisis on their daily lives and say that life is become 30 percent more expensive. so all europeans suffer underline is basically telling them to not ask what can be done for them, but what they can keep doing for ukraine to paraphrase that famous sense by john f kennedy. ah, so it's a big story with a major issues on the global agenda set to be debated as leaders of the 15 states from the s c o. that is the shanghai cooperation organization are getting together the next 24 hours thursday in the o. spec, city of seminar come a security issues as well as the move away from a western centric world order. believe to be the top priorities 15. well ladies
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will attend the summit. the summit is estimated to become the biggest yet. and the esco's molden 20 years history. let's discuss this now with archie contributor r t t could joining us live in moscow. fresh from delhi. great to have you here at the asi headquarters. well, you so much. thank you. great to have you had been enjoying your work from india by the way. fam, visio is something that a lot of people these days don't really know enough about it is one of the fastest burgeoning geopolitical families in the world right now with many members, china, russia to g, kissed on, i could go on and on. and on that meeting starts in 24 hours. how unlikely odds he a week to see the prime minister, the indian prime minister mode, re getting moody, i should say, getting a bilateral meeting with his chinese county thought. can it happen? well, there's a strong probability that the bilateral meeting did, she didn't being and grabbing some more the will happen because i, you see, recently there has been a disengagement off the chinese troops and the indian troops on the line. a factor
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of control in northern parts of india, which is lead doc. and that has opened a window of opportunity for the 2 leaders to actually now sit down and talk about other issues. i think it's quite likely that this will happen. it was being called a really, a gesture of goodwill. wasn't that with both sides kind of pulling back from that border dispute where we did have some clashes, you know, some months ago r t one bilateral meeting that will definitely take place. is that with a russian president? now, he's going to be that what topics do you think likely to be to be discussed with putin? i think certainly india and russia was bilateral relationship, which is quite strong in bees crisis during the war, india has shown that it stands by russia. it did not budge under any pressure that came from the rest, or would it stand on your screen? in fact, pregnancy or more be didn't mention you clean in several meetings,
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which have happened before. but he did not really criticize prison putin on the sand that russia has taken on the war. so i think the focus of the conversation will be one, the bilateral cooperation defense india is the, in, you know, dependent on russia for its arms and reference. so that likely is going to be an issue of conversation. it's interesting how you mentioned some, some, i should say, many of the countries really, that have remained neutral when it comes to russia and ukraine conflicts. many countries, as you said, refusing to join this ante, russia coalition. in fact, if you look at the numbers, only 15 percent of the world is sanctioning russia these days. only 15 percent, 75 percent of the world is basically staying neutral and not. and putting any sanctions on russia or t, i'm really low on time here right now. but with the world order in such a state of flux right now what, what places india and looking to have within it? well, india certainly looking to be
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a major player because we have replaced united kingdom kingdom as the 5th largest economy in the world. so we will be seeking our importance and significance as an economy. also remember, shown guy, cooperation, organization, amount to 42 percent population of the was. so this meeting is significant, it will represent the point of view of 42 percent people of the world as well as 25 percent of gross domestic product, which these 42 percent population in the world produces. he mentioned the seo, you know, combined the seo with the bricks family and you've got serious change happening into this multi polar world, the world going into as we speak, artie contributed chica, so great to have you with us here. thank you very much. thank you. well let's discuss more now from the chinese perspective here on the program, benjamin child, right? that professor and i could, i might be for age programs with a power,
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school, technology and business a very good evening to use the, the best on and cost on trips that become the 1st international trips receiving pings. since the pandemic at the world. why has the president made such a choice? now? what china is the largest trading partner of juice back his time, and the 3rd largest for sockets time, last year alone. more than $20000000.00 tons of goods were transported by the well ways between cost us time and also china. a siphon being important trade partners. there are profound changes in international politics and these, affecting to 2 countries and local people in local affairs, in this country. in the last few years today, presidency, we are sure that china supports their sovereignty and them with to, against forces to affect their internal affairs. you know, members of international committee,
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a specter new type of international relations based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefits, which are the essence of the shanghai corporation organisation management. i think you've read some good points that ultimately with, with a well being in a state of flux and new addressing the issue that there are many geo political challenges. now facing many parts of the world. and these will be addressed at the shanghai cooperation organization meeting, starting in less than 24 hours from now. as we understand, the chinese president is expected to hold talks with its russian counterpart vladimir putin while in his back as don. what do you think they're going to talk about? well, china has been loki on this, but it is why the expected the presidency will talk with the president put on ukraine while there has been trend, but the changes in the front light is few days. presidency is closely watching the latest development on the 2 countries already did a joint military exercise in the east and yet,
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and other cooperation to 2 presidents have joined hands, days ago, about settling the by that to trade using, rubles, and the chinese except to was the dollars station in gopro, chase, for, for the current, somebody sounds to be an important organization to balance that you friends, all of the wet nato and delight there will be of course, the security issues to leaders we discussed to in addition, i think, seems that russia has very good relationship with both china and india. so i think you could be a very quick me data to. he's got 40 issues between china and as well and china just for the i think he's just such a good point and i do apologize for jumping in here. benjamin, but you are, it's such a good point when you mentioned india and china and russia, you know, quickly becoming some of the biggest boys on the world blocker these days. they're trying to avoid locking horns. what, what is essentially with that of the western hedge him on, but we are seeing a coagulation now of serious allies really coming together,
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becoming more family units, whether it's bricks, the s c o. you mentioned just a moment ago that of the multi polar world. it's something that chinese president, the russian president have spoken about. do you think the chinese and russian president stand shoulder to shoulder with their views on that of the new multi polar? well, that is emerging is absent the when, when a person put in a right pages for the olympics, the 2 countries have already made john stephen. and since then, china has been variable calling, asking the international community to not send russia and addressed legitimate concerns of national security. they can a more wipe, multi polar world, as well as respecting the independent sovereignty, all all countries. so why they expected to, to present see, we continue to, we assure president, put in on that. all right,
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benjamin child from the parish school of technology and business. joining us live on our team to nationally appreciate that. thank you very much for your time. thank you. now, soldiers in the united states should consider using food stamp to help combat soaring prices. that is the advice being given out by the army itself, with a country gripped by high inflation. the u. s. army recently admitted it's difficult for soldiers to make ends meet under current fixed salary contracts. last month that released guidance recommending its personnel apply for food stamps. the program is designed for low income americans and is being presented as part of the armies financial readiness program along with financial literacy training and educational videos on how to manage debt with inflation. the fact and ara thing from gas prices to groceries to rans, some soldiers and that families are finding it harder to get all by the budget they sat and used before the financial read. in this program, all the sonata,
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both online resources to help soldiers, to take ownership of their own personal financial management, was surprisingly food and security is not a new issue for the u. s. military with a recent pentagon report saying almost a quarter of active duty service members experienced the problem in 2020. while a 2021. u. s. census bureau report suggested national guard members and reservists were twice as likely to suffer hunger as any other american demographic group. it's hard to believe. the u. s. is currently experiencing the fastest rise in food prices since the 1970s. so the u. s. is 31 trillion in debt, yet sense billions to ukraine, and some military families are on food stamps. got it. in other words, us troops will need to go on welfare and food stamps to do their part, to support ukraine. appalling struggling soldiers told to apply for food stamps as
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biden since billions for ukraine military. the federal government can't afford to give our military arrays, but they can afford to have them go on snap and sent billions to ukraine almost on a weekly basis. 2016 o bama biden dropped $1600000000.00 cash on a runway into iran. 2021 byte and gave the taliban $80000000000.00 worth of us hardware. 2022. bitin gibbs, ukraine's military as many billions as they demand. well, telling us troops to apply for food stamps. i'm sensing a trend here. let's get the thoughts now. will this from new york times bestselling author, edmonton? joining us here live on the program on auto international greatly see you today. how have we got to this point where one of the richest countries in the world is asking its own soldiers to use food stamps on it on a personal level? i'm shocked by this. yeah, as well, you should be and i think most americans are, and you're seeing a growing sense among voters and among citizens that our priorities are off. um,
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you know, one of the realities is that the, the left and frankly, the establishment in both parties have utilized the military as a growing base of business and of money. and so we have seen our military go from being a fighting force that's meant to keep the world safe, but mostly keep america safe to the social services agency. and you know what you mentioned, the priority is a again, we hear the news. i think it's out of the pentagon that they're gonna announce billions more to ukraine. i at what point is it stop? i mean, we're funding things all over the world and we're pouring money and we, they've admitted by the way that the money sent to ukraine. 6 months ago has been accounted for. so i think people are sick of it. i think you're in a city elections will. in november, we'll send a message, but it's a, it's disturbing and it's a, it's a bad, it's not just a bad look. it's bad for the nation to have such a problematic a set of policies in washington dc and the u. s. army recently admitted it's
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difficult for soldiers to make ends meet under under current fixed salary contracts . he just mentioned all the billions being sent to you credit and a lot of that money is just evaporating to what some are calling that of the wild, wild west. why? why is the pentagon or the government, for example, not adjusting contracts and salaries. how you say you are soldiers being forced to use food stamps? well, it's a little bit of a trick. i mean, it says being reported in such a way. it's not really soldiers, it's a military, meaning we've expanded our military into another bureaucracy. i, you know, thousands and hundreds of thousands of workers. we're not necessarily, we're talking about by the way, soldiers also. but it's a massive agency. a massive set of and the parties are off look, inflation in america is running at about 10 percent. and yet, yesterday in the white house, president biden said, things are going great. well, not for normal people, you know, when it's 10 percent, especially on gas and eggs and, and bread and butter, it's a disaster. so i, the priorities are off base. and in america, it's the swamp. it stay washington
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d. c. cabal that continues to make money to grow its business, grow what's happening? the defense contractors are making money, hand over fist and it is a problem. now again, i hope that the correction is coming in terms of the politics, but both parties have fallen victim to a vision where sending money overseas to fund contractors and, and defense is a positive thing. the american people are tired of it and i'm running really low on time here, but it's so good to have you with us on the program. so i just just bear with me here. i was reading an article in the past 24 hours where was written that the u. s . military is having really difficult times with for the recruitment of new york udette's new soldiers. they're saying that the levels a so low. they haven't seen these this, this di level in decades now some people say, well as pot did it with a woke brigade or the woke priorities. also the whole l g p t q stuff that the military is really been appetizing. god knows why. why are there such difficulties
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now with the u. s. military getting recruits? well, i think all those are details that you mentioned. all those are a factor, but the overriding factor is we have leadership in the white house that denigrates, the military that says the military is not supposed to be, you know, mean and bullying and, and isn't valuable when you underpay people, you send a message about value and when you send people overseas in wars for 20 years, where it's confusing and, and the priorities are off, if people pick that up. so i think it's a actually structural in america right now that the military feels disrespected and therefore the woke, this is out of control. that's true. the pay is out of control. that's true. again, america, we need leadership that goes back to having a military. that is superior to the world, so we can stay safe, not a social services agency for providing all these extra, you know, social goods across the world and across america. so it's a problem, but you know, again i think leadership will be changing and hopefully we'll see
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a different set of priorities like new york times, best selling author at martin johnny. i live here a naughty international really appreciate your time. nice chat. thank you. thank you. good to talk. all right, and i thank you for joining us there. we're not international. a pleasure having your company is always a busy program with more for you to learn about at r t dot com ah with good. 6 6


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